...... ’; ... ’i A. J, ~THE----- SYlITtl, It is hard to tell howsmall a lhc I’ PhiladelphiaPress, I~OTARY PUBLIC AND ’,,i snake must Im to be harmless. It is thb [ LOOK, LO!oK, LOOK. ~ [ samewithsin. Daily, Sunday, Weekly. (~onveyanccx’. A FANII~ ~]B~i~ls,bfortgage, A.greemonie,Btlluof Sale I~dother paperaexecutedtn a meat, care~oJ dorrectmanner. Hammonton .N.J. PAPER For the Tax of 1890. WIIICH I~ C:can and Unsensational, I TOWN OF H--AMMONTON. And Just the Paper "~OTICEI~ hereby giveu that I,y rirtne of n warrant ..t.~ l~su~l by O. W. Preuey, E~q., to make the taxes lahl on uoiln|*rored and uatenaotcd land,, and on amli to.smell by persona n.t the lawful proprh, lor~, The Prens ha. the best po~Hble orgael*ation to e~nro news from the molt Jolporlant satire@s, and who are unable to pay their rex,lu the Tows of ][amwith nearly400 corre~pondent~ in Pennsylvaola, NeW monte., Conntyof Atlantic, the Collector of todd town Jenny sod Delaware, tht~ state and near at homonews will, on WEDNESDAY. the Is cover d with a routine carefulne~ and attention to detail eel even att’emptod by any other paper. ITth day of August, The Preeahas also the be~tof correupooa~sts in all the great cities el the U:dtedStat~e,aa well .s flnaoctal Next, at the hoar of 2 o’clock P.M., at tile office of tha and ruliroad experts in Chicago sod the Went, who TownClerk, .ell the tin*her, wood, herbage, and other keep tile paper mors than abreast with event& The nohsmn,~ vf th- ~anday Pre~s are ear/*hod by voodlble property found on the premises, taxed to the contributions from those whoen nalnee are wrateu bigh under earned per~ns, to make the t&Xel and co~ta an onr lisl|t~ of great aothonl, novelJst~, es~31sts, a= annexed to their respective names, with Interest at tha well as from men of high rank In pubnc life. Tha ate of 12 per cent. per annum from Dec. 20,1890, to ~est slithers know that their bent andlellCe$ arothe the 0~y of male: reader# of the Dolly, Sonday, and Wt.ekly Press. In politics, Tile PI’I~a knowsnoother ina~ter than the peopI~, and the ptst year illMI 6el.n. aa hMbeen Block. Lot No. Acres. Tax seeu before; the marked tact tb,lt it in =ubser~leot ta ~ no political boss. It has n,, politics| amtdtlooa to for Baretow. 59 10 t SO 1 J. ~I............. tee. but looks at~er the interests of lt~ readers, and 4t ’J 2 40 delivers Itselfn ma tee Issues of the dayln t manner ’-both frank and t’,,ar elks. letting the facts speak for Clement.~amuel........... 17 z3 4 S0 t| SO selves ted (,vailing oo is,nee, but meet]IlK them all on theba~ls of fair play to all men at all t mad. Its Em:nstt¯lto,ett............ pages know no olstlnctlons, anti the rights of one class rldell,tit .... ~’~ over another are not rccogn ized nor supported. 17 Advertisements of Help Wanted,llueloes. OpportuPart 46 5:~ 2 42 I Htckman,L B ............ nities, Real Estate¯(.tc., may be inecrted iu The Prom liopkins, Chas. P ......... lfi ~7 20 00 for 0ss C~.~T ~ WoUv¯ lrelaod, II.SKearu, Samuel ................ ............ ByByrnee ....... 44 ~: 43 f:/~ 10 ~ Hatthewe,C. W........... " O) 9 00 ’". ........ 17 ... Bvrnea ~/~ {}9 By mall. postage free In the U. S.and Canada. : Heserolr, Josiah ........... 4 " 26~4j 13 P,att, SamuelFat ......... 3 Daily(exceptSunday),one~ear, . : . ~6.00 ,~ ~X~ ~O 14 6 20 Patton Est. il~tl.) ......... Daily (except Sunday), coo month ..... 7~50 R.on. Oeorg............... l~lulllca.d. Daily (Inrlndlng Snndey), one year, . Bvrne~ .(kS . .... 4 Rne, Jennie ............. ]}ai]~" (Inclodlng Suiiday), one mouth, "II 20 3 (~ 2.00 Taylor, I~chard ........... l ~tlnduy. one year, ........ 33 li~) 4 4ti 1.00 Vmelacd Cranberry Co. 19 "W’eekly Pro as. one year, ..... Wonderful Flesh Producer. , ~ny have gained one pound ]p*r day by its use. Scott’s ]r~mulsionis not a secret ~aody. It contains the stimula¢,hg properties of the Hypophosl~tea ]tu4 pure Norwegian Cod ~ver Oil, the potency of both l~Mnglargely increased:It is used ~l~ Physicialmall over the wens. i PALATABLE AS MILK. JONES’ MARKET .v Salt[ by all Dr=~g~ts. ~TT & BJWN~" ¯ Chemists. N.Y. ............near~ 14..... ~; ChuB....: ol0ord Jooatl ............ ¯ Good Steaks at 10 cents. ThePress Company, Limited, PHILADELPHIA. PA. HUMPHREYS’ VETERIN~YSPECiflGS l %Veikcl,Orlando............ It; V;barton, J ............... "’2 tO lC and Chart ~ent Free. ~U~ Fevers,Congest Ione~Inflamma|4on ~.A, ~ t~plnal Meningitis. Dlllk Fever. ]~.B.n~tralns, Lameness, Rheumatism. ~,C,~Dtstemper, Nusal Discharges. ),D.--liots or Grubs, Worms. ]~ou~k~, lleaves, Pneumonia. F.~CoIle or (;ripeu, Bellyache. ~/~,--Miacar,’lage, llemorrhasea. ~.H.~Urluary and l£idne}" Dlselse|. [,|.~Eruptlve DI.eaaea, 91anse. |.]K.--Dlseaaea of DI~gestlon, Paralysis. tangle Bottle (over 50 dom~s), - .60 ~$able Case, with Specie, ~nnual, Veterlaary cure Oil and Medlcstor, ~’~.00 ~ar Veterinary Cure Oil, - o I.O0 ~ Campaignof 1892. furnished at the Editor of REPUBmC~.Call and get our figures for anything of the kind wanted, whether literary, religious, trade, or any other sort of periodical. ’ 5oum Jersey .................. A.ll that tractor parcel of ]and nnd premises hereinafler particularly described, situate, lying aud being In theTownshlp of Buena Vista In the county of Atlantmand State of ~New ~ersey, buuuded as renews, t~ wit : ¯ Beglnnh,g at the luterscctton of the centers of Summer and Central roads, and extending along the centre nf Sunnner road, north, eighty-two degrees, west eighty rods to laud mow or latc of one l)alot, nnd at right angles thereto between parallel lines iu length or depth southwardly forty rods, coutalnlng twenly acres of lurid, strict measure, being the same premises conveyed to Mary J. Serib ner by Charles K¯ Landisand wlfo. bv decxl recorded tn Lther 38 of Detds for Atlautio LeadingBaptistPaper... ¯ SKERIFF’8 SALE. Whichenables us to offer tb~,t splendid journal (regular subscription price, $1 pr year) and the REPUBLICAN toe one year 1.°5 $2.25 Total, " ~’ We furnish "New Process." both papers one year for $1’25~)ff Subscriptiona may begin at any time, This is the moat liberal combination offer ever made in the United States, aad every reader of the REPU~LICA.~ should take advantage of it at once. Addre~ all orders ¯ By vlrtueof/awrlt of tlcrafacloston)edl" reeled, l&~ued (~ut of the New J,~rsey CourtuOf Chancery. wilj¢’be aohi at public vendue, o / ~ t ta to the South Jersey ............... Republle~ll. FORSALE-I~- HANINIONTON BY t ¢ - Successor to J. D. Fairchild, Dealer in Groceries, lour, l~:~Goods Supplies Generally. delivered, and orders taken For Boils, Hot Tumor.% Ulccrs, :Fistulas, Okl Sores, Itching Eruption.% Chafing or Scald Head. It is ~nfalliblc. I%r htftamed or Caked Brcasts ,~,! Sore Nipples. ]t is inva~ablc. Price, 5° Cents. Trial size, 25 Cents~ S,,td I,r ra-uggi.t~,nrsent |,o~t-p#ld ~nlccell,t ,,r price. Ht:~ll RKrs’~F.D.fO., | t ] &| ] S ~llllsm fit*s NEW~’~OR CURES PILES. J. S. TttAYER, at your d oor~ Hammonton,N. J: Plans,.~penificat;nns, aud Estimates furnished. ,lobbing promptly attended to. ’ ,%. Chttirman Newspaper Advertising Bureau, 10 Spru, oe St., New York. ~end 1Oot~, for $O0-Pago pamphl~;. ,-! /: /! of th,’ tnmnimouslv ~A,r.9.|i()tl;ll c]cctcd price, ravel able terms. Republi.Qaa 3"O L~ N ATKINsoN, 2~For particulars, inquire at the R~PUBLICA~ office ~ovcr the post-office. Tailor, Dr. S,,conti Stt cer andBellevae Ave,, J. A. :<.::’ i Waas~ RESIDRNT i~ammont(,n. enming C:ttl]]);li2tl¯ of prcntiuats at thelowestprices \ ~Vo~ice. \ ¯ / / / ~ I t~ , tm vrtm~ "lkNll:mt’ 1’o. ,’.~a*:l:et . . J,~e. (;arden Pea "Claramr"W,.pocket l.~t~. "American ~er" ......... pc" I . ;tOeo | 1’ankhs, euroul.,rb t:tratn look ahno*t L ~kl~’~(~ i*~dSYt~ {~’.;:r.~’t,2.i;tt!¢U;ttlll:l, e~acll ~)C¯ .ct ............................................... honma packet .......................... L ~ %~/2~ $2.50 [ 5tic. ’ [:t’r:’.]’l~*:[:.’ ~ ~ ~IH/~’:l ,’-C:t2~C. ; ~et 1.00 [ PansyLxtra cho ce pr.ckct "2. ~ ~ bw~ctC~,ra"t;t,l,tco ~u~;:et. imcketl.’)e. I ~.~t~~__ ’~ )~ yly/m, n,.t,~ .f!: rnh.~criber vanhuvoVICK’~~[AOAZt."~n oneyf~o.rfrc0,~ho ordc,’~ S| II~t~l:,,;5,j,:,:~,.,,, t,;,:/~,;=w.~:l, for ooc.I P.,t.~,o will anh~llIlt to .!:’)-,I,0(}0. ~,f lhc cxhil,!li,~n will be a h...m.h ~h,.w ul dt),,.,s, fo:’ which iibcral prvmiunisart; ofl~.retl. "[rrt. l ro3cha, t, t.an.;hhtt(.s upon an ’~ ~s~.’,:-S,-nat,,r hnprv~a~al)le pltttlbrn) In-,.,~11,%’ di.~no*~tff tt~e,l~,l~u|)lican tickt:L Mr. h~,_.a[Is has a lutl)py faculty t)f :condPtlsll’g and th-6 Republican,both for cash. %.: Garm~,nra )na, lo in tho best manner, ¯ ~:-~e~ .~T,~,~ le ItAI~ISIONTOl~, : : N.J. pt)it)ted Unitt.d .’-ttm.s I.aud C,)lumis- Sc ,ur, n,., and R~pait-ing promptly dnne. [{;t/es t,’|)~ 3q:lh~e. Satisfactiou guaran- Office Day%--Every week.day. sh)ncr by Presidcut Harrist;:l. tie is t,.i,,~ 111 Pve|’y C;tSO~GAS ADSIINISTERED. k]]own as a hu~th,r ;)qd call bt~ dependt:d No charge for eztracting with gas, when Ul,Olt t.t’tiiizc every point of vauta~e teeth aro ordered. Prospectus for 1892. The Philadelphia weekly Press. t I[0U. Thomas If. Carter, ol .~[outana, was :~l Sa~.urthty Go to JACKSON’S fi)r Best Meals A fcatur,: Shorthand, 1. Two lots on Pleasard Street, large house--handsome,with every convenience, heater, conservatory, etc.. 2. Lot on Second Strect,--fine 7-room house, heatcd,--very reasonable price. 3. Another on Second Street," --fine house--cheap encugh. 6. Nine acres on Central A~e., large house and barn. All in tirst-class order. A bargain for somebody. $, Over three acres on Chew Road. near 12th St. 5-room h~use, nearly new. Berries and fruit. A "daisy" place for chicken business. 9. A I)~etty home on Third St, ten minutes flora ~tations, in sight of four churches and ¯ new school-house,~two lots, 9-room house, heater, vines, flowers, fruit, berries. 10. Prominent corner on Bellevue Avenue ~ fine business location. 144 feet on the avenue, ]00 deep. A good house included. ]2. Twenty acres on Pleasant Mills ]~oad, ten acres of 14;. Twenty acres, w~ f~dted,-: ~-room house, 5~’i’n~;,stable, :: etc. A bargaln. ’~;~.~:~.-~;"~ : .’ ¯ : =’, ~; ..... ....... 15. Thirty-four acres, :to-room ": house, big barn, hen-house, stables, etc. Lots of fruit, ¯1.¸¸ ~::~ now in profit. Cheap. Fine 9-room house on Fair’ Tim Moui, t lh,lly Fair will be held on ¯ ~ept. 12th, " l.I t, 14 and 15th. The list ADVERTISERS canlearn theexact cost of anyproposcd ]lneof ¯ advertisingin American papers by addressing Geo. P. R.owdl & CO:, For Sale berries in bearing, good-6-room house. Cheapenout~h. 13. Six-room houseandlot ~n :::., Prospect Street, near both" ~tafions::Easy terms. & 4.. ~ , ., , /{t.re weare. n,!:lr th~ ,’::,l of J ~21y, "~VIleulb(~JO)¯s()[ .t’411111|11!~.~llt);ti re|.~f) ~’kn,l Cul))d is t,Llrl,lS,~lh=~ t;ll :t .~tliq,iy Of dHr{s[’t/F I[.t’ ~(’ItSt’*ll’~ c;tn/l~;tb" 2klld IIOWthe t.t)lint ry i- ii11 on Lhe tack To kLlt)w W]llc!~ Ot two Wi~[ be Uur I u]Pr ,)F t~l 1%’t’ St’:; ,t I( .%-JJ:tby l’.uth,)r ]htlJy ~Ic|,’ee. --A’ 1/¢eQ,#~. iu lhe \ l eal Estate tromthat State. Iu 15’,1]. he wasalt- ..m.l It hat not been our’eustomto issue a pres. pectus. A NnWSPAPUR can never tell before. ~andJustwhatsubjects will be discussed. We told out,elves in re.Sines0, however,wlth our sell-trained editorial force, andourlarge st~ff )f Special contributor,, to treat any subject whichmaypresent itself duringthe year. Our p]aus for 1892 contemplatean enlargementof ournewsdepartment,a perfecting of the other’ department’,andthn briogtngup of the entire paperto a etill higherstandardof efficiency. PR EMI UM~. TheNational Baptist is offering a llne of most attractive premiums.For,example,communionservices, organs andhymn-books,vatueble ~ooksof reference and. general information, fountain pens. Ooeof its mo~tattracnve offers i, th re one offeringto the newsubscriber ¯ andto tbe.pereonsecuringthe newname,each lumeof Prot. Drum-mond’t’ fa~Io~ ndd/bss= as, attractively boundin whiteandgold. A GENTS l]’ulldi, g, Se00ad, Third ’aa~.r0~tht"i0orl,)’ Are wantedin every Church.to canvass for (Record uewnames.Llbera| commlss]onsarc offered~ 917-919Che,tnutStreet, Philadelphia. Past oxperlencehas shownthat a goodly num- For )’ears arl annual enrulmcntof morethan ber of newnamescan be quickly gatheredby a a thm~nd~lndents. 12~t studclats last year. A Facultyof thirty Iq~clalt~t~. good agent. THE PRICE Morning, Afternoon and Ntght Se~loWl. Frcnch~ Is 8~ per-year, in advance;- bendfor sample .... I’dV~tCCIa.~slu Gel’Rla~l~.nd Falltermbegtns Mouday, August 31.ApPilcopies, whschwill be cheerfully sent. Addres, cathm lu advancenccea~try.Sitting, LIzait~d. all enmmunications to l"rocurvdc..~criptiveCollegeAuutml, etc. Clinton Rogers Woodruff, THOMASMAYPEIRCE, PH. D. Principal andFounder. ButlnessManager TheNational !Japtist, . G;~,duatCs sucCossfally a~btcd.to l~mLtio~k 120{) ChestnutSt. Philadelphia. HAiVJ:I~IONTON Contractor&Builder C mm~ttee. ,Mr. C.,tt-t~r is only thirty" eight years of age, yet he--has a)rcadv ael~icvod a bri:]iant repulation as a shrewd politician a~d a mau r,f great executive force. J]e was born in Ohio, was admittctl to tl’e bar In ~Ncbrasktt but has since t’es!dcd ilt 5Iuut:ma, beit,~ the lir~t lhq~res(.ut:ttive se.nt iu Cougrcss ---AND-----Family WITOH HAZELOIL we ge~ goods for less mouey tiiau we wou~d ~t were there no fitvorable bahmcc. ~,’ \ I \ ~:¯ lie beaefie!al ellcct }of ~.--~5"ment in Cash need not be explain~cy, it is true, is not consumabtc,k~aouot be ¯ , I eateu or worn, but it ha~ ’,t ~r marc important functiott. ~loucy is)the isle oil trade. Where tno,a¢~" is plctny busiuc.~s is active and enterprise awake. Whure money is "tight" industry cta~natcs. So our country should wclc,~me a i . . fitvorable ba!ance of trade, and It should welcome the Amerl(~u ponce of l’rot~cties, the only policy that h’ts given us a favorable balatic~ iu the past or will give i~ i~ the futnre:--:L~neric,,.tt .E,_’o~omtst. IN THE MARKET, BUY THE NewYork Weekly Tribune, regular price, SLOe ltel)ublican, quence, The Best Gasoline Stove :For only $1.25, Cash in Advance. Jersey If it be profitable for ltu individual to sell mora than he buys and thus have a balan~,of money--ritually a private balanc~z-of trade--in his fun’or, whyis it not iust as profitable t’or a nation ? A balance of trade may bc paid iu money, oriu goods and~ervices. Either i modo of paTment inurea to the prolit ot the,country in whose fzvor the baianee exists¯ It the payment be iu goods or services, then the debtor unties must bes2iz itself tosend these goods, whether of hs own or of foreign productiolls 9r perform those services. As a couse- IF ¯YOU WANT "f LeadingRepublican paperof theUnitedStates, NO, 30 Theol]ly reason for Mr.Clevcland,s " s sal..s, of its protltsor losses. HAMMONTON, N.J. ’ gr ¯ ¯New York Weekly Tribune, South to Rep ublican. ~ Tariff HUMPHREYS’ OF THE It will tell youweekJywhatis ~olnz on in the dennmi~atioo--Ea~t,West, Northa~ti South-Tne.~day, July ’-’6th, 18.)-, for it is tbe natioealBaptistp.~per,takingcog. At two o’clock In the n.liernounof r.ald day¯at ntzanreto the u~tcrmostbordersdf ourdcaom~the hotel nf %ViillantSoluPl~.in J:[uenli. %’lsttt, L h lower. We want your trade, and are willing sell eheap to Secure it. The Presidential Campaignof 1892 will, without doubt, be the moat intensely 7interesting and exciting in the history of the United States, and counts people will be extremely anxious to have all the ~eueral and l~lltieal flows and discussions of the day as presented iu a National Journal, in addition to that supplied by their own local paper. To meet thi~ want, we have entered into a contp.ot with the County,folio 62. etc. ~elzed aa the property of John Jnhnvonand ~Ira. John Johnson and taken In execution at the suit of George Jonas, and to be rold by CHAILI.E.~R. LACY,Sheriff. DatedJuly 15th. 1~92¯ R,1’. TU~zI~, Solicitor. pr. fee, $7.17. THE TO READERS i :. Call and got our prices, and compare them .wifh those for the same class of goods ¯elsewhere. INDUC1~-ITI~/TS GRAND 240 -~i~~ of a writ of e "Byvirtue . ¯i rected, issued out of the NewJersey Conrto3 Chancery.will be sold at public ",’endue, on reduced rates by Wednesday, Aug. 17th, 1892, at two o’clock in the allernpon of said day at tim SOUTH JERSEYthe Court House. in May’sLaudiug. Atlantic County, NewJersey¯ cases J., JULY 23, 1892. nomination, and the thing that torced h’O.X~X[X. his re)ruination in spite of all the e11brts A. balanceof Lradein our favormeans 0! politicians, was the fact that~ in tho a balance of profits in the poehets o[ ()fir minds of the Democratic masses, he rcpres.ents the idea of Irce-tradc. The peoi):e. It m~ans that we aro ercditore platlo~mis an unmistakabledeclaration iastead of debtors, that foreign natiot,s owe us money or goods iustcad of our against, all parleyingwithprotection¯ It puts the Democratic party iu the country beiog iu debt to foreign nations. to the policy of Free-Trade "protessor~" pretend to field as colninittcd sueer at a balance of trade and say it l sweeping away every shred o[a protecrepresents no v;ealth. X’c~ those very: ttve duty¯-Itotrg George. Free-Trade "l)rofessors~’ would far [ rather sell their text 1)ooks ¢o English students aud get back ~ood British gold ¯ For Piles--Extcrnat or Internal, Blind or Blccdin~; !~istula -in- Ano: Itching or in return than usc up their salaries in buying Eezlishbooks without selling Blccdint~ of thc Rcctum. The relief is immediate--the cure certain. au)thing of their own. I"or llurn~, Scalds and Ulceration and Contractionfrom Burn~. The rclicfis instant A balance o~ trado is an index of a --the healing Wonderh~l~nd unequaled. connLtTts’business, of its purchases and of any make or grade as low as you can buy it in the city, and in many ’. Presidential you want to buy a Watch way down~ow. Weare boundto get yourtrade, if low prices will bring it. Wecan sell youa watch Fruits and Vegetable s Fresh EveryDay, : Papers and magazines ~%r~r0~se=, Cattle,Sheep,D0~~r0~.ANDPOULTRY. ~OOPageBookon Treatment orAnlma|s of all kinds, in any language, Unless 10 and ’ ,~ [,~ should be Short 12 cents. Also, the best HamsandSmoked Meats. Mutton,Beef, andYeal. Roasts, :N. HAMMONTON, 80. Very Best Steaks at 14 cents. Terms of the Press, Drafts, Chock~, and all other rom|ttances made payable to the order of vet. +:. :J ,, . ~~, ~’~ t ¯ / T~eGos~. in each case,~ill bs8(; cents. l~ltl,ger.~row,. L.Dndi°Y’w ............... .......117,~:~.~ ~o Publtsh~. ’ ’q.. ’ ~uv,* |fiNTTL~ [CONSUMPTION ~ [SCROFULA lIMIIlet N~.II BRONCHITIS ~iCOUCHS ~~ ICOLOS bUll~¢~ I Wa;ti~gD~e:~es :~, :El:oyt, O~’viIle ~AT-- For the American Home. ’Head the Republican. ,I .z., See the Prices of Meats w,,rd~. IDnch wisdunl / into a / few / Send3 one-ce~t ~t atoll, nnd a 1;st 0fbookagt~t~, and ,x~ will send you, p(~tpatd ~ree~ c~ ~[ag,tt]le¢,ttt ]~,’pPo¢l~Ctiots of 2~t],~ael’s Greatest .Pat,ill,iS, ~.~l?te¢~Tra*Mflllar~tio, i,, tho O~gi,ial b" for framing. Oil Coior~ wortl~ at least $~.oo, Com’wealth Poe.Co.,N.W.Cor.Tth & Sachem St.,i )hila. = IIl~l IF $4,00 a day Gudrar,tt’ed Ladies I1(11~ aml Gentlemen scUing our new hook. ¯ I~ I~1~ Edited by llenry Nell. ~slstcd BY RUSSELL H¯ C0.~WgL~. Over ~ ful|-page wood engravin~s. Twelve large raagnificcnt colored plates, each pnn~¢din tancolor~. A t~qp~l~lilmd~ oopyca~ bc told in every home XI~IK/IDI~ wit e ra thcrearechlldren. Titc~- "Motbcr V VltlkV ~ands being sold.¥ouogglriwrites: and I are work- B GEO. W. PRESSEY, Hammont0n,N. J.,’ Justiceof ~hePeace, NENRY rff.ll, Publisher e 11~~,/th ~t,, Phila. a~v ~ ¯ C..~:;’:~ SIv~~’tt Ofii~:e. Second a~Id Cherry Sts.: : . lhtviug ’~tackod my yard for the winter with the bost grades of.. LEHIGH To curoBdiousncss, Sick IIcadacho, Constl-2: - ¯ pation,31ataria~ Liver Comphdnts,tak0 : ; ti~u safe nttd certain rcmcdT, SMITI-rs COAT, I" [ tim pr,’p’,t’,,d t,) f,trni~h it in lar~’,. ,)r sm:tll ([It;tnt;iti,’S, ;tt, etil,)r~(*Sl [ II~ i ~] , tOi% t3 ~" LU[~P-L. LIUIUR~/Oa-,ofaIIcharmercamlo~uc~. ’° l’;vcr as any. Z ~ _P~,:_on__4%,~: ’ ",~Laa_ ~’-s.r-J ~,~c~-~r= Ve= ~ = bt c *;, ~’uTd,17~-~’6%ii-c.-:-’P r-lE’~iTt~: ii" ~ Img~l~d~li|li|B%I~I~|We haver39or- Your pattenage s.d~cit~d. ~ cent.%whichmaybc dcdnctedfrora ti~t order. rllKq~llI=H|lUll~lpIM q~ll E1 II 111 dcrs mornlng: up to wages thia rt" all the work done by nlno o’¢1o ; then cauvass to four --~old 3S copicsto-~hy." Extr~ Llbernt Ternt~ go Agentu,~C0~lPLKTg 0UTFIT YRgl~(~Addre~s Estate ,,f Peter McEwen,dec’d. Lctler- tesl amenta~ vou the above estato havlt|t~ bern t~ranted to the undersigneds all T,e,’s,-,s it~,h~bted to th’e said estat~ are "r(-que~,,,d tt, mako payment, and" those havin~_, claims to present the same wil h,,l~t dehp,’ t#, ESTIIERMcEwgs, Ex& ccu~rix, ,ff N-~WtOUvillo,N. J., or to her attorney, "%V.~l. H. BnowN,. 52S Walnut ":,:. at., Phi)a~le]l)hia, Pa. .... ’ ~"-t~ll111 bottle), ]Priec TtlRy AltE TttE StO.~T CONVF,Nt~t.NT. of ellS,or t~IZ-eo 2.3,C. |~t~r ~?~t41e*- W. H. Bernshouse. OffiCe i~ Wm.Bt, rnshouse’sotttco. Yard opposite the ~aw 31:11. I~tA~ ~l~ ~1~~ II ~ ~)lai[e.t r:)p, ct~. T~p!,cfq t~f it~mp,K J; ~M "/H,%(;S.~:~cr ~,r.. :h~:i:;<i:.:".’.TJ..?l$Mr%. - ~::; :IL~ ,,! i .% ¯ Johcny. . . . "When at hat, all woru and tired, to nut into rooms where the rural- fine ounces, having a b~-lllon value el the three figures indicate, stauding be- ashamedto showhow muchthey thlrak the poor child could run’no more, then lure is not,to be correspondingly toned ’$57,630,’000, Or a coin value of $70,: tween them. ’ The lowest frieze con- of each other;and after they ~ro marlie saw/hat hewas standing justbeside up. ,~. 416,600. California leads In theyleld rains figures of theheads of fourteen ried they are ashame4 to show how ¯ , .... the nchool-tmuse door.Ah, how glad Don’t have tee floor, wall and fur- ot gold, and Colorado in ~llver. German Kings and Emperors, b0gin,much they don’t¯ ..-uitur~. tn-~-~m=.cuverrd-,wtt h..-ma, ~,,---.-~ .......... he-~aa..~:autot. audoAo .~tudy..~ith .,-the. ’,(........... .~ing.ydth.’.~I~epiu.the.Litfle,:! .......................... hen-we we............................ ..rest, fortheticking could notfollow it terial which has a decided pattern. The restoration was completed in shall V¢ find goF’t out o-the thut ~end,.. the of--lifo--, things we hi~vo :Deer Park In ,~LIHlo~tr|. he only did his bestl" ~.~’..: October, 1890. Don’t put into a robin unsteady ~-° Three ~housand acres of wild ]and lost are thos0 we teed the hardest to 7 ,. "l’mgladhe got ridof thehorriddttle tables loadcd w.ith meaningles# ¯ere recently fenced In to a helght0f , ~’,-; :-; old thingl’ said httlo Johnny. ~-~ZSS MAUZE ]~IonAN, Of Newark, N. keep. ~’:::’ ~ixteen feet In Missouri. A htrge J., a girl of eighteen, recently oflored ] A ba~tgago car can run a~ well cn a "Ah, bathe had ]earneda lessonlbric-a-brac. number of (leer were Inclosed with. her s.ervioes as..a nurse in a !mall-pox [ down-gradeas an engine, but It takes i::i:i~,i’::~ Whenthebell~rang loudand clear, whoof all thevillage ohildren wanso The way to obtain recognition Is to ~ut their knowledge, and it Is pro- hospital ’ ’,~:~ wuon courage of the rogu- ] plenty , : ofbcicr pressure topulla trala . _ ~nothem. go ahea~ ; to qumtly, perM,tently make )osed to keep them ~here the res~ of mr :’~,~’i~, qhibk as he to hear? And,what~v~.r nurses laile~l [ overthemountalns¯ . he wlmdoing, at his work or at his one’,self worthy of It. If It comes, ~helr live& :~:~:::~ When a woman makes up her mind] Arloh man ]s an honest man no hewould .ellandgood;IfIt doesnotcome,it is i~~’. :: ~l=y,whentheclockstruck a man there is no escai~ ] ht asks to him, for be would be adoublo I~ishard to be a friend toaman to marryexe0pt |isten, glad and ready to obey. ~ow, something to prove one’s self worthy of i~=~:~: ’ to marry another we- ]knave to cheat mankind WktU he ha4 lm whois an enemyto Idmself, fro°r? ",L:~.!’~" myboy, if you don’t listen whet: I t~l It, I noneo6of la ~:i/:," .... ~!~:~,:~.~ ’-.:.-.*: parcels to the upper st<)rles of high the plants also furmsh a supply of food great extent, of incomes. There are, f~ssional work; not to mention art, v,:.z fewer gigantic decorativeintellects, but of .... or pictorial, for.which, buildings has been invented by M. T. for the auimals. The snails aml cad- perhaps, ;.’~, dice-worms have 1)articularly good apvery many more men and women of course, as well as for music or staging, Whyfast.on ye your ,." ::i’.~ .Golaz of Geneva. The letter box on petites. ¯ ,7"T" ~" The supply of phmts can tah~nt sufficient to have been remark- a ~pecial talent is required. There are, ’. ’ ::: J-i!i,~ Not by might, nor by power (Zcch. ,the ground floor has partitions for usually be found in "th0 same springs able m an age not so very long gone opportunittes at haud for study of all ¯ , !~ ~very story. An electric circuit is that the animals are. I have fouml he; we have,perhaps, fewer millionthese and manyother subjects. Since A;~rt--.from.-mo-’""-yo emanothing.(J.olm therebyclosed,_ and .a current-turns ci’i~ ............. ............... us, buttheaverage in- it isnolongertho oustomforthemes....... some bunches of mo~s and a Sul)ply airesamongst ’-’~:.~ 15: 5). on the water from a cistern, at the of Alga: quite sufficient. The Al!/w comeis probably muchhigherthanit of thefamilyto provide forthe weNotthatwo~aro snillcient of ours01ves -1 top of the building into a cylinder will need replenishing occasionally, es- was fiftyor sixtyyearsago. The men, the girlsshouldbe at least’as ’ , ". .~ (2 Cor. 3: 57. whicli acts as a counterweight to the pecially it you keep several snails, as standard of luxury is constantly creep- well equipped as the boys; and if the ¯ ’ "i~! !1, Chrlst’s Exaltation Affirmed: letter box. In this way the letter they seem to be very fond of them. ing up. A serwmt of all work is be- lines should fall to them in pleasant . .o>~:!!~ The God of Abraham .... hath glori- box ascends to the topstory~ and on The Al!~ are aquutio plants, and con- coming one of thocuriosities of a past pltoea, and they are saved the expori~-.°~.,:.!:’ ~: fied his Sorvan_t(13), " ¯ ..... themere-once of havsng to work for the~rHally the waylt drops the letters at their !~ist of deep green filaments so small age,whereas it isnotbeyond f~’.., .,:,~ The Prince of lifo: whomGod raised respective floors. Wheuthe top fiat that when alone they can scarcely be cry of the "oldest inhabitant"--the bread, they arc none the worse, but =-.:;’ ,".": ,/~. ¯ from the dead (Acts 3: 15). ~’~ ¯ fo --......... -~:-~:;-+’=~ reached tho water flows from the discovered by the naked eye, but whou authority on ull matters-that many ¯mfimtely better, for the dmolpline The God of our lathers raised up is collected in largo quantities they form young married couples used to sot np the serious study of any subject which ’~ cylinder and the letter box descea~ :: ~:~’~/:~i:~ a. velvety mass which I have heard housel~eepiag with cue servaut~ and they m.-y elect to take up¯ . Jesus (~nt.~r,. o~,, t~Its orlglnal l~Itioa, :: :~.,~::’~! lli. VITAL TAUTLY, i. Human Sufflclenov Disclaimed:. o eyes on us. 9(1.).. , ¯ , ’~,~’~, -~ .:’- ~."..~E’ * t PAINT! PAINT ,+ eubltem,. ~TIIE~ [ Enteredaa ~econd class matter ] Go to dfJ Fruit Growers’ Union. OWTOW® ttammonton,N. J., 3ely 23rd, 1892. SATURD/~.Y, JULY 23. 1892. TILTON/’ C0.’S When you buy the Hammonton Women who Paint You can buy one at a time, Paint, 3ou do not buy sevenor the dozen at once,and get a P EPUBLICA N 71CKEr.eighths of a gallon for ~ gallon, old chairs, tables, stands, sligl~t For anything that you reduction in price. etc., making them dainty m’nama:~ want in the or thlee pints for a half-gallon ; Flavors are ments, will find the Imperial For Presidant. line of nor do yoti ge~ one of those Vantlht, Lemon, Enamel Paint the best for the Rose, ¯ pac;m, ges that weigh 12 to 14 purpose Benjamin Harrison, Almond, Orange. Gents’, Ladies’, 7ounds, and containing so much Of Indiana. Boys’ and Children’s it produces the most briI-~ These extracts are well known. alaali tha~ it appears to be so liant enamel surface on new hr. For Vioo P1esident, tl,iek that it is impossible to old work, and can be used ou A line ot delicacies use it without fltinning ; but in Whitelaw Reid, wood, wicker, earthenware, or ready for the table : be) ing the Hammontonyou get metal. Of New-~h,rk~ . Roast Veal, Roast Turk0y, In all sizes, from No. 11 to 44. a full standard gallon of paint, Comes in many colors and Roast Beef, weighing 14 to 16 pounds to tints, in bottles and in half.pint J. S. Thaver is putting the last Devilled Crabs, Salmon Steak, A nchovie Paste, work on a fine house, cornur of Third the gallon, made from the best cans. OR IN Beef, Lnnch Tongue, andGherrv Sts., for Mr. Harry Smith, materials knownto the trade, Chipped Artist’s Gold Paint for th(~ lately of Philadelpbia. It is finished in and costs the consumer fi’om ~1 Potted Meats, Bed Blankets gold touches. Queen Olives, natural wood, has hot and cold water, to ~l.50 pet" gallon for honest Ladies’ Wicker Rocker, unor Horse Blankets three story portico, wind.mill and three- paint. . Salad Dressing, o pump. finished,,to be painted white and Olive Oil. ]f the purchaser doesn’t want gold. ~2.25. Two weeks without rain left our honest paint, and wants "to be Parlor Table, unfinished, to Flour. Or in our Gener:tl Assortment soil terribly dry, vegetatiot> of every honest to himselt~ thenbe sure kind’withering under the hot sun, and be painted.~has twist legs and Our own special brand "U" of Domestic to buy the lfammonton Paint, cArved=clawfeet. Ve,~ pretty. is-an excellent family flour. road-dust nearly ankle deep. Tu.:sday brought relief, in the term el rain,--soit and the manufacturer will give ~2. ~5.]5 per barrel. anti continuous down l),,ur, until all a receipt with every gallon ~old Sold 1000 barrels of it last nature rejoiced. telliug you llow to make two year. Other brands are ~%. The beautiful mgn lettering on gallons of paint out of one of House and Hcme, Hatter’s A No. 1, many of our bu~iue~s taco’s windows the ilalnmonton. It will cost By Marion Ilarland, Free. Blenton. "’O. 0." was dnne It, a tramp artist, on ’,’,’eduem Canned Goods, Dried Fruits 33 cents fi)r the extra gallon. Over 500 pages, illustrated and day last. Headmitted having "painted Pillsbury’s Best, New Crop Dried Apples, tile towns" from San Francisco to New handsome/y bout|& Contains Every barrel, of an9 Mud.is fidly One :Dollaz,. New Crop Dried Peaches, Orleans, including Hong Kong, Ciiina, 500 new Receipts, arranged in guaranteed. And then here comes Coltlnlerel,’tl and he IookMit too. NewCrop I}ried Prnnes, Paint. in :;0 slmdes,--tho be~t wearing Menus, and a Colnplete HouseThe old school-house is resting paros ever put ou the market torso lows wife’s Guide. NewCrop Dried Raisins. Bargains in the Cloflfing Dept. in its new location, alter its h)u,_, trip price as .~ l per gallon, and guaranteed across the country. Mr. ~turtevant m be a lh-st-elass wearing paint. If any The retail price of the book When you can get a good, had a difficult task to iOOVlU,.,r thaL great one slmuld not want to.pay ~,) high is ~2.75. For a limited time honest Suit for $-3 (worth $6 to print: for a good exterior paint, then work we will give one to every purbuilding, but concluded to"dtwdeanc Flour, Feed, Hay.. conquer," cut it into three pa,~’t.~, re,red the 3:1 cent racket, and get two gallons chaser of 12 bottles of Claw- ~9), don’t you think it will pay you to take it, even if you lor $1.37,. Manufactured at each to the right spur, and re united sen’s Triple Extracts. don’t really need it now? them there. Underwear LOGAL c.¯. With a large variety of goods. too numerous to mention. P. S. TILTON& C0. List of unclaimed letters rtmiMni,g in the Post Office At tt.t,nm,mton, ~N. J., Saturday, JuDy23rd, 1~92 : i~¯.1 Gt6vaa ~a Vita. lleo|~’ ~u,lth¯ j.h. :dyer. M.ry Hca(I. I’Atll DZ’t till. 2 p~ ~I ~I~a"ASXEF.SIS" give-s ltt,:taut ~1 ~ ~llTli0f and IS au infnlhblo ~__ ~Curofor l’Ilea. Priori1. ny ~Im, ’~ ~ DruggmtaormuU.N8ampk.~.,+. I,,L [] _ ~ fr~e. i[ ~,l~oI’,~lti, Address"A.’lK ~OTXC~. Persons call,aa for any of the ab,wc letters wil pla~tso state that tt i.~t. noun P. St. .lt,S D. L. Pottcr~s-housu, on upper Bellevue, is for rent, with barn aud garden. Inquire ot Gee, Berry. GO TO win. Bernshouse’s Lumb’r Yard / F0rl ki 82’ Lumber, Mill-i~r~, Win.dow-gl,,s% Brick, Lime, Cement, Plaster, Hair, Lath, etc. Ligh~ Fire Woods For Summer use. We mauufacture ’ Bsrry0rates&ffaests Of all kinds. Also, Cedar Shingles. We have just received our Spring stock of goods. Can furnish very nice Pennsylvania IIemlock " "L " At Bottom Prices. Manuf,~eture our own Flooring. Sat,st’action Guaranteed ...... L.::? ..... r,. (:: (:- -, -Our specialty, this Spring, will be full frame orders. Your patronage solicited. ¯ . Afirst-cla,s Star bicycle fi,r s.tle --cheap. Ownermoved a’wa’f~ lllhl Cd.LInot use it. Inquire at this office. The Geor<ze Johnson property, on Elev~nth Street, is lor sale nt a’real bargain. Inquire at the 12qmbhca, oilier for particulars. Onl " the lBest ! ~hb~s-ma:de-f6-Ofder iii iT/y .... Specialty, and full ,satisfaction is guaranteed. -j, ~0~ ~,II.~. Now i¢ your time to buy ten acres of good land ou Flrt~t ltuad, ]¼ miles from ~lle static,,, four acres cleared, two acres ia bbckb.~iii,.s which c,~uld ba :nude to fruit m-x: .~.a~on ~f atteudcd ,o now. ¯ Stone on the gr,ul.d h~r all buiMmgpurwIsea. I~ mjl.~t bq a~dd. as "the owucr cann,t altetvl t(, It. [t, qqirc’of .lOltN U. ANDERSON. easy. -cash nr on inatahnellts, Apply to H, E TIIAYER. Ill,ram.area. N..1. Or RooT. E Px’rgnm~N, lt)t.l t’heamu.. ~t.. Philada. ,¯ ,+, ,., ,,¯ . .% ’ ¯ .... -’:/’+.~ ’ .+ Auth,,rized Capital, ~50,000 Paid in, ~30.000. Survlns, I~$000. ,,_-.. otD,.r ,,. ,],e tDotanyother Will, , know . . tlutt ,t will do a .,:rc:,t ,,la,t~ M,.ts Dorrow Thatis Whatot.e farmer,~;l\’S |tlJl)llt Nos. 15 ,n|l ]11 iu :.tuck,~:he llttlor at $2:;. Discount (la)’s--Tue~day }riday ,,f each week¯ and will it. trunks, Valises, D. 1P, a vson, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDEI Limited. I Plan s, S ptw.i neat,one, andEsti. re:,toy {’a rnished. a~tended ~et’. H tIi~ Wo.dMih¯Ilvl. PH RF..YS’ 8PEOIFIO N0, 2,8 i,, u~. y,. ,r~ "l’h~ol0y+hlr..e#.Ill rt, v,.-,~v hit ~ :rnraonton~ iq. J, &~ldl’l~n~Ird,.i :, ~i ,,v,,f.w~¢k~+Io11..I t’llii..I, lll,~r vlsl, ,,r ",, ,,,..,.,i, ,~r_... IIMl,,+t,.l~t,I r$:,. 7,.I,I h~tt * ~ i-I.. ,,r I Ill I-,,ipM,l~ ~1~,’+,Ipt ol |,fh’e. N/:~l.:’llllL l~" IAJI.i+[l. I I II AI I= IIlll~alll $,k. N+~w %orko and Dealer in t nets, l:’ickets, etc. CRAT:ES. Folsum, N. J. Lu:nl,er 8tiwc, dt, oord,,r. Orders received by Inail promptly tilled. :¯’l*i c.e s l.ow. -= att0ntlon given (h.nn’,issiol,erof Deeds. bpsincsu. zoo= W- Justice of thoPeaco, Commissioner of Deeds, ~ez~sion & Claim Agent: l]ellcvuo Ave. and Second St., : : : I~i’.J. All bnsit, l+sa placed in mvhltndlt~’ill ba promptly altm~ded to, - ,~/’~&’~l ¯ ......... ~otary-l’ublic, Convl.yamcer, RealEstate &Insuranoe Agt HAblMON TON,N.J. Insurance placed only in the mos~; reliablo comp,mios. Deeds, Leases, Mortgages, Etc. Carefully drawn. OCEAN TICKETS and from all portaol pondence solicited. Europe. Co~a. I:~f" 15enda lmstal card order fo~ l ’.Xu~ sketch ,,l liarllmouton. Frank E. . .... [ - .... .__ _ . ...................... -. _r. BREAD -i.i "d: +:.+;,; :{ ¯ 7]! ¯.: :, oborts, rocer ,,? Creamery Butter a Specialty. --- ~’"r BEST DAILY~ Headquarters ibr Finest Grades FANCY SHINOLES i’~"~. FRESH ,5 Wait for the Wagon, Bdlevm. Ave., lian:m,,ntbn. BERRY e. ident Lawyer, luttes. 1 ersouat "I tho Master in Chancery, Notary Publio, Real Es:ar~ and l,,urauce Agent. [nsuros in ~,,. 1 ,COmllttnies, ,iud at the I{A25MO~TO1% ller~0us 0~bilily, Vi~al W~akne.~s, Box i.O+ kinds ¯ ?~rs. Mt I’..P/.¢LO.T~I. CO~r.~Y, A. J. KING-, nNl,pP’f.<| *llll I k’illlrllllli’O~ I1~ S(+ilI,’II tin+re, b’tlr the .%yrt,:r ¢’;.- .," .+grill+ fl t. No.1 i. f I ill" I)o’AI+ ;%~1ii,II t l.¢l F.I i I’~Xlil2rl i[Itfll I ,4(lith)ll. C|F¢++U. WilY,+ lilt+. Pl h;v.. ,,i .... ,hlvt.++ I Ill I +~l.fllvl+,,~ The Delaware rmit Exchml~. ~. / ii.~f IN , THEIR SEASON q t:lom Stra wbri, l;~e ~- i ,hll h lel.’ll, i.all I,i. C+A,III il;ll twri’, all(1 lhl~ ~l+,i,d.,.+ ll.l,l,i%#.ll tql ~,holt liOllce~ at Phil++tl]t. ll,hi;t prlel’s. ErrandsCOl lIWI 1%" itttclided to iu cJly. CVItI’)’ Wel:ll. Haminonton, N.J. ScJ__e~ o._2Z.~;mo... CLOVii’ilT.Iowo.at to all A Boou to Agriculture. P(,inting a Bzecialty. X,, ..+ I~IILLINE~Y. Riding Saddles, Nets, etc. Ham monton,N. J. J )IU~,ING t)roml)tlv Whips, Baker and Confectioner, Meat;s and Vegetables+ i Ma,u*flictnlor .’ ¢- Bowles & M:cIntyro, nO J~-,, A fliP, a~sortment of halid and n|achinc made,--fi~r work or driving. ’ Black’s C neral Store. ’Acme;’ will +"=’;:%~-’:+: " ,~-~+’,"+.’#+’~’] ¢,/ " WO+ ¯ ]: that + +.¯r :+. , .~.¯_7.~..v.g,~+ ~. "~ *-.p_,~+ ~-’f Of Hammonton,N. J. ~e.-| ,’* V.~I b~*-’,", rD,r.~ ttl ftt +I g"l +,M,.t l~f~)~-~’.[i? .... .... J be’. ph~Dra.gonet:i;, nit.to,l¯ v ,,ll;’I pt.dlgrt.lj m,..l ,:r,q, (if ’+i2 Jobbingpr0mpttT’ attee dedto N. J. ~~"(~I . , I: : .:~;~ Jcbbingprompt]y attended to Bellevue Avenue, : : die it Plastering and cf ~o+dsof all Brioldaying.Samph~s mumaooH, Hammonton. while ,++,~+~ ~_~~ ~~, ThePeople’s Bank ~. 1t. D(’r..,y. Repairingdone. ~~ ~~,~ Kirk Spea~,; and tern!s ~,Always a Good Stock. ........ Fruit Growers’ Union AndC, Opr,,,c On Wahner Stra-r, Hamm.ut~n. Fine loca~mn, bi~,h and dry. Prmo reastmable = E|’d BE&N, ~’++X5 t.O Mr’. I ieaL’t~ Aqeilon room. [’~erSOllN [la%’ll~g old [llrUll41|’~ l,O l’~,ll;~ll" , ]l[,’a~:t’ [i-ave +,rtlel’i’i~ ~uleh Will rtct’IVe pl’onii’.t ;tl it;till.ill. ¯ -. "After several +Z’. years’ experience "~i~,=._~O~] [ ~~,,’ith "~~~1 find that Please take particular notice of our latest contbluat ion offcr,--the South R. J. BYRx~.s,President. ¯ Jersey I~(j)ub~ican and the ]Vcw York M. L. ,lAezso~, Vice.Pres’t WeeMy7rib,me, both cue year to: $1.25 cash iu advance. We have a few~ample XV. [~,. TILTON, Cashier. copies of the Tribtme, tbr those wh.~ are Plain and Olnamental not acquainted with it. We know of DIRECTORS: no way in which you can secure so much R. J. Byrnes, M. L..l’aekaon, good reading for so little money. George Elvixm, F.lam ~toekwell, Siuce the new Tariff became a law, O. F. S.axt,m. t;. F. Osgpnd, Rio collL-e has declined in price 2t 3 per tlanilnonton~ N. J. Z. U. Matthews, cc,t., and ~u,gar 35 8 per cent. Dun’e P. S. Tilt.on C,.nllnt:l’c~ll] .;~ency reports the average A. J. Smith. J. C. Anderson. taft in thv ~eeessaries of lile at 18 per cent. Dun s rcl~)rl, would have beeu Orders by mail will receive prompt Certificat~ of l)cp+~sit issued, bearin9 attention. go,d thing to tncurp,n’ate into th~ Rvinterest at Ihe late ,,f "2 per cent. pcl a,l nublieau platform. humit" Imld s,xmuutha, and S per c(mt it hold one year. B’uildDig ~’.olS lot" Aale SHOES. i ~ -7~- Flu’n, t]l~e rt.p:lii,.d and Varni-hed Uph.nsieri~g, |),.per |lallglnff ,Miuttuase: tllatle ~) ot’*l~r. ~vVoI’K n()nl_ ~ aL ¯ tow l)t’lC~21~, aunt.;XSII foe: i,,ll ~UiM’;tUtppit+ advert,sen. Gunner: Et.vt.us. _~+m BRADFORD SMALL, THE And Leveler. ;No. 15, Price $15. t.b i, lew X’ortc City. J, " --%LSO~ Hammonton Paint Works, ~I [’~ I[I ’ Confectionery,Nuts, Oranges, Bananas,Lemons,Dates, Figs, eta Groceries. "c¯ t’4~rSt. Mark,sChurchpres,nteda brilliant s~ene,on lastWednesday evening,at’the wedding ot Mr. OLIVEII J. IIA~tM~t,L, of Pleasantvllle, N. J,, and ~TURDAY. JULY 23, 1892. Miss GnAc~ U. NORTII, daughter of Successor to A. FI. Simons, Dr. and Mrs. Edward North, of Ham. v in.0nton. The chancel of the Church was exquisitely adorned with palms, Council meettng one week trom Mr. E. Stockwell ran onn tino of spi~rkling lights, and. beaut,tel white to-night, r a potato.hook into his foot, on Thursday vestments foi- the altar. The Rector, of last week, aud has since been laid up Bey. E. B. Russell, was in his hand. ~. 2000 peach baskets, at 2JA:euts 1 for repairs. each. The Union. some and costly robes, and was atteoded II~..Insectine is the quickest, most by Mr. S. C. Brown as server. Harry Leonard Is to have a house The efficient, and pormauent remedy for the church was welt-filled by Mends aud built, on ,MapleStreet. awaiting the coming of the t~’Buya watermelon oi Jackson,and complete extermination of all vermin. relatives, 25c.a bottloat Crowell’s Pharmacy. bridal part),, Mrs. Whitmore dlscours. havehimputit on ice. the organ. PreWflllamSherlockand lamily,of ingsweet strains~on C. E. Hall’s new stem, Bellevue Philadelphia, are occupying one of Mr. ceded b~ the ushers came the groomls Ave., neatly fitted up, is for rent¯ Sturtevant’s l~ouses.¯Theydesignto best man, followed by the groom and I~Montgomery Bi~s started for make tlammontoutheirfuturehome. l~-s. Nortlh the maid of honor, :Miss home (Chicago) yesterday morning. Six boys escaped from the Reform Gertrude North, the bridesmaids, Miss IN~A handsomelittle store, all fitted, School a~ JamesburgSaturdayafter- Dorphley and MiesOsgood, and last the ibr rent. Win. Rutherford. noon. Two of them were captured,ouo b~’ide, with her father. It was a lovely (Wheatand Graham),Rolls, Buns, Cakes, Pies, etc. II~..John C. Anderson will have a at Englishtownand onc a~ Monmouth sight, as they all passed up the aisle to the chancel, the bride and groom passwindmill attachment to his new house, Junction. Wefill orders for all kinds of FancyCakes, which ts beintz built by Mr. Lawson. where the Syrupof Kluo and Rhulrarbis a ing on to the altar rail, Furnish Weddings , etc. r solemn and impressive marriage cereOur real estate meu report but sure and cffecttml remedy for diarrh(ca, mony of the Episcopal Church was Try our home-made Mince and Pumpkin Pies’ few residences not taken. A good~i.-n. d~scutery, summer comI21aint, etc. x most heaut|full), perlormed by the RecNot a patent medicine, but prepared at I~ff’We shall publish a long Sheriff,s tor’ the organ playing sofdy during the Sale of property in Buena Vista, r~ext Crowell’s Pharmacy. sacred service. The lovely bride aud week. The O. D. Club have four manuher attendants appeared to the greatest l~..Mr. S. C. Mart,no and family script pla~s iu their possession, and are advantage in their bridal: array, and for three more. They will are in their summer borne, on Main negotiating the handsome groom looked unusually Road. play "Blue Jeans,, first, "Ro~edale,, well. After the final benediction had Whatto get for supper this warmweather, is a puzzler. St. Mark’s Cbureh, Divine Ser- second, and "Wife for Wile" third. been said over mau and wile, and the Here perhaps is something that will help you out. vice to.morrow at 10:30 A. M. and It is stated that a Philadelphia procession had swept down the aisle 7:30 p.~t, Kippered Herring, packed by MaeonochieBros., firm, engaged in the manufacture of and out of the church, every one agreed l~Y’Who is to be fins. HI Sceley’s bricks, will locate at Wiuslowin a short that it was one of the most charming London,England, are a most desirable relish. succcssor ia Town Council and Board of time. The day found hero is said to be weddings ever ’celebrated m HammonHealth ? of the very best and the silpply is ton. A delightful reception followed, try a box of AnchovyPaste and Potte~ at Dr. North’s residence, winch was If going on a picnic, lt~."Bhm Jeans" is the first play to unlimited. largely attended. The bride and groom Chicken. Of course you.will want pickles on such en be put on by the O. D. Club, early in IIow many saw the "Northern September. occasion. Crosse & Blackwell’s Gerkini, MixedPickIes Lights,’, last.Monday night ? We were lctt on their tour at ten o’clock. The no~ among the fortunate ones, but they church decorations, palms, etc., were b), or ChowChowwill no doubt ill] the bill. A bottle of ~y" The Knights of Pythias Lodge, of was graud beyond Mr. Butterton, aided by the tasteALud Wlnslow, give au excursion to A.thmtic sat the exhibition Pickled White Onions would not be alniss. description, especially between eleven skill of Messrs. Watkis aud Nicholson, °’day’ Church Wardens of the parish. The /.~71a~ Mrs. Henry Valcntme, with her o,elock and midnight. happiest wishes of all attend the bridal Try a bottle of Solder’s home-madeCatsup, prepared daughters Florenee and May, are with The pardon granted Oliver 1L. pair. * * HammoutonreIative~, from fresh ripe Tomatoes, without f~rmentation. Dunkle,ot the defunctMercllautaNaHoward IIollaud has given Edw. tionalBank, Atlantic City, was received Bi~ Christiau Endeavor meeting Strickland the contract for a house, on in Atlautic Count)- with satisfaction. next Wednesday evening, 27th inst,, N. B. ~.re have another lot of those Figured Irish Lawns, a~ Dunkle is a wreek physically and will be in the Presbyterian Church, at 7:45,--a Third St., near Fairview. 12~ cents per yard. taken to his home in the South. I~ Miss Auui~ L. IIoyt is forming a union meeting of the C¯ E: societies of Hammonton. There wilt be a praise clas~ in iustrumeutal music,--piano or t’~’2k. The Italians had a grand tim~, organ. Terms|casonable. last ~aturday,--Our Lad7 of Moufrt- ~rvice, prayer, words ot welcome by the to many Pastors, hymns, report of delegates to Comrades C~us F. Osgood aud Carmel’s Day. In response C. E. Convention Harry Shepl)ard have received pension inquiries, wo reply that, according to the lute International in New York, and au address by J. tradition, Mary, the mother of Jesus, certificates from Uncle Sam. lIoward Breed, Ex-President of Penna. was an inmate of the convent ou Mount Mrs. John I~thell, of-V.i41cland, State~Union,--a first-class speaker. To was grteted by many of her Hammonton Carmel, thn hi,~toric mountain in Vales*% close with-a cousecratlon meeting, in friends, Thursday and Friday. tiue,--hence the tit~e.~h’en above.A which all are requested to be prompt In ~ood band from tl~ c~fy canoe down in ~r" Accident tiekcts,-$3000 in case the early train, and he~l)~<l t~.make the taking part. Mizpah benediction. of death,- 25 cents for twenty-fi,ur d:ly iutercsting. Ahotit 3,ff:30, the Beev2r Man~ of our people think that a hours. Win. ILuth~rford. nevolent S~eiety and as ~eehers as two-hundrcd-room hotel, or summer I~t’Mrs. W. B. Thomas has gone to boarding-house, if well mauaged aud could gain admission, atte.~x~cd High . o Ma,lison, N..l., expecting to make her Mass at ~t. Joseph’s Church. At uoon prbperiv advertised, could be .’tiled every home with her ~ot|. W. B. Matthews. lh, pr-ces.-ion moved, led by American season ; i.e., if we had such. As a real David Towser. el Mil)’:s trending, ninl Italian Satin, and l)urple rohed Imvs summer or winter "resort, we are lhr ’ -)t in two hours l"rida.v eaught 1S bluefish, bearing the cross, theu the baud, then ahead of the now famous Lakewood. ~ 4 black bll+~s, {I perch, l rockfish and 33 four mencarrvlug a statue ot the Virgin t)uly thirty minutes to the sea ; lorry eels. and Cbihl. followed by a large number minutes to Philadelphia; bul, three Mrs.W. Rutherh,rd ’leftTuesday of people. In the eveniug, fire-works hours to New York. There’s a mint of molning, via Now Yerl¢ and All)any., and music attracted tothe neigliborhood muueyin it lor the right person. "r-, tora visit in northern and western New of St. Joseph’s an immense er,,w(l el f~ fie ant at his du~r at noonday, York. (,[llzt’ns el all creeds. P,ho seemed Io lonely, and glum, and~ad ; the nice singReports froin five of the largest eujoy the cru-~h, the lights,-the went buzz,n,2 about him, led by a blue Egg Harbor Read and Cherry Street, IIammonton~ cranberry m,.adow.~ iu Ihls section ,.zive song cries of the various ~,’enders (,f wiuged gad. No customer darkened his solids and liquids, aml the ~eneral good the probabl,~ cr-p as about halt tintt ef portal, nor a sign of business was there, hum.r which l)revailed. Thou-h noisy, last 3 car. but the rims kept¯ on with ’their buzziug iL was an orderly re]el)ration, so far as Warrants w~¢t% issued by Squire about the old man’s hair. At last in we hove heard. Atklnson, We<lots<lay. lot two fellows misery he shouted "Great Scott ! I am la£v" Mr. J61m Jacobs, the veuerable covered with flies," and the zephyrs charged witil cut,lug belts, etc., in the [adler of our townsman, P. H¯ Jacobs, that toved with his whiskers said, "why Ate,on mills. ": relulned (,u Wednesday eveniug from don’t you advertise ?" Or Leave your order, and we will Call-at your house. ~. Miss Nits Chambers returned on lcu..:thy visit to his nat|re city, Richk’z~ At the regular ,necting of the W. VJedne~,hiv fl.otu a two wet.ks, visit mot, i, X.’a. It had been 28 ’,’ears since with her aunt, Mrs. N. IL Zelley, at h~ lived there, and he found nearly all C. T. U., held July 12th, the followiug was passed : South A mbo~’. hi., Iri,:nds el the long ago iu the "silent ii ltc.~olvcd, That a vote of thanks be liter "Z..cro" will ~ive another of his laud.++’ Mr. J. belonged to tbe 1st \ra. cxtendetl to the Universalist bee,sty tbr wonderhflentertammeuts in thelatfer Colll~d;2rale Infantry, participating in theuseof theirchurcb, ¯ o aud toad wh. iuehldiug the so kindb/assisted us in carrbiug out our part of ,Xu2ust, uuder tho nlanagem_ent its r, nm-erous battles, faro,ms charge of Pickett’s division, at Demorest MedalCunte~t. of the O. D. Club. On accouut of illness of the Corres, ., ~ . ot" 13sb Of over el,,ht hundred Dr, A. "farrit|.,_,tan is visith,,,, llis[ t,t’ ,L . ~r~r .. ponding Secretary, the above notice wan I i,’t old it~llllent but lift) ’fell m it roll "" "" ’ : Ha{ntnontou friends¯ of wlloui the ’e ire - " ’ ’ delayed last week. ’., ea ." C~il. Skiuuer~ . the uommander, > t many. t) e.......... re2ruc~,,.’~et’; .,._. Lll;l~b [Ale C; °11 . though, over c|gbty. 3’e’trs, old, was Lhero Clark W. Hall,day and wile, With raue"is" not ,g.a | ,i ~’:’u .h,.illth .... ’ it() ~ive the old boys a welcome. A the Norr|s hrothc~ts, left yesterdaT; Bas~ett & ~,on have several trees I re’and banquet was given them at Blen- morning tor the,i" home on Lake Keuka, of red-checked phnns, which art: loaded, her’s l’ttrk,--the youug la(liLs vicing the great grape region of New York crowded, full nf the handsome fruit. with each other lbr the honor of waiting State. Mr. Ilalliday is a brother of which are bcginuiu~ to ripen. upon them. Tim city had in 156~: but "Mrs. A. W. Con!ram , and School Com. i/aTe’Mrs. (2. H. Codtnan Fuunee, 3 t~|10 pcoi le,-today it has over 100,000; missioner of Steuben Co., N. Y. They lbrmerlv el’ IIwton. Ma,~s., now ef and. the ola geutlemau says they have are delighted with our beautilul town,-sl,nilcd his old skating and hutiting out, of the "hoys" may return soon. .Tt~titestowu. Norlh Dakota, is ~,isitiugI groonds, which are uow part olthe city. her co||snl, Rev. E. B. ltu~sell. _ ~.~_x.. The coogrcg.~t.ions of thn MethoIt was lbuud by tile records that Mr. J. dist and i’resbyterhm Churches ’.’,’ill Thelh’d Me:Jof C, Ioni(nl,rln give I worship togethcr to-murrow,iu the an excursiot{ to Atlantic City, ou Wed-I was the el lest person then in the city, wh,i was born iu Richmoml. He was ~abse,lceof Pastor C[ine.The joint nesdlty, A|lll, 10ill. Fare [r,.im flare comic;led to return home or bd killed i servicuwillbe In the Methodist Church lll0ut0t|, 90 eellts ; children, 45, by I,tudncss." They wouldn’t even h L ’: iu the nturniug, mid in the Presbyterian st.at frmn |ill quarters; and that coupk, d The Town lh,ard of IIenl,hmet ihttn ride in a street ear,--hacks were in Lhe eveniug. St|uday Schoolsin their in the Coluieil lhl,ml on .Monday ew.,respective places, as usual. hint. re-circled Dr. Edw. N.rlh llealth with high living, lie thought it best to I Win. Ruthertord, our_real estate Physlcisn. an,l c,ilbM his lutenlion t- c,,,ne home. Its was accompanied by hustler and insurance man, has come Second Street, ]Iammonton. -8evl, ral m,tttcrs r~<luiriln~ his nillc|al his htt;e ~l:lnd d’tu~hter, i.illiau; ale(, I snap bargai||s in the way of hollers aud aetb,li. Ills brother’s grluidson, yonug.Mr. l;eilj. htnd, from a ~5000 sixteen ronm houso h%’?"II,~Ul’O witli ~ I1. l’i i lill~ t~ Cu., " A)lwiu, ol Itichinoud, vchowill relnalu to ,t $400 poultry plant, and t,]l Ontho Finest h...le until curly t’ali. [ ~a~iest tet’tu~. Write him. it32S Athtutic,Avo., Atl tu;i. CIly. ~" Only five of the Doctors North were together last Wednesday evening ; and a good solid appearance thoymade. lfonry MeCully& Co.,commission mnrchauts in Philadelphia, have sold their brininess to Messrs. Ack!ey & Stewart. 2_ ...... : , /,c~ , THE WILLINO WIDOW. homely material,andIf onlyu little skill and’~table, be’ employed by the qt lr~ Dnngorous to Say ¢ompllmenta~ worker- the material maybe traus: It is vet alwaysnecessary or best ~ormedinto the meet dainty articles Thing* Imliacrimtnat~ly. "~hat we should havehandsome matori- possessing all the gra~ and’charm of ~ roving serlbe~of ’fifo ~ewYork A ale to make¯daintyandusefu! articles their morefavoredrelations. Herald Writes from Poser Count~: _A. for the homo. Articles madeof exEnA~ score of us were sitting in the shade ’pensivefabricsare not, aa a rule, veiny of the depot building waiting for the useful and in the majority of homes train, which was an hour late, when use as well as beauty, mustbe considered. Plaiu and inexpensive¯materials a yoke of oxen attached to a queerare within tile reach of nearly all, ann looking old cart turned the corner. busy fingers and brains can easily conThey were driven by a womanabout vert themrote "articles of beauty as 50 "fears of age, whowasbarefoot and well =s ~lse. But few personsare able worea man’sstraw hat. to see the manypossibihttes whichlie "tit up thar’, Buck!"she exclalmed ¯ concealed in phdn brownholland. It as she laid the "gad" on the off ox has the one great merit of bein~ washwith a resounding whack. ’*~ou able, and after goingthrough~ne prothar’, Pete, whatyouskltlshun ’round cess of being lanndried, of lookin~as that way fur? Whoa, now[ Both of fresh as ever. Stitched with colored yeas stan’ stllH" ~ashcottons or silks it takes on a very CROCHET EvoiNo.~Thls edging is Sheturned themup totheplatform, -~rtistic appearance. workediu crochet with~ fine crochet I thread¯ Makea chain of the length ! threwdownsomeBaytakenfrom~he required, and work as follows: 1st cart,andcameup amongus to In. i row.--*7 single ’crocheton the next 7 quire of the depot agent about a stitches, 36 chain stitches, close them barrel of salt. He was busy Just then into a loop turning toward the right and she was waitlngaroundwhen the by connectingto the last single, 8 sin- smart Aleck of the crowd, who was gle on the first 8 of the 36 chain, 2 traveling for a wl0e house, remarked singles separated by 1 chmwon the in-tones meantfor her to overh~ear: next, 8 singles on the following 8, 2 l "I have always said that If I marsingles separated by 1 sham on the fled at all I’d marry a womanwho next, 8 singles on the following 8,2 could drive oxen. singles separated by 1 chain on the "Is that’meant:fur me?"she asked next 1, 8 singles on the next 8, a slip she walkedstraight up to himstitch on the next, a slip stitch on the as "Are a widow, ma’am?" last of the 7 singles at the beginning; "ram.you Bin a wldder ever since a repeat from *, but at each repetition, ?To’makethe night dress case illusconnectingthe 36 chain, slip sawlog rolled over Jim nine years "trated, ta~o a strip of holland thirty before them from back to the front ago." inches long by fifteen inches wide. through the the "AndYou’dmarry again if you had preceding 36. 2d row.-Twelve and a half inches of the length single on the point of eachsquarein 1 the opportunity, wouldyou?" ~ is folded up for the pocket, leaving A last row and 7 chain beween.3d "I would.~ WhenJlm lay a d~in’ -six inches to turn over for the flap. the 8 singles on the next8, 9chain, In the house he told me to marry ~]:he initials and the bird are worked row.--* thee first of the 8 smiles, 4 again if I had a show." in outline stitch withscarlet cotton or connectto on the first ~ of the 9 chain, 2 ~lk, and the flap and square are loath- singles "AhemP’ separated by a chain on the ,or-stitched with the same. A few singles "It runs in our familyto love. We next, 4 singles on the next 4, a slip stitches of black silk should be usedin ~titeh on the last ofthe 8 singles; re- begin airl~ arid keep Jt uptothe putting in the bird’s eye. The neatest peat from *. 4th row.--Alongthe t~p grave. What’syour proposition? I’m ~ay of makingone of these cases isto plain woman,full o’ bizness, and crochet on the next. 1 chain, anever hem up the two raw edges on each 1 double do any foolln’. If you’ve got I. rode, making the hem as narrow as ])ass anythingto say spit it right out afore possiblei then run the t~o sides to’era allY" gether afterwards;this leaves no stffch"I--I don’t want to marry Just ¯ ~s to show. now," he stammered, "Don’t eh? Then what’s the use of getting meonmyUp-toes about it? Youman, you jest the same as asked me to have you, and I Jest the same as accepted youP’ "Ohl :No, no! I merely made someinquiries!" he replied.. "Theminquiries was about love, sir, and myhe,~rL’s a thumpin’ away OL-I~ ~2Y like all get out’. I said I’d marry agin, and I will. Weare engaged. n~ OKY.~CKLU c&$a CROSS STITCH AND HOLBEIN Eh[BROIDBur.--Illustration showsa border iu Whendo you want me to be ready?" ,,3Iadam~ vou have totally misuncross and Holbeinstitch suitabis for ~hehandkercMet case is made in cl~ldren’s washdresses, table covers, derstood me," exc~,aimed the young manas lie turned all sorts of colors -’~he sameway;if preferred the initials curtains, etc. and appeared to grow small. "1 ~eould be workedon the bac~ in place the design. asked you a few questions out el Thecase is thirty-six inches wideby A MOTHERAND HER BOY. curiosity." I ~ine inches deep. Seven inches are ~ t, .~Iebbothe Jury will call it curl, iurned over on each end to form the 1’he mother and boy were waiting ~¢it~ ~,d "m,hh~ they won’t. " eh, pockets, leaving the case twenty-two for the train inthe Albanystation, ! ~.id ,~~ho~.t’h~r~_~ ~nv...... ,,’Vh~vd~... nn’t inches wide,whichis then folded in the when " ]"he~u sswa "- oYalallow , .................. ~{" ~)ne ..b s’-rosen no foolln’qoundin Posey .middle. " runny ngure el anmawoman, Inrust~" ] o~,.+. ~r~.~ ~ ,^~,.... ^.~.~... ~own,acatskin muffand tipvet, and a [ . ".. , ..... black bonnet made of as re’any odds Y°r~ nee it s;;a, ninon or..aamage?. ~n~ ends as a mn~,~ie’snest, and her ~ l ma tremnnn~att over ltge a girt, ~alse front teeth ~a~kew.She kept I an’ myheart’s a trTln’ ¯to Jumpoua chewingon nothing, workingher urn- I It’s reg’lar tone or ¯ aon’t knowthe brella, and opening and shutting the road hum. You don’t leave here 7 other hand in its black glove, in the youngmantill this case Is settled!" aimless wayof old people. "BuI~ ma’am, you see-----" ’[’he high:school girls began to Jitte~ "1 don’t see nuthln’ but marrlage ~ and makejokes to each other, watel~ or damages.You’veaskedme to ing the old }adyfar too openlyfor. good haveyou.I saidI would.Willyou m,nners, oranymanners atall. __~.-marry orsettle?" Theyoungladyinthesmart tailor much?"he gasped, as suitwhogivesreadings at Sunday-oe,,How--how looked around and failed to find school concerts, smiled backat2llemflay sympathy. " " andstudied theoldcreature witha. "Wall, Saginawsalt is a dollar and satiric eye. The boy beganto laugh quietly with a quarter a bar’l," she replied, as she the rest¯ "Do look, mother; ~m’t glanced at a row of barrels downthe she funny? Did you ever see ~ffeh a platforn~ ’ "I guess the oxen can git sight?" hum with two bar’l~ Make it two i’ I’ll Toe mother glanced delicately and and call It sqhar, turned her eyes. "Poor lady," she Everybody grinned exccpt the ~ITIT~O CAS~ said. ’oung man. He realized that he was Hewassilent, considering. done for and got out of the box by "Ifi hadn’tyou," shewenton,"and planking down$2.50 to the agent. ¯ , useful article is a knitting bag hadlostallmy money,andgrieved cart was driven around lethe -whichcan be carried on the arm with overallI hadlost,in moneyand The -~heball inside while working; when friends, till mymindwastouched, and spot, the barrels loaded up, and then ~et in use the workcan be put in the I lived alone amongqueer people, I the womancame back to say to the bag and hung away. The design shows might look just like that oldwomanhowit should be cut. Twoyards of She must have been very good looking blue braid will be required for the binding,ltis left opensix inches down, "-and boundall round; belowthe bowsit is bound together to form the bag. Thebowswhichar~.put on last conceal .~e joining. FANCY WORE. ..... ¯ i" i<:,’: 2::, / .. : ¯ " :7.:L:.~ - t :7 !~’[[! ¯- A : Another cqlially useful article/s a ~ ~ ii ,case for holehngwoodenneedles used /:( ’:/ -~in knitting or crocheting large articles. For this a strip of cloth twenty-seven ~:~’!i~i~ inches deep is used, twelve of which . are turned up for the pocket and three " left for the flap whichis fastened with & button andbutton-hole. Theseare but a few of the manyuse4~1 art&tieswhichcan be madeo! this ,~ --THE--- As J, ~NIITn, ~OTARY PUBLIC PhiladelphiaPress. AND t Peter Newman,a Toms River fisherman, recently captured a lobster that welshed elxteen pounds, "That, while providing revenuefor the support of the general gov0rnment ~eds, Mortgages, Agtvem,,nta, Btll~ of.qnl ,. by duties upon Imports, ~ound pbhcy re~ n’~ other peppers executed Ill a lien1, dttrnlnl WIIXCII 15 ~’~ ~orreet nlan naP¯ ¯ quires such an adjustment of these Hammonton .1~. J. C:ean and Unsensational, importsas to encourage the development of the industrial interests of thewhole And Just the Paper country; and we commendthat p01iev For the American Home. el national exchanges which secures to ReadtheRepublican. The Pr4~shaa the beat pesslblc organization to the workingmenliberal wages, to agri,~cnro nOWBt~/’om tho mobt bnportaot soorc~, and culture remunerative prices, to mc~ with neat’h’ 400 corrt~poadente In l~eut,sylvanla, ~New Jarn~y bud Delaware. 1611stain and near at honlt~ news chanies and manufacturers an adequate Is cover-d.with It roufln¢) carefulneen and atlenl|on t0 reward for their skill, labor and ’enterdetail not even attem ~tod by auy other paper. The l)rl~aq lilts a po tile beat of corresponaents in all prise, and to the nation commercial tho great eltlt, a t)t tile Unlt,.~ldtatt s, as ",veil ~ls flnanetal and railroad exp~rts lit Ch|r#go and the V~’est, who prosperity and independence.t’--.b~-om ke~p tire paper nlore UMHIabrea~t with eventa. The colnmna of the fiurtdlty Press are emloh’~,d by the Relmbhcan Platform, 1860, on which tlOlia front those wh(,se namesarc wrltt on high ~OOT~ .o~j~ ICi]~$UP~PTIONeol~t,lbo ell OUrIIslIIs of great nuthons, novelists, e~IyIM~,S.~ .Abraham Lincoln ran for Pres/t~ent. A [ 3C’ROFULA all/)ruff.q/Ms. ¯ OOTT& BO WNE, Ch~rnlsts= N.Y, HUMPHREYS" .~A. ilr, Ds.,lloes or Grubs,Worms. ]E, IL--eoughs, tleave~ Pneamonla. ~’,]8’e--Colf¢ or Gripes. Bellyache. l~O.--Mfscarrfage, Hemorrhages. ~l.H.--Urln ary and Ki d.ney Diseases. |.].~Erupt|ve Diaeaees, lllangc. W, IKemD|aensea of Digestion, 1"oral,sis. llll~le BoRI~ (over~0 do~es), - .60 81ruble Case,wlth.S.r, eeltlea, Manual, --verzrmm’y t;ur~ ut~ a~d Mcdle~tor, S~’.0~ dtr Veterinary Cure Oils - - 1.00 6aid by ~.ul~lets I ~. t~at ~t~ald ulr~herezmdia amy qemalt,am tn~¢~lpt of price. ~l~’~E n CO.s I11 & I le Wllllam St., N.w terl~ Block. Bar, tow. J. ~f .......... ~. 1 Ball[oger, Dudley........ 17 Brown,L.~Y............... 19 Clement.,~amuel........... 17 COzens. J.lla T ............ 20 Lot No. 59 41 ]3, 16 -near 1 Acre. 10 9 20 ’-’3 45 ............... Welkd,Orlando............ V;harhm,James ............ Woolston, W. n ............. IF YOUAI~EA BAPTIST, 1 16 "2 10 I~ 5 ;I SPECIFIC H0,O Andwentto kno~r whatl.~going on inthe .worldof Baptists, andare nnt alrcady takingit~ "~"OU l’q3~l-~.D nervous DebilitY, VitalWeakness, Pros, fallen, from over¯work or other ca~m~ All IM~ ~ or ~vlall and laxge ~LI ~owder, for $5. 8o14 by lY~ggi|tl, or ~=t p(ml~td on receipt of prl¢~. EUI[PM ILllle’ lIED¯ CO., 111 & 11 a wnlt.- st.. NewTm.k. THE EXAISIINER, THE GIt Leading Republicanpaper of the United States, /!’ .. the Gourt Hen.e. to May’s Landing0 ,ktlantlc County. New Jersey¯ All Utat trnct or parcel of land and preml.qcs particularly described, situate, [t will tell you w~aklvwh~t|s eoln~on in the herelna~er Iv|rig being In the Township of Bueua denomivation--East, We~t, N,.,rth and South~ Vista¯ Inand thecouuty of Atlant~e;tnd State of for it i~ the natinnalBepH~-t paper,takingcog. New Jersey, b,~tl;~ded as/ollows, to wit : Begs nnlng at the lnteruectlon of the t’ent er~ nizanceto the uttermostbordersof ouruenom. of Summer and Central roads, at.l extending inationalrecorder; it is a alon’g the centre of Summer road, north. eighty-two degrees, west eighty rods to land now or lateof one Dalot and at right angles 1hereto between pnranel Inea lu length or Givingthe secnlar newsof the week.with pun- depth southwardly forty rods, containing tv,’enty acres of land, atrlct measnre, being .geut caitnri,ls and pa,a~raph corn tuent~ thero* tile sume pr,tniseseouveyed to Mary J..~.crlb on. besiaes sll the I~avti, t News and Note~, ner by CltnrleaK¯ I~tndlaand wife. hy deed with Outlooks on Other Devomin~fi,,os and reeorded In Llber ~of Deeds for Atlanlle religious boaies. Its Story Pntte is lille,t wi~h County, folio 62, etc. ~[tml~l his Opportunity! ]DON’T MI~ Seized tt~ the property of John Johnsmt aud serial and short storms snd a I’nzzler’~ Realm; "~oult~ lteader. The minority neglect their op l~l~etties end~rom~at cause live in p~verlr at~d die In 51r~. John Johnson and taken In oxeeutlotl aL it supplies review nrtieles, book notiecs, l~terary, ©tnleurt,yI_ !~arrc~lag despair Is the 1o, ofmany¯u the, scientific the suit of George Jontt.q. and to be sold by and aft chat, sermons, Sunday School look bac]t on lost, ~rever lost. opportunity. 11 ¯Ire lm pmt~ CHARLES R. LACY, SherllI0 ~$ Rl~¢h out. Bo up add doing. I mproveyoer oppor,uIcseons nnd educational information, has house I~,v. a~dset~ re prosperity, p¢~nflt~e:tce, peace.] t ~a| said Dated Jnly 15tb, 1~92. farm and:garden department, markctreports, I~phaolopher, that ¯’t~e ¢;oddese ¢,f F~rtuno Ofl’e~ a R. P. ’l’U~,l¯Elt. SolLcltor¯ Igoldeu opportnnity to each person at flume period of life; a rcgular Washiagtou letter,--iu ehort, tak0~ pr. fco,~<7.17¯ I’~hl’l~ e the ¢ha~cov llkDdbhopour~m:ther richc=; fall to d, into a subsrrlbing family every week ~omething m and she dep~rt~. ~n- to return." lh,w ~hall yon find suited tothointel]ectualwants of every mere. the OOLDga opportontty~ luvestlgato .very chancethat a~ara worthy, and of fair promise; that I= what all m,cthe world.knowing grandsireto the t~ss rut mendo. II ore ts aa opportnnlty, suchas In not often bar,from awakeningintelligence of the weetoddler at W’lthtathereaeh o! lalmrlnlr pe,,ple. Improved¯it will give, MIouY~ a grand start to lifo. The GOLnI£.’~ opportunityf,,r¯ his knee¯ x l=l~y la hal’~. ~l[ont, y to be maderapidly and honurably any ledustrlo~ per~cn ofeither sex. All ages. Youcan BY"¢lrtue of rt writ of fler:t faclaa to me dilhe work and Uveat home. wherever v.n are* Even berected, Issued OUt of the ~ew Jersey Court of IflnuenJ am rally earning fr.m ~ to ~10 per day. Yon Send30 eeuts andtry it for the monthsof 0¢- Chancery, w!ll be sohl at public venduc, on do as well If youwill work¯ Im~too hard but Ind=strt. and December; then if you’re ~ty "* alld yon ~ Increase your il)cotnoas yell I~)nD. YOn taber, November Tuesday, July 26th, 1892, t~lt give spare t/meonly, or all your timeto thework. Ea~r .pleaeed, we’ll beglad to haveyou beck, men At tWO o’el,~ek it] Lhe afternoon of mtld dny,at lear~Oapttal not. req.u|red. Westart you. All is com. yearly suoseribe~ato ur regular price of Two INleatlvely new add resxy wonderful¯ Wo Insnmct and the h(~tni ot Wllihtm Sonaers, In l~uemt Vista, Dollars. Address IIIOW/onhow. l~rt~. Failure unknownamongour work. Atlantic County, New Jersey, ~It" Noroomto eZl,lalnhere. Writ~andlear~atl free, The 2~zaminer, Boz 3661, 2~’ew York. All lhat plcec of h’t:~d In Baenl~ "Vista town. l~#yret_nrl~mall. Unwise to delay. Address at once. l[¯ "~ ship¯ Atlantic County. "New Jersoy, slln.atod ~t¢ Co../~ox 8~0. Perilled. Malac. aoulh ol the Ilae of the West Jt’r~.c.~ & At;a/lth’ Railr(utd, boumled a~ followst l~eglDnlng at a post lu toe centre Ilneoflho road J{..ad|ng from FIUel]a Vl,~ta Io N:a)"s LttDdlng Itlld ia a corner of whut is known nsLhn Abbott place; t tennf, hotmd~nl.~ on tire said Abbott idnco north thirleel, do,zreo~ .nd twenty lntnntea east twenty-three el]tllIIs ;Lnd elght.y-stx llnlts to n slake tl| th(’ s(i,tl]l(,rn right of wny IIl~o of the Wt,st .1crscy a,ttl ;xt;nntl~ 1~l|h’ond; ~.hetlee I~h|nl~ tho ~ald EOLlth~rll rlghL el "~vIty line soulh sixty t.Wo degreea and I~t’ellt.y-ave mlntttof ~ east SUVOIlIy font ei~alns Itnd ~eventy-tlvo liltk~ L(I It SI:~J{o Prospectus for 1892. I]fly [ebt dlMant at rlgi,t angles frnttJ the of the said rallro.’ld In ~,vnttt Is I~llf)’ot¯n It ha8not been our customto lesue a pros- t’ontro as tbosoelet v llno belhg thel)oundarv ,,f land pectus. A NXWSPAPER can never tell before- of 3 rs. Anha It. C,,xe (lormeriy Co|w~dl); handjust whatsubjects will be dlecuseed. We tllnne~: ttltqH/the sp.ttl soele[y 1111{2soulb t¯ll~ht en~t lblrly-~ight hold ourselves in readiness, however,with our degrees and twenly ntlnlttes f:,rly-lwt, lluks to a.slakl" It)I.hc well.trainededitorial force, andourlargostaff chaluxaud D(./()ro.n’leDtb,ned conLre llao of road iron: Buof speclal contributors, to treat any subject eta Vista t, May’s Lantllng ; thence tth)ng whichmaypresent itself duringthe year..Oar ~at0 ceutro linn north llfty-l~cvcn degrt.i.~.:tnd plans tor 1~92 nontemplatean enlargementof Iw¯ ty-tlVel t)Ut(,S~’eS~ I)Jnety.o e (!lltttlS slxty-fl~ur linkt~ tolhe pluco of beglnnln,l¯ out’newsdepartment,a perfecting ofthe other s,~d }rig,OUt~t 1,ht ~, said boundaries fl nor’ .t in department.,andth~ bringingupof the entire ex~upl pl, (’,; ,If iolal 0fly feetw:de nil0 eltfl~t ntlupaperto a still higher etaudard of efficiency. drvd feel lo,~g odJolnllig [ho souther !lt~[of PREMIUM,~. Ibv right ot wlty Of s.hl’v West Jersey alld At;itf tie I~.atWoad c, HIV~ )l hy trio eaid t’. ~V. "TheNational Boptist is offering a line of Jolles ltl~(| wife t~, Lile Sl’.ld rut lrt,tl(I COllll,II qy Cl~lt~,e)nnco; ~2Xmo~tattraettvi~ premiums.For example, com- rlor |0 lh( ¯ nm]cl~ g t}f thb4 i i|~ aiM, n eerllti It pioc’¯ of laud el,n.~l’~l [ fig munionservices, organsand hymn-books,val- C,,],I t~l I W,) it)l.~ ,’f the I~vl] ldOt ,ff [~i[,hntntl,bl.I i)g uablobooksof reference andgeneral informs- ~¯0)N ,~ nll(I fl o)f blnek 9 of ~,id t,)t~ n ld’,t, tttlvtion, fountainpens. Oneof its mostattractive Itlg n. frol)t f)f41ne |iulidred l’,2et on t.I;;, rll ~ llo;td offers Is the oneoffering to the newsubscriber I~ou}(-vllrd ntt~ oue tlnndrod ntl(| t/fry It.el AVoltne ors)rid towt) of ]t|ehllll,d. andto the personsecuringthe newname,each .~taln SeIzvd 1154 ttte prt)porLy of Tile ltl(’]illLhd llaa volumeof Prof. Drummond’s famousaddress. ~r()vl~inell~ (;tJni|ally, et six.. aD([ tltitt’ll In es, attractively boandin-wbitoandgold ..... ¯ ~x,*~.t it i,~.tt ltL the sUILOfChltrlos ~V,J,~f, t’.q. n lid LObe 8uld by -AG E,VT2 " CHA ItLI’X~ 11. LACY,.%hcrilr." " Are wantedin every Cburch. to canvass for Dated June ’..*2. 1~9"2. p.f.$13.10 uawnames¯Liberal commissionsarc offered, I)..I. I’AN¢OAS1’. Solletor. can learn the exact cost of any proposedline of Pact experience has shownthat a goodlynum. bar of newnamescan be quickly gatheredby a goodagent." ............... advertising in American THE..PRICE ..... ~ per year, tn advance. Send for sample papers by addressing Is¢oples~ whschwlll be cheerfully sent. Address Geo. P. Rowdl&.Co., X’qowapmp~t’ Advertising But~lau, 10 Sprl~Qo St., New ~ork. all communications to Clinton Rogers Woodruff, ~BuslneasManager TheNatlonnlBaptist, 1200Che~tuut St.t Phlladldpblu~ IF Which enables u8 to offer that splendid journal (regular subscription pries, $1 pr year) and the REPUBLICAN ior one year For only $1.25, 1 26 2 40 fJ0 Wednesday, Aug. 17th, 1892, at twoo’clock In the alteration of said day at ..................... ADVERTISERS J. New York Weekly Tribune, regular prioe, The Best Gasoline Stove $1.OO 1.25 $ .... YOU WANT i - Cash in Advance. New York Weekly Tribune, South Jersey ltelmblican, IN THE MARKET, BUY THE ?. FOR SALE i IN Tailor, HAMMONTON BY Hammouton. GEORGE] LVINS & SON, D~aLz~t~ t %:, r0c ries, Dry g00 s,B00t,, anal ~oed. Fertil/~ex.s, FIoux,, ~/ ~G : t Agricultural Implements, etc.,etc. N.B.--Superior Family Flour a Specialty. and Atlantic Successorto J. D. Fairchild, " Dealer in Groceries, Flour, .J Camden llail~oad, .AND ~aturday, June 24, 1892. DOWN TRAINS. STATZ01~S. Mall.[/,t-Ae.[Acc~. l ~ap.xxpI Family Supplies Generally. gxp]Su.Ac.[8.1~p. Sn.A¢ .=. t:.~.12=,p.m, "-~-~" I n.m. I ~.=. ]_~.=__.. 3.~q ~hll~.lphl. ....... slO, ,oe,’ i~l ’’.’o, ~~, 0amden ................ Haddonneld............... 5 ~OI S I0 ~ S 80 4 ;~21 tl li’~t 4 4~’1 ...... , ...... Ateo.................. 5 ...... wa~.o,d ............. ::::::19~02. ....... Wtn,,.w ....................9is :~ ~~,~1 ltammontnn ......... DaOo,ta..................... 5 5~1 9 321 ~ 9 40] KggKlW°°dHarborOIty ................... 9 56! 6141 Al~,,c.on .............. 6 .’2111 l0 ]S’ Atl,ntt~ t~lty ....... 0 3,’) I l{l k:4] 5 ..._, ~~, 5’,21 ~~,...... ..... , 6 .171 i ...... 6 !IS {~’. b"i~" i"1~""1 {j i,~j 5’;5]’~’ 0 U~ STATION S. Philadel|,b ta ..... Ct.o)dt~n ...... lladdvnfl~Id ...... Berlin ........... Atao........ ..**..o¯~ et,.rtord ....... Hanlm~nto~..... DoCG~ta..,.¯¯....... glwoed......... P;ag [[nrbor OIt) .KbS0COn... ......... AtlantlcClty ..... xpr. At.Ac gai ,1111. I l~.m. i.a 00 I~ 2dl 9 ~ll .’4 t01 ~l)i~ 8;;11 9;’ol ~f01 ...... ~ 4:tl ..... , 4 101 ..... ~) II! ..... i ~ ;~21 ...... tl Itll ..... t 4 :;7] [ 4 It[ ...... 9 ~2[ ..... ...... 9 :{nl...... ~ ’1?;l’, ...... II ;l(i ...... 4 t !) .... ~ ttl ..... ...... f4 "I71 ...... 5 0 ¯ 9 5~i /~ 411 ~:-Goods delivered, l,, .: -’.:::’1 5,71 :::::t ~l IO:r: ~tt ~1 ~- ~i and orders taken at your doo~ !. . i.’- / Go to TRAINS¯ IZ/ ~ ~tl -- I ...... I 7 ’.’tl~,.’~i, ~.........:" ~ - ] ..... __.l ~ t.,/ --.| ....... I] ,l !.t,, _~ i..%,~ ¯ i:’ .a,,i, ~"-: c ...... __:] 7 ’~| ---/ ---I ..... t JACKSON’S ¯--- 7 .’~5 ~i ...... tl4:z 7 51 ~ --- ...-’ ---[ ---[ 12 42] (i ~," 711;5 .,o ,. __.th,-i; 7 ttl,, trd__|_..l... I 7 401 --/ ~i ..... i ’*~l"¯el ---~.l 7 341 ~| ---I ..... 1 : : : re, t, 17; .... /.-, ~lp] 7’.’01~-| ~-I t’.’ ~1 t, ~’,~z, ~,~ :, ~i .... t ¯ ~"85] 7 411 4°=t, ThollammautonAccommodation leaves this I,~ i,lo0tl, f,~-’ ’, ....~r .... ~t,, ~,: d!~ID ~T~P~S, .,:.,,r...,,,,,:,to I Thethe Philadelphia Republican,weekly both a Press )’ear J for $1.2 5, cas h. .... D~kLIgRSIN " ’ ’ " " I t FIEDLER, GEe. W. PRESSEY, ~,For particulars, inquiri~ at the REPUBLICAN OffiCe --over the post-office. Hammonton, N. J., Justiceof the Peace. Omee. Secoud aud Chcrry St~ D~. J’. A. -l~raa~-~ RESTDENT Having stocked my yard for the winter with the b,at grades of L~IHIGH COAL I am prepared to fureish it in larlze ol small quautitles~ at ~hnrtest notice s lind as low aa auy, Yotlr patronage s,,heited. WAMMONTON, : : N.J. Office Days,- Every week day. GAS AD M [NISTERI~.D. No charge for extraotlug withgas, when=’ teet.b at, ~r,lercd. .~’odee. Estate ,)f Pc:or McEwen,dec’d, Letter, test~ment~tr~/ ,,a the aboveestat~ . " hnvinff bee, ~rattt,,d to thennderstgned~. al~ pcrs,,ns in,’.,.bted to the said estate.. Ofllr.o ill ~rm. Bernnhouse’sofllce. are r~qnes,,.d t,, make payment, and tht)~e b~,vin~ clain,a to pre~ut the esme~ ,’-,’i.=.’.~ "Yardtl],l,osite the SawMill. . "~:.with,mr d01~v r,, E~TnElt ,McEw~P,~a¢ecatrix, nf Newt,,nvllle, N. J.. ttr to her ... attorney, W.M. ll. BnOWN,528 Walnut; :, ~t., Philad~!pbia, l’a. By vlrttt~ of a writ of tiers raclas, to medl, rected, leaned out nf the NewJersey Courtoi ...... ~ _ _ ~ ~_, ._ ¯ : .~;~).. W. H. Bernshouse. SHERIf’F’88ALE. Chmw,’ry. will be sold at pablle vendu..0 on ~’ed]Desday, Aug. 17th, 1892, at two,,’hi.ok In the aft, erasesel ~ald dayat All ttttt’t tract or pel’cel of land and premises hereinafter particularly desorlt,ed, taitnate, lying and L~l~g.ltt tbeTowbsblp of Buena ~ OUl’~ lllIl0usa~s$, Sick Hcu’Ltche,Cnnstl~ Vlate, In the county of Atlantic and f~t~te of O~~or’#, worth atleast $~.<m,.or tramt~. New Jersey, b,,unded ~g follows, to wlb : . patios, Malaria, Liver Com,~’laiats, t:.ka I ~m’weal~lhtb ~ ~LW.~.Ttk&l~m~mSt..Pklls. Bcglanin,- at the ittte~eetlon oftbocentera the sa~e un,t ecrtain’rems.d"~ of t’lutumer and Cetttral r~mde, ar)d extending ~iMi~ and Genflemc~semng our~ew~. altatg the centre of ~ummer road, nt)tLh, I~I’d[XTH’8 II~Mi~Mmlbl Edit~dbyHear/Neil, as, ist BYIlUS- etghly-two degret,s, west clghlY rods to I~ld BELL B. C01~VELL. Ovq2c°~Al’~agey°°de~grav." now or Iote o fore Dah,to attd at right su,.’lee mc~m¢ I ~ Twdv~ ~ mai~ cotore~ plates, ~ca Ihereto bntween parasol Ilnos la lenuth or l~z]nt~l~n tcncolon. A d~qffd’kl~llffl~ eopycaa depth ~tmthwnrdly forty rods. eont4,1.,Ing I be sold In every home Nk n IIKIIII-~ waero Iwont~v a0r@~ t>f htntl. *,trict Lfl~,Stll’e, t,t.tng there are child-ten. Thou- %~¯ ~n IIn I~ ~ betli~ Natno pr0 ilttHe~ i~}l,vey(.d t(’ Mary J,~erjl, ter bV Ctarl,~](.[.n,tii~and wlSs. iv teed lag hard; are will G.~ a big order tosend m a few d~ recorded It, },lber ~80 the N,~IA.Lg, ..~la~’~ (.ldllt tie B,:a~s to tbo ~ ~,1" Deeds for Al.,ntln COtll~ty, folh, I~. vtC .l~ttle)." TIily ARI~ TH~ .MO;~T Ct#NVF.N1;’:.K~. =o~i~ hua~ t~9~’°~m: ’a~g~: ~t,’z,,ti ns tho i,r~ porty ofJ,dln Johttson antl MI’~..l(~hlt Jott nt, u[,~o ~.i,tl laken In oxeentlc~n tt~ larlce of ellh(,r t11o, ’-’~t’, It:,r Nut¢lo~ all the work dono blr ~mo’d0¢k ; tkca canra~s to four the suit nf (;e~,rge Jot,as, nntl to be sod by --~old 3e copt~t~y." ~x¢~ IAber~._l .’~?Nnm CHAItI.~ R, LACY. ~het ft. Dated Jnly 151h. I~tl.’: J, f,$5:ITH&f.tr.:~,~,,,e~.,st’~,= t,’,,,.~ ,7," ~15.~t’, R, ~. TULLElt, lSollcl~r. ,as.== ~ouo.gi..~:"’=~er.=d’=’~’~" :~our, Feod; Fox’tiiin~ex,~S, . Agricultural Implements,etc., etc. ’*~""v~°~s°~’’’ N.B.--Superior ~e~’:^" Family a= Flour a Specialty. house; [lig bs r~-,-hen=h0use, ~tables, ere Lots of fruit, Manufacturer of now m profit. Cheap. Fine 9-room house on FairDealer ic view, he"~er in cellar, a good Tobacco, Cigars, Confectionery barn, windmill and lbree-pump, some fi’uit., 7 aeres. At fair H~/~MONTON. N. J. price, favorable terms. 1i, Stmd 3 oae-¢¢~ ~ ~ a lhtt nfbook ag¢~t~, and ~’Jll mend ~n~t, posted, ~rer, a :a~J[’mgn~ GEOI GE ELVINS SON, t’~ EW3PAPEI~ statton at ’6:05 a.m.,an’l 1:15 p.m¯ Leave~ Philadelphia at 10:40 a.m. end ~:00 p.m. it] ~lmtloipbSt.. L’lflc~.tgo. h,’,"~ f :!1~ linty’ r ,~a ll]o i On Snturd,y night only, Pbilarlelphia the Wnterford whichleaves at I and nro ~ntthorl~.ot’. tt, ~,Arc°mm°d°ti°n’=’s to.am=ontoo, n.,v~ ~o~.’ ,na~o ooa,r.~t. ,,,t.t~’~ [3t’t~ER$/ An Anarchist, who gave hie name aa Alexander Bergman, entered the officio of Carnegie & Co., in Pitt,burg, on Saturday alternoou, and shot H. C. Frick twice and stabbed him in three pisces with a dagger.After a strugglehs was overpowered by personsin the ofiles, assistedb~ Mr. Friekeaud turnedover to the police.Mr. Frick’swouudsare act fatal.He coutinuesto directthe contest at Ilomestcad from his hume. 8iuce the shooting, detectives have traced Bcrgman’s conneetiou wlth an Anarchist 8ociety, touud evideuce ot a plot to kill several capitalists promineut in the recent difficulties, aud to blow up at leabt one non-union mill¯ A number of arrest~ have been made, and more will follow. "Let no ~uilty laau escape." The Cityof Paris,whichwillsoonfly the U. 8. flag, agaiu beat the ocean record, makiug the trip from Queenstown to New York in 5 days 15 bouts and 58 minutes. A test ie being made of the Uhinese Excluhiou Act In Detroit, ~herc Ivur of that lace are re~istiug dei)urtattou [or enter iug in violation uft lie provisions ot the new law. Mt. Emais again in aviolent statu of cruption. ’[m~nense ma~ses of t.uck~ atb bein~ throwu up Irotu the volcanoe~ au4 the lava streams arc advancing. tbr Best Meats at the lowest prie_e_es i,.x! .,p Acco.]t~u¯ac. lqAe Senday Expr.[ It I 1 ,YD p.e], a.:[** ~t~l¯ p¯n] p ’l. It Ill t,,.~ 7(,~ -- -- :,.8 5~I 6 5;] 7 451 lS ~51 12 Estate JOHN ATKINSON, This is the moat liberal combination offer ever made in the United States, and every reader of the RrtrUBLICAN should take advantage of it at ,}ace. Addres~ all orders to the Solzth Jersey I~cllubllcano _ _ Contractor & Builder Real ..’:: Convl~anc~n, "New Process." Subscriptions may begin at auy time. HANINIONTON J. S. THAYER, A. Jo SMXTI-1, , ’Wefurnish botl~ papers one year for ~1.25~l) ByylrLue of a wrlt of ffera facJas, to medl. PhOadelphia. :/ HAMMONTON,N. rooted. Issued out of the New Jersey Court ot Chancery, will he sold at pnbllc ~’endue¯ on Scientific Amerlcu Agency for ~ i~:: We~want your trade, and are willing to sell cheapto secure it. 1 w ThreeMonthsfor 30 Cents. =" -’D = The Presidential Campaign of 1892 wlll, without doubt~ be the mos~ Intensely interesting and exoiting in the history of the United t~tates, anct country people will be extremely anxious to- have all the ~eneral and political news and discussions of the day as presented in a National Journal, in addition to that euppliod by their own local paper. To meet this want, we have entered into a contract with the 8K]eRIFPSSALE, ~HERIFP’S ~ALE. . - " ¯ "V.,.¯ t -.. . . ...-. INDUOE1YIENTS Total, ~ .’2 t..,, NO. 31 1892. For¯ Sale So ztlz d’e::sey Republican. Family Newspaper, ~¯A j:¯ TO READERS OF THE Tax 1 80 2 40 ;I 34 4 80 I 2"~40 Sermons. Pax. Yeax.. There was a time wheu etrikcs were Hammonton, N.J. very rare, indeed. It was when capital Plans,Bpeelfloation~, and Estimates owned labor and kept it in Bubjection: furnished. Jobbing promptly and ou the verge of starvatlon. Slavee attended to. can’t etrike. 1. Twolots on Pleasant Street, .ii. :Education aud enlightenment taught large house--handsome,with ~: labor its own power, then it struck for every convenience, heater; greater liberty. Greater liberty caused conservatory, e~c. it tostriko for greater pay. With greater 2. Lot on Second Strcct,--fine pay came increased opportunities for in7-room house, hdat~d,’very . tellectual improvemct~t, aud orgauizareasonable price. tton followed¯ Now, with united frotlt, lal Its ~Yor~lrIF,,rJ.. workingmen pressed ou for greater and 3. Another on Secon~ Slreet, .... "B~.~vo~, Laf. Co*~Wire.Dee., ]~, ever greater concessions from their em--fine house--cheap enough.- ’ ¯ it Roy. dr. C. Bergenvouchesfor ~b,~ followln’;: .i~ ~-’?i ployers, which grauted, feed their desire James l~ooney, wLowas ar, ff,~rJng f-x,t~ ~t. VI:,uS 6, Nineacreson Central :" A~ e., for more. From the defensive they now Dance in its ~orstform for ~l~,qt*~ 1~ y,.atra. largehouse and barn.All wll,t:o,:~ take the offensive, demandinginstead of wan trt~.ted by tevoral physleJ..as effoot. ’X%vo bottlell of Pastsr Koenla’s Itoxw in first-class order.A barentreating. ’Cun/o cun~d hh~. gainforsomebody." That is the way they do in this coun~’ostl,! ][’t!~lve ]~lesi. ~O£t~OllR,~l:t~e., Nt.’~’nlt=~@r.1C5)0. try, becausehere the labor has been S, Over three acres on Chew i I w~a in pslnall o.~nv,e,~ aldgo5 n,) s’~-stvltb~ elevated to theplaneof capitalist, enjoy-nl"ht or day and wt,a not able r~) .o at=y worl. Road.¯ near 12th St. 5-room ., months, hnt art.or taking l’ast,:r K<~r, nl_~’s in,-, greater llberty and receiviug higher lor N,.xve Ton:~ only ono w,u,~, I ,re¯v able to nit ,tl housee nearly new. Berries ,, aid att(,nd ~ r ,y drvasmtd:l~{ I ht~i l,rJ, d wages than anywhere else ou earth¯ ~ OV¢’r tWOl~nndro~| dories tt~ t~o~Lors O.I.d t;~¯t za(, and fruit. A "daisy" place It is not so in other couutrics. In bengal I certainly think I ~:~ uhl have dkxl thl~ med~ciuo. : :’ for chicken business. India and China aud Russia strike~ are long ago 1I lhad sol, got MI~. Al).t PI:N~I.L. even now as seldom heard of as they 9. A wetty home on Third St, were among the ancestors of our Amer:: ten minutes fiom stations, ican workingmen 500 years ago, when in sight of four churches and Thla remed~hu lmenpmpal~d bythe l~e{’o nd .-. they wore the collars of their Lords. Pa~tor Keen|g, of Fort WaYne. Ind. ~nce 1~73 n~l ta now Drepared underhla dlrl~oabY the new school- hou~e,--two lots, Labor is too weak and servile to strxke KOENIC MED. CO., Chicago, F 9-roomLouse, heater, vines, m those countries. Sold by Drug-gists at 81 per BotUc.Oro As ws ascend the scale of enlightenflowers, fruit, berries. Size, I~1.7E~ G I:ottlc~ rot rr~9. ment and liberty, we find labor organ10. Prominentcorner on Belieizations and labor disturbances becoming vue Avenue -- fine business ever more and more frequent, location. 144 feet on the NOTARY PUBLIC In Spaiu labor strikes sometimes, lu AND avenue, 100 deep. A good : ~ Gcrmauyit strikes more frequently. In house included. Frauee still morefrequeutly. If to better the cmlditlou of working Dermis. Morlea2op, Avreemet~tS. ~IIIs nf.~nle, ]2. Twcntv acres on }’Jeas .... ; people, to point the way to education, and olhor papers execut~d Ill a heal, t:alrcl’ul ant Milit, J{~md, ten acres of and eorrecl nlanncr. to greater liberty and indepcudeuce, to Hammonton .N.J. berries in bearing, good 6-~oom. tbster and develop the genius 1or latelli. house. Cheap enough. ¯ ..... geut organization among them, and thus to lift them from a positiou o~ 13. Six-room house and lot on servilu dependence on their masters to a Prospect Street, near both plane of equality and equal advautuge stations. Easy terms. Second Street and Bnllevue Ave., with their employers--if to do tlleSe 14. Twentyacres, well fruited, things IS to cause strikes and lockouts, then does Protection cause strikes and GarmetltS made tn the heat manner. 7-room house, barn. stable, : aud lteDairht¢ promptly d,me. lockouts. But ou no other possible as- ~atl’iltg etc.’ A bargain. ]~,a~tea z’t,as,,naftle. ~at/sfa0tn)u gudrun. sumption.- diner/can .Economist. teed ,n everyoase. 15 Thirtv-tbui" acres, 13-room Unless you want to buy a Watch way down low. We are bound to get your trade, if low prices will bring it. Wecan sell you a watch of any makeor grade as low as you can buy it in the city, and in many cases lower. Cell and gut our prices, and comparethem with those for the sameclass of goods elsewhere. "o’ Campm ,n of 1892. ~I~/D JULY 30, NO. XXX. Mutton, Beef, and Veal. A. II. r~AVIS, ~2oIlector. Leading BaptistPapers HAMMO:NTON, N.J., ~O. Short "l’arta" Roasts, 10 and 12 cents. Also, the best Hamsand SmokedMeats. Presidential Papers and magazines of all kinds, in any language, ~,,~,i,hl,o,o,, ............ , ~y..o. }:11 &Chns ......... 17 2.5 furnished at reduced rates by l,’id,dl, ~ Giflord, Jonatl ............ 17 17 ~a~t d~ l.~~; ],, 67[ nttkn~n,L, n ............ -7 the :Editor of the SOUTH JeRSEyllopkinn, (:has. P.: ....... )’J 17 .’2(, Ireland, el. S ................ 4 Byrnen " ~:~ Keats, Samoel ............. 4 Byrnos ti0 REPUBLZCA~. Call and get our ~tatthews,C.W ........... 10 43 5 " " ......... 17 6U 9 figures for anythingof the kind ~t~e~ol~. J.,,~al ............4 ~es ;~ ~0 P att, ~qarnnel~t ......... :| 2t~ t3 " 40 .’20 E~t.t~tl.) ......... 14 0 wanted, whetherliterary, reli- Patten Re~(,tt. George.............. MuUtea add. ..0 3 tl) 4 Byr ~.~ 1 Jennte .................. gious, trade; or any other sort hue. aes Taylor, PAchard........... 1 9 20 3 (i0 Y~n~hmdCranberryCo¯ 19 3:5 ]1)0 .I 4° of periodical. ~A’aiker,.31rs. 8 ............ 1 49 20 1 26 ,ha U~ ~0 lrlEam¯ ~’heonIFyuecee~ul remedy’lOe if: ~: GoodSteaks at 10 cents. VeryBest Steaks at 14 cents. Dated July 1Gth, 1892. ~o,~o~r~o~ ! MARKET Fruits and Vegetables Fresh Every Day, The Press Company, Limited, M~/~’TER~¥SP[ClFIGS l?evers’Congest i °ns’Inflamd~lnt4on l~Plngl M en|ngttls, Milk F~er. l~truzns, ’.ameneas, Rheumatism. Distemper, Nasal Dischnrgee. JONES’ T~x.ms--~l.~5 Ox~wlll~ E. Ho~, Publishex’. ", Ar ~T l~yPhysici:t:,s all ovarthe world. PALATADLE AS L~IILK. t .AND POULTRY. UO0Pe4~e Beok.onTreatmeat of Anlm~tln and Chart l~eut Free. ( ieats TOWN 0Y HAMMONTON, ScotCs E~lmlsion i~ no~ a secret i~medv¯ II; containsthe stimula~ leg properties of the HypophosI~hites an4 pure Norwegian Co4 l~ver 0il, the potency of both lb~mg largely increased. IL is used : 1~=Emma,, ~ttle,~eep, ~%~r0E% .i See the Prices of SALE FOR TAXES, ~M’onder~ulFlesi~ Producer. Mnnyl~avo gained one pound Mardaybyits us,.,. b!y .,.. PAPe woll *~ from ffton of high rahk In pablle Itto. The hest onthor, kllOW that their heft attdit~nces aretlle readers ,f the Dally, t’~unday, anti Weekly l’rvsq. Ia p,¯lltics, q lie ]’PESKkn.ws lh3 othrr laa#ter than tho ImOldO. ond th~ I)aet year ]laH ~leen. as has been ,een betbr,,, the nutrkmt fact that It Is sul,ser~lent to IIO pol|ttcal boss. It Ila~l no pldltlcal anlldlhms to fo~:For the Tax of 1800. t,~r. lntt Ioohe after tile Interohts of ita ro.~dere, and dellyers ltm,lf:tpon the Issues of the. day In a nmnner Ioth frank aud fearless¯ lettll~g the faete speak for thomselves Unit evading no (~d,I|(.g. but met.ling them ,U on the basis of fair play to all menat all thrice. Itn OTICE Is hereby given that by vlrtuoofawarmnt pages knowno l’Istioctions, and tho rights of one ela~s over anonler arc not tee ~gnlz-d nor slt lportr,1. Issued by G, W¯ Pr~sey, Eaq., to nmkethe taxes Adv,~rtle~ments of Help V/an¯tt,,I, Buetness Opportu- lald on nahnproved and unto,muted land~.,and on nities. Re~d Estato. elc., ma3be Iosei’ted In The Press lands teaanted by persons not Ore lawful proprletora, for 0.~: CEXT X Wool, who aro unable to pay their tax, In the Townof Ilammonton0 Connty of Atlantic, the Collector of ~ttd town Terms of the Press. will, on WEDNI~DAY,the By" mail¯ postage free h the U. S. and Canada. Daily(exeeptSunday)~oneyear, : ¯ ~6¯(~) 17th day of AugllNtr, Daily (except Su’~dayl, oa~ month, . ¯ .50 Daily tlncludtng Sundey), one y(,ar. 7.50 Next. at the hour of 2 o’clock P.~tL, at the oflh’o of the Dally(including Sunday), one month, ¯65 TownClerk, aell tha timber, wood, horbage, al|tl other uunday, one year ......... 2.00 vendible property fouud on the prezalses, taxt~l to tho Weekly t~xosa, one year, ..... 1.00 Draft~¯ Checks. and all other remittances ,hould be nnder named potions, to make the taxes and cot~ts annexed to thclr respective namos, with I.]terest at tho madepayable to the order of into of 12 per cent¯ per annum[rout Dec. 20,18~K~, tO the day of 8ate : PHILADELPIIIA. PA. 27wUosls O~each cas~ wfll 5e SGc~nts. ~~lcoucHs 011~0 [COLDS ~qolfl #jT . Dt~fly~ Sunday, Weekly. Oonv~iranc~: %, ¯ . i runEnD unOUllnDgM. ~.u.,--,~, jNEHRY HF.i~ Publl=hor, 116$, ltheLs Phlla. pr.~ee,I;,17, . . . T- ---=- ~ :" a~x ... e:
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