Conference Program - The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

‫האוניברסיטה העברית בירושלים‬
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
The Faculty of Humanities
Avraham Harman Institute
of Contemporary Jewry
The Oral History Division
International Oral
History Conference
at Then,
June | 8-10, 2014
Rabin Building
for the World Center
of Jewish Studies
(rooms 2001, 3001)
The Hebrew University
of Jerusalem
Mount Scopus
The Faculty of Humanities, Hebrew University
Conference Committee, The Authority for Research
and Development, Hebrew University
The Harry S. Truman Research Institute for the
Advancement of Peace, Hebrew University
Center for Austrian Studies, European Forum,
Hebrew University
The Liwerant Center for the Study of Latin America,
Spain, Portugal and Their Jewish Communities,
Hebrew University
The Melton Centre for Jewish Education, Hebrew
Da'at Hamakom, Center for the Study of Cultures
of Place in the Modern Jewish World, Hebrew
Sunday June 8
We would like to thank the following for their
generous contribution to the conference:
9:30-10:00 Registration
10:00-11:00 (Room 3001)
Greetings: Prof. Uzi Rebhun (Head of the Avraham
Harman Institute of Contemporary Jewry, Hebrew University)
Opening Address
Chair: Prof. Dalia Ofer (Hebrew University)
Dr. Sharon Kangisser Cohen (Hebrew University)
Testimony and Time: Early and Late Survivor
11:00-11:30 Coffee Break
Session 1 11:30-13:00
Panel 1 (Room 3001)
The Faculty of Humanities
Conflict in Israeli and
Palestinian Oral History
Chair: Prof. Alessandro Portelli (University of Rome)
Prof. Joyce Dalsheim (University of North Carolina
at Charlotte)
Conference Committee, The Authority for Research
and Development, Hebrew University
History, Histories, Alternative Histories, and
Alternatives to History: Who Can Be Subaltern in
Mr. Yiftach Ron (Hebrew University)
Metanarratives and Reconstruction of Life Stories
in the Context of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Dr. Kobi Peled (Ben-Gurion University)
Oral History and Pre-1948 Rural Palestine:
Memories of Palestinian Arab Israelis as Historical
Dr. Amer Dahamshe (Tel Aviv University and Arab
Academic College of Education)
Supported by the I-CORE Program of the
Planning and Budgeting Committee and The
Israel Science Foundation (grant No 1798/12)
The Untold Story: A Comparative
Study of Hebrew and Arabic Natural
Features Names
Panel 2 (Room 2001)
Dr. Zvi Bekerman (Hebrew University)
The Search for Symmetry: Partial Solutions to the
Teaching of Historical Narratives to Palestinians and
Oral History as
a Historical Source
Mr. Eran Torbiner (Independent Filmmaker)
Communists​, Bundists and Matzpenist​s: First and
Last Testimonie​s on Video
Chair: Dr. Amos Goldberg (Hebrew University)
Dr. Avihu Ronen (Tel Hai Academic College)
Oral History and the Documentation of
Underground Movements in the Ghettos
Panel 2 (Room 2001)
Dr. Kinga Frojimovics (Yad Vashem)
The Aims and Socio-Historical Context of
Holocaust Testimony Collections
Oral History and Gender Studies
Dr. Andree Michaelis (Europa-Universität Viadrina)
Bridging the Gap between Personal Subjectivity
and Historical Generalization: Interpreting
Holocaust Video Testimonies
Chair: Dr. Joanna Michlic (University of Bristol)
Prof. Edna Lomsky-Feder (Hebrew University) and
Dr. Orna Sasson-Levy (Bar-Ilan University)
Gendering Women Soldiers’ Testimonies: The Case
of Women Breaking the Silence
Mr. Yochai Ataria (Hebrew University)
ALL OR NOTHING: Traumatic History and Historical
ֿDr. Alina Bothe (Zentrum Jüdische Studien BerlinBrandenburg)
Gendered Voices of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
13:00-14:30 Lunch (Frank Sinatra Cafeteria,
Student Union Building)
Coffee Break 16:00-16:30
Session 2 14:30-16:00
Session 3
Panel 1 (Room 3001)
Panel 1 (Room 2001)
Oral History, Media and Conflict
Oral History in the Former USSR
Ms. Shirly Bahar (New York University)
Stories from the Village, Stories from the Moon:
The Oral and Audiovisual History of Ein-Houd
Chair: Prof. Mordechai Altshuler (Hebrew University)
Sunday June 8
Sunday June 8
Chair: Prof. Avraham Sela (Hebrew University)
Dr. Alexandra Herfroy-Mischler (Hebrew University)
Oral History and the Arab-Israeli Conflict:
Journalists in the Newsroom Remember the Failed
Mossad Operation against Hezbollah in Bern,
Switzerland, 1998
Dr. Isabella Ginor (Research Fellow, Hebrew University)
The “Golden Age” of Soviet Veterans’ Memoirs,
Dr. Gideon Remez (Research Fellow, Hebrew University)
"Fiction” as a Historiographical Source in Putin’s
Panel 2 (Room 3001)
Latin American Jewish Migrants
and Trans-Migrants: Memory and
Oral History
Chair: Prof. Judith Liwerant (Universidad Nacional
Autónoma de México and Hebrew University)
Ms. Maya Shorer-Kaplan (Hebrew University)
Between Personal Story and General Process:
Migration Life Stories of Jewish Immigrants from
Uruguay, 1948-2010
Dr. Yossi Goldstein (Hebrew University)
The Importance of In-depth Interviews and Their
Place in the Study of Jewish Education in Latin
America in a Global Era
Monday June 9
Prof. Natalia Pushkareva (Russian Academy
of Sciences) The Oral History of the Russian
Academic Community: Ways of Memorizing and
Discrimination Practices (Gender Aspect)
Coffee 9:00-9:30
9:30-10:30 (Room 3001)
Keynote Address
Chair: Prof. Dalia Ofer (Hebrew University)
Dr. Adel Manna (Van Leer Institute)
Oral History as a Source for the History of the
Nakbah: The Survival of Palestinians in Israel as a
Case Study
Session 1 11:00-12:30
Panel 1 (Room 3001)
Latin American Exiles, Transmigrants, Returnees: Memory
and Oral History
Dr. Paulette Kershenovich Schuster
(Hebrew University)
Illusions and Reality of Aliyah: The Case of Jewish
Mexican Women in Israel
Dr. Efraim Zadoff (Hebrew University)
Oral Testimonies as a Monument of
Commemoration: The Collection of the State
of Israel Committee for the Desaparecidos in
Sunday June 8
Cocktail Reception (Beit Maiersdorf Faculty
Club, room 405) 18:00-19:30
Chair: Prof. Haim Avni (Hebrew University)
Prof. Teresa Porzecanski (Universidad de la
Republica, Uruguay)
Forced Migrants and Discrimination: Memories
of Descendants of Slaves in Uruguay
Prof. Luis Roniger (Wake Forest University)
Exiles and Returnees: Possibilities and Limits of
Oral History
Dr. Leonardo Senkman (Hebrew University)
Between Autobiography and Oral History of
Latin American Returnees
Dr. Silvia Schenkolewski-Kroll (Hebrew University
and Bar-Ilan University)
“History of the Present" and Oral History: The
Case of Informal Education in the Community
Centers of Latin America
Session 2
Panel 2 (Room 2001)
Transmission of Trauma?
Panel 1 (Room 3001)
Holocaust Survivor Testimony
Chair: Dr. Danny Brom (Israel Center for the Treatment of
Dr. Yonit Hoffman (Independent researcher) and
Dr. Judy Kaplan-Weinger (Northeastern Illinois
Chair: Dr. David Silberklang (Yad Vashem)
Dr. Eliyana R. Adler (University of Maryland)
On the Margins of Holocaust Testimony
Oral Histories of Holocaust Survivors and Their
Descendants: Memory and Meaning in the
Intergenerational Transmission of Resilience and
Ms. Nava Barazani (Hebrew University)
Libyan Jewish Children in the Holocaust: Interviews in
the Presence of the Visual Images
Dr. Kobi Kabalek (Ben-Gurion University)
Menocchio in the 21st Century: Tracing the Sources
of Young Germans’ Narratives about Nazism
Dr. Michaela Raggam-Blesch (Österreichische Akademie
der Wissenschaften)
"Nothing Really Happened to Us”: Everyday Life and
Persecution of Women and Men of “Half-Jewish”
Descent during the Nazi Regime in Vienna
Dr. Carol Kidron (Haifa University)
Deconstructing Traumatic Legacies of Suffering:
Moral Modes of Being as Alternative Channels of
Intergenerational Transmission of the Cambodian
Genocide Memory Dr. Michal Aharony (Open University of Israel)
Dwelling on Horrors: Hannah Arendt and Holocaust
Survivors’ Testimony
Dr. Zieva Konvisser (Fielding Graduate University)
Healing Trauma Survivors: Stories Lived, Told, Heard
and Retold
Panel 2 (Room 2001)
Lunch (Frank Sinatra Cafeteria, Student Union
Building) 12:30-13:30
Oral History and Education
Chair: Dr. Michael Gillis (Hebrew University)
Monday June 9
Monday June 9
Dr. Aviva Avidan (Kibbutzim College of Education)
Narrative and Education: The Place of Interviews in
Educational Research
Ms. Christa Whitney (Wexler Oral History Project)
The Yiddish Book Center’s Wexler Oral History Project
Mr. Edward Serotta (Centropa, Austria)
The Centropa Archive
Dr. Jeff Friedman (Rutgers University)
Oral History Documentation of Dance Practices
Session 3 15:00-16:30
Session 4 17:00-18:30
Panel 1 (Room 3001)
Panel 1: (The Melton Centre for Jewish
Education, Conference Room, room 303)
Oral History and Memory
Chair: Dr. Manuela Consonni (Hebrew University)
Video Conference: Prof. Henry Greenspan
Prof. Alessandro Portelli (University of Rome)
On the Uses of Memory
(University of Michigan, Ann Arbor)
Distinguishing the Unsaid, the Incommunicable,
the Unbearable, and the Irretrievable
Prof. Shimon Redlich (Ben-Gurion University)
Oral History in Autobiographical Writing
Dr. Barbara Spadaro (University of Bristol)
Exploring Intersubjectivity in Interviews with Jews
from Libya: Towards Postcolonial Understanding
of the 'Italian' Past and Identities
Panel 2 (Room 3001)
Oral History: North
African Jewry
Prof. Michael John (University of Linz)
Same Place, Different Stories: Interviews with Former
Foster Children and Youth Educators in Austria
Chair: Dr. Haim Saadon (Open University of Israel and
Ben Zvi Institute)
Panel 2 (Room 2001)
Prof. Harvey E. Goldberg (Hebrew University)
Interviewing and Context: Interpreting JewishMuslim Interaction in the Maghrib
The Interviewer-Interviewee
Dr. Dario Miccoli (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice and
Centre de Recherche Français à Jérusalem)
An Imagined Past? Heritage Associations, Websites
and the Remembrance of Cosmopolitan Egypt
Chair: Dr. Zvi Bekerman (Hebrew University)
Dr. Yona Altshuler (Independent Researcher)
The Subjectivity of the Interviewer and
Its Influence on the Interview
Ms. Piera Rossetto (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice and
École des hautes études en sciences sociales)
Geographies of Memory and Beyond: Narratives
and Practices among Libyan Jews
Dr. Rita Horvath (Yad Vashem)
Experiencing a Cycle: "Historical Repetitions"
Ms. Iris Berlatzky (Project Director, Oral History
of the Israeli Knesset)
The Interviewer, the Interviewee and the
Interaction between Them
Coffee Break 16:30-17:00
Dr. Silvina Schammah Gesser (Hebrew University)
The "Subaltern" Can Speak! Arab Jewish Women in
Authoritarian Argentina
Monday June 9
Monday June 9
Ms. Ganit Eiron (Independent Researcher)
The Interviewer-Interviewee Relationship and the
Kestenberg Interviews: The Polish Collection
9:30-10:30 (Room 3001)
Keynote Address
Prof. Irmtraud Behr (Paris Sorbonne University)
"Narratives of/and Space”: Grammatical Needs vs.
Individual Choices
Chair: Prof. Eli Lederhendler (Hebrew University)
Prof. Amia Lieblich (Hebrew University)
From Tibet to Neve-Shalom: Can Oral History
Be Useful?
Dr. Patrick Farges (Paris Sorbonne University)
"Pioneers, Losers and White Collars”: Narratives
of Masculinity among German-Speaking Jews in
Session 1 11:00-12:30
Panel 1 (Room 3001)
Lunch (Frank Sinatra Cafeteria, Student Union
Building) 12:30-13:30
Memory and the Literature of
Session 2 13:30-15:00
Chair: Prof. Ruth Fine (Hebrew University)
Panel 1 (Room 3001)
Ms. Nava Semel (Novelist)
Isra Isle: The Persecuted and the Refugees
Ms. Svetlana Amosova (European University at St. Petersburg)
Narratives of the Holocaust in Latgale: From Real
Experience to Folklorization
Oral History of Minorities
Mr. Salman Natour (Playwright/Writer)
Palestinian Memory: The Wrinkly-faced Sheikh
Chair: Dr. Raz Segal (Hebrew University)
Margalit Bejarano (Hebrew University)
Transmigration and Memory: The Changing Image
of Real and Imagined Homelands
Dr. Edmunds Š¯upulis (Latvia University)
Memory Work, Identity and Power in Studies of
Roma Life Stories
Ms. Krista Scott (Sharing Stories, Australia)
Digital Storytelling in Remote Indigenous
Communities of Australia
Panel 2 (Room 2001)
Narratives of German-Jewish
Immigrants to Palestine/Israel
Chair: Dr. Judit Reifen-Ronen (Israel Oral History
Prof. Dr. Anne Betten (University of Salzburg)
Telling Stories as a Means of Argumentation:
Narratives of Youth Experiences in Interviews
with Yekkes of the Second Generation
Tuesday June 10
Tuesday June 10
Prof. Simona Leonardi (University of Naples)
Metaphors in Dialogue: How Metaphorical
Constructions and the Remembering Process
Intertwine in Narrative Interviews
Coffee 9:00-9:30
Dr. Newme Atungbou (University of Hyderabad)
Construction of History through Oral Narratives:
The Case of the Zeme Tribe, Northeast India
Panel 2 (Room 2001)
Dr. Dana Mihailescu (University of Bucharest)
Understanding the Past through Holocaust Child
Survivors’ Voices: The Input of Mnemonic Structures
Molded on Cognitive and Critical/Creative Grids
Oral History and Context
Chair: Prof. David Schnall (Yeshiva University)
Panel 2 (Room 3001)
Prof. Esther Schely-Newman (Hebrew University)
French Israelis of the Third Millennium: Stories and
Histories of Multiple Identities
Sephardic Voices: Dilemmas
of Identity
Ms. Elizabeth Krahn (University of Winnipeg Oral History
Intercultural and Intergenerational Spaces: PostWWII European Refugees and Displaced Persons in
Winnipeg, Canada, Sixty Years Later
Chair: Dr. Margalit Bejarano (Hebrew University)
Dr. Bea Lewkowicz (Director, Sephardi Voices UK, Oral
Ms. Hannah Pollin-Galay (Haifa University)
Ecologies of Witness: Comparing Lithuanian
Jewish Holocaust Testimonies from Different
Contemporary Settings
History Archive)
Narratives of Ruptures
Prof. Henry Green (Director, Sephardi Voices USA and
University of Miami)
Dr. Ava F. Kahn (California Studies Center)
Confluence: American Youth Create Israeli
Ms. Sharon Rapaport (Director of Education, Sephardi
Voices UK)
Contesting the Past: Exploring Interviewees'
Reactions to the Arab Spring
Prof. Florentino Blanco Trejo (Universidad Autónoma
de Madrid) and Ms. Maria Angeles Cohen (Universidad
Autónoma de Madrid)
Session 3 15:00-16:30
Interviewing (Spanish) Moroccan Jews in
Argentina and Israel: The Construction of
Memories and Identity within the Context of
“Telling One’s Life Story"
Panel 1 (Room 2001)
Oral History and Childhood
Coffee Break 16:30-17:00
Chair: Dr. Marc Silverman (Hebrew University)
Prof. Johannes-Dieter Steinert (University of
Dr. Christina Brüning (Pädagogische Hochschule
New Insights into the German Interviews of
the Kestenberg Archive: Perpetrators' Children
between "Nestbeschmutzer" Accusations and
Tuesday June 10
Tuesday June 10
Polish and Soviet Child Forced Laborers in Nazi
Germany, 1939-1945
Closing Remarks (Room 3001)
Chair: Dr. Sharon Kangisser Cohen (Hebrew University)
Greetings: Prof. Reuven Amitai (Dean, Faculty of
Humanities, Hebrew University)
Dr. Margalit Bejarano (Hebrew University)
The Oral History Division
The Oral History Division of the Avraham Harman
Institute of Contemporary Jewry (ICJ) began
collecting oral histories for the purpose of
historical research in 1959, aided by pioneering
Hebrew University scholars such as Yehuda Bauer,
Dov Levin and Haim Avni. These interviews,
covering a wide range of subjects (Holocaust,
Zionism and the State, and the Diaspora) and
conducted according to the highest professional
standards, have made the ICJ the foremost
academic collection of oral documentation in
Israel. Over the years the Division’s archive has
received similar collections from other prominent
research centers and private libraries. Historians,
social scientists, students, high school teachers and
pupils, both in Israel and abroad, view the archive
as a unique and valuable research and teaching
tool. Our collection of more than 11,000 interviews
in 20 languages constitutes a treasure of Jewish
documentation whose importance cannot be
For more information please contact:
Tel: 02-5882372, 02-5881703
This invitation along with an ID card grants entrance
to the Mount Scopus campus.