The CLE Newsletter - Cedar Lane Elementary

Creating Leaders Everyday
January 2015
My Favorite Habit
My favorite habit is Habit 6,
Synergize. I like this happen
because working with other
people is fun. When people
work together they get things
done faster. Synergizing can
make things easier.
Zaria Singleton
5th grade
Upcoming Events
Band and Orchestra Jan. 28th
End of Marking
Feb. 3rd
4th Grade NAEP
Feb. 4th
PTA Meeting
Feb. 5th
Board Meeting
Feb. 10th
Cedar Lane Elementary
A place where learners, leaders,
& friendships grow!
Using the 7 Habits at Home
Our students and families are using the 7 habits at home and enjoying the
results. Here are a few ways they are using the habits:
Adrianna Mazzio, grade 4 says, “Everybody gets their work done before
doing fun stuff. We Put First Things First”.
Kacey Young, grade 3, says, “My favorite habit is think Win-Win because
then my brother and I can all win”.
Second grader, Ryan Parker says, “My family is proactive by doing our
chores. We don’t have to be told what to do”.
How are you using the habits? Let us know. Email your family’s favorite
habit to:
How do you use the 7 Habits at home? This could be a great conversation
starter for your next family dinner!
Melisa Stilwell, Principal
Kim Gibbs, Asst. Principal
Creating Leaders Everyday
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A place where learners, leaders and friendships grow.
First Grade News
In first grade we learned about non-fiction. Nonfiction is about real people and real animals. Also we
learned about non-fiction text features. They are
heading, maps, index, glossary, table of contents and
bold print. All of these help us to understand and read
non-fiction texts. My favorite was learning about
Cara Killian
Let me tell you about the fun we are having in
science. We just are just starting to learn about solids
and liquids. So far we know that color and shape are
properties of a solid. I cannot wait until we do the sink
and float experiment.
Rylee Mancuso
Let me tell you about social studies. In social studies we learned long ago in Colonial Times they did not
Let me tell you what we have been doing in math. take any showers and they only took a bath once a
In math we have learned how to add and subtract. We month. We have read colonial books that had a girl
have also learned how to put two numbers together
and a boy. We have also learned about clothes they
and take two things apart. When we put two numbers wore long ago. Also we went to Hagley Museum to
together we make a bigger number. When we subtract learn more about Colonial Times. My favorite part
we make a smaller number. We have a lot of fun in
was washing socks on a wash board.
Ketan Antoneypillai
Ashton Carswell
Second Grade at CLE
CLE 2nd graders are beginning an
engineering unit called Civil Engineering:
Designing Bridges, which is part of the
Engineering is Elementary (EiE)
curriculum developed by the Museum of
Science, Boston. EiE is a curricular
program that integrates the science
students are already learning in elementary
school with engineering design.
Throughout this unit, students will use
what they learn about science of balance
and forces to design and improve a bridge. The unit
will begin with a story about a boy from Texas who
solves a similar engineering design challenge.
There are many reasons to introduce children to
engineering in elementary school:
Engineering projects integrate other disciplines.
Engaging students in hands-on, real-world
engineering experiences can enliven math,
science and other content areas.
Engineering fosters problem-solving skills,
including problem formulation, iteration, and
testing alternative solutions.
Children are fascinated with building
and with taking things apart to see how
they work. By encouraging these
explorations in elementary school, we can
keep these interests alive. Describing their
activities as “engineering” when children
are engaged in the natural design process
can help them develop positive associations
with engineering, and increase their desire
to pursue such activities in the future.
Engineering and technological literacy
are necessary for the 21st century. As our
society increasingly depends on engineering
and technology, our citizens need to
understand these fields.
If you have expertise about the science, field of
engineering, or have any general questions or
comments about the engineering and design unit we
are about to begin, please let your student’s teacher
know. The following website has a list of resources
and websites that students can explore at home to
extend the bridges unit:
Creating Leaders Everyday
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A place where learners, leaders and friendships grow.
Third Grade Scoop
Third Grade Math
Do you know how to set up a multiplication equation
for the word problem below? There are 3 sharks
with 2 eyes each. How many eyes do they have
altogether? If you set it up as 2 x 3, you would end up
with two sharks with three eyes each. That equation
would be incorrect. We know the equation has to be
set up as 3 x2 to represent three sets of two eyes. Our
class is currently using pictures and repeated addition
(2+2+2=6) to help us solve multiplication word
problems. Look out parents! It’s time to start using
other strategies besides those listed above, such as
skip counting and memorization to master our
multiplication facts.
By: Ryan Callaway, Ava Damiani
and Tom Jackson
Third Grade Geology
Life as a geologist is exciting! We acted as geologists
to discover the ingredients used to make a mock rock.
First, we broke the mock rock apart with nails and
were able to identify red gravel, green gravel, shells
and sand. Then we used water to separate the broken
down gray matter. After it settled for a day, we could
easily identify the sand and flour in the mix. Our
teacher said there are two more mystery ingredients
dissolved in the water. We poured the water into
dissolving dishes and observed the dishes after the
water evaporated. When the water dissolved, we were
left with crystals in our dish! Our mystery crystals
were identified as salt and alum. Being geology
mystery solvers was a blast!
By: Ryan Callaway,
Angel Vergara and Tom Jackson
REAL MEN READ author visiting CEDAR LANE!
Author Nathan Hale will be visiting grades 3, 4, 5 at Cedar Lane on Friday, February 20, 2015.
Our district’s annual reading conference, READ MEN READ will be held at A. G. Waters the
night before, February 19, 6 – 8 pm. REAL MEN READ will celebrate reading with special
guest Nathan Hale and other presenters in the fields of sports, science, and agriculture. All
students are welcome!
Nathan Hale is the author/illustrator of the historical fiction graphic novel series, Hazardous Tales. His
presentation will describe how he became an author/illustrator, but he also teaches a United States History
lesson, often determined by vote, about Lewis and Clark, the Donner Party, the battle of the Monitor and the
Merrimack, or the helmets of WWI. He is excited about history, and we’re excited about his visit!
Book order forms were sent home with students so they could purchase Nathan Hale’s books before his visit.
Please contact Mrs. Jones, CLE Librarian, at if you need a book order form
or if you have any questions about REAL MEN READ or Nathan Hale.
For more information on Nathan Hale:
Mrs. Jones,
CLE Librarian
Creating Leaders Everyday
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A place where learners, leaders and friendships grow.
5th Grade News
ELA: In ELA we are currently
working on our Poetry Unit. This unit
is designed to take 3-4 weeks to
complete. This unit will contain
lessons on figurative language,
interpreting poetry and interpreting
narrative elements of poetry. Be on the lookout for
helpful handouts and graphic organizers in your
child’s binder so that you can help them review for the
unit at home. There is a lot of vocabulary this unit
that your child will need to know and understand in
order to be successful. Try to have them review their
notes or flashcards with you over dinner or in between
commercials if you are relaxing together.
Math: After winter break, the
students started their new unit
on fractions. We will be covering
a lot of concepts for this unit. A
complete list can be found on the
SLM in your son or daughter’s
math folder. The students have been working with
some hands on problem solving skills involving
fractions. They have been using egg cartons and
clocks as a strategy to find fractional amounts of a
whole, add and subtract fractions with unlike
denominators, and find
equivalent fractions. Be sure to
have your son or daughter share
My dog ate my homework. That mischievous pup, got this strategy at home using an
a hold of my homework and gobbled it up.
egg carton or an analog
My dog ate my homework. It’s gonna be late, I guess clock. They also have been using
the teacher will just have to wait.
10 by 10 grids to model fraction/decimal/percent
My dog ate my homework. He swallowed it whole, I
relationships. Next we will be working on solving
shouldn’t have mixed it with food in his bowl.
word problems with fractions and converting
fractional amounts in such items as recipes. Your
Social Studies: Students have been working hard son or daughter recently completed round 2 of
leaning about the circular flow of money in an
their MAP assessment for math as well. Be sure to
economy and practicing all that is
ask them how far away from their goal they
involved with managing a checkare. Students should be practicing with fractions at
ing account. They are all excited
home as well on IXL.
for our trip to Junior Achievement
on the 21st where they will the
skills they have learned. We will
Friendly Reminders:
be finishing up our Economics
JA TRIP: Will be rescheduled for a date in
unit and taking the unit test on
February, more information to come.
Friday the 23rd. Students should be reviewing the
Chaperones have already been selected.
vocabulary we learned, concepts about the circular
Thank you for volunteering!
flow of money and all aspects related to writing a
2/11 & 2/12-No School, parent conferences
personal check, deposit ticket and check register as
2/16-No School, President’s Day
these will be on the test.
Science: Our next unit in science will begin on
Monday the 26th. Students will begin learning the
Laws of Motion and demonstrating
these laws through hands-on
projects involving K’Nex. Look for
information about our Fruit and
Veggie Relay in the near future!
Creating Leaders Everyday
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A place where learners, leaders and friendships grow.
Cold Weather Recess
There has been a predictable increase in
the number of children with high fevers
being sent home from the nurse’s office.
DHSS reports the First State has 1,616 lab
-confirmed cases of the flu as of Friday.
It may seem obvious, but DPH also emphasizes to wash your hand frequently
with soap or use alcohol-based hand
sanitizers, especially after you cough, sneeze or touch
your face. DPH also said you should always cover
coughs and sneezes with a tissue and dispose of that
tissue immediately. DPH says droplets from a
sneeze can travel up to six feet, so you should
always try to cover up the best you can.
Lastly, DPH stresses to stay home when
symptoms are present.
Nurse Cetrano
Please see attached from DHSS
Reading Rocks!
February is “I Love to Read” month! Cedar Lane
Elementary School will celebrate this special month
by taking part in the One School, One Book program
as we have for the past three years. One School, One
Book is the flagship program of an organization called
Read to Them. The goal of the program is create a
culture of literacy between the school and families; to
create a shared, community reading experience; and,
to synergize as we read together. During the summer
our school committee chose the book we will be
reading this year. Throughout the week of January 26,
the students will be given clues to the title of that
book. On February 2, 2015 we will have our big book
reveal assembly! Every student and staff member will
receive a copy of the book to keep forever and a
calendar that tells families which chapters(s) to read
each day. Every day at school the students will have
an opportunity to take part in activities that enrich and
promote the shared reading experience. We are very
excited about our book choice this year. We hope that
every family will take a few minutes each evening in
February to read the book together. If you would like
to find out more about One School, One Book, please
visit the Read to Them website at http:// Be on the lookout for our special
book at the beginning of February!
News from Mrs. Horsey, CLE’s Reading Specialist
The Appoquinimink School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, gender, religion, age, disability, marital status, national origin,
or other legally protected categories in its educational programs, activities, employment, or student admissions policies or practices. Inquires regarding compliance with the above can be directed to:
Section 504
Contact Kittie Rehrig, Supervisor of Student Services, Appoquinimink School District, 313 South Fifth Street, Box 4010, Odessa, DE
19730-4010. Telephone (302) 376-4111
Section 504 Coordinator’s Responsibilities: To coordinate the Appoquinimink School District’s efforts to comply with the disability
discrimination laws.
Title IX
Contact Matt Fallis, Director of Personnel, Appoquinimink School District, 313 South Fifth Street, Box 4010, Odessa, DE 19730-4010.
Telephone (302) 376-4275
Title IX Coordinator’s Responsibilities: To coordinate the Appoquinimink School District’s efforts to comply with and carry out the
District’s responsibilities under Title IX, including any investigation of any complaint alleging noncompliance with Title IX or alleging
actions which would be prohibited by Title IX.
Creating Leaders Everyday
A place where learners, leaders and friendships grow.
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Creating Leaders Everyday
A place where learners, leaders and friendships grow.
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