I want to take this opportunity to welcome everyone back from their

Learners Today,
Leaders Tomorrow
Another School Year Has Begun—Tim Mendel, Superintendent/CEO
I want to take this opportunity to
welcome everyone back from their
much deserved summer vacation.
Summer vacation seems like a
distant memory now that the dayto-day hustle and bustle of the
school year is in full swing. As
many are aware this is the school
trustee election year. I want to take
this opportunity to thank those
who have served but have decided
to step down for their contributions
and service to the students of Park
West School Division. The role of a
trustee can at times be challenging
and difficult but it also holds great
rewards and pride. This board can
be proud of their many
accomplishments such as the
development of several technical
vocational programs; the
implementation of our unique
educational partnership with
Waywayseecappo; better
communication with all
stakeholders by utilizing a variety
of vehicles such as a new website
divisional calendar; divisional
newsletter, executive summaries
and digital signs; development of a
variety of partnerships with
community groups; introducing
CTS and apprenticeship programs;
increasing 0-5 programming in the
These are just a few of the
accomplishments that this board
has achieved. I think its greatest
accomplishment is that this board
has regained the trust of all
communities in the Park West
footprint. The new year and new
board will bring new ideas, a fresh
perspective, and renewed energy. I
look forward to working with all
stakeholders in providing even
more learning opportunities for our
A final poem for our retiring
I Resign ~ author unknown
I am hereby officially tendering my
resignation as a trustee.
I have decided I would like to
accept the responsibilities of an 8
year old again.
I want to go to McDonald’s and
that it’s a four star restaurant.
I want to sail sticks across a fresh
much puddle and make ripples
with rocks.
I want to think M&M’s are better
than money because you can eat
I want to lie under a big oak tree
and run a lemonade stand with my
friends on a hot summer day.
I want to return to a time when life
was simple.
When all you knew were colors,
multiplication tables, and nursery
rhymes, but that didn’t bother you,
because you didn’t know what you
didn’t know and you didn’t care.
All you knew was to be happy
because you were blissfully
unaware of all the things that
should make you worri ed or upset.
I want to think the world is fair.
That everyone is honest and good.
I want to believe that anything is
I want to be oblivious to the
complexities of life and overly
excited by the little things again.
I want to live simple again.
I don’t want my day to consist of
board meetings, angry phone calls,
or coffee shop gossip.
I want to believe in the power of
smiles, hugs, a kind word, truth,
justice, peace, dreams, the
imagination, mankind, and making
angels in the snow.
So…here’s my laptop, day planner,
passwords, and all my
I am officially resigning from
And if you want to discuss this
further, you’ll have to catch me
first, ‘cause, “Tag! You’re it!”
Change is in the Air
Division Office
Contact Information
PO Box 68
1126 St. Clare Street
Birtle, MB R0M 0C0
Well, there you have it. Four years has passed since the last civic elections that formed your current
Board of Trustees. Change will undoubtedly take place on October 22 and the new board that is
formed will have many new faces and ideas. As your Board of Trustees reflects on the past four
years, we hope you will agree that it has been a good four years. As chairman, I am extremely proud
of the folks that I have had the privilege to work with and the commitment to excellence in the
system, with one eye steady on the need for equity. Kids in this division are among the most
proficient in the province, as shown by our year over year success in leadership, social justice and
academic awards on the provincial and national stage. This is no accident. It takes links of people
all pulling their share of the load in the same direction. We realize that mostly this task falls on the
shoulders of teachers, but hopefully this board has in those ways that it can, been part of framing the
building of this culture of success.
2014-2015 is going to be a great year with some exciting new directions in support of early years,
middle years industrial arts, and partnerships with post-secondary institutions. Keep up the
momentum. “A bend in the road is not the end of the road…unless you fail to make the turn.”
~ Helen Keller
~submitted by: Don Cochrane, Board Chair
Phone: 204-842-2100
Casting Your Vote
Fax: 204-842-2110
A reminder that school trustee elections will be held on October 22nd. Please visit
www.manitobavotes.ca for a complete list of candidates. More information regarding school trustee
elections can be found on the Manitoba School Boards Association website at
Email: pwsdoffice@pwsd.ca
Website: www.pwsd.ca
Japanese Intern at RES Helps “Bring the World to Our Students”
Students at Rossburn Elementary School are learning about Japan from an expert. Kaori Sato has been
working as a full-time volunteer at RES since she arrived in April. She plans to stay for one year, leaving in
March 2015 to return to Japan.
With 9 years of experience as an elementary school teacher in
Tokyo, Ms. Sato knows how to plan engaging and memorable
lessons about Japan and Japanese culture. In addition to her
lessons, she runs a Japanese club during the lunch hour,
participates in many extra-curricular activities, and helps out in
classrooms wherever she is needed.
Ms. Sato is the fifth Japanese intern that RES has hosted since
2002, and her one-year stay will be the longest. Asked to
comment on what she has found most challenging about her
stay in Canada, Ms. Sato said, “It has been a challenge to adjust
to the many differences between life in Tokyo and in rural
Manitoba, but I am learning a lot. I look forward to going to school every day and seeing
the students and the staff.”
“We will bring the world to our students to prepare our students for the world.”
~ Park West School Division Vision
Building Community – Building Connections
As a new initiative toward building community, the students and staff of Binscarth
School will be participating in a variety of community projects throughout the school
We will work in close association with our Senior Services Coordinator, Val
Ferguson. One of the projects will see different class groups attending the monthly
‘Family Suppers’ held at the Drop In Centre to provide entertainment for attendees.
Another affiliated project will have our Grade 7/8 students working hand-in-hand
with seniors to develop technology skills with the hope of creating a publishable
calendar as a culminating activity.
Other activities will have our school hosting two Binscarth Lions Supper Meetings,
two community breakfasts, as well as a potential cooperative project with the
Binscarth Park and Pool.
We look forward to developing meaningful relationships among many members of
the community. We are of the belief that it truly does ‘take a village to raise a child.’
Waywayseecappo Horseback Riding Adventure!
On Wednesday, September 17th, 2014 over 200 students in Kindergarten to Grade 5
from Waywayseecappo Community School enjoyed a day of horseback riding as part of
our cultural activities leading up to our annual Fall Feast.
Along with riding horses we also had a petting farm that included llamas, pigs,
hedgehogs, turkeys, chickens, chicks, goats, ducks, and a donkey.
The students and staff all had a wonderful time. For most of the students it was their
first time riding a horse. Everyone rode at least one time. Even the students that were
hesitant and afraid got on by the end of the day. A huge thank you to the grade 8
students for helping that day and parent, Ross Wabash, for everything he did that day.
MacPhail McCormick Memorial Fund Information
This fund was established by Marion McCormick and Alexander
MacPhail and is administered by the Park West School Division
Foundation. Some of the guidelines are:
-be a grade twelve graduate having attended either BCI, RCI, SLS
for the last two years. Exceptions as listed on the application
-be enrolled in a university, community college, bible college or
recognized educational institution as a full time student;
-be about to embark upon or are already engaged in a course of
studies leading to a career in any fields listed on the application;
-remain a full time student in an eligible program (as recognized
by the educational institution attended) for all terms of the
academic year;
-provide a statement of their marks of the previous year, grade
twelve or college, etc.;
Full application details can be found at www.pwsd.ca
Application deadline is November 14th, 2014
Page 2
Lauman Scholarship Information
This scholarship was established by George and Mabel Lauman
and is administered by the Park West School Division Foundation.
Some of the guidelines are:
-be a graduate of one of the following High Schools: BCI, DCS,
HCI, SLS, SCS; and have been a resident of PWSD and a student
of the above schools for a minimum of two years;
-be a student taking a full course of studies at a University,
Community College or School of Nursing where the program of
studies is two years or longer;
-along with the application provide official academic standing;
-an applicant may apply twice: once in second or third year of
studies; once in fourth or fifth year of studies.
Full application details are at www.pwsd.ca
Application deadline is November 14th, 2014
Any questions regarding these scholarships can be emailed to
Tanya at tthompson@pwsd.ca
Park West School Division Newsletter October 2014
How I Spent My Summer
The beginning of the summer for most students means lazy afternoons with friends.
For five Westman students and 5 adults this meant travelling half way across the world
to help build a school in Kipsongol, Kenya with Free the Children. This project was an
extension of the We Day experience that the students took part in 2012 in Winnipeg.
Our time in Kipsongol, Kenya, was absolutely amazing. Everything was full of life; the
people, the plants, even animals seemed to glow. Most students have never experienced
an environment like this before.
The first day in Kipsongol we broke ground for a new classroom. We walked from our
camp to the school ground. I am so thankful we did. Before even reaching the school,
children were running up to us and singing. At first I thought the singing was Swahili,
but it was English. The children sang, “Happiness, happiness, happiness today” over
and over until we were clapping and singing along with them. The men shook our
hands and told us how thankful the community was to have us. The women greeted us
last by singing in Swahili. This entire experience was amazing. Paired with the fact that
it was a Saturday and none of the children needed to be there made it all the more special.
During our trip we went on a safari which was breathtaking, visited hospitals and other schools built by Free the Children. We
participated in a traditional ‘water-walk’ which the community gets its drinking and cooing water. The water walk was 5km in total,
though it didn’t feel like it. Holding 20 liters of water on your head with a thin scarf is just as hard it sounds. We did it once but we
were told the Mamas make that walk three times a day.
On our last day the students put together a
song for us which all of them sang. A boy
played a guitar, a girl led the song, and the
children danced and clapped. Near the end
of the song a child grabbed each of our
hands and gave us necklaces. Then we were
pulled into the celebration to dance.
The entire experience was incredible; the
Maasai culture, the food, all of the children,
the entire community and the fantastic
people who went to Kenya with me were
AMAZING. Every single thing about the trip
was special. I couldn’t have picked better people to experience it all with.
It has made me appreciate what we have in Canada and the importance of education
for everyone.
~submitted by Davey Couvier & Craig Barker
Kenya Adventures of Russell Travel Club
July 7-17, 2014 was filled with new experiences as our 11 members of the Russell
Travel Club (Emily Barteaux, Joshua Barteaux, Dana Barteaux, Kennedy Cadieux,
Tiffany Cadieux, Stephanie Judd, Christine Judd, Wesley Flett, Suzy Paradine,
Charlene Vandenbosch, and group leader Debra Jackson) traveled to Kenya.
Here are some activities our group were involved in: sleep over at Rosslyn camp in
Nariobi, drive to the Great Rift Valley, stay the week at the beautiful Bogani Camp,
Swahili lessons with a Masia Warrior, visit Emori Joi Primary School, water walk and
beading with Mamas, medicinal walk and weapons training with a Masia Warrior,
Safari, sleep over in Manyattas (mud huts) at Boma camp, explore Baraka Health
Center, visit Kisaruni (girls High School), shop at the Duka (store), and experiencing
the beautiful scenery throughout our travels. The most rewarding activity was
building at Kisaruni. The group made great progress as they wheeled mortar, carried
rocks, built walls, and worked together as a team. There were priceless memories
made as we played games with students, chatted with and learned traditions from
locals, were invited into farmers’ homes, and enjoyed entertainment by the Kenya
Boys Choir.
Smiles were contagious throughout the adventure. As the group travelled place to
place children would be sprinting to wave and greeting us with “Jambo”, which means
“Hello” in Swahili. Tears were shed as the group carried out the daily chores of the
locals. Carrying the heavy loads of water on our backs with the mamas pulled on our
heart strings as we experienced their lives first hand. This trip was a true blessing and
we are all very grateful for our experiences in Kenya. Every single person on this trip
came back to Canada with a greater appreciation for the little things in life. We
recommend traveling through EF Tours and volunteering with Free The Children
Foundation as they do such fantastic work all over the world.
~submitted by Suzy Paradine
Park West School Division Newsletter October 2014
Page 3
Career & Technology Studies
Career and Technology Studies (CTS) programming is student driven, comprised of
individualized community based internship experiences and opportunities. An
internship is a structured educational experience which incorporates productive work
experience as a regular part of a student's curriculum. Through this internship
experience students are provided the opportunity to improve their basic skills while
seeing the career skills being applied in real-world situations. Students select their
practicum based on personal interests. Students use this opportunity to explore
personal strengths, affirm interests, and develop technical skills which may lead to
employment or further study. The student is provided with relevant experiences outside
the classroom which complement in-school activity. CTS courses count as credit toward
High School diplomas. The work site does not pay interns a salary.
Shaylin Stebeleski, a participant of CTS this past spring, was a intern at the Shoal Lake
Health Centre where she experienced a variety of health care occupations. When she first
signed up for CTS she wanted to be a Lab Technician but during her internship at the
centre she realized she would like to become a nurse. Shaylin is now enrolled in the
Health Care Aide program in Birtle and currently works part-time for the Shoal Lake
Health Centre. PWSD would like to thank the Shoal Lake Health Centre for being a great
community partner, to the staff for mentoring Shaylin and having such a positive impact on her future. If you are interested in
learning more about CTS either as an employer/worksite host or as a student please contact your local PWSD school or connect with
Lindsay Rubeniuk, Vocational Education Facilitator at lrubeniuk@pwsd.ca or 1-204-821-5174.
A Fond Farewell!
Park West School Division would like to wish Trustee Anne Grabauskas, Trustee Paulette Koroscil, and Trustee Tyler Fulton the very
best in the future. Trustee Grabauskas has served on the school board for 22 years. Her years of experience with past board’s and
words of wisdom will be missed! Trustee Koroscil has held the role as both a Trustee, Vice Chair and Chair throughout her career with
Park West. She has strived to keep the board’s focus on the students. Trustee Fulton served as both a Trustee and Vice Chair with the
division. His passion for creating strong partnerships within the communities has benefitted the division.
Having had the opportunity and honor to serve as a school board trustee for 22 years I have decided to step down.
It has been a very rewarding and humbling experience enabling me to understand the complexities and challenges
of public education. I would like to thank the people I have worked with over the years for sharing their passion
with us all to ensure that all students in Park West School Division have access to the best education possible. I
believe that our school division epitomizes the words of Nelson Mandela:
"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”
~Anne Grabauskas
I would like to thank the public for the opportunity to serve on the Park West School Division board for the last 8
years. As I leave this board, I am confident Park West will continue to put the students first. I believe anyone who is
in education must put the interest of students first. Every student deserves the best that we can offer. Best wishes to
the new board, administration, and all staff of Park West School Division.
~Paulette Koroscil
After a productive four year term I have decided not to seek re-election to the Board of
Trustees. I really enjoyed my time on the board and value all of the new friendships that have developed. I
am proud of how Park West School Division serves our communities and I believe there are still many
challenges still to be tackled. Thank you for your support and most importantly, thank you to all of the
dedicated Teachers, Principles and Staff for their hard work. I have a great appreciation for your efforts.
~Tyler Fulton
Welcome New Staff!
Ross Andrew—Bus Driver, HCI/HES
Carissa Armstrong—Teacher, HES
Carly Betke—Teacher, SLS
Dallas Dufrat—Teacher, WWS
Pam Gobert—Teacher, MPS
Brittani Hammond—Teacher, HCI
Paula Hrycak—Educational Assistant, SLS
Duane Ivey—Bus Driver, MPS
Haylan Jackson—Teacher, RCI
Steven Kaskiw—Teacher, RCI
Stephanie Knockaert—Teacher, SLS
Danna Kopp—Speech Language Pathologist, Divisional
Bob Lints—Educational Assistant, HCI
Jane Liske—Bus Driver, ING
Sarah Lopes—Teacher, HCI
Rebecca Okemow—Teacher, SCS
Helen Peake—Cosmetology Teacher
Brittney Robertson—Teacher, RES
Wes Scantlebury—Bus Driver, BCI/BES
Ray Smith—Custodian, ING
Molly Tharalson—Teacher, SLS
Cally Tinkess—Teacher, SLS
Michelle Vinie—Educational Assistant, BCI
Cynthia Wright—Custodian, BIN
Jennifer Yuriy—Teacher, SCS