tenure track university lecturer or associate professor

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School of Health Sciences
Tenure track university lecturership or associate professorship in gerontology
starting 1 January 2014.
Health Sciences
Job Description and Operational Environment
The University of Tampere is known for its social sciences, and its particular research
interests include the interdisciplinary study of health and society; in its research
activities, the University addresses important current social phenomena. By providing
critical knowledge and education, the University helps people improve their health and
their cultural, social and economic well-being.
The vacant tenure track university lecturership or associate professorship is a position at
the School of Health Sciences (HES), a multidisciplinary health training and research
unit. Research at HES is mainly concerned with the health of various population groups
approached from the points of view of the individual, the family, the community, the
healthcare system and societal decision-making. The research interests at HES are thus
located at the intersection of the University’s two main strong areas: social sciences and
health. Some of the broadest interdisciplinary themes at HES include health and health
promotion in children, the young and families; ageing and the elderly; healthcare
management; and the healthcare and social services system. HES has research groups
in the following fields: biostatistics, epidemiology, gerontology, nursing science, public
health science, social psychiatry, social and healthcare policy, health economics,
healthcare management and occupational health. Research focuses on health factors,
health promotion and disease prevention; the various areas of healthcare and health
policy; and the principles of nursing, health and wellbeing. HES also houses several
research centres.
Gerontological research at HES focuses on functionality, well-being and experienced
health in old age; ageing as a physical, social and cultural phenomenon; and the
challenges introduced by our ageing society. Research applies various methods from
the epidemiological analysis of longitudinal data and registry research to the qualitative
methods employed in social sciences. Key research projects include the
multidisciplinary Vitality 90+ project and the registry study on the care and services
received in one’s final years. The research groups working on ageing and the ageing
society are part of the Gerontology Research Center (GEREC), which is a joint venture
between the University of Tampere and the University of Jyväskylä. For more
information about GEREC, please visit www.gerec.fi/en.
The HES Research Strategy is available at
HES offers education in the degree programme in health sciences, which combines an
interdisciplinary undergraduate programme and a graduate programme in either nursing
science or public health. HES offers Bachelor's, Master's, licentiate and doctoral
degrees in health sciences. HES also offers an international Master’s degree
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School of Health Sciences
programme and an international doctoral programme. In addition, HES provides
continuing education and Open University education and contributes to the degree
programme in medicine. Education and research have a strong international orientation
at HES.
General Qualification Requirements
Candidates applying for a tenure track position must have a relevant doctorate, the
ability to conduct independent scientific research, and the teaching and language skills
required for the position. Eligibility criteria should follow the University's Regulations on
Human Resources when applicable. Tenure-track positions include those of postdoctoral researcher, university researcher, university lecturer, clinical instructor,
associate professor and professor. The current vacant position is for university lecturer
or associate professor.
Recruitment-stage and promotion-stage evaluations cover three areas: 1) education, 2)
research and 3) activities in the academic community and societal impact. For the
positions of university lecturer and associate professor, an increasing number of
publications and success in securing research funding are crucial.
The recruitment and promotion criteria in the tenure track system at the School of Health
Sciences are available at http://www.uta.fi/hes/hallinto/tehtavanhakuohjeet.htm.
Faculty members are required to have a good command of their teaching language(s):
the successful candidate will thus have a command of both Finnish and English.
Studies in university pedagogy or other pedagogical teaching qualifications and teaching
experience are taken into account in considering candidates for university lecturer or
associate professor positions.
University Lecturer
The position of university lecturer may be teaching-oriented or research-oriented.
A person appointed a university lecturer must have a relevant doctorate, a track
record in independent scientific research and the ability to provide high-quality
research-based education and supervision.
Associate Professor
The title of associate professor can only be used at the University of Tampere if the
position is a tenure track position.
A person appointed to an associate professorship must have a relevant doctorate,
proof of independent scientific research and the ability to provide high-quality
research-based education and supervision. In order to be promoted or appointed to the
position of associate professor, candidates must also demonstrate that they have
experience in conducting demanding research at an international level, in providing
related education, and in academic leadership and social influence.
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School of Health Sciences
The successful candidate will conduct and supervise scientific research, provide related
education, develop the field, and participate in societal interaction and international
collaboration in the field. If the position is filled as an associate professorship, the
successful candidate will also have a more extensive responsibility to develop his/her
field in general. Duties may also include administrative duties.
The successful candidate will provide education and supervise thesis and dissertation
work in the field of ageing and the challenges posed by the ageing society. The
successful candidate will also provide education in other fields at HES. If an associate
professor is recruited to the current vacant position, the field of the position is
The successful candidate will conduct independent research in health sciences, and
he/she is expected to actively apply for supplementary funding and interact
Compensation and Requirement Level
The base salary to be paid to the appointee to the position of university lecturer will
initially fall within Salary Group 6 (EUR 3293,22) in the Finnish university salary system
for teaching and research staff.
The base salary to be paid to the appointee to the position of associate professor will
initially fall within Salary Group 7 (EUR 3799,56) in the Finnish university salary system
for teaching and research staff.
In either case, the base salary is supplemented with a merit or performance increase
based on the employee's individual experience and/or performance, and can amount to
a maximum of 46.3% of the base salary.
Appointments Procedure
The appointment procedure follows the HES guidelines on tenure track evaluation,
available at http://www.uta.fi/hes/hallinto/tehtavanhakuohjeet.htm.
Recruitment and Promotion Criteria
The appointment procedure takes into consideration the recruitment and promotion
criteria in the tenure track system at the School of Health Sciences, available at
When considering a promotion, the following three areas are evaluated: education,
research and societal impact.
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School of Health Sciences
Applicants must submit their application through the University’s Laura recruitment
portal and specify whether they are applying for the position of university lecturer
or associate professor. The HES tenure track evaluation committee and experts will
provide their statement on which level of the tenure track system the applicant belongs.
Documents to Be Submitted with the Application
The HES guidelines for applying for a professorship are available online; applicants
should follow these guidelines regardless of the position they are applying for.
Applicants applying for a university lecturership are asked to submit a research
plan on their health sciences research instead of the development plan,
mentioned in the guidelines (Item 4).
The guidelines for applying for a professorship are available at
NB: Applicant publications (no more than 20) must be submitted in three copies on
separate memory sticks or CDs to the following address: School of Health
Sciences/Head of Administration, 33014 University of Tampere, Finland.
Further Information
For more information on the position, please contact Dean Pekka Rissanen on tel. +358
40 729 2988 or pekka.rissanen@uta.fi.
For more information on the application process and application documents, please
contact Head of Administration Kirsi Aalto on tel. +358 40 729 2988 or