A FUTURE A N D A H OP E 2012 Annual report Spring 2013 w w w. c u n n i n g h a m h o m e . o r g 1 Because of You... Cunningham alumnae, Clarissa Nickerson graduated college and now pursues a law degree with help from Cunningham’s Myers’ Education Fund. Angie Bertauski-Pierce catches up with Clarissa Nickerson. page 4 The students at Cunningham schools can look towards their future with hope. page 8 All Cunningham youth will receive quality services (without your support 1 in 5 would go unserved). page 10 Cunningham’s Spiritual Life Program helps youth overcome doubt. 2 w w w. c u n n i n g h a m h o m e . o r g page 12 A Future and A Hope Nine youth completed certification from the American Hotel and Lodging Association, making them more competitive in the workforce. Eleven high school seniors will graduate from Cunningham’s two special education schools – Winfred Gerber School and CIRCLE Academy Therapeutic Day School. Eight youth in specialized foster care are on track to be adopted by their forever family this year! Goodman Cottage re-opened to provide residential services to eight boys between the ages of eight and twelve years old. w w w. c u n n i n g h a m h o m e . o r g 3 Inspiring Hope Because of You – I Have Hope O ne of the first things new staff learn at Cunningham is the importance of building relationships. For a traumatized child, building a positive relationship with a stable, nurturing adult is often the first step in changing that child’s life from one of despair to one of hope. The power of positive relationships is evident in the story of Clarissa Nickerson, a former Cunningham youth, and Angie Bertauski-Pierce, the Cunningham staff who became her superhero. A lifelong relationship Clarissa’s first exposure to Cunningham was through her sister, who was a resident of the Girls’ Group Home. At the time, Clarissa was living in foster care in Champaign and she and her sister had regular family visits supervised by Angie Bertauski-Pierce, known in those days affectionately as “Bertauski” by the girls. “’Bertauski’ was my sister’s Case Manager at Cunningham,” Clarissa recalled. “I would go visit my sister and Angie was always there. Even though I wasn’t her client, she was always checking in on me, asking me how I felt.” “During family visits, Clarissa confided in me about the problems she was having in her foster home,” Angie said. “She had a pretty hard time in foster care and needed help coping with her feelings.” Growing up in foster care from the age of eight, Clarissa often felt very isolated. While in foster care, Clarissa became pregnant. After she gave birth to her son, she entered Cunningham’s Pregnant and Parenting Teen program, part of the Independent Living Opportunities program. Clarissa’s time at Cunningham At Cunningham, Clarissa was assigned to Angie’s caseload because of Angie’s familiarity with the family. Clarissa and her husband, Randal (center), with their family (pictured left to right) Karinadee, Cassiauna, Sathais, and Jakaiece. 4 w w w. c u n n i n g h a m h o m e . o r g “By the time Clarissa came to us, she had matured quite a bit,” Angie recalled. “She was very driven and always wanted to move on to the next step. She was impulsive and became frustrated when things didn’t progress as fast as she wanted them to. I helped her learn to slow down and take control of her impulses.” While at Cunningham, Clarissa had what she calls an “identity crisis.” “Many of the girls in the program Clarissa with her oldest son, Jakaiece, while thought I was stuck up,” Clarissa said. part of the Pregnant and Parenting Teen “They criticized me for having too much Program at Cunningham Children’s Home ambition. People ostracized me and accused me of thinking I was better than everyone else. It took me a long time to realize it was okay to want a better life for myself.” Clarissa describes Angie as a mother figure to her, one who wasn’t afraid to give out some “tough love.” “She was exploding with love and caring, but she was also very stern and forceful,” Clarissa said. “She was all up in my business all the time and pushed me to my limits. It drove me nuts.” Angie taught Clarissa about budgeting, keeping a job, and managing her money. “Without Angie’s help, I would never know anything other than getting on assistance,” Clarissa explained. “It’s easier that way, but I knew I wanted more for my kids. I wanted them to have the family and support system I didn’t have.” “Angie is a big part of my success,” Clarissa said. “She did more than her job. She is a superhero to me.” Continued on next page Independent Living Opportunities Cunningham’s Independent Living Opportunities (ILO) program helps young people between the ages of 19 and 21 become independent members of society. With support and guidance by Cunningham staff, youth learn life skills like balancing a checkbook, doing laundry, and maintaining employment. Youth are referred to Cunningham by the Department of Children and Family Services and/or the Department of Juvenile Justice and must have completed high school or earned a General Education Diploma (GED). While in the program, each youth must be enrolled in community college or a vocational training program and must maintain employment, either independently or through partnerships with local businesses. The ultimate goal of the program is to support youth as they become productive and independent citizens. w w w. c u n n i n g h a m h o m e . o r g 5 Inspiring Champions Hope forcontinued the Community Angie often had to make hard decisions when it came to Clarissa and the choices she was making. “She had to call DCFS (Illinois Department of Children and Family Services) on me once,” Clarissa remembered. “I wasn’t making the best choices and Angie told me I could do better and that I was responsible for my own actions.” Facebook Appreciation “It’s not what I wanted to hear,” Clarissa said. “But it’s what I needed to hear. If it wasn’t for Angie, I might have become a drug addict or had my kids taken away from me.” A budding “legal geek” Through all of her struggles, Clarissa was driven to continue her education, get a job, and make something of herself. Clarissa Nickerson ► Angie Betauski Pierce I just want you to know that you have changed my life and my children’s lives in a way that no salary, no title and no amount of thank yous will ever be able to express. You just are an amazing person and I hope that your family knows that you are a superhero to a lot of people, in more ways than one. Like · Comment · Promote · Share “Everyone who worked with her really wanted to help her and see her succeed,” Angie said. “She was so invested in her own success that you just had to want to help her. She was truly looking for a hand up, not a hand out.” Through Cunningham’s Vocational Education Program, Clarissa was able to get a paid internship at a local law office. “She took to it immediately and was later able to obtain her own employment at another law firm,” Angie said. With this, Clarissa’s love of the law was born. “I guess you could say I’m a legal geek,” she joked. After graduating from high school, Clarissa attended Parkland College and Eastern Illinois University before enrolling in Roosevelt University’s online bachelors of professional studies program. “I don’t know how you thank someone for changing your life, but I thank Angie every day.” Clarissa worked full time and went to school, all while raising three kids. “It was hard,” Clarissa said. “But education is one thing that cannot be taken away.” When Clarissa’s financial aid out, she wasn’t sure how she –Clarissa Nickerson ran would finish college. She turned to Angie, who was able to help her access the Myers Education Fund at Cunningham (see sidebar, page 7). With this support, Clarissa was able to finish her degree. “It was so amazing,” Clarissa said. “Even after leaving Cunningham, they were still able to help me.” 6 w w w. c u n n i n g h a m h o m e . o r g The Journey Continues Clarissa is currently working as a paralegal and is pursuing a Master’s Degree in Legal Studies at the University of St. Louis. Clarissa is married with four children and her number one priority is to be a role model for her kids. “My mom had nothing,” Clarissa said. “I want to give my kids a chance to be kids, to get a good education.” “My kids don’t know what prison is,” Clarissa said. “They don’t know about DCFS, foster care, food stamps, or any of the other things I considered normal when I was growing up. I want their normal to be different than my normal.” Clarissa poses with her cap and Angie and Clarissa stayed in touch over the diploma for a snap shot taken by years. When Angie saw on facebook that her children. Clarissa had her fourth child, she came to visit her in the hospital, which was a sheer joy for Clarissa (see note, page 6). “When you grow up in foster care, you don’t have family to throw you baby showers and things like that,” she said. “So it meant so much to me to see her there and to have that support.” William P. Myers Education Fund William P. Myers, Champaign, Illinois, established the Myers Education Fund in 1981 to offer Cunningham youth scholarships to continue their education beyond high school. Having lived in a children’s home as a young boy, Mr. Myers knows personally the value of a good education and the importance it plays in the success of the individual. That is why he wanted to make sure that Cunningham youth had the opportunity to pursue their educational and vocational dreams. During the last 32 years, hundreds of Cunningham youth and alumni have been able to pursue higher education and vocational training in a variety of fields. On the academic side, students have been successful in community college, four year universities, and graduate studies including advanced degrees in social work, teaching, and law. In addition, a wide variety of students have pursued careers as certified nursing assistants, barbers, cosmetologists, over-the-road truck drivers, chefs, and automotive technicians thanks to the support of the Myers Education Fund. w w w. c u n n i n g h a m h o m e . o r g 7 Building Hope Cunningham Board Approves Plan for Education & Recreation Center I t’s nine degrees outside as Eric and his classmates begin their cold and windy walk across campus to start their school day. Eric will again brave the cold and wind to walk to and from lunch, gym class, therapy appointments, and other daily activities. By the time his day is done, Eric will have to go to five different buildings just to get the therapeutic education and care he needs. During reading class, Eric struggles to concentrate as noise from a peer in crisis reverberates through the building. In a classroom designed for far fewer people, Eric and fifteen other classmates, teachers, and staff do their best to focus on today’s lesson. There’s simply no other choice. Eric and others like him come to Cunningham with a wide variety of educational needs and backgrounds. Too many transitions, too-small classrooms, and inadequate facilities make learning more difficult for our kids, many of whom have already fallen behind academically. Like every other child, our youth need an environment that provides them with the safety, space, and resources they need to reach their highest potential. Positive spaces create positive results. To create the positive space our students desperately need, Cunningham is working to raise money to build a new Education and Recreation Center (ERC). Building Hope Cunningham Board Approves Building a New Education and Recreation Center This $25 million project will: • Maximize instruction time for students • Create an emotionally stable learning environment for kids • Provide a safe environment for staff and kids 8 w w w. c u n n i n g h a m h o m e . o r g Designed to be built in three phases, the ERC will house two special education schools, a recreation center, nurses’ offices, cafeteria, library, computer labs, and therapy rooms. With over 82,000 square —Winston Churchill feet of space, our youth and staff will have a safe, spacious, and functional environment where they can learn and grow. Beyond the physical space, these buildings will send strong messages of self worth, encouragement, and hope. “First we shape our buildings, then our buildings shape us.” It can only happen with your help. Over the next five years, Cunningham will be working to raise the $25 million needed to fund this project so that we can continue to offer hope and a future for generations to come. To learn how you can make a gift, contact Cloydia Hill Larimore, clarimore@cunninghamhome.org, or Linda Myette, lmyette@cunninghamhome.org Doug Bauling Honored with Friend of Children Award Doug Bauling has volunteered his time, professional expertise, and leadership for every major Cunningham building project beginning with the construction of the Gerber Residential School in the early 1980s. Most recently, Doug served as chairman of the Phase II Committee which was responsible for the program planning and schematic design of the Education and Recreation Center (pictured on page 8). In appreciation for his dedicated service, Cunningham Children’s Home presented the Friend of Children Award to Doug at this year’s Annual Meeting of the Board of Directors. Doug and his wife Mary live in Urbana and are long time members of the Urbana Grace United Methodist Church. Both, Doug and Mary have served on the Cunningham board. Cunningham CEO Marlin Livingston, left, presents Doug Bauling, with the Friend of Children Award. w w w. c u n n i n g h a m h o m e . o r g 9 Annual Report 2012 1 in 5 Children Would Not Receive Services Without You It costs approximately $241 a day for Cunningham to meet the needs of each client. However, our referring agencies reimburse Cunningham only $206 daily per client. The difference between our reimbursement rate and the actual cost of care is $35 per client, per day. In fiscal year 2012 Cunningham needed $1,923,983 in charitable support to bridge this gap. Without your generous gifts, 35 youth (or 1 in 5) would not have received the standards of service they need. At Cunningham, we scrutinize every expense to determine what is necessary to meet the needs of our kids. This prudent approach to budgeting is part of a longstanding tradition of maintaining the highest standard of stewardship and fiscal responsibility for our donors while providing the highest level of care for our kids. As the state of Illinois continues to struggle to balance the state budget, we have braced ourselves to absorb the financial instability that has sent shockwaves throughout the human service network. Thankfully, we continue to enjoy positive relationships with our referring agencies, and know we can rely on our dedicated group of individual financial supporters. Now, more than ever, we must rely on private support to meet the needs of the young people in our care. Fiscal Year 2012 Financial Summary (unaudited) Total Income $14,060,470 Total Expense $14,060,470 27% Education Related Programs 4% Fundraising and PR 13% Administrative and Non-Program 7% Other 19% Charitable Support 47% IL Department of Children and Family Services 83% Programs Fiscal year 2012 covers July 1, 2011 – June 30, 2012. Administrative and non-program expenses include accounting, human resources, staff training, computer technology, phone service, professional accreditation and memberships, clerical support, and other costs associated with the efficient support of agency programs and services. 10 w w w. c u n n i n g h a m h o m e . o r g 2012 Service Statistics Number of Clients Served in Fiscal Year 2012 Total Un-Duplicated Clients Served: 234 Program Name Clients Served Days of Service CIRCLE Academy Day School 79 12,280 Winfred Gerber Residential School 65 8,612 Residential Treatment-Main Campus 50 12.035 Residential Treatment- Group Homes 29 5,647 Independent & Transitional Living 60 12,251 Specialized Foster Care 22 4,453 Note: There is some overlap between programs. For instance, a client may be counted twice when they move from the Residential Treatment Program into Transitional Living or to a foster home, or when a foster child attends CIRCLE Academy. 100% of Winfred Gerber School students are also Residential Treatment Program clients. 15 youth received services in two or more programs. About Our Clients Age Race ic an isp H l cia a i-r B an ric Af Gender n ica er Am ian as c au C Home Region 3% 10% 80% Northern IL Cook County Central IL Southern IL 7% 33% 67% w w w. c u n n i n g h a m h o m e . o r g 11 A Future Full of Hope by Chaplain Gay King Crede C aleb, a student at Cunningham’s CIRCLE Academy, experienced a spiritual awakening while lost in the woods during a summer hike. As the day wore on and his fears grew, he worried that he might not find his way back and he began to pray to God. Caleb made a promise that day to believe in God if he was rescued. Sure enough, he was. Caleb tried to keep his promise to God, but was struggling for guidance because he had no faith community or spiritual resources to pull from during his times of doubt. Thankfully, another student at CIRCLE Academy established a weekly faith group to meet during the lunch hour. The group, called Alpha Agape (A2 for short) is open to any student or staff interested in strengthening their faith and is a reminder that God is first and God is love. Welcome Melvin Leach, Jr. Chaplain Gay King Crede and Assistant Chaplain Melvin Leach, Jr. work together to provide spiritual life programs for youth and staff. Melvin Leach, Jr. has joined the Cunningham Children’s Home team as part-time assistant chaplain. He brings experience working with youth in his church, advising university students, and most recently assisting in a classroom at Cunningham’s CIRCLE Academy. Melvin is a licensed minister in the Church Of God In Christ and a minister of music. He is nearing completion of his Master of Divinity degree at Urbana Seminary. Caleb has become a regular participant in A2 and brings wonderful questions to the table as he searches to understand what it means to believe in and to follow God. Recently, he asked the group if they were tempted to say or do the wrong thing after they became believers. Much to his surprise, he discovered that the urge to do the wrong thing is a common experience among people of faith. People of faith just have some spiritual tools to help guide them when those moments come along. It is a joy to see how Caleb is keeping his promise to God. He is striving to love God and his neighbor, through a spirit of gratitude and increased thoughtfulness and patience. His commitment to this promise reveals the strength of Caleb’s character. 12 w w w. c u n n i n g h a m h o m e . o r g A youth contemplates God while in the woods. Not only does A2 offer youth an opportunity to remember their commitment to God, but it is an occasion to remind them of God’s promises to them as well. At Cunningham young people are assured that God promises to love them unconditionally, that God promises to be with them in all circumstances, and that God has a plan to give them a future full of hope. CIRCLE Academy CIRCLE Academy Therapeutic Day School is a private special education school operated by Cunningham Children’s Home, located on Cunningham’s campus in Urbana, Illinois. CIRCLE Academy provides an atmosphere of caring, stability, and support for students with special behavioral and educational needs. Named after the Circle of Courage developmental model, CIRCLE provides education services to over 65 students from Champaign and Ford Counties. CIRCLE Academy strives to provide students with a therapeutic environment that is responsive to individual learning styles and abilities. Our goal is to assist and nurture students through personal growth and developmental milestones. CIRCLE Offers: • Individualized Special Education Programming • Small class sizes (at least two staff for every seven students) • Individual and Group Therapeutic Counseling • Therapeutic Behavior Intervention Programming • Vocational Training Opportunities w w w. c u n n i n g h a m h o m e . o r g 13 The Promise of A Future by CEO Marlin Livingston I n 1894, Joseph and Mary Cunningham asked the women of the Methodist Episcopal Church to make this promise: “That our home shall forever be kept as a Children’s Home, hoping and praying that it shall in some degree turn attention to the pressing demands in our midst, for the care and nurture of our own.” With that promise, the women offered hope and a future to thousands of youth who’ve come through our doors ever since. The Cunninghams could never have imagined what the “pressing demands” would look like 118 years later. From a state in budget crisis, to the overcrowding of our schools, to the increasingly complex issues our kids face each day, the pressing demands in our midst today are many, but they’re not insurmountable. Marlin Livingston, Cunningham Every day, I see evidence of God’s work in the CEO, welcomes past and present board members during the staff and volunteers who work tirelessly for the Annual Meeting. care and nurture of our own. I see board leaders with the foresight to look into the future to see what youth will need in 10, 20, even 50 years from now. I see leaders like Cathy Henschen and Jay Hagemen, who served as President of the Cunningham and Foundation boards respectively in 2012 and worked hard to get plans for a new Education and Recreation Center approved. In November, they passed their torches to Rhonda Whitaker and David Line, who will lead us into the next phase of this project. Without their unwavering support and dedication to the promise we would not be where we are today. Most importantly, however, I see you – Cunningham’s faithful supporters – who’ve enabled us to keep this mission alive for so long. I’ve personally felt the generosity and love of the Cunningham family in the cards, emails, phone calls, and prayers sent my way during a recent family health crisis. In a year when many agencies are forced to close due to budget cuts, we reopened Goodman cottage and are expanding our Foster Care program. In a time when services are being cut for many of the populations we serve, we’re able to offer new programming so our youth can become independent and productive citizens. And we can maintain our mission by growing our chaplaincy program with the addition of an assistant chaplain. Through all of this, your support and love for our youth has been unwavering. 14 w w w. c u n n i n g h a m h o m e . o r g THANK YOU GUARDIAN PARENTS! Guardian Parents are special friends of Cunningham who make an ongoing commitment to support opportunities that bless the lives of Cunningham kids. The quality of life for kids at Cunningham is enriched by the steadfast caring support of the following members of the Guardian Parent Giving Program. Guardian Parents who have chosen to give anonymously are not listed below. If you would like to know more about the Guardian Parent Giving Program please call Winnie Crowder at 217-337-9073. Paula Abdullah Angela Adams-Martin Tom and Kara Ade Caroline Aiken Mary Ann Alexander Carlyn and Phillip Anders Jan and Ansel Anderson Casey Andrew Patsy Andrus Mary Annin Stephen P. and Carole B. Arney Larry Ashley Karen and Daniel Baker Stephanie Baker Sam and Maureen Banks Virginia Barker Jean Barnes Veda Barrett Beth Bartholomew Jane Bauer Edith and Paul Beach Elaine and Curt Beam Norma H. Bean Lawrence Becker Joan Behle Nancy Bellmore Clifton G. Bergeron Nancy Beveridge Pat Birlingmair Peggy and Ronald Black Billie Bock Nonie Bolinger Carol Bond Jan and Scott Booraem Krista and Tim Borbely Kenneth and Nancy Bounds Rita M. Bowsher Janet Boyer Barbara and Richard Brake Marcia Brelsfoard Rebecca Brewer Bonnie Brines Dorothy Brockett Karol Brown Mary Bruun Julie A. Bryant Jack and Marilyn Burns Shirley K. Burris Roger and Sara Burrus Shirley Burton Debra and Jim Busey Sandra K. Bushue Keith Butler Janet E. Cain Bill and Peggy Campo Chris Carr Mike and Laura Carroll Jan Carter Black Richard and Anna Marie Chrisman Peggy Christensen Wilma and Clark Christiansen Gertrude Clapper Barbara Clark Barbara K. Clark Gail Coffman Tina M. Cole Mary Coleman Nancy L. Compton Ruth Conn Elizabeth Cook Viola Cook Karen Cooley Marthel Cooley Sue Coons John and Peggy Cope Janet L. Corsaro Ruth L. Cortright Judy Covey Maxine Crawford Gay and Dan King Crede Arlene Crichton Winnie and Jim Crowder Joseph and Kim Crump Eileen B. Cumming Sherri Cummins Carol and Bill Cupples Audrey and Lyle Curtis Bernice R. Dallas David Daniel Michael and Linda Danz Naomi R. Davidson Loia Davis Evelyn Dehart Linda Denton Fran and Ben Dillard Paloma and Harlan Dillon Arlone L. Doan Michael and Vickie Donoho Helen DuFour Doug and Donna Duzan Ifeoma U. Echeazu Pat Ege Marjorie and Jim Eisenbarth Carol and Tremon Ellegood Dorothy Emory Patricia and Larry Eyre Genevieve and Curtis Fairless Randall and Judy Farris George and Mary Ellen Femmer Carole and Jim Finchum Kay Fisher Gloria Foley Gladys Foote Margaret J. Ford Rachel Francis Staci Francis Catherine and John Frothingham Dixie Gage Janet Gantzert Sharon Gardner Grace Gargano Carol and Donald Gibson Ruth Giese Ilona Gillan Jeff and Julia Gladu Carol Goulder Maxine Greuel Mildred Groskreutz Billie Gulledge Ruth S. Guynn Linda Gyuran Ralph and Phyllis Haas Jay and Tracy Hageman Billy and Elouise Hahs Paulette Hale Linda and Nick Hamm Lyren Haney Continued on next page w w w. c u n n i n g h a m h o m e . o r g 15 Dee Hanner Grace Hansen Shirley Harder Joanne Hartenbower Mary Ann and Steve Harvey Susan and Ned Hawbecker Paul Hawf Elmer Hawkins Don Haworth Alice Heaton Leslie Henry Cathy Henschen Dee Hermanson Elaine and Max Hershberger Dot Heuman George and Marilyn Hurd Freida and Floyd Hyde Phillip and Judith Icenogle Dorothy H. Inskeep Deborah H. Jadhav Helen and Jerry Jahn Cari James Bobby Jasper Mary Jeckel Jane and Jim Jenkins Nancy Jennings Annie Johnson Carolyn Johnston Bob and Bev Jones Caroline M. Jones Darlene and Don Jones Ben and Georgeann Jones Joan and John Lawrence Carolyn and George Leach Melvin B Leach, Jr. Diane and Joseph Lecher Shirley M. Leckrone Dorothy L. Lee Betty Lewis Janet and William Lewis Kelly Lindley Roberta B. Lindstrand David and Cindy Line Janet and Richard Lippold Marlin and Denise Livingston Johnnie M. Locker Jim and Marilyn Logan Michelle Higginbotham Michael and Cheryl Hilgenberg Duane and Barbara Hill Mildred E. Himmel Leon M. and Jean Hinton Paul and Abby Hobbs Bud and Deb Hobbs Mary F. Hodson Shelly Hoffman Gary and Patty Hofmann Rich and Linda Hollenberg Dan and Pam Holmer Winifred Horney Jerry and Mary Howard Ron and Pam Hoyne Nita Hubbard Teedra Hudson Geoffrey and Judith Hughes Calvin Hunter III James and Gloria Jones Mike and Cindy Jones Shirley Judy Jim and Anne Kearns Lacey E. Keller Sam and Helen Kershaw Carol Kessler Murl and Rhonda Kimmel David E. King Mary Carroll King Kent and Kathy King-Nobles Deborah and Bill Klein Betty and Edward Kmoch Carrie Kmoch and Tom Grady Joan Knollenberg Barbara and Bo Koskie Rene Kunich Cloydia and Rick Larimore Larry and Ardis Larvick Sharon Lashbrook Stephanie B. Lynge Joan Mankin Tom and Deborah Maranville Marilyn and Steve Markus Denise and Kim Martin Julie Marx Mae C. Mascher Oleta Massie Tim and Kathy Mast Pam Mathews Carol W. Mauck Dick and Janis Maxwell Lola and Paul Mayes Angie Mayo Lila McCulley Thelma McCulley Patty and John McIntosh Virginia McQuistion Kip and Karen Mecum Mildred Medlin Marilyn Mendenhall 16 w w w. c u n n i n g h a m h o m e . o r g James and Jane Miller Jan Miller Joan Miller David Mills Jerry and Nancy Mooday William A. Moore Martha and Marvin Morgan Suzanne Morr Nancy and Steve Moser Robert Mussey Linda and Phil Myette Marilyn and Glenn Napier Bonnie Neff Carol Lee Newlin Dottie Nickell Jim and Sharon Niksch Charles and Darlene Nordstrom Kathryn and Bruce Oye Shirley Pahlmann Myron and Marion Panozzo Barbara and Danny Parker Jo Ann Parsons Norma Patterson Alan and Barb Patton Mildred Pemberton Roscoe and Ann Pershing Jan and John Phipps Amy J. Pinkerton Don and Norma Pittman Judy and Kenneth Ponton Gene and Brenda Pride Verna Puterbaugh Michael and Carolyn Ragsdale Sandy Ratliff Rosella and William Ray Mary Renfro Fern Rice Edith and James Richards Dave, Michelle and Christian Richmond Janice and Dale Ridgway Yvonne and Duane Rieder Jeanette Riggs Phyllis Farley Rippey Gretchen D. Robbins Kim Robbins Jo and Andy Rohn George and Renee Roodhouse Kathleen Ruch John and Andrea Ruedi David and Rebecca Ryherd Gale Salzman Jo and Michael Sanders Shirley and Steve Schaefer Linda Schneider Robin and John Scott Kathryn Seybert and Michael Andrechak Barbara and Wayne Shanafelt Mike Shannon Don and Jan Sheesley Richard and Joyce Shellabarger Mary and Donald Sherman Carole D. Shirely Betty Jean Shive Grace Shook Dean and Rhea Simons Helen and Harold Simpkins Amy Skillings Cheryl and Delmar Smith Marilyn and Don Smith Sally and Clifford Smith Schaffe Smith Tom and Sue Smith Donna Snider Beverly and John Spets Kyle and Alice Spitzer Jolece and Irvin Sprout Kathleen Staker Dick and Lucy Stark Peggy Stelte Roberta Sterrenberg E. Lucille Stevenson Judy Stoll Betty Stoltz Pauline Stoltz Marge Stout Teresa Sturm Phyllis Summers David Taylor John and Terry Thies Elizabeth Thomas Lois and Edward Thomas Sylvia Thomas Crystal Thompson Mary Thompson Suzanne Thompson Shirley Thornton Debbie Tiger Vernice Tingley Patrick and Julie Tomlinson Harriet Topliff Chet and Lynn Travis Linda Trent Bettie Tucker Brenda L Tucker Judith and Paul Unger Linda Vanasdale Ronald and Jeanne Vance Tina and Craig VanDeveer Nancy C. Vial Joan Volkmann and John Jones Tina M. Walke Bobby and Charles Walker Kathleen Walsh Evelyn K. Wantland Jeanne and Thomas Ward Christie Watkins Bea and Jim Wehrly Rhonda and Jim Whitaker Alice Wiedrich Ron and Melinda Wilcox Judith Williams Eugene and Nancy Williams Patti Williams Don and Jan Wills Al and Linda Wilson Margaret Wilt Mariam Winans Joan and Michael Wingo Bruce and Alicia Winter Kevin and Kelly Winter Kathleen Wirth-Couch Bunny Wolfe Robert and Bonita Wyatt Jon and Lori Yelenick Carolyn L Yockey Olga Young Casey Zatarski Janet Zeise-Wolf Amy Zimmerman Don and Martha Zimmerman Sara Zimmerman Jerome Change Future Lives, Make A Bequest Continued on next page Remembering Cunningham in your will is a way to continue serving the ministry you support today, while making a lasting contribution that will ensure future generations will benefit from your gift. Please use the following statement in making your bequest: “I give, devise and bequeath to the Cunningham Children’s Home Foundation of Urbana, Illinois a charitable non-profit organization, the sum of _____________________dollars ($______________) or ___________________percent ( ____________%) of my estate to be used to carry out the mission of Cunningham Children’s Home.” w w w. c u n n i n g h a m h o m e . o r g 17 Champions In their own LIves In grateful of guardian parents who made a Preparing formemory Independence & Their Future difference in the lives of Cunningham youth. Mary R. Blythe Adams Corner UMC Albion First UMW Allendale UMC Arenzville UMW Atlanta UMW Belleville Union UMW Bethalto UMW Billett UMW Bloomington Wesley Ladies Bible Study Bonfield Grand Prairie UMW Bradford Boyd’s Grove UMW Bradley Wesley UMC Bradley Wesley UMW Broadlands UMW Camp Point UMW Carmi Emmanuel UMC Casey UMW Caseyville UMW Laurel Circle Catlin UMW Cedar Grove UMW Champaign Faith UMW Kathryn Wood Circle Champaign Faith Discovery Fellowship Sunday School Class Champaign First UMW Clinton UMW Clinton UMW-Sarah Circle Decatur First UMW Du Quoin First UMW Dwight UMC Willing Workers Circle East Moline Glory Circle East Peoria First UMW Edwardsville St. John’s UMW Effingham Centenary UMC Effingham Centenary UMC - Travelers Sunday School Class Effingham Centenary UMW Esther Circle Ellsworth UMW Elwin UMW Eureka UMW Fairbury First UMW Fairview Heights Christ UMW Farina UMW Farmer City UMW Gretchen Hawf Flora First Odessa Murray Circle Fountain of Life UMC Small Group Geneseo First UMW Geneseo Grace UMW Gilman UMW Glen Carbon New Bethel UMW Granite City Nameoki UMW Hennepin UMW Heyworth UMW Homer UMC Kum Joy Nus Hull UMW Illiopolis UMW Karnak UMW Kempton UMW Kewanee First UMW Naomi Circle Kewanee First UMW Ruth Circle Lakewood UMC Lawrenceville First UMW Blessing Circle Lawrenceville Zion UMW Lebanon First UMW Lexington First M & M Circle Lexington First UMW Long Point UMW Lostant UMW Evening Circle Mahomet UMW Marshall First Susannah Wesley Circle Mattoon First UMW Moline Bethel Wesley UMW Rebekah Circle Moline Bethel Wesley UMW Momence UMW Morton UMW Moweaqua UMW Mt. Auburn UMW Mt. Carmel Asbury Chapel UMW Mt. Erie Enterprise West UMW Mt. Sterling UMW Neoga Grace UMW Newton Grace UMW Normal First UMC Yokefellows Class O’Fallon First UMC Bob Wiedrich O’Fallon First UMC Fellowship Sunday School Class Paris First UMW Paxton UMW Pekin First UMW Pekin First UMW - Lydia Circle Pekin Grace UMW Pinkstaff UMW Piper City UMW Pontiac First UMW Quincy Grace UMW Roanoke UMW Roberts-Thawville UMW Roseville UMW Mary Circle S’More Bible Study Group of Champaign Faith UMC Savoy UMW Sparta First UMC Crusaders Class Springfield Laurel UMW Stewardson UMW Stronghurst UMW Sugar Creek UMW Sullivan UMW Toledo UMW Vandalia First UMW Villa Grove UMW Walnut Grove UM Evening Stars Washington Crossroads UMW Weedman UMC Wenona St. John’s UMW In spite of our best efforts to avoid errors and omission on this list, mistakes can occur. Please notify Winnie Crowder at (217)337-9073 if you believe we have made an error or if you have any other questions. 18 w w w. c u n n i n g h a m h o m e . o r g Cunningham Children’s Home 1301 North Cunningham Ave., Urbana, IL 61802 P.O. Box 878, Urbana, IL 61803-0878 Tel: (217) 367-3728 Fax: (217) 367-2896 Email: cch@cunninghamhome.org 2013 Board of Directors Rhonda Whitaker, President Tim Mast, Treasurer Bianca Green, Secretary Janet Ruckman, President-Elect Dick McGuire, Treasurer-Elect Committee Chairs Carolyn Yockey, Advancement Dick McGuire, Audit Tim Mast, Finance Carl Hudson, Human Resources Lynn Travis, Nominations Charles Cowger, Planning and Evaluation Bobby Walker, Public Relations/ District Representatives Illinois Great Rivers Conference United Methodist Women Officers Marge Stout, President Camille McCaskill, Vice President Mary Ann Harvey, Treasurer Kaye Kimpling, Secretary Teedra Hudson, Education & Interpretation Naomi Davidson, Social Action Illinois Great Rivers Conference Iroquois River District Superintendent The Promise of Judge Joseph and Mary Cunningham: “That our home shall forever be kept as a Children’s Home, hoping and praying that it shall in some degree turn attention to the pressing demands in our midst, for the care and nurture of our own.” Rev. In-Sook Hwang United Methodist Women District Presidents Cathy Riley, Cache River Oleta Massie, Cache River Proxy Sharon Niksch, Embarras River Dorothy Wilson, Illinois River Becky Fox, Iroquois River Diane Goff, Kaskaskia River Joye Anderson, LaMoine River Dot Heuman, Mississippi River Virginia McQuistion, Sangamon River Caroline Jones, Spoon River Sue Coons, Vermilion River Members At Large Linda Ayers, Monticello, IL Barb Dalenberg, Mansfield, IL Dean Messinger, Bloomington, IL Menah Pratt-Clarke, Champaign, IL Ex Officio Bishop Jonathan Keaton, Illinois Great Rivers Conference David Line, President, CCH Foundation Board of Directors Marlin Livingston, President/CEO, Cunningham Children’s Home Carol Rankin, Illinois Great Rivers Conference Committee on Health and Welfare Sally Smith, Jurisdiction Core Planning Team Committee on Nominations Cunningham Children’s Home Foundation Board Megan Guenther, Champaign, IL Cathy Henschen, Springfield, IL Teedra Hudson, Lexington, IL Ron Hoyne, Secretary/Treasurer, Champaign, IL David Line, President, Champaign, IL Tim Mast, Champaign, IL, Camille McCaskill, Shiloh, IL Gretchen Robbins, Urbana, IL Andrea Ruedi, Vice President, Champaign, IL Marge Stout, Illiopolis, IL Joan Volkmann, Urbana, IL Rhonda Whitaker, Neoga, IL Ron Wilcox, Savoy, IL Carolyn Yockey, Normal, IL –Thanksgiving Day 1894 Our Philosophy: Kids’ Needs First Agency Leadership: Marlin Livingston, President/CEO Pat Ege, Vice President for Program Services Dan Holmer, Vice President for Finance Cloydia Hill Larimore, Vice President for Advancement Accreditations, Licensure, Approval: Council on Accreditation of Services for Family and Children, Inc. United Methodist Association EAGLE Accreditation Program North Central Association Commission on Schools Illinois State Board of Education Illinois Department of Children and Family Services Memberships and Affiliations: United Methodist Association of Health and Welfare Ministries The Child Care Association of Illinois Illinois Association of Private Special Education Centers Illinois Great Rivers Alliance United Voices for Children Voices for Illinois Children - Foster Kids are Our Kids Campaign Champaign County Human Services Council United Way of Champaign County Cunningham Children’s Home is a mission and ministry of the United Methodist Women of the Illinois Great Rivers Conference. As a National Mission Institution, Cunningham has a covenant relationship with the United Methodist Women, Inc. Saturday, July 27 Guardian Parent Appreciation Day Save the date! Permit #100 Champaign, IL PAID Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage For more information, contact Bernice Dallas at bdallas@cunninghamhome.org or 217-337-9058. This invitation-only event celebrates the generosity of our Guardian Parents and features a behindthe-scenes tour of Cunningham and other activities specifically for our committed donors. To ensure your invitation to this special event, become a Guardian Parent today!
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