The savior on Christmas Day had his birth Come to bring hope and

Term 4 Week 9 Friday 5 December
Friday 5 December
Class 7 Transition Ceremony,
11.15am, Hall
Primary School, last day of term
Christmas/New Year Office
Closure Dates:
Monday 22 December –
Friday 9 January
Tuesday 27 January 2015
Start of Term 1
The savior on Christmas Day had his birth
Come to bring hope and peace to earth.
Let us look to the stars in heaven above
That shine in the eyes of all those who love.
May we care for our family, our neighbours, our friends.
May we cherish each other from birth to the end.
So keep love alive, bring peace as we say…
“Love was born on Christmas Day”
Excerpt from the Class 1 Play
Yesterday we farewelled our Class 12 graduates for 2014.
I congratulate you Anthony, Bianca, Cahona, Jethro,
Kirily, Maxwell and Sam. As I said yesterday, you do not
yet know the impact of this amazing education on your
future. We have however witnessed what you have
achieved so far.
Today we had a beautiful ceremony for Class 7 as they completed their primary schooling.
As we approach the end of what has been a huge term we should finally have time to “breath-out”. I
wish you and your family a joyous and restful break.
Zsofia Kennedy
This question often gets asked and after 14 years of having a son go through Steiner Education I
will attempt to answer it.
I'm sitting here in amazement at the fact that my 18 year old son is graduating after spending 14
years of his life at this school, how did it go so fast? What a pleasure it has been to see him develop
and grow into this young adult, where will his life lead him after SVSS?
I am also reflecting on the journey he has had and the impact of this on our family.
We were fortunate enough for him to start in Preschool in 2001, with Anne & Marilou as his
teachers, doubly blessed! His second year in preschool he had Hitomi & Marilou. These years gave
him such nourishment and provided a wonderful security for him to leap into Primary School.
For Primary school he had Lydia Kelly as a teacher – she was able to work with him in such a way
that by the time he left Primary school he was confident enough to play a big role in the class play,
competent with his social skills, competent to give things ‘a go’, caring and kind to his peers,
respectful of his teachers and other adults and keen to start at High School.
5 Narrawa Rd, Wights Mountain QLD 4520 T: 3430 9600 F: 3430 9630
RSEGB T/A Samford Valley Steiner School CRICOS 03326J
Term 4 Week 9
5 December 2014
I am very grateful to Lydia as a teacher; she has fostered in him a kind heart, love of all things in
nature and a sense of belonging. Lydia I thank you deeply for the 7 years!
As he entered enthusiastically into High school we gradually saw this child with a world full of awe
gradually turn into a young man, still full of awe, but also with a strong sense of standing firm in
who he is. He is a young adult who is able to talk well with adults, he asks questions and shows
interest in what the adults are doing, he is able to ‘ask questions’ about information passed on to
him, he has a thirst to learn more about the world he lives in, he has a good sense of justice, he is
able to apologise for errors of judgement he may have made, he shows initiative (most of the time
:)) and he is in a position where he can look back on his education and see how all the previous
Main Lessons he had have linked into one another and how the earlier information synchronises
into information learnt later on.
So the question still remains – what do you get after 14 years of education? – not a perfect human
being but a human being who is kind, considerate, able and willing to contribute to life in a
meaningful way, able to ask questions, able to have dreams and hopes, able to pursue tertiary
education if desired, and so much more but for me it is a quality that is not tangible, the students
walk away with inner qualities of Beauty, Truth and Goodness. This may not be concrete enough
for you but you will get a sense of this quality when you speak to many of the graduating students.
They carry these qualities with them into all areas of life.
I would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to all of the teachers at SVSS for all that they do, my
two children are certainly better off for it,
Mercedes Logan
So much happens in the last few weeks of school, with plays, excursions, transitions and
graduations, that it is sometimes hard to find moments for stillness and reflection. I did however
take a moment this morning, after the absolutely delightful Class 1 play, and I found myself filled
with much gratitude for the year that has been and the wonderful journey that my family and I have
embarked upon with the Samford Valley Community. I would like to take the opportunity to send
my thanks out to all the wonderful teachers and staff for their hard work and dedication, to the
parent community for their support and to the children for the daily gifts of their laughter, tears,
songs, smiles and many more things! I hope you enjoyed the Shepherd’s Play last night and I wish
you all a safe and blessed Christmas. Please find below a little “Christmas something” that may be
Pep Wright
The transition from belief in Father Christmas or Santa Claus to a realisation that mum and dad
have been behind the present giving and the mystery all along, can be a painful and somewhat
shattering realisation for some children. How do we inspire our children to continue to feel and
celebrate the magic of Christmas and embrace the act of giving, during and after their crossing of
this threshold? Below is a letter I have so far placed under the pillows of three of my children on
Christmas morning when I realised their belief in Father Christmas had been shaken. All three have
kept their letters and I found Jasper re-reading his just this week which has reminded me that for
them it was and is a real gift. The letter is largely someone else’s work that I modified to suit my
own children; sadly I cannot remember or find the original source to acknowledge the author. If
anyone has come across this before and has the source I would appreciate you forwarding it to me.
Dear __________,
This is from Santa. Not the Santa of the chimneys and reindeer, but the real Santa Claus. I have
enjoyed the stories that people have created about me over the years, but I think you are old enough
now to know the real story.
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5 December 2014
Did you know that my story started in 280AD when a man named Nicholas, who carried my spirit,
became a Saint? My spirit has existed since before then, but that was when people first started
calling me St Nick. The real person Saint Nicholas was greatly inspired by the spirit of giving. He
wandered the countryside giving away all his wealth to poorer people. He especially treated
children with kindness and helped children who needed money or gifts. After that, many people in
Europe, inspired by his work, continued to give love and gifts to people in need even after St Nick
was gone. In America in 1861 I was given the name Santa; this is also the name that many
Australian children know me by. I have been known by many names, but who I am and what I stand
for has not changed; I am the angel of giving and charity.
People have a hard time understanding ideas of spirits and angels because they cannot see them. So
to make it easier they sometimes make stories or draw pictures so it is easier to understand. That is
the short story of how I, the angel of giving, became known with a name and a face (and sometimes
even a sleigh drawn by reindeers!). I don’t mind that these pictures aren’t really the real me,
because who doesn’t love a good story!
There are so many angels that watch over you and protect you and we each have our own jobs.
Some protect and bring wisdom, some are keepers of history and we each have done our jobs since
the beginning of time and we will continue forever for angels never tire or sleep. We don’t really
have names but we have sometimes been given names to make our stories easier to tell. It is hard
for humans to understand something that they cannot see or name!
You may also be familiar with the angel of awakening childhood (the tooth fairy who guides you
across the bridge from childhood to being a young man – walking beside you as you lost your teeth
along the way) or your own guardian angel. Everyone has one of those.
Your mum is writing this letter for me. That is how it works. I inspire people to do my work through
their spirit. I have been able to motivate millions of people around the world to share my vision. At
some point in their lives everyone must come to know that I am the angel of giving and that they
must continue to work for my vision in ways that younger children will understand.
I don’t know what story your parents have shared with you. They are all different; even in little
ways. However I do know that the story your parents told you about me was one that they thought
would touch your heart and prepare you to understand more about giving and joy so that you
would be able to carry on my traditions during your life as well.
My vision is that all children feel a sense of wonder and awe at the power of giving. I want people
to always feel this spirit within them and to look for ways all year to give and help others. I am
honoured that a day was chosen to do this, but I don’t want people to forget that we should do this
every day.
Please continue to tell my stories to your little brother and sister; and your own children when you
are grown. They are beautiful stories that make who I am into a picture instead of spirit. It is like
when a painter has a dream and then he paints it; he is not really painting the dream, because
nobody can really do that, but he has made his dream into something that can be shared and
understood with others. That is what it is like with my stories. Nobody can every really understand
me completely – for you are humans and I am an angel. However the more stories you create, the
closer you may come to understanding who and what I am. Please know that your mother was
inspired to write this letter and you may be inspired to write a similar letter one day. You may also
keep this one and pass it on if you wish. Merry Christmas! Please enjoy the gift I have sent you
through others and please pass the gift of your smile and joy and happiness on to all the people you
With Love
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This first year with Class 5 has been a wonderful
time of getting to know each other, working
together and having some great experiences. The
highlights for me are the Indian story-telling
evening which set the scene for what was to
come. The Egyptian project where the children
brought the daily life of the ancient Egyptians
alive, the individually presented Greek projects
incorporating aspects of Greek mythology,
culture, poetry, art and pottery, the Olympic day,
the superb Persephone and Demeter play, and
finally our fantastic camp together. Studying
Ancient Greece brings an appreciation for the
balance between physical skill and beauty, art
and science, earthy life and spirituality. By
studying the ancient Greek city-states we can
appreciate how people lived out their ideals in
various ways. We finished the year by hearing
the story of Alexander the Great. This story
marks a substantial shift from mythology to
documented history. We entered the world of
human leaders, historical campaigns and real
world events. Tutored by Aristotle, Alexander
conquered most of the known world including
the mightiest empire, the Persian Empire.
Alexander was described as intrepid, fiery,
brave, courageous, kind-hearted and the greatest
leader of armies.
Overall it has been a great year and a big thank you to Vanessa and all parents for your wonderful
support which enabled me and the children to have all these wonderful experiences.
I wish everyone a safe and happy holiday.
Liz Morrell
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Over the last five weeks some of Class 6 and 7 have been
working on a project with Jacek and myself for the school.
With much hard work and determination the students
learned how to saw in a straight line, how to drill a hole
without breaking the drill bit, how to use hammer and nails
without hammering fingers. This was all to create bird
boxes for the lorikeets which appear to be part of the trees.
You may find them
if you look hard in
amongst the trees
around Classes 6
and 7.
They are a credit to
those who created
them.... We hope the
lorikeets will make
cosy homes out of
them next breeding
Warm wishes for
Janet Bitschine
Advent is a special time of preparation for Christmas. Advent for Littlies takes place on the four
Sundays prior to Christmas and we will share and rejoice in the specialness of this time of year
through meaningful stories, simple children’s craft, songs and ceremonies. This is suitable for
children from Class 4 down. Please join us at all or some of these special times and bring a rich
meaning of Christmas into your home.
7, 14 & 21 December. Time: 3pm – 4.30pm approx.
Music room near Class 3
A small plate of nutritious food to share each week. A small gift (see below what to
bring) for the Nativity table. A tealight candle in a jar for each session. Each child will
take the advent flame home with them, and the spirit of the sharing that they have just
been a part of, at the close of our ceremonies each Sunday.
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A gold coin donation to help with craft would be appreciated.
Sunday 7 December Sunday 14 December Sunday 21 December -
Plant Kingdom - Bring a leaf, flower, etc
Animal Kingdom - Bring a feather, fleece, egg, etc
Human Kingdom - Bring yourself and sleigh bells for the kids.
We have lots of singing this week.
It is an interesting thing that Christmas time in Queensland is accompanied by fake snow in shop
windows and warmly dressed bright red Saint Nicolas’s appear. In this season, summer most
definitely, after the welcome return of warmth and light of springtime, there is an expansive
outward feeling of a sensory world opening up. We are bound up with nature. The inner feelings we
have are in a way coming to us from the outer world – the warmth, light, fragrances and abundant
growth. We are drawn towards nature itself more – the earth, crystals and plants.
The summer imagination arising from Anthroposophy is one of crystal formation - the hard earth is
consolidating. Crystalline forms gain their full beauty at the height of summer, in the depths of the
earth. If we look above, there seems to be, or feels to be, an out-spreading of cosmic Intelligence Human intelligence – alive everywhere. We live in a part of the world where we celebrate the birth
of Jesus in the height of summer, which requires us to experience Christmas in a slightly different
way. Our Christmas contrasts with the winter in the North, when it is colder, darker, and more
indoors – when our inner feelings are much more arising from within ourselves. Our essential inner
humanity is where we are more likely to be drawn. This inner humanity might be named the Christ
impulse. Here though, in the heat, we have an expansive light-filled world above and beautiful
crystal forms below – and in this space of expansive intelligence above and “gleaming silver”
below a form arises - one with a very earnest countenance. This is the form of the archangel Uriel the archangel of wisdom – bringing to humanity what Steiner called a historic conscience, or
human morality. An inner feeling of the vast arc of our own evolution - how we arrived where we
are - and where we might be going. So our Christmas festival here in Queensland, one of the big
picture outer experience of what it is to be human, compared with the inner self guided individual
experience of Christmas in the cold north. They are opposite, but intimately linked.
I wish all our students and families a safe and relaxed holiday, I thank you for your generosity,
support and love throughout the year, and that you enjoy a delightful Christmas experience that is
all you wish for.
Tim Dunn.
A poem written by a member of our school community
Delight of the mind, body and soul
Expanse for my being to live,
Open arms, laugh and play
to help me know myself and
get me on my way.
Nature nurtures us and likewise for thee,
forever holding in our hearts
the experience of how to be - ME.
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Term 4 Week 9
5 December 2014
Thank you to CASA' DEL FORMALS, 54 Caribbean Street, Keperra (0416 157 201)
Who have generously agreed to sponsor our Class 12 Production: “An Inspector Calls” by J. B.
Priestley by arrangement with Origin ™ Theatrical, on Behalf of Samuel French, LTD.
Last year Rob fitted out our gentlemen for “The Importance of Being Earnest”. This year a few
gentlemen cut a swathe through our Spring Ball dressed by Casa’del Formals.
Rob from Casa’del Formals knows everything about suits and how to achieve the correct look not
only for an era – Titanic 1912 – but also the varying status of middle-class manufacturer and a
Thank you Rob!
From Class 12 and Molly Brumm
While the College of Teachers meets every
Thursday afternoon, sometimes more time is
needed to work more deeply. At the start of every
year, College has a weekend retreat and in term 4,
the members gather on a Saturday morning to
address those items that require a concentrated
block of time. At the end of last month, we took
this time to work further on College's 5 year vision
document. The overall vision was teased out and
now reads:
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5 December 2014
"...that SVSS be a living and contemporary embodiment of the spiritual, cultural, educational
impulse of anthroposophy that contributes towards societal renewal in the world."
It was heartening to see some of the vision outcomes already well under way (e.g. a living and
contemporary curriculum, and a strong professional development and mentoring program) and to
fine tune others. This work will continue in our weekly meetings.
Joan Weir
on behalf of the College of Teachers
Our school is hosting The National Steiner Music Conference on 20 -21 January 2015.
This conference seeks to engage both music specialists and classroom teachers in the process of
music making in the context of Steiner Education and to give inspiration for deepening the
curriculum across all our schools.
The program will draw on the experience of a variety of experienced musicians and teachers, as
well as the insights and indications given by Rudolf Steiner. Together we will consider the
development of music in the light of the national music curriculum.
Bring your voice to sing, your body to move and prepare to be inspired for the coming year.
For more information on the program for the Conference and registration details, please see link in
the Newsletter email.
Brendan Hook
Music Co-ordinator
Our Year in Brief
As I reflect on our 12 months, I feel immensely proud of what we have achieved
for the school community and for our children.
Firstly, an enormous thank you to my fellow execs - Amy Curran our Vice
President, for your support and friendship. You are truly an inspiration to us all. Angelina Phipson for your immense dedication to the role of treasurer; for your kindness and straight talking. It has
been a pleasure working with you. Amy Vella - thank you for your significant contribution in the
role of secretary. It has been wonderful to have you on board.
In 2014, our focus was to celebrate and build our community. We came up with the ideas and the
community got behind us.
 This year, Friday Foodies has evolved into a fortnightly highlight. International cuisine
including Kiko's Japanese and Lasma's Latvian. Artisan breads and preserves. Great coffee
and live music. We never could have dreamt that we would have such an array of talented
people behind us every fortnight. Thank you Angelina for doing such an amazing job
coordinating this.
 Music Under the Stars was another opportunity to celebrate. 32 live performers, delicious
food. Bonfires and laughter. "Will it be on next year?" is the question we are forever being
 The Bushdance set a new attendance record, with the dance floor full of happy kids and
lilting bush tunes. Thank you Sam Gibson for coordinating this event.
 We had the Christmas Markets, which was a lovely, relaxed time for us to breathe out
together after a scorching day, and enjoy the stalls and singing together. Amy Curran did an
absolutely terrific job coordinating.
 As well as this, PAFA built the Hub kitchen and bought furniture to service the Hub (thank
you Kim, Michael and Mark Gibson for your efforts).
 We delighted the kids with our 2015 calendar (thank you Bea and Carol!).
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We ran Craft Group (thank you Cindy and Lisa - our school wouldn't be the same without a
craft group) and Friday morning teas (thank you Cat).
Avril once again volunteered her time at the Treehouse every week. Her warm presence is
enormously appreciated.
As well as this, we (PAFA) disseminated $30,000 of PAFA funds back into the school (the upper
primary playground, Hub upgrades, the music program, primary and preschool playground
developments and the gardening program). As Dave Rule commented, "Every school needs some
PAFA fairies".
We also raised approximately $7000 in funds, for future school projects.
And finally, I am delighted to announce we leave PAFA in good hands for 2015. Our PAFA
leadership team next year will include Deb Boyd, Jacqueline Hobbs, Paula Miller, Kim Ryan,
Imogen Cusack, Amy Vella and Amy Curran. There is still room for more if you would like to
make a year-long commitment to the work of PAFA.
Who is PAFA? We are all PAFA. Thank you one and all for supporting us in our ventures this year.
Warmest regards,
Imogen Cusack
Cuppa Time in 2015
We are so thrilled to be able to present to you in 2015 “Cuppa Time”. So if you are working out
which days to keep free in 2015 you may want to consider Friday mornings....
Cuppa and a Chat sessions in 2015
Friday Cuppa Time 9am-11am at The Hub
Share, Grow and Love your parenting journey.
In 2015 we will have an opportunity every Friday morning to have conversations about parenting,
Steiner Education and Anthroposophy. These conversations will be guided by Pep Wright who will
help us explore the trials and triumphs of being a parent/caregiver. The aim of Cuppa Time is to
allow parents to also learn and grow from each other's experiences as well as learn more about
child development from a Steiner perspective. We will explore ways in which we can keep
ourselves centred and nourished in order to be fully present on our journey through parenting.
Throughout the year we will also have guest speakers or special themed conversations arising out
of the need of the group. So come along and breathe out with us on a Friday morning as we share,
grow and love our parenting journey.
Contributions of baked goods are always welcome and very appreciated.
Cuppa Time is open to anyone who would like to learn more about parenting from a Steiner
2015 Calendars
By now you should have received your 2015 calendar. They were distributed via the class of your
oldest enrolled child. If, for some reason, you have not received your calendar, please check with
the teacher first before contacting us. New families in 2015 should collect their calendars from the
office. Please see Judy or Joan to sign in the order list.
Have a safe, blessed and nourishing Christmas holiday.
Imogen (PAFA President) and Amy C (PAFA Vice President), Angelina (PAFA Treasurer) and
Amy V (PAFA Secretary),
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OSHC Booking forms needed for 2015
Dear OSHC Families,
Please fill out and sign the OSHC Booking Form (see the link in the Newsletter email) for the days
you are wanting your children to attend next year.
Please return these to Kylie by Monday 29 December 2014.
Thank you.
Kylie Turner
OSHC Co ordinator
Daniel Lopez, our violin teacher and a few of his friends are providing a concert at the school on
Sunday 21 December at 4pm at the Hall Amphitheatre. It's a 10 piece string orchestra. We'll have a
soprano joining us and possibly a folk band too, so it should be fun. Parents are very welcome to
attend and to bring food and drink.
CORELLI - Concerto Grosso in G minor (Christmas Concerto)
VIVALDI - Concerto for 2 violins in D minor
SZARZYNSKI, Jesu Spes Mea and more...
featuring XENIA THOMAS.
Please note: All Classified Advertisements
are submitted by individuals for the
community benefit. They do not in any way
express the views, opinions, endorsement or
policy of the school and should not be relied
upon as such.
There is a flat $2 charge for each advertisement
and payment is required prior to inclusion.
Casual Nanny/ Babysitter Available
23 years’ experience working with children of
all ages, including babies and toddlers. First
Aid certificate, Blue Card, Certificate 3
Children’s Services, B.Social Work. Steiner
experience. My home or yours. $20 per hour.
Please call Emma Forsberg 0400 826 991.
Balaangala Community Group invites you
to a "Hidden Histories" workshop. An
interactive workshop that explores our shared
Australian history from an Aboriginal
perspective. Facilitated by experienced
Indigenous Cultural worker, James Sandy.
When: December 6th 3-5pm
Where: Balaangala Garden Space, 98 Yoorala
St, The Gap
Cost: $15 / $10 concession
Bookings are essential
Please email:
to make your booking or for more
Consultation and Treatment available with
Clive Minton
I have been in practice for 35 years and am
working in Brisbane, at Kangaroo Point, on
the second Friday/Saturday of each month. I
use Rhythmical Massage, originally inspired
by Rudolf Steiner, in combination with
Acupuncture (without needles), but seek to
see symptoms and difficult body or soul
experiences in the context of the time process
of emergence or re-memberIng. This is more
relevant than you might think! I give relief,
restoration, challenge or reminding, even
consolation, as possible or as necessary.
Next visit: 12, 13 December
Contact: 0402 125 554
Accommodation wanted
Peaceful man seeks peaceful shed to live and
work. Anything considered. Please call Simon
on 3289 7467.
The Essential Touch
Body Sugaring Epilation
Aromatherapy: Natural Facials & Skin Care:
Pedicures: Reiki: Massage Therapy
Retreat to the privacy of serene home studio
set in the tranquil surrounds of Bunya.
For more information or to make a booking
contact: 0419 702 088
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Term 4 Week 9
5 December 2014
Worm Castings Liquid for Sale
Reuben in Class 3 is selling “worm wee”. It is
a great fertiliser for your garden. He is selling
2 litre bottles for $3. If you would like some,
please call Judy (Reuben’s Mum) on 0432
330125 and we can bring it to school.
For Sale
1/2 size CELLO and a
3/4 size violin with VIOLA strings
Please phone Heidy on 0418 774 709
Piano & Guitar Lessons
Now enrolling for 2015
PIANO: Using the breakthrough piano
teaching method, Simply Music, learn to play
great sounding blues, pop and classical pieces
from your very first lessons.
GUITAR: Beginner guitar lessons will teach
the fundamentals of guitar, aiming to foster a
life-long love of music enjoyment including
singing and song-writing.
Both piano and guitar lessons suitable for all
ages 7 and up. Small group or private lessons
are offered in a fun and supportive
environment. Call Laura now on 0421 014
778 to book your free information session or
check out our website at:
Sattva Yoga Centre
Kids Yoga now running. Family yoga Tues
11.00am. Community Yoga Class for
Families Friday 21 Nov. Final Community
Zenthai massage and Grass Roots Kirtan and
End of Year Celebration Friday 12
Dec. Kundalini Dance Class Friday 5
Dec. Yoga for Beginners, Yoga Chi Gung,
Women's and Iyengar Yoga. Camille's Annual
Yoga Intensive 15-19 Dec. Zenthai treatments
any time by appointment. New Student
Special 10 days unlimited yoga for $30.
Unlimited monthly passes $150. or call Kate 0418 617
451 or Camille 0421 106 441
Wanted – ¼ size viola
Danielle 0466 448 602.
An opportunity to make some positive
changes in your life
Psychophonetics (Steiner/Anthroposophically
based) Counselling and Psychotherapy and
Inspirational Coaching for Personal,
Professional and Spiritual support, direction
and guidance with Adrian Hanks – very
experienced, professional and available for all
of your issues, questions and challenges in
life. In the Sunnybank Hills Studio, Southside
of Brisbane or via phone or Skype.
Phone Adrian on 0400424417 Visit:
Where Am I Right Now as an Expert
Facilitator or Trainer?
A 3 day training program – Friday 5 – Sunday
7 December This course is for people who
want to increase & extend their skills &
knowledge & step more deeply into being a
more effective & leading edge expert
facilitator or trainer.
Call Adrian on 0400424417
For Sale – Queenslander style home on
Set on a private 1 ½ acre block this replica
Queenslander home has 4 bedrooms with
views from each room, 2 bathrooms (main
with a claw foot bath), open plan living and
dining, covered parking for 4 cars with a 3
bay shed with power and a carport, outside
entertaining jasmine pergola, fruit and nut
trees, chicken coop, vegie patch and a tree
house for the kids. Located in a quiet cul-desac, cross the road and you can feed the ducks
on a natural waterway and pat horses. Only a
2 minute drive to cool off in pristine creeks.
Located on the Samford side of Dayboro.
Only 20 minutes to Samford Valley Steiner
School. Private sale. Listed as $575,000.
Please contact Danielle 0466448602.
Tie Dye and Raw Food “Cooking”
More school holiday fun for all ages
This workshop is for those of you who want
to get creative!
Come along and tie Dye dye a t-shirt in a
rainbow coloured spiral and make your own
raw food creation using fresh, organic, dairy
and gluten free ingredients…. Cheesecake
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and Christmas treats will be on the menu!
This workshop also includes storytelling,
craft, and games.
Workshops facilitated by Emma Forsberg and
Daisy Bradford:
Monday 15 December and
Monday 22 December
WHERE: Lifestyle Nursery and Gift Shop
Centre, Mt Glorious Road.
9 am - 12:00
$45 each and $40 for additional
family members - Includes T-shirt and
cooking ingredients.
Just come along with a protective shirt/apron
or wear older clothes on the day.
Both Daisy and Emma hold Blue Cards and
have many years’ experience working with
people of all ages, especially children.
Bookings are essential and can be made the
morning before.
All inquiries welcome.
Please call Daisy Bradford on 32891225 or
0422 959 447
Meaningful Christmas Gifts for Children
Birth Stories for children are unique stories
based on your child's astrology chart, which
have been written especially for your child in
age appropriate language. Written by
children's author Emma Forsberg, the story
will help your child to know who they are:
their gifts and talents, strengths and
challenges. Knowing who you are and what
makes you special and unique helps develop
good self-esteem and love for others.
Special Christmas Offer: $64.00, 20% off
regular price. Includes beautiful, Steinerinspired and bound cover. Gift Vouchers also
available. Xmas Orders must be received by
19/12/14, vouchers redeemable until
Please contact Emma: 0400 826 991.
This interactive class involves children doing
yoga postures which relate to the story as it is
told by children's author Emma Forsberg.
Experienced yoga teacher Vicki Murtagh
guides children through the postures in a
gentle and fun way. This workshop also
includes relaxation, listening to and singing
songs and games.
When: Thursday 18 December, 2014.
Where: The Gap
Time: 9am-10.25am
Investment: $30 per child, $27 siblings
Bookings are essential as numbers are limited
Please call Vicki on 0424 707 818 or go to
Moreton Bay Regional Council School
Holiday Activities
From Monday 12 January to Friday 23
January 2015, Moreton Bay Regional
Council is running two great programs to
help keep kids and youth who live in or
attend school in the Moreton Bay region
active during the school holidays.
Council has recently posted brochures and
posters to your school. The below activities
are a great opportunity for children to engage
in physical activity while making new friends
and enjoying themselves. The associated
website links are below:
Active Kids:
Active Kids Free Park Sessions are run in
various parks throughout the region and
require no bookings or payment to
attend. Activities will teach children aged 3
to 12 years and their families’ new skills,
sports and games in a supportive and fun
“Stroga:” Yoga and Storytelling Workshop
for Children - School Holiday Fun!
Come and discover the true meaning of
Christmas these holidays with Cheeky and
Petunia Possum. Why do Cheeky's wishes
only come true when he asks for something
for one of his friends? Why are there so many
more stars shining brightly in the night sky?
Will the Christmas Star grant Cheeky's
deepest wish?
School Holiday Activities for Teenagers
(SHAFT) has a range of great activities to
engage youth aged 12 to 17 years during the
school holiday period. All activities are
subsidised by the Moreton Bay Regional
Council making them more affordable for
students and families.
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Term 4 Week 9
5 December 2014
Counselling through Art Therapy and Life
Patterns with Julie Lovett
Anthroposophical Art Therapist and Life
Patterns Counsellor, Julie Lovett, provides a
nurturing space in which to support growth
and balance in difficult times for adults,
teenagers and young children.
Mast. Ed (Steiner Education & Arts Therapy),
Grad. Dip Art Therapy & Counselling (Tobias
UK), Extra Lesson Training
Phone: 0411 583 376
Step into Womanhood Retreat
Mother & Daughter 5-10 July: Ubud, Bali
Becoming a woman is a special &
challenging time. Join us for an inspiring and
fun journey for both you & your 11-13 year
old daughter.
This remarkable program, run by experienced
facilitators, includes:
practical, empowering work on our cycle,
body & relationships
Art therapy, drama & dance, daily yoga
white water rafting and Balinese cultural
time to slow down with delicious food and
Contact: Janoel Liddy 0408 664 919
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