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Date: Friday, February 6th and Saturday, February 7th, 2015
Host School: Greenbrier East High School
Location: Eastern Greenbrier Middle School - 330 Knight Dr. - Ronceverte, WV.
(Located next to Greenbrier East H.S.)
SEEDING: You must have your rosters and records/criteria submitted by 1:00 pm on Tuesday,
February 3rd to: bdbush@k12.wv.us PLEASE submit ALL pertinent information for seeding.
(Name, Grade, Returning State Champion, Placer, Conference Champion, Placer, Current
Record, Head to Head, etc.) This is the only way that rosters will be accepted. The tournament
seeding committee will meet Tuesday evening to determine the seeds by using the information
that you provided. No phone in rosters will be accepted. Seeds will be posted Wednesday at
FORMAT: 16-person bracket. (Double elimination with Top 4 placers)
** Extra wrestlers will be used to fill the brackets. (No Pigtail matches)
AWARDS: Top 4 Individual Place-winners. Top 3 Teams. Most Outstanding Wrestler
Tournament Schedule:
Friday, February 6 .
Weigh-Ins 4:30pm
Wrestling Begins 6:00pm (Two Championship rounds and one Consolation)
Saturday, February 7th.
Weigh-Ins 8:30am
Wrestling Starts at 10:00am (Start with One Consolation round then Semi-Finals)
FINALS at 5:00pm (2 Mats – Championship and 3rd./4th.)
HOTEL INFORMATION: Contact Susan McCormack at 1-304-645-7999
susan.mccormack@marriott.com (Fairfield Inn and Suites/Hampton Inn/Quality Inn) Please
mention Coalfield Conference Invitational Wrestling Tournament. Coaches, you must call with
rooming information to get the Tournament rate before arriving.
*Please submit confirmation of attendance via email to: bmiluk@k12.wv.us as soon as possible.
I will respond within 24 hours, if I do not please call me to confirm.
Tournament Director: Robert “Mick” Mickey
Contact Person: Brian Miluk – 1-304-667-7296 – bmiluk@k12.wv.us