Dear Parents / Carers, It has been great to see so much going on in the life of Oasis Academy Immingham this week. Many of you will be aware that some of students went to the National Awards ceremony in Birmingham, for what was described as an amazing event. It is important that we take the time to celebrate the great contributions our students make, every single day, in a time when life seems so immediate and incredibly busy. It is important that we take time to stop and reflect on our achievements, enjoy the moments, for they don’t come often enough. More details about the event will follow next week. We have also had the great pleasure in taking almost all of our Year 7 students to see the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra play on Thursday. An incredible experience and it was a delight to hear so many of our students talking about their experience upon their return to school. It is important that we try to expose our students to experiences such as these, whether they consider themselves musical or not, is not of concern. It is about experiencing excellence in something, seeing what outstanding performance looks like, creating ambitions and to be equally as good at whatever they choose to do. I am sure our students were inspired by the performances and I know they certainly enjoyed hearing the orchestra play the theme tune to star wars in all its glory, conducted by a light sabre. I only wish I could have been there! In addition to this, we have been celebrating Bangladesh Week, this week. Bangladesh is one of our partner countries for Immingham on the Oasis global network. We have enjoyed getting involved in so many enriching activities throughout the week, including hosting the Oasis Primary schools, Henderson Ave and Parkwood, from Scunthorpe. Everyone has engaged so well in this activity and credit must go to Miss Coates and all of the staff who embraced the activities with such enthusiasm. I think it is important for our students to have a wide awareness of different cultures, and the challenges they face in different parts of the world. Certainly, when you hear of some the stories of the young girls working in the factories in Bangladesh, it puts the things we complain about into perspective! I am delighted our students have been able to experience so much of this throughout the week. So, as we enter into the last week before the Easter holiday, I would like to thank you all for your continued support of the work we are doing here. I have received a lot of positive feedback and support from parents in recent weeks for the work we are doing here, at the Academy and it certainly makes all the hard work worthwhile. We need your support if we are to succeed, in a world where through social media people are so quick to criticise and comment on the negatives. It is lovely to see the combined efforts of our staff and students being rewarded. Thank you! Mr. K. Rowlands— Principal Follow us on @Imminghamoasis. Parental on-line Survey—please access this short survey at; A FEW WORDS FROM OUR CHAPLAIN… Find out what’s happening @ Oasis Hub Immingham - All the latest news is right here... Hub News: We were very pleased to have raise £552.50 from our SleepEasy event in January. A cheque will be presented to YMCA Humber next week. What’s Happening: Sunday – Mother’s Day Family Service, Oasis Academy, starts @11am with chat & Fair-trade refreshments. Crafts for the Children. All Welcome Wednesday – Social Meal, County Hotel @6.30pm Soon to start - Detached Youth Work with Humber YMCA Our Message this Week: We care not to extend our works but His (Gods) Kingdom! Jackie Pullinger. This is a valuable lesson to all whom seek to do Gods Will and not their own. Reading of the week: Have the Attitude of Christ, Philippians 2:1-11 Quotes for the week: “If you don’t like something change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude” Maya Angelou “God grant me serenity to accept things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference” - Reinhold Niebuhr Prayer Spotlight: We continue to pray for the staff, students and families of all those connected to the Academy. We pray for tremendous work that takes place within the local Oasis Hub and Community. If you require any prayer support please be in touch. Keep Connected: Shane Linford is the Chaplain of our Oasis Hub and Leader of Oasis Church Immingham. He can be contacted on or Tel: 01469 550693 Website: Twitter: @oasischurchimm Shane Linford - Chaplain On the Monday 24th March, we made a Rickshaw out of lots of different materials. We got to build it throughout the whole day. We were split up into 2 teams and we split the materials between us. In the first hours our team decided what kind of things we was going to do on the Rickshaw. Myself and Jack were making the bottom of the Rickshaw. Zak and Lewis were making the wheels. Jordan and William were making the seats and gluing the parts together. As we started to put the parts onto the wooden frame, under the cardboard, we thought it would be a good idea to start putting on the wheels, to see if they would move. We also put a footrest on it so we can move it around. When we tried it out, the first thing that happened, was it collapsed on one of the wheels, so we took them off and made them bigger. Zak and Will started to paint it. Both teams went out to race them. The first team’s Rickshaw fell apart as soon as they set off. Then we tried ours, but our Rickshaw’s wood snapped at the bottom, so we ran up and carried it to the finishing line. At the end of it all we had a good day and we really enjoyed it! Adam Stanley - Y10 Build a Rickshaw This week was Bangladesh week. Mr Forrester set us a task to create a Rickshaw made out of card board. He explained what a Rickshaw was because some of us didn’t know. It is like a taxi used in Bangladesh, for people to travel in and it has to be pulled. We collected card board and wood for our Rickshaw. Our teams were divided up for the day into four sections. The 1st section was to plan out our Rickshaw, how we were going to do it and what we needed. The 2nd section was to put it together, using the equipment we collected. Then in the 3rd section we had to glue and stick our Rickshaw together. Finally, the 4 th section was to paint and finish the Rickshaw itself. In the last hour of the day we had we had to test it to see if the Rickshaw was safe and alright for a passenger to sit on and to be pulled along. Overall, I thought the day was good and I would do it again because I really enjoyed creating a Rickshaw. Takudzwa Munyika—Y10 Learning Traditional Dances Today was a great experience working with the Year 9s and 7s from Oasis Wintringham, whom we made good friends with for the day. The dance work shop was great we danced to many Bollywood songs like Jai Ho and lots more. We used traditional Bangladesh dance moves, which were tiring, but very exciting at the same time. We are looking forward to Friday as we are performing the dance that we have learned in an assembly. We hope we can work with Oasis Wintringham again soon. Molly Glover and Emily Grey Y9 Mrs L Coates - Metheringham Global Partnerships Leader Numeracy Word of The Week Area – The space inside a shape. This is calculated in different ways depending on the shape Miss K Wain Jamie-Leigh Butler, from the 6th Form, has been part of Pilgrim Swimming Club for many years and in the past two years has taught children Life Saving skills, on the poolside, as a young helper, without having one night off! This shows her commitment to the Club and the children. Due to her sterling work, we decided we wanted to help her raise some of the £1000 she needs to raise for the Gambia Project. At Christmas she was able to raise £86.00 from an envelope system and the winner won a bottle of Whiskey, donated by her Dad. Also, over the last two years, we have been selling second hand books at the pool and we have just topped the £1000 mark. We have chosen two different charities and donated £100 to each — MacMillan Nurses and Immingham Disability Swimming Group. Thank you to all who support us. Mary Clark Swimming Instructor and Chairlady of Pilgrim Swimming Club New Summer Timetable from 1st April 2014
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