6 CROSBY-IRONTON COURIER Wednesday, Feb. 11, 2015 For the record A new way to fish The Crosby Police Department handled approximately 60 calls between Feb 2 to 8. Officers responded to the following calls: On Feb 2: —Officers received a report of an inappropriate text sent to a resident from a known acquaintance. The officer received details and then made contact with the suspect. The officer received additional information and advised both involved to please cease contact with each other for the rest of their lives. On Feb. 4: —Officers received a report of possible tampering with U.S. Mail at a residence on Third Avenue NE. Officers received details of the situation, started a report, and are investigating. An officer received a call from a citizen reference a parking problem in the lot of a building on Third Avenue NE. Officer advised the caller on options. On Feb. 5: —Officers received a parking complaint involving a delivery truck blocking traffic on First Street at Third Avenue SW. Officer made contact with the driver of the truck and advised. —Officers received a report from a resident on the 900 block of Oak Street reference suspicious activity involving an occupied vehicle in the area. Details were received, a report started, and Officers will be monitoring area for suspect vehicle(s) involved in this incident. —An officer responded to the Crosby Memorial Park on Serpent Lake after receiving a driving complaint involving two vehicles. The officer made contact with both drivers and sternly advised on driving conduct. —An officer responded to First Street NW on a parking complaint involving a vehicle blocking a driveway. The officer made contact with the registered owner of the vehicle and advised. —Officers received a report of a theft from a motor vehicle that was parked on Eighth Street NE. Loss information was received and a report generated with details. —An officer responded to Curtis Avenue and Second Street, Ironton and assisted the Deerwood Police Department on a traffic stop there. On Feb. 6: —Officers received a report of a scam involving a check being sent to a Crosby resident after they answered an ad on Craig’s List. The check was fraudulent. —An officer responded to a residence off of west State Highway 210 and assisted the Crow Wing County Sheriff’s Department. —An officer responded to East Main Street on a report of a child locked inside of a vehicle. The officer was able to free the child from the car. All was okay. —Officers responded to West Main Street on a call of a juvenile male who was pointing what appeared to be a handgun at passing vehicles. Officers located the juvenile near Second Avenue NW and West Main Street with a plastic gun that looked very real. Officers advised the juvenile male and made contact with parent and advised them of the incident. —An officer responded to a residence on First Street NE along with the Crosby Fire Department on a call of a carbon monoxide detector alarm. Officer assisted. It was determined the detector was old and needed replacing. —Officers responded to a residence on Edwards Drive and assisted the Crow wing County Sheriff’s Department on a domestic disturbance call. On Feb. 7: —Crow Wing County dispatch advised Officer of a gas drive off/theft that was reported from a business on Third Avenue SW. Vehicle description was received. The officer made contact with the regis- Answers tered owner who had forgotten to pay for the gas. Owner took care of the bill a short time later. —A cellular phone was found on Serpent Lake and turned into the police department where it was secured. Officer made contact with the owner and phone and owner were reunited. —Officers responded to the area of Third Avenue NW after receiving a report of four kids throwing rocks at street lights. Officers located four juvenile males at Third Avenue and Third Street NW and identified them. The kids told officers they were having a snowball fight and were not trying to hit the lights. No damage was noted at the time. Officers advised all of the kids and parents were notified of the incident. —Officers received a report of a possible gas drive off/theft that occurred at a business on Oak Street. Officer made contact with the registered owner of the vehicle and received information on the situation. Registered owner was going to the store and straighten things out. —Late in the evening, officers checked on an occupied suspicious vehicle parked on Serpent Lake with its parking lights illuminated for a long period of time. Officers made contact with owner who was found to be “jigging” out of his car. Not even kidding. (Owner stated the hard part was cutting the holes in the floorboards.) Unknown how many fish were caught with this technique. On Feb. 8: —An officer responded to a residence on Erie Avenue after receiving a report of an open garage door there. The officer checked the house and garage, and all appeared okay at the residence. —Officers responded to Fourth Street SW after receiving a call from a citizen who reported their scooter broke down. Officers assisted in transporting the individual home along with the scooter. —Officer was flagged down by a citizen who stated they found a cellular phone on the 800 block of Oak Street. The phone was secured by an officer for owner to claim. The next day, the owner came to the police station and recovered the phone. —An officer responded to Second Street in Ironton after receiving a request from the Deerwood Police Department for assistance on a traffic stop. Officer assisted and completed a report. —Officers received a report of a disturbance/customer problem involving a declined credit card the customer was attempting to use for a purchase. Officers spoke with those involved, received information, started a report, and are continuing to gather details on the situation. Other calls of the week included: domestic disturbances; alarm calls; assisted citizens with motor vehicle problems; welfare checks; juvenile runaways; driving complaints; medical calls;and a car-deer kill possession permit. CITATIONS / ADMINISTRATIVE CITATIONS / WRITTEN and VERBAL WARNINGS The following warnings and citations were issued during the week: five for speeding; one for a stop sign violation; one for seatbelt infraction; six for an equipment violation; one for illegal passing on the right; ANIMAL PROBLEMS: Officers received a report of several dogs barking for a long time at a residence on Third Street NE. An officer attempted contact with the owner of the dogs but could not locate them at that time. Officer started a report and later did locate the owner who was advised on the City Ordinance violations and advised to get the dogs registered. Sheriff reports burglaries down in Crow Wing County During the year 2014, Crow Wing County Sheriff Todd Dahl made a challenge to deputies that he would like to see a reduction in property crimes. “Burglaries have always been a high priority,” Dahl said, however, “it seems as though we have a tendency to get wrapped up in many other things and we place it on the back burner.” With that being said, Sheriff Dahl would like to report that the sheriff’s office has reduced burglaries in Crow Wing County by 56 percent in 2014. This has a been a collaborative effort between investigators, field deputies and records where new initiatives were developed to aggressively combat the significant burglary issue we have in the lakes area. “It is an honor to represent these officers and see the way they rise to the occasion.” Some of these initiatives included regular meetings between sheriff’s office investigators where in-depth discussion regarding evidence and/or suspects take place. “They do tremendous work and I couldn’t be more proud,” Dahl added. Last year, each investigator was assigned to a field division team so that communication would happen in real Website for travel information To find out up-to-date road condition information, visit www.511mn.org. In previous years, winter road conditions were reported by counties only. Now, conditions are reported on segments or stretches of specific roads (U.S. routes, interstate highways, and state highways). Tax fraud tip line The Minnesota Department of Revenue has a 24hour tip line for anyone who suspects an individual or business is violating tax laws. That number is 651-2975195, or 1-800-657-3500 (TTY users call 711 for Minnesota Relay). Tipsters may remain anonymous and can also e-mail the department at tax.fraud@state. mn.us. In 2012, citizen tips totaled 80 percent of the department’s criminal case referrals. time. Statistical data related to burglaries was frequently reviewed and field saturations were planned to cover high risk areas. Regular communication with the public was shared to help spread the word throughout the community which helped investigators by enlisting the public’s observations regarding suspicious activities. “The willingness of our public to get involved and make the phone call has been tremendous and our office can’t do this without the help of the people, Dahl said.” “The key to this is the actual first report from the victim, to the officer in the field, and then to on-going follow-up for past and current leads.” The Crow Wing County Sheriff’s Office continues to work into 2015 toward further reducing burglaries that can plague the community. Dahl would like to continue to spread the word and solicit the community to report anything suspicious in their neighborhoods including vehicle, people or things that appear out of place. Working together with the community is a key piece in keeping burglars out of our area and keeping our communities safe. If you wish to report anything please contact the sheriff’s office at 829-4749 or visit us on the web at www.crow wing.us/sheriff. Callers can remain anonymous. TIP hotline Anyone witnessing a fish or wildlife violation is encouraged to contact the 24 hour toll-free Turn-InPoachers (TIP) hotline at 800-652-9093. Cell phone users can dial #TIP. Recycling ink cartridges at Hallett Library Recycle your empty computer printer inkjet cartridges and help the Jessie F. Hallett Memorial Library of Crosby. Business and individual computer users are asked to save their empty inkjet and toner cartridges. These cartridges are collected at the library. The used cartridges are then purchased by a firm for $1 to $2, depending on the brand and model number. All proceeds benefit JFHML Friends Foundation. Sheriff asks for information on suspicious fire Crow Wing County authorities are asking anyone with information about a suspicious fire that destroyed a man's home and damaged his nearby business to call the Minnesota Arson Hotline. The blaze at Grandpa's General Store in Merrifield— about 15 miles north of Brainerd—happened in the early morning hours of November 1, 2014, and was reported by a passerby who spotted flames from County Road 3. Investigators discovered gasoline trails surrounding the home and store. Three other nearby buildings were doused with gasoline but never caught fire. Anyone with information or who saw anything suspicious in the area around the time of the fire is asked to call the Minnesota Arson Hotline at 800-723-2020. Information can also be submitted online at www.mniaai.org/ home/ arson-hotline-submit-a-tip A $2,000 to $6,000 reward is available for information or assistance that leads to an arrest. The owners of Grandpa's General Store, 26044 County Road 3, are repairing the shop and hope to open in the spring. The home was a total loss. The fire remains under investigation by the Crow Wing County Sheriff's Office and the Minnesota State Fire Marshal Division. Operation Round Up donations distributed The Crow Wing Power Community Trust Board donated $43,100 to local community programs during their first quarter meeting held in January. Operation Round-Up funds were distributed to the following projects: $500 to First Lutheran Church Quilters, Little Falls; $500 to Smile Again Ministries, Crosslake; $500 to RSVP— Emily Quilters; $1,000 to Priceless for Purpose, Pequot Lakes; $1,500 to Kinship of Morrison County, Little Falls; $26,600 to twelve area food shelves; $1,000 to Confidence Learning Center, Brainerd; $1,000 to Camp Knutson, Crosslake; $2,000 to Lakes Area Restorative Justice Project, Brainerd; $2,000 for criminal justice training, Brainerd; $500 to Brainerd Lakes Area Early Childhood Coalition; $2,500 to University of St. Thomas, Center for Nonprofit Management; $1,000 to Little Falls Area Ministerial Assoc./Youth Network; $500 to Fun Books for Kids, Pequot Lakes; and $2,000 to Private Cooperative Member Crisis Medical Support. Operation Round Up is funded by participating members of Crow Wing Power who allow the cooperative to round up their electric bills to the nearest whole dollar. The additional change is pooled and distributed quarterly. Since the program’s inception in late 1996, Round Up has donated more than $2,715,000 to community projects and programs in Cass, Crow Wing and Morrison counties. The next quarterly meeting is scheduled for April 30. Grant forms can be obtained by calling Crow Wing Power at 829-2827 or 1-800-6489401 or at www.cwpower. com. The deadline for grant applications is April 10. Lueck, Heintzeman to host property tax listening In response to expressed constituent concerns regarding rising property taxes, Rep. Dale Lueck, R—Aitkin and other legislators will be hosting property tax listening sessions in both Aitkin and Brainerd on Saturday, Feb. 14. The purpose of the sessions will be to gather input on property tax matters. “One of my top legislative priorities is finding ways of lowering area property tax rates,” Lueck said. “This is a problem that continues to escalate and these local meetings provide great opportunities for people to provide their local legislators with input regarding their property tax situations. Information we receive from area citizens will be very helpful as we consider legislation and look for ways to alleviate the challenges people face. Weekly DNR report… Assisting students Activity this week included checking ice fishing activity, inspection of ice shelters for marking and licensing requirements, and assisting high school biology students in utilizing the TIP Wall of Shame for studies in wildlife forensic science. Enforcement contacts were Cuyuna police calls last month The Cuyuna Police Department responded to the following calls during the past month: three for speeding; one headlight out and one for dragging a big tree branch under the vehicle. Agency assists included helping the Brainerd Police Department with locating shooting suspects. The Tactical Team was called out; assisted the Minnesota State Patrol with an accident/DWI arrest on State Highway 6 and Black Lake Road and assisted the Crosby Police Department with a disturbance on East Main Street in Crosby. Other calls included a theft complaint on Kruse Street; a medical assist on Powder House Road; a driving complaint on Iron Hub Road; a lost—and found— cat; a burglary report on Main Street; a welfare check completed on Main Street, a medical assist on Cottontail Drive and suspicious activity on Main Street. Senior dining menu The menu at the Senior Citizen Dining Center program sites for Feb. 16-20 follows. Due to scheduling changes, all sites will have the same menu, but not all sites will be served their meals at the same time. Participants in the meal program are asked to make reservations before 1 p.m. on the day before they plan to attend. For reservations, call 218-546-5855. Noon meals will be delivered to your Crosby, Deerwood or Ironton home for the low cost of $4.50 per meal. Service is Monday through Friday. Weekend meals available (Thursday delivery). Delivery is free. This service is available to all ages. Waiver certified. Call Tena at 218-546-5855 for more information. MONDAY — Ham and scalloped potatoes, green beans and fruit. TUESDAY — Country fried steak, mashed potatoes and gravy, creamed cabbage and dessert. W E D N E S D AY — Hamburger stroganoff, glazed carrots and jello with topping. THURSDAY—Burger on a bun, baked beans, tri-taters and cake. FRIDAY — Chicken strips, mashed potatoes and gravy, stewed tomatoes and bar. MN nice... MN ice This winter Bryan Syrstad, Robin Ware, Brady Sykora, Amanda Meyer and Tim Tungseth will be taking the Plunge to support Special Olympics Minnesota and the local Special Olympics Program. The group will be raising money so they can jump into a frozen Minnesota lake on March 7 at Breezy Point Resort. Each member of the team has set a personal fund-raising goal of $75 per team member. To support the team, please go to PlungeMN.org and search under ‘Find participants’ 05.CRI CrosbyIronton.You may also give your donation to a team member or mail it to Special Olympics Minnesota, 100 Washington Avenue South, Suite 550, Minneapolis, 55401. Additional team members are also being sought. Sign up online to join the team. St. Vincent de Paul offers help The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is a help-based organization which helps those in need. To contact the Society, call 534-3182 or e-mail: StVincent777@gmail.com. ON TARGET EVERY TIME made for ice shelter license and marking violations. To contact your local DNR conservation officer, call 829-2948. High Tunnel conference Feb. 17-18 in Baxter University of Minnesota Extension is leading a 2015 Minnesota Statewide High Tunnel Conference, to be held Tuesday and Wednesday, Feb. 17-18, at The Arrowwood Lodge At Brainerd Lakes, Baxter. High tunnels (HT), also called hoop houses, are temporary structures that extend the growing season. A Beginning High Tunnel Grower Workshop with a “Basics of High Tunnel Production” session will be held the morning of the first day, Tuesday, Feb. 17, from 8 a.m. to noon for beginning growers and those needing a review. The main conference will begin at 12:45 p.m. on Tuesday and run through Wednesday afternoon, Feb. 18. Keynote speaker for this year’s conference is Steve Bogash, Penn State Extension Educator. Steve will present four different topics: —Advances in HT Tomato Production: Techniques, Varieties, Nutrition, and Pest Management —Mechanization of Ventilation in HT —Advances in HT Bell Pepper Production —Advances in HT Cucumber Production: Techniques, Varieties, Nutrition, and Pest Management. In addition to the keynote topics, main conference topics include: —Understanding Spider Mites and Other HT Insects —Fruit Production in HT —Oxygen Drip Tape Injection Research —Understanding Your HT Irrigation Water: Putting It Into Your Total Plan —Do Colored Ground Plastics Make a Difference in HT Production? —Effective Pest Scouting and Control Methods, and HT Sprayer Technology —Current University of Minnesota Research with HT Tomato, Pepper, Eggplant Diseases —Understanding HT Ventilation in Detail —Current University of Minnesota Research with Winter Production in HT —Cover Crops in HT A new feature this year will be irrigation water testing. Participating growers are encouraged to bring a sample of their irrigation water with them to the conference for free analysis. Water samples (one cup per well; one cup per container) can be placed in a clean self-sealing bag or clean container with lid. One self-sealing bag inside of another works well. Bring samples to day one of the conference. For more information or to request a brochure and registration form contact Sue Schuler at the University of Minnesota Extension Regional Office, Grand Rapids at 327-5958 (ext. 3001) or schul925@umn.edu; or visit the High Tunnel Web site at http://hightunnels. cfans.umn.edu. Businesses give gifts for Women’s Wellness event The Cuyuna Lakes Chamber of Commerce and the Crosby Economic Development Committee participated in CRMC’s Women’s Welness event in Brainerd last week. The following women won gifts provided by businesses in Crosby during the event: —Mountain Bike t-shirt and Soup Walk Recipe book, Ronie Irish. —Gifts Galore gift certificate, Maxine Deber. —Ya Betcha Bar and Grill t-shirt and Soup Walk recipe book, Jenny Kellerman. —Ya Betcha Bar and Grill gift certificate, Claudia Richardson. —Mid Minnesota Federal Credit Union back pack and water bottles, Kathy Yeh. —Unity Bank cooler and healthy snacks, Mandy Hanson. —Crosby Bar gift certificate, Lori Wenll. —C-I Courier gift certificate, Sasha Bailey.
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