PEWS NEWS. - Parish of Cowbridge

SERVICES FOR SUNDAY 8th February 2015
8.00 The Eucharist (1662) at Holy Cross
Rev’d Edward Dowland Owen
The Eucharist at Llanblethian
The Eucharist at Llandough
The Eucharist at St. Mary Church
Morning Prayer at Llansannor
Rev’d Edward Dowland Owen
Rev’d David Boult
Ven Bill Thomas
Mr. Ron Norey
The Eucharist at Penllyn
Family Worship at Ystradowen
The Eucharist at Holy Cross
The Eucharist at St. Hilary
Rev’d Edward Dowland Owen
Church Members
Canon Derek Belcher
Rev’d David Boult
6.00 Holy Communion at Southway
6.30 The Eucharist at Flemingston
Rev’d Edward Dowland Owen
SERVICES FOR SUNDAY 15th February 2015
8.00 The Eucharist at Holy Cross
Rev’d David Boult
Rev’d David Boult
Canon Derek Belcher
Canon Roy Doxsey
Church Members
11.00 Morning Prayer at Llansannor
11.00 The Eucharist at Ystradowen
11.00 Family Worship & Baptism
at Holy Cross
11.00 The Eucharist at St. Hilary
Mrs. Marion Layton Matthews
Rev’d David Boult
Canon Derek Belcher
Canon Roy Doxsey
6.30 Evening Prayer at Flemingston
Canon Derek Belcher
The Eucharist at Llanblethian
The Eucharist at Llandough
The Eucharist at St Mary Church
Morning Prayer at Penllyn
2 Kings 2.1-12
Psalm 50. 1-6
2 Corinthians 4. 3-6
Mark 9. 2-9
Response: Our God will come and will not keep silence.
Lectern Edition: Page 500
Pew Edition: Page 348
Christian Copyright Licence: 95911
The Rectorial Benefice
Serving the communities of Aberthin,
Flemingston, Llanblethian,
Penllyn, St. Hilary, St. Mary Church and Ystradowen.
Bringing Jesus to the people and the people to Jesus.
Lectern Edition Page: 497 Pew Edition Page: 345
Almighty God, you have created the
heavens and the earth and made us
in your own image: teach us to
discern your hand in all your works
and your likeness in all your
children; through Jesus Christ your
Son our Lord, who with you and the
Holy Spirit reigns supreme over all
things, now and for ever.
John’s Gospel says that in the
beginning was the Word. In this
collection of ancient proverbs, we
hear that in the beginning God
companion, his joy and delight, and
to work with him in the creation of
this world.
Proverbs 8.1, 22–31
A reading from the book of Proverbs.
Does not wisdom call, and does not
understanding raise her voice? The
LORD created me at the beginning of
his work, the first of his acts of long
ago. Ages ago I was set up, at the
first, before the beginning of the
earth. When there were no depths I
was brought forth, when there were
no springs abounding with water.
Before the mountains had been
shaped, before the hills, I was
brought forth – when he had not yet
made earth and fields, or the world’s
first bits of
When he
established the heavens, I was there,
when he drew a circle on the face of
the deep, when he made firm the
skies above, when he established
the fountains of the deep, when he
assigned to the sea its limit, so that the
waters might not transgress his
command, when he marked out the
foundations of the earth, then I was
beside him, like a master worker; and I
was daily his delight, rejoicing before
him always, rejoicing in his inhabited
world and delighting in the human
This is the word of the Lord.
Thanks be to God.
Psalm 104.25–37
R Send forth your Spirit, O Lord,
and renew the face of the earth.
O Lord, how manifold are your works!
in wisdom you have made them all; the
earth is full of your creatures. R
Yonder is the great and wide sea with
its living things too many to number,
creatures both small and great. There
move the ships, and there is that
Leviathan, which you have made for
the sport of it. R
All of them look to you to give them
their food in due season. You give it to
them, they gather it; you open your
hand and they are filled with good
things. You hide your face and they
are terrified;
you take away their breath and they
die and return to their dust. R
You send forth your Spirit and they are
created; and so you renew the face of
the earth. May the glory of the Lord
endure for ever; may the Lord rejoice in
all his works. He looks at the earth and
it trembles; he touches the mountains
and they smoke. R
I will sing to the Lord as long as I live; I
will praise my God while I have my
being. May these words of mine please
him; I will rejoice in the Lord. Let
sinners be consumed out the earth, and
the wicked be no more. Bless the Lord,
O my soul. Alleluia! R
To ancient thinkers, wisdom was a
person of God, present in creation.
Paul applies this to Jesus. All that is
seen and unseen, was created through
Christ; and now his resurrection life
reconciles everything to God.
Colossians 1.15–20
A reading from the letter of Paul to the
Christ is the image of the invisible God,
the firstborn of all creation; for in him
all things in heaven and on earth were
created, things visible and invisible,
whether thrones or dominions or rulers
or powers – all things have been
created through him and for him. He
himself is before all things, and in him
all things hold together. He is the head
of the body, the church; he is the
beginning, the firstborn from the dead,
so that he might come to have first
place in everything. For in him all the
fullness of God was pleased to dwell,
The Holy Eucharist is celebrated
in St. John’s Church, Llanblethian
at 10.00am on Wednesdays
(followed by a coffee morning).
Holy Cross Church
Church Street
CF71 7BB
The Holy Eucharist is celebrated
in Holy Cross Parish Church at
10.00am on Fridays (followed by
a coffee morning)
Tel: 01446 772302
Fax: 01446 772347
The Parish Office is open Monday,
Tuesday, Thursday & Friday between
10.30 am and 12.30 pm.
If you know of anyone who is sick or housebound and would like to receive Holy
Communion or be visited then please let the Parish Office or one of the Clergy know
as soon as possible.
Revd Canon Derek G Belcher Obl.OSB.
Team Vicar
Rev’d Edward Dowland Owen TSSF.
NSM Curate
Rev’d David Boult
07796 170671
07403 935555
07767 818257
Parish Administrator
Mr David -Lloyd Jones
Parish Office or 01656 741354
Executive Parish Warden Emeritus
Mrs Pamela Roberts
Parish Wardens
Mr David Crompton
Mrs Marion Layton Matthews
Parish Treasurer
Mr Ron Norey
Honorary Assistant Curates
Revd Norman E Williams
All of the Churches in our Parish are open daily
for private prayer and devotion.
Monday 9th February
St. Teilo
Porthkerry and Rhoose
Melanie Prince (PinC)
9.00 Morning Prayer
10.30 Faith Group at 2 River Walk
7.00 Sector Meeting at Holy Cross
Tuesday 10th February
St. Scholastica
ST. Andrews Major with Michaelston-Le-Pit
Andrew James (PinC)
9.00 Morning Prayer
7.30 Home Group at 15 Pen Hendy,
Miskin 01443 226412
Thursday 12th February
Jonathan Ormrod (PinC)
9.00 Morning Prayer
10.00 Llansannor School visit to
Llansannor Church.
7. 00 Wardens Forum at The Taynton
Friday 13th February
Wenvoe & St. Lythan
Jonathan Ormrod (PinC)
9.00 Morning Prayer
10.00 The Eucharist at Holy Cross
L11 63 R Happy the man whose offence
is forgiven.
4.30 Kinder Music
Wednesday 11th February
St. Claire of Assisi
Provincial Safeguarding Team
Elaine Cloak (leader) Saturday 14th February
9.00 Morning Prayer
St. Cyril & St. Methodius
10.00 The Eucharist at Llanblethian
The Archdeaconry of Margam
L11 59 R Bless the Lord my soul!
Ven Philip Morris, Archdeacon
7.00 Cowbridge Male Voice Choir at
Holy Cross.
and through him God was pleased to
reconcile to himself all things, whether
on earth or in heaven, by making peace
through the blood of his cross.
This is the word of the Lord.
Thanks be to God.
As a prologue to his story of Jesus,
John sets out for us its background in
eternity. When God’s Word came to
his world it was to bring us light and
Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia.
The people that walked in darkness
have seen a great light.; On those who
dwell in the land of the shadow of
death a light has dawned.
Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia.
The Lord be with you
And Also with you
Listen to the gospel of Christ according
to John.
Glory to you, O Lord
John 1.1–14
In the beginning was the Word, and
the Word was with God, and the Word
was God. He was in the beginning
with God. All things came into being
through him, and without him not one
thing came into being. What has come
into being in him was life, and the life
was the light of all people. The light
shines in the darkness, and the
darkness did not overcome it. There
was a man sent from God, whose name
was John. He came as a witness to
testify to the light, so that all might
believe through him. He himself was
not the light, but he came to testify to
the light. The true light, which
enlightens everyone, was coming into
the world. He was in the world, and
the world came into being through
him; yet the world did not know him.
He came to what was his own, and his
own people did not accept him. But to
all who received him, who believed in
his name, he gave power to become
children of God, who were born, not
of blood or of the will of the flesh or of
the will of man, but of God. And the
Word became flesh and lived among
us, and we have seen his glory, the
glory as of a father’s only son, full of
grace and truth.
This is the Gospel of the Lord.
Praise to you, O Christ
Lord, accept the gifts we bring to your
altar, and make them the sacrament of
our salvation. Amen.
God our creator, by your gift the tree
of life was set at the heart of the earthly
paradise, and the bread of life at the
heart of your Church: may we who
have been nourished at your table on
earth be transformed by the glory of
the Saviour’s cross and enjoy the
delights of eternity; through Jesus
Christ our Lord. Amen.
Please Pray for
 In the Anglican Communion: we pray for Maiduguri (Jos, Nigeria) and the
Rt Revd Emmanuel Kana Mani.
 We pray for the work of our link missionary societies, please use the C.M.S.
Newsline: Phone 020 7633 0070.
 Please use the Web Site:
 In the diocese we pray for the Penmark with Llancarfan with Llantrithyd.
 We pray for all those who are sick and housebound in our Parish and for all
those who receive Holy Communion at home. If you require a visit, or are
aware of anyone else who does, please advise the Parish Office or a member
of the Clergy.
 We pray for all who are sick, particularly particularly Douglas McCormack,
Jean Hurn, Canon David Williams, Muriel Maslin, Elvene Mottershead,
Avril Jones, Theo Saunders, Sally Hole, Eve Balfour, Margaret Hockey, John
Thomas, Louise Griffiths, Dawn Conrad, Barbara Pickles, Alan Mottershead,
Rebekah Pierchalo, Penny Earnshaw and Lorraine Ravey.
Praying for our loved ones who are in need is important to us as a Church. Please forward names for the
Prayer List to the Parish Office, having first obtained permission of the person concerned, together with
any details that will allow us to offer the appropriate Pastoral Care. People will be prayed for over a
month, after which - if there is any further need - please let us know.
 We pray for those who have recently departed this life among them Jill
Gillard, Jillian Harris, Mary Mckrell, Mair Jones, Anthony Damien Pryor,
Lydia Mary Davies and Margaret (Peggy) Lewis.
 We pray for those whose anniversaries fall at this time: Louise Elvena
Evans, Patricia Elizabeth Osborne, Beryl Harris, Rhodri Davies and Garfield
Elmer Evans.
May they rest in peace and rise in glory
Ash Wednesday 18th February
There will be three opportunities to attend the Holy Eucharist with
imposition of Ashes on this most Holy day of obligation for Christians
as we begin our journey to Lent. 10am at Llanblethian; 6pm at Holy
Cross and 7.30pm at Ystradowen.
 The next Wardens’ forum will be at 7pm on Thursday 12th February.
 Holy Cross Sector meeting will be held at 7pm on Monday 9th February.
 The next Eucharistic Ministers’ meeting will be held on 17th February in the
Taynton Room at 11-12noon.
 Afternoon tea at Holy Cross on Sunday 22nd February at 3.30 pm. All welcome.
 A Valentine’s Day Curry and Quiz night will be held at St Hilary Village Hall at
7pm on Saturday 14th February. Tickets £10 with a free glass of wine, available
from Gill Harris, Sorrento, Mary Llewellyn and Simon Lait.
 Women's World Day of Prayer 1 p.m. Friday 6th March at Holy Cross.
 1st Cowbridge Beavers have been growing narcissi bulbs to be planted in a Marie
Curie Honour Garden in Old Hall Gardens. For £3 for Marie Curie you can have a
bulb planted in honour of some-one special. Bulbs will be sold outside the Town
Hall from 10.30 to 12.30 on Sat 7 th Feb and they will be planted on 19th Feb. from
10.30 to 12 when the Garden will be formally opened by the Mayor. Any sponsors
who cannot buy bulbs on the 7th, please contact Gill Clay on 01446.773443 or Eluned
Moran on 01446.771289.
 LENT STUDY GROUPS: 18th February – 25th March 'Another Story Must Begin' A
course based on Victor Hugo’s book, Les Misérables. Each session includes
watching scenes from the DVD of the film. 5 sessions, beginning Ash Wednesday,
18th February 2015 EVERYONE is invited to join and to prepare together for Easter
and if you cannot make every session, do not worry. For further information please
see enclosed flyer.
Canon Derek Belcher will retire as Rector of Cowbridge in March and has
been appointed as Priest in Charge of the Parishes of Penmark with
Llancarfan with Llantrithyd. There will be an All Parish Farewell Eucharist
at Holy Cross on Sunday 8th March at 10.30 a.m., and all are welcome
Please pray for Canon Derek and Pamela and the people of his new Parishes
as they begin this next chapter in their Christian journey together.
St. Mary Church Coffee Morning third Friday in each month at the Church
from 10.30am. All Welcome. (Next date 20th February)
Southern Pastorate Social 2nd Thursday of the month at the Bush Inn, St
Hilary at 7.30pm. Come along for a drink and a chat, and get to know each
other better. All Welcome. (Next date 12th February).