Welcome to the Miller Practice In the Victorian era there had been a single handed practice at 109 Highbury New Park. In 1964 the late John Miller joined Dr. Hancock and also put up his “plate” at his home at 69 Highbury New Park. In December 1984 the then partners bought 49 Highbury New Park a detached four storey house. The lower two floors were totally redesigned and refurbished under the cost rent scheme and opened to the public in June 1986. The building is grade II listed and provides a pleasant setting from which to offer a wide range of services to the community. The Team Doctors Dr. Sharon Bennett FDS, RCS, MBBS, DRCOG, MRCGP Dr. Nicholas Brand MBBS, MRCGP Dr. Kathleen Tuck MBBS, MRCGP, DFSRH, Dip OBS Dr. Linden Ruckert MBBS, MRCGP, DRCOG, DFSRH Dr. Bobby Nicholas MB BCh, nMRCGP (Salaried Doctor) Practice Nurse Glory Smith RGN Carol Leonard RGN Practice Manager Amanda Meehan Admin and Reception Staff Ola Alex Kathy Angie Candice Carol Jennifer Dionne Seraphine Comfort Reception Manager Secretary Typist Administration & Phlebotomy Receptionist Receptionist Receptionist Receptionist Receptionist Scanning/Filing Appointments Routine appointments are available Mon-Fri between 8.30am and 12.30pm and 2.00pm and 6.10pm with the Doctors and the Nurses. Routine appointments with the Doctor are 10 minutes and can be booked at reception or over the phone. You can request to see a doctor of your choice and we recommend that you stay with the same doctor during a particular episode of illness. Demand for appointments is high. PLEASE RING TO CANCEL ANY APPOINTMENTS YOU CANNOT KEEP OR NO LONGER REQUIRE SO THAT OTHER PATIENTS CAN MAKE USE OF THE TIME. ‘Please be aware that you can book a DOUBLE appointment if you think this is necessary. This may be useful if you have more problems to discuss or if you are being accompanied by an interpreter’ Partners Appointment Times Please note this is the normal schedule which will change due to annual leave, sickness or other commitments. The table shows a Doctor’s availability for routine appointments. Sessions appear blank due to other duties such as development checks, visiting doctor and the quick access surgery. Dr.Bennett Dr.Brand Dr.Tuck Dr.Ruckert Dr.Nicholas (Salaried GP) Monday am/pm am/pm am/pm pm am Tuesday am/pm pm am/pm Wednesday Thursday Friday am/pm pm am am am am pm am am/pm Saturday Morning Appointments There are now a limited number of bookable appointments available on a Saturday morning from 8am. These appointments must be booked in advance. We will not be open as per normal business. The door will be locked and opened only to those patients who have an appointment. There is no quick access walk in surgery and no appointments available on the day. The telephones will remain switched over to our out of hours service. Quick Access Appointments Quick access appointments are available each weekday morning. These are 5 minute appointments for one issue only and are bookable on the day between 8.30am and 10.30am either by phone or by attending in person. Demand is usually high and slots are given on a first come first served basis. You must call or arrive before 10am otherwise it may not be possible to see you. You can come back the following day or ask reception staff for advice. Urgent Appointments Each evening there are a limited number of urgent appointments. Out of Hours If you need to contact a doctor when the practice is closed please call our emergency line on 020 7226 3214 where you will be given details of our opening times and where to call when we are closed. Between 6.30 in the evening and 8.00 in the morning, and during the weekend and bank holidays, cover is provided by the 111 service so please call 111. Advice Calls We have a Doctor available for advice calls and telephone consultations each morning. Please call reception who will pass on your details to the Doctor who will return the call. Home visits If you think that a home visit by the doctor may be needed please call the surgery between 9.00am and 11.00am. One of the doctors will call you back and decide whether a visit is necessary. Family/Personal Doctor Patients often ask if they can be registered with a particular Doctor. With respect to registration we normally share out patients so that each partner has a similar number. You are still able to make appointments with any of the Doctors and refer to a particular Doctor as your ‘family’ or ‘personal’ Doctor if you wish and can make subsequent appointments with them. Travel Vaccinations Appointments can be made with our nurses for travel advice and vaccinations. We are a registered yellow fever vaccination centre. There is a charge for some vaccinations, please check with reception. Blood Tests If one of the doctors has asked you to have a blood test, you may attend on a Tuesday Wednesday and Friday bewtween 8.30am and 9am. No appointment is necessary. The doctor will give you a form which you must bring with you. On arriving at the surgery please put you name on the list at the reception desk and you will be called in turn. Test Results If you have been asked to call the surgery to obtain test results, please call after 2pm when we are a little less busy. Well baby/Child health Clinics These are held each Tuesday between 2.00pm and 3.45pm. If the child is brought to the clinic by someone other than the parents, then we must have a signed letter from the parents consenting to the specific vaccinations being given. A doctor and a health visitor will see children for development assessments by appointment. A health visitor is also available for advice and support without the need for an appointment. Due to the heavy demand an appointment system is in place for children’s vaccinations. Immunisations Vaccinations for babies and children are done during the vaccinations clinics on a Tuesday and Thursday afternoon by appointment only, you can also book a routine appointment with a nurse on any other day. Please note that if your child is accompanied by someone other than a parent e.g. nanny or grandparent, they must bring a letter of consent signed by a parent giving clear consent to the vaccinations otherwise we will not be able to immunise your child. We need a new letter for each appointment. Teaching The Miller Practice has a firm commitment to teaching and close links exist with the University College Hospital and Royal Free Hospital medical schools. Occasionally you may be asked if you mind a medical or nursing student being present during your consultation. You have the right to refuse this. If you would be prepared to come to the surgery especially to help with the training of medical students please give your name to one of our reception staff. GP Registrar In order to practice as a GP in this country experienced hospital doctors must undergo a year as a GP registrar at a training practice. There are normally two GP registrars attached to the practice and are available for consultations. Repeat Prescription Service This is normally only available if you have a computer printout from a previous prescription from the surgery. Only items printed on the counterfoil can be prescribed as repeat items. You may be asked to make an appointment to have your medication reviewed at intervals. Unless a specific arrangement has been made we do not accept repeat requests via the telephone or fax. Repeat requests can be posted or handed into reception (there is a letterbox in the door to the right of the reception desk). Please enclose a stamped address envelope if you would like the prescription posted to you. Please allow two working days for your repeat prescription to be processed. PLEASE ALSO USE THE RIGHT HAND SIDE OF THE PRESCRIPTION TO INDICATE THE ITEMS REQUIRED. Minor Ailments Scheme This is for minor conditions than can be self treated with medication available over the counter from your local pharmacy. You can obtain advice from selected pharmacists and free medication if you are normally exempt from prescription charges. Ask at reception for a voucher. The vouchers are valid for 3 days during which time you can visit a participating pharmacist. The scheme cannot be used by those who are pregnant or breastfeeding. Non N.H.S Services Certain services such as private sick certificates and passport applications are not covered by the NHS and a charge will be made in line with the BMA recommendations. A list of such services and charges is displayed in reception. Complaint/Suggestions We constantly strive to give you the best possible care and attention. If you have any suggestions or are unhappy with any aspect of the service, please ask to speak to the practice manager who will be happy to listen to your suggestions or criticisms. The practice runs a practice based complaints procedure. Please ask for the information leaflet on how to make a complaint or speak to the practice manager. How you can help us Please remember to cancel any appointment you cannot make or do not need. Demand for appointments are high and a cancelled appointment can be used by another patient. Please do not bring buggies into the surgery (Fire Safety). They can be secured to the rail outside the entrance with locks available from reception. The practice team are here to help you, please treat them with the same respect and courtesy which you would expect to receive yourself. Please arrive on time for your appointment. The surgery is a no smoking area. Please do not smoke anywhere in the practice or in the area outside of the reception doors. Confidentiality Please be aware that many patients come to the surgery in confidence and may not have informed anyone of their visit. In order to protect this confidentiality we will not confirm a patient’s presence in the surgery in the event of a telephone enquiry. Please do not ask family or friends to call. If someone is going to pick you up then you can call them from the surgery when you have finished or inform the receptionist of the identity of the person who may call. Chaperones If you feel that due to the nature of your appointment you would like a chaperone present, then please let the reception staff know when you arrive. Alternatively, you may have someone you know accompany you during the consultation. Sexual Health Services All of the Doctors are trained to offer advice on sexually transmitted infections. Morning appointments are recommended so that any required tests can be carried out. Disabled Access There is a sloping path to the entrance door. The door is equipped with a call buzzer to alert the reception staff to anyone who requires assistance. This area is also monitored by CCTV. Consulting rooms are available on the ground floor. An induction loop is fitted to the reception desk. Registering with the Practice If you reside in our catchment area and will be living in the area for at least 6 months you are eligible for registration. You can fill out the required forms at the practice or in advance if you download them from our website. You will need to bring proof of address. The catchment area can be seen on the back of this leaflet or on our website. We do not process registrations on a Saturday morning. Patients Rights & Responsibilities Patient’s have a right to: Be registered with a General Practitioner Receive emergency care at any time from the practice or the out of hours service Receive appropriate drugs and medicines Be referred to a specialist or for a second opinion if they and their GP agree Have the right to view their medical records in accordance with legislation and to know that those working in the practice are under obligation to maintain patient confidentiality at all times. All patients will be treated as individuals and given courtesy and respect at all times regardless of sex, ethnicity, religious beliefs or personal situation. We will always endeavour to see you as close as possible to your appointment time. If circumstances have caused the doctor or nurse to run particularly late, then you will be informed. I you arrive more than 15 minutes late for your appointment, you may be asked to rebook. The practice operates a 48 hour repeat prescription service (2 working days). We do not accept requests for repeat prescriptions via fax or email. In return we ask of you: Please treat staff courteously. Aggressive or abusive behaviour is not acceptable. Patients who are aggressive or violent will be removed from the practice list. Please let us know if you cannot attend your appointment as we can then offer the slot to someone else Please let us know if you have changed your name, address or telephone number. If you are referred to hospital please keep this appointment. Emergencies Chest Pain If you experience any chest pain for more than 10-15 minutes which may be accompanied by sweating and nausea, call 999 for an ambulance and take an aspirin as this can reduce the complications following a heart attack. Head Injuries If the patient has been knocked unconscious they should be taken to the local casualty unit without delay. If the patient was not knocked out and can remember what happened it is unlikely that any serious injury has occurred. Minor Ailments Common cold and flu This may be associated with dry throat and a stuffy nose. You may feel unwell and achy and may have a temperature. The common cold may last about 7-10 days. Antibiotics will not cure the illness. Your body will fight it off naturally. Take plenty of fluids and if you have a headache or fever, paracetamol will help these symptoms. Coughs A cough is a protective action and is usually caused by mucous in the airway. It is common after a cold or viral illness and may persist for up to 2 weeks. The best treatment is steam inhalation. Cough mixtures are usually ineffective. You should however consult a doctor if: -The cough persists for more than 2 weeks after a cold. -The cough produces green phlegm which does not clear in 2-3 days. -If breathing is accompanied by chest pain or there is shortness of breath. -If you are coughing up blood. Sore Throat Almost all sore throats are caused by a viral infection which antibiotics cannot cure. Symptoms usually settle within 4-5 days with the help of soluble aspirin gargles for adults and paracetamol for children. You should only contact your doctor if the symptoms have not settled down after 4-5 days or you have difficulty swallowing. Ear Ache This is usually caused by fluid behind the eardrum associated with a virus infection. Most cases will be get better within 24 hours but it is important to give regular paracetamol over a 24 hour period. Antibiotics will not help the pain or cure the illness. If the symptoms persist for more than 24 hours and there is an associated fever or discharge from the ear you should contact your doctor. Fever This is usually a sign of a viral illness. It is important to give regular paracetamol and plenty of cold drinks. Keep the patient undressed in a cool room. Use slightly tepid water to bathe the arms and legs and let the water evaporate naturally. Repeat every 15 minutes until the fever subsides. If there is severe headache, vomiting, refusal of foods, drowsiness or confusion, or discomfort from bright lights, tiny red spots or bruises under the skin, contact your doctor. Chicken Pox A child may have a mild fever and a rash appears as small red patches. Within a few hours these develop blisters. More and more will appear over the next week. These will crust over and fall off. The child is infectious until all of the blisters have crusted over. Like all viral illnesses there no cure and the treatment is the same as for any other fever or viral illness. Vomiting Vomiting is normally caused by a virus infection in the stomach and usually stops within 24 hours. It is sometimes associated with waves of crampy pain followed by diarrhoea which may persist for a week or so. Eat nothing and drink small amounts of water every half hour until the vomiting stops then take clear fluids for the next 12 hours and a light diet the following day. If you have a fever then paracetamol might ease the symptoms. You should contact your doctor if the vomiting is accompanied with continuous stomach pain or lasts for more than 24 hours. Diarrhoea Usually caused by viral or bacterial infection and accompanied by cramp like abdominal pain. Symptoms may persist for up to a week. Treat the fever with paracetamol but eat as usual and drink plenty of fluids. Stomach Ache Most attacks are caused by indigestion or wind. Paracetamol can help with the symptoms. If the pain is persistent and lasts longer than 4 hours or increases in intensity then contact your doctor. Back Pain Often caused by lifting. The pain usually becomes worse over two days and then settles down within 2 weeks. It is important to take regular pain relief in the form of Paracetamol or Ibruprofen which can be bought at the chemist. It is also important to keep the back as straight as possible and take things easy for 24 hours. After this time you should start your usual daily activities and continue on pain killers. If simple pain relief does not help then contact your doctor who may be able to prescribe something stronger. Sprains and Bruises Apply a cold compress over the area (e.g. a bag of frozen peas) and take regular pain killers. If it is a wrist or ankle it is a good idea to raise the limb. Stiffness and bruising is common the day after but if symptoms do not improve after 48 hours then contact your doctor. Nosebleed Sit in a chair leaning forward with your mouth open. Pinch your nostrils for 10 minutes by which time bleeding should have stopped. Avoid blowing your nostrils or sniffing and smoking for the next 24 hours. Burns and Scalds Put the area under a running cold tap for 15 minutes. It may be necessary to take painkillers for the next few days. If the burn is larger than 5 inches in diameter or the skin is broken you should contact a doctor. Insect Bites and Stings The associated spots are usually itchy and can sometimes blister. The itchiness can be relieved by taking an antihistamine which can be obtained from the chemist without a prescription. A cold compress may also help. Emergency Contraception Emergency contraception is available up to 72 hours. Please contact the surgery or a Family Planning clinic. Coils can also be inserted up to 5 days after the event. Other Contacts NHS Direct 0845 4647 www.nhsdirect.nhs.uk www.nhs.uk Walk in Centres Angel Medical Services (Ritchie Street Practice) 34 Ritchie Street N1 0DG Open from 8am until 8pm, Monday to Friday and 9am-6pm Saturday and Sunday. Appointments are available for non registered patients. UCLH A&E Unit 235 Euston Road NW1 2BU Whittington Hospital A&E Unit Highgate Hill N19 5NF CONFIDENTIALITY OF MEDICAL RECORDS Your medical records are held manually and on a secure computer system. Information we collect about you is only shared with other health professionals when this is necessary for your treatment or care, for example making a referral to a hospital Consultant. Information is held on the system so that your record can be kept up to date. Information to other parties will only be passed on with your knowledge and consent. Occasionally we are required by law to pass on information for which we may not have your consent, for example in public health issues or emergencies. In order to identify local health needs we may share information with the Primary Care Trust. Much of this data would be anonymised but the Primary Care Trust have similar requirements to hold data securely. Anonymised data is also used for audit purposes. Within the practice, information is accessed on a need to know basis. Those members of staff not involved in some way with your health care will not access your data. The Miller Practice is a training practice for new GP’s (GP registrars). In order to maintain our status as a training practice, each GP Trainer must be revalidated every 3 years. We must also maintain a certain quality standard for record keeping. In order to validate this, a representative of the London Deanery will inspect a number of records during the validation process to ensure that the quality requirements are being met.
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