\ ~.. to - (~. " co '.. ;..- ~ Newsletterof Interfaith Caregiversof Haddonfield;Inc.- a Faith in Action Program Volume 13,Number Clients,this is your opportunityto sing the praisesof your favorite volunteer.Interfaith Caregiverswill honor its "Volunteerof the Year" at the SpringReceptionon May 30th. The selectioncommitteewill meetsoonto pick the most appropriatecandidate,so pleasesubmityour nominationsoonby mail to P. O. Box 186,Haddonfield,NJ 08033. This annualeventwill be held in the social hall of GraceEpiscopalChurch, 19 Kings Highway East,Haddonfield,from 6-8 p.m. The socialhall is just a few stepsfrom the -pa-rkinglot behindLanternLane. Pleasejoin your friends andneighborsfor a relaxed,social eveningaswe honor this year's Volunteerof the Year.A light buffet will be served. Co-chairmenB. J. Deanand Lorrie MacFeetersarebusy arranginga wonderful evening for everyone.Invitations will be mailed in mid-April. If you would like to attendand are not on our mailing list for this event,pleasecall the office at 354-0298after May 1st.An invitation will be sentto you promptly. February2007 Mark your calendarsand savethe dateof Saturday, - "-" May 5th for Interfaith Caregivers'2nd Annual "Touch-A-Truck" Family Festival. Little kids andbig kids alike will havefun with all thosetrucks! Fire engines,backhoes,front loaders,dump trucks, school buses,limousinesandmore- a complete hands-onexperience. The fun includesappearances by everyone's favorite builder character,a special performanceby "Mr. Scottthe Music Man", COPPSKid ill program,tattoos,artsand crafts center,food concessionsand souvenir t-shirts.Fun for the whole family! Saturday,May 5th, 10:00a.m,-2 p.m. at One Centennialparking lot on Euclid Avenue at the offices of Archer & Greiner,P.C. If you or someoneyou know would like to entera vehicle or help with the planningof this event,pleasecontactLora Carr at info@olivemead.com. If you attendedlast year,you know how much fun it is. Don't miss it this year! Bring your children,grandchildrenor tots from your neighborhood. You will enjoy it as muchas Itheydo! Folks havebeenasking,"Why doesInterfaith Caregiversneedmore volunteers?Why do you haveso many training sessions?"If you notice the statisticalbox on the front pageof this newsletter,you will seewe have a ratio of more than one-to-oneclients to volunteers.It would seemthat 400 volunteers could serve365 clients easily.Not so! Thereare so many variablesthat comeinto play. Pleaseconsidersomeof them.All of our voluhteersarendt available'at any given time. In the winter, the snowbirdsleaveus to go south.When they return, it's time for the beachfolks to headfor the shore!So,we neverhavea full complimentof caregivers on hand. The next considerationis that our volunteers arenot availableevery day when they are at home!If they~they wouldnot bethe -- interestingand dynamicfolks we havecome to expectin our organization!Someof our caregiversare availableonly on specific days and at specific times.Many of our volunteers work full time andhavefamilies to carefor. They help us out in the little free time they have.If the appointmentsthat our clients havedon't coincidewith our volunteers' availability, we could be in trouble! Also, many of our volunteersspecializein their services- somedo only respitecare, somelike telephonereassurance, and some prefer taskslike groceryshopping.Most of our requestshappento be for transportation. However,evenour drivers specialize.Some will drive only locally or on a particularday. Our needmight be for someoneto drive to Philadelphia. 400 volunteerssoundslike a largenumber, but that includesoffice volunteers,home volunteers,friendly visitors, shoppers,and respitecareproviders- not just drivers. As our clients age,they needmore services to remainindependent.Pleasesupportour organizationby publicizing our training ~s-siGns.. If y-ou~ow someone~who might like to join our volunteerprogram,please tell them of all the opportunitiesthat exist within Interfaith Caregivers.We needevery type of volunteer.However,our main need is for daytimedrivers! Pleaseencourage your friends andneighborsto take a training sessionsoon! Thankyou for making our office festive during the holiday season: Betsy Gagliardi for deckingthe outsideof the building with a wreath. Carol Malcarneyfor theholidayarrangement. -' Mary, Ray, and Susan Carotenuto for the cookies. Secret Santa, Donna & Dolly Russell, Terry & Bob Carroll, Ann Ward and Kathy Lewis for candy that energized us to work during the month of December. Tom Pope for pastry bites that helped offset our candy high. ~ ~ ~ - The Caring Times Page3 Thanksto the new PensionProtectionAct of 2006, if you are 70 and a half or older and havea traditional IRA from which you are requiredto take a mandatoryminimum distribution,you may elect to makea Q~ transferof all or a portion of that sumto Interfaith Caregivers,up to $100,000.This benefit will expire at the endof 2007. You may wish to considerthis option if you haveIRA assetsthat you do not needto supportyou in retirement.This charitable contributionhasthe advantageof satisfying your minimum distribution without increasing your taxableincome.However,since. thesefundswill not be includedin your incomefor federaltax purposes,you cannot claim a deductionfor this gift. We are looking for volunteersto work at the front desk,answer- ing phonesandcalling volunteersto askthem to do assignments.We call it "making matches." Basic computerskills and a pleasant telephonemannerare essential.We will train you to useour fabulous,new schedulingsystem.It's easyto learn! Hours are flexible. Comein oncea week,or wheneveryou areavailable. Ideally, shifts are for threehoursin the morning or afternoon,or for a coupleof hoursin the evening,but we will work with your schedule. It is rewardingwork in a friendly environment.Be a matchmaker!Please call the office at 354-0298for more information, and ask for Suze. -Please'contact your tax advisor to ensure that this charitablegiving opportunityis right for you. This option is especiallyattractive for peoplewho do not itemizetheir deductions.If you would like additional information regardingmaking sucha donationto Interfaith Caregivers,please contactJim Peckaat 609-670-0688for assistance. Interfaith Caregiversis now able to acceptappreciated stock or securitydonations.This option may benefit both you and Interfaith Caregivers financially. If, after checkingwith your financial advisor,you would like to obtain more information aboutthis methodof donating,pleasecall the Interfaith Caregiversoffice at 354-0298. - Lisa Alberts JohnMorris JohnBrowne LauraPoliero Pat Busarello Ellen Purnell CharlotteDeFrancisco Jim Reed Kara Grady Nancy Sabia Gail Kowczak-Bhaya Fran Skinner Lisa Lindenberg Kathy Tully Julia Loftus .. .. . Gem ofthe Day . The door isalways open. .. . . ThereIS nokeytohappmess. .. Page4 The Caring Times Volunteers Interfaith Caregiversoften getsoffers from high schoolgroups,Girl Scouttroops,Cub Scoutdensand otheryoung peoplewho would like to help our seniors.While we appreciatethe interestof thesegroups,it is sometimesdifficult for the Executive Director, with everythingelseshehasto do, to coordinatetheseefforts. Wouldn't it be greatif we had a Youtb Activities Coordinatorwho could take chargeof this area?The Programsand ServicesCommitteeenvisionsthis volunteer position as a liaison betweengroupswishing to do serviceprojectsand our clients. The "busy season"tendsto be in the Fall, when groupssettheir calendarsfor the year andtheir energylevels arehigh. Past activitieshave includedpumpkin and cookiedeliveries,rakingleaves,and ~ ChristmasCaroling. Will you help us cultivate a list of clients who wish to take part in thesekinds of projects?Do you enjoy working with teens andyoung people?Do you needa challenge?Work on your own or with a friend. What better excuseto get together! Wasyour New Year'sResolutionto makea differencein someone'slife? And maybe yours too? We offer lots of job satisfaction,the opportunityto meetnew people,and a very flexible schedule.Call us today at 354-0298! " N eeded",,;t" , 'ill'" 'Touch-A- Truck" Family Festival. Sign up to be a part of this eventwhich puts the "fun" into fundraising!Setup, cleanup, or help tots into and out of their favorite vehicles. Marchers for July 4th parade. We will supplythe props andthe theme. Justjoin other Interfaith Caregivers volunteersandtheir families ~spart of this wonderful parade. Dear Caregivers, I wishto thankthekind people 'V who arewilling to give of their time and themselves. Caregivershaveaddedso muchto my life. Thank you. Love, Doris Boucher Dear Caregiversof Interfaith, I cannotthank you enoughfor the help you havegiven me with my doctors appointments.It is sucha relief to know the securityI feel. Each'and everyvolunteeris so caring andpleasant. Pleaseacceptmy donationto help keepInterfaith going. The Caring Times Page5 Interfaith Caregivers expressesour deepappreciation to the following congregations, organizationsand foundationsfor their support: HaddonFortnightly HaddonfieldFoundation Fidelity CharitableFoundation, Mr. & Mrs. RonaldP. Sandmeyer,Ir. Our Lady of LourdesMedical Staff.' . HaddonHeightsFire Department Faith Circle, LutheranChurchof our Savior HaddonfieldUnited MethodistChurch, Frank Baxter/Goodwill Bible StudyClass HaddonHeightsUnited MethodistChurch, Mission Committee Matching Gifts: McGrawHill i GlaxoSmithKlineFoundation Thankyou to the following individuals who respondedto our sponsorinitiative: CongregationalOutreachLuncheon: Lynn Owen Adogt-a-Client: Karen Weaver Evelyn & ChampGoldy Mike & Marge Ravella Thank you also to thosewho respondedto our office wish list - Marion Conners, Marion Creamer,Harry Griffey, Tom Pope, and Dr. & Mrs. JamesFryer in memoryof J. RobertCox, M.D. ~ ~ Second Annual Touch-A- -Saturday,May 5th, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. One Centennial Square,Haddonfield (Euclid Avenue near the Hi SpeedLine) Spring Reception, honoring Volunteer of the Year Wednesday,May 30th, 6-8 p.m. Grace Episcopal Church Social Hall, (Entrance off Lantern Lane Parking Lot) It startedasa labor of love andhasevolved into a fond remembrance. Amy Kinzel, Director of Be Well MassageTherapy, worked with her grandmother,Elsie Commons,in making hot/coldpacksto sell for therapeuticuse.Mrs. Commonsenjoyed working on this project,which also earned her a little extramoney. After Mrs. Commons'deathin August 2006,Toni Bonnettearrangedfor her students,"The BusinessBuddies"at Lindenwold High School,to finish the hot/cold packsMrs. Commonshad started.Amy would now like to donate100%of the proceedsfrom the saleof thesehot/cold packsto Interfaith Caregiversin memoryof her grandmother.The hot/cold packs,filled with rice, comein varioussizes- for the back, neck andeyes- and canbe heatedin a microwaveor frozen in a freezer. The hot/cold packsrangein price from $8 to $12,with a setof threecosting$25. If you areinterestedin purchasingthesehot/ cold packs,you may contactAmy Kinzel at 856-216-0955,ext. 1 or e-mail her at Amy@BeWeIIMassage.com. They make wonderful gifts! Harold S. ReD BarbaraS. ReII Ted Hawkes Jim & Virginia Carson Dr. & Mrs. StuartFinch Janice Chandler Dolores Barker None Wisniewski Ian & Bob Twitchell Marian Creamer Kaye & Courtney Malcarney Sandra Mezger Dick & Peg Gimigliano Richard & Linda Nussey Joyce Whitman RaeFalasca . ~ BernardT. Kearney Gary Gilman & DeborahZelitch ' : Brian & DeniseHansberry . ChapinHill Advisors, Inc. Michele M. & Donald R. Fox Marilyn & Clark O'Donoghue DoloresBarker Ballard SpahrAndrews & Ingersoll,LLP Norie & Frank Wisniewski Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Caldamone Mary & Bill McArthur KathleenS. Cain N. J. Swimming KathleenGilbert MargaretGatti Joel & Kallen Korin Charles& MargaretBrinkley Joe& MargaretMcElroy Richard & DeborahHluchan Mary Kolton PatriciaKing Rosemary DiFullio Mr. & Mrs. Richard Bonnette Florence Dowdy Claire Rocco Paul M. Molloy Jane M. Kershner Bette C. Powell DennisPowell JasonClay Carman, Lucy & SanteMantini Carl & JoAnn Price Dr. & Mrs. Henry Belasco Ron Craig My mother & father Howard C. Johnston Clyde Barker Stephen & Patricia Hahn Kay Kucher Dorothy Conover Mr. & Mrs. Charles Bergdoll Florence S. Merker Bernard Magness Mae Ann Burdick My mother, Domenica Bertotti Marion Conners Ruth Tomlin's Birthday Dolly & DonnaRussell Ross & Shereen Gray.: MaryBeth & Byron Swackhamer RichardD. Swackhamer JosephWisniewski Dante& Diane Marguglio Charles Boyer Ellen & David Berntson Robert Geshner Mr. & Mrs. Frank Pike Mary Dougherty, John Dougherty, Ray Russell & Charles McLaughlin Dolly & DonnaRussell Dougherty & Russell families EleanorMcLaughlin Josephine Passeri Angie Schelpat Eleanor M. Worrell Staci Ann Thompson Mary & Therese Halscheid Revoir family Kenneth & Elizabeth Gravener Louis & Dolores Marrocco Metro Cab Betty Berry Nancy Moscariello Di~ & Steve Elyea Dr. & Mrs. William Harrer Dr. James B. Soffer William & Ellen Blumenstein Nan Audrey Daggan JayeM. Gerace Brian E. Rochford Janet & Frank Betley Vito A. Valecce Janet & Frank Betley Eileen Myers, GeorgeKiessling, Brian Rochford, Frank Simpson Sally & Ed North GeneAlongi Doris Alongi Charles J. Giuffre Mrs. RobertFranks Mr. & Mrs. Albert Friend Virginia & JohnIvins The Labadiefamily Mary Terra ClaudeBurghen Patricia& CosimoDigneo Marie DelRoccili Joan& JohnOdorisio Mr. & Mrs. Albert Olivo Mark & MarianneDelRoccili Kim DelRoccili Charles& BarbaraTisa Patricia& JosephGillies City of Camden,Office of the Municipal Clerk F. Victor Westermaier, Jr. Dorothy Westermaier Willard "Jerry" Madden Rastelli Foods Beverly & Jack Kolb Frank Schafhauser family Jack & Marian Brunn Anna Sharp Eleanor & Joe a'Hanlon Florence Williman Robert & Patricia Fennimore Randolph & Eileen Elder Louis & Carol Romanet Ed Wardell Edward & Shirley Fahrendorf Eleanor Iyes The Frank Schafuauser family Barbara Thomas' Birthday Skip Thomas Kirsten McGargil1 ScottThomas Mary Ellen (Mimi) Yurkow Kimberly Gardine Jean Day's Birthday May C. Moore Richard Traver Iron Horse Printing Company Retirement of Frank Mango Carl & JoAnn Price Duncan McIntosh Carol Livingston Dolores Barker JaneHirt In Honor of: Lola Riggs' Birthday Mae Ann Burdick Mr. & Mrs. JosephHolman Jeffrey Holman The Riggs & Colombi families Dr. & Mrs. John S. Garra Anna Marie Skolsk L. Levitskie Dr. Mary Previty SusanLaws-Mobilio, D. O. Marie T. Schnell George& MaryannSchnell Elizabeth T.Meyer William Bratten Gini Potts Meredith & Phil Bender Claire & John Van Soest --- James Squadrito Cheryl Squadrito Moskovitz .:i"', .. BarbaraKulzer Mr. & Mrs. J. Edwin Cusack LeRoy F. Keiser ThelmaKeiser Staffiera Don Schaffer Tina Iezzi-Heim Steve& Louise Rack Mary C. Rack Edith Marie Lombardi CharlesLombardi Mabel Love Brown Mr. & Mrs. Fred Brown Anna C. Burdick Mae Ann Burdick JamesM. Moore, Jr. Steven& Manta Holt John Axner Mr. & Mrs. Alan Stedman Jack Parsons Ginny Parsons Pat,Dave & Julie Weikart Nancy & Con Mayer SueBelle Mary Metzler JeanneEisele Mr. & Mrs. J. Fenimore Doris F. Forshner Merry Christmas, Mr. & Mrs. JosephRiggs, Jr. and family and Dr. & Mrs. Tom Kadar and family Mae Ann Burdick Happy Hanukkah, Mr. E. Turetsky & Dr. RoseMagnessand family Mae Ann Burdick Alma Weiler SusanM. Donohue Lillian Ragone's Birthday Rita Nardi Marcia Roberts Jerry B. Roberts ' Caregivers is now pleasedto offer the convenienceof credit cardpaymentsfor your contributionsand eventregistrations. Recognizingthe regularity with which many of us usecharge cards,we areproviding this service. We hopeyou will find it helpful. -~-- --- ~ .. \ ~.. NONPROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAll BELLMA WR, NJ PERMIT NO. 229 C"Aor~ Ms. Barbara Raphael 33 Kings Hwy East - 2nd. Floor Haddonfield, NJ 08033 Return ServiceRequested (".)!A(".)':"!.':"!.~2(".)...':"!.-~~ IIIII.I..I.II.!...II'I.II.!.I.IIII..!..I'..II!I,I..I,''1111.11 t(".)(".)!. " pleasepushthe button on the meterwhich givesyou a few free minutes.This will give you the time you needto get or return the permit withou1risking getting a parking ticket. If you haveany questionsaboutthe ParkingPermits, pleaseaskNorie. Volunteerswho areworking in the Interfaith Caregiversoffice or attendinga meeting theremay obtain a ParkingPermit from the office for usewhile they arevolunteering. Pleaseplacethis permit on the dashboard of your car on the driver's side so that it is visible from the outsideof the car. While you aregettingthis ParkingPermit from the office or returningit to the office, . oJ - --, FUNERAL SE-RVICES 15WestEnd Avenue,Haddonfield,NJ EugeneH. Kain, Jr., NJ Lic. No. 3258 Owner/Manager 856-429-1945 PamelaD. Powers,NJ.Lic. No. 4237 Director
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