February 2015 The Signal The Churches’ Magazine for Sandwich www.stclementschurchsandwich.org.uk 50p ST CLEMENT’S CHURCH SANDWICH Events Group Present WINE TASTING with The Strand Wine Company Italian/French/Spanish Wines SATURDAY 7th February 7.30 pm in The Mary Atwood Room, St Clement’s Church Tickets: £10 Available in Church and from Carpenters The Parish Church of St Clement Sandwich Our Mission Statement – to worship, serve and make known to all the living Jesus Christ www.stclementschurchsandwich.org.uk Rector: The Revd Canon Mark Roberts, AKC Rector of Sandwich and Worth The Rectory, Knightrider Street, Sandwich, CT13 9ER Tel: 613138 Email: revdmarkroberts@supanet.com (The Rector is also a surrogate for the granting of Marriage Licences) Assistant Priests: The Revd Howard Pashley, 56 New Street, CT13 9BB 612018 The Revd Robin Bendall, 24 Delfside, CT13 9RL 617458 Deacon: The Revd Jasmine Roberts, The Rectory, Knightrider Street 613138 Reader: Mrs Maureen Collins, 18 Church Street, St Mary’s, CT13 9HL 614506 Churchwardens: Dr Kathy Bennett, Alwoodley, John’s Green, CT13 ODE 614067 Mr Hugo Jordan 28 Whitefriars Meadow, CT13 9AS 614513 Deputy Churchwarden: Mr Bruce Eccles, 87 Sandwich Road, Whitfield, CT16 3LV 826716 PCC Secretary: Mrs Susan Pashley, 56 New Street, CT13 9BB 612018 Parish Treasurer and Gift Aid Secretary: Mr Richard Palmer, Little Acorns, King’s Avenue, Sandwich Bay, CT13 9PG 614583 Free–Will Offering: Dr Frank Andrews, 14 Stone Cross Lees, CT13 0BZ 613476 Electoral Roll Officer: Mrs Maggie Kasap, 12 John’s Green, CT13 0DE 615207 Organist & Choirmaster: Mr Julian Sampson, Keymer Cottage, Longmete Road, Preston 01227 721697 Assistant Organist: Mr Robert Tapsfield, Maxton, Carlton Road, Kingsdown 373005 PARISH MAGAZINE – ‘THE SIGNAL’ Editor: The Rector 613138 Advertising: Mr Josh Thompson, Courtyard Offices, Harnet Street, CT13 9ES 629017 Distribution: Mrs Beryl Sampson, Keymer Cottage, Longmete Road, Preston 01227 721697 Churchwatch Toddler Group: Pastoral Care Group: Catering Committee: ‘Coffee Pot’: Bellringers: Servers: Flowers: The Children’s Society: ST CLEMENT’S HALL Secretary (Bookings): Mr David Senior, 3 Mill Close, CT13 9JD Mrs Carole Brown, 78 New Street, CT13 9BD Mrs Brenda Turnbull, 3 Gardners Quay, Upper Strand Street, CT13 9DH Mrs Judith Scollard, 40 Moat Sole, CT13 9AU Mrs Gillian Robertson, Hedges, St Georges Lees, CT13 9JS Mrs Carole Brown, 78 New Street, CT13 9BD Mr David Robertson Hedges, St George’s Lees, CT13 9JS The Revd Jasmine Roberts, The Rectory, CT13 9ER Mrs Tessa Sale, St Clement’s House, 14 Knightrider Street, CT13 9ER Mrs Gillian Robertson, Hedges, St Georges Lees, CT13 9JS 612782 614120 611389 614349 612876 614120 612876 613138 612288 612876 Mrs Carole Brown, 78 New Street, CT13 9BD 614120 SERVICES SUNDAYSWEEKDAYS 8.00am Holy Communion (BCP) 10.00am Wednesdays – Holy 9.30am Sir Roger Manwood’s School Service Communion (BCP) (in term time) 10.30am The Parish Eucharist (Common Worship) 6.30pm Evensong and Sermon For other services and events see Church Notices Enquiries concerning Baptism and Marriage should be made to The Rector. 1 Other Churches Contact Details THE UNITED REFORMED CHURCH, CATTLE MARKET, SANDWICH Minister Revd Dr Alan Spence 01304 768745 Local Contact Kath Gifford 617834/07790299394 www.sandwich-urc.co.uk ST ANDREW’S ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, ST GEORGE’S ROAD, SANDWICH Priest in Charge Father Christopher Lindlar, 149 St Richard’s Road Deal THE CARPENTER’S ARMS, SANDWICH Anna Upton 374870 01304 614894 e-mail: aupton69@hotmail.com ST PETER & ST PAUL, WORTH Rector The Revd Canon Mark Roberts Assistant Priest The Revd Howard Pashley, 56 New Street, CT13 9BB 612 018 CHURCHES TOGETHER IN SANDWICH Chairman The Revd Canon Mark Roberts Secretary Mrs Anna Upton Treasurer Mr John Cuss COPY FOR THE SIGNAL Please note that if you have any copy for the next issue of The Signal it should be either: Delivered to: or emailed to: by: The Rectory jasmineroberts@supanet.com 10th February 2015 This month’s cover CANDLEMAS 2nd February The Presentation of Christ in the Temple - Giotto 2 The Rector Writes 21:9 THE PARTY’S OVER Liturgically purists will tell you that the Christmas Season is not over until the church has celebrated CANDLEMAS, the Feast of the Presentation of Christ, on 2nd February. We had lunch with a clergy friend of ours in early January and, yes, he told us as a matter of fact, that his Christmas decorations and cards would not be coming down until Candlemas had passed. The lovely Feast that is 2nd February commemorates the visit of the Holy Family to the Temple according to the custom and the law, for the child Jesus to be Presented. Jesus is recognised and proclaimed by Simeon and Anna. When Candlemas has been celebrated, truly the party is over. Or has it just begun? For Simeon it marked an ending, but for him this end is exactly what he had been waiting for. For him the sight of that little group in the Temple, one family among so many others, is the answer to a lifetime’s prayer. That is of course what his words, the Nunc Dimittis are all about. The canticle, Nunc Dimittis, is most familiar to those who know and love the Order of Evening Prayer (Evensong) in the Prayer Book. ‘Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace.’ Simeon has waited for so long, and being human, he no doubt despaired at times. Would God’s promised Saviour truly arrive in his lifetime? Whatever his feelings though, he kept on waiting faithfully. Something for us to learn from him. There are times when belief is easy. When God feels very close and his plans very clear. Against those must be set other periods when he seems conspicuous by his absence. These are the times when prayer feels as if it might simply be an empty waste of time, when the plans which I was so sure were God-given seem likely to be just another one of my mad ideas after all! That’s the time to remember Simeon, waiting day by day. Time to remember that, and to rejoice that his faith was rewarded by the sight, touch and sound of his infant Saviour. Candlemas is the time when the party began for Simeon, with a revelation of the reality of Jesus. It is a bittersweet reality of course, which reflects the time that is on the border between Christmas and the Lenten journey towards Holy Week. God’s salvation will be costly. Meanwhile in the Temple the crowds come and go, many if not most of them oblivious to the earth changing drama that has just been played out. They were intent on honouring God, but they missed God’s presence in the baby brought by that unassuming couple with the turtle doves. When the crib has been finally put away and the star has gone, all trace of Christmas tidied up so that ‘we can get on with the serious business of life’, the party’s over perhaps, but like Simeon we have seen God’s salvation present in that baby. Now our task is to carry his light to the nations, and to show ourselves transformed by it so that we can shine in the darkest places. Mark Roberts Rector 3 St Clement’s Church – Diary of Events February 2015 SUNDAY1st THE FOURTH SUNDAY OF EPIPHANY CANDLEMAS CELEBRATION 8.00 am 9.30 am 10.30 am 6.30 pm Monday Feast of the Presentation Christ in the Temple - Candlemas 2nd Holy Communion Sir Roger Manwood’s School Service Candlemas Parish Eucharist Evensong and Sermon Wednesday4th 10.00 am 7.30 pm Holy Communion PCC Meeting Friday 6th Anniversary of the Accession of Her Majesty the Queen Saturday 7th 7.30 pm WINE TASTING in the Mary Atwood Room, Church SUNDAY8th THE SECOND SUNDAY BEFORE LENT SEXAGESIMA 8.00 am 9.30 am 10.30 am 6.30 pm Holy Communion Sir Roger Manwood’s School Service Parish Eucharist Evensong and Sermon Wednesday11th 10.00 am Holy Communion SUNDAY15th THE SUNDAY NEXT BEFORE LENT QUINQUAGESIMA 8.00 am 10.30 am 6.30 pm Tuesday Shrove Tuesday 17th Holy Communion Parish Eucharist with THE MINISTRY OF HEALING Evensong and Sermon Wednesday18th ASH WEDNESDAY 10.00 am Holy Communion with the Imposition of Ashes 7.00 pm SUNG EUCHARIST Friday 20th 12 Noon – 1.15pm Lent Lunch in St Clement’s Hall 7.30 pm Bellringers’ Annual Dinner SUNDAY22nd THE FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT 8.00 am 10.30 am (6.30 pm 4 Holy Communion Parish Eucharist No Evensong Evensong at Worth) St Clement’s Church – Diary of Events February 2015 Tuesday 24th 7.30 pm Wednesday25th 10.00 am 2.30 pm 7.30 pm Thursday26th 4.00 pm Friday Deanery Synod Holy Communion Lent Afternoon Study Group begins Lent Evening Study Group begins Holy Communion at Wayarers 27th 12 Noon – 1.15pm Lent Lunch in St Clement’s Hall CHOIR PRACTICE is held in St Clement’s Church on Friday evening from 7.15pm. Further details from Julian Sampson - Organist and Choir Master. BELLRINGERS’ PRACTICE is held on Saturday mornings from 9.15am. For security reasons the church door is locked at 9.30am. Further details from David Robertson, 01304 612876. david.robertson81@btinternet.com COFFEE POT takes place every Friday in St Clement’s Hall from 10.00 am until 12 Noon. Meet and chat over coffee – Everyone welcome. The TODDLER GROUP meets every Tuesday afternoon (in term time) from 1.30pm until 3.00pm in St Clement’s Hall. We are delighted to see any parents, carers and your children. The Parish Church of Sandwich (St Clement’s) Meeting of Parishioners and Annual Parochial Church Meeting 2015 Please note that this year these important meetings will be held in St Clement’s Hall on TUESDAY 10th MARCH 2015 Invitations will be sent to those on the Church Electoral Roll, but of course all Parishioners are welcome. Nomination forms for Churchwardens, members of the Parochial Church Council etc will be in St Clement’s Church in due course. 5 United Reformed Church Sunday Morning Worship is held each Sunday at 10.30am. Sunday1st Miss Patricia Lawrie Sunday8th Revd Dr Alan Spence Sunday15th Matt Hodson of Emmanuel Church, Canterbury Sunday22nd Revd Dr Alan Spence - Communion Following worship tea and coffee will be served You will be made most welcome at any or all of our Services Visitors are welcome at the Friday 10.30 am Bible Study led by Revd Alan Spence in the Age Concern Lounge. The Thursday Coffee Mornings in the church run from 9.45 am to 12 noon and will resume on 8th January. St Andrew’s Roman Catholic Church Sunday Mass is Celebrated at 9.00 am For other Mass times please visit http://www.catholicmass.com/theweekahead.htm The Carpenter’s Arms – Sandwich The Phoenix Centre, Jubilee Road, Sandwich Sundays at 10.30 am For service details including Messy Church, please contact Anna Upton 01304 614894 e-mail: aupton69@hotmail.com St Bart’s Chapel Sunday1st Sunday 8th Sunday15th Sunday22nd 10.30 am 10.30 am 9.30 am 10.30 am Morning Worship Morning Worship Holy Communion Morning Worship St Peter and St Paul – Worth Sunday1st Sunday8th Sunday15th Sunday22nd 6 9.30 am 9.30 am 8.00 am 6.30 pm Parish Communion Morning Service Holy Communion Evensong Je suis Charlie It is not easy to understand the motivation of an Islamic terrorist. But let me try. Islam is more a religion of orthopraxis (right action) than orthodoxy (right belief). Obedience is its primary characteristic. To be a Moslem is in large part to practice the religious duties entailed in the Five Pillars of Islam and to observe Sharia Law – a legal code which touches every aspect of business, judicial and communal life. But this is clearly an ideal which can only be approached in an Islamic caliphate. Nearly all modern Islamic states have in various ways compromised with modern secularism. And this is the attraction of the ISIS project – building an Islamic state where it is again possible to live as a Moslem without compromise. Of course this can only be brought about through much pain and suffering. Those who have knowingly compromised with the forces of evil and unbelievers do not deserve mercy. You might not like such an argument but its logic is easy to see. Christianity is not a ‘law’ religion. According to Jesus all the moral demands of God on human life can be summarised in one simple sentence. “Love God with everything you have and love your fellows as you would yourself.” Motivation is everything. When not driven by love our finest deeds can be considered as worthless. This is an ethic too high for us to achieve. We are even called to love our enemies! To live like this needs both grace and supernatural power, both the cross and the resurrection, both Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Our task today is to work out what such love might mean in the context of the Charlie Hebdo killings. Alan Spence United Reformed Church Minister ST CLEMENT’S CHURCH PASTORAL GROUP Would you like to know more about what we do? Do you know anyone who would like to have a friendly visit? Contact either: Brenda Turnbull 01304 611389 or Judith Scollard 01304 614349 7 A PILGRIMAGE HOLIDAY TO SPAIN JUNE 3RD TO JUNE 9TH 2015 This year we are offering the opportunity of going to Spain and visiting two fascinating cities – Toledo and Barcelona – and very different they are! TOLEDO is the ecclesiastical capital of Spain – what Canterbury is to England – and is about forty miles south of Madrid. Long ago it was the capital of the Roman Province and since then it has been a melting pot for different cultures – a splendid mixture of Moorish, Jewish and Christian. There is a wealth of ancient buildings in the city which still bear witness to its great past. We are planning the visit in early June to be there for the Feast of Corpus Christi. Most Spanish cities and towns and villages have their own special festivals as they honour their patron saints or other special days. But Toledo is THE place to be in for Corpus Christi. The city spends weeks preparing the decorations of the streets and the costumes of those in the procession. Festivities begin with a grand service in the cathedral, presided over by the Archbishop of Toledo, and this leads into a wonderful procession through the city with all the guilds in their finery and all the spectacle and colour you could wish. At the centre of the procession is the Custodia – the monstrance – described as the most ostentatious treasure of the Christian world, and dating back to the early sixteenth century. So there is plenty to do and see there, and that is before you discover that Toledo is also the city where lived El 8 A PILGRIMAGE HOLIDAY TO SPAIN Greco – Domenico Theotocopoulos. The great Renaissance artist lived in Toledo from 1579 to his death in 1614 and many of his most famous works are on view. Next we move on to BARCELONA by train through La Mancha – the home of Don Quixote and Sancho Panza. Barcelona is a large Mediterranean seaport and Spain’s second largest city again with a history dating back to the Romans, and with evidence of all the cultures that have existed since that time. It is a city that was spruced up for the Olympic Games and is now a real modern metropolis. It was the home of Pablo Picasso, of Salvador Dali, of Pablo Casals, but perhaps it is most famous these days for the buildings of Antoni Gaudi and the Barcelona FC. Gaudi’s great cathedral of the Holy Family – the Sagrada Familia – must be one the world’s most instantly recognisable buildings. There will be the opportunity to visit the main sights of the city, but we will also be going out to Monserrat – the fantastic monastery up in the mountains. The scenery is spectacular! The monastery church houses the famous statue of the “Black Madonna” – La Moreneta – and is one of Spain’s principal pilgrimage places. The statue dates from the twelfth century and has been a pilgrimage destination for centuries. For centuries the Monastery has been a bastion of Catalan culture. It is also the home of the Escolania, the internationally renowned Boys’ Choir, and we would hope to hear them perform. This visit should give us a wonderful introduction to Spain away from the crowded beaches. We will experience something of the religious and cultural life of Spain. It is a country that has had a very different history from our own – sometimes fighting one another – the Armada – sometimes fighting together – the Napoleonic Peninsular War. It’s the home of great art and architecture and well as sherry and quite drinkable wine. Price = £696.00 The price is based on two persons sharing a twin room. The price for sole occupancy is £925.00. If those travelling are willing to share, that will obviously reduce the cost considerably. Such arrangement for sharing will need to be made privately between those involved and the agents then notified accordingly. 9 A PILGRIMAGE HOLIDAY TO SPAIN The price includes: Outward flight from UK airport to Madrid Airport Return flight from Barcelona Airport to UK Train journey from Madrid to Toledo Train journey from Toledo to Barcelona Three nights’ accommodation in the **** centrally located Alfonso VI Hotel in Toledo on a half-board basis Three nights’ accommodation in the **** H10 Marina Hotel in Barcelona on a bed and breakfast basis The price does not include: Travel to and from UK airport and home address Travel from Madrid Airport to Madrid Railway Station Transfers to and from hotels Travel between Barcelona and Monserrat Meals beyond those stated above Travel insurance THE BOOKING Any booking made is a private transaction between the individual travelling and the company arranging the journey The travel arrangements are made through ‘Flight Centre’ at 8-9 The Parade, Canterbury, Kent CT1 2SG and are booked with Gullivers Travel Associates. Flight Centre ATOL: 4267, IATA: 9121239, ABTA: K9235. When we have some idea about the numbers we will look to find the most economic means of transport for the journeys not included in the basic cost. THE ITINERARY Day one – Wednesday, June 3rd We travel from our homes to catch an early flight from Heathrow to Madrid. When we know how many are coming, we will try to arrange to share transport to Heathrow. On arrival at Madrid Airport we transfer to the main train station for the train journey to Toledo. Once we have settled into our accommodation we are fee to explore the city. Day two – Thursday, June 4th This is the day of the Corpus Christi Procession. It begins with a Mass in the Cathedral celebrated by the Archbishop of Toledo, and the procession then weaves its way through the city. Day three – Friday, June 5th We are free today to explore the city Day four – Saturday, June 6th Today we travel by train from Toledo to Barcelona, changing trains in Madrid 10 A PILGRIMAGE HOLIDAY TO SPAIN Day five – Sunday, June 7th We are free to explore Barcelona with time for church in the morning Day six – Monday, June 8th We travel to Monserrat to visit the Benedictine Monastery with the Statue of the Black Madonna, and hopefully to hear the Boys’ Choir sing. Day seven – Tuesday, June 9th We return by air from Barcelona Airport on an afternoon flight to Heathrow, and then make our own way home. Anthony Fletcher A NOTE FOR YOUR DIARY: LITTLE GARDENS OF SANDWICH 2015 SUNDAY 14TH JUNE 2.00 - 5.00pm The New St Clement’s Lottery Winners for: January 1. D. Robertson £50 2. A. Gates £30 3. D. Senior £20 If anybody is interested in taking part in the Lottery please contact me on 01304 615081 or 07836 754594 – e-mail: paul@graemeandco.co.uk and I will happily send an application form. Paul Graeme, Lottery Administrator* *(Licensed with Dover District Council) 11 LENT 2015 This year’s Lent STUDY COURSE at St Clement’s will begin on Wednesday 25th February We shall be meeting again on Wednesdays and there will be an Afternoon and an Evening Group Wednesday Afternoons at 2.30 pm Wednesday Evenings at 7.30pm in Church Details of the course will be available in St Clement’s and in next month’s ‘Signal’. Do think about joining us this year. You will be very welcome. SANDWICH LIBRARY GUILD Presents a talk for the public: THE LIFE OF A JOURNALIST by Emily Stott, well-known to readers of the East Kent Mercury, for whom she is a prominent reporter. To be held in the Jury Room, Sandwich Guildhall Wednesday, 11th February at 7.30 pm Admission is free. POETRY FOR PLEASURE This group, run by Sandwich Library Guild, meets on the last Saturday of each month at 11am in Sandwich Library (upstairs). It is open to anyone who wants to come and listen to poetry read aloud. You can read your own poems or those written by other people. Admission is free and each meeting tends to last for about one hour. The next meeting will be held on 28th FEBRUARY, when the theme will be SILENCE. General enquiries may be directed to the group facilitator, Cilla Phillips, tel: 01304 613703 or email: cilla.phillips@btinternet.com 13 WALSINGHAM 2015 Our 2015 St Clement’s Parish Pilgrimage to The Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham (our twelfth) will take place from Friday 24th – Sunday 26th April. Do think about joining us. It is always a memorable experience and a special opportunity to learn and experience more about our Faith. This year’s leaflet and the Booking Forms are on the tale in St Clement’s Church. The completed forms (together with deposit) should be returned to The Revd Anthony Fletcher by SUNDAY 1st FEBRUARY St Clement’s Events Group Wine Tasting The Events Group hope to cheer up a dark winter evening. We invite you to join us for a Wine Tasting with The Strand Wine Company. It will be on Saturday 7th February 2015 at 7.30pm in the Mary Atwood Room of St Clement’s Church. We will learn about and taste a variety of wines from France, Italy and Spain. We will enjoy some cheese. Tickets: £10 each, available from St Clement’s or from Carpenters, Sandwich. Limited numbers, book early. Orders for wine placed on the night will receive a15% discount. Please come, we look forward to seeing you. Sue Pashley 14 St Mary’s Arts Centre Strand Street, Sandwich A unique 14th century arts and events venue An advert here available for hire for private parties, wedding receptions, concerts and recitals, dance and drama, exhibitions, rehearsals and workshops will cost just £45 for six months. for booking or enquiries 01304 629015 tel 01304 612 888 sharon_russell1@btinternet.com www.stmarysartscentre.org.uk St Mary’s is a consecrated church open daily to the public Is this worth thinking about? For details call Josh EASTRY CHIROPODY Pound House, St. Mary’s Close CT13 0HP For an appointment please ring 01304 611687 07870 385 984 Mrs.Zsuzsanna Snarey An advert here will cost just £45 for six months. Is this worth thinking about? For details call Josh 01304 629015 www.eastry-chiropody.co.uk HCPC Registered Qualified Surgical Chiropodist Registered Member of the British Chiropody & Podiatry Association WITH AL N O SI AT I P PRO FE S LE A R N CHRIS BUSBYS DRIVING SCHOOL VILLAGE 07866 132928 EN T RATES chris@busbys-drivingschool.co.uk www.busbys-drivingschool.co.uk TUITION FOR STUDENTS OF ALL AGES Jewellery you’ll love Service you’ll appreciate An advert here will cost just £45 for six months. Is this worth thinking about? For details call Josh 01304 629015 Kim Wood JeWellers SECOND HAND PURCHASED • PAWN BROKING AVAILABLE ANTIQUE & MODERN JEWELLERY, SILVERWARE, WATCHES AND CLOCKS WORKSHOP ON THE PREMISES 8B King Street, Sandwich, Kent CT13 9BY Tel/Fax 01304 617700 BUY ONLINE www.mrkimwoodjeweller.co.uk www.facebook.com/kimwoodjewellers Kings Arms H ot e l circa 1480 s A n dw i c H As a privately owned Inn, the Kings Arms Hotel is able to provide the attention to detail, flexibility and standards often sought, but rarely found. Full A lA cArte menu 7 dAys A weeK bAr meAls dAily • Function room trAditionAl englisH gArden cAr pArKing double, twin And single rooms AvAilAble All rooms en-suite, with full English breakfast served. tel: 01304 617330 • Fax: 01304 617361 email: stay@kingsarms-sandwich.co.uk www.kingsarms-sandwich.co.uk strAnd street, sAndwicH, Kent ct13 9Hn. An advert here SANDWICH DECORATIVE will cost just £45 for six months. AND FINE ARTS SOCIETY Is this worth thinking about? Are you interested in paintings, decorative art, crafts, gardens, architecture and art history? For details call Josh If so why not come along and enjoy our stimulating monthly lectures and a glass of wine. We meet at The Guildhall, Sandwich on the first Monday evening of the month at 7.30pm 01304 629015 For more information please contact The Deputy Chairman Tessa Sale t. 01304 612288 Laser Treatment for the Fungal Nail Infection and Warts A safe, effective treatment for toes and feet including toenail fungus and warts. The treatment involves painlessly passing the laser beam over the infected nails. Treatment sessions will take approximately 15 minutes. GenesisPlus is very safe. No side effects or adverse reactions have been reported. Most patients describe the procedure as being painless with a small hot pinch at the end. 50% OFF a course of treatments* 3 treatments 3 weeks apart *terms and conditions apply 9a New Street, Ashford, Kent TN24 8TN 01233 661662 www.wellsclinic.com R.I. BUTCHER PAINTER & DECORATOR • • • • Paper Hanging Tiling Coving Glazing 90 Poulders Gardens Sandwich Kent CT13 0AJ Tel: 01304 614264 Mob: 07870532892 Lady painter & decorator Interior & Exterior HOROLOGY REPAIRS T. PETTMAN CLOCKMAKER Specialists in Antique Clock Restoration v Telephone: 01843 825050 Mobile: 07860 498963 • KCC Approved • 10 years experience K. Somers • Fully Insured 01304 814386 07779 933604 karisomers@yahoo.co.uk • CRB checked & references An advert here will cost just £45 for six months. Is this worth thinking about? For details call Josh 01304 629015 Canterbury City Centre Parish Lent Lectures 2015 Christianity and the Common Good The General Synod of the Church of England has urged Church members to a. ‘Challenge the political parties to promote the common good’ in the run-up to the General Election in 2015 and b. Develop our own efforts to promote the common good. The lectures will explore Christian ideas about the common good and examine practical attempts to promote it. 24th February The Reverend Dr Peter Davie ‘Archbishop William Temple on Christian Social Thought & the Common Good.’ 3rd March Dr George Conyne ‘John Woolman: The Society of Friends and the Common Good.’ 10 March Professor John Butler th ‘Dean Hewlett Johnson on Christianity and the Common Good.’ 17th March Mrs Elisabeth Davie ‘Christian Approaches to Poverty and Justice.’ 24th March The Reverend Mike Walling ‘The Liverpool Legacy: Christians Together for the Common Good.’ The lectures will be held at St Peter’s Anglican church at 12.30 pm. They will be followed by a light lunch at 1.15 pm. Calling all Mums, Dads and Carers of toddlers! Have you thought of coming along on Tuesday afternoons to St Clement’s Toddlers Group in the Church Hall? There are lots of toys and activities for your little ones to keep them busy, and there is the chance for Mums and Dads (and carers) to enjoy a cup of tea or coffee and to have a chat with other parents. Do come along! Tuesday afternoons from 1:30 to 3:00. You will be very welcome. 21 Prayer In South Africa ( where I was living at the time) on Sunday 20th January 1992 at 6am I received the following message from the Lord. “My child, I want to talk about the importance of prayer. Prayer is alive and must not be allowed to dry up ad wither. The prayers of the saints should be plump, full of fragrance and promise, even though they break the hearts of those who pray. Once they reach My throne their perfume is releaseed and action can be taken but sometimes the prayer has to wait for an answer because the time is not right for it to be given immediately. Keep on praying. Keep the prayer fresh and wholesome. Don’t feel you are nagging Me when you repeat the same prayer or request time and time again. Eggs hatch at the right time. Birds fly at the right time. The young are born at the correct time. If not then they perish. Prayer is eternal – man on earth is not. Everything earthly will eventally be no more but not prayer. So My dear child though you see no action concerning your request the time is not yet ripe for this to happen. Don’t let your prayer wither away and die or be like the dried up residue of perfume in an empty bottle that when the time comes to open it nothing remains but the stale smell of something lifeless.” Jame Bremner Elder of the Sandwich United Reformed Church Available for Hire ST CLEMENT’S CHURCH HALL Currently Friday evenings: for regular bookings or Social Events Saturday evenings: for Social Events Kitchen also available for catering Contact Mrs Carole Brown: 614120 for details Sandwich Scrabble Group Sandwich Scrabble Group meets every Tuesday morning 10am-12 noon in Sandwich Library. Players of all abilities will be most welcome. Not played before? No problem, come along and play while you learn with our friendly group. Ring Bridget on 01304 621929 for further information or just come along. 23 RAFA News The Bi-monthly meeting of the Sandwich and Deal Branch of the Royal Air Force Association was held on 7th January 2015 at the Sandwich Centre for the Retired. The Chairman opened the meeting by reading the official Dedication of the Association. In doing so he stated that the standard attended the ceremony of Mr John Breach who had passed away. Arising from the minutes of the last meeting the Chairman reported that the Branch had been represented at Remembrance Day Services in Sandwich and Deal and wreaths laid on behalf of the Branch. The Annual Christmas lunch was held in December and was well attended and very much enjoyed by those present. Thanks were extended to the Kings Arms staff for the excellent meal to everyone’s choice. Correspondence was received from CHQ regarding National Conference and other matters. The Area News for November and December was read with regard to the Area Conference which is being held at Potter’s in Norfolk. National Conference is being held at Eastbourne in May; other items included adoption of ATC Squadrons, Flying Scholarships etc. The 2235 (Deal) Squadron had been adopted many years ago. As far as the Wings Appeal was concerned two further donations had been received and forwarded to CHQ for the credit of the Branch Wings Appeal. The final amount raised by the Branch was £786.51. The Vice Chairman, Dr F.W.G. Andrews reported that the turning of the page in the Memorial Book at Deal Hospital had been carried out during December. Thanks were expressed to those attending including the Standard. Following the general business the Chairman referred to the decision of the French Government to award the Legion D’Honneur to those who of the support services on D Day but had not landed were to receive the award and read a letter from the MoD that he had been awarded this distinction. The matter had now been referred to the French Authorities for their attention and approval. The Chairman also read a letter from the President of the RAF Association that in conjunction with the New Years Honours List he (the Chairman) had been awarded a National Presidential Certificate. The presentation would take place at National Conference. Members present congratulated the Chairman on both awards. Leslie Nower Chairman 24 Sandwich Town Diary February 2015 Monday2nd 2.15 pm 7.30 pm Singing for Life - United Reformed Church SEDFAS - Guildhall Tuesday3rd 10.30 am D&DDFAS - Guildhall Wednesday4th 7.00 pm Neighbourhood Forum - Guildhall Friday Curfew Ringers’ Supper - Guildhall 6 7.30 pm th Saturday7th 7.30 pm Wine Tasting (St Clement’s Church Event) – Mary Atwood Room, St Clement’s Church Tuesday10th 7.00 pm Women’s Institute – United Reformed Church Wednesday11 7.30 pm Library Guild – Guildhall Friday13th 7.00 pm Mayor’s Cocktail Party - Guildhall Monday16 2.15 pm 7.00 pm Singing for Life – United Reformed Church Town Council – Guildhall Thursday19th 7.30 pm Local History Society – Guildhall th th Friday20 12 Noon – 1.15pm Lent Lunch – St Clement’s Hall th Tuesday24th 7.00 pm Townswomen’s Guild – Guildhall Saturday28th 11.00 am Library Guild Poetry Group – Priory Room, Library Note: If organisations would like their events announced on this page of The Signal each month, please forward details of your programme to The Editor at The Rectory. From the Parish Registers BAPTISM We welcome into God’s family December 21st WILLIAM HENRY FRIEND of 14 Woodnesborough Road MARRIAGE We share in their joy December29th GRAEME DAVID WILLIAM ODGERS and SUSAN VALERIE TAIT FUNERALS We commend to God December23 JOYCE LILLIAN GARRETT of 54 Hazelwood Meadow, aged 83 years rd We offer our sympathy to the family at this time 25 COLLINS RESIDENTIAL TELEPHONE EXTENSIONS Ex BT Engineer with 18 years experience Broadband internal line problems – Tested & Rectified Phone & Internet Extensions Repair Damaged Untidy Cables Sky telephone extensions Fault finding Save £’s on BT Charges Free Estimates Over the phone Please contact Peter on 01304 823589 Mobile 07941 038 343 Email: collinstelphone@btinternet.com We offer a wide range of Mobility Scooters & Mobility products An advert here New & used mobility Scooters Wheelchairs, Rollators, Utensils, Seating, Beds, Walking Sticks, Frames, Wheelchair, Shower Products and Grab Rails. will cost just £45 for six months. Is this worth thinking about? For details call Josh 01304 629015 bility ich Mo Shop Sandw Fast, price competitive mobility scooter servicing at your home or our shop Tel: 01304 611621 Mobile: 07749593499 Or visit us at: www.atman.uk.com 9 Galliard Street, Sandwich Shire Conservation An advert here will cost just £45 for six months. Is this worth thinking about? For details call Josh 01304 629015 Historic Building Specialists. We are a conservation building company that specialise in repairing, restoring and conserving listed and period properties. We are passionate about the preservation of our historic heritage and strongly believe in the use of traditional methods and materials that have been used for centuries. Our understanding of historic buildings combined with the use of qualified craftsmen and women enables us to provide a service to suit the requirements of your building. Lime rendering – Timber frame repairs – Joinery – LandscapingBrickwork – Carpentry– Roofing – Groundwork – Extensions and alterations – Sash window restoration – Wattle and Daub – Flint and stone work. For free advice or a no obligation quote Please call or email Craig using the details below. 01843 449484 07769258763 Craig@shireconservation.com WYMAN (Electrical) Ltd. NIC Registered Electrical Contractors. All types of installations undertaken. Free estimates. All types of domestic appliances. 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For details call Josh 01304 629015 USEFUL TELEPHONE NUMBERS Sandwich Town Council Dover District Council Kent County Council Tourist Information Office Member of Parliament Electricity Gas Water Telephone British Rail Bus Services (Local and National) Cross Channel Services Doctors Hospitals Schools Chemist Sandwich Harbourmaster Sandwich Library Sandwich Sports Centre Sandwich Chamber of Commerce Sandwich Centre for the Retired 617 197 821 199 Maidstone 01622 671 411 613 565 Laura Sandys 01843 589 434 Seeboard 0800 056 8888 British Gas 08456 080 227 Emergencies 0800 111 999 Southern Water 0845 278 0845 British Telecom (Enquiries) 118 500 Enquiries 08457 48 49 50 0871 200 22 33 Eurotunnel 08705 35 35 35 P&O Ferries 08705 20 20 20 Norfolk Line 0870 870 1020 Market Place Surgery 0844 387 9997 The Surgery, The Butchery 612 138 Eastry Surgery 0844 387 9997 Kent & Canterbury 01227 766 877 Deal 865 400 Dover 201 624 QEQM, Margate 01843 22 55 44 Sandwich Infants 612 228 Sandwich Junior 612 227 Sandwich Technology School 613 071 Sir Roger Manwood’s School 613 286 Boots 612 047 Eastry Pharmacy 611 362 Colin Carr 619 083 or 07984 939 435 613 819 614 947 612 057 614 237 D. J. Jutson Limited Watchmakers & Jewellers King Street, Sandwich, Kent CT13 9BW Telephone & Fax: 01304 612171 Email: DJJLtdSandwich@aol.com
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