My Charter Fitness TEAM Training Workout Team wk 79 Stretch Spiderman Lunge Cardio Jumping Jacks 1 - Stand upright with your feet together and your arms by your sides. 2 - Jump up, splitting your feet out to the sides. 3 - Simultaneously swing your arms up to the sides in an arc over your head. • Reverse the direction of the movement. Sets Reps 1 2 3 4 5 Weight Notes 1 - Start in the top position of a push up with your arms straight. 2 - Step one foot forward to your hand, bending at the knee. • Perform on one side, then switch to the other side. Alternate sides with each rep. 6 Weight Notes Weight Notes 1 2 3 4 5 6 Inchworm Shoulders Walking Push Up Chest Sets Reps Sets Reps Weight Notes 1 - Start in a low push up 1 - Start with your feet and position with one hand directly 1 hands on the floor and your under your shoulder and the legs straight. 2 other slightly in front. 2,3 - Walk your hands out, 2 - Push up to a straight arm lengthening your body out into 3 position and move the back a push up position, going out hand forward about 12 inches. as far as you can with your 4 3,4 - Lower your body back to hands in front of your the start position and repeat shoulders. 5 this time moving the other 4,5 - Walk your hands back in 6 hand forward in a walking to start position. motion. This PDF/printout was generated using Charter Fitness TEAM Training. Get access at Sets Reps 1 2 3 4 5 6 © 2015 PumpOne, LLC Notice: This PDF was created and prepared by and sent by them to you. While the copyright to some or all of the works of authorship in this PDF are owned by PumpOne, PumpOne takes no responsibility for its contents. This PDF is protected by copyright law and you are not permitted to make copies, reproduce or electronically post this PDF. printed 02/06/15 12:10AM Page 1 of 6 My Charter Fitness TEAM Training Workout Team wk 79 Jumping Jacks Cardio Abs Tuck 1 - Start in a straight body position with your forearms on the floor in front and your feet looped through the handles. 2 - Pull your knees into your chest. • Return back out to the straight position. Sets Reps Weight Notes 1 2 3 4 5 1 - Stand upright with your feet together and your arms by your sides. 2 - Jump up, splitting your feet out to the sides. 3 - Simultaneously swing your arms up to the sides in an arc over your head. • Reverse the direction of the movement. Sets Reps Notes Weight Notes 2 3 4 5 6 6 Cardio Mountain Climber Triceps French Press 1 - Lean your body forward with your hands in the handles behind your head with your elbows bent and your legs straight out on your toes. 2 - Straighten your arms, pressing the handles over your head, keeping your shoulders steady. Weight 1 Sets Reps 1 2 3 4 5 Weight Notes 1 - Support your body on your toes and hands with one knee bent and drawn up into your chest and the other leg straight out behind. 2 - Alternate jumping your feet in and out, bringing your knees into your chest each time and keeping your hands on the floor. 6 Sets Reps 1 2 3 4 5 6 This PDF/printout was generated using Charter Fitness TEAM Training. Get access at © 2015 PumpOne, LLC Notice: This PDF was created and prepared by and sent by them to you. While the copyright to some or all of the works of authorship in this PDF are owned by PumpOne, PumpOne takes no responsibility for its contents. This PDF is protected by copyright law and you are not permitted to make copies, reproduce or electronically post this PDF. printed 02/06/15 12:10AM Page 2 of 6 My Charter Fitness TEAM Training Workout Team wk 79 Shoulders Vertical Toss Shoulders Push Press 1 - Stand upright holding the kettlebells at shoulder height with your elbows bent and your and palms facing in. 2 - Bend your hips and knees slightly and then quickly thrust the kettlebells overhead, extending your arms and legs fully. • Keep your back flat and remain upright throughout the movement. Sets Reps Weight Notes 1 2 3 4 5 1 - Stand upright holding the ball in both hands at shoulder height. • Dip slightly at the hips and knees. 2 - Extend your legs and arms fully as you throw the ball straight up overhead. • Catch and repeat. 6 Weight Notes Weight Notes 1 2 3 4 5 6 Cardio Toe Taps Full Body Overhead Swing 1 - Squat holding a kettlebell in both hands between legs with your arms straight. 2 - Thrust your hips forward swinging the kettlebell out and up directly overhead with your arms straight. • Allow the kettlebell to fall forward, guiding it back down along the same path and repeat. Sets Reps Sets Reps 1 2 3 4 Weight Notes 1 - Stand upright with one foot on a ball in front and the other foot on the floor with you hands at your sides. 2 - Rapidly switch your feet, alternating between tapping the ball and floor in a running motion. Sets Reps 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 6 This PDF/printout was generated using Charter Fitness TEAM Training. Get access at © 2015 PumpOne, LLC Notice: This PDF was created and prepared by and sent by them to you. While the copyright to some or all of the works of authorship in this PDF are owned by PumpOne, PumpOne takes no responsibility for its contents. This PDF is protected by copyright law and you are not permitted to make copies, reproduce or electronically post this PDF. printed 02/06/15 12:10AM Page 3 of 6 My Charter Fitness TEAM Training Workout Team wk 79 Chest Pullover Chest Press 1 - Lie with your upper back on the BOSU and your feet flat, holding dumbbells at shoulder level, elbows bent. 2 - Press the dumbbells up until your arms are straight over your chest. • Lower the dumbbells back to shoulder level, keeping your hips in line with your shoulders. Sets Reps 1 2 3 4 5 6 Weight Notes 1 - Lie with your upper back on a BOSU and feet flat holding one dumbbell in both hands with your arms extended up over your chest. 2 - Lower the dumbbell back behind your head, keeping your arms straight. 3 - Raise the dumbbell back up over your chest, returning to the start position. Weight Notes Weight Notes 1 2 3 4 5 6 Squat Thrusts Cardio Lower Back Quad Superman Sets Reps Notes • Begin on all fours with both Sets Reps Weight 1 - Start in the top position of knees and hands on a BOSU a push up with your legs and 1 with your toes touching the arms straight and your hands 2 floor. on the floor. 1 - Raise one arm and the 2 - Jump your feet in, bringing 3 opposite leg straight up to your knees to your chest while shoulder height. keeping your hands on the 4 2 - Slowly lower your arm and floor. leg and repeat with the other 3 - Jump your feet back out to 5 arm and leg. a straight position. 6 • Take your time and be sure to maintain your balance. • Alternate was sidesgenerated with each using Charter Fitness TEAM Training. Get access at This PDF/printout rep. Sets Reps 1 2 3 4 5 6 © 2015 PumpOne, LLC Notice: This PDF was created and prepared by and sent by them to you. While the copyright to some or all of the works of authorship in this PDF are owned by PumpOne, PumpOne takes no responsibility for its contents. This PDF is protected by copyright law and you are not permitted to make copies, reproduce or electronically post this PDF. printed 02/06/15 12:10AM Page 4 of 6 My Charter Fitness TEAM Training Workout Team wk 79 Legs Lunge with Rotation Chest Incline Push Up to T 1 - Stand upright holding a weight plate in both hands at your midsection with your elbows bent. 2 - Take a step forward dropping your back knee towards the floor and twisting your torso to this side with your weight on your front leg. 3 - Push off your front foot to return to the start position. • Complete all reps on one side before switching to the Star Side Bridge other side. Equipment Sub: Dumbbell, Med Ball Sets Reps Notes 1 - Support your body on your Sets Reps Weight 1 - Support your body on your side on one knee and one side on one knee and one 1 forearm with your other leg forearm with your other leg straight out and the other arm 2 straight out and the other arm straight up overhead. straight up overhead. 3 2 - Bend your top knee in 2 - Bend your top knee in towards your chest and bring towards your chest and bring 4 your top elbow down to meet your top elbow down to meet this knee. this knee. 5 • Maintain your balance on • Maintain your balance on 6 other knee and forearm. other knee and forearm. • Complete all reps on one • Complete all reps on one side beforewas switching to theusing Charter Fitness TEAM Training. Get access at side before switching to the This PDF/printout generated other side. other side. Sets Reps Sets Reps 1 2 3 4 5 6 Knee In Weight Notes Weight Notes Weight Notes 1 2 3 4 5 6 Knee In Abs Abs 1 - Support your body on your toes and hands with your elbows bent and your hands up on a step or bar. 2 - Push up to a straight arm position, then raise one hand to the ceiling while rotating your body to the same side. • Lower your body back to the start position and repeat reaching up to the opposite side. • Alternate sides with each Star Side Bridge rep. 1 2 3 4 5 6 © 2015 PumpOne, LLC Notice: This PDF was created and prepared by and sent by them to you. While the copyright to some or all of the works of authorship in this PDF are owned by PumpOne, PumpOne takes no responsibility for its contents. This PDF is protected by copyright law and you are not permitted to make copies, reproduce or electronically post this PDF. printed 02/06/15 12:10AM Page 5 of 6 My Charter Fitness TEAM Training Workout Team wk 79 Back Uni Standing Wide Row 1 - Bend forward at your waist with your knees slightly bent and your back flat, holding the handles with your elbows bent at 90 degrees. 2 - Straighten your arms back and up, keeping your shoulders steady and your back flat. Sets Reps 1 2 3 4 5 6 Back Uni Standing Wide Row Weight Notes 1 - Stand upright holding the handle in one hand with your arm straight out in front, your knees slightly bent and your back flat. 2 - Pull the handle straight in to your chest. • Remain upright throughout and do not sway back and forth. • Complete all reps on one side before switching to the other side. Toe Touch Equipment Sub: Tubing Sets Reps Weight Notes Weight Notes 1 2 3 4 5 6 Abs Triceps Kickback Notes 1 - Stand upright holding the Sets Reps Weight 1 - Lie on your back with your handle in one hand with your arms and legs straight up in 1 arm straight out in front, your the air. 2 knees slightly bent and your 2 - Reach your hands towards back flat. your toes, lifting your head 3 2 - Pull the handle straight in and shoulders off the floor. to your chest. • Use your abdominal muscles 4 • Remain upright throughout to pull you up and do not and do not sway back and throw yourself up. 5 forth. 6 • Complete all reps on one side before switching to the other side.was generated using Charter Fitness TEAM Training. Get access at This PDF/printout Equipment Sub: Tubing Sets Reps 1 2 3 4 5 6 © 2015 PumpOne, LLC Notice: This PDF was created and prepared by and sent by them to you. While the copyright to some or all of the works of authorship in this PDF are owned by PumpOne, PumpOne takes no responsibility for its contents. This PDF is protected by copyright law and you are not permitted to make copies, reproduce or electronically post this PDF. printed 02/06/15 12:10AM Page 6 of 6
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