a 1. CoOCoce AMENDMENT OF SOUCITATIONIMODIFICAT1ON OF CONTRACT PAG€OFPAGES 14 1 2. AAENOMENT1MODIFICATION NO. 3. Eiasciivs DATE PSO2 SEE 6. Issued BY 4. R Rec. No. 5. PxOJECT No. (I~ uca&s) BLOCK 16C OTACA Code srnoIslP,jlci4Ass 7. ADMINISTERED BY (If othetttian ItemS) U.S. GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION ENTERPRISE GWAC CENTER 9988 HIBERT STREET, SUITE 310 SAN DIEGO,CA_92131 S. Name end Mdr.as of Cmit,aotor (No.. street. county, Stat, and ZIP Coda Code I 9k AJama*iENr 01 SoucrrATloN No. TRANTECH. INC. (DBA T3 ALLIANCE) 4900 SEMINARY ROAD, SUITE 215 ALEXANDRIA, VA 22311-1811 98. DATEO(SEs iTEM 11) 10k MoisFIcAtlopice C0I4tRAcTIOre~5R NO. GSOOQO9BG00058 I CODE X FACILITY CODE 108. DAm0(SESfl’5u113) n~inhi9nnci — 11. ThIS ITEM ONLY APPLIES TO AMENDMENTS OF SOLICIrATIONS U Offers The abov, numbered sebcitabon E amended as set forth Iii item 14, The hox and date ip.clfied icr receipt ci is extended is not extended. Qifes’s must .cknorelodge receIpt of Oil, amendment prior to the hOur and dale .pec8led lithe sc0cilatlon or as amended, by one of the folloeing methods: (a) By ~npIeUng lame Sand 15, end returning _coplea of the amendment (b) By a oisIedgi~g receipt of this em.ndment on each nopy of the offer submitted; or (c) By separate letter or tetegrani whIch Indudea e reference to the aoitctlallcn and amendment nimibera. FAILURE OF YOUR ACKNCW4LEDGEMENT TO BE RECEIVED AT THE PLACE DESIGNATED FOR THE RECEIPT OF OFFERS PRIOR TO ThE HOUR AND DATE SPECIFIED MAY RESUI.T IN REJECTION OF YOUR OFFER. II by vltu~ of Bib amendment you desIre to chenge en offer .Jready submitted, such change may be med. by Ielegrem or letter, provided each telegram or letter makes reference to the solcitatlon and this wneridrnerit, arid Is received prior to the openIng hour end date specifted. 12. ACCOUNTiNG AND APPROPRIATiON DATA (If required) NJA 13. THIS ITEM APPLIES ONLY TO MODIFICATIONS OF CONTRACTS!ORDERS, IT MODIFIES THE CONTRACT/ORDER NO. AS DESCRIBED IN ITEM 14. A. THIS CHANGE ORDER IS ISSUED PURSUANT TO; (Specify authority) The CHANGES SET FORTH IN ITEM 14 ARE MADE IN NO. IN ITEM IDA. ThE CONTRACT ORDER B. THE ABOVE NUMBERED CONTRACTIORDER IS MIXIIP1ED TO REFLECT THE ADMINISTRATIVE CHANGES (such is change. in paying office. approprialion date, etc.) SET FORTH IN ITEM 14. PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORITY OF FAR 43.103(b). INTO PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY OF. FAR 43.103 AND BY MUTUAL AGREEMENT OF THE PARTIES C. THIS SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT IS ENTERED 0. OThER (Specify type of mo~ficaIion and euthonty) El E~1 is not, is required to sIgn this document and return copies to the issuing office. I. DESCRIPTiON OF AME~MENTIMODIFICATtQN (Orgeazed by UCF section headlnga Including aoitcllabeofcontr.ct subject mattes where feasible.) E. IMPORTANT: Contractor Modification PSO2 Is hereby Issued to reflect the following changes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The effective date of the contract. CORRECT Section G.4 MARKETING. UPDATE SectIon H.14 SECTION 508. ADD/UPDATE to Section 1.2 FAR 52.252-2 CLAUSES INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE (FEBI99B). CREATE Section 1.2.1 ACQUISITION OF COMMERCIAL ITEMS Except as prodded herein. all teens and condit~ns of the document referenced In item 9A or bA, as horotoforo changed, remains unchanged and In fut force arid effect. ISA. NPJI.IE AND TITLE OF SIGNER (Type or print) 16k NAME AND TITL.6 OF CONTRACTING OFFICER (Type or prInt) Jerry C. Halley, CPCM PAUL MARTIN DirecLo~ of Contracts 158. uvi’r I i’,rii., ~ ‘~ - u,curptsru~ ~ edtosl~i) ~ NSN 7540.01.152.8070 PREVIOUS EDITION UNUSABLE I 15C. DATE SiGNED I127 May 2 009 ALLIANT CONTRACTING OFFICER 168. UNITED.., p ISC. DATE SIGNED DY (S’.ure 30-105 tI racibig OffIcer) SVANDARPbypo~ 30 ~v. 1O43~ Presaibed GSA, Reproduced by FSS FAR (48 CFR) 53.243 CONTRACT: GSOOQO9BGDOO58 MODIFICATION NUMBER: PSO2 PAGE 2 of 4 1. The Notice to Proceed was issued April 29, 2009. The start date of the Basic Contract is adjusted to read: Base Period: Option Period: May 1, 2009 to April 30, 2014 May 1,2014 to April 30, 2019 2. CORRECT Section G.4 MARKETING, contract section as follows: 1st paragraph to cite the correct Alliant Contractors shall develop company specific Alliant GWAC brochures for distribution at trade shows, conferences, seminars, etc. All marketing and promotional materials, including information on the contractor webpage (Section H.13.1), must be approved by the ACO prior to distribution and may be co-branded with marks owned or licensed by the Contractor and GSA, as long as they comply with GSAM 552.203-71, Restriction on Advertising. 3. UPDATE Section H.14 SECTION 508, to delete the URL and replace with the below URL: htt~x//arp. buyaccessible.qov/DataCenter/ 4. ADD/UPDATE Section 1.2 FAR 52.252-2 CLAUSES INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE (1998). Miscellaneous Clause Updates/Additions The following clauses are hereby updated: CLAUSE NO. TITLE DATE 52.203-13 CONTRACTOR CODE OF BUSINESS ETHICS AND CONDUCT BUY AMERICAN ACT SUPPLIES BUY AMERICAN ACT FREE TRADE AGREEMENTS ISRAELI TRADE ACT 52.225-1 52.225-3 - — FP COST TM DEC 2008 x x x FEB 2009 FEB 2009 x x x x x x FP COST TM x x x x x x — The following clauses are hereby incorporated by reference: CLAUSE NO. TITLE DATE 52.222-50 52.250-5 COMBATING TRAFFICKING IN PERSONS SAFETY ACT EQUITABLE ADJUSTMENT — FEB 2009 FEB 2009 CONTRACT: GSOOQO9BGDOO5B MODIFICATION NUMBER: PSO2 PAGE 3 of 4 ADD/UPDATE Section 1.2 FAR 52.252-2 CLAUSES INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE (1998) (continued) Recover~’ Act Background On February 17, 2009, the President signed Public Law 111-5, the Recovery Act. The Act imposes a number of requirements on Executive Branch departments and agencies receiving Recovery Act funds to meet the broader goals and objectives (e.g. level of transparency and accountability) of the Recovery Act. In addition, the Recovery Act includes a number of requirements to be implemented in Federal Government contracts. Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) interim rules were published in the Federal Register on March 31, 2009, in FAC 2005-032, providing authorities, policies, and procedures for government-wide implementation of the Recovery Act and for special contract procedures contained in the 0MB Guidance. The interim rules immediately make available FAR contract clauses to include in Government Contracts. The clauses added/updated pertain to any Order (new or existing orders that are modified) that is funded in whole or in part with Recovery Act funds. The following clauses are hereby added and incorporated by reference: CLAUSE NO. TITLE DATE FP COST TM 52.203-15 WHISTLEBLOWER PROTECTIONS UNDER THE AMERICAN RECOVERY AND REINVESTMENT ACT OF 2009 MAR 2009 x x x 52.204-11 AMERICAN RECOVERY AND REINVESTMENT ACT REPORTING REQUIREMENTS MAR 2009 x x x ALTERNATE I MAR 2009 x x x FP COST TM MAR 2009 x x x MAR 2009 x x X — 52.215-2 The following clauses are hereby updated: CLAUSE NO. TITLE DATE 52.215-2 AUDIT AND RECORDS 52.244-6 SUBCONTRACTS FOR COMMERCIAL ITEMS — NEGOTIATION Z) CONTRACT: GSOOQO9BGDOO58 MODIFICATION NUMBER: PSO2 PAGE4of4 5. CREATE a new Section 1.2.1 ACQUISITION OF COMMERCIAL ITEMS, and UPDATE/ADD new clauses. Move 52.21 2-4 and ALTERNATE I from Section 1.2 to Section 1.2.1 Add 52.212-5, ALTERNATE I and ALTERNATE II The following clauses apply only to task and delivery orders that are for the acquisition of supplies or services that meet the definition of commercial items at FAR 2.101. They will be incorporated in full text into individual orders, as applicable. CLAUSE NO. TITLE 52.21 2-4 CONTRACT TERMS AND CONDITIONS COMMERCIAL ITEMS ALTERNATE I CONTRACT TERMS AND CONDITIONS REQUIRED TO IMPLEMENT STATUTES OR EXECUTIVE ORDERS—COMMERCIAL ITEMS ALTERNATE I ALTERNATE II 52.212-4 52.212-5 52.212-5 52.212-5 DATE — FP COST TM MAR 20089 x x OCT 2008 MAY 2009 x x x x FEB 2000 MAY 2009 x x x x All other contract terms and conditions remain unchanged.
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