5 ROAD DAVENPORT EVANGELICAL CHURCH He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay. Matthew 28 v 6 1 March to May 2014 From the Pastor’s Pen The Greatest Headline ever ! As you have just read on the front cover – “He is not here, He is risen!” The newspaper boy if he had have been around would have been calling not “come and get it!” but “come and see it!” Come and see the place where He lay. The stone was rolled away from the tomb, not to let the Saviour out but to let you and I see in - that He was indeed risen. The Roman soldiers who were assigned to guard the tomb were overwhelmed by what had taken place. On reporting back to the chief priests, they were subsequently bribed to say ‘His disciples came during the night and stole Him away while we were asleep.’ How incredible was that - to say that they saw what happened when they were sleeping! But the greatest proofs of all, are the eye-witness accounts of those who met Him following His resurrection and the millions more up to this present date, who make up the church today. This is the Good News of the Gospel that “Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures and He appeared to……….” Have you met Him? If not then it is time for you to pick up the Scriptures and read all about Him! We look forward to Easter and plans are well in place to distribute the Good News of the Gospel in the run up. The church has ordered 1000 booklets entitled “How can I know God?” which will require some volunteers to distribute in the area as well as giving to our friends and colleagues. I will be away over the Easter weekend in Moldova with a ministry team organised by Slavic Gospel Association , more detail on back cover of this newsletter and I would greatly value your prayers for this venture. We continue to meet up with those who are seeking a clearer understanding of the Bible and the life changing message of the Lord Jesus Christ. This group coincides with the homegroup evenings and we are using the material called “The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus” – it is not too late to join as it is easy to catch up at this point. We are so grateful to the Lord for all His answers to prayer, His sustaining grace and for all who willingly serve here at DPR. May we all know the power of His risen life this Easter. Yours in Him, Andrew and Fiona 2 NEWS and INFORMATION SILVER ANNIVERSARY – love and congratulations to Andrew and Fiona, who celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary on 27 March. WEDDING – congratulations also to Amy CAMPBELL and Martel KINGSWELL, who will be getting married at DPR on Saturday, 24 May. Please pray for them as they begin this next stage of their lives as husband and wife. NEW BABY – congratulations to Mareks, Inta and Samuels ZDANOUSKIS on the arrival of baby Eva (pronounced Ava), on 13 February. Our love to you all. DONATIONS in lieu of CHRISTMAS CARDS – thank you for the donations which amounted to £185 and have been sent to Africa Inland Mission, for the support of Steve Titterton, currently working in Kenya as a primary school teacher. ANNUAL MEMBERS’ MEETING – this will be held on Wednesday, 19 March at 7.45pm. This meeting is open for all to attend and hear about what has been happening within the church over the past year, and plans for the future. In the event of a vote (eg: for electing deacons), this would not be available for non-members. If anyone would like to know more about becoming a church member, please speak to Andrew, Nigel or Stephen. GOOD FRIDAY COMMUNION SERVICE – there will be a Communion service on Good Friday (18 April) starting at 11.00am. MICK STEWART – a tribute from Graham Pace, who writes: I am sorry to inform the fellowship that my friend Mick Stewart, passed away last October aged just 53, after a short illness. Mick attended DPR in years past, mainly when Roy Graham was pastor, but he did also come to a midweek meeting with me led by Andrew our current pastor. I knew Mick from Junior School days, and we also went to the same Senior School. Mick had several interests including, cars, trainspotting, and popular music. When I first invited Mick along to DPR he didn’t need much persuading. He was very popular and took part in the TROGS activities (for 3 those who have forgotten about this group – it was “the Relatively Older Group!!”) such as a Chinese evening, or games evenings when we played snooker, pool and table tennis. I remember we worked at church on a stalls morning on one occasion, and then went home to watch the World Cup football game between England and Denmark in the afternoon. Mick was one of several of us who attended the “Creation to Christ” course led by Nigel over 50 weeks, which greatly improved our Bible knowledge. In later years, Mick was often seen talking to bus drivers or newspaper vendors around the city centre. He was a very friendly person and a loyal mate to me for many years. I would like to thank the DPR fellowship for the friendship they showed to Mick during the time he attended the church. JCB An evening to remember – Monday, 3 February 2014 The last DPR men’s event was a trip along the A50 toward Stoke to the HQ of the world renowned JCB factory and showroom at Rocester, only about half an hour from Derby. Roland as ever did a fantastic job of organising the event. The hospitality of the company was excellent. We were made very welcome with a cup of tea or coffee and biscuits for those not watching the weight (not many were apparently). We were introduced to a family business started up by one Joseph Cyril Bamford. It all began “out of necessity” said Bamford, realising that he had a wife and new baby to provide for. He began to engineer and build and then sell his products. It was a small beginning but now the brand is global and JCB’s son is about to retire after 35 years as chairman! It is an amazing success story that this business has remained a family affair from its very beginning until now. They innovated and diversified, building quality into all their manufacturing and reaped the rewards of their hard work and commitment. With our personal headphones on we wandered through a huge auditorium - zone after zone – listening to the history and the stories behind the great machines in front of us. Nearly everything was bright yellow and gleaming, 4 sporting the great JCB logo. Gordon and a few others managed to take a seat at the controls of a digger – fortunately there was no ignition key …. After a very interesting tour we returned our head phones and were given use of one of the board rooms for an epilogue from Andrew. About 40 of us listened to Andrew liken Joseph Cyril Bamford’s “necessity” to the necessity of us all in Jesus’ words to be “born again”. As Andrew put it, “we all need to be JCB – Jesus Christ born”. It is of course the whole purpose of creation and of Christ’s coming to save us, that we might be born in a spiritual sense into His great family. In fact after telling Nicodemus the Pharisee that he must be born again, the most famous verse of all scripture is recorded – John 3 v 16. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life”. What a staggering provision God has made that we might be JCB - Jesus Christ born. (Nigel) UPDATE FROM THE DEACONS The following is a summary of the principal items discussed at the Deacons’ meeting held in January: Water entry/damp areas – the kitchen roof/ceiling repair has been completed externally, but at the time of writing the ceiling restoration is still awaiting completion. Redecoration will then be undertaken. Foyer Roof – a provisional quotation has been received for the repair of the foyer roof area, and final quotation awaited. Provisional sum has been included in the 2014 budget (on a priority 1 basis – planned work). Car park drainage – monitoring of water levels is taking place over the winter period in order to help with deciding which is the best solution to the subsidence which has taken place since the car park was resurfaced. Security of premises – the list of all known key holders is updated regularly. A form of audible and/or illuminated indicator is to be installed at the front entrance doorway into the foyer, as an additional means of alert when anyone comes into church while the main doors are open. 5 Car park alcove entrance doorway/Handel Street entrance – a sum has been included in the 2014 budget (on a priority 2 basis – as and when funds allow), for replacement of the carpet runner at the entrance into the main church from the car park, and also for the Handel Street foyer and corridor. Projector/Laptop/Recording of services/midweek meetings etc. – a new projector has been purchased and was brought into use at Christmas 2013, which has given substantial improvement to the projected images. A new and updated laptop is also to be purchased to replace the very aged current machine. After purchase, the existing software and stored data will be transferred to the new laptop. It is also planned to make a recording facility available for use in the Wednesday room, so that ministry at midweek meetings can be recorded and made available for use, in a similar way to the weekly ministry at Sunday worship. In addition, it is planned to install a hearing aid loop in the Wednesday room for the benefit of hearing aid users. Handel Street Door – repainting of the door is to take place as and when the winter rains are less severe. PREACHERS’ POINTS (from Ken) Based on 2 Corinthians 5 v 14 – 15 A CRUCIFIED LORD - One died for all (John 11 v 49 – 52): Collectively – for all (for God so loved the world) Individually – in my place A CONSTRAINING LOVE – the love of Christ constrains us: Concern for others more than me Giving more than receiving Helping more than criticising A CONSECRATED LIFE – live unto Him not self: 6 Worship Witness Work WHAT’S SO GOOD ABOUT GOOD FRIDAY? Why do we call Good Friday “good,” when it was such a dark and bleak event, and a day of such suffering and death for Jesus? For Christians, Good Friday is a crucial day because on it we remember what was the most momentous weekend in the history of the world. Ever since Jesus died and was raised, Christians have proclaimed the cross and resurrection of Jesus to be the decisive turning point for all creation. Paul considered it to be of “first importance” that Jesus died for our sins, was buried, and was raised to life on the third day, all in accordance with what God had promised all along in the scriptures (1 Corinthians 15 v 3). On Good Friday, we remember the day when Jesus willingly suffered and died by crucifixion as the ultimate sacrifice for our sins. It is followed by Easter, the glorious celebration of the day when Jesus was raised from the dead, heralding his victory over sin and death, and pointing ahead to a future resurrection for all who are united to him by faith (Romans 6 v 5). Still, why call the day of Jesus’ death “Good Friday” instead of “Bad Friday” or something similar? Some Christian traditions do take this approach – in German for example, the day is called “Karfreitag” or “sorrowful Friday.” In English, the origin of the term is debated – some historians and scholars believe it developed from an older name, “God’s Friday”. Regardless of the origin, the name Good Friday is entirely appropriate because the suffering and death of Jesus, as terrible as it was, marked the dramatic culmination of God’s plan to save people from their sins. In order for the good news of the gospel to have meaning for us, we first have to understand the bad news of our condition as sinful people under condemnation. The good news of deliverance only makes sense once we see how we are enslaved to sin. We need first of all to understand how hopeless our condition is, and then to see that it is the gospel of God’s grace towards sinners which can bring us relief and salvation. Good Friday is “good” because terrible as that day was, it had to happen for us to receive the joy of Easter. The wrath of God against sin had to be poured out on Jesus, the only one who could be a perfect sacrifice in our place, in order for forgiveness and salvation to be poured out. Without that awful day of suffering, sorrow and shed blood at the cross, God could not be both the “just and justifier” of those who trust in Jesus (Romans 3 v 26). The day which seemed to be the greatest triumph of evil was actually the deathblow in God’s gloriously good plan to redeem the world from bondage. The cross is where we see the convergence of great suffering and God’s forgiveness. Psalm 85 v 10 speaks of a day when “righteousness and peace” will kiss each other. The cross of Jesus is where that happened, 7 where God’s demand (for righteousness) coincided with his mercy. We receive divine forgiveness, mercy and peace with God, because Jesus willingly took our punishment. Jesus endured the cross on Good Friday “for the joy set before Him” (Hebrews 12 v 2), knowing that it would lead to his resurrection, salvation for all those who trust Him for forgiveness, and the beginning of God’s reign of righteousness and peace. That’s why we can truly call it “Good Friday.” Oh to see my name, written in the wounds For through your suffering, I am free Death is crushed to death, life is mine to live Won through your selfless love This the power of the cross Son of God, slain for us What a love, what a cost! We stand forgiven at the cross! EASTER DAY She came to the tomb, spices in hand To anoint the body of the Son of Man Least she could do for a beloved friend But what was the point? He’d met his end. She thought of how he’d set her free And how he restored her dignity Tears poured out that wouldn’t end Her heart ached for her dearest friend. But then, she saw the stone rolled away And angels who told her, “He’s risen today!” Astounded, frightened, she ran from the tomb They’d taken Him away, she did presume “Why wouldn’t they just leave Him alone? Why take His body?” She wept and she mourned Angry at the injustice He’d had to undergo She felt so useless, then Christ said “hello!” Joy filled her heart – this can’t be true! Her friend was alive, death He subdued “No, you must not leave me again!” She clung to her master, and begged Him remain. 8 But He explained that He had to ascend So that the Holy Spirit could then descend But He reminded her that He loved her so And now it was her turn to let the world know. DOWN BUT NOT OUT Reflections on Psalm 102 Spiritual desertion (sometimes known as the “dark night of the soul”) was a term familiar to the Puritans. It describes a crisis of faith in which believers, who are walking faithfully with God, nevertheless experience circumstances which make them wonder if God has abandoned them. Inexplicably, God seems to have withdrawn from them. It is usually temporary in nature, but can sometimes last for a long time. The writer of Psalm 102 is faced with such a crisis. He talks of personal (v 8) and national (v 13, 20) catastrophe. No clear details are given, but we do know that he is physically ill (v 3, 4), desperately lonely (v 6, 7), and close to death (v 23, 24). He confesses no particular sin, so individual wrongdoing does not seem to be the cause, yet God’s apparent indifference makes him feel that he is under divine judgement (v 10). Even so, he finds comfort and hope by reminding himself that God is sovereign (v 12), compassionate (v 17), almighty (v 25), eternal (v 26) and unchanging (v 27). He is down, but not out! Why does God allow these “dark nights of the soul?” Often no adequate solution is provided by the words we use to try to bring comfort to others, and the concept of the “victorious Christian life” is often emphasised so much that believers experiencing spiritual desertion may avoid admitting this for fear of being regarded as inferior Christians. There is in fact, no easy answer. One legitimate explanation, however, is that God sometimes makes us feel his absence so that we hunger and thirst for him, the Giver, more than his gifts. And also so that we can better appreciate the price paid for our redemption by Jesus, who while dying on the cross exclaimed “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” “Our Lord favours us with a famine in the land, that it may make us seek after himself the more.” (C H Spurgeon) 9 I CAN’T UNDERSTAND IT Malcolm has recently started rehearsals with Derby Music Ministries Choir, for the Roger Jones’ musical – “the Apostle” – about the life of Paul, and shares the words from one of the songs. I can’t understand it, and I can’t explain it Jesus has changed my life! I know that it’s happened, and I feel so different, Jesus has changed my life! Things I once knew, things that I loved Don’t seem to matter any more Things I once did, things that I thought All have been changed by this man from Nazareth I can’t understand it, and I can’t explain it Jesus has changed my life! I know that it’s happened, and I feel so different, Jesus has changed my life! He was a fool, going his way He never gave him a chance Now that he’s found him to be true He has been changed by this man from Nazareth I can’t understand it, and I can’t explain it Jesus has changed my life! I know that it’s happened, and I feel so different, Jesus has changed my life! Look at my past, see my mistakes I hated every thought of Him Look at me now, isn’t it clear I have been changed by this man from Nazareth I can’t understand it, and I can’t explain it Jesus has changed my life! I know that it’s happened, and I feel so different, Jesus has changed my life! 10 FOCUS ON JEREMIAH Jeremiah appears on the scene around 100 years after Isaiah (about 640BC). 2 Kings 22 – 25 and 2 Chronicles 34 – 46 provide the historical background to his prophecies. For 40 years (through the reigns of the last 5 kings of Judah), Jeremiah warned of coming disaster and appealed in vain to the nation of Israel to turn back to God. Jeremiah is known as the “weeping prophet,” and if we read through the book of Jeremiah it is easy to understand why. The events of his time caused an emotional response from him. The coldness of the people of Judah towards God has deteriorated into apostasy and idolatry. They are no longer identifiable as God’s covenant people, as they are steeped in compromise and sin. The Word of God is not being passed down to the next generation, whole families are caught up in pagan worship, infidelity and deceit mark their personal relationships and they seem indifferent to how God sees them. This indifference alarms the prophet almost as much as the actual sins, for it is a sign that their consciences are deeply seared and they are oblivious to the dangers of their way of life. His name means “Jehovah has appointed” as we read in Jeremiah 1 v 4 – 5 : “before I formed you in the womb I knew you.” Jeremiah came from Anathoth and was from the tribe of Levi. God warned him of the trouble to come and of the fact that the people would be taken into captivity. Apart from King Josiah, the people scorned and resented him for condemning idol worship, exposing false prophets and showing how they had disobeyed the law given by God through Moses. King Jehoiakim prohibited Jeremiah from coming into the temple or the palace. He also cut up the writings of Jeremiah and then burned them, so Baruch (Jeremiah’s secretary) had to rewrite them. Quite a laborious task to do in those days. Under the rule of King Zedekiah, Jeremiah was arrested as a traitor, for saying that Jerusalem would be defeated by the Babylonians. He was later freed by the Babylonians, and ministered in Jerusalem. A few Jews fled to Egypt and took Jeremiah with them, but the majority were deported to Babylon, among them Daniel and his friends. As far as we know, Jeremiah ended his days in Egypt, still declaring God’s word to those who were not willing to listen. 11 Archaeology confirms this in the Babylonian Chronicles Lachish letters. Babylonian Chronicles are clay tablets recording the history from 2300 BC to 540 BC. Apparantly, Jeremiah 10 v 10 was written in Aramaic – “but the Lord is the true God, and the everlasting King. At His wrath, the earth will tremble and the nations will not be able to endure His indignation.” What a warning! Jeremiah’s prophecy should leave us in no doubt about the destructive power of sin – the way it alienates us from each other, and from God. It also makes us realise that with separation so deep, only God can provide a remedy. Despite the very sombre tone throughout the book of Jeremiah, there is also a strong streak of hope running through his prophecies. This can be seen especially in chapters 30 and 31, where we read about the promise of a new covenant. The message of hope comes at the nation’s darkest hour. When it looks like total extinction, God promises his people a future. They will be saved and restored, the exiles will return to their homeland rejoicing. A new covenant will replace the old one which they had broken, and this time God will remake them from within, giving them the power to do his will. (Margaret Johnson) KIDS’ CLUB This quarter, our “departmental focus” for information and prayer is Kids’ Club. The club runs on Tuesday evenings in term time, from 6.30 to 7.30pm. The group is for children of primary school age (5 – 11), although at the moment, we have some who are older than this, and have been coming for quite a while. Most weeks we have 15 – 20 children attending, and the majority have been coming for some time very regularly. There are also several others who drop in from time to time, but don’t attend that regularly. A few of the children also come to Sunday Quest, but in the main we have a different group of children on Tuesday evenings. Several of the parents and families are also regularly involved with other activities within the church – eg: Parent/Toddler group, Women Together. A typical evening starts with a choice of 2 or 3 different activities for the children to participate in – games, crafts, cookery (especially popular!), sports competitions etc. We then join together for singing, learning a memory verse and a Bible quiz. After this, we split into 2 age groups for the Bible lesson (8’s 12 and under, 9’s and over). Every term we have a parents’ evening – usually the last night of each term, where we invite parents and families to come for the evening, and run a special programme, always with a simple gospel presentation included at some point in the evening. With most of the children having coming regularly for a long time, we have got to know their parents and families pretty well too. Last term, a highlight was the “Amazing Journey” Bible exhibition, which was held at church for the children from Osmaston Primary School, but also ran on the Tuesday evening in the same week, so that all children attending our church activities (but who don’t go to the local school) could participate in the exhibition. Since then, a brother and sister living locally have started to come to club on Tuesdays, and have not missed a week. In general the children are very well behaved and attentive – they listen well to what is taught (although sometimes we do get some interesting and amusing answers in the quiz the following week!), and are very keen to join in all activities – although recently one boy (who is not usually very vocal) announced that the song we had chosen that evening was “the worst song in the church!!” Thank you to the team of leaders who are very faithful and committed to this group of children and the ongoing work at Kids’ Club – Sue Bounds, Simon Chambers, Liz Burke, Malcolm Hall, Marg Richardson. Prayer points: That as the children coming along week by week, they would really understand the truths which are taught to them, and see their need to accept Jesus as their Saviour For those children who only come irregularly or who have recently dropped off coming, to want to come again every week Give thanks for the good listening and stable atmosphere at club Our conversations with parents and families week by week, and especially at the parents’ evenings each term (Nigel and Fiona) 13 PAUSE for THOUGHT You may give without loving, but you cannot love without giving. One measure of our love for Christ is our sensitivity to the needs of others. The heart of prayer, is prayer from the heart. Purity in the heart produces power in the life. Remembering God’s goodness puts a song in your heart. Forgiven sinners know love, and show love. He is rich who is satisfied with what he has. Patience means awaiting God’s time, and trusting God’s love. GOD IS NEVER OVERWHELMED Sometimes in life it can seem as though everywhere you go, or every time you are talking to others it all seems to be bad news, or in your own situation, things are just going from bad to worse. It may even seem that this will last forever, and that you will never again hear any good news. It can seem overwhelming as we try to share, care, pray, and support friends and family in what they are facing, or deal with our own circumstances. We may feel overwhelmed, but it’s good to know that God is never overwhelmed. He is not overwhelmed by how many prayers (maybe exactly the same prayers) are said on someone’s behalf. He is not surprised by all the suffering and sadness in the world, because He knows all about it. “Blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the Lord his God, the maker of heaven and earth, the sea and everything in them – the Lord, who remains faithful forever.” (Psalm 146 v 5 – 6) God is our HELP – when we feel overwhelmed by our own, or others’ circumstances. God is our HOPE – when we feel like everything is falling apart around us. God remains FAITHFUL for ever – when we feel lost or alone in our suffering. 14 “We sometimes fear to bring our troubles to God, because they must seem small to Him who sits on the circle of the earth. But if they are large enough to vex and endanger our welfare, then they are large enough to touch His heart of love. For love does not measure by a merchant’s scales, nor with a surveyor’s chain. It has a delicacy unknown in any handling of material substance.” (R A Torrey) “Because God is my sovereign Lord, I will not worry. He manages perfectly day and night, year in and year out, the movements of the stars, the wheeling of the planets, and the staggering coordination of events that happen on the molecular level in order to hold things together. There is no doubt that He can manage the timing of my days and weeks.” (Elisabeth Elliott) (see in the Faith Mission publication, May/June 2013) My life is but a weaving between my God and me I do not choose the colours, He works so steadily Oft times He weaves in sorrow, and I in foolish pride Forget He sees the upper, and I the underside Not till the loom is silent, and the shuttles cease to fly Will God unroll the canvas and explain the reasons why The dark threads are as needful in the Weaver’s skilful hand As the threads of gold and silver in the pattern He has planned (seen in the Corrie Ten Boom house in Amsterdam) TO MAKE YOU SMILE …………. 15 A little girl told her grandmother, “I behaved very well in church today. I even refused a big plate of money that the man offered me!” Here’s a grace we can all say – “Lord, make me not like porridge, stiff and difficult to stir, but make me like cornflakes, ready and quick to serve.” God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world – then he made the earth round ………………… A small boy had been told that his new baby sister was a gift from God, so he said to her “quick, before you forget, what does God look like??” DPR DIARY – March to May 2014 SUNDAY SERVICES (10.15am – prayer, 10.30am – Communion service, 11.15am – Morning Service, with groups for primary school age children and crèche), 6.15pm – Evening Service). MARCH APRIL MAY 16 2 Andrew Knox (am) Richard Lee (pm) 9 Stephen Walker (am) Nigel Jones (pm) 16 Andrew Knox (am) Mike Stringer (pm) 23 Andrew Knox (am) Peter Leyshon-Jones (pm) 30 Dalton King (am – Mother’s Day family service) Jim Titterton (pm) 6 Andrew Knox (am) Geoff Marshall (pm) 13 Bill Patterson, SGA (am and pm) 20 Nigel Jones (am, Easter Sunday) Simon Brewer (pm) 27 Andrew Knox (am) Edwin Baker (pm) 4 Andrew Knox (am) Vic Green (pm) 11 Andrew Knox (am) Graham Penny (pm) 18 Andrew Knox (am) Geoff Holland (pm) 25 Andrew Knox (am) Tim Houghton (pm) JUNE 1 Andrew Knox (am) Alastair Kay, Derby City Mission (pm) WEDNESDAY EVENINGS at 7.45pm MARCH 5 12 19 26 Homegroups – Galatians 2 v 11 – 21 DPR – Vic Green, Nehemiah (last in series) AGM – Treasurer and Secretary’s reports Election of deacons Homegroups – Galatians 3 v 1 – 25 APRIL 2 9 16 23 30 Ministry and prayer at DPR (David Pearson) Homegroups – Galatians 3 v 26 – 4 v 31 Ministry and prayer at DPR (Roger Cresswell) Homegroups – Galatians 5 v 1 – 25 Derby Bible Week MAY 7 14 21 28 At DPR – Andrew to report back from his trip to Moldova Homegroups – Galatians 5 v 26 – 6 v 18 Prayer and ministry at DPR (Nigel Jones) Homegroups – new series to be confirmed 4 Half day of prayer at DPR (4.00 to 9.00pm) JUNE LADIES’ FELLOWSHIP – Tuesdays at 2.00pm MARCH 11 18 25 Rob Burrell Helen Leyshon-Jones Phill Bounds APRIL 8 15/22 29 To be confirmed No meetings Trevor Marshall MAY 13 20 27 Roger Gray Paul Crowe No meeting 17 OTHER REGULAR EVENTS LUNCH OUTREACH – Tuesdays at 1.00pm (please speak to Marion Mailer/Sue Bounds for more information) 4 March, 1 April and 6 May LADIES’ PRAYER NETWORK (please speak to Kate Burrell for more information) Friday mornings at 10.15am - 14 March, 25 April, 23 May, AND Monday evenings at 7.30pm - 3 March, 7 April, 12 May WOMEN TOGETHER – Mondays at 7.30pm (please speak to Wendy Walmsley/Joy Campbell for more information) 31 March – the life of a Street Pastor (with Carol Harper) 28 April – Cathy Cook cooks 19 May – fitness and dance HOSPITAL SERVICES – at London Road Community Hospital, Sundays at 4.00pm (please speak to David and Louise Pearson for more information) 16 March, 20 April and 18 May OTHER DATES FOR YOUR DIARY DERBY BIBLE WEEK – Monday, 28 April to Thursday, 1 May. To be held this year at St Alkmund’s Church, Kedleston Road, at 7.30pm each evening. Speaker – Jonathan Fletcher, who has been a minister in London and Cambridge for over 30 years. His subject is – “the gospel according to Ezekiel.” DPR FUN DAY – Saturday, 14 June - so please keep this date free if possible. HARVEST THANKSGIVING/BACK TO CHURCH SUNDAY – Sunday, 21 September There are also a couple of other events currently in the planning stages – a men’s bowling evening (in July), and an Eastern European evening. More details to follow when plans are further advanced. 18 FLOWER ROTA (please arrange to swap with someone else if unable to do the date allocated, or speak to Joyce Lewis) MARCH 2 9 16 23 30 Marion Mailer Fiona Jones Joy Campbell Avis Cresswell Mary Young APRIL 6 13 20 27 Olive Walker Sarah Throssell Joyce Lewis Irene May MAY 4 11 18 25 Joan Auguiste Loretta Marshall Fiona Knox Joy Campbell JUNE 1 8 15 22 29 Wendy Walmsley Pearl Hill Kate Burrell Marion Mailer Fiona Jones CLEANING ROTA (please arrange swap with another team if unable to do the week allocated) MARCH 7 14 21 28 Trevor Marshall Paul Crowe/Mikk Campbell Stephen Walker Sarah Throssell APRIL 4 11 18 25 Nigel Jones Joe Auguiste Trevor Marshall Paul Crowe MAY 2 9 16 23 30 Stephen Walker Sarah Throssell Nigel Jones Joe Auguiste Trevor Marshall JUNE 6 Paul Crowe 19 Moldova Trip with SGA We fly out Wed 16 April on 13.30 flight from Birmingham via Frankfurt and Vienna, arriving in Chisinau at 00.55. We will be picked up at the airport and driven the 2 hour journey to Balti. On Thursday the team will be divided into 3 groups of 2. Both men will preach at all services they are involved in. Each group will have a translator. The 3 groups will travel to different areas, returning to Balti on Sunday evening for Easter Monday services. Thursday 17 – Church service – theme ‘The passion of Christ.’ Friday 18 – Church service or maybe two! Saturday 19 – Church service Easter Sunday 20 – At least two church services Easter Monday 21 – The complete team will be in Bethany Church, Balti, for the morning service. One team member will preach and one bring a 12 minute greeting including translation. In the afternoon the team will visit a campsite that SGA has been involved in. In the evening the team will preach in 2 churches. Returning home Tues 22 April departing Chisinau 5.05 via Vienna and Frankfurt, arriving in Birmingham 12.50. Your prayers are greatly valued ! 20
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