doHad for Doctors

healthed: Australia’s most popular seminars for GPs
DOHaD for Doctors
d e v e l o p m e n ta l
h e a lt h
What happens
in the womb lasts
a lifetime
also in brisbane & sydney
Maternal Influences on Infant’s Future Health
Opportunities for Positive Action in Preconception and Pregnancy
Wednesday 26 November • 7:00pm – 9:30pm • Carillo Gantner Theatre
Sidney Myer Asia Centre, The University of Melbourne. Building 158 Swanston St Carlton
7:00pm | Introduction to the DOHaD Paradigm
Associate Professor Jeffrey Craig
Group Leader, Early Life Epigenetics, Murdoch
Institute; Senior Research Fellow, Dept. of
Paediatrics, University of Melbourne
It is now known that healthy child development
is the product of gene-environmental
interactions that act before pregnancy, during pregnancy and in
early infancy that can have profound effects on health outcomes
over the lifespan. DOHaD promises to provide clinicians with simple
strategies that can make clinical practice even more effective in
disease prevention.
7:30pm | Micronutrients in Pre-Conception
and Pregnancy
Dr Alexis Hure, PhD
Dietitian, HMRI Public Health Postdoctoral
Fellow, University of Newcastle
There is a mismatch between public health
nutrition guidelines, what women are
consuming in their diets and the nutritional
supplementation that clinicians are recommending to their patients.
Understanding the evidence-practice gaps will help ensure that
GPs can optimise their day-to-day management of women in preconception and pregnancy.
8:20pm | The Interaction Between Microbiome, Gut,
Immune System and Allergy Outcomes
Prof Mimi Tang
Paediatric Allergist, Royal Children’s Hospital
The prevalence of all allergic diseases has
increased exponentially in recent decades. New
understandings of how the gut microbiome
interacts with the immune system of infants, even
during pregnancy, provide important insights into the development
of the immune system and what clinicians can do to positively
influence this trajectory to reduce allergy risk and improve overall
immune function.
8:45pm | D
evelopmental Trajectory of the Brain and
Impact of Intrauterine Factors
Dr Christos Symeonides
Paediatrician, Research Fellow
Explore the current knowns and unknowns
of chemical exposure and their influence on
prenatal neurodevelopment. Understand the
current debate about BPA and phthalates, what’s
the difference between Methyl Mercury and thiomersal mercury in
vaccines, the effect of lead. And how to use this knowledge when
advising pregnant mums.
Light catering and refreshments available at 6:30pm. There will be a short intermission half way through the seminar.
The program was correct at the time of printing and is subject to change without notice
This seminar is proudly organised by Healthed ABN 83 124 561 922
Enquiries 1300 797 794 Email Fax 1300 797 792
What is DOHaD?
What this seminar is about
Scientific research into the Developmental Origins of Health and
Disease (DOHaD) is now clearly demonstrating the inextricable link
between maternal, perinatal and early childhood factors and the
risk of developing heart disease, diabetes, obesity, cancer and many
other non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in later life.
Early life is a critical time of risk, but also an opportunity for primary
health professionals to act and thereby prevent future disease. This
‘window of opportunity’ begins in preconception, continues into
pregnancy up to the first 1,000 days of post-natal life.
Many of these factors have long been recognised: unhealthy diet,
lack of exercise, smoking, alcohol. Others are only now being
identified: stress, altered patterns of microbial exposure, and
environmental pollutants, for example. Importantly, the mechanisms
and magnitude of their effects are much more profound than
previously expected.
GPs and other primary health professionals are uniquely positioned
to use this new knowledge for the benefit of their patients and
society as a whole.
Continuing Professional Development Points
There is now substantial evidence that GPs can implement simple
strategies and lifestyle changes within this window that can have
profound benefits for the future health and wellbeing of the child.
Relatively simple strategies can have profound effects that yield
benefits throughout the lifespan.
The aim of this seminar is to provide GPs and any health professional
with evidence-based strategies and practically useful information
about what they can do in their practice to make the most of this
important, new and emerging health paradigm.
Registration includes
• Access to entire program
• Handbook with comprehensive lecture notes
• Light catering and refreshments
• 4 Category 2 CPD points have been approved by RACGP
• Pharmacy PD points applied for
Register online at
DOHaD for Doctors
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Return your registration form & payment to
HEALTHED PTY LTD PO BOX 500 Burwood NSW 1805 or FAX 1300 797 792
HEALTHED sponsor: Nutricia.
Cancellation: Payment for this seminar is non-refundable. Once payment has been processed no refunds or transfers of any kind will be available without exception. All prices
are in Australian Dollars and include GST.
Liability: The organisers will make every effort to ensure that the event and the program will take place as advertised however the organisers do not take financial responsibility to changes or disruptions
that may occur as a result of events beyond their control. Important privacy information: HealthEd acknowledges and respects your privacy. The information you provide on this form is being collected for the
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calling Healthed on Tel 1300 797 794, or by post to PO Box 500, Burwood NSW 1805.
This seminar is proudly organised by Healthed ABN 83 124 561 922