501 Green Lane Union, NJ 07083 (908) 289-8112

501 Green Lane
Union, NJ 07083
(908) 289-8112
June, 2014
Dear Parents and Campers,
On behalf of the “Y” Board of Directors, our Administrative
and Camp Staff, we welcome everyone to Summer 2014. This
season we have made new and exciting upgrades to our camp
grounds - including a GA-GA court, fire pit, and Tetherball court.
We have enhanced each camp section with seating areas and
landscaping. Our camp kitchen has been remodeled to include a
new stove and ovens. The full-size gymnasium now has padded
walls, as well as new paint, lighting and flooring.
Due to the large number of expected registrations, we have
opened new “camper friendly” areas within our building. As for
camp programs, look for more trips and in-house events and
It is our pleasure and privilege to have your children join us,
and from the “Y” itself, we thank you for your continued support. We
look forward to continuing to improve and grow, and we are so
happy you are all a “part” of this.
We wish everyone a safe, fun and exciting summer.
Jani Jonas
Executive Director
Bryan Fox
Benjamin Veit
Eve Hecht
Executive VP
“Y” President
Camp Chair
Camp Administrative Staff
Camp Chaverim Assisted by
Rabbi Yisroel Rich
Rabbi Natan Kapustin
Dena Lichtman (Girls Division)
Administrative Assistant: Mrs. Shifra Pittinsky
( x 48)
Camp Kinneret -
( x 41)
Sandi Newman
Camp Y-HO-CA Debbie Berger
Assisted by
Cory Berger
Camp Office Manager
Administrative Assistant for Kinneret & Y-HO-CA
Jenn Mortenson
Chavi Mini’s
Shulie Glazer
Kinder Mini’s
Stacy Rubinstein Shanskhalil
Teen Get-A-Way
Lee Bertiger & Douglas Mattoon
Shana Haligiannis
Art Direction
Stacie Lederman
Sports/Phys Ed/Traffic
Larry Markowitz
Jonathan Sanchez
Jeff Regan
Shlichim Coordinator
Rozi Ben Ami
Anna Bokser, Yehudit Schlissel
( x 47)
( x 41)
( x 40)
( x 26)
( x 26)
( x 32)
( x 30)
( x 42)
( x 17)
Maintenance & Grounds Hugo Sanchez
Kashruth Supervisor
Robert Mandelbaum
“Y” Membership
Jackie Baranoff
( x 20)
Camp Philosophy: Our goal is to provide a safe, social, educational, and
recreational environment in which your child(ren) can grow and reinforce
positive feelings. We hope to enforce developmental skills, emotional
growth, and a positive attitude towards both themselves and others. The
“Y” is unique in that it offers a variety of different programs, for various
levels of religious observance, including a secular program. Both staff and
campers are taught to respect each other, and to share their culture
diversity with pride. We promote maturity through unique and creative
activities; encouraging communication and individuality.
Along with a strong Jewish identity, lifelong friendships and memories are
built each summer. We are proud to have a return ratio of over 80%, with
many of our campers becoming counselors themselves. We encourage
parent input and value your membership and commitment to our agency,
and to our extended family. Please refer to your particular camp division
for further details.
What to Bring to Camp: Each child should have a backpack, with their
name clearly written on the outside of the bag. Campers should come to
camp dressed in a bathing suit with their clothes over it. This will allow for
a quick and easy transition into the first swim of the day.
Inside the backpack should be the following items:
Two towels (clearly labeled with your child(ren)’s name on it)
Extra bathing suit
Large Zip-Loc bag (for notices)
Brown bag dairy (non-meat or shellfish) Only if not purchasing
lunch from the NOSH
Sweatshirt (if cold or rainy)
Swim goggles/swim cap (optional)
Extra pair of underwear
Extra large plastic bag for wet bathing suits/towels
Extra water bottle (if traveling)
General Information
Location of Camp Offices - Camp Chaverim and Mini’s will now have
their offices off the front Lobby. Camp Kinneret, Y-HO-CA and our EMT/
Medical offices are still located in the back of our building near the camp
Building Security - Our front entrance and back camp offices are the
only access doors into our building for the public. All members must carry
and use their swipe cards. A security officer is stationed by the back camp
gate from 8:30 am - 4:30 pm.
Emails/Communication - We are green. Emails are the primary way we
communicate. Please check them daily. Make sure we have the correct/
updated email addresses on file for you. Our weekly newsletter will be
posted on our Camp website www.unionycamps.org. Please “LIKE” us on
our Facebook page and become a fan! During the summer we post camp
pictures on our website. Should you not desire your child’s photo online
you must advise us in writing. Camp directors can be reached via
phone or email. Please do not contact counselors directly, and we also
request the same of our staff (only to contact the parent through the Camp
When sending an email - Chaverim - campchaverim613@gmail.com
All other camps: camp@uniony.org
Please include your child's name and camp in the subject line and for
whom the message is for. Emails are checked during camp hours. We
will respond as quickly as possible. IF the email pertains to a change in
transportation or pick-up arrangements, you must notify us in writing by
3:15 pm or we may not be able to comply.
Camp Pictures - Group photos will be taken on Friday, July 11th. There
will be NO individual pictures taken this year. Please have your camper
wear their camp T-Shirt. You will be receiving an email as to when you
access the photos on-line. At that time, please feel free to print the
photos in the privacy of your own home. We are pleased to offer this
service at no extra cost. However; if you would like to PURCHASE the
print from the CAMP OFFICE, there will be a $15 fee.
General Information
When to wear your Camp T-Shirt - Although we “wish” your child could
wear their camp shirt every day, we understand that is sometimes
unrealistic. However; we do ask that camp shirts be worn on the following
occasions: ● The First Day of Camp (this ensures our campers can be
easily identified) ● Picture Day - Friday, July 11th ● Trip Days. Each
camper is given one complimentary shirt. Additional shirts are available
for purchase at $15 each.
Camp Visitor Policy - If you need to visit your child(ren) during the camp
day, please note the following procedure: Although this is not encouraged
because it is “distracting”, we do have an open-door policy.
1. You must go to the Camp Office - for your camp division and show
proper ID.
2. We will then bring your child to the camp office.
3. We request that your visit be kept under 15 minutes, as it does distract
from your child’s schedule.
4. These procedures are for the safety and security of your child(ren).
Valuables/Money Policies - Please do not bring valuables or large
amounts of cash to camp. We will not be responsible for any loss. This
includes cell phones, ipods, ipads, Nintendo , “any hand-held” electronic
device. If you need money for a trip, please keep it in a secure place or
give it to your counselor. As for “in camp”, you can set up a Debit account
at “the Nosh” and not need any cash at all.
Cell Phone Policy - We do not encourage the use of cell phones in
camp. An important part of the camp experience is to foster resilience
and independence. Use of the cell phone during camp activities not only
prohibits this, it is distracting, rude and the phone has a chance of being
lost. We prohibit the taking of photos and posting on Facebook, during
camp hours by campers and counselors. This is an invasion of privacy.
Our Staff has the same instructions regarding cell phone usage. Cell
phones are only to be used in event of an emergency. Our Directors and
Counselors have excellent communications and keep in contact at all
times. To preserve and protect our wholesome, camping environment, we
respectfully request that CELL PHONES BE KEPT AT HOME.
General Information
Discipline & Behavior - Upon registering for Camp, there was a
“Guidelines for Behavior” sheet which was supposed to be reviewed with
your child, signed, and returned with the camp registration. By positive
reinforcement, we hope to encourage good behavior and redirect
inappropriate behavior. Much of our staff training focuses on problem
solving, communication, and promoting positive words of encouragement.
We are proud to have an administrative staff of professional educators,
many with advanced degrees and post graduate work.
All problems are documented; whenever necessary, a Director will
contact and/or return calls to parents. In some cases, a meeting may be
arranged to discuss a concurrent plan of action in case behavioral
difficulties cannot be solved. If a situation is deemed irreconcilable (i.e.
extreme physical aggression, jeopardizing safety, etc.), a child may be
removed from camp. Any refund, will be determined by the Administrative
We expect that parent cooperation, in instances of a problem, will
help make our summer camp a pleasant and positive experience.
Special Needs - Please be honest with us. There is space on the Camp
Registration Form to alert us to anything “unique” or “different” about your
child. Surprises are not good for anyone. We will offer the utmost
confidentiality in handling any problem, and we will certainly try to alleviate
any difficulty. Special Needs can be identified as a shy child, a child who
has prolonged illness, or even a stressful family situation Learning or
developmental issues should also be noted.
All “shadows” must be at least 16 years old and approved by the
Administrative Staff. Shadow forms may be obtained at the Camp Office .
It is the responsibility of the parent(s) to find a shadow and pay them
directly. Shadows must adhere to all staff guidelines and dress codes.
Peanut–Free Policy– Please advise us of any allergies that your child
may have. Due to the large number of peanut allergies, we request that
NO peanut items are brought into the building or campgrounds. We will
not purchase any food outwardly containing nuts, however, please note
that certain foods may be processed on machinery that also processes nut
products, so while we try to be diligent, we cannot 100% guarantee it.
General Information
Attendance - We offer 38 days of camp. We hope your child comes every
day. However, if an absence does occur, we ask you to do the following:
please call the “Y” Camp Office (908) 289-8112 ext 40 as early as
possible, and leave a message telling us not to expect your child. Also, if
using the bus/van, PLEASE call the bus counselor by 7:15 am so they
know not to pick up at your home. (You will be given their telephone
number on your bus card). We offer no refund for days not used. One of
the components of a successful experience is continuity…
Calendars and Special Events - Each one of our 11 camp units has its
own calendar of events. Please keep it available. It will be a most
valuable tool. This will tell you of trips, special themes, parties, shows, late
pick-ups and parent programs. Of course, due to weather conditions, etc.
events are subject to change. In case of inclement weather, please call
the “Y” ASAP to find out about rescheduling, and check your email.
Lost and Found - Children will lose things, and we try our best to monitor
all belongings. However, everything must be labeled with your child’s
name and group if it is expected to get back to its rightful owner. Please
cooperate. Also, please do not bring expensive items to camp, including
cell phones, iPods, iPads, jewelry, laptops, lots of cash, etc. We are not
responsible for lost/stolen items. Please report items missing as soon as
possible; do not wait until the last day of camp. All lost items will be
collected daily and put into a basket in the Auditorium. You are always
welcome to browse through. After Labor Day, all unclaimed items, are
washed and donated to charity.
Rainy Days/Inclement Weather - Although we wish for all 38 Camp days
to be filled with sunshine and light breezes, it is often not that way. We are
fortunate to have the luxury of using the building on “less than perfect”
days, and certain activities (cooking, crafts, some swims) are always
scheduled indoors. Trips, including travel camps, sometimes have to be
rescheduled on rainy or extremely hot days (you can always call the Camp
Office to get info). On rainy days, we make use of the movie room or
rotate taking some Camp groups out of the building to bowl or skate.
During our staff training, the counselors work hard to develop special
indoor programs that are both creative and educational.
General Information
Early & Late Camp - Camp Hours are from 9 am - 4 pm. You can begin
drop off at 8:45 am. As a special consideration for working parents, we
can offer extended care (7:15 am -6 pm). In the morning, all camps are
together in the Banquet Room. They enjoy games, videos, toys & books.
In the afternoon, LATE camp is separated into 4 divisions: Mini’s,
Chaverim, Y-HO-CA /Kinneret and Teens. Each group will have an
assigned area/room. There will be a daily activity schedule supervised by
camp counselors. Snacks will be provided. You must pick your child(ren)
up by 6 pm or you will be responsible for late fees. ($10 for every 15
minutes). This is directly payable to the staff person who is staying with
your child. Camp Chaverim will not offer late camp on Fridays. If you
need Fridays, you are welcome to put them into the Y-HO-CA/Kinneret
Shlichot (Israeli Counselors) - We welcome Rozi Ben-Ami - Shlichim
coordinator and also the Youth Community Shlichim for the Jewish
Federation of Greater MetroWest. This summer, we are proud to have on
staff, Dorine Ditesheim of Neveh-Tzuf Halamish & Michael Ben Moshe of
Specials /Schedule- Our Camps are pleased to offer a wide variety of
“Special Activities”. They are taught by mature staff who are well experienced in particular areas such as cooking, crafts, music, drama,
fitness, sports, swim, computers, science, nature and Jewish learning.
Our schedule is divided into 8 “periods” or sections per day of 45 minutes
each. Each group follows their own particular schedule Monday thru
Friday. “Specials” meet up to 3 times a week, & every child will have a few
“specials” every day. This system allows for a diverse and interesting
week. On trip days, the schedule is altered.
Your “Y” Membership - Welcome to the “Y” Family! We value your
membership, and support and look forward to your participation. We hope
you take advantage and enjoy our programs, classes and community
events. As Camp Families, your fees include “Y” membership for one
year. Our fiscal year will end on September 30th, at which time you will
receive a pro-rated bill for the following year. It will reflect a credit from
the time you signed up. Visit our website www.uniony.org to get a full
description of our Agency and updates on our facility and its offerings.
General Information
Social Media - Our new world of social media and technology is very
challenging in the camp & education world. We take a strict stand to
insure the safety and confidentiality of your child(ren). Our staff is not
permitted to communicate with campers via their personal web pages,
emails, Facebook or instant messaging. This includes pictures or
comments about and concerning campers & other staff members. Please
encourage this policy with your older campers (i.e. Travel camp divisions).
Any photos published on the “Y” website will be of an appropriate
nature. Again, if you do not wish to have your child(rens) photo for
publicity purposes, please indicate that IN WRITING. The “Y” has a no
tolerance policy for “bullying”. Any violation of the above can be grounds
for immediate dismissal.
Lunch & Snacks - The “Y” is a Kosher agency, under the supervision of
Mashgiach. NO meat products, shellfish, or pork are to be brought to
camp. If bringing lunch in a brown paper bag, we can suggest the
following-tuna, egg salad, soy butter, cheese sandwiches, bagels with
butter, cream cheese & jelly, yogurt, fruit, salads or pasta. All lunches are
collected and refrigerated. Please no lunchboxes or coolers.
Jerusalem Restaurant, Elmora Ave, Elizabeth, is our snack bar
provider. Please refer to the information in your packets regarding
pre-ordering lunches, challahs, dinner to go and Debit accounts.
Snacks - Offered twice a day for the younger children and once in the
afternoon for the older groups. Water, as well as extra juice (100% juice)
are available to keep everyone hydrated. Extra beverages are offered and
encouraged on very hot/humid days.
Many groups attend “cooking” as a special several times a week.
Often they will enjoy what they have prepared as their “snack”. Other
daily snacks include fruit, low sugar cookies, pretzels, crackers, ices.
Each group will have the opportunity to visit the “NOSH” snack bar several
times a week, as it is scheduled in. It is NOT NECESSARY to make a
purchase - however, if you like, a Debit account can be opened for your
General Information
Health & Safety - We are proud to be a State Licensed Day Camp
Facility. We adhere to all regulations, insuring a safe and healthy
environment for your children. Full-time EMT’s are on site. There is
always a certified First-Aider and an emergency First Aid Travel Kit.
Copies of Health Forms accompany us with the correct medical
information (on the forms provided) and updated and clearly written
telephone numbers, cell numbers and emergency contacts. The EMT/
Medical office is located in the back office suite by the campgrounds.
In accordance with State Law, medications can only be dispersed by
a Nurse, EMT or Unit Head if provided with the mandatory forms and in
the Original Prescription Bottle. If your child becomes sick at camp, we
ask your cooperation for arranging pick-up as soon as possible. Children
should not return to camp until fever has been gone for a full 24 hours.
Please notify the EMT of any communicable disease/illness. The ’Y” has
an emergency plan set up at Overlook Hospital in Union, and a physician
available for immediate consult when/if necessary. Parent's health
insurance must be used as the primary health coverage. Please make
sure that the information is clearly written on the Medical Health Form.
Allergies must be listed. This is extremely important. Failure to
comply with the above regulations or failure to provide a valid up-to-date,
signed health form may result in your child(ren) not being allowed to
attend camp. In addition, failure to disclose medical information puts your
child as well as everyone else at risk.
To prevent accidents, we ask the following:
1. Please put sunscreen on your child before they get to camp. Keep an
extra bottle with your child’s name on it in their camp bag for
2. Provide a hat if your child is sun/heat sensitive
3. All campers must wear sneakers and socks. Sandals, heels, flip-flops,
are not advised and may result in camper’s not being allowed to
participate in activities.
General Information
Health & Safety (con’t) - Lice - In general, camp recommends that you
check your child(ren) frequently for lice (a.k.a. pediculosis). Please report
any cases occurring two weeks or less prior the start of camp. If at any
point during the summer you find or suspect any evidence of lice or itching
on the head/scalp/neck, please call the EMT immediately. If necessary,
the nurse will check other campers and siblings. It is important to contact
your healthcare provider for proper treatment. Camp policy requires that a
child be kept home for 24 hours and have no nits upon returning to camp.
At that time the Camp Nurse must also recheck your child. For more
detailed information please visit www.lice.com or www.licebegone.net.
Please note this is a common occurrence during the summer in all camps.
Although not a health danger, it is a nuisance.
Emergencies - In case of an emergency, parents and emergency
contacts are always notified first. If it is not possible to reach a parent/
emergency contact, the child will be taken by ambulance, with a staff
member, to the nearest hospital for emergency treatment. Continued
attempts will be made to reach a parent/emergency contact.
Allergies - Parents should make sure that they have reported all allergies
(medicine, food, environmental, insect stings) to the camp office on the
camper health form. If any new allergies or medical conditions arise, it is
the responsibility of the parent to inform the Camp Nurse & Unit Director
of any changes in the camper’s medical profile.
When You Will be Contacted…..Due to the volume of children and staff
seen each day, notes from the nurse will not be sent home for minor
issues (e.g. scrapes, suntan lotion in the eyes, minor stomachache that
resolves quickly, minor nosebleed that stops quickly, etc). If any child
show signs of ill health during the day, he/she will be seen by our EMT.
Arrangements will then be made by the parent or designated alternate for
the child’s prompt return home. If a child has been absent two or more
days, the parents should call the Camp Nurse to explain the nature of the
child’s illness and/or other reasons for absence.
General Information
Health & Safety (con’t) - Parents are asked to cooperate with the camp
program by paying careful attention to their child’s health and by keeping
him/her at home when there is any indication of cold symptoms, nasal
congestion, sneezing, coughing, fever, upset stomach, overtiredness, rash
and/or lice.
Fever Policy - A child should not return to camp until he/she is fever-free
for a full 24 hours.
Doctor/Health Care Provider Notes - If a child has been diagnosed with
a communicable disease (e.g. conjunctivitis or pink eye, impetigo, strep
throat, chicken pox, lice), please notify the camp nurse immediately. A
note signed by the healthcare provider allowing the child to return to camp
must be sent to the camp office before the child will be re-admitted to
A note signed by the child’s healthcare provider is also required for any
skin abnormality and/or rash. The note must include the diagnosis
(e.g.eczema, poison ivy, impetigo, molluscum, ringworm, scabies, type of
bug bites, etc.), plan of care (e.g. medicines, creams, ointments used in
camp and/or at home) and whether or not the condition is contagious. If
contagious, we will also need to know when the condition is no longer
contagious. (this is required by the Aquatics staff).
Contagious Skin Conditions - Conditions such as impetigo and
molluscum are highly contagious and easily passed in a camp
environment through contact, clothing and towels. Please check your
child regularly for any signs of rashes or unusual bumps on the skin. If
you detect any signs of skin abnormalities, please contact your healthcare
provider immediately.
Transportation Drop-off/Pick-Up Information for 2014
Parents of BUS CAMPERS…..Please refer to the Information Sheet
attached to the BUS CARD in your packets. For all others...pay careful
attention to the following: We have “tweaked” and upgraded our system to
lessen congestion, to make drop off and pick-up more efficient, with
careful attention to safety. While we do everything on our part to make
this a successful and easy transition, we need the cooperation of our
parents to ensure that this takes effect.
1. Buses will drop off and pick up in a safe designated area. - Staff will be
available to escort your children.
2. There will be NO PARKING along the side of the building next
to the walkway. Please observe the cones that will be placed in
3. Chaverim—Entrance to the far right of the original entrance. All cars
should drive up and children will exit the cars on the right, so they can
safely access the gate. We ask that cars drive slowly and carefully and
parents encourage a quick exit.
4. Kinneret/Y-HO-CA will use the same gate as in previous years.
(2nd gate)
5. Mini’s …(formerly Kindercamp) will enter through the Chaverim or
Kinneret/Y-HO-CA gate. There is a safe gathering area where they will
be supervised until camp begins.
6. Teen Get-A-Way will meet and depart on the front steps of the building.
Do not park in Fire Zones or NO PARKING areas (you will be subject
to a ticket from the township). Drive slow and carefully through the
parking lot.
7. Do not park where areas are roped off. Please adhere to our Traffic
8. Never leave your car unattended or engine running while you are not
in it.
9. Do not wait unnecessarily in the carpool line. If there is a problem,
park and escort your child(ren) to our safe enclosed area until brought
inside the building.
Transportation Drop-off/Pick-Up Information for 2014
You must email or call the camp office by 3:15 pm. If you child is not
picked up by 4:05pm, they will be brought to Late Camp. You will be
responsible for paying the appropriate charge when you come in to sign
out your child. We will not send your child outside to wait for you.
LATE TRIPS –Please be on time and waiting in the parking lot. You can
“fine tune” the exact time by checking your emails or by calling the camp
office. We will not leave any camper unattended; a staff counselor will be
waiting with your child until you arrive. There will be a charge of $10 for
every 15 minutes, payable directly to the counselor.
About Durham School Services Bus Company
All Durham vehicles are equipped with seatbelts and radios. Car seats
are not permitted on the camp vehicles.
Durham School Services Bus Company has an outstanding safety record,
and all drivers passed a criminal background check and drug and alcohol
Summer Camp Swim Program 2014
Welcome to our Pools! The “Y” boasts an indoor Olympic size pool, as
well as a private outdoor pool. Campers will be rotated within both pools,
however, the youngest children will get priority for the outdoor pool, due to
its shallower water content. All pools are tested for chlorine & PH every 12 hours to insure a safe water environment,. The county performs their
own weekly checks. Our lifeguard and Swim Instructor staff are all RedCross certified and licenses are displayed in the pool office. They also
have CPR/First Aid Certification.
Safety is our #1 concern.
Levels - We try to assess all campers of their current swimming skills the
first few days of camp. Then they are then placed in a “swim group” that
best fits their capabilities. Once the skills in that particular section are
achieved, they will graduate to the next level. All campers will be give
ample opportunity to advance themselves by showing their proficiency.
We have removed the word “test” from our Aquatics vocabulary as that
was making both the campers and parents anxious. There is no set day
that a camper can “advance”….when an instructor is confident that the
specific skills have been mastered, the child moves to the next level.
Skills - Please check the back pages for a complete listing.
Instructional Swim vs Free Swim - All campers are encouraged to
participate in instructional swim. In summer camp, you are supposed to
learn to swim and enjoy swimming. We do everything possible to make
swim a positive and pleasant experience. Instructional swim is usually in
the morning and Recreational swim in the afternoon.
Counselors - Will take an active role in the Pool, either on deck or in the
water, or assisting with lessons and skills. The locker rooms will be supervised at all times to ensure efficient changing and safety.
Summer Camp Swim Program 2014
Medical & Health Needs - Some medical conditions may prohibit a child
from swim. This may include skin rashes, pink eye, or general malaise.
The Head lifeguard will make the decision if necessary.
Swimming on Trips - We must be cognizant of your child’s ability to
swim and their skill level, in order to allow them to swim on a trip which
involves an ocean, lake or pool. Therefore, if your child does not
participate in our Swim program, they will be restricted from swimming out
of the building and off of our premises.
Communications - Our Aquatics Director and Head Lifeguards are
available during non-swim times to discuss any concerns or issues you
have regarding “swim/pool”. To contact them, send an email to your camp
office, put Attention: Pool Staff in the subject line. They will get back to
you as soon as possible; please be patient, they will only answer during
non-swimming times.
Certificates of Achievement/Accomplishment - will be issued when a
new level is achieved or a new set of skills have been completed.
Camp Pool Rules
1. No running on pool deck or in the locker rooms.
2. Diving and jumping are permitted only in designated areas.
3. Only straight dives or jumps will be allowed.
4. Kickboards will only be allowed during instructional swim time,
at lifeguards discretion.
5. No fighting or horseplay will be tolerated (including kicking, punching,
scratching, hitting, etc.).
6. No campers or staff will be allowed to pick up or throw campers or other
staff in the pool!! No dunking, no breath holding.
7. Campers must attend instructional swim in order to participate in free
swim, unless a good reason is provided. (Including participation in
another reasonable camp activity or because of a trip).
8. In order to advance to a higher level in the pool, campers must
demonstrate their abilities in the form of a swim test. These tests will
only be given on Fridays, except for extenuating circumstances in
which another day will be suggested, and only by a qualified WSI.
9. We respectfully request all long hair, (shoulder length or longer) be tied
up with a scrunchy. A bathing cap may also be worn. Loose hair can
be dangerous to both the swimmer and the pool.
10.No camper may go to the locker room or anywhere else without a staff
member with him or her. The “Y” is a big building: campers are
required to tell a staff person before they go anywhere.
11.Band-Aids or other bandages are not permitted inside the pool waters.
12.Open cuts or other skin irritations that may be considered unsanitary
will not be permitted inside the pool waters.
13.Long necklaces, earrings or other long piercings are not permitted for
safety reasons.
14.Shoes or socks designed for the pool are permitted, however, other
sandals are not. Pool shoes need not be worn in the water. Children
using the outdoor pool must wear water shoes.
15.Only appropriate bathing suits will be permitted in the pool. NO cut-offs
or other shorts will be allowed in the pool. Only aqua shirts will be
acceptable for swimming, no street clothing.
16.No food or drink (except water) will be allowed in or around the pool
area, by order of the Union County Board of Health.
17.Diving and jumping off the starting blocks will only be done with the
permission and supervision of the lifeguard.
18.No hanging on lane lines and No “pushing in” will be allowed.
American Red Cross Swim Skill Levels
By the end of Shallow A your child should be able to:
Put face in the water and blow bubbles
Kick feet while holding a kickboard
Float on back - Float on stomach
Glide on back - Glide on stomach
Perform front crawl arms - Perform front crawl legs
Perform back crawl legs - Perform back crawl arms
Show the beginnings of the front crawl
Show the beginnings of the back crawl
Show the beginnings of elementary backstroke - Understand safety skills
By the end of Shallow B your child should be able to:
Swim front crawl, combining all stroke components
Swim back crawl, combining all stroke components
Breathe to the side - Swim elementary backstroke
Tread water for one (1) minute - Jump into deep water
Perform breaststroke legs, holding a kickboard with arms extended
Perform breaststroke arms - Understand safety skills
By the end of Middle your child should be able to:
Swim front crawl for 25 yards - Swim back crawl for 25 yards
Swim elementary backstroke for 25 yards
Swim the breaststroke, putting arms & legs together
Begin to swim the side stroke - Tread water for three (3) minutes
Begin to dive into deep water - Retrieve objects from the pool bottom
Understand safety skills
By the end of Deep your child should be able to:
Swim front crawl for 75 yards - Swim back crawl for 75 yards
Swim elementary backstroke for 25 yards
Swim the sidestroke for 25 yards
Tread water for three (3) minutes (last minute hands are in air and not used)
Dive into deep water - Perform flip turns and surface dives
Perform the stride jump - Retrieve objects from the bottom of the pool
Understand safety skills
Camp Scholarship Fundraiser
Beginning on Monday, June 16th
Through Thursday, August 14th
Each time you donate $10
To the Camp Scholarship Fund
You could win hundreds of dollars in gift cards.
So stop by and donate $10, receive a ticket and hope you
are the lucky winner
Watch your emails to see what gift cards will be in the winning packet.
Feel free to donate as many times as you like
Sunday, June 22nd
(12 - 2 pm) Parent/Camper Orientation
(all camps except Teen Get-A-Way & Tiyulim)
Monday, June 23rd
First day of camp
Friday, July 4th
No Camp/Independence Day
June 23rd - July 18th
July 21st - August 15th
Session I
Session II
Tuesday, August 5th
No Camp/Tisha B’Av
August 18th - 22nd
August 25th - 28th
Mini Camp
Mini Camp
Tipping - We will send/post our tipping policies and suggestions prior to
the end of Session I, and again one week before the end of camp.