kappa delta pi initiation CHOW'S NEST Congratulations to the following students who were recently inducted into Kappa Delta Pi, Lambda Tau Chapter: Pamela J. Clark Ada Ward Coates Suzanne Mahoney Denny Carolyn Lee Wise Etter Sharon DiBello Franck Patricia L. Hartstein Darlene Doris Hauck Wendy Ave Hayes Jani Lane Helton Barbara H. Heverly Maria T. Lindquist Roger Eric Lutz Elizabeth A. Main Karen G. Marshall Laura Lee Middleton Mary Miskin Elizabeth Ann Mitchell Rebecca Lynn Palmer Robert Poth Vickie A. Quinn Dawn L. Raynolds Kathleen R.B. Schellhaus Ronald 0. Smith Judy Christine Swanson Nancy Bariteau Teasdale Valentina Marie Verdino Rose M. Vidal Kappa Delta Pi is the national honorary for Education. lectures on sign language The Student Council for Exceptional Children will present a lecture on "Simple Sign Language" on both Monday, November 2 and Monday, November 9. The presentation will be given by Denise Miller from 5:00 - 6:00 PM in SPE-108. All interested persons are invited to attend. The next meeting of the Student Council for Exceptional Children is scheduled for November 14. Watch for further details regarding time and place accounting club news· The fall luncheon held by the Student Accounting Organization (SAO) was a record breaker for the club! There were 71 persons in attendance. The luncheon was held at the Bradford Coach House in a private dining room. Guest speak~rs included Prof. Mary Ann Rouse, USF College of Business, and representat1ves from the Bekert Review course . A good time was had by all. Thanks to all who made the event possible. dick gregory to appear Dick ~egory ~11 J?erform on Friday, Nov. 6 , at Gibbs High School in a benef1t for V1ctor1a Martin Nursing Home. For ticket information, please contact 821-0995. -6- UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH FLORIDA St. Petersburg Campus veterans day holiday WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 11 ANNOUNCEMENTS Stud~ Abroad, a UNESCO publ1cation is available for your reference at the Activiites Office (SPE-113). Persons interested in playing City League Basketball may sign up in the Recreation Office CSPE-111). Cheap thrills ... page 3. Discount tickets to the Country Dinner Playhouse production of "Naughty Marietta" are on sale m the Activities Office for $12.98. Students may further reduce the ticket price by applying subsidy. USF group night is Friday, Nov . 13. Vol. ·13, No. 5 November 3, 1981 women in business An seminar entitled "Business from a Woman's Point of View" is being sponsored by the Student Business Association on Friday , November 6. The program will feature guest speakers on various topics. Fee includes refreshments and l unch: students - $5; USF alumni - $10; and others - $20. Pre-registration is suggested. Contact the Student Organizations Office (SPE-116) or the Activiites Office (SPE-112) for further information. The seminar will begin at 9 : 00 AM and last until approximately 4:00 PM. film cla1;sics series The campus Film Classi cs Series presents Spirit of the Beehive (Spain) on Sunday, November 8 at 7:30 PM in SPA-Auditor ium. This beautifully filmed award-winner i s considered "the best Spanish film ever made ... one of the two or three most haunting films about children ever made," according to the New York Times . Admission i s $1.25 for USF students w1th val1dated I.D. and $1.75 for others. The film is subtitled , was made in 1974 and is 95 minutes. new boc:kstore hours The St. Petersburg Ca .pus Bookstore has announced new hours, effective November 1: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 10 AM- 6:00PM Friday 9:00 AM - 1:00PM dean's list - quarter IV Congratulations to the following students who made the Dean's List during Quarter IV, 1981: Amburn, Gigi V. Bader, Rhoda G. Bailey, Lawrence D. Barcelo, Carmen Boeckel, Maria T. Brubaker, Carol H. Buckley, Ramita S. Davis, Christopher D. Denny , Suzanne M. Dix, Ramon E. Dormeyer, Alan J. Dueresne, Richard M. Dunn, Joel F. Fair, Sharon E. Fitz-Henley, Sally H. Gray, Ann G. Gyermeli , John S. ~andley, Susie A. v ... Hauck, Bruce A. Hauser, Kathleen A. Hayes, Wendy A. Hockman, Diane F. Jotch, Dwayne F. King, Anita L. Kopco, Karen M. La Chance, Judy M. Larrison, Sharon F. Lindquist, Maria T. Lutz, Roger E. Marr, Anne G. Marshall, Karen G. McCorkel, Sandra I. Mitchell, Elizabeth A. Moore, Douglas B. Mueller, Ann P. Persson, Catherine L. Phillips, Elizabeth A. Raynolds, Dawn L. Richards, Mary C. Schellhaas , Kathleen R. Shanahan, Marcia M. Sutherland, Randall M. Teasdale, Nancy B. Tesch, Joan M. Thompson, Marilyn G. Todson, Gay M. Trevena, J ohnnie H. Turner, Nancy A. Walton, Robert M. Weber, Marcia E. Wilson, Henry 0. Wise, Carolyn L. Wooten, June M. Worthington, Ann R. veterans work-study programs ticket sales subsJdization USF/SP believes that participation in cultural end recreational activities is an integral part of a student' s f c rmal education and that constructive use of leisure tine is a desir·able goal. Due to the lack of cultural and recreational re:: ources on the St. Petersburg Campus, student participation in many community events is directly subsidized to compensate for these deficiencies. Students taking the majority of hours on the St. Pete Campus will be allocated $1.00 per credit hour to be applied toward subsidization. Proof of fee payment (listing your hours) and your validated student photo I. D. are required when using your subsidy. Eligible students must come to the Activities Office (SPE-112) to initiate ticket arrangements. Students may buy as many tickets as desired but only the alloted amount of subsidy will be deducted from the purchase. Subsidy may be used for rrore than one event--until the individual' s portion of subsidy is depleted. The student must pay at least $1.00 per subsidized ticket. The Subsidization Program is conducted each session. Ticket s are on sale from the first to the last day of each term. Subsidization is not available during term breaks. Once you have used your subsidy, you may still buy tickets at our PURCHASE PRICE, which is often much lower than the regular retail pr1ce. For example: Sunset Golf and Country Club GREENS FEES REGUlAR COST Up to $7.00 There are a number of positions open for veteran students at ~ay Pines Veterans Hospital and at the Florida State Employment Agency Off1ces. Veterans enrolled full time (12 hrs.) under the G.I. Bill or vocational rehabilitation program can apply. Selection of applicants will be based primarily upon their need to supplement educational al~owances . Pref~rence will also be given to veterans having 30% or more serv1ce connected dlsability. V.A students may apply at the campus V.A. Office in SPB- 152. -2- USF COST $3 .00 SUBSIDY PRICE As low as $1.00 by applying $2.00 of your subsidy. Note: a student taking 7 hours (tines $1. 00 per hour) would have $7.00 subsidy. Subsidized tickets may be purchased for events at Bayfront Center, Asolo Theatre in Sarasota (during its repertory season), Country Dinner Playhouse (USF group night) , Palisades Theatre, Busch Gardens and other places. (Faculty and staff may buy tickets at our RJRCHASE PRICE.) For further information. Office . -3- and other discounts. . . contact the Activities wednesday lecture series discount tickets available DISCOUNT TICKETS ARE AVAilABLE TO MEMBERS OF 'TilE CAMPUS COMMUNITY· INCLUDE TICKETS TO: TI-JESE •BUSCH GARDENS •ADVENTURE ISLAND (Seasonal) •ASOLO THEATRE (Seasonal) ·PALISADES THEATRE •COUNTRY DINNER PLAYHOUSE (Group Night) •SHOWBOAT DINNER THEATRE (Group Night) ·SUNSEI' GOLF AND COUNTRY CLUB ·GENERAL CINEMA CORP. THE'ATRES (Movie) •AMERICAN MULTI CINEMA THEATRES (Movie) and more! The USF St. Petersburg Campus Lecture Series Committee will continue its Wednesday 'Brown Bag Lunch ' Lecture Series throughout the month of November. You bring your lunch ... we'll provide coffee ... and lively, provocative lectures, slide-presentations, workshops, etc. It's FREE and open to the public. The schedule is as follows: November 4 A discontinuous arc of coral reefs, 195 miles in length and found from Miami to the Dry Tortugas, is the only coral reef ecosystem located off of the North American continent. The reefs serve as an important fishery habitat for commercial and sports activities as well as being an aesthetic resource and a focal point for sport diving. Recently, there has been considerable concern about the health and welfare of the reefs. Mr . Jaap will discuss current research and controversy in this slide-lecture presentation . STUDENTS MAY ALSO PURCHASE DISCOUNT TICKETS TO EVENTS AT 'TilE BAYFRONT CENTER BY APPLYING THEIR SUBSIDY. CONTACT THE ACTIVITIES OFFICE (SPE-112) FOR DErAILS AND TICKET PURCHASE! city bus passes FREE! · t bus fares aboard city CITY BUS PASSES .. . entitling the student to dlscoun buses. (There i s bus connection with the USF St. Petersburg Campus.) campus christmas sale Persons interested in setting up a booth for the Sale may contact the Activities Office for further information. The CROW'S NEST is publisl:ed by the -~~F St. Pete Activ~ties Office. " SOVIET URBANISM SINCE 1945 Guest Speaker: Jan Reiner Local architect and educator In Semester II, Dr. Scruggs of the Languages Department will teach FOL 3100 ~ French Language through Its Culture. The course will be offered on Wednesday nights from 6:00 - 9:00 PM. Dr. Scruggs describes the course as "an intensive and pragmatic introduction to basic French. Emphasis is on practical conversation skills and reading comprehension." • ofreligion South Events activities, programs, and f ac~"lit"~es 0 f the University nori~ are available to dl witrout rega.x:? to race, co1OX::• sex~ce with natiDnal origin, handicap , or age as Pr>C?"~~ed by law and ~ ac ~ ~~~~lliri~·v~er~s~~~ty~'s:2re~~~~ct~:for~E~~~~d~~~~~ty~·--------------------~ November 18 french language course set information The CRCM' s NES'r is printe(. weekly on t-bndays. If ~ have any ' f- tures personals free student classilied advert~serrents, please 1e.;.ve ea • . . ! Of .. (SPE 112) Deadline for sul:rnitted rnater~al them at the Act~v~t~es . ~ce is the Thrusday priar to }Aiblication. The program is co-sponsored by the Outdoors Club. In his discussion of urbanism in the Soviet Union, Mr. Reiner will review his recent three-week study tour of five Soviet cities. He will illustrate the rebuilding of wardamaged cities, the design of new towns, public housing and mass transit facilities. Mr. Reiner has recently made a study of the impact of the Soviet political system on the arts and architecture and on regional and urban planning. Color slides will enhance his presentation. A Campus Christmas Sale is scheduled for December 1-2. New gift bO?ks, UNICEF cards, arts ~1d. crafts, etc. will be available for purchase ln the lobby of Bayboro Hall . vJatch for details! crow's nest SEA CORAL Guest Speaker: Walter Jaap Senior Biologist, Florida Department of Natural Resources Marine Research Laboratory -4- For further information about registration procedure, contact the Admissions Office. -5-
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