"76 ~~ ~ 70 . ~ ~. ~~ c:r- ~ ~ .,-. ~ :i "' ~ E . . n:c ~ F 2:~ -)¡ ): l: . w'" V\ 00 ~-l \1 ,~ -- -.~ .. C) ~ tV , -. , , ~~ w t) --I wtÐ ~ \)-0 -- ~ -~ £ ti , ø ~ Z '- c --=0 == := t" ,=0 -t" VIN. 13273510002 QlUJU. mUliY L Neurolog Consul t Blectronically Signed Byi TRUDELL, RAALL G 4/29/2010 1:25129 lM CNMDNBURO UNIVBRSITY OF TESSEE MEMORIAL HOSPITAL 1924 Aleoa H~ghway *. Xnoxville, TN 37920 (865) 305-9000 PA'tIim NAUi GRAJU, BKHY L. MEICAL RECORD #11327351 LOCATION/ROOH#1 KCC1 MC1-09 PATIEN TYKI INPATIID ADMISSION DATS i 04/27/2010 i OrSCRAGlB DATE ACCOUN Ii 13273510002 NEOLOG COSULTATION REPORT DATE OF BI~TBi 10/07/1991 DATS OF CONSULTATIONi 04/27/2010 HISTORY OF PRESEN ILLNSS i He~ry Granju is an 18-year-old malo brought to the University of Tenessee Hedi~&l Center Emrgency Rooø today (04/27/10) for furthr evaluation of being noted to be unesponsive. There is_some history_that. the patient had some sort of assault_two~daya ago, perhaps in a drg deal gone bad. Bowever; he - ';S awake and talking to - friends gn the evening-of=0~/26/i~ ~d went hom with ii friend, but was ~ound ti: following iiorning unrlisponJive with white powdr around hiii mouth. Be h~ø a history of polysubstanoe abuse and a urine drg soreen was positive for m~rijuana, benzodiazepines and ooaaine. Signifioant on his initial examination was that he hald obviously voited and aspirated... He requirød intubation for hypxia and difficulty with He is also noted to have blood in the externl auditory oanals mpiriitions. bilaterally. .ct. scaii: of the-thorax i'i ~conBi8tent wi th aspii"tition iirid~no_evideic.e !af _ I fraoture .on_CT.:soañ õf:-the cervio~l spinã or.of -tle skulL. He reportedly has diffuse oerebral edem on CT of the brain. The patient reportedly would arouse to voioe earlier prior to øadation. Be has now been sedated in order to more efficiently ventilate him. Ele would arouse, but not follow oomds earlier. PBYSXCA EXAINATION; At'thia tim, he is lying quietly in bed sedatod on a vantilator. He does not arouse. Pupils are 3 mm bilaterally. He has a corneal reflex bilaterally aven with sedation. With sone stimulation of his sternum there is a little frowning. To plantar .ti~ulation, plantar response is upgoing bilaterally. Reflexes are hypoaotive and symetric. He has periorbital eceh~ses and blood from both earB. LAORATORY_DATA 1_ Re':i;w-;tÏ; ci-~sc;~oBhe h;iid-doea -;ot_shoW'avidinco of skull fracture iind.hed;'es have~.ctffuse cerebral edema. ,'-. ~ - ---- J:MPRBSSIOHi.- -- - ___ !l;;o~..lop:tbY prob~iy pr~rily ~ tõhyp*rfusioii hypxia related to his llsplra tion iid "aar;t drig överdose. PRINTED BY: RWAN GRJU, BifY to DATE 6/ 2 ~2 0 1111 iiinu miiænmlillmllmllillWIIII ~ -=0 - _~O M -M FIN. 13273510002 QUNJU, HlY to Neurology Consul t Klectronic81ly Signed By: TRUDBLL, RAALL G 4/29/2010 1:25129 PM The early signs of arousing and having corneal reflexes are certainly encouraging. We will plan to follow this patient with you. ATTENINGl PHYSiCIA Randa1l G. Trudell, M.D. DDi 04/27/2010 18120 DTi 04/29/2010 01107/keg 462343/1238971 eei Richard A. Glover, M.D. Paul Branca, M.D. Denise K. Rivers, D.O. Randall G. Trudell, M.D. COpy Page 1 of 1 glectronicelly signed Byi TRUDELL, RAALL G, H.D. 04/29/2010 13125 ROT PRINTED BY: RWARN GR. RBNlY L DATE 6/212 0 ~llililinll~IWlim~~~iimID~WIIUiilmirm ,. -=_r =0 - C" GRAJU, HENRY L rXNr 13273510002 l€cOPy History and Physical Electronically Signed ByIBRACA, PAUL R 5/4/2010 11136107 AM HP UNIVERSITY OP TKNSSKE HKORIAL HOSPITAL 1924 Alcoa Highway.. Knoxville, TN 37920 (865) 305-9000 i GRJ1, HlmY PATI!r NAM L. HEICA RECORD #11327351 ADKiSSiON DATEr 04/27/2010 LOCATION/ROOH#: MeCi MC1-09 PATIEN TYPE i INPATIENT DrSCIlGE DATBi ACCOUN #1 13273510002 DATE O~ BIRTH: 10/07/1991 HISTORY k PHYSICAL EXA CHIEF COMPLAIN': Overdose. HISTORY O~ PRESENT ILLNESS: 'l (f The pa~ient is an 18-year-old, white male who was found unresponsive by a friend and brought by EM to the ~ergency DepArtment where he was immediately intubated. He was apparently assaulted two days ago and the exact circums~ancÐB are unknown at this time. The patient was found to have UDS positive for cocaine, marijuana and benzodiazepines. ~He was also found to have a troponin of 5.07. i spoke with a police officer who said that jCt ~pparently an acquaintance picked the patient up from the patient i shouse last nigh~ because the patient was going to stay at this friend's house and go to work wi th him this morning. Per the friend, the patient aeemød high last night and said that he had been beaten up the day before when he was trying to buy drgs. The friend _found him this morning unresponsive with ..hite powdr around his mouth. He -cÜd navëvomiting and aspiration prior toarrival-in the Emergency Deparonent. PAST MEDICAL HISTORYi None. PAST SURGICAL HISTORYi Ear tubes as II baby. ALLERGIES: TETANS VACCINE. MEDICATIONS, None. SOCIAL HISTORY 1 The patient is a smoker. He has a history of polysubstance abuse including iv drg abuse. Per the family, the patient spent this past Karch to October 2009 in inpatient rehab. He has had problems wi th polysubstanoe abuse since age 14. FAMILY HISTORY: Noncontribu tory. REVIEW OF SYSTEM 1 Unable to obtain. ~HYS!CAL EXANATION: Tempurature 102.5, blood pressure 112/59, pulse 95, respirations 22, 02 94\ on vent with setting SIMY, rate of 18, tidal volume 650, pressure support of 10, PREP of 10, and Fio2 of 100\. GENERL: The patient is sedated. HEBN: Pupils equal at 2 mm. Bilateral tympanic memranes obscured with blood. _ Bi1aterll"- orbit.al ecchyioais.- -NECX: Without leiiion. LUNGS: Coarse breath sounds bilaterally with decreased breath sounds at the bases. Chest with PRINTED BY: R~~ßIiIIIIiIIIiIiIiIi~IiI!iilUlIlIllIlI~1 ii~"ii DATE 6/2/2010 ;. -- GRAJO, RlnlllY L FIN: i3~735iOOO~ Bigtory and Physical Electronically Signed By -I' 8 i BRACA, PAUL R 5/~/2010 11:36:07 AM i Regular rate and rhythm. No murmurs, area.s of eochymosis. CARIOVASCUAR rubs or gallops. ABDOMX: Soft, nondistended with decreased bowel sounds. au: Rectal exam - normal tone with no foreign material. The patient has a Poley in place wi th no penile or scrotal traum. BXTREMTIES: No clubbing, cyanosis or edema. NERO: We will reassess when patient no longer paralyzed. LABORATORY DATA/ STUDIES: Sodium 140, potassium 3.6, chloride 110, CO2 20, BUN 24, creatinine 1.64, glucose 103, calcium 8, ~agnesium 2.5, albumin 3.2. total protein 5.8, total bilirubin 0.3, alkaline phosphatase 134, AST 93, ALT 67, anion gap 10, seru osmolality 301, lipase 1l, amonia 24, lactic acid 2.5, hemoglobin 15, hematocrit 43.8, white count 10.7, platelets 202, PT 12.6, INa 1.21. ABG with pH 7.165, PC02 68, P02 58. 02 80', bicarb 24.5. C~-MB 4.7, CPK total 377, troponin 5.07. Phenobarbital level 0.1, acetaminophen level 2, salicylate level 0, ETOH level less than 10. TCA level O. uns positive for benzodiazepines. marijuana and cocaine. Urinalysis with 300 glucose. Chest x-ray .hows ~rihilar edema. (70lm¡. C( S! ~~e~heßP '~Qws~diffuse cerebr!i-ed~ w~h ~9_eviden~ of skull "fracture. CT of the C-spine shows no evidence of fracture. CT of the thorax. abdomen and pelvis shows bilateral areas of pulmonary consolidation oonsistent with aspiration and with additional areas of ground-glass opacities in the perihilar region oonsistent with edema. ASSESSMENT. PLA: The patient is an lS-year-old, white male withi l. Acute hypoxic respiratory failure likely secondary to toxio ingestion status post large volume aspiration. The patient is currently supported by mechanical ventila.tion. Ke will continue with ARSnet settings. Status post bronchoscopy with large volume suctioned, oul tures are pending. 2. 3. 4. Overdose. Patient with history of polysUhstance abuse including iv drg abuse, ODS positive for bensodiazepines, cocaine and marijuana. believed to be unintentional. Status post assault. IMaging is negative for fracture but with bleeding from bilateral auditory oanals, ooncern for bilateral tympanic membrane rupture. We will consult XN. Non-BT-elevation myocardial infarction. Patient with history of cocaine abuse as likely etiology. We will continue to follow cardiac enzymes. _ . . S. tš~~~L.:~~~.~~;~a~,~,~,,''1.;,S~:i_~~~íaj*j';~!=te!1t,.~£!tIis" post..~paÛit~ .w; .. 1:.1.~l.c~~s~!~~~~;i~Y.to ~ssist'!~th .evaluaHon. w. will maintain J . the head of tEe bed elevated. .. f': .": 6. A'~'i:~krenai -failure iikely-prerén;âi. We will check urine 7. Aspiration pneumonia status post bronchoscopy. We will start the patient on Rocephin, Zithromax and clindaycin. Fever. We will give Tylenol as needed. We will eheck urine. sputum and blood cultures and continue Rocephin, Zithromx and clindamycin. Bilateral perihilar infiltrates possibly due to cocaine-induced lung 8. 9. electrolytes. injury. 10. OI prophylaxis with Nexium. PRINTED BY: R~rllil~II~I!llilllllllllmiil~Il~UI~III~ DATE 6/2/2010 :. -=0 -'" i' FIN r 13273510002 GRAJU. HItY L History and Physical Electronically Signed By i BRACA, FAUL R 5/4/2010 l1i36:07 AN 11. DVT prophylaxis with PAS hose. We will hold heparin and Lovenox at this time secondary to the bleeding. 12. The patient is a full code. Dictated by: Audrey D. Barry, M.D., RESIDENT PHYSICIAN ATTENING PHYSICIAN Paul Branea, M.D. DO: 04/29/2010 11128 DT: 04/29/2010 15:25/dw 463747/1239478 cc: Richard A. Glover, M.D. Paul Branca, M.D. William Scott Bridges, M.D. Denise M. Rivers, D.O. Audrey D. Barry, M.D. COpy Page 1 of 1 ~lectronically Signed Byi BRACA, PAUL R, M.D. 05/04/2010 11136 EDT PRINTED BY: R~rlfßlilll~mlllilllilmllllmllilllliillimllil DATE 6/2/2010 ,. CiRAJU, HlNRY L ~ ~o - -I' ~ FrN: 13273510002 Discharge Sumry E1Qctronically Signed By:SALITA, MU G 5/26/2010 1:24:31 PM os UNIVERSITY OF TENNSSEE MERIA HOSPITAL 1924 Alcoa Hiqhway ** Knoxville, TN 37920 (865) 305-9000 PATIENT NAM: GRAJU, HENR L. MEICA RECORD #: 1327351 LOCATION/aOOMl: iSNS S740-A PATIENT TYPE: INPATIENT ADMISSION DATE: 04/27/2010 DISCHAGE DATE: 05/06/2010 ACCOUN #: 13273510002 DATE OF BIRTH; 10/07/l991 DISCHAGE SUMY HOSPITAL COUE; __. The patient wasLíla;I(LLtéd_tó~tse Intensive Care Unl.t_af.ter_an.ÃlUault t.a~'; , resoived acute respiratory failure, and adult respiratory distress sydrome secondary to drg overdose and aspiration pneumonia. The patient is status post emiric antibiotics, broad spectrum, and they have bean weaned down. Be has completed a course with resolution of his symtoms. He is status post ventilation. The patient was initially admtted with drug overdose and urine drug scr_e Fsit~ve ~7.. ~riz.o~lazep'~e.;.:. cocai~e and cannabi~o.id:i.., tlrn1l~~t. ~t_~_Sa)9.~~t":,q~íi1 t''Wi~t!i..i~§ t~.ral . áûdi to'¿ .ëàiáCbleädinq . Ànd evlderiC!' Öf I ~'i1:H.4rchypi.ei~ce'i¡eíi=ili~g;Qif:'h trfuferred the' ~'ti:i out of the uit .t~thâ~i~of ~s he ;ontinued hi~. reco~ry from his multiorqan failure in the ~ntensive Care Unit. The plans are to discharge this patient to a rehabilitation facility to continue deoonditioning training. etc. The patient will go to St. Mary's Rehabilitation. It should be noted that he has recoyered_from a myriad of problems. tiírdld.'m~~r;mrã:fìii~;Eiú~lgii"ihc!:" F ~ã,~i~~~,t. H~~7~ãV~'~ãóe?öriløy~;r ~~~a2'iräv¡t iiiùpi~' ~åWï~~';f and' all .ëre. recovering nicely. His brain function was returning to more of a norml level. H. was accepted by Physical HQicine and Rehabilitation. and I refer you to their dictated consult note for more further details, but mecally, the patient is deemed stale for discharge. It should be noted that prior to diacharge, an MR and a repeat eohocardiogram to assure staility of his conditions were pandinq. We do not have those results yet. Neurology has started the patient on Aricept to help with his meory. DISCHGE MEDICATIONS: 1. Difluoan, stop date 06/10/2010, for peile infection. 2 . Aricept Sntlliqrams a day. 3. Cipro. 4. Dexamethasone otic suspension in both ears twice a day. 5. Nexium 40 a day. 6. Vesicare 5milligram a day. 7 . Nasal saline spray. ATT&NDING PHYSICIA Murad Salai ta, M. D . DO: OS!26/20L0 OB: 31 DT: OS/26/2010 10: aO/tcB 482987/1252304 CC: Murad Salaita, M.O. William Scott Bridges, M.D. William A. Paulsen, M.D. Joshua A. ~ll&r, M.D. Jeffrey S. Heoht, M.D. Karen Mullins, D. a . Paul Branca, M.D. Richard A. Glover, M. 0 . PRINTED B~J 2~1~~II~IiI~lilll~limlillmRlllm DATE ? GR1.J. HXY L - Discharge SUry Electronically Signed By: SALITA, MU G 5/26/2010 1: 24: 31 PH ~o -(" == == FI: 13273510002 Denise M. Rivers, D.O. è3 COpy Page 1 of Electronically Signed By: SALTA, MU G, M.D. OS/26/2010 13:24 EDT PRINlED B ¥ì: Rim~imiiii"i miiiii~ IIIUWlllllim DATE 6 2/2010 ;: 1 .-, UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE MEMORIAL HOSPITAL l"Ul11327JS1000:2 QR , RKY L ,DOB:l0/07/S1 iSY M EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT 1924 ALCOA HIGHWAY , AD:04/27/10 HR:1327J51 KNOXVILLE, TN 37920 '- - -___ _ _. __ _ _.. _ -J (865) 544-9000 ED ORDERS/NURSES NOTES PHYSICIAN ORDERS PHYSICIAN NOTIFICATION TIME CALLED TIME ANSWERED PHYSICIAN LAB RADIOLOGY TIME HERE C8C ". REASON FOR X.RAYICT/US 8MP 0 Order Initial Time TIme Given AMY,LASE o HCG PENDING LIPASE CXR PAILAT URINECC CXR PORTABLE o SEE GUIDELINE ORDERS URINE CATH AAS (INCLUDES CXA) o OINT GA: LOCATION: A8G ON o CARDIAC MONITOR 0 PULSE OX SERUM HCG U/S o Physician Orders, Medications, LV'S, Other o .. URINE HCG o FINGERSTICK GLUCOSE CKMB ~ tV D - DIMER BNP o I I ., I :L . DISPOSITION; o TRANSFER TO o ADMITTO TIME BED REQUESTED . BED ASIGNED ORI CRITICAL VALUES lDISCHARGE TO: RECEIVED BY~. o HOME 0 POLICE 0 MORGUE REPORTED TO 'DR ~ OAMA DATE o OBSERVATION o ADMISSION AT 6727'2010 RELEASED FROM ED AT (Page 1 of 3) ~¡Ol AT II¡lI AT )dr VERSION li + + + ,,:IN i 13:.7351.000:. aiJU, mwY L o 1996 - 2008 T -Sslem, Inc. CIrcle or check affnnlilJs. bacluJa (1) "egaii~s. ~ ~ ~ eæ~ ~M i: .". ooB110/07/91. 18Y 14 AD 104/27/10 Tennessee University of ii i 1327351 Medical Center 51 1924 Alcoa Hwy Knoxville, TN 37920. (865) 544.9000 ~ EMERGENCY PROVIDER RECORD Critical Care TIME SEEN: J.1.~ ROOM: f EMS Arrrl HISTORIAN: patient fumily § Nursing A,,~ssment R~vj~w~d Initi.1 Vita Signs Reviewed 0 T "Iemetry HR RR Temp Pulse Ox- % _RA _O¡ lnter _nm! _hypoxic INITIAL PHYSiCAL EXM EXAM LIMITED BY: GENERAL UNABLE TO OBTAIN HISTORY DUE TO: _appears well HPI _nmlcolor chief complaint: fuintlng tÆresllnsive Jcar"/¡v ...- seizre dyspnea chest pain GI bleeding ~drug overdo~ onset: ,,. . re HEADI NECK _hed atraumatlc -pharynx nml paramedics' Inltia! findings: _neck supple no respIrations decreased respirations ~%%~ alert con sed ci RESPIRATORY ,:óyspnelD sinus rhytm nml respirations HR Glucose _ mg / dl _airway open D-stck glucometer JOod gag renex BP ISTA T parameIcs I ED _breath sounds equal bilateraly _nml breath pre-hospital treatment: ~gen Oag:O ( valve- defibrilated_ intubated IVf1uids ~ ~ ~ -t~ r. CPR I thumper ~ vasopressin ~d~~ _meningismus _no spotaeous resiratins ~absent~ :Jve3fä\ _airway obstrcted partll / (ully -~...~' - etl :¿ gà~muscít =="'"00' _decr. air movement _wheezes 1 rale: 1 rhonchí mg mg ROS CVS _weak 1 no pulse _reg. rate & rhytm _noJVD _chest compressions pulse wi CP- neme poor go _irregularly irregular rhytm reent illness / fever LNMP _ prc¡¡ post- menop vision change / problems neck 1 b"ick pain _no murmur _no gallop nasl drainage / congestion leg I ankle swelling _PMlnml ~es (ocnal -pulse full. equal _PM! displaced laterally hurt to breathe I short of breath ~ mg mg lidocine bolus_mg lidocaine drlp_mg I min amiodrone chest pain -+ -- sounds epinephrine atropine -che~d tru~ _hemotympanum cough bloody I productve r.h -.VD present _murmur grade _/6 sy / dios lost feeling I power confusion 1 memory loss_ --llop ( 53 I 54 ) ~ressJon I anxiety paínful urination ~I systems neg ~c"pt as marked PAST HX cardiac disease ASCVD MI CHF immunosuppressed AIDS_ CV A I nA bleed deficit hypertension diabetes Typ I Type 2 lung disease asthma COPD _ diet /oraliinsulin neuroClY-- I (requent) swollen glands headache abdominal pain nausea / vomiting blood diarrhea 1 black 1 bloody stools_ _old records reviewed I summary: " ~ bradycadia ABOOMEN/GI _mas I organomegafy _no mas _distention _tenderness ~guarding -Karding , . RECTAL . "-heme pos. stool tra ¡-ŠÕC-IAL HX- - - s-~ok~; _. - - - - - - 0rugs 5(: --e e -õ. -; ~stool nml color : alcohol (reent / heavy / ocasianal) _ occupation : : EXREMITES ii:FAMILY HX i _~I ROM i living slrudon alone (omify (riend group care fadlit i _reviewed, n'lt relevant : ~ulses full, equal - - - ._---- - ---- - - ---------------- - ---- - --------- -pedal edema _decreased pulse(s) ( R'I L ) i 4001 15051 fJÀ ~RTIENTED 6/ 2 / 2BY: 0 iR~N 0 .. Pg 1 of2 .L _~spo:Se to com~onfus~ 'letharic NEURO _nml responsivenes. _nmlorientation =ti£~ft\-i;n~c. ßcL _fixed I irregular I unequal pupils R_mm L_mm _no gross motor deficits _EOH deficit _no gross sensory l + + + " deficits _weakness _Babinski refl R~;po~;; ro p~ñ~ - tJ6;w gri~;~- . - - - - witdraws ~ ex lle RUE 0_0_0_0 lUE 0_0_0_0 RLE0_0_0_0 0_0_0_0 ILE Reflexes _depres.ed mood I fiat affect PSYCH _mood' affect nml SKIN _skin nsh _nml _decubItus INITAL ASSESSMENT VITAL SIGNS SEE NURSINGASSSME FOR FURTHER VIAl - .. .. .. .. .. .. - - .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. - .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ~ .. - .. - .. .. .. .. - .. .. .. -" BP _,_ HR_ RR_ Temp : _Discussed with Dr. Time: _ _ _ _ : EKG MONITOR RHYTHM : wiU see patient In: ED I hospital sinus rhytm uchycardìa wi I narro bradycardia P.ULSE OXIMETER % 02 saturation AA02_Ll% time: I of1ec A: : 1_ ~~~~I!~~ ~~~~_ iiJ£~~o~!t~~;~_~~~e_sh¡~_i C L1NICAL IMPRESSION ALTEm MENAL STATUS GI BLED NP mask BVM ~~ONARY AR HYPSION ___ SEPSIS I SIRS LABS, EKG &XRAYS . _"'!Y'2~lloÉ !O~ !O.!ge; ~'! ~~~ o.n _iJe .;r:"!~ IoJi !"J2~ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ . .. '~C . Chern U.À ABG's: i: C_ segs_ Na ~ pHll i ~"- wffC!g,.. Hgb bands_ K " pCoiJ : : nrol excet platelets_ nml ex~ept ~ except RAIOl i: : Het Iymphs_ BUN_ i& HCOl,~: : CreaLpm 512 : i Glue COHb L_ __ _ Present On Admission decubits I UTI wI fotey DispositIon Order Time ~...R..~~~_§_tr_e_~.2~~_~~__~~RlfVC ____0_.______.___...___... ..; DISPOSITON. 0 home )idmitud 0 OBS 0 exire : ~ inter by ~ider Rate _NSR _A-fib : o HeartfStre Center : diagn _nmt _abnmt i o AHA (S' MI templa # 73) 0 t",nsfe~t~ ~ i nml intlYois _nmJ axi _nmJ QRS _nor;spedc srrr chn¡:es : CONDITION. 0 unehanged 0 improved ~ ~K\h_ ~_~~e.t EKG- .__ unchanged ___~~~KG-_-~r,a~:.c!..date: _._...____~ úrii trnsfelTed to HD I DO' HLP TIme: _ _ __ : CXR interreted by ED provider unles noted otherwise : MDIDO l/PIPA 1/ 0 na infilrates _nml heart size _nml mediartnum : : nmfJ~D : Rr: : Old CXR- uncanged date: i i CT Scan ead cont st I O/Kantras! i LOX ~._._:: -------..... ..--- ._---_.._---....._-='-_.......__._-_._._.._--_........-..._--.. Prvlcr # IDX Prvide ø _ _ _ __ o I perion~11y s:w and .""¡ne the patient I have reviewe and agree with the ",udenù findngs, inluding all dlaonlc interetations, lld treatment plans as I_-=_ .. .... _ _ _ _ _ .. .. _ .. .. .. .. .. .. - ...... _.. .. .... - .. - .. .. - .. .. .. - - .. .. .. .. .. .._, wnwin. I wu prese or the key p . er any procure peormed and th PROGRESS 0 see additiona template: # 94 ¡"elusle time no in y cr. . me uñ hanged improve MDIDO Critical Car.51 Pg 2 of2 Rev. II f 09 PR:U~D ~: ,eifN 4001 i5051~TE (Of t?ì~~010 ~4735100o:i DO:allOío~Y r. ~I04/:i7/10 l8y M lIl13273S1 QJit~6 .l ~ iil ~J.I PtteJ 4- + ~ ~~ ~~ ~ + (; /996 - 2008 T-Syitem, Inc Circle or check alfrmatlvej, backslash (\ negativs. AmID'/27/10 1l:1327351 Tennessee Medical Center University of 51a 1924 Alcoa Hwy Knoxville, TN 37920 (865) 544-9000 i¡ M EMERGENCY PROVIDER RECORD Procedures / Critical Care Add-on PROCEDURAL SEDATION NOTE INTUBATION NOTE Airway abnomial 3-3-2 rule Evaluation large I Pre-tx _100%°1 other ~Idate - OSee Nursing notes for VIS monitoring Sedation type: dee - Indications: other moderate HPI 0 see patient template Induction oiter: TIme.____ las meal Past Hx d see patit's template . . prior compJlc:dons to genera anestesia loose teeth Mallampatl Class: ofv." I,cae tongue i ~ous secretions ~'¿, -4 5 midazolam E. - Paralysis 0 n~traindicatiOnS to succlnychollne Equipment 0l I LMA siz:IG . lidocaine _ Glidescope I McGrath iq _Bogie other Post.intubatlon management: Err primary ~ confirmation ~ Emergent conditio'ns applies ~nomatry_mm Hg ~COi change PI. Normal healthy patient P2. Patient with a mild sysmic disease PL. Patient with.;i severe sysr~ic disease P4. Patient with a severe systemic disease that is a constant threat to life P5. Moribund patlent who is nor expected to survive w/o the operation Vent settings: 0 per Respiratory Therapy Physical Exam D see patient' template Mode: CMV AC SIMV PS CPAP AIRWAY _obeSe _nml anatomy _large ~ngui; I teem rect visualization _ est rise _tu~ in good position on CXR _tuba repositioned and re.confirmed with CXR - Settngs: .- _angioedema abnormal rule 3-3-2 rile TV_ Fl0i- R- PS_ PEEP_ other Ventilator sedation: propfol drip I ~ilioiiai Notes: \~ht~ --ossible upper airway obstructon ~neck immobilty -propofol _rocuronium _ ucclnylcholine other prior complications to procedural sedation Allergies ",NKDA see nurses note brevitl etomld:ite fentayl ketamine mjdaolam morpine nitrous oxide propofol _. .. . .. other ASA ClassIfication + FIN: 13273510002 GR, HRY L DOBt10/07/91 iay. .. Mallampatl Classification Class r . Soft palate, anterior ¡-po~ tonsillar pillars, and uvula visible CIa.s2. Tonsilar pilla. and uvula hidden by base of tongue . - CI:us3. Only sòft palate visible CENTRAL LINE Class"l. Soft palate not visible Preparation _CDC Sterile inserton guIdelines followed --lan explained: to patlent. . to parent / guardian _consent signed (see hospital consent) :-oxlmetry during procedure _capnometry during procedure IV acces obtained . -- _suction Immediately available Sedation cardiac monitor used versed etomidate _2% chlorlexldlne prep _local anesthetic: lidocaine 1%/2% _mL bupivacaine D.25% / O.5%_mL catheter Fr single I triple lumen PreSep location: R I L U/ ~uíded lj subavian supraclavicular supraclavicular brachial femoral complications: none CXR post-procedure: ._propofol _fentanyl ketamlne. . Reversal none Complications during I after .. . . . . - _. . _narean _romazicon TIME OUT called at: for TIME OUT called at: for none vomJrlng_ _ apnea O¡ deseuration requIred BVM.PP hypotension agitation TIME OUT called at: for procedureother Post Sedation Recovery Score D see sedation record - I personally performed D sedation and I or D procedure 31-45 min _'1.(, min Intra.service time: 30 min or less - NP/PA MD/DO . Rcsl¡cnt IDX PTvldttl ~detl_____ MD/DO . . . A1¡¿iilni: PRINTED BY: RWAPrvld&r#_l'3~ß 0 Template Complete 300 11451 A~ÀTE 6/ 2/ 2 0 i 0 0 Written Addendum Pg I on + .l ~ + + Wound Description I Repair Early Goal Directed Therapy mmHg (8-12) _fluid resuscitation to CVP of _vasopressors for HAP.. 65 mmHG (SBP': 90) dopamine vasopressin norepinephrine em location flp stellate irregular dean contaminate moderaely I hei:'rly length linear Into: sub cut , muscle distal NVT: neurovascular Intact no tendon ¡nfury anesthesia: local digit block topical _ lidocaine _steriods: hydroortone Intubation for ScVO,.: 70% _endotrcheal , + marcalne epi' bIcarb _mL _trasfusion to Het~ 30% prep: _dobutamine Infusion for SeVO,.: 70% irrigated wI saline exenvely cleaned debrided mod. lextenslve wound explored wound margins revised % _final ScVOi' _antibiotics (c: 3hrs) Betadlne , Shur-Clens I saline I LP _discussed risk¡, benefits, alternatives; Jarenúguardlan consents lying betadine prep fluid color_RB wac sterile technique glucose lymph L3.4 protein L4.5 poly monos--m st_ reuire ins;umentatn / exension Wound dosed wi: wound adhesve / steristrlps repair: siting' multiple flaps aligned to base / in bloodle field no foreign body Identified foreign material removed SKIN. SUBCUT- # OTHER. # _-0 nylon' prolene I stale_ _-0 vlcry I chromic _-0 # FRACTURE I DISLOCATION I REDUCTION I SPLINTING Loction: local bloc / reginal bloc / joint I Sedation: see proedural sedation I (raaure block I betadine prep I stn1e procedure Anesthetic: lidocaine / bupivacaine I £PI 0.25% 0.5 % ,% 2% mL amount of anesthetic Preprocedure DNVT status: see Physal Exam ARTERIAL LINE Tlthnlque: _CDC Sterile Insertion guidelines followed _2% chlorhexidine prep Traction - Counter Tractn / ScciuJar Rotation / Hennepin / Stmson I Whiser lather _local anesthetic: Iidixine 1% / 2% _mL bupivocaine 0.25% / O.5%_mL Fr Ulguided blind catheter Post-procedure DNVT statuii normal _unchanged from pre-procedural baseline location: R / L _no comparent sydrome thought to be present other Post reuction Imaging _deformity is completely reduced _deformity Is acceptably reduced _deformity Is unacceptaly reduced CARDIOVERSION -:Procedure discussed with Pat~nt I Guardia and consent obtained. unchanged Improved re-eamined Time - - cardloverted at Splint type: Velcro I Fib~lass I Plaer I Aluminum-foam / metal Volar I Exenr I Thumb spica I Sugar tong I Gutter strrup / Poserkr Ace Wra I Boot ortos I Air splint / Buddy tap I lang I shalt J -post cardioverslon rate --ost cardioverslo rhytm NSR afib a.utter splint loction: _V.fib _V-tach Provider RN Tech Provider post-spllnting NVT check & splInt appllcaUon check: applied by: splint In good posit & NVS norml other ii ti CHEST other TUBE (_French) ches wbe Inserted Betadine prep NPIPA _mL local lidocaine I mi:rcaine I mid I anter I txst axlJary line Interspace position confirmed on CXR conneaed to suctian sutured in place ~tu air I blood IDX Provider ft Kd/dl: MDlDa IDX Prvider ø MDIDO AI1~tfri IDX Provfder tt _ _ _ _ _ 0 Template Complete o Written Addendum Procure 1 Critical Car Add-in - 5 i a Pg 2 of 2 Rev. 08 1 09 TIME OUT called at: lor TIME OUT called at for TIME OUT called at for PRINTED BY: RWAN 3001 1451A~E 6/2/2010 .. VINi13273510002 QR, HENY i. DOBll0/07/91 lSY M ADi04/27/10 MRi13:l7351 .¡ LJNIVERSITY OF BJN::SS~ M:MORIAL HOSPITAL 1924 ALCOA HW . KNOXVILLi;.TN 37920 (8õ5) 305.9000 ~f5 ~- EMERGENCY == rZll11327351000:i QRAJU, BD'l Ii DODt10/07/il iey M '" "--- ---- -- .' i At t 0'/27/10 i MRt1327351 DEPARTMENT GUIDELINES NAME MR# ENCOUNTER# DATE_ io inia¡D - au.Jrrs . Dlace YO inillS iii .rt 8DlDre box (cæc - acJ¡iol !Jes as ltarerJ & selea x.msJ Sian ~ boom of ¡he for 0 oreed PAIN/SOB caiti. in nature I 0 CHEST STOKE I ACUTE NEURO Açliv;le hos¡jlal oroioc 2L 02 via NC, cardiac STAT EKG 2l 02 via NC, carlie; r., pulse oximetr, INT CSC. BI. CPK isnz, TIo¡(nin 2l 02 via NC. cartiac moi1r. poise oxt!), INT Fingemicl; blood glucose C8C, CM? CPK isnz. ir"!0nin, UA Manesium sm: to tab In black bag PCX Of Sys0lic 81' 'SO) CT H8Id - For acue ste S..alo.. Sc ere:: dyslbn 2l 02 via NC. caia~ EKG CSC, 8MP. PTI?TI, t inQuire ato reæ\ usa 01 dn. for o HCG rn Indl:.ed Obtin ¡iÆVous re:ordsl EKG I- c EKG Finger stk blood glucoe - C8::, 8M?, UDS. ETOH, Atlamlrip!en IMl CTHea Sa:; level, TCA I~, PCXR Semosmol UDS, ::TOH (i mi:~) 0 PCX . Gren gown :i HCG Iff ir:ao¡ H:AINJURY PT Cd 00 COmaln) -CTI= eNP (it shonmiss at cralh) t (criy" \: Df consi:usnes 0: en Couman; or owr ê5 years: fA su:: PLEURmC CHEST PAm altered mental stat) :KG, pul;¡ oximei.)', mo~o;, CXK 0 KNOWN SÐZURE D~ORDER 1° SHDRTN:SS OF BREATH. 0 0 Gl BLE:D 02 via NC. pulse oxmet monlt,lNT CX¡ \'5 PCR (dlde one) Repiraoi therpy cosiH CaC,8MP i'ngercl bloo ghlt:ou t: Drp ~e!s zs Booroaie . .- NEW ON~E! S=~URES 1° "' 0 BCi2 (~Iebile or otne lnòi:ed) 0 Ini!!entions hsied abO"B plus) BM? UDS. ~O~. CT Head POSlõlLE S::PSIS; TEMP' 'O'~S', AND OVER Sl Y"..RS 2L 02 via NC, ClroI2. 0 2! 02 via NC. csa; mo:. . CBC.CMP, PT ü i& S (~lndtaled Q Gren gown cee, BM.", VA bleifri) 0 0 HYlOGL'1CEPlIA HYl:RGLYCEMlACbl:i oluro , 400) Fingeri; blDod gluco Fingmtick blood glucos CBC, BMP, UP. Urie Ci.S. BCx2 ::XR (reason: fave EKG cardia: moiror, pulse Fingmticl blood glucose oxirrlI,INT Fin~r stil; blocx glucose Nolit Transplani servce r. ini:ai CBC. BMP, CPK BMP 30 min ~ inleiori lsonzeg, Diet ny ttan ever hour Trapan", UA amp D50 IV xl for as ~ 50 Reverse isolalioo (il patient Is 0 AllERGIC RECTION 0 LOWER ABO PAIN AND/OR VAGINA BLEEDING - ore meol)ussl female 0 0 ': T to S (I Indicaled) Fetal hear¡ lones if' 12 weeks pregnant 0 SUSPECTED i. PYLONEPHRIS cac, eMP, UA HCG (I Ir01ed) ABDOi.INA PAIN INT CBC, CM.D, UA 0 - UII cac, aMP, BCx1 (ff febrile) 0 MEDICAL CLERACE FOR G~~n c HCG (r.lrdcaied) e8C, BMP, UDS, ETOH 0 HCG ~f indicatd) :: Upa¡¡ (ff pain in I.r 0 :: Quadrants) EKG (ff inócaie, upper abd) 0 LACERA TlONS . Irri9aie wond '1M normal - Hay injur erea rd selin suspcr b;isn .t:y NoUty nu~ng suparror If patiem ¡s sulcldll andJor homl:ldil PATIEtI ON COUMA01N Pulse axini.INi CBC, PT c UrineC&S c HCG ¡if indicaled) PSYCHIATRIC !:VALUATION SusCled 10 be p'egnanl c 0 0 0 cae, UP, ü ABO ru ff vapinal tielling AND SUSPIòCTED RENA coiic INT Serum HCG 0t ¡;lienI is known 10 be ~ lô wee ~9nenl) , HCG (I indicated) oximetr,INT . RT conult Çnindicaed) Noti MD STAT Ie severe reition CBC, 8MP. UA IV NS 1L evcry hour PCXR \' CXR (cile one) ': cardia: monitor, puise or frctre) . Suture cart to bedside c Teiars-tipioona 0.5 mL 1M C' indi::l!dl EXR9IIT INJURY Deiermill menanism and exet b:ti of pain ORDER APPROPRlAT:ò X-RAY Immobillz". eleva!e, ice :i Righi I Lef (ciclr c ETOH. uas c iV NS allNO (~ iiÌ'ly Immunoomoro~ed :i . Ortosiali:: 2L 02 via N:; cariiie; monlior. pu~ oxim!:i, INT :: HCG I~ iriicaled) ~ Lßetaie (~suscted ~sJs) c: llce:ainoonen 19 POiR lor T , 101.5' c: Pulse oximeir, INT FiIlrs:J bloo gl=s pulse cidmeiry, Iarve ixre INi I monr, pulse oximetr, INT c SYNCOPE! NEAR SYNCOPE ëlOH linOXICATlON I no Clao In naMe Puse oximetr)', moio, INT i SUSPECTE OVEOSE m:nilO., puse oximeiry, INT moior. pulse oximetr, INT pain 10 0 ALTER:òO MEIIAl STATUS EKG PCXR vs CXR (i;itie cie) ""¡inn 324 mg PO ~~ed rrl ro Asnn allergy) Niirlycen ü4 mg SL Q 5 min x3 for Chesi = -' 0 OEFFICIATE SYIiPTOIiS PRI Medi:ilion (with IiD order) c: Tyfeii 19 POIP fo T"101.5 c Qnßneiro (Zolr)4mg IVßM DRUG LEVLS (w YO Df ar D AOOlTNAlA lwl ~D cmer) :: 0 Digoxi 0 1horyfoM 0 PheYtn (Dilarrn) 0 Garbmayeine (T egQ 0 lJalp'd: Acid (Delme) PT BNP c \. HCG c D-rn Q Amrnia Rigt I Lel (;udel. l 1 forNN INT rd inòi:led c Albleiol Alronl neulizer Q c ta"1te trent pe rssrJrato Iherap for SOB 0 0 RN PriV Init Time PRINTED BY: RWAN DATE 6/2/2010 WI Signatu Time ED GtOc!li. 932527 - ED (D"lom, Rev 11m. 12/8.01110) The Uni versi ty of Tennessee Memorial Hospital 1924 Alcoa Hw. Knoxville, TN 37920 (865) 305- 9058 Radiology Consul ta tion Report Location: GRAJU, HENRY L MR. : Attending Dr.: Sex: 1327351 Age: Account #: BRACA, PAUL R Consulting Dr.: N/A 7 SNS- S7 4 O-A Male 18 years 13273510002 Accession #:MI-10-0007106 Radiology Report: Ordering MD: 05/06/10 03:05:47 MRI Brain & Stem Wi thout Contrast Nurs ing-Order, Nursing-Order (nL,c ,l~~j~TJQN+ ~r.,'t~ll~r." itight skuil base fracture,: Evaluate fbi- cortical or r ,\ L i/ Ie t"'Wàterslied inJ ury. . I Technique: Multiple MR sequences of the brain without gadolinium enha ncement. COMPARISON: Multiple prior head CTs, most recent dated 5/5/2010 at 0838. FINDINGS: Diffuse diffusion restriction within the deep white matter in the watershed regions of the bilateral frontal, parietal, and occipital lobes has developed with corresponding low signal intensity on the ADC map. Blooming arti fact on gradient sequence along the inferior aspect of the anterior falx may reflect a sequela of remote hemorrhage. No acute hemorrhage is identified No mass effect, hydrocephalus, or midline shift. Mucosal thickening involves the posterior right ethmoid air cells, right sphenoid sinus, and right maxillary sinus. IMPRESSION: Areas of diffusion restriction within the deep white matter in the watershed regions of the bi a onta~etal, and occipital lobes would be compatible wit ypope,fusion inc h5Sù. atèt~ C: C r f ó- ci b GRAJU, HENRY L Abr/ 'h / V)L : VI cJ 1:. ~ ~0"- Page 1 of f2rry PRINTED BY: RWAN DATE 6/2/2010 WL, ~ Ý/S"~ ~C" ,~ ~ rj ~a/ 2 The University of Tennessee Memorial Hospital 1924 Alcoa Hwy. Knoxville, TN 37920 (423) 544-9060 Radiology Consultation Report GRAJU, HENRY L MR. : Location: Sex: 1327351 Age: Attending Dr. : BRACA, PAUL R Consulting Dr. : N/A Accession #: Radiology Report: MR Brain & Stem Without Contrast Account #: 7SNS S740 A Male is years 13273510002 MI - 10-0007106 Ordering MD: 05/06/10 03:05:47 Nurs ing-Order, Nursing-Order Blooming artifact in the midline of the low frontal lobes may reflect the sequela of occult hemorrhage. Authenticated by: LAING, GEOFFREY G 10:55 05/06/2010 Resident: Thurman (Resident), Robert D **FINAL REPORT** This exam and report have been reviewed by an attending physician who agrees with the findings. PRINTED BY: RWAN DATE 6/2/2010 The Uni versi ty of Tennessee Memorial Hospital 1924 Alcoa Hwy. Knoxvil Ie, TN 37920 (865) 305-9058 Radiology Consultation Report Location: GRAJU, HENRY L MR. : Attending Dr.: 1327351 Sex: Age: Account #: BRACA, PAUL R 7 SNS- S7 40-A Male 18 years 13273510002 Consulting Dr.: N/A Accession #: DX-10-004 144 9 Radiology Report: Cervical Spine, Lat, Flex. & Exten. 05/03/10 18:42:23 Ordering MD: MILLER, JOSHUA A Results tR~gaiTr;'':~fà liria;? \ Neutral, flexion and extension views o~ the cervical spine are obtaLned. There is slight kyphotic angulation at the C4-C5 level without obvious generally. . ~~~tu~~ No-abnõrmai-motion is identified on the flexion/extension views however the degree of motion is quite limi ted CONCLUSION: Limited exam without gross abnormality. Authenticated By: GASH, JUSON R - Radiologist 05/03/2010 19: 08 **FINAL REPORT"'* This exam and report have been reviewed by an attending physician who agrees with the findings. PRINTED BY: RWAN DATE 6/2/2010 --~.. _8 = -C' FrH. 13273510003 QIlJO, HZN1Y (, History and Physical Blectronically Signed ayiRIDER, STEVN P 5/26/2010 710':22 PH HP UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE MEMORIAL HOSPITAL 1924 Alcoa Highway ** Knoxville, TN 37920 (865) 305-9000 PATIENT NAME: GRANJU, HENRY L. MEDICAL RECORD #: 1327351 LOCATION/ROOMI: 10EAST 1018-A PATIENT TYPE: INPATIENT ADMISSION DATE: OS/25/2010 DISCHARGE DATE: ACCOUNT #: 13273510003 DATE OF BIRTH: 10/07/1991 HISTORY & PHYSICAL EXAM CHIEF COMPLAINT: History of decline in mental status, obtundation, possible seizures at rehab, HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: lIenr:y.,§r,êJiJ;i 15.... ~rl l8-year-old gentleman who has Lâ;jñištõl;Y~f.':7ãirifšsãüit"';ãira.r. ~ ¡~li~.rìFã;'p§ssibie..;'òv'erÇl~s-,~~ ~eing found unresponsi vè w:tth a drug .screen posi ti ve for opiates, cocaine, and cannabinoids on 04/27/2010.. The patient had some problems with cerebral edema~£t~~~g.~~íiJ-Uryt~oxic injury with respiratory failure with treatment for aduit respiratory distress syndrome (ARDSj. The patient stabilized nicely and in fact improved fairly significantly and was at rehabilitation where he was able to regain ability to walk and would talk and was undergoing cognitive rehabilitation. Over the past 72 hours the patient has had a decline. The patient had a restless night Sunday night and then had an episode of possible seizure activity characterized by an episode of collapse, syncope, and vomiting on Sunday with a loss of awareness and consciousness during this episode as well as frequent episodes of paroxysmal abnormal behaviors characterized by waking up looking scared and/or waking up, turning pale, and becoming diaphoretic with difficulty following commands with an inability to speak during these episodes. The episodes are relatively short in duration but occurred frequently during Monday and some this morning. The patient was started on Keppra but it caused some sedation so the patient was then placed on Lamictal, but given some concern for continued seizure the patient was placed on Depakote last evening, The decision was made to transfer the patient from St. Mary' s Rehab to UT Medical Center on OS/24/2010 after an MRI of the brain was performed at St. Mary r s Hospital on the morning of OS/25/2010 as the patient had difficulty undergoing this test given some movement problems and also given findings of increased cerebral edema/whi te matter change on head CT performed when the patient had an episode of seizure-like episode St. Mary r s on Sunday. REVI EW OF SYSTEMS: The patient is not able provide much in the way of review of systems, however he does describe that he has a headache but does not have and also describes that he does feel uncomfortable. The patient is able to follow some commands. The remainder of the review of systems is according to the patient i s family. The patient was doing better in rehab until this weekend when he has had a significant downturn. In the past, the patient has had problems with substance abuse and had undergone a stay in rehab. The patient has had some problems with anxiety in the past. The patient has had an injury to his urethra from his Foley catheter as well and this has caused some painful urination. The patient has had a low grade temperature of 100.2 at rehab on OS/24/2010. The patient has had an episode of skin breakdown/skin ulceration on his heels from being in bed. PRINTED DATE BY: R~ARfßlI ~~nn iiiiiiiiiimi Diiiiiiim 11111 6/2/2010 1m 1111 ~ ---(' _8 - GR.J1. HEN'l to PIN. 13273510002 Rehab Consul t Electronically signed Byi HECHT, JEFFREY S S/lO/20l0 6:31:43 PM CNBDREHA (' UNIVERSITY Of TENNESSEE MEMORIAL HOSPITAL 1924 Alcoa Highway ~* Knoxville, TN 37920 (865) 305-9000 PATIENT NAME: GRANJU, HENRY L. MEDICAL RECORD ff: 1327351 ADMISSION DATE: 04/27/2010 LOCATION/ROOMff: 7SNS S740-A PATIENT TYPE: INPATIENT ACCOUNT ff: 13273510002 DISCHARGE DATE: REHABILITATIVE CONSULTATION REPORT DATE Of BIRTH: 10/07/1991 DATE OF CONSULTATION: 05/05/2010 REASON FOR CONSULTATION: Evaluate rehabilitative needs, advise regarding rehabilitative care. PATIENT'S CHIEF CONCERN: Not healing. MOTHER'S CHIEF CONCERN: To deal with these physical problems first and then the drug and alcohol problems. FATHER AND STEPMOTHER i S CHI EF CONCERN: The same as mother. HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: This 18-year-old right-handed male (DOB 10/07/1991) has a history of A&D issues since age 18 as well as history of anxiety disorder was reportedly assaulted on 04/25/2010 and found to be unresponsive by a friend on 04/27/2010 and brought emergently to UT Medical Center. He was reportedly awake but confused and "high" the evening of 04/26/2010 and unresponsive the morning of 04/27/2010. He was brought to UT Medical Center and he was found to have evidence of varni ting and aspiration on his Emergency Department evaluation. He was admitted by Dr. Paul Branca to the intensivist service with acute hypoxic respiratory failure and required mechanical ventilation. He stabilized with the ARDSNet settings and had bronchoscopy with large volume suctioned from the airways. His drug screen was posi ti ve for benzodiazepines, marijua na, and cocaine. 1~?:-ffii'd~~~eYi8êti-ce~õ£ blqoq :.Iri:. b6t:lt:'l ~~ff1~udiï:6-ry::'cánaÜ àI1d there was conc~-;n th~t ¡:~.1íad -biYei"¿rai..:riiptu~è I f9..f.";tJ:eü:yrpå.rilê' meriranesi ~e had bilateral e~chymòses of the eye canals. The exam at that time do not note whether there was any bruising over the mastoids. He has since been extubated and transferred to the floor. He has been trea ted with Rocephin, zithromaxi and clindamycin. He had evidence of elevated troponin and .wãsifieYE to have suffered cardiac injury associated wi th the cocaine. He hã-a-..trõ~ble with confusion and had diffuse cerebral edema. He was seen in consultation by Dr. Randall G. Trudell of Neurology and was noted to have hypoperfusion hypoxia related to aspiration and drug overdose. He was seen by Dr. Karen Mullins who noted improvements. Dr. Trudell commented on the periorbital ecchymoses and blood in both ears. He was started in therapy and noted to have profound balance problems. PAST MEDICAL HI STORY: His primary care physician is Dr. Richard Glover. This is his pediatrician and he is not normally on medications. However, he has been tried on several medications ror OCD behavior and anxiety problems. Last year he was tried on Lexapro but it "made him crazy" and he was on Wellbutrin that he stopped since he felt it increased his anxiety and caused insomnia and he tried it PRINTED BY: RWARN GRAoT, H!:Y L DATE 6/ 2 k 2 0 iimil! 11~I ~M 1m 11~i Wiiim i~~ 11m miim miii! ,. =; ~ - ==t" -=8 . t" GRANJU, HiiNRY L FIN. 13.7351000. Rehab Consul t Electronically Signed By: HECHT, JEFFRY S 5/10/2010 6:31:43 PM for 4 weeks. Mother feels anxiety is a primary problem and notes fairly severe panic attacks. He has had a good response to Xanax (bought on the street, she says). He has not been diagnosed with bipolar disorder. He has been involved in 2 recent alcohol and drug treatment programs. One was a Wilderness program, one I believe in Phoenix, and the other at Cramer Creek in Montana. He reportedly checked himself out of the programs when he turned 18 and he had returned to drug use problems. SOCIAL/FUNCTIONAL HISTORY: Henry was fairly functional until age 14 and then has not been able to function in high school while essentially being truant throughout high school, not being able to attend at all since age 16. He even attended the Laurel School for special needs. He got his GED though. He normally walked without any assistive device and was physically independent though "living on the street" lately and just doing drug and shooting u~ medication. His favorite was marijuana but he was also "addicted to opiates" according to his mother and he used benzodiazepines as favorite help to relax. He has never been on BuSpar. "He would take whatever he could get" and this includes cocaine. The patient is not able to respgnd ~eii~en9ugh for him to descEil'e_if it. madë'i'iñ reet better or worse": - He has had a personality change~with-this, before he was sharp and respoñsive but now he is flat, . before he would argue_and now he does not care. He .is superficially into what is going on. H; spè~ks-in~Shdrt~phrasesl siñglë ~ord answers, whereas before he was very articulate. Before he had opinions and now he is flat affect and mother described him just starring at boring things for a long time such as an add in the classifieds. Mother is Katie and father is Chris, he is married to Melissa. Katie and Chris of course are divorced now. Henry is one of 5 children, actually the youngest. He has declined vis a vis all acti vities before and had a decline in hobby type interests. He is a smoker. fAMILY HISTORY: Maternal grandfather having trouble with anxiety and depression and being high functioning until the last 10 years of his life when he was diagnosed wi th atypical bipolar disorder and suicide. He had panic as a young person and Prozac would set off mania. He was never tried on lithium. Depakote was not effective. He also used alcohol. REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: A compreh~nsive review of systems reflects that Henry lost weight, had ear tubes as a child. No hearing problems now. No swallowing trouble. He admi ts to seeing 2 of things and has had complaints of blurred vision lately. He denies any paresthesias, numbness in the limbs, healing problems, or endocrine problems. He admits to memory problems. He denies having any trouble with memory, attention, judgement, or emotions. It has become apparent that he cannot empty his bladder. He did remove catheter while inflated and has been seen by Urology for the trauma. There is some concern that he could have neurogenic bladder as well. He has had a CT of the head showing a cerebral edema , but not findings of skull fracture as no special views of the basilar skull. .. He h~T of C sp"ioe._showing. no-abnormalities and he had bila teral pulmonary consolida tion on admission wi th ground-glass opåëîci~~. --Hi~ labs showed-low albumin at 3.2, elevated AST of 93 and ALT 67 initially with an elevated lactate of 2.5. He did have troponin elevated at over 5 and CPK elevated at over 370. His creatinine was elevated at 1.64 on admission and lactic acidosis was diagnosed at 2.5. He was felt to have a non-ST elevation MI. ENT has been consulted here. Otherwise review of systems is unremarkable. PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: PRINTED BY: RWAN GRAJU, HI!NRY L DATE 6/242 0 immli"i~iii"iiiiumrumiiiiiiiiiiiiimiill :: -=0=0 ==(' t" GRAJU. HIUlIlY L FIN, 13273510002 Rehab Consul t Electronically Signed By: HECHT. JBFFREY S 5/10/2010 6131143 PM GENERAL: Somewhat sleepy, arousable young man with curly dark hair. He no longer has the ecchymosis around the eyes and does not have a Battle i s sign and I do not see trauma about the head now. He has symetrical faces. NECK: Supple. No brui ts about the head or neck. No jugular venous distention. LUNGS: Clear. CARDIOVASCULAR: No murmurs. Regular rate and rhythm. ABDOMSN: Soft, nontender. NEURO: He has very slight left pronator drift on Barré testing. He still has somewhat upgoing plantar responses on both feet less prominent I believe than when Dr. Trudell saw him at which time he had Babinski with plantar stimulation; there were no Hoffman responses. He had equal pupils and they are responsive. He has trouble with memory and focus though is alert enough to share information about recent events such as who is the President. His general cognitive function is impaired. He has impaired balance. He has reduced coordination. ASSESSMEN~lRECOMMENDATIONS : ~~NBsìLfJ~!:f:ê~~t:"8§.~f~:~':;~J:~~~7~~:?,t~¥,~,f~, .~~ 91~~?~w~,tJr li ~ê.1y .ba.i3i 1 ai: ~~~J.+,~\'j~.. I. " ,. ""..... _ -.__ ~.- J .... _.- ~ _... _. - - _., reported. . He does not "nave tnese signs now. He does have the Battle's signs ',.':¡,:" .~1~g~tf~;&r~¡"~fcìa i~~~'.:.~~ë~~l~~'~~~:£~~~~.~_~~I~~~¥~à':~B:~~~~~~lt:~P~~~~.~~~l~:~ raJ. t but his history is fairly classic and often it does not show up on standard x-rays. He also suffered some hypoxic insult with cerebral edema. MRI scan of the brain could be helpful to define where there is ongoing brain insult from hypoxia. It is a more.sensitive test, especially now that the cerebral edema is resolved. I suspect tha t Henry had anxiety disorder and there is some OCD type behaviors. I feel he would benefit from a trial with medications to help with this such as BuSpar supplemented by benzodiazepine use very cautiously and administered by an adult in his Ii fe for the long-term since he is not to be trusted with medications. He is counseled that alcohol is a toxin to the brain and needs to be avoided lifelong but at least for the next 3-5 years since it would be a poison to the brain, interfere with recovery, and lower the seizure threshold. He may benefit from use of medication to help protect against mania such as Lamictal, Trileptal, or perhaps even Depakote¡ though I would be concerned that it might not be as effective since it was not effective in his grandfather. If it were tried he probably would need higher doses wi thin the therapeutic range, perhaps 85-9, and check LeTs and this will only be started if these were clear. This was associated with bilateral aspira tian pneumonia. He would benefit from ongoing alcohol and drug r.ehabili ta tion as part of the inpatient physical rehab program that was carried out to work on balance, mobility, transfers, and self care skills. Henry is not capable of handling his own affairs even though he is 18. I recommend he have a legal guardian. The family did discuss this. I feel he is not competent. He does show some evidence of nondominant parietal lobe syndrome and had motor extinction and had left side sensory extinction to double simultaneous stimulation. The next time I see him it would be helpful to do clock drawing and see if there is some clear visual perceptual deficit manifested on this testing. I understand Sheperd Spinal Center has been recommended. That is a fine facility but I spoke with a liaison today and they do not have any special program dealing wi th both brain inj ury and alcohol and drug problems. The St. Mary's Rehab Care Center has availability of psychiatrist that can consult. I also recommend we ask Dr. Josh Williams to see him to initiate the discussion of these issues and for affective disorder and then carryon in the rehab center if he does go to St. Mary's as that is very close and convenient for his mother who lives just 3 blocks away. I would also like to at the rehab center at PNRC at Fort Sanders. Going to deal with A&D issues GRAJtI, HElY L PRINTED BY: RWAN DATE 6/242 0 il~III~llim"I"IiIII1"lllilllilmlimIiIIIWIIlI :: look -=0 :: (F g GUJU . RRliY L .. .. -_._- .__. e. PIN, 13273510002 Rehab Consul t Electronically Signed By: HECHT, JEPFREY S 5/10/2010 6131il3 PM while doing physical rehab would possibly make sense though the parents pre fer to focus on the physical rehab now. I agree wi th using Aricept starting at a low dose but it might be helpful to get some baseline memory testing before starting such a drug as it could be difficult to tell if he is getting benefit and also there are potential side effects such as anti-cholinergic affects tha t could be a problem with his voiding issues. He is on other medications including Lovenox 40 milligrams subcutaneously daily, Nexium 40 milligrams daily, Diflucan 100 milligrams daily, and Ciprodex otic suspension 3 drops in both ears. He may benefit from a multivitamin daily. Consider checking 812, folic acid, and vitamin D as these deficiencies can have implications for healing and recovery. I also recommend checking 86. Thank you for asking me to assist with your patient i s rehabilitative care. I had a lengthy discussion with the family today. ADDENDUM: I was able to get an ophthalmoscope and return to add further information. His aunt is present in the room now. I had to interrupt the previous evaluation since a tech arrived to perform an echocardiogram. That result is still pending. However, I did review the EKGs and note that on 04/27/2010 his EKG did show ST elevation in the lateral leads. Dr. Besozzi interpreted that as showing ST-T wave changes but Dr. Baljepally observed on 04/28/2010 "no longer ST elevation in lateral leads". It was clearly elevated on 04/27/2010. His EKG also recently showed incomplete right bundle branch block and T wave inversions earlier, less prominent on the later studies. He loves music. He plays guitar, both lead and base. in a band. I was able to get an ophthalmoscope and find that he did not show optic a trophy. He did show pulsations of veins. Did not show any AV nicking or other problems. However, the pupils are dilated and respond slightly but it is very easy to look at fundi. The right appeared to be a bit more sluggish than the left though. No ptosis is noted. No field cuts. No ophthalmoplegia. Tongue is midline. No cranial nerve II-XII abnormalities. His mental status exam showed him to remember i of 3 objects at 5 minutes. He had difficulty reversing numbers but when he finally did he was able to reverse 2 but not 3. His aunt was able to do it with alacrity. Serial 7s reflected inattention "100, 97", and we stopped there. Initially he was abstract with similarities and apple and orange were fruits and ant and elephant were both animals but he said the similarity between a sailboat and a car were "they both had motors" and "both ran". I was able to loca te an otoscope and found the blood that was obscuring the tympanic membranes bilaterally had retracted. The drum is intact on the left side without problems. However, no drum is visible behind the blood and I can see some bloody måterial in what appears to be the middle ear on the right. Addi tional impression is I wish to correct where I said he had a non-ST elevation MI and change that to say he did have an ST elevation MI but no non-Q wave MI and he has ongoing EKG abnormalities with incomplete right bundle branch block. Echocardiogram is pending to determine whether..therec __ ..., are_any_ongoingweii motion abnormalities. i (.iaiÙciñ:ã'l-lyj7;:hè~ñâg:~7ã~i!¡fpt~~à'l'3'óf"" Lff11ff:'tYfpanra?lrr~ff~~à-Ì1~~i~.~'fd¥umTi! , Recommend MRI scan. Although CT scan of the bones of the basal skull could help with making a diagnosis of fracture I think it is clear enough clinically that it is not needed and it is not needed to expose this young man to the amount of radiation needed to do the study. GIlJU. HZNlY L PRINTED BY: RWAN DATE 6/21: 2 0 ~Wiiiiiiiiiniiiii"iimmrui"ii~miimii~iiiiiiiii ;, -= - -__0 -t" =0 -M FIN. 13273510002 QIlJtl. HENRY L Rehab Consul t. Electronically Signed By: HECHT, J&rFREY S 5/10/2010 6: 31: 43 PM ATTENDING PHYSICIAN Jeffrey S. Hecht, M. D. DO: 05/05/2010 16:40 DT: 05/06/2010 16: 19/ksh 468325/1242956 EDD: 05/05/201017:22 ETD: 05/06/201017:23 /ksh 468396 CC: Richard A. Glover, M.D. Murad Salaita, M.D. William Scott Bridges, M. D. William A. Paulsen, M. O. Joshua A. Miller, M. D. Murad Salaita, M.D. Paul Branca, M. D. Denise M. Rivers, D.O. Jeffrey S. Hecht, M. D. COpy 1 of Page Report Modified Byi BECHT, JEFFREY S, M.D. 05/10/2010 18:31 EDT Electronically Signed By: BECHT, JEFFRY 8, M.D. 05/10/2010 18131 EDT PRINTED BY: RWARN GRAJU. !lENRY L DATE 6/ 2 k 2 0 ii~iii 1lillilllllll~llllilliilmHIIIW II ~1I111 :; i -= == ===8 =~ -(Y == = GPJJU, HR!iY L FIYi 13~73510002 Nephrology Consul t Electronically Signed Byi RIVES, DENISE M 4/28/2010 5133159 PM CNNEPERO UNVERSITY or TBHBS!! MXORIAL HOSPITAL 1924 Alcoa Highway.. Enoxvilla. TN 37920 (865) 305-!lOOO lATIim NAli GRJU, HENY L. MEDICA RECORD #11327351 LOCATION!ROOMll MCCl HC1-09 ADMISSION DATEi DISCBAGB DATE; 04/27/2010 PATIENT TYPE; INPATIEN ACCOUNT #1 13273510002 NEPHROLOGY CONSULTATION REPORT DATE or BIRTHi 10/07/1991 DATE OF CONSOLTATIONi Ol/27/2010 REQUESTING PHYSICIANiPaul R. Branca, KD, FCCP CHIEP COLAINT i Increased intracranial edem, acidosis. ¡n:STORY 01' pusmr :ILLlSSI Tbia is an 18-year-old whita male who waa foun down unespoiisive by ei friend. Brought 1n by EMS to the emergGlncy departDent where he was intubated. Apparently assaulted two ~ys ago, exact issue was unown. Be was found to have a positive urina drg screen for cocaine, TØC. and benzodiazepines. Dis mother and stepfather tell me be was smking crack. Police of!ice picked up the ~tient from his house last night. Be seemed high at tht tiie. Baid that he had been beaten up the day before when he was trying to buy nroxies. n The friend found h1m this morning unresponsive with white powder around his mouth, positive emsis, and he did aspirate in the amulance. He was unable to give any history. The majority of my hiatory is fro the parent.s and the chart. FAMILY HISTORYi Unable to obtain seoondary to patient intubated and sedated. SO(J:AL HxsoroaYi Unable to obt.ain aecondlry to pet:ient intubated and sedated. REIEW OF SYSTBMB: Unable to obtain secondAry to patient intubated and sedated. PHYSICA JaINATIONi VITI.L SIGNS i Haimum temperature on arriv.l 102.5, heart ~ate ~5, respiratory rate 22 on the ventilator, blood pressure 112/59. saturation o~gen 9" in the Ea, satur~tion 100\ now on 100 flow lim. BBBNI Bilateral blOod from hi. earø. Periorbital erythema. He has no cuts or bruises in the eyes. No obvious issues there. Positive battle sign per the i Rate, rhyth reglar. i Soft. HET intake resident. ABDOM BXTRETIBBi No edema, but multiple bruising. He has a tattoo on his left forearm of his nae. LAORATORYiHis initial AB was 7.16. pC02 68. PA02 58, 02 saturation 80\ on 100\ Fi02. Flow lim waa started. He was trans~erred up to the intensive oare unit and his repat ABQ was 7.31, PC02 48, PA02 67,02 saturation 91\. CAT Bcan shows diffuse corebral edea ~ith partial effacement of lateral ventricles and cisterns. No midline shift. No intracranial hemorrhage. No mastoid effusion. Hinimal maxillary sinus and ethid sinus mucosal thicleiing. No evidence of depressed skull fracture. Cervical spine is intact. Thorax, bilateral dependent areas of pulmonary conaolidAtion con.lstent with aspiration. Qround glass opacity and superimaed mild ed~. amall focus of air to the 1aft pectoralis musole. No solid organ injury. Mild periorbital edema. Small amount of free fluid in the pelvis. ABBISSMX/PLAiCerebral øde~. Will follow CAT soan. Neurologic response. Get Neurolog involved. If there is need for CRT to help with fluid or stabilize an acid bas~~~~nEf! ~se, we will be available for GRAJl. HElY L DATE 6/2/l 0 i~I~llmilillllmiruIIIIDIIIIIIWII~nlll ;. -=t' = - = :t" ==8 GUBJU. HI!W1C L 7IS, 13~735iooo~ Nephrology Consult Blectronically Signed Byi RIVERS, DENISE H 4/28/2010 5:33:59 PM that. As of right now, he se~s to be stabilizing well. We will follow his labs and his lab work, ~d be available to you as needed for acid base stab:ilh:ation. ATTEINQ PHYSICIAN Denise M. Rivers, D.O. DOi Ol/27/2010 16132 OT: 04/28/2010 16156/vf 462229/1238822 CCi Denise M. Rivera, D.O. Paul Branoa, X.D. COpy Page 1 of 1 Slectronically Signed Byi RIVES, DENSE M, X.D. 04/28/2010 17: 33 EDT PRINTED BY: RWAN GRJU. III:miT L DATE 6/ 2l 2 0 ~lWllllilm~mlillruml~llmlliinUnlmllil :- p'rNI13:l7351000:i DOBiiO/07/9l iey M GR. HlY L JiiO(/27/10 MR:13:l7351 PSYCHOLOGICAL CONSULTATION Room 740 Date a Time OS/Q6/2010 10:00.11:00 Treatment summary: The potjent is an 18-yeir-oJd white male 00 odmissjon with lJI MelDoÒa! Hospital fOrlriaiit ofieidi efIcw of a rçent drg oyerdose. A complete medical history can be found within the medical reord He wa sçen by psychiatst Dr Gibson lW days !lIlO At thot time Dr. Gibson decólx a hjçh!y retjcenl adlescent mole Famjly rart indicaie a history of wiote deendence cocaipe dependence as well as 0 host of oter uewifed dni¡s A ¡iycbolo!!ical consultation bas ben requested for assisiiiie with differtial diagposis and trtment ofewoljonaJ and beavionil jssues, The pll!Ìenlis seen for Qne hour !his AM be js acmQlied by his WOdmolherwhp is asked to leaye the room The patint is supine in hjs be:, He remained suffciently aler and intentiye to conduct this inieryty. At times it was diffcult to djsce piisjye-ayojdant resoonse frm reidual cognjtiye lacunae with organic eliolo~ (encephalopa!hjç) He spes in cQmplete sentences at an iipnropÓa!; YQliie with good synta and a brod yocbulaQ', I uuderiad frm siaffand the pa\jgil confirms that he is bilngul jn Eng!isb and Frch, The iitien(s moo an arrec! are essentially Oal Ibm js a long laten in hi, response to Questons and he sometimes appears to need to haye QlJstions reeated The wtien! devies psyclitic features, He admiis to being depre. He denjes suicidal idçatioD. He also denies suicidal integt in his ret oyerdse. "I Wll just lQ'ing to get a bu,. Th patikJt sties !hat he hIl liiiIe or po recgJl for tlc; events ic'ding W!o hjs hõsjjãiî!jii i;;riy admits to ¡¡!! drgs oyer a siznificatperõ(foftjme. Wb;bas ii¡;nal usc of~QCine aod marjbuana he refer to his drugs of chojce as "dowers" referrg 10 Bezoillepjne family pf drgs. He ha! mor!l a pa'ijng fewjliariiy with izcr¡:on dni~ bv name lind ii!ion The patient report thaI he is se1luaJly actiye with his gjrl freod Ljz, He states that he and Ljzz were hayjnii sex in !be yaw "we were having sçx jn 8 va and got puJled Qye They fowid drg siu(fnnd we go! biiled" Apparntly the parieur bas had hjs crimina! ctwiies droppe. Howcyçr hjs girlfrend rertly failed to show up for her CO!Jl i1tç and is now in jail. The patient hll ha DO contact with her "( staed to think about writing IQ ber yes!erdii but i neyer go! it done n ACTION: Despite his initial retice() ! be!jeye thai tbe patient ni I establisli a reaonable rapport in ibe cours pf this jnimjew, The pptieii was suiÒsjngly rcçeptjye to ¡be suggestion tht he miçht beefi frm pn admission tQ an inpatient Alcohol wi Drg Rebabi1iia!iQn nrogr once his physical and mcdcal nçids bave ben adÇ3Btely addrese, He is also reeotjye to fyrter jnieucliogs with ths wá!er At this lime the patients diswsirioD is unclea, He may be ¡cavin!! tA Univerity Hospital an gojp~ to cilhc: the Paircjii Neal Rebajltaioo Centc: or th Mercy Hospital Rehabi!ti1ion Ceoler, ((he procds to the latter I wj! be a2rieable to staring osychPthenpy wi!h him in !hat YkJue. 10 any ca be wil oeed a referrl to po A & D program when be is djsçbaied from hQspital can family inlerentioo iylla!sQ be an essential cpmponent (or any furore jntereiiijoos Qr plpns, If th pgtlent doe not r;elVQ any fuijb9r psychologIcal and psychIatri Interention be wil be arelY AT. RISK for futuu acting out nnd self-hanD. Thpnk YOu (Qr this thoughtful and timely refqrl DX Impressioo: AXis I: 292.9 Cone-Relate Disord NOS (appeim to be remitting) 296.32 Major Depressive DIsorder, Recurrent, Moderate 304 Opold Dependence rIo 304.6 Polysubstance dependence AXIS II: V71.0 no goosls on Axis II / l 0 cc: Dr. Jeffey Hecht PRINTED BY: RWAN DATE 6/2/2010 F:IH 13273510002 aaAJU, ø:Y L 00&:10/07/91 lBY M AD:041:l7l10 MRil3i7351 PSYCHOLOGICAL CONSULTATION Room 740 Date Br Time 05/Q612Q10 10;QO-11;QQ Treatment symmary: The patjent is nn i g-yeir-old white male 00 admjssjon with lI MemoÒal Hpspital for treatmt of reidual e!Teets of a rçcnt drg oYere. A complet medical histor can be found wjuiin the medcal m:ord. He was sen by psbiatrst Dr. Gibson two day ago Al thaI lime Dr. Gibson deribc a hjghly !'iceDt adolesent male Family rert jodicile a history ofQpja!e de¡indcoc coaine depdece as well a: a host Q(other unspecified drgs. A psycbological consultatiQn bii be reuested (or llistance with differentÌill diag/Kis and treatment Qfemotjonal and bebayjoral issues. The ~tieni is seen (Qr ope bour this AM he is ocompiioicd by his grdmother whQ is asked to leay the rom The patient is sUQine in his bed He remained suffcieotly aler ADd jntcrcriye to conduct thjs jn!eryiew. At times it was diffcult tQ discrn passive-avoidat response frm reidu.l cQgnitive locunae with Qrganic etjQIQgy (eicepbalopathjc) He s!lks in complet SÇI!ences !It an appropñ!l!e yolume with gQRd syta Bnd a bro vocbulary I underi;od lim staff and the DAtien! cQnfinns that bç is biJngiml in Eng\jsh and Freh. The patjçnts mood god affect au csientjal!y Oat Ther is a IQng In!ey in his respori to Quesons and hç s9wctirn appears to nee to havç gys:tions reeated Thç patient denies psychotic (eatires He admiis 19 beiDg depressd He denies sujcidal ideatiQn He also dçniçs suicidal jntet in his renl pyrdos -I was JUS! !Ning to gei a buz." The pB!icyt stales that be has Iiule or nQ recall (or the eyents leading up to bis hospiiaHzatjon He readily mils tQ abusing drugS oyer a sjgnjficant oeåod of time Wljle be has ocasioiaJ us of c!KiD; aod marjbUanll h; refer t( his dr~ Qfchoicç as "dpwner" referrng jo BenzRdjiieiine famjly ofdrugs He ba mQre th a piing fqmilariy with pa:scptioi dr~ by name nnd actjQn. The patient repo thai be is sexually actjye with his girl frend Lim He states that he lld LiW wer haying seX in the yan' "we Wer baving; sex in a vin aid gO! pulled Qyer They fOund drg stiffand we got busd," Apiartly the patient' has had his crinal charges druo, Howevr his gjrlfrçn ß1rtcdy faUed to s!ww lI for hercoii dale and is now in jaU The patient !l bad no contact with ii "I staed to think. ahQu! wrting to he yestery but i neyer gQt it done " ACI!OjS: Despite hjs injtial rçticence I beljeye that the paticit and I s:tablished a reaonable rart in the CQUrs Qfthjs inteiew The patient was sumrisjogly rçepiiye tQ the suggeston that he might befit lim an admissiQD to AD iopatent Alcohol and Drg RelibiltatjQD prornm once his physical and medical nee have ben ade.iiieJy addrssed Hç is plso reçeptjye 10 fuher interctjops wjib ths wrter At this time the patient's disiitiOD is ynclear He may be leavjng !be Univerity Hosital and ~oiog tQ i:Uier the Patrcia Neal Rchiiiliition CelkT Qr lhe Mimy Hosital Rçbabiltatjon Ci:tq, ifli pree to the latt r wil be agreable to stang psycbQ!hcrnpy wjth bim jg that venue In any case he wil need 8 rçfem! to rin A & 0 prgram when be is djchl\ged from hospital cm Fami1y joierÇlljop will also be an e5nÙ¡i. componenl for any fitu interentjons Qr plans, "the mlgn! mil DOt mcetve any further pischololca! and psyhiatc Interv9!lon he WILL be guiatly AT- RISK fo Mum acting out and ulf-brm. Thank you for this thoowifuJand timely referrL. DX Impression: AXIS I: 292.9 CQcaine-RelBted Disordr NOS (appear to be remiuiDg) 296.32 Major Depreive DIsorder, ReC1rrent, Moderate 304 OpoTd Dependence rIo 304,8 Polysubstance dependence AXIS II: V71.09 no diagnosis on Axis II Joshua Wiliams. Ph,D. CHoical Psycbolo&ist CC: Dr. Jeffrey Hecht PRINTED BY: RWAN DATE 6/2/2010 --=0-.. --g QllJU. HltllY L FXNI 13~73510003 History and Physical Electronically Signed By iRIDER, STEV P S/26/20L0 7 i 04 I 22 PH PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: The patient has had no previous history of seizures or head .trij9.ry".or other as_;~' I J~~.~~'~~t-~z~.~~;~B:f~~P6.~~.*î,~Ur~~'~~~.~ë;;~:~li::~fi£~:~~ciosi ~..~.,." '..1,"'.,.~~~ --. ''i .l _'" ....'t... ..' ~ . " - '- ."' ;..i:;ltç,~ \~ ~...1i __ - _ . ..wei.i as a histöry of assault wiUí closed head inJiiry~ , PAST SURGICAL HISTORY: The patient has had no recent surgeries. SOCIAL HISTORY: The patient has smoked in the past but he is no longer currently smoking. He is no longer currently using cocaine, amphetamines, opiates, or benzodiazepines recreationally. FAMILY HISTORY: Notable for a history of anxiety and depression as well as a history of bipolar disorder in a grandfather. . MEDICATIONS: i. 2. 3. 4. S. Depakote 500 milligrams twice a day. Aricept 5milligrams at bedtime. Lovenox 40milliequivalents subcutaneous daily. Nexium 40milligrams at bedtime. Remeron 30milligrams at bedtime. 6. Mul ti vi tamin once a day. 7. Senna laxative l7. 2milligrams a day. 8. Vesicare 5milligrams daily. 9. Reglan as needed. 10. Oxy IR as needed for pain. ALLERGIES: The patient has allergy to TETANUS TOXOID. PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: VITAL SIGNS: Temperature 99.3degrees, heart rate 64, respirations ia, blood pressure 122/79, oxygen saturation 98% on room air. HEENT: Conjunctivae and sclerae are clear with no inj ection. No carotid bruits were auscultated. EXTREMITIES: No meningismus. CARDIAC: Regular rate and rhythm. PULMONARY: Clear to auscultation bilaterally. SKIN: The patient does have some areas of breakdown on his heels bilaterally and is currently in boots for this. NEUROLOGIC EXAMINATION: The patient will open his eyes and alert to voice and answer one-word commands. He has normal speech. He demonstrates a paucity of language at this point in time but will answer questions appropriately. He will follow commands intermittently. He does not follow complex commands. He is very somnolent. Cranial nerve examination demonstrates pupils approximately 4mm in si ze and reactive to light near. He has normal facial symetry and strength. His palate will elevate bilaterally. His tongue protrudes in the midline and shows no tremor or fasciculations. On strength examination the patient has increased tone of the spastic type in all four extremities with reflexes 3+ and symetric with a flexor plantar response bilaterally. Sensory examination demonstrates intact sensation to light touch throughout (he responses to light touch in all four extremities). On cerebellar examination the patient will not perform finger-to-nose testing. Gait examination is deferred given the patient's current mental status/obtundation. LABORATORY AND DIAGNOSTIC DATA: MRI of the brain performed OS/25/2010 compared to the MRI of 05/06/2010 PRINTED BY: R~llilmllmlliillilil"miil~Ulillillilm~ DATE 6/2/2010 :: -- = ,. -:0 =0 -(I rXN. 13273510003 (3 JU. H:i Y L History and Phy.ical Klectronically Signed Byi RIDER, STKV P 5/26/2010 7 i 04 i ~i PM demonstrates evidence of some subtle areas of restricted diffusion consistent with bilateral watershed infarcts in the frontal parietal occipital lobes as well as some moving artifact in the frontal lobes concerning for sequela of occult hemorrhage, this was done 05/06/2010. MRI preliminarily per my report on OS/25/2010 demonstrates evidence of increasing T2 hyperintensity in the patient's subcortical white matter and his frontoparietal and occipital cortex compared to the MRI of 05/06/2010. IMPRESSION/PLAN: . ... Henry Granju is an l8-year-old who has rñistoryot:è.ä"cî'is.,é'å~ll~á'd-iiìrú.'lft' hypoxic episode in association with th~";íT~e";6f-tocaLne.and' opiate,s with .1 episode of respiratory arrest. The patient has had a decline in his mental status functioning with possible sei zure acti vi ty. The patient is going to be admitted to UT Medical Center for EEG and further monitoring and possible further testing including spinal tap given a low grade temperature that patient had at rehab. He may have further MRI testing including MR spectroscopy to further differentiate the white matter changes. It is of concerned that the patient may have a delayed hypoxic leukoencephalopathy given his history of a multisubstance overdose in the face of hypoKia. He will be started on steroids given this concern at 60milligrams of prednisone daily as well as Coenzyme QI0 100milligrams three times a day. He will stay on Depakote 500 milligrams twice a day which has been started for seizure prevention. I f there is further clinical concern for seizures he will undergo video EEG moni toring. Speech, Physica 1 Therapy, and Occupational Therapy will be continued. He will have boots supplied for areas of skin breakdown on his heels. I will check a cac, CMP, and Depakote level in the morning as well as a sed rate in the morning. I will also check a PT, INR, and PTT. I will discuss comparisons of this patient's film from OS/25/2010 with the radiologist prior to any lumbar puncture being performed. I have discussed my plans and concerns with the patient's family this evening. Myself and someone from our group will follow this patient during his hospital course and make further recommendations based on the results of his testing and clinical course. ATTENDING PHYSICIAN Steven Patrick Rider, M. D. DO: OS/25/2010 22: 15 DT: OS/26/2010 13: 45/ksh 482897/1252585 CC: Richard A. Glover, M.D. Steven Patrick Rider, M.D. Jeffrey S. Hecht, M.D. COpy 1 of Page Repcrt Modified Byi RID~R, STEVE P, H.D. OS/26/2010 19.04 BDT Electronically Signed Byi RIDER, STEV P, M.D. OS/26/2010 19104 ED PRINTED DATE BY: R~l~11I1 III ~II 11~1I11~11 IIIU111 11111 11111111 6/2/2010 :; 1 - nU:13273S10003 llJU, 8By L UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE MEMORIAL HOSPITAL II ö 1924 DOBI10/07/91 lBY M ADlhOS/:lS/l0 Alcoa Higliway . Knoxvile, TN 37920 lÐ:1327351 ~ (865) 3059000 CONSULTATION NAME: Room (3~Ii, ~.y ~C- 'ì # Dr / Group consulted: DATE: 'fL24io MR #: I Ô2. 73~1 ENCOUNTERIf N~ Time Notification Date: Notification called by: Notification received by: nursing unit staf physician office I answering service staff Our findings suggest the following problem(s): Prority: _ STAT Please give your opinion and advice: (Instructions checked) _ Prary Service will write orders ASAP within 24 hours _ Please write orders pertaining to above probJem(s) _ at your convenience _ Please consider accepting patient's transfer to your service Contact# Primary Service Physician Date Physician Notes Date & Time: siMI!l Time IBY-o. WI\ G U§i.~:):~'?;;ì.t:.~ .&0 tl/i7/dO ÐVDS, 14 W ~J eh '~~ø,i/G ;nJoh, ./J, it I//k~ ~~ 4- ~ ~~. ~ .w..~~4r~~.. P.~C')ck se)~ ~'.,' _ j n I..¿~. 1 .- ) ~~ r~r t. ~l No tt ~, r¿~,I,¡ 'Z"" ~ ~ lj~~~ J~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ w,w.~ J. (41/~ f~P~ t4 ~ ,S-., ,~ V~ I., -'' ~ ~ ~ \~ - s¡~ It~ ~i4 I~ i, lvlt ~ ~ 1' Cl .s./l r;~ ~ Vlfll.i~. S~ ~ ~ r:~~ ,,,.. ~, U~ ~ t',.~4o";. .,\~ iNl,~ ~ 4~.~j c4 ~~, ~t" ~;b ~ f'~. .W:U ~ ~ ~~, Ds- Consulting Physician .~ Contoct' ''.'-181') Doleo/.i T;me '?d0 PRy: RWAN Consultution DATE 6/2/20 i 0 930480 - NUffing (Rev 613,3109) . . ~ ;=§ : ~~ ~ i; = == ., "~~!;-, ~l~. .~ 't. ~ GRAJO , s;Y r. DOBil0/07/91 lBY A!iosnS/10 ...,. ~.. 0.1 ni~ .1 mg 1.0 mg QD write :\Never use Unit Dally E\'ery other da~' u PHYSICIAN'S ORDERS DATE TIME "'~ ~ li,ç .r..~ ~"'V'" _ 'VH t: \ \/ llltl\;:.: \Î. t'- -il ' j - _. i. '\J Dtl) ~(t~, ~-: - L¥ 1/1 ./.- Q /J g /.V / / /// l1 - "" -c.1bby N 1, / liT Ho;!,~?ti, M ri II BGent silõ¡; flÍM 'f h. 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Xnoxvi11e, TN 37920 (865) 305-9000 PATIKN NAMEI GRAJU, HENRY L. MEICAL RECORD #11327351 LOCATION/ROOM~1 KCCl K01-09 PATIENT TYB i INPATIEN ADMISSION DATEI 04/27/2010 DISCRGK DATil i ACCOUN li 13273510002 CAIOTHORACIC SURGERY CONSULTATION. REPORT i 10/07/l991 DATE OF BIRTH DATB OF COHSULTATIONi 04/28/2010 RESON FOR CONBULTATIONi Large perioardial effusion with evidence of some pericardial tamponade. BRIEF HISTORY i Henry is an ia-year-old male who was found to be unesponsive by a friend. Ultimately he wai: fowi to have a P9sitive drg soreen, and it was estimted . tha t ~CP~\~,~,:~~~ liÎì1i~lifd;i.;:i~~i'fci';gbl'uÍr t:ra~~~~:;*,;i~i.tfá!g;i' " t~~i~gc.l..ii~i_st~~~~tÈRe was t~en found unesponrive the followiiig morning affer having h4d emesii: and indeed aspiration. PAST XBDICAL HISTORYi Negative. PAST SuaGICAL HISTORY. B:ar tubes. MJi:CAT:rONB i The patient does not take any medioines. I!AKLY HISTORY, No contributing family history. SOCIAL BISTORYi positive smker. History of cocaine, marijuana, benzos, and other narcotics. RXEW OP SYSTEMS i At this time, patient is intubated and tolerating only mild fluids in tha form of antibiotics. Otherwse 13-point review of systems is negative. PHYSICAL EXA!NATIONi At this time, he haa a temperature of 99.6, a heart rate ranging anywhere from 10~ "130. His blood pre~.ure is currently 115/70 with a mean arterial presøure of 82. His heart is slightly taohyoardia. The heart sounds are not muffled, and there is no overt muur being noted. He does have bilateral breath sounds tand_baøA'!~~_ClJ:acltlÐs on each ~ide.._.. Ria._.~~e~,.i~-"ø"c,t,~.,~~ nondis tended. ~i,qiriirii~ll~iiil:;t~:'t¡rç1!~Pi~t.fR~ì~fiyj'~d.oëiÛliìr'~tt( , Again he is intUbated and does have -ãñ apprõimatoly 6 cæ area of ecchymsis on his ohest. He has no peripheral ød4a. His pulses are within normal rang'e at this current point in time. LAORATORY 1 He has a lactic acid of 2.6. Chemstry otherwise shows a sodium of 142, potassium of 3.7, chloride ioa. C02 22, BUN 16, creatinine 1.07, phoi:phorus 2.3, magnesium 1.7. CBC reveals a hemglobin and hetoorit of LS and 42, white blood cell count ~rl~ÈTPW!l~N'f 142. He haa had elevated GRAJ1 , HimY 1. DATE 6/ 2l 2 0 ~iuIIIIlIIIIIlIIIIIIMII~lill1ll1ll1lnllii ;; --_t" .=g FIB, 13273510002 OIlJU. øXlY L CT Surgery Consul t Eleotronioally Signed Byi GAINES, THOMAS! '/~9/~OLO 3111108 PM troponins, likely secondary to trauma, anywhere from l. 25, l. 27, to 2.57 on 04/28/2010 this a.m. !chooardiogram reoeived yesterday, 04/~7 /~010, revealed a morately large pericardial affusion with an ejection fraction of 40\ with evidence of ~erio ard1il tamonade.J ~Jl1~~~~,~.f.::~:~o_~..~i.ö.õf.iii6li"';!~!_~~~~;~Õl ff~S,; t;~,r,~f.~f~",i~~~~.~'!l?;~::e.~~u.!~onary oonøoll~:He,a;g~~!t:~~h~HJï aspire,tlon. In .'èddiêian "lie has periportal edema, likely seoondary to his decreased ejection fraction. ~~e;,~~-~~~~,~_p~,I... "' ,,": ~',~. - - - - ..',- - - - -- ',' ~~a~.UB;.-:.8i'n~:~t.=-as.ho~:e~l.,_.:.~'ipir"d."il~a..iL.:c.t;'o~'~:'r~.QS"!m_i.'s~l..;"aBsaui t., .Wtth a 'larg~ ~riQardillJ; effusion". ," t.~.=..$:..-,!,..i.;";¡'~~"'~'~'~"~~"'.!D,,_. ... Although he is hemdyically st8ble at this point, he does in fact Deed a pericardial window for drainage of his pericardial effusion in the near future. I will discuss the patient with Dr. Gaines and likely sohedule patient. Diotated byi LaMr O. Maok, H.D., RBSIDBNT PHYSICIAN ATTENING PHYS:rCIAN Thomas E. Gaines, K.D. DDi 0'/28/2010 10103 DTi 04/2~/2010 1S101/vf '62610/1239449 eei Denise M. Rivers, D.O. William Scott Bridges, M.D. Paul Branca, M.D. LaMr O. Hack, M.D. Thoms B. Glaines, M.D. COpy Page 1 of 1 Electronically Signed Byi GAINES, THOHAS E, M.D. 04/29/2010 15111 BDT PRINTED BY: RWARN QIUJU, a:imiy II DATE 6/2/2 0 ~1I11111111~HlillilmßIII~lmlililmlnl :. The Uni versi ty of Tennessee Memorial Hospital 1924 Alcoa Hwy. Knoxville, TN 37920 (865) 305-9058 Radiology Consultation Report Location: GRAJU, HENRY L MR. : Attending Dr.: Sex: 1327351 Age: EMERGENCY PHYSICIAN, . Account #: ER- Male 18 years 13273510002 Consulting Dr.: N/A Accession #: .CT-10-0017004 Radiology Report: Ordering MD: CT Head Without IV Contrast 04/27/10 13:42:10 PATEL, ANAN N Resul ts CT brain without contrast INDICATION: Unresponsive COMPARISON: None available FINDINGS: There is accentuation of the gray-white matter differentiation diffusely wi th small ventricles. Basilar cisterns are patent but relatively small in si ze. There is no midline shift or definite evidence of intracranial hemorrhage. No evidence of significant mastoid effusion. Minimal maxillary sinus and ethmoid sinus mucosal thickening. No evidence of depressed skull fracture. IMPRESSION: Findings of diffuse cerebral edema with partial effacement of the lateral ventricles and cisterns Authenticated By: PETRUZZI, PETER T - Radiologist 04/27/2010 13: 47 "'''FINAL REPORT"''' This exam and report have been reviewed by an attending physician who agrees with the findings. PRINTED BY: RWAN DATE 6/2/2010 The University of Tennessee Memorial Hospital 1924 Alcoa Hwy. Knoxville, TN 37920 (865) 305-9058 Radiology Consultation Report Location: GRAJU, HENRY L MR. : Attending Dr.: Sex: 1327351 Age: Account #: EMERGENCY PHYSICIAN, ER- - Male 18 years 13273510002 Consulting Dr.: N/A Accession #: . CT-10-001 7005 Radiology Report: Ordering MD: CT C-Spine, Without Contr 04/27/10 13:42:10 PATEL, ANAN N Results Indication: Unresponsive. Technique: Noncontrast CT of the C-spine including sagittal and coronal reformats obtained under bone algorithm without comparison. Findings: Vertebral body heights and disc spaces are maintained without evidence of fracture. No evidence of dislocation or subluxation. Prevertebral soft tissues are unremarkable. Mucosal thickening and fluid involves the sphenoid sinus. Interstitial and airspace opacities are noted in the visible lungs. Impression: No evidence of cervical spine fracture Authenticated By: PETRUZZI, PETER T - Radiologist 04/27/2010 14: 05 Resident: Waddell (Resident), Nicholas R **FINAL REPORT** This exam and report have been reviewed by an attending physician who agrees wi th the findings. PRINTED BY: RWAN DATE 6/2/2010 The Uni versi ty of Tennessee Memorial Hospital 1924 Alcoa Hwy. Knoxville, TN 37920 (865) 305-9058 Radiology Consul ta tion Report Location: GRAJUr HENRY L MR. : Attending Dr.: Sex: 1327351 Age: Account #: EMERGENCY PHYSICIAN, ER- - Male 18 years 13273510002 Consulting Dr.: N/A Accession #: CT-10-0017024 Radiology Report: Ordering MD: CT Thorax Abd Pel wi th contrast 04/27/10 13:42:10 PATEL, ANAN N Resul ts Clinical History: Unresponsive Technical factors: 5 mr contiguous transverse images were obtained through the chest, abdomen and pelvis after administration of IV contrast. Subsequent sagittal and coronal reconstructions performed. Chest findings: Endotracheal tube approximately 3.5 cm above carina. Distal end of enteric tube in stomach. Large areas of dependent consolidation wi thin the lower lobes and to a lesser extent upper lobes. There are also perihilar groundglass opacities. No evidence of pneumothorax. No evidence of aortic injury or mediastinal hematoma. Small foci of air deep to the the left pectoral muscled (image 15) . Abdomen/pel vic findings: No evidence of focal liver inj ury with periportal edema present. Spleen is unremarkable. No evidence of adrenal gland mass. Pancreas are unremarkable. Rotated right kidney. No hydronephrosis. Hyperenhancing adrenal glands may be s equ el a of hypope rf us ion although the IVC is well-distended. Foley catheter is present wi thin the bladder. Tiny amount of free fluid in the pel vis. No evidence of bowel obstruction. No findings of pneumoperi toneum. Suspected bone island in the rightward sacrum. No evidence of thoracolumbar spine fracture. IMPRESSION: Page 1 of 2 GRAJU, HENRY L PRINTED BY: RWAN DATE 6/2/2010 The University of Tennessee Memorial Hospital 1924 Alcoa Hwy. Knoxville, TN 37920 (423) 544-9060 Radiology Consultation Report Location: GRAJU, HENRY L MR. : Attending Dr.: 1327351 EMERGENCY PHYSICIAN, . ER Sex: Male Age: 18 years Account #: 13273510002 Consulting Dr.: N/A Accession #: CT-I0-0017024 Radiology Report: Ordering MD: CT Thorax Abd Pel with contrast 04/27/10 13:42:10 PATEL, ANAN N Bilateral dependent areas of pulmonary consolidation consistent with aspiration. Additional groundglass opacities in the perihilar regions may represent superimposed mild edema. Small focus of air deep to the left pectoralis muscles of uncertain etiology No evidence of solid organ injury. Mild periportal edema and small amount of free fluid in the pelvis. Authenticated By: PETRUZZI, PETER T - Radiologist 04/27/2010 14: 02 **FINAL REPORT** This exam and report have been reviewed by an attending physician who agrees with the findings. PRINTED BY: RWAN DATE 6/2/2010 The Uni versi ty of Tennessee Memorial Hospital 1924 Alcoa Hwy. Knoxville, TN 37920 (865) 305-9058 Radiology Consultation Report Location: GRAJU, HENRY L MR. : Attending Dr.: Sex: 1327351 Age: Account #: BRACA, PAUL R MCC1- MC1-09 Male 18 years 13273510002 Consul ting Dr.: N/ A Accession #: . CT-10-001 7052 Radiology Report: Ordering MD: CT Head Wi thout iv Contrast 04/28/10 03:49:00 Barry (Resident, OB/GYN), Audrey 0 Resul ts INDICATION: Cerebral edema. COMPARISON: CT of the head dated 4/27/2010. TECHNIQUE: CT of the head without contrast. FINDINGS: Gray-whi te matter differentiation remains diffusely accentuated. The basal cisterns are patent, but the suprasellar cistern remains small. No midline shift, intracranial hemorrhage, or extra-axial fluid collection is identified. Mucosal thickening and air-fluid levels are worsened in the interval involving the right maxillary sinus, right ethmoid air cells, and bilateral sphenoid sinuses. The frontal sinuses and mastoid air cells remain clear. The orbits are unremarkable. No acute osseous abnormality is identified. IMPRESSION: No significant interval change. Authenticated By: FOX, DANIEL R - Radiologist 04/28/2010 12: 08 Resident: Dupree (Resident), Brian S **FINAL REPORT** This exam and report have been reviewed by an attending physician who agrees with the findings. PRINTED BY: RWAN DATE 6/2/2010 The University of Tennessee Memorial Hospital 1924 Alcoa Hwy. Knoxville, TN 37920 (865) 305-9058 Radiology Consultation Report Location: GRAJU, HENRY L MR. : Attending Dr.: Sex: 1327351 MCC1- MC1-09 Male Age: Account #: BRACA, PAUL R 1S years 13273510002 Consulting Dr.: N/A Accession #: CT-10-0017439 Radiology Report: Ordering MD: CT Head Wi thout iv Contrast 04/30/10 10:36:02 Barry (Resident, OBI GYN), Audrey D Results Reason: Cerebral edema. Study compared to the to previous exams from 427 and 4/28/2010. On the cur rent exam, I bel i eve the appea rance of the brain is now wi thin normal limits with some slight reexpansion of the lateral ventricles as well as the basilar cisterns without significant mass effect or effacement. No focal abnormalities were evidence of hemorrhage. There is right maxillary sinus disease. CONCLUSION: 1. No definite acute intracranial findings as described. disease 2. Right maxillary sinus Authenticated By: GASH, JUSON R - Radiologist 04/30/2010 11: 00 **FINAL REPORT** This exam and report have been reviewed by an attending physician who agrees with the findings. PRINTED BY: RWAN DATE 6/2/2010 The University of Tennessee Memorial Hospital 1924 Alcoa Hwy. Knoxville, TN 37920 (865) 305- 9058 Radiology Consultation Report Location: GRAJU, HENRY L MR. : Attending Dr.: Consul ting Dr.: 1327351 Sex: Age: Account if: BRACA, PAUL R MCC1- MC1-09 Male 18 years 13273510002 N/A Accession if: . CT-10-001 7642 Radiology Report: CT C-Spine, Without Contr 05/01/10 12:13:43 Ordering MD: MILLER, JOSHUA A Resul ts CT C-spine History: Pain after assault COMPARISON: 4/27/2010 Technical factors: Multiple thin contiguous transverse images were obtained through the cervical spine without contrast with subsequent multiplanar reconstructions performed. Findings: No evidence of fracture, dislocation or prevertebral soft tissue swelling/hematoma. Disc spaces are maintained. In the included lung apices there are multiple areas of nodular like consolidation. IMPRESSION: No acute cervical spine findings or significant change. Considering persistent pain, MRI of the cervical spine may be beneficial to exclude soft tissue/ligamentous injury. Persistent bilateral areas of nodular like consolidation which may be sequela trauma or infectious/inflammatory process Authenticated By: PETRUZZI, PETER T - Radiologist 12:32 05/01/2010 **FINAL REPORT** This exam and report have been reviewed by an attending physician who agrees wi th the findings. PRINTED BY: RWAN DATE 6/2/2010 The University of Tennessee Memorial Hospital 1924 Alcoa Hw. Knoxville, TN 37920 (865) 305-9058 Radiology Consul ta tion Report Location: GRAJU, HENRY L MR. : Attending Dr.: 1327351 Sex: Age: Account #: BRACA, PAUL R 7SNS-. S740-A Male 18 years 13273510002 Consulting Dr.: N/A Accession #: .CT-10-0018081 Radiology Report: CT Head Wi thout iv Contrast 05/05/10 08:41:12 Ordering MD: SALAITA, MU G Results INDICATION: Evaluate cerebral edema TECHNIQUE: CT without iv contrast enhancement. COMPARISON: Multiple CTs of the head including most recent 4/30/2010 FINDINGS: No mass lesion or midI ine shift. No CT evidence of intracranial hemorrhage. The gray-white matter differentiation is preserved. No findings to suggest acute infarct. The diffuse cerebral swelling seen on previous CTs has resolved. The ventricles and basal cisterns are symetric, midline, and of normal size. Decrease in paranasal sinus opacification with remnant opacification of the right maxillary sinus, right posterior ethmoid air cells, and sphenoid sinuses. The mastoid air cells are clear. IMPRESSION: No acute intracranial abnormalities. Authenticated By: FOX, DANIEL R - Radiologist 10: 11 05/05/2010 Resident: Medina (Resident), Josue A **FINAL REPORT** This exam and report have been reviewed by an attending physician who agrees with the findings. PRINTED BY: RWAN DATE 6/2/2010 The Uni versi ty of Tennessee Memorial Hospi tal 1924 Alcoa Hwy. Knoxville, TN 37920 (865) 305-9058 Radiology Consultation Report Location: GRAJU, HENRY L MR. : Attending Dr.: 1327351 Sex: Age: EMERGENCY PHYSICIAN, . Account #: ER- - Male 18 years 13273510002 Consulting Dr.: N/A Accession #: .DX-10-0039563 Radiology Report: 04/27/10 13:08:24 Chest, 1 View Ordering MD: PATEL, ANAN N Results FINDINGS: Portable chest radiograph shows endotracheal tube approximately 2 cm above carina .Enteric tube descends below diaphragms. Perihilar opacity. No evidence of pneumothorax. IMPRESSION: Findings most compatible with perihilar edema Authenticated By: PETRUZZI, PETER T - Radiologist 13: 41 04/27/2010 Resident: Waddell (Resident), Nicholas R **FINAL REPORT** This exam and report have been reviewed by an attending physician who agrees with the findings. PRINTED BY: RWAN DATE 6/2/2010 The Uni versi ty of Tennessee Memorial Hospital 1924 Alcoa Hwy. Knoxville, TN 37920 (865) 305-9058 Radiology Consultation Report Location: GRAJU, HENRY L MR. : Attending Dr.: 1327351 Sex: Age: Account #: BRACA, PAUL R MCC1- MC1-09 Male 18 years 13273510002 Consul ting Dr.: N/ A Accession #: .DX-10-0039648 Radiology Report: 04/28/10 Chest, 1 View 04: 25: 59 Ordering MD: Barry (Resident, OBI GYN), Audrey D Results DESCRIPTION: Portable view of the chest compared to April 27, 2010. Endotracheal tube is approximately 6 cm above the carina. Enteric tube courses below the diaphragm. Right central pulmonary opaci fication has minimal residual opacity in the left perihilar region. No pleural abnormality. decreased. There is IMPRESSION: Decreasing central pulmonary opacities. Support devi ces in appropriate position. Authenticated By: PEEKE, JEFFRY WILSON - Radiologist 04/28/2010 09: 01 **FINAL REPORT** This exam and report have been reviewed by an attending physician who agrees with the findings. PRINTED BY: RWAN DATE 6/2/2010 The University of Tennessee Memorial Hospital 1924 Alcoa Hwy. Knoxville, TN 37920 (865) 305-9058 Radiology Consultation Report GRAJU, HENRY L MR. : Attending Dr.: Location: 1327351 Sex: Age: Account #: BRACA, PAUL R MCC1- MC1-09 Male 18 years 13273510002 Consul ting Dr.: N/ A Accession #: DX-10-0040069 Radiology Report: Abdomen, Single 04/28/10 18:15:40 Ordering MD: BRACA, PAUL R Resul ts INDICATION: NG tube placement. Frontal view of the abdomen. NG tube is in the distal stomach. Bowel gas pattern unremarkable. IMPRESSION: NG tube is in the distal stomach Authenticated By: HUSON, KATHLEEN B - Radiologist 18: 3 9 04/28/2010 **FINAL REPORT** This exam and report have been reviewed by an attending physician who agrees with the findings. PRINTED BY: RWAN DATE 6/2/2010 The University of Tennessee Memorial Hospital 1924 Alcoa Hwy. Knoxville, TN 37920 (865) 305-9058 Radiology Consultation Report Location: GRAJU, HENRY L MR. : Attending Dr.: Sex: 1327351 Age: Account if: BRACA, PAUL R MCC1- MC1-09 Male 18 years 13273510002 Consulting Dr.: N/A Accession if: . DX-10-004 0182 Radiology Report: Ordering MD: 04/29/10 05:39:49 Chest, 1 View Carringer (Resident) , Christie M Resul ts This exam has just been made available for interpretation on the fax unit at 1750 6:00 p.m. on April 29, 2010. Frontal view of the chest compared April 28. Endotracheal tube tip is 2.5 cm above the carina enteric tube is in the stomach. Bibasal or perihilar opacities are noted right greater than left. This is improved from April 27 and is not significantly changed from April 28. Heart size is stable IMPRESSION: Perihilar opacities right greater than left improved from April 27 not significant change from April 28 allowing for differences in posi tioning .' Authenticated By: HUSON, KATHLEEN B - Radiologist 18: 01 04/29/2010 **FINAL REPORT** This exam and report have been reviewed by an attending physician who agrees wi th the findings. PRINTED BY: RWAN DATE 6/2/2010 The Uni versi ty of Tennessee Memorial Hospital 1924 Alcoa Hwy. Knoxville, TN 37920 (865) 305-9058 Radiology Consul ta tion Report Location: GRAJU, HENRY L MR. : Attending Dr.: 1327351 MCC1- MC1-09 Sex: Male Age: 18 years Account #: 13273510002 BRACA, PAUL R Consulting Dr.: N/A Accession #: .DX-10-0040224 Radiology Report: 04/30/10 03:36:12 Chest, 1 View Ordering MD: Barry (Resident, OB/ GYN), Audrey D Results Reason: Respiratory failure on ventilator FINDINGS: Tubes are in unchanged position since yesterday's exam. Dense opacification around the right hilum has mildly worsened but has improved around the left. Heart size remains normal. No pneumothorax or large effusion. IMPRESSION: Worsened right and improved left perihilar airspace opacification may be due to edema Authenticated By: RULE, KENNTH A - Radiologist 08: 20 04/30/2010 **FINAL REPORT** This exam and report have been reviewed by an attending physician who agrees with the findings. PRINTED BY: RWAN DATE 6/2/2010 The Uni versi ty of Tennessee Memorial Hospi ta 1 1924 Alcoa Hwy. Knoxville, TN 37920 (865) 305-9058 Radiology Consultation Report Location: GRAJU, HENRY L MR. : Attending Dr.: 1327351 Sex: Age: Account #: BRACA, PAUL R MCC1- MC1-09 Male lS years 13273510002 Consul ting Dr.: N/ A Accession #: DX-10-0040587 Radiology Report: 05/01/10 03:04:21 Chest, 1 View Ordering MD: Barry (Resident, OBI GYN), Audrey D Resul ts Examination: Single AP view of the chest, May 1, 2010, 3: 10 COMPARISON: Single AP view of the chest, April 30, 2010, 3: 37 INDICATION: ---resp failure FINDINGS: Unchanged cardiomediastinal contour. Interval extubation and removal of enteric tube. Interval improvement in right perihi1ar airspace opacity. Persistent mild left perihilar airspace opacity. Due to rapid interval change, this likely represents improving pulmonary edema. IMPRESSION: Interval extubation and removal of enteric tube with a decrease in pulmonary edema as described above.. Authenticated By: BALIUS, ANASTASIA MAIE 08: 20 05/01/2010 **FINAL REPORT** This exam and report have been reviewed by an attending physician who agrees with the findings. PRINTED BY: RWAN DATE 6/2/2010 The University of Tennessee Memorial Hospital 1924 Alcoa Hwy. Knoxville, TN 37920 (865) 305-9058 Radiology Consultation Report Location: GRAJU, HENRY L MR. : Attending Dr.: 1327351 Sex: Age: Account #: BRACA, PAUL R MCCI-. MCI-09 Male 18 years 13273510002 Consulting Dr.: N/A Accession #: .DX-10-0041076 Radiology Report: Cervical Spine, Lat, Flex. & Exten. 05/01/10 15:59:37 Ordering MD: MILLER, JOSHU A Resul ts Exam: Neutral/extension lateral views of the cervical spine Comparison: CT C-spine performed same date. Findings/ impress ion: Study is limited secondary to inability of the patient to complete the study. Lateral views including C1-C6 provided demonstrate no gross evidence of fracture or subluxation. Prevertebral soft tissues and atlantodental interval are wi thin normal limits. No dynamic instability with limited extension extension. Authenticated By: ZENG, RONG - Radiologist 22: 28 05/01/2010 Resident: Pirkle (Resident), Jacob K **FINAL REPORT** This exam and report have been reviewed by an attending physician who agrees with the findings. PRINTED BY: RWAN DATE 6/2/2010 The University of Tennessee Memorial Hospital 1924 Alcoa Hwy. Knoxville, TN 37920 (865) 305-9058 Radiology Consultation Report Location: GRAJU, HENRY L MR. : Attending Dr.: Sex: 1327351 Age: Account #: BRACA, PAUL R 7SNS- S740-A Male 18 years 13273510002 Consulting Dr.: N/A Accession #: .DX-10-0041988 Radiology Report: Ordering MD: Chest, 2 Views, PA & Lat. 05/05/10 08:59:07 SALAITA, MU G Resul ts Reason: Fall FINDINGS: PA and lateral views of the chest compared with 5/1/2010. Bilateral lower lobe, perihilar opacities are improved with mild residual airspace opacities. No pneumothorax or pleural effusion. The heart size is normal. Impression: Improved bilateral lower lobe atelectasis Authenticated By: PEEKE, .JEFFRY WILSON - Radiologist 05/05/2010 10: 19 Resident: DeWitt (Resident), Cheryl D ""FINAL REPORT"" This exam and report have been reviewed by an attending physician who agrees with the findings. PRINTED BY: RWAN DATE 6/2/2010 --' iI. .,- r ,_ I' t 137 ~ ~ ~ Non Weight Bearg L0rt Q~~au Q: tD\eec MR# )'?'O I University of Tennesee Memorial Hospital 1924 Alcoa Highway Knoxvile, TN 37920 Phone (865) 305-9000 Oter Other Discharge Instrction Form \-~ Cardiac Prdent Patient: Q-rc\fi) , DIET: Reglar (cerci, if tlprjaltf) (Circl, if approprialtf) ACTIVITY LEV RESTRIClIONS: No Heavy Lifting (Clrclt1 if appropriate) Other: "There are significat health risks with smoking" WOUN CAR: _See Attched Sheet Other Encounter# XRY: rINI1327351000:l CJ, ØXY r.. 008110/07/91 iay 11 Ami Ol/27/10 D1:13273!il Date For quesions before your next appointment cal your Primar Care Physician or you arc hiving i medicil emergency call 91 i. D D . _ _ II . a _ . II a _ . II . . II II . . 11.8 . 8 II If NA ~ Home medkatloii. returiied to patient: Yei No EquIpment Ordered I Patient s.Usr.ctlo Su PatientIesponslble Penon OTHR INSTRUCTIONS: _See Attched Shee _Med~tJon List Oter ~\- 'r-fed OUTPATINT PROCEDURES: (CircJdfappropriai,) LAB: OTHER: PHONE: PHONE: PHONE: i. P?rxry ~ \ . h:Q Ly.:'t ~%loNE: Ca, to make tb~~pointments as soon ~ie: L , h 2. PHONE: 3. 4. PHONE: AGENCY REFERRLS: 1. 2. EQUIPMENT SUPPLIER ns hin bf~e~i,ln~ to me"'Rd~~tlons. Tlme~ Nurse 1932Jii Rev 10l2. SI3,I/O, IOI 137 New D051&£ ROUTE FREQUENCY Encounter# University of Tennessee Memorial Hospital 1924 Alcoa Highway Knoxvile, TN 37920 Phone (865) 305-9000 DOSE MR# lbg-r~5\ Discharge Instruction Form MEDICATION NAME Patient c:rc\Û,\ l) L \-t~tA . Prescription GIven '" MY DOSE !'tri 13.273510002 auo1. Jmy L DO!I:l0/07/91 Uy!l .liO'/27/10 /4 r ::~qprv V' rv .,r' .--, '7~ SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS .. Date KJi132'1315 DUE: NEXT is ~\\o nn i 'i, ~ I~Pl aA1 " 111U \l'bÎ-- '" U\ç\~c.A.(" ~m- ~ i n ttf .. ç::ii¡('\ t ~ d ~~ \\ ~ a\A~') '1t ,,¿ .c. 0 a.~ ( l\O 0 rd-e l"'( ri r\ ( ~ C~ ('tr l\ AnA Ò i I ~"" ç rí TT).~lr 0 rVi \l/~ i~r. \\ hi I~i C\' \f ¥( x- "" ('t . LIO N' .. ~~ \. 'r_ \\'N (' \rf'O t" \fe:ì ce il tñfYV'r . r' \ Alemdy given on 1\ ~ON,u Refused 0 Already given on i or vaccine not given ReCused 0 ~ ~ (' . '2rÁ "c." '( !o m\'h~ On this admissIon you received your Pneumonia Vaccine on this date or vaccine not given If so J dietar notied? DJ 193237 I! !fOOi 1106,216. 12108 -= On this admissIon you received your Influenza Vaccine on this date Food Drug Interactions Instruction: (circle response) Coumain: Yes No MAO!: Yes No My dlscha!.~ 1nst\~ns hav~i:plned ~ me and I understand these instructions. Date rrime d ~ ~ J U NUl5e~ ~rl'- PatientIesponslble Penon Wblte-Medca Renb Yelot\ - Pitlent Copy i QRJ J". H ni Y L --=0 - FIN: 13.73510002 PH UNIVERSITY O? TENNSSER MRORIAL HOSPITAL 192l Alcoa Highway.. lnoxville, TN 37920 (865) 305-9000 :: N -C' PATIKN NAM i . GRJU, HEY MEICA RECORD 111327351 LOCTION/ROO#1 KCC1 XC1-09 PATIBN TYEi INPATIBN L. ADISSION DATBi 04/27/2010 DISCHR.Qit DATE i ACCOUN #1 13273510D02 PROCBDuaP: ROIl! DATB OP PROCEURi 04/21/2010 PRBOPERATrv DIAGNOSIS i 1. Aspi~ation pneumnia with respiratory failure and hypoxemia. PROCEDUR: 1. Plberoptic bronchoscopy with BAL of right middle lobe. INDrCATIONI Bilateral lower lobe infiltrates with respiratory failure and refractory hypxemia. MEICATIONS: Psntsnyl and Versed drips. PROCEURE: Informed consent wall obtained troD. the parents and the hand held bronchoscope was inserted via the 31' tUb into the trachea. The t~acheal mucosa was intensely erythemtous. Thick mucous secretions were auctioned out Era. the trachea. The carina was sharp, ~idline, non-displaced. The right side was examined first. The right upper lobs did not show any bleeding or any endobronchial lesions. The right middle l~ was similar. The right lower lobe showed a lot of aspirated gastric contents which was suctioned out. Subsequently Bl was carried out from the right middle lobe, medial segment wi th three aliquots of 0.9 percent norml saline, 60 cc' s each and the return wls folUY, reddish in nature and about 50' in quantity_ The left side was exained subsequently and similar findings with the left upper lobe without any secretions, just intensely erythsmatoua mucosa and the le~t lower lobe revealed aspirated gastric contents which were auctioned out and washed out. The bronehoacope was then withdrawn under constant suction. The patient tolerated the procedure very well without any episodes of hypoxemia. P'INDINQS i 1. Erythemtous tracheobronchial tree. 2. Aspirated gastric contents in both lower lobes. SPBCIHlI 1. BAL from right middle lobe. PLANi 1. Pollow up micro and cytological specimen. The procedure was supervised by Dr. Paul Branca. PRINTED B~; 2 ~::lllwlmliililllimllmlHllIlI~11I11l1 DATE ;, PIUI 13273510002 GllJU. HEiny L --=0 -t" - Dictated byi Aait Dhingra, M.D., Pulmonary Pellow, RESIDEN PHYSICIAN ATTENING ~HYSICIAN Paul Branca, M.D. :: N DDi 04/27/2010 15102 DTi 0'/28/2010 03:1B/lgs 462094/1238330 CCI l'aul Branca, M.D. Richard A. Glover. M.D. Oenise H. Rivers, D.O. Amit Dhingra, M.D. COpy Page i of i Electronioally Signed By: BRACA, PAUL R, M.D. 04/28/2010 14134 EDT PRINTED B ~ ~ 2 ~~lUlI miinilll imiiimm miiii ~ 1111 DATE ;; QRAJU. Hnmy L ---0 - PH UNrvSITY OF TENSSEE MEORIAL ROSPITAL 192~ Alcoa Highway.. Knoxville, TN 37920 _"4 (865) 305-9000 PATIlm NAKi GlRAJO, KEY L. g . ~IN, 13273510002 MXICAL RECORD ni1327351 ADMISSION DATE t 04/27/2010 LOCA'tON/ROOH# i MCCl MC1-09 DISCHGE DATE i 13273510002 ACCOmr #1 PATIENT TYiB: INPATIEN PROCUR ROTii DATE OF PROCEDURE: 04/28/2010 This patient was seen earlier in today with an echocardiog~&m which aeemed to demonstrate a pericardial ef~usion with periaardial tamponade. Gliven his critical state, it was felt that if this indeed were the case pericardial drainage would be appropriate. The patient was, therefore, brought to the operating room, but because the CT soan appeared to be discordant with the echocardiogram it was fel t that trans8sophageal echocardiography in the operating roo would be an appropriate way of the resolving the issue without actually performing a surgical procedure. Transesophageal echocardiography was accomplished in the operating room and the patient had a very modest pericardia1 effusion with no signs of tamponade. The study was revie_d with Anesthesiolog and with Dr. Baljepally from Cardiology. :rt was felt, therefore, tht pericardial drainage was not indicated and tha surgieal procedue was aborted. ATTBNING PHYSICIA Thomas E. Gaines, M.D. DDi 04/30/2010 08121 DTi 04/30/i010 09i38!dw 464453/1239716 cc: Denise H. Rivers, D.O. William Scott Bridges, H.D. Thomas Z. Gaines, M.D. Paul Branca, M.D. COpy lage 1 of 1 Electronically Signed Byi GAINBS, THOMA E, M.D. O~/30/i010 10109 EDT PRINTED DATE B~; 2 ~;=iliiiiii ~111111I1I illlll~lIllllltmlml,,1 ". . Laboratory Corporation of America University Pathologists, P.C. Drawer U-108 1924 Alcoa Highway, Knoxville, TN 37920 (865) 305-9080 Fax (865) 305-6866 CYTOLOGY REPORT Patient: GRAJU, HENRY L Accession #: N10-2087 Taken: 4/27/2010 MR: 1327351 Account #: 13273510002 Received: 4/28/2010 06: 53 DOB/Sex: 10/7/1991 (Age: 18) M Client: 0000 Reported: 4/28/2010 SSN: Location: Medical Cri tical Care One MC1 Physician (s): Paul R. Branca, M.D. Pathologist: Stuart Van Meter, M.D. Cytotech: Ashley N. Hundley, CT (ASCP) TISSUE SOURCE: A: RIGHT MIDDLE LOBE BRONCHOALVEOLAR LAVAGE DIFF FINAL DIAGNOSI S : RIGHT MIDDLE LOBE, BRONCHOALVEOLA LAVAGE: NEGATIVE FOR MAIGNANCY. FRQUENT ACUTE INFLATORY CELLS. SMALL NUERS OF MIXED BACTERIA. CELLULA DIFFERENTIAL: 50% NEUTROPHILS 30% CILIATED BRONCHIAL EPITHELIAL CELLS 15% MACROPHAGES 5% SUPERFICIAL SQUAMOUS CELLS GMS STAIN IS NEGATIVE FOR FUGAL ORGANSMS. *** Report Electronically Signed *** Stuart Van Meter, M. D. 4/28/2010 GROSS DESCRIPTION: Received is 20cc of cloudy fluid. Slides are prepared using ThinPrep concentration technique and cytospin concentration technique. GMS stain is requested and is performed on one slide. ICD-9 (s) : SNO: A: M09450 P1250 T20000 B: E1000 C: T05128 TOX160 T26000 T28010 GRAJU, HENRY L FIN: 13273510002 PRINTED BY: RWAN DATE 6/2/2010 Page 1 Laboratory Corporation of America University Pathologists, P.C. Drawer U-108 1924 Alcoa Highway, Knoxville, TN 37920 (865) 305-9080 Fax (865) 305-6866 CYTOLOGY REPORT D: E0004 GRANJU, HENRY L FIN: 13273510002 PRINTED BY: RWAN DATE 6/2/2010 Page 2 LABCORP-KNOXVILLE (CLIA 44D0690507) A LABORATORY PARTNRSHIP WITI UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEMS, mc 1924 ALCOA BIGHRAY (865) 305-9101 KNOXVLLE, TESSEE 37920 Patient Name: GRAJU HENRY L IP/OP ACCT': 13273510002 Age: 18 YRS V", : (0000) 1 32 7351 it Dr. BRACA, PAUL (5-210) SPECIME DATE DAY/DAY OF STAY COLLECTION TIME S740A ~ LAORATORY ADDENUM REPORT / DOB: 070CT91 Sex: MA NO REFERRllG PHYSICIAN Order Dr. SALITA.KU DSCH DATE: 06MAY10 PR DATE: OBMAY10 PRIN TIME: 0301 PAGE: 1 27APRlO Ti 001 1501_ RE RAGE UNTS Reference Laboratory Te3ting Legionella Cult ~ Comment f 27APR10 1501 Culture Report: No Legione11a specie3 i301ated. Performed At: BN LabCorp Burlington 1447 York Court Burlington, NC 272153361 Hacock William F MD Phone: 8007624344 KEY TO SYMBOLS f Footnote ~ ~ Legionel1a Cult ~Performed at PER LOC: LabCorp (34D0655059) Patient Name: SEND OUT TESTS GR JU HEY L S740A Continued on next page... Print Date: OBHAY10 PRINTD BY: RWAR 6/2/2010 DATE LABCORP-KNOXVILLE (CLIA 44D0690507) A LABORATORY PARTNSHIP WITH UNIVERSITY HEALTR SYSTEMS. INC 1924 ALCOA HIGHAY (865) 305-9101 :KOXVLL. TESSEE 37920 Patient Name: GRAJU HENRY L ACCT': 13273510002 IF/OP Age: 18 YRS i-l: (0000) 1327351 it Dr. BRACA, PAUL (S-210) DSCH DATE: 06MAY10 S740A , LAORATORY ADDENUM REPORT / DOB: 070CT91 Sex: MA PRIN DATE: OBHAY10 PRI TIME: 0301 NO REFERRING PHSICIA Orde r Dr. SALTA. MU PAGE: 2 ACCESSION' 10-126-1377 CULTU, URIN RECEIVED, 06MAYIO 1317 STARTED: 06MAY10 1613 COLLECTED: 06HAY10 1305 SOURCE: URNE URIN PRE LIHINAY 07MAYIO 2259 Specimen ha" been received and te"ting i" in proce"". ~**7*~ Pending Laboratory Te3ts TT7 *** C EUG LC C AFB VI TD-D il C HYCOPLA C URIN Patient Name: Req Col Date: Req Col Date: Req Col Date: Req Col Da te: Req Col Date: 04/27/10 04/27/10 05/06/10 04/27/10 05/06/10 Order Statu,,: RECVD Co11t Statu,,: RECVD Order Order Order Order Status: Status: Statu", Statu", STAIN RECVD RECVD PRELIM GR JU HEY L Col1t Col1t Col1t Co11t S740A ROUTINE CULTURE PXNDING ORDERS PRINTD BY: RWAR 6/2/2010 DATE Status: Status: Status: Status: RECVD RECVD RECVD RECVD End of Chart... Print Date: 08MAY10 LABCORP-KNOXVILLE A LABORATORY PARTNRSHIP WITH UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEMS, INC (CLIA 44D0690507) 1924 ALCOA HIGHWAY (865) 305-9101 KNOXVLLE. TESSEE 37920 Patient Name: GRAJU HENRY L IE/OP ACCT': 13273510002 HRl: (0000)1327351 Age: 18 YRS ,it Dr:. BRACA, PAUL (S-210) S740A ~ LAORATORY ADDENUM REPORT :; DOB: 070CT91 Sex: MA DSCR DATE: 06MAY10 PRIN DATE: 09MAY10 NO REEEIUING PHYSICIAN Or:der: Dr:. SALTA. MU CULTU, URIN PRI TIME: 0300 PAGE: 1 ACCESSION * 10-126-1377 COLLECTED: 06MAYI0 1305 RECEIVED: 06HAY10 1317 SOURCE: URINE URIN STARTED: 06HAY10 1613 FINAL REPORT 08MAYI0 1016 10,000-25.000 colony for:ng unit5 per: mL Staphylococcu5 5pecie5-coagula5e negative SUSCEPTIBILITY TESTllG ST_COAGN NITROFUROIN RIFAMIN LINZOLID VACOMYCIN GENAMICIN LEVOFLOXACIN OXACILLIN PENCILLIN T/S CLINAHCIN ERYTOMYCIN TETRCYCLIN C MYCOPLA C FUG LC C AEB Req Req Req Req Col Col Col Col SUS S S S ,=0.25 C IPROFLOXAC IN VITD-DIH HIC ~=32 Date: Date: Date: Date: ~=2 2 S F4 F16 F8 F8 F16 R R R R _IV __ C05t/Dos age __ PO __Cost/ D05age 600 mg 600 mg 1 gm 400 mg 80 mg 100 mg 300 mg S61 S57 600 rng 500 mg $3 500 mg ,$1 ,$1 ,$1 ,S1 ,S1 $2 S4 2 mil R NA NA NA NA NA NA 10 ml 600 mg 1 gm ~S1 $42 S4 $14 2 gm R 160 ,S1 $4 U ,$1 DS 300 mg 500 mg 500 mg $3 $3 ****** Pending Labor:atory Te5t5 **"**** 05/06/10 Orner StatU5 : 04/27 flO Order Statu5: 04/27 flO Order Statu5: 04/27/10 Orner Status: RECVD RECVD RECVD STAIN Patient Name: GRJU HEY L Co11t StatU5: Collt Statu5: Co1lt Statu5: Collt Status: S740A ROUTIN CULTU PENING ORDERS PRINTED BY: RWAR DATE 6/2/2010 RECVD RECVD RECVD RECVD End of Chart... Pr:int Date: 09HAY10 LABCORP-KNOXVILLE (CLIA 4400690507) A LABORATORY PARTNRSBIP WITH UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEMS, INC 1924 ALCOA HIGHWAY (865) 305-9101 KNOXVLLE. TESSEE 37920 Patient Name: GRAJU HENRY L IP/OP ACCT': 13273510002 '. (0000)1327351 Age: 18 Y.S Lt Dr. BRACA. PAUL (5-210) S740A .: LAORATORY ADDENUM REPORT ;, DOB: 070CT91 Sex: MA NO REFERRING :PS ICIA Orde r Dr. SALTA, HU DSCH DATE: 06MAY10 PRIN DATE: 12HAY10 PRIN TIME: 0300 :PAGE: 1 06MAno Tf 010 SPECIME DATE DAY/DAY OF STAY COLLECTION TIME 0105_ RE RAGE UNTS ---- ------ ---- ---- -- ----- Re fe renee Labora to LY Tes ting ----------- ---------------------------------------- 10.0-75.0 1. 25-DiOH Vit D ~ 45.5 f pg/mL 06HAYI0 0105 :Performed At: BN LabCorp Burlington 1447 York Court Burlington, NC 272153361 Hacock William F MD :Phone: 8007624344 T*T*~* Pending Laboratory Tests **777* C HYCO:PLA C FUG LC C AFB Req Col Date: Req Col Date: Req Col Date: 04/27/10 Order Status: RECVD Col1t Status: RECVD 04/27/10 Order Status: RECVD Collt Status: RECVD 04/27/10 Order Status: STAIN Coli t Status: RECVD KEY TO SYMBOLS ---- f Footnote e ~ 1.25-DiOH Vit 0 ~PerfoDned at PER LOC: LabCorp (3400655059) Patient Name: SEND OUT TESTS GR JU HEY L S740A End of Chart... Print Date: 12MAYlO PENING ORDERS PRINTD BY: RWAJ 6/2/2010 DATE LABCORP-KNOXVILLE (CLIA 44D0690507) A LABORATORY PARTNSHIP WITH UNVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEMS, INC 1924 ALCOA HIGHAY (865) 305-9101 KNOXVLLE. TESSEE 37920 SHOA Patient Name: GRAJU HENRY L IP/OP ACCTI: 13273510002 '~4: (0000) 1327351 Age: 18 Y.S Lt Dr. BRACA. PAUL (S-210) SPECIME DATE DAY/DAY OF STAY COLLECTION TIME .. LAORATORY ADDENUM REPORT :; DOB: 070CT91 Sex: MA NO REFERRING PHYSICIAN Order Dr. SALITA.= DSCH DATE: 06MAY10 PRI DATE: 14MAY10 PRI TIME: 0301 PAGE: 1 27APRlO TOE 001 _1500_ REF RAGE UNTS Reference Laboratocy Testing Mycoplasma Cult ~ Comment f 27APR10 1500 No Mycoplasma pneumoniae isolated. Performed At: BN LabCorp Burlington 1447 York Court Burlington. NC 272153361 Hacock William F MD Phone: 8007624344 ~**T~* Pending Laboratory Tests **+*** C :rG LC C AFB Reg Col Date: Reg Col Date: 04/27/10 Order Status: RECVD Collt Status: RECVD 04/27/10 Order Status: STALN Collt Status: RECVD KEY TO SYMBOLS f Footnote ~ = Mycoplasma Cult =Perfonned at PER LOC: LabCorp (3400655059) Patient Name: SEND OUT TESTS GR JU HEY L S740A End of Chart. . . Print Date: l4MAY10 PENING ORDERS PRINTD BY: RWAl DATE 6/2/2010 LABCORP-KNOXVILLE (CLIA 44D0690507) A LABORATORY PARTNRSHIP WITH UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEMS. INC 1924 ALCOA HIGHAY (865) 305-9101 :KOXVLLE, TESSEE 37920 Patient Name: GRAJU HENRY L IP/OP ACCTf: 13273510002 Age: 18 YRS HRf: (0000) 1327351 it Dr. BRACA. PAUL (S-210) DSCH DATE: 06MAY10 26MAY10 S740A .( LAORATORY ADDENUM REPORT ? PR DATE: DOB: 070CT91 Sex: MA PRll TIME: 0301 PAGE: NO REFERRING PHYSICIAN Order Dr: SALTA.HU 1 27APRlO 27APR10 SPECIME DATE TO 001 TI 001 1501_ _1459_ DAY/DAY OF STAY COLLECTION THil RE RAGE UNTS Reference Laboratory Testing Fungus Culture ~ see fn f 27APR10 1501 Result: Final report Fungal CultRes1 ~ Comment f 27APR10 1459 No yeast or mold isolated after 4 weeks. Performed At: MB LabCorp Bi r:ingham 1801 First Avenue South Bir:ingham. AL 352331935 Elgin John HD Phone: 2055813500 Source-Culture ~ LAVAGE *1:*1d'.* Pending Laboratory Tests **+*'*+ C AFB Req Col Date: 04/27/10 Order Status: STAIN Collt Status: RECVD KEY TO SYMBOLS ---- f Footnote ~ = Fungus Culture. Fungal CultResl. Source-Culture ~Perfor:ed at PERF LOC: LabCorp (3400655059) Patient Name: SEND OUT TESTS GR JU HEY L S740A End of Chart... Print Date: 26MAY10 PENING ORDERS PRINTD BY: RWAR 6/2/2010 DATE LABCORP-KNOXVILLE (CLlA 44D0690507) A LABORATORY PARTNSHIP WIll UNIVERSITY HEALll SYSTEMS, ilC 1924 ALOA HI~AY (865) 305-9101 KNOXVLLE, TESSEE 37920 IP/OP ACCT': 13273510002 NO REFERRilG PlSICIAN Order Dr. SALlTA.H1 it Dr. BRACA. PAUL (S-210) SPECIME DATE 137 Chloride-Cl 106 Pota""ium-K BUN Creatinine Gluco"e Calcium-Ca Ca. Corr for Alb Pho"phoru"-P04 Magne"ium-Hg Total Protein Albumin Total Bili 04MAY10 009 0631 WED Sodium-Na C02 -- 05lfY10 DAY/DAY OF STAY COLLECTION TIME PRI DATE: 07MAY10 PR TIME: 0302 DOB: 070CT91 Sex: MA Age: 18 YRS ,,,t: (0000)1327351 DSCH DATE: 06MAYlO S740A .( LAORATORY FilAL REPORT ;, Patient Name: GRAJU HENRY L 4.2 21 TU 008 0050 134 3.4 105 19 . .. . HON - -- - 007 1140 139 SU 006 0350 01HYLO SAT 005 0310 139 141 110 .. 18 .. 105 02HAY10 03MAYlO 3.7 3.8 109 20 3.3 .. 20 PAGE: 1 30AP10 FRl 004 0200 137 3.3 .. 105 22 RE RAGE 136-147 3.5-5.3 98-109 20-29 UNTS meq/L meq/L meq/L meq/L -- -- --- ----- -- -- ---- -- -- - - -- -- -- ------ -- -- ---- -- -- -- ------ -- ------ -- -- ------ -- -- ------ -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- ---mg/dl 7-25 19 17 15 9 10 11 mg/dl 0.70-1. 50 0.70 0.68 .. 0.57 ~ 0.63 .. 0.64 ~ 0.63 . -- -- ------ -- -- -------- -- - --- -- -- --- --- ---- ------ -- -- ------ -- -- ---- -- -- ---------- ------ -------- -- -- -- -- - --- mg/dl 70-99 ios .. 103 .. 93 94 90 101 .. ---- ------ -- -- ---- -- -- -- ---- -- -------- ---- ------ -- -- ------ -- ------ ---- -- ---- -- ---- -------- ---- ---- -- --- -_. 8.4-10.6 mg/dl 8.3 .. 9.1 8.8 8.7 8.5 8.4-10.6 mg/el 9.2 9.6 9.5 9.5 9.3 mg/dl 2.7-4.5 2.0 .. 2.6 .. mg/dl 1.6-2.6 2.1 2.2 2.2 2.7 .. -- -- ------ -- -- ---- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- ---- -- -- ------ -- -- ------ -- -- --- - -- -- -- ---- -- ------- --- -- ------ -- -- -- - -_. 6.4-8.3 g/d1 6.1 .. 7.5 6.5 6.6 6.6 3.5-5.0 g/d1 2.9 .. 3.4 .. 3.0 .. 3.1 .. 3.0 .. mg/dl 0.2-1. 0 0.9 1.0 0.6 0.5 0.4 -- -- ------ -- -- ---- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -------- -- -------- -- ------ -- ----- - -- -- -- ---- -- -- ----- --- -- ------ -- -- -- ---" 9.2 All: Pho3phata"e 95 22 (SGOT) AST (SGPT) ALT 56 .. CPK 10.0 Anion Gap O"molality Calc 272. 7 ~ 10.0 99 95 22 267.4 .. 66 .. 171 10.0 276.0 33 97 .. 410 .. 123 66 .. 169 .. 1264 .. Calculated Re"ul t" 16.0 11.0 283.1 278.1 108 118 .. 219 .. 1006 .. 10.0 276.4 53-148 5-34 0-55 38-174 U/L U/L U/L U/L 7.0-16.0 meq/L 275.0-290. a mO"mlL KEY TO SYMBOLS ---- ~ ~ Abn Alpha Re"ul t Patient Name: GR JU HEY L S740A Continued on next page. .. Print Date: 07MAY10 CHEMISTRY PRINTD BY: RWAR 6/2/2010 DATE LABCORP-KNOXVILLE (CLIA 44D0690507) A LABORATORY PARTNHIP WITI UNVERSITY BEAL'l SYSTEMS, INC 1924 ALCOA HIGHAY (865) 305-9101 Patient Name: GR1JU 11'/01' KNOXVLL, TESSEE 37920 HEY L lil': (0000) 1327351 Age: 18 YRS "-ait Dr. BRACA. PAUL (S-210) SPECIME DATE DAY IDAY OE STAY ~ LAORATORY FIN REPORT ). DOB: o70CT91 Sex: MA NO REFERRING PHYSICIAN Order Dr. 29APRlO 28APR10 28APRlo THO 003 WED 002 WED 002 0401_ _0355_ _0055 COLLECTION TIME Sodium-Na 141 3.9 Potassium-K Ch1oride-Cl 108 C02 24 116 T Calcium-Ca 8.3 T Ca. Corr for Alb 9.2 Pho:3phoru:3-P04 Hagnesium-Hg 5.9 2.9 0.8 Total Protein Albumin Total Bili Direct Bili TU 001 TO 001 _1950_ _1650 T .. 109 220 .. 211 T CPK RE R1GE 136-147 2 108 22 98-109 20-29 3.5-5.3 UNTS meq/L meq/L meq/L meq/L 7-25 0.70-1. 50 mg/dl mg/dl 101 .. 70-99 mg/dl 8.2 .. mg/dl 2.3 T 8.4-10.6 8.4-10.6 2.7-4.5 1. 7 1. 6-2. 6 8.9 6.0 3.1 0.5 6.3 3.6 0.5 0.3 0.2 T .. .. 150 .. 126 .. 88 .. 119 115 .. 92 .. 826 .. 2.6" 2.7" 3.4" Lactic Acid PAGE: 142 Bili Indirect Alk Phosphatase (SGOT) AST (SGPT) ALT PRIN DATE: 07MAY10 PRIN TIME: 0302 27AiI0 TU 001 _1600_ 16 1. 07 0.79 G1uco:3e 27APRlo 27APRlO SALITA.HU 3.7 19 BUN Creatinine DSCH DATE: 06MAY10 S740A ACCT': 13273510002 6.4-8.3 3.5-5.0 0.2-1.0 0.1-0.5 0.0-0.7 53-148 5-34 0-55 38-174 0.5-2.2 mg/dL mg/dl mg/dl g/dl g/dl mg/dl mg/dl mg/dl U/L U/L U/L U/L mmo1/L --------------------------------- Calculated Re:3u1 ts 9.0 284.5 Anion Gap O:3molality Calc 12.0 7.0-16.0 meq/L 284.4 275.0-290.0 mO:3m/L -------------------------------- -- Urine Chemist ri es ------------------------- -- -------------------------- 76 488 Na Random Urine tT Random Urin 76.04 ~a Random Ur meq/L mg/dl HG/DL KEY TO SYMBOLS ---- T = Abn Alpha Re:3ul t Patient Name: GR JU HEY L S740A Continued on next page... Print Date: 07MAY10 CHMISTRY PRID BY: RWAR DATE 6/2/2010 LABCORP-KNOXVILLE (CLIA 44D0690507) A LABORATORY PARTNRSHIP WITH UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEMS, INC 1924 ALOA HIGHAY (865) 305-9101 KNOXVLLE, TESSEE 37920 Patient Name: GRAJU HENRY L IP/OP MJU: (0000) 1327351 ACCT': 13273510002 Age: 18 YRS '.t Dr. BRACA, PAUL (S-210) SPECIME DATE DAY IDAY OF STAY COLLECTION TIME 27APRlO TUE 001 _1430_ Sodium-Na 141 Chloride-Cl 108 22 Potassiwn-K C02 llUN Creatinine Glucose Calcium-Ca Ca, Corr for Alb Hagnesium-Hg Total Protein A1bwnin Total llili Alk Phospha tase (SGOT) AST (SGPT) ALT Lipase Lactic Acid Anonia-NH DSCH DATE: 06MAY10 S740A ;: LAORATORY FINAL REPORT ;, DOll: 070CT91 Sex: MA NO REFERRING PHYSICIAN Order Dr. PRIN DATE: 07MAY10 SALITA. HU PAGE: 3 27APR10 - TU 001 1240 RE RlGE 136-147 140 3.6 PRI TIME: 0302 3.5-5.3 INTRFER *f 110 * 98-109 20-29 20 UNTS meq/L meq/L meq/L meq/L -- -- ------ ---- ---- -- ---- -- ---- -- -- - --- -- -- --- --- -- -- ------ -- ---- ---- -- -- -------- ------ -- -- -- ---- -- -- ------ mg/dl 7-25 24 0.70-1.50 mg/dl 1.64 * -- -------- -- -- ---- -- ---------- -- -------- -- -------- -- -------- ------ -- ---- ---- ---- ------ -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- ---mg/dl 70-99 103 * 92 -- -------- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -------- -- ------ -- ------ -- -- ------ -- -- ---- -- -- -- ---- -- -------- -- ---- -- -- ---- -----8.4-10.6 mg/dl 7.4 * 7.5 * 8.4-10.6 mg/dL 8.0 .. 8.1 .. mg/dl 1.6-2.6 2.1 2.5 22 1.29 -- ---------- -- ---- ---- -- -------- ------ ---- ------ -- -- ------ -- ------ -- -- -- --- - ---------- -- ---- ---- -- -- ------ 6.4-8.3 g/d1 INRFER *f 3.5-5.0 g/d1 3.2 * mg/dl 0.2-1.0 0.3 -- -- ------ -- -- ---- -- -- -- ------ -- -- ---- -- -------- -- -- ------ -- -- ---- -- -- -------- -- ------ -- -- -- ---- -- -- -----5.8 * 3.3 .. 0.5 53-148 134 136 5-34 0-55 93 * 67 * 104 * 75 * U/L U/L U/L -- ---------- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- ------ ---- ------ -- -- ---- ---- -- ---- -- -- -------- -- -- ---- -- -- -----U/L B-78 14 -- -- -------- -- ---- -- -- -------- -- -- ---- ---- -------- -- ------ -- -- ---- -- -- -- - ----- -------------- ---- -- -- -----irol/L 0.5-2.2 2.5 * 18-72 24 UMOL/L KEY TO SYMBOLS ---.. = Abn Alpha Resul t, f = Eootnote Potassium-K.. .. 27AP10 1240 An assay interference ha5 been detected for tests re5ulted a5 IN. If re5ul t i5 needed, please reorder te5t or ensure test ha5 been reordered by lab so a new specimen can be recollected and assayed. Cause of INRF: SPECIM HEHOLYZED Name of caregiver: TERESA HILL IN ER 04/27/10 14:12 Total Protein.. 27APR10 1240 An aS5ay interference ha5 been detected for tests resulted a5 INR. If re5u1t is needed, please reorder test or ensure test has been reordered by lab so a new specimen can be recollected and assayed. CaU5e of INRF: SPECIM HEMOLYZED Name of caregiver: TERESA HILL IN ER 04/27/iO 14: 13 Patient Name: CEHISTRY GRJU HEY L S740A Continued on next page. .. Print Date: 07HAY10 PRINTD BY: RWAR 6/2/2010 DATE LABGORP-KNOXVILLE (CLIA 44D0690507) A LABORATORY PARTNSHIP WITI UNIVERSITY BEALTI SYSTEMS, INC Patient Name: GRAJU 11'/01' HEY L 1924 ALOA HIGHWAY (865) 305-9101 KNOXVLLE. TESSEE 37920 ACCT': 13273510002 Age: 18 TIS HR,: (0000) 1327351 .it Dr. BRACA,PAUL (S-210) SPECIME DATE DAY/DAY OF STAY COLLECTION TIME 27AlRlO TI 001 _1430 SHOA .( LAORATORY FINAL REPORT ,. DOB: 070CT91 Sex: MA NO REFERRING PHYS ICIA Orde r Dr. SALITA. Ml DSCH DATE: 06MAyiO PRI DATE: 07MAyiO PRI TIME: 0302 PAGE: 4 27APR10 - TI 001 1240 RE RAGE UNTS ------------ ---------- ------ -- -- - Galcul ated Re3u1 t" --------- ------ -- -- ---------------------------------- 11.0 284.2 Anion Gap Osmolality Calc 10.0 283.7 7.0-16.0 ineq/L 275.0-290.0 inO"inL 275-295 301 .. Osmolality. Ser inO"inL KEY TO SYMBOLS ---.. ~ Abn Alpha Re3u1 t Patient Name: CHEMISTRY GR JU HEY L S740A Continued on next page... Print Date: 07MAY10 PRINTD BY: RWA: DATE 6/2/2010 LABCORP-KNOXVILLE (CLIA 44D0690507) A LABORATORY PARTNRSHIP WIlR UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEMS. INC 1924 ALCOA HIGHWAY (865) 305-9101 KNOXVLLE, TESSEE 37920 Patient Name: GRAJU HENRY L IP/OP ACCT': 13273510002 Age: 18 YRS KRI: (0000) 1327351 ''tit Dr. BRACA. PAUL (5-210) COLLECTION TIME 30APRI0 30APRlO SPECIME DATE DAY /DAY OF STAY FRI 004 _0948 FRI 004 _0312 DSCH DATE: 06HAYIO SHOA .( LAORATORY FIN REPORT :; DOB: 070CT91 Sex: HA NO REFERRING PHSICIA Orde r Dr. 29APRlO THO 003 _1318 29APRlO - TH 003 0325 28AIR10 WED 002 1757 SALTA, HU -- PRIN DATE: 07HAYIO PRI TlHE: 0302 PAGE: 5 28API0 WED 002 0408 REF RAGE UNTS -------------------------------- Arterial Blood Gase 5 ____ ____ ____ __ __ ______ -- -- ------ -- -- ------ -- -------0 7.466 * 7.447 * 7.509 * 7.467 * pH Art 30.7 * 32.6 * 30.1 * 35.2 * 68.0 * 96.0 72.0 * 122.0 * pC02 Art p02 Art 95.0 * 98.0 96.0 * 99.0 22.2 * 22.5 * 24.0 25.5 % Sat Oxyg Art HC03 Art Base Excess Art Total C02 Art -2.0 1.0 2.0 23 -2.0 23 25 27 1.446 * 7.452 * 7.360-7.440 35.4 * 34.8 * 38.0-41.0 mmG 77.0 * 145.0 * 80.0-100.0 mmG 96.0 * 99.0 97.0-100.0 %mmol/L 24.3 24.3 23.0-26.0 0.0 25 0.0 25 mmol/L mmol/L - - -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - -- - ----- -- -- ---- -- -- ---- -- -- -- --- --- -- -- ---- -- -- -- - -- - -- -- ---- -- ---- --- --- -- -- -- - --0.60 0.50 0.55 0.40 0.40 0.55 Perf+ Perf+ Perf+ Perf+ Perf+ Perf+ :R LR LR LR LR LR FI02 (Lab) Allen's Test Specimen Site 02 Del Device Vent Hode Resp Rate Pressure Suppor VENT VET VE SIHV VC PS AC VC AC VC AC VC 10 10 30 3D 30 8 5 5 5 5 10 480 RN RN RN RN RN VE VM PEEP Tidal Volume Alert RN VET cm/H20 KEY TO SYMBOLS ---- * ~ Abn Alpha Resul t GRJU HEY L Patient Name: S740A Continued on next page... Print Date: 01HAYIo CARIOPULMONARY PRID BY: RWAR DATE 6/2!2010 LABCORp-XNOXVILLE (CLIA 44D0690507) A LABORATORY PARTNRSHIP WITH UNIVERSITY HEALTs SYSTEMS, INC 1924 ALCOA BIGBAY (865) 305-9101 KNOXVLLE, TESSEE 37920 Patient Name: GRAJU HENRY L IP/OP ACCT': 13273510002 MR': (0000)1327351 Age: 18 YRS . '."it Dr. BRACA. SPECIME DATE DAY/DAY OF STAY COLLECTION TIME pH Art pC02 Art p02 Art % Sat Oxyg Art HC03 Art Base Excess Art Total C02 Art FI02 (Lab) Al1en's Test Specimen Site 02 Del Device Vent Hade Resp Rate PAUL (S-210) 27APRlO TO 001 2029_ 27ApR10 TUE 001 - 1811 DOB: 070CT91 Sex: MA NO REFERRING PHYSICIAN Order Di:. TUE 001 1618 Tidal Volume Alei:t pm DATE: SALITA. Hl pm TIME: PAGE: 0302 6 27ApRI0 27APRlO 27APRlO TO 001 TO 001 _1522_ _1300 REF R1GE UNTS -------------------------------- Artei:ial Blood Ga5es ---- -- -- ---- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- ---- -- -- ------ -- -------- 7.347 ~ 7.356 ~ 7.335 ~ 7.315 ~ 42.3 ~ 40.2 45.2 ~ 48.1 ~ 134.0 ~ 85.0 157.0 ~ 67.0 ~ 99.0 96.0 ~ 99.0 91.0 ~ 23.2 22. 5 ~ 24.1 24.5 -3.0 -3.0 -2.0 -2.0 24 24 25 26 7.165 C 7.360-7.440 68.0 C 38.0-41.0 rnG 58.0 ~ 80.0-100.0 rnG 80.0 ~ 97.0-100.0 24.5 23.0-26.0 %mmol/L -4.0 27 0.80 Perf+ 1.00 Pei:f+ 0.99 Perf+ RR RR VENT VE RR VENT VET VE AC VC AC VC 26 AC VC 24 SIHV VC 26 SIMV VC 14 12 12 RR 480 480 10 480 RN RN RN 18 10 10 650 RN mmol/L mmol/L 0.99 0.80 Perf+ Pressure Suppoi: PEEP DSCH DATE: 06MAYlO 07MAYlO S740A .~ LAORATORY FINAL REPORT ,. Pei:f+ LR 10 10 650 cm/H20 RN KEY TO SYMBOLS ---C = Ci:itical, ~ = Abn Alpha Result Patient Name: GR JU HEY L S740A Continued on next page... Print Date: 07MAY10 CARIOPULMONARY PRINTD BY: RWAR 6/2/2010 DATE LABCORP-XNOXVILLE (CLIA 44D0690501) A LABORATORY PARTNRSHIP WITH UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEMS. INC 1924 ALCOA HIGHWAY (865) 305-9101 Patient Name: GRAJU IP/OP HEY L HRø: (0000) 1327351 KNOXVLLE, TESSEE 31920 ACCTØ: 13213510002 Age: 18 YRS it Dr. BRACA. PAUL (S-210) SPECIME DATE DAY /DAY OF STAY COLLECTION TIME 04MAY10 TOE 008 _0050 S140A .. LAORATORY FINAL REPORT DaB: 010CT91 Sex: MA NO REFERRING PHSICIAN Or:der: Dr:. 03MAYlO 02MAY10 HON 001 SUN 006 _1140_ _0350 DSCR DATE: 06MAY10 / SALITA. HU PRI DATE: 01MAY10 PRI TIME: 0302 1 PAGE: OlHYlO 30APRlO 29APR10 SAT 005 ERI 004 TH 003 _0310_ _0200_ _0401_ REF RAGE UNTS __________________ ---------- -------- Blood Cell Count ------ ---------------- -------------- ---------- ------ 13.1 T 13.0 * 12.8 * 14.1 12.0 * 12.1 * 14.0-18.0 g/dl 36.6 * 37.4 * 36.9 * 40.6 * 34.1 * 35.4 * 42.0-52.0 % Hemoglobin Hematocrit 7.3 9.9 132 10.3130-400 4.8-12.5 x10-3 x10-3 292 7.4 29011.4 221 14.1 191 *161 WEC Platelet Neut Lymph Hono Eo" Baso __ ________ -- ------ -- -- --------- Au tomated Di fferen ti al ------- ---- -- -- -- ------------------ -------- -- -----. 13.9 12.9 82.0 * 85.2 * 86.3 * 90.5 * 42.2-15.2 % 13.3 * 13.7 * B.4 * 7.1 * B.9 * 6.5 * 20.5-51.1 % % % % % % 11.6 12.10.8 * B.6 4.1 0.0 2.9 1.1-10.0 0.9 *1.0 , 10.0 %% o . 3 O. 3 0 .2 a ~ 1 0 ~ 5 0.1 0.0- 2.0 % 5.4 5.4 9.3 * 12.5 * *B.6 * *9.3 ** 1.4-6.5 x10-3 1.0 * 1.0 ~ 1.0 * 1.0 0.9 0.7 1.2-3.4 xlO-3 0.8 0.9 * 1.0 * 1.1 * 0.4 0.3 0.0-0.8 xlO-3 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0-0.1 x10-3 ____ __ ____________ ---- -- ---- -- Ab"ol ute Leukocyte Count -- ---- ------ -- -- ---- ------------ ------------ -----. Neut Ct Lymh Ct Hono Ct 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0-0.2 xl0-3 Eo" Ct Baso Ct B9.5 91.6 31.6 91.1 32.0 92.1 31.1 91.B 31.B 93.2 27.0-34.0 80.0-95.0 pg fL 31.9 31.8 35.1 12.6 34.7 13.1 34.5 13.2 34.1 13.2 34.5 12.9 34.1 13.433.0-31.0 11.5-14.5g/dl % __ __ __ ____ __ __ ---- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- --- Ce 11 Indice" - -------- -- ---- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -------- -- ------ ---- --- --' MCV MCH HCRC ROW MPV REC 6.6 * 6.7 * 1.0 * 1.1 * 7.3 * 1.1 * 7.4-10.4 fL 4.09 * 4.0B * 4.03 * 4.41 3.1B * 3.80 * 4.10-5.60 xl0-6 -- -- ------ ---- ---- -- -- -- ---- ---- -- ---- -- -- ------ -- -- ------ ---- ---- -- ---- ---- -- ---------- -------- -- -- ----_. SUSPCT'D * Imat Gran,,/LS Slide Review VALID VALID SUSPCT'D * VALID KEY TO SYMBOLS ---- T ~ Abn Alpha Re"u1 t Patient Name: GR JU HEY L S740A HEMATOLOGY PRINTD BY: RWAR 6/2/2010 DATE Continued on next page... 1 MAY 10 Print Date: o LABCOR:P-KNOXVILLE (CLIA 44D0690507) A LABORATORY PARTNRSHIP WITa UNIVERSITY HEALTR SYSTEMS, INC 1924 ALCOA HIGHAY (865) 305-9101 KNOXVLLE, TESSEE 37920 SHOA Patient Name: GRAJU HENRY L .( LA0RATORY FINAL REPORT :; ACCTf: 13273510002 I:P/OP DOB: 070CT91 Sex: MA Age: 18 YRS HRø: (0000) 1327351 NO REFERRING PHSICIAN Order Dr. -it Dr. BR1CA, PAUL (S-210) SPECIME DATE DAY /DAY OF STAY COLLECTION TIME -- DSCB DATE: 06MAY10 SALITA, HU PRIN DATE: 07MAY10 PRIN TIME: 0302 :PAGE: 8 27APR10 28APRlO WED 002 0355_ TU 001 1240 REF RAGE UNTS ---- ---------------- ---- ---- ---- ---- Blood Cell Count - ------------------------- -------------------------- Hemoglobin Hematocrit WEC Platelet Neut % Lymph Mono % % Eo" % Basa % Neut Ct Lymh Ct Hono Ct Eo" Ct Baso Ct MCV MeR HCBC ROW MPV REC 130-400 202 142 Automated Differential 87.1 8.0 4.9 0.0 0.0 70.9 * * 21. 5 7.4 0.0 0.2 42.2-75.2 20.5-51.1 1. 7-10.0 10.0 .( g/d1 % x10-3 xl0-3 % % % % % 0.0-2.0 Ab"olute Leukocyte Count x10-3 1.4-6.5 7.6 * 8.9 * x10-3 1.2-3.4 2.3 0.8 * x10-3 O.O-O.B 0.8 0.5 x10-3 0.0-0.7 0.0 0.0 xl0-3 0.0-0.2 0.0 0.0 -- ---- ---- -- ---- - - -- ---- ---- -- -- ----- Ce 11 Indice" - --- - ------ -- -- -- -- -- - --- -- -- ---------- -------- -- -- ---80.0-95.0 fL 93.5 92 .2 27.0-34.0 pg 32.0 32.4 33.0-37.0 g/dl 34.2 35.2 % 11.5-14 .5 13.1 13.3 7.4-10.4 fL 6.9 * 7.2 * 4.10-5.60 x10-6 4.68 4. 60 -- -- ------ -- -- -- ---- -- -- - --- ---- ------ ---- -------- -- --- - -- -- ---- -- -- -- --- --- -- ------------ ------ -- ----- --- Imat Gran,,/LS SUSPCT'D * Large Plate1e t" Anü,ocyo"i" 14.0-18.0 42.0-52.0 4.8-12.5 15.0 43.8 10.7 14.9 42.4 10.3 CONFR'D * CONFR'D CONFR'D HiCi:OCyt03is CONF'D Slide Review TECH KEY TO SYMBOLS ---- * = Abn Alpha Re"ul t GRJU HEY L Patient Name: S740A HEMATOLOGY PRINTD BY: RWAR 6/2/2010 DATE Continued on next page... Print Date: 07MAY10 LABCORP-KNOXVILLE (CLIA 44D0690507) A LABORATORY PARTNRSHIP WITH UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEMS. INC 1924 ALCOA HIGHWAY (865) 305-9101 KNOXVLLE, TESSEE 37920 Patient Name: GRAJU HENRY L IP/OP HRø: (0000) 1327351 SPECIME DATE DAY/DAY OF STAY COLLECTION TIME DOB: 070CT91 Sex: MA Age: 18 YRS NO REFERRING PHYSICIAN Order Dr. - . üt Dr. BRACA, PAUL (S-210) 01HAY10 SAT 005 0312 28APR10 WED 002 0955 DSCH DATE: 06MAY10 SHOA ;: LAORATORY FINAL REPORT ;, ACCT': 13273510002 28APRlO 27APR10 WED 002 TU 001 0355_ _2210_ 27APR10 TOE 001 1600 SALITA,MU PRI DATE: 07HAY10 PRI TIME: 0302 PAGE: 9 27AP10 TOE 001 _1430_ RE RAGE UNTS CPK ME CPK Total HB/CPK Index T roponin- STAT 01HAY10 0312 28APR10 0955 28APR10 0355 27AP10 2210 27APR10 1600 27APR10 1430 critical cri tical critical Troponin re"ult to Troponin re"u1t to Troponin re"u1t to cri tical Troponin re"u1 t to 14.7 * 1. 42 *f 38.3 *f Prothrombin 'I INR PTT KEY TO SYMBOLS ---C = Critical. * ~ Abu Alpha Result, f Patient Name: GR JU HEY L 9.3-11 .3 Sec 24.4-31. 4 Sec 0.90-1.10 Footnote S740A CARIAC/COAG PRINTD BY: RWAR 6/2/2010 DATE Continued on next page... Print Date: 07HAY10 LABCORP-KNOXVILLE A LABORATORY PARTNRSHIP WITH UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEMS, INC (CLIA 4400690507) 1924 ALCOA HIGHWAY (865) 305-9101 :KOXVLLE. TESSEE 37920 Patient Name: GRAJU HENRY L IP/OP ACCTf: 13273510002 HRf: (0000) 1327351 PAUL (S-210) - '-'lt Dr. BRACA. SPECIME DATE DAY/DAY OF STAY COLLECTION TUil CPK MB CPK Total Age: 18 YRS S740A '= LAORATORY FINAL REPORT DSCH DATE: 06MAY10 J DOB: 070CT91 Sex: MA NO REFERRING PHSICIAN Order Dr. PRIN DATE: 07MAY10 SALTA, MU PRI TIME: 0302 PAGE: 10 27APRlO - TU 001 1240 REF RAGE UNTS --------------------------------- CK MB Direct Assay ----------------------------------------------------. 4.7 0.0-5.0 NG/HL 377 * 38-174 1.2 f M:/CPK Index U/L ---------- -------- ---- -- -----Othe r Cardi ac Assays -------------------------- ---------- -------------- -----. T roponin- STAT 5.07 Cf 27APR10 1240 Critical results repeated phoned to and read back by:AMER WAR RN 04/27/10 13:48 Coagulation Studies Prothrombin Tm 12.6 .. INR 1. 21 *f HB/CPK Index (30MAY07 -- Current) (Note: Due to CK assay sensitivity constraints, results 0.00-0.15 ng/ml 9.3-11.3 0.90-1.10 Sec between 0.0 and 0.7 ng /mL should be considered simply less than 0.7 ng/in) If CK-HE J 5 ng/ml with Total CPK '= 400 HIU/ml Myocardial Injury Possible If CK-HE J 5 ng/ml with Total CPK J 400 MIU/ml Use Index to assess the likelihood that the elevated results are due to Myocardial Injury. If Index J 2 then Myocardial Injury is possible If Index J 1 but , 2 then results are Inconclusive. If Index '= 1 then Myocardial Inj ury is not likely. Serial CK-HE results provide optimal clinical information especially in the case of small and/or evolving infarction. If Total CPK levels are high (eg.. skeletal muscle trauma or shock) use of the CK-HE/T.CPK index may be useful in factoring out the small percent of CK-ME present in SKeletal muscle as noted above. (The CP./CK ratio is only valid if the CPK Total is 400 IU/L or greater.) ?onin-STAT (27JANO -- Current) This Troponin-I assay is calibrated against the new NIST Reference Material. Three troponin concentration limits are considered clinically useful for detection of acute coronary syndromes as noted below. Results are flagged on reports as elevated based on tbe American College of Cardiology (ACC) KEY TO SYMBOLS C = Critical, '* Patient Name: Ahn Alpha Resul t. f GR JU HEY L Footnote S740A CARIAC/COAG PRINTD BY: RWAR 6/2/2010 DATE Continued on next page... Print Date: 07MAY10 LABCORP-KNOXVILLE A LABORATORY PARTNRSHIP WITH UNVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEMS. INC Patient Name: GRAJU HENRY L IP/OP (CLIA 4 4D0690S07) 1924 ALCOA HIGHAY (865) 305-9101 KNOXVLLE. TESSEE 37920 ACCT': 13273510002 HR,: (0000) 1327351 Age: 18 YRS Admit Dr. BRACA, PAUL (5-210) SHOA -e LAORATORY FIN REPORT ;, DOB: 070CT91 Sex: MA NO REFERRING PHYSICIAN Order Dr. DSCH DATE: 06MAY10 SALITA. MU PRI DATE: 07MAYlO PRDI TIME: 0302 PAGE: 11 )ponin-STAT (27JANO -- Current) guideline limi ts. 99th Percentile Limit of the Normal Range Cutoff based on ACC/ESC Guidelines Cutoff based on waD Guidelines 0.04 ng/mL 0.16 ng/mL 0.30 ng/mL Note: Due to Troponin assay sensitivity constraints, results between 0.0 and 0.02 ng/mL should be considered simply less than 0.02 ng/rn. INR (16JAN7 -- Current) The following rN ranges are referenced in the University CLINCAL STATE DESIRD IN of Tennessee Medical Center Hospital Formulary. Prophylaxis-venous thromboembolism (high risk surgery) 2-3 Treatment of deep vein thrombosis or Pulmonary Embolism 2-3 To prevent systemic embolism in patients with: atrial fibrillation valvular heart disease tissue heart valves acute myocardial infarction recurrent myocardial infarction Bi1eaflet mechanical valve in aortic position (with no additional risk factors) 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 2.5-3.5 2-3 2.5-3.5 Mechanical prosthetic valves (high risk) IN ranges are not well studied in children. Adult-based ranges should be used; howeve r. limited available data suggest that children may respond clinically at lower rN values. PTT (03OCT07 -- Current) FTT MElI = 28.0 SEC FTT therapeutic range has been established as 40-62 seconds which is the expected range for heparin blood levels of 0.2 - 0.4 u/m1. Patient Name: GRJU HEY L S740A Continued on next page... Print Date: 07MAYI0 PRINTD BY: RWAR 6/2/2010 DATE LABCORP-KNOXVILLE (CLIA 44D0690507) A LABORATORY PARTNRSffP WITH UNIVERSITY HEALTR SYSTEMS. INC 1924 ALCOA ffGBAY (865) 305-9101 KNOXVLL, TESSEE 37920 Patient Name: GRAJU HENRY L IP/OP ACCT': 13273510002 ,MRf: (0000)1327351 SPECIME DATE DAY /DAY OF STAY COLLECTION TIME Type Collection Appearance Color Spec Gravity 06HAYIO TH 010 Protein G1ucose Ketone.. 2BAPRIO WED 002 27APRlO Til 001 0522 1255 etc random cath CLEAR CLEAR CLEAR YELLOW YELLOW YELLOW NEG f 1.021 6.0 30 HG/DL 'f NEG NEG NEG NEG NEG NEG Nitrite.. urobilinogen Bile WBC E..ter=e Biood, Urine MA NO REFERRING PHSICIAN Order Dr. 1305 1.021 5.5 pH DOB: o70CT91 Sex: Age: IB YRS ~it Dr. BRACA. PAUL (S-210) NEG TRCE .. NEG NEG NEG NEG SH ' SM .. DSCH DATE: 06HAY10 S740A -( LAORATORY FINAL REPORT ;: SALTA. HU PRI DATE: 07HAY10 PRI TIME: 0302 PAGE: REF RAGE 12 UNTS Ur:ine MaCI:05COpic NA 1.005-1.030 1.010 5.0 4.5-7.0 NEG f 300 .. NEG NEG NEG NEG NEG NEG NEG NEG NEG NEG NEG NEG NEG -- -- ------ -- -- --- --- ---- ---- ---- -- Urine Hie r05cop ic -- ----- -- ------ -- ------ -- ---- ------ -- ------ -- -- -----0-5 2 2 1 IHPF WBC 19 .. RBC o 3 o Epithelial Cell o Hucous FEW ' Protein (19JU98 Current) 0-5 IHPF IHPF REF RAGE UNTS o Thi" ana1y..i" i" mo..t "ensitive in the detection of albumn; it i" Ie.... "en"itive to other urinary protein". Pure monoclonal kappa and lamda light chains (Bence-Jone.. Proteins) are not detected. If the latter is suspected. urine imunofixatioD i3 3ugge3ted. SPECIME DATE DAY/DAY OF STAY COLLECTION TIME Dr Other 1 Count ; Count 27APRlO Til 001 1501 27Al'R10 TU 001 _1500_ ----------------------- Bronchiole/Alveolar Lavage Diffe rential SEE CYTO Bronchiole/Alveolar Lavage Cell Count % CUH CUH 83 48 KEY TO SYMOLS ---- .. ~ Abn Alpha Re"ult. f ~ Footnote Patient Name: BODY FLUIDS GR JU HEY L S740A Continued on next page... URINALYSIS PRINTD BY: RWAJ 6/2/2010 DATE Print Date: 07MAY10 LABCORP-KNOXVILLE (CLIA 4400690507) A LABORATORY PARTNRSHIP WIll UNVERSITY BEALll SYSTEMS. INC 1924 ALCOA HIGHAY (865) 305-9101 irOXVLLE. TESSEE 37920 Patient Name: GRAJU HENRY L IP/OP ACCTf: 13273510002 1m,: (0000)1327351 Age: 18 YRS ~ .'."it Dr. BRACA, PAUL (S-210) SPECIME DATE DAY /DAY OF STAY COLLECTION TIME SHOll ~ IAORATORY FlN REPORT DSCH DATE: 06MAY10 / DOB: 070CT91 Sex: MA NO REFERRING PHSICIAN Order Dr. SALITA. MU PRIN DATE: 07HAYlO PRIN TIME: 0302 13 PAGE: 06MAY10 30APR10 27APRlO TH 010 ERI 004 TOE 001 _0105_ _0200_ _1600_ Hepatitis Serology Hep BS Ag Scrn Negative E 0.08 E Hep Bc-IgM Ab Hep A IgM Ab NOlACT f REE RAGE UNTS Negative ~ 0.80 Index NONRACT KEY TO SYMBOLS f - Footnote Rep BS Ag Scrn (120CT07 -- Current) The results from positive Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (ElSAg) tests should be considered preliminary until they are confirmed positive by neutralization studies that will be performed automatically and reported when complete. Rep Bc-IgM Ab (05FEB07 -- Current) This assay determines the qualitative amount of IgM antibody to Hepatitis B Core Antigen (IgM ant i-HB c) present in the submitted samle. The detection of IgM anti-BEc suggests possible acute BEV infection. Index Measured Result / 1.2 Reactive Presumptive evidence of IgM anti-HBc 0.80 to 1.20 Gray Zone - Reactive Presumptive evidence of IgM anti-BEc. Patients with specimens exhibiting gray zone reactive test results should be retested at approximately one-week intervals. ~ 0.8 NonReactive IgM anti-Elc not detected. Does not exclude the possihili ty of exposure to or infection with HBV. , A IgM Ab (21FEB07 -- Current) ***New Methodology Ahbot AxSym by HEIA Method**** AXSYM BAVI-M (BEP AIGM) RESULT IJRPRETATION A) REACTIVE - Presumtive evidence of IgM antibodies to BAV. B) GRYZONE - IgM antibodies to HAV mayor may not be present. Patients with specimens exhibiting grayzone reactive results should be retested at one-week intervals. C)NONRCTIV - IgM antibodies to BAV not detected; does not exclude early acute or recovered HAV infection Patient Name: GRJU HEY L S740A Continued on next page... Print Date: 07HAYlO MI SCELLAOU S PRID BY: RWAR DATE 6/2/2010 LABCORP-KNOXVILLE (CLIA 44D0690507) A LABORATORY PARTNSHIP WITH UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEMS. INC 1924 ALCOA BIGBWAY (865) 305-9101 KNOXVLLE, TESSEE 37920 ACCT': 13273510002 IPIOP MR': (0000) 1327351 Age: 18 TIS -'lit Dr. BRACA. PAUL (S-210) SPECIME DATE 06MAY10 TH 010 DAY IDAY OE STAY 0105_ COLLECTION TIME DSCR DATE: 06MAYlO SHOll Patient Name: GRAJU HENRY L 30APRIO - - PRIN DATE: 07MAY10 .. LAORATORY FINAL REPORT 7 DOB: 070CT91 Sex: MA NO REFERRING PHSICIAN Orde r Dr. SALITA. HU 0200 1600_ HIY Assays .:48 f TO SYMBOLS ---Footnote BIY-l YiralLoad C Ab (17AUG09 -- 14 TUE 001 0.45 f HIV-l YiralLoad ø KEY f = ~ = Hep PAGE: 27APRlO FlU 004 --------~---------------------- Hepati tis Serology Hep C i\ PR1 TIME: 0302 REF RAGE UNTS 0.00-0.79 SiCa 0.0-0.0 xlO-3 =Perforred at PER LOC: LabCorp (34D0655059) Current) (s/co = Samle to Cutoff Ratio) NONRCTIVE: 0.00 to 0.79 GRAYZONE: 0.80 to 0.99 REACTIVE: 71.00 Positive results for RIBA Anti-RCV indicate a past or present HCV infection. Qualitative RCV RNA testing will differentiate active from resolved infection. Nonreactive results for AntiHCV indicate no infection with Rev, unle53 recent infection is suspected or other evidence exists to indicate HCY infection. -1 YiralLoad (03JA97 -- Current) The results of this test are reported in HI-l (viral particles) genome equivalents in lOOO's/ml HIY-l RNA is detected in a multi-step process involving first the in vitro synthesis of cDNA followed by amplification of the target sequence by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR*) and detection of HI-l arlicons using specific DNA probes (AHLICOR(tm) my Monitor assay). BIY-1 RN quantitation is achieved by co-amlifying internal quantitation standards. *PGR is performed under license from Roffman-LaRoche. Inc. Patient Name: GR JU HEY L S740A HI SCELLAOU S PRID BY: RWAR DATE 6/2/2010 Continued on next page... Print Date: 07MAY10 LABCORP-KNOXVILLE A LABORATORY PARTNRSHIP WIll UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEMS, INC Patient Name: G:RJU HENRY L IP/OP ACCT': 13273510002 HR,: (0000)1327351 Age: 18 YRS Admit Dr. BRACA, PAUL (S-210) SPECIME DATE DAY /DAY OF STAY COLLECTION TIME (CLIA 44D0690507) 1924 ALOA HIGHAY (865) 305-9101 :KOXVLLE. TESSEE 37920 06HAY10 30APR10 TH 010 ERI 004 0105_ _0200_ S740A ~ LAORATORY FINAL REPORT DOB: 070CT91 Sex: DSCE DATE: 06MAY10 J MA NO REFERRING PHYSICIA Order Dr. PRIN DATE: 07MAY10 SALTA. Hl PRI TIHE: 0302 PAGE: 15 27APRlO TUE 001 1600 NON REAC f NON REC UNTS 208-963 pg/ml ng/ml REF RAGE -- -- ------------------ ---------- --- HIV As says --------------------- ---------------------- -------- ------- HI Ab 1095 * 9.4 Vitamin B12 Folate SPECIME DATE DAY/DAY OF STAY COLLECTION TIME 7.2-15.4 30APRlO FR 004 0200 RE RAGE UNTS ---- ------ -- -- --- - -- -- -- - Imunology/ S er01 og ---- -- ------ -- -- ---- ---- -- ---- -- -- -------- -- --- --- -- ------- CRP Pre-Albumin CRP (11APR06 0.0-0.8 13.6 *f 12 * Current) 18-45 mg/dl mg/dl **"'*ote*+* Due to C-Reactive Protein assay sensitivity constraints, results between 0.0 and 0.5 mg/dL should be considered simply less than 0.5 mg/dL. KEY TO SYMBOLS ---T = Abn Alpha Result. f = Footnote EIV Ab (050CT07 -- Current) **IF THS TEST is PART OF A NEEDLE STICK (N STICK) PANL AN THE TEST RESULT IS NOT DONE (ND). PLEASE SEE THE RESULT FOR TE OTHER HIV TEST (mV SUDS) IN THS PANL** HIV Ab is a test for detecting the presence of IgG & IgM antibodies to HIV Tye-l and HI Tye-2 in human serum. THS IS A SCRING TEST. Reactive results should be considered TEATIV until confirmed by Western-Blot or other appropriate methods. Reactive screens are NOT reflexively confirmed by Western-Blot at this institution and must be requested by the ordering physician. Patient Name: GRJU HEY L S740A HI SCELLAOU S SEROLOGY PRINTD BY: RWAR 6/2/2010 DATE Continued on next page... Print Date: 07MAY10 LABCORP-KNOXVILLE A LABORATORY PARTNRSHIP WITH UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEMS, INC 1924 ALCOA HIGHAY (865) 305-9101 KNOXVLLE, TESSEE 37920 Patient Name: GRAJU HENRY L IP/OP ACCTØ: 13273510002 MR': (0000) 1327351 Age: 18 Y.S "'drit Dr. BRACA. PAUL (S-210) SPECIME DATE DAY/DAY OF STAY COLLECTION TIME 30APRlO FR 004 0845 (CLIA 44D0690507) S740A .. LAORATORY FINAL REPORT DOB: 070CT9l Sex: J MA NO :RFERRING PHSICIA Order Dr. 28APR10 _0955_ Ace taminophen WED 002 Acetaminophen (11APR06 -- Current) 0.1 * 28APRlO 27APRIO WED 002 TU ODI DSCH DATE: 06MAYIO 07MAYIO PR DATE: SALITA. l£ 27APRIO 27APIO 1600 TOE 001 _1255_ 0355_ _2210_ TO 001 Therapeutic Drug Monitoring 0.0* 0.0* 0.0 * PRI TIME: 0302 PAGE: 16 REF RAGE UNTS 10.0-30.0 ug/mL 5.0-10.0 ug/mL Therapeutic Range: 5 - 20 ug/mL Toxic: J 100 ug/mL (4 hrs after ingestion) Vancomycin, Teoii J 40 ug/mL (12 hrs after ingestion) 4.6 * unk Time of Dose Opiates, Ur Cocaine Sci Ur Amhetamines. Ur Bai:biturates. Ur Cannabinoids Benzodiazepine3 Phencyclidine Creatinine, Ur Drug Info ------ ---- -------- -- ----- Drug Profile. Urine -- ---- -------------------- ------ ---------------- ------ -- ---. NEG NEG NG/HL POS * NEG NG/HL NEG NEG NG/HL NEG NEG NG/HL POS * NEG NG/HL POS * NEG NG/HL NEG NEG NG/HL 109.92 FtNote - f mg/ci KEY TO SYMBOLS * = Abn Alpha Result. f = Footnote Drug Info (14SEP07 -- Current) Posi tive results from this or any imnological Urine Drug Screen suggest that a drug having the general structui:e of drugs of that class is present in the urine sample. A final determnation about the presence of a drug of abuse in urine can be made through confinnatory testing (e.g.. by GeMS analyais) . ** Result Interpretation: Levels above the cut-off point are suggestive for presence of the drug in question. Urine samles will be reported as positive for a drug class if levels exceed the cutoff levels shown below. *** Cutoff Levels for Positive *** THC (Cannabinoids) 50 ng/mL Opiates300 ng/mL Amphetamine 1000 ng/mL Cocaine300 ng /mL Barbiturates 200 ng/mL Benzodiazepine.s 200 ng/mL Phencyclidine (PCP) 25 ng/mL ** Opiate Caution: Routine urine di:ug screens foi: opiates are about 20X less sensitive for detection of oxycodone (ti:adename: oxycontin) than for opiates like codeine and morphine. (it would take 6.000 ng/mL of urine oxycodone to show a positive opiate screen vs 300 ng/mL of morphine). If testing for oxycodone is needed a separate assay foi: oxycodone should be ordered. Patient Name: GR JU HEY L S740A TOKICOLOGY PRID BY: RWAR DATE 6/2/2010 Continued on next page... Pi:int Date: 07HAYIO LABCORP-XNOXVILLE (CLIA 44D0690507) A LABORATORY PARTNRSHIP WIll UNIVERSITY BEAL'l SYSTEMS, INC 1924 ALCOA HIGHAY (865) 305-9101 :KOXVLLE, TESSEE 37920 Patient Name: GRAJU BENRY L IP/OP Age: 18 YRS HR,: (0000) 1327351 1it Dr. BRACA. DSCl DATE: 06MAY10 SHOA ACCTf: 13273510002 PAUL (5-210) -: LAORATORY FINAL REPORT ., DOB: 070CT91 Sex: MA NO REF.RRING PHSICIAN Order Dr. SALTA, HU PRDI DATE: 07MAYIO PRD TIML: 0302 PAGE: 17 ..i:ug Info (14SEP07 -- Current) Oxyrorphone, Naloxone. and Meperidine are not detected. ** Amhetamine Caution: If the amhetamine drug screen test is positive. specific identification of the drug detected (e.g. methamhetamne. amphetamine) can be done by ordering confirmatory testing by GC/HS. Most over the counter antihistamnes are not detected by this method (e.g., pseudoephedrine and ephedrine) . ** PCP Caution: Cross Reactivities causing false positives for PCP have been seen with use of cold medications containing Dextromethoi:han. ** THC Caution: pantoprazole (e.g..Pi:otonix/Somac) can cause false positive urine TaG re~ult3. ** BENZODIAZEPIN Caution: Sertraline (e.g., Zo1oft, Lustral, Apo-Sertral. Agentra, Gladem, Serlift, Stimuloton, Xydep. Serlain. Concorz) can cause false positive urine benzodazepine resul t3 . Patient Name: GR JU HEY L S740A PRINTD BY: RWAR 6/2/2010 DATE Continued on next page... Print Date: 07HAYI0 LABCORP-XNOXVILLE (CLIA 44D0690501) A LABORATORY PARTNRSHIP WITH UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEMS. INC 1924 ALCOA HIG~AY (865) 305-9101 :KOXVLLE. TESSEE 31920 Patient Name: GRAJU HENRY L ACCT': 13213510002 IP/OP Age: 18 TIS MR' : (0000) 1321351 lit Dr. BRACA. SPECIME DATE DAY/DAY OF STAY COLLECTION THil PAUL (5-210) DSCH DATE: 06MAY10 SHOA .. IAORATORY FINAL REPORT :; DOB: 010CT91 Sex: MA NO REFERRING PHSICIAN Order Dr. PRDI DATE: 01MAY10 PRI TIME: 0302 SALITA, MU PAGE: 18 21APRlO TU 001 1240_ RE RAGE UNTS __ ____________ ___________ Therapeu tic Drug Moni toring --------------------------------------------------ug/mL 10.0-30.0 Ace taminophen 2 . 0 ~ Acetaminophen (11APR06 -- Current) Therapeutic Range: 5 - 20 ug/mL Toxic: :; 100 ug/mL (4 hr~ after inge~tion) Phenobarb. Rand Time of Do~e Salicylate :; 40 ug/mL (12 hr~ after inge~tion) 0.1 ~ am 0.0 ~f 15.0-40.0 2.8-20.0 ug/mL mg/dl KEY TO SYMBOLS ---T = Abn Alpha Result. f = Footnote Salicylate (Initial -- Current) Patient Name: Therapeutic: 2.8-20.0 mg/d1 Toxic: ;, 30 mg/dl Severe Toxicity: ;, 50 mg/dl GR JU HEY L S140A TOXICOLOGY PRID BY: RWAR DATE 6/2/2010 Continued on next page... Print Date: 01MAY10 LABCORP-KNOXVILLE (CLIA ~4D0690507) A LABORATORY PARTNRSilP WITI UNVERSITY HEALTI SYSTEMS. INC Patient Name: GRJU 1924 ALCOA HIGHAY (865) 305-9101 KNOXVLLE. TESSEE 37920 ACCTØ: 13273510002 DOB: 070CT91 Sex: MA NO REFERRING PHSICIAN Order Dr. PRDI DATE: 07MAY10 SALITA, HU PRD TIKE: 0302 PAGE: 19 27APRlO SPECIME DATE TO 001 DAY IDAY OE STAY COLLECTION TIME Tricyclic Sc Age: lS YRS PAUL (S-2L0) ~1mit Dr. BRACA, DSCH DATE: 06MAYlO S740A ;: LAORATORY FINAL REPORT :; HENRY L IP/OP MRø: (0000) 1327351 1240_ RE RAGE UNTS Toxicology Studies --- -- -- ------ -- -- --- ----- -- --- - -- -- ------ -- -- ------ -- -- -- --- of ;: 50 ng/lI KEY TO SYMBOLS ---f ~ Eootnote Tricyclic Sc (12APR06 -- Current) The following tricyclic antidepressants and metabolites will produce positive results with the Abbott TCA assay above the sensitivity (20.00 ng/ml) Compound Concentration Tested (ng/mL) Amitriptyline 100 Clomipramne 100 Desipriamne 100 Doxepin 100 Cis-l0-Hydroxyamit riptyline 300 Cis-l0-Hydroxyort riptyline 300 2-Hydroxydesipramne 300 2-Bydroxyimipramine 300 Imipramne-N-Oxide 75 Nordoxepin SOD Nortriptyline 100 Prot riptyline 100 Trimipramine 100 Positive results may be obtained when the specimen contains seve ral drugs or metabolites whose cumulative response exceeds the positive/ negative decision level even though an individual drug may be present at levels less than those given above. Because of variable metabolite levels and the broad antibody specificity, no specific concentration can be associated with a positive result. Positive results should be confirmed and quantitated by an alternate methodology. *** Cross-reactivity info: Carbarazepine, when present at concentrations ranging from 2 ug/mL to 20 ug/mL (therapeutic range for Carbamazepine is 4 to 12 ugmL). will produce positive TCA values using the Abbott AxSym assay. Please consider thi5 when evaluating patient results ~ Patient Name: GRJU HEY L S740A TOXICOLOGY PRID BY: RWAR DATE 6/2/2010 Continued on next page... Print Date: 07HAY10 LABCORP-KNOXVILLE (CLIA 44D0690507) A LABORATORY PARTNSHIP WITH UNIVERSITY BEALTH SYSTEMS, INC 1924 ALCOA HIGHAY (865) 305-9101 KNOXVLLE, TESSEE 37920 Patient Name: GRAJU BENRY L IP/OP MRI: (0000)1327351 ACCT': 13273510002 Age: 18 TIS PAUL (S-210) it Dr:. BRACA. DSCR DATE: 06MAY10 SHOA .( LAORATORY FINAL REPORT ;, DOB: 070CT91 Sex: MA NO REFERRING PHSICIAN Order Dr:. SALITA, MU PRIN DATE: 07MAY10 PRIN TIME: 0302 PAGE: 20 27AlR10 TOE 001 SPECIME DATE _1240_ DAY/DAY OF STAY COLLECTION TIME REF RAGE UNTS __ __ ______ __ -- --- - -- -- -- - Toxi col ogy S tudi e3 --- ---- ------ ---- ---- ------ ---- ---- ------ -- -- ------ -- - - ------ 0-100 ,10.0 f Alcohol mg/dl 27AlR10 SPECIME DATE TO 001 _1501_ DAY /DAY OF STAY COLLECTION TIME Sour:ce-Culture ~ REF RAGE UNTS Refer:ence Labor:atory Te3ting --- -- -- ------ ---- --- - -- -- --- - -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- --- --- LAVAGE KEY TO SYMBOLS ---f ~ Footnote § = Sour:ce-Cultur:e =Perfor:med at PERF LOC: LabCorp (34D0655059) Alcohol (19DEC05 -- Cur:r:ent) (NOTE: Intoxication i3 often pre3umed at alcohol (ethanol) leve13 equal to or greater than 80 mg/dL). To conver:t thi3 re3ult to the gram3/weight unt3 u5ed in legal ca3e3 the decimal point need3 to be moved three place3 to the left. Since clinical lab3 te3t 3erum r:ather than whole blood the alcohol level r:e5ult3 will range from 1.10 to 1.35 time3 higher in 3erum than in blood alcohol levels in concur:r:ently collected samples. (Nature 217: 693-694. 1968). The degree of elevation of serum over whole blood alcohol levels i5 dependent almost entir:ely on the amount of red blood cells in the patients whole blood samle expessed as hematocrit. A rough approximation of whole blood alcohol, based on serum alcohol levels, can be made using the following formula: Whole Blood Alcohol = ((seru alcohol)/(decimal fraction of BeT)) * 0.35 as an example ~ ((100 mg/dL)/(0.45 RCT)) * 0.35 78 mg/dL Patient Name: S740A GR JU HEY L TOXICOLOGY SE OUT TESTS PRID BY: RWAR DATE 6/2/2010 Continued on next page... Print Date: 07MAYIO LABCORP-KNOXVILLE (CLIA 44D0690507) A LABORATORY PARTNHIP WITH UNIVERSITY BEALTa SYSTEMS, INC 1924 ALCOA HIGHAY (865) 305-9101 KNOXVLLE, TESSEE 37920 Patient Name: GRAJU HENRY L IP/OP KRB: (0000) 1327351 ACCT': 13273510002 Age: 18 YRS DOB: 070CT91 Sex: BLOOD DSCR DATE: 06MAY10 / MA NO REFERRING PHYSICIAN Order Dr. Admit Dr. BRACA. PAUL (S-210) _JLTU. S740A , LAORATORY FINAL REPORT PRIN DATE: 07MAYlO PRll TIME: 0302 PAGE: 21 SALITA. MU ACCESSION COLLECTED: 30APR10 1250 SOURCE: BLOOD BLOOD l 10-120-1154 RECEIVED: 30APRlO 1315 STARTED: 30APR10 1406 FINAL REPORT No growth at 5 CULTU. 06MAY10 0645 day" ACCESSION BLOOD COLLECTED: 30APR10 1245 SOURCE: BLOOD BLOOD l 10-120-1153 RECEIVED: 30APRlO 1315 STARTED: 30APR10 1406 FINAL REPORT No growth at CULTU. 5 06MAY10 day" 0645 BLOOD ACCESSION l ACCESSION l COLLECTED: 29APR10 0912 SOURCE: BLOOD BLOOD FINAL REPORT No growth at 5 CULTU. 05MAY10 day" 10-119-0800 RECEIVED: 29APRlO 0921 STARTED: 29APRlO 1023 0703 BLOOD COLLECTED: 29APR10 0905 SOURCE: BLOOD BLOOD 10-119-0798 RECEIVED: 29APRlO 0920 STARTED: 29APRlO 1023 FINAL REPORT No growth at 5 CULTU. 05MAY10 0703 day" ACCESSION BLOOD COLLECTED: 27APR10 1430 SOURCE: BLOOD BLOOD l 10-117-1383 RECEIVED: 27APR10 1437 STARTED: 27APRlO 1634 FINAL REPORT No growth at 5 Patient Name: BLOOD CULTURS day" GR JU HEY L 03MAY10 0629 S740A Continued on next page... Print Date: 07HAY10 PRINTD BY: RWAR DATE 6/2/2010 LABCORP-XNOXVILLE (CLIA 44D0690507) A LABORATORY PARTNRSHIP WITH UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEMS, INC Patient Name: GRAJU IP/OP 1924 ALOA HIGHWAY (865) 305-9101 KNOXVLLE. TESSEE 37920 EEY L .ACCT': 13273510002 Age: 18 YRS HR,: (0000) 1327351 it Dr. BRACA, PAUL (S-210) DSCH DATE: 06HAY10 S740A , LAORATORY EINAL REPORT ;, DOB: 070CT91 Sex: MA NO REFERRING PHSICIAN Order Dr. SALITA, MU PRIN DATE: 07HAYIO PRIN TIME: 0302 22 PAGE: ACCESSION f 10-117-1384 CULTU. BLOOD RECEIVE: 27APR10 1253 COLLECTED: 27APRIO 1240 STARTED: 27APRlO 1308 SOURCE: BLOOD BLOOD EINAL REPORT 01HAYI0 1103 Staphylococcua apeciea-coagulaae negative in lout of 2 cultures drawn Viridan streptococcus group in lout of 2 cultures drawn SUSCEPTIB ILITY TESTING ST COAGN AUGME IN AM /SULBACTAM CEEAZOLIN CEEEPIME CEETRONE CLINAHCIN GENAMICIN IHIPEN LEVOELOXACIN OXACILLIN HOXIELOXACIN RIEAHIN T/S LINZOLID VACOMYCIN DAPTOMYCIN HIC ,=4/2 ,=8/4 SUS S ,=8 S ~=8 S S S ,=4 ,=0.25 ,=1 S S S S S S ~=1 ,=0.5 ,=0.25 ,=2 ~=1 ,=.5/9.5 s 1 1 ,=0.25 ,=2 _ IV __Coat/Dos age __ PO __Cost I Doa age S S ERTAPEN NA NA HIC ,=0.25 ,=0.25 ,=0.25 2 ,=0.06 1 0.12 0.12 0.5 SUS CEEEPIME LEVOELOXACIN KEOPEN PENICILLIN VACOMYCIN AZ ITHOHYC IN ERYTOMYCIN Patient Name: BLOOD CULTURS ,Sl $57 600 mg ,Sl OS $7 ~$1 $42 $4 S 1 gm CHLORA 40 rI 300 rI $4 10 ml 600 ii 1 gm R R CLINAHCIN $33 $61 $3 $2 60 a ii ;,4 ;,8 CEEOTAXIME CEETRIAXONE ,Sl $25 $30 2 gm 400 ii 1 gm ST_VIID 300 rI $4 1 gm 600 ii 80 mg BLac BLac ERYTOMYCIN TETRCYCLINE $3 $12 3 gm 1 gm 2 gm 8 AMICILLIN PENCILLIN 500 rI S S S S S S S S S S R R ;,2 ;,0.5 2 mil U $2 $4 $3 ii rI rI ,Sl ~Sl ~Sl _IV __Cost/Dosage __ PO __Cost/Dos age 2 gm $25 1 gm $8 1 gm $30 1 gm $4 300 ii ~Sl 60 a ii $3 $28 1 gm $4 $4 sao rI ,$1 1 gm 1 gm $3 500 ii ,$1 2 mil U GRJU HEY L S740A PRID BY: RWAR DATE 500 500 500 6/2/2010 Continued on next page... 07MAY10 Print Date: LABCORP-KNOXVILLE (CLIA 44D0690507) A LABORATORY PARTNRSHIP WITH UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEMS. DlC 1924 ALOA HIGHAY (865) 305-9101 Patient Name: GRAJU HEY L IF/OP KNOXVLLE. TESSEE 37920 ACCT': 13273510002 Age: 18 YRS lfI: (0000)1327351 iit Dr. BRACA. PAUL (S-210) DSCH DATE: 06MAYlO 07MAYlO S740A , IAORATORY FINlI REPORT ,. DOn: 070CT91 Sex: MA NO REFERRING PHSICIAN Order Dr. PR DATE: SALITA, H1 PAGE: 23 ACCESSION l 10-117-1384 CULTI. BLOOD RECEIVED: 27APR10 1253 COLLECTED: 27APRI0 1240 STARTED: 27APRlO 1308 SOURCE: BLOOD BLOOD SUSCEPTIBILITY TESTDIG ST_VIRID PRI TIME: 0302 TETRCYCLIN T/S HIC ,.4 2/38 SUS R NA _ IV __Cost/Dos age __PO __Cost /Dos age 500 ID ,Sl 10 ml ,Sl DS ':$1 04/28/10 05:59 Critical results phoned to and read back by:BECKY HORROW RN/MCCl Patient Name: BLOOD CULTURS GR JU HEY L S740A PRINTD BY: RWAJ 6/2/2010 DATE Continued on next page... Print Date: 07MAY10 LABCORP-RNOXVILLE (CLIA 44D0690507) A LABORATORY PARTNHIP WITI UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEMS, mc 1924 ALCOA HIGHAY (865) 305-9101 KNOXVLLE, TESSEE 37920 Patient Name: GRAJU HENRY L IP/OP MRl: (0000) 1327351 DSCH DATE: 06MAY10 S740A Age: is YRS iit Dr. BRACA. PAUL (S-210) PRI DATE: 07MAY10 PRI TIME: 0302 ~ IAORATORY FIN REPORT ;: ACCTf: 13273510002 DOB: 070CT91 Sex: MA NO REEERRING PHYSICIAN Order Dr. SALTA. MU PAGE: 24 ACCESSION f 10-120-1979 CULTI, SPUTU RECEIVED: 30APRlO 1650 STARTED: 30APRlO 1802 COLLECTED: 30APR10 1640 SOURCE: SPUTU SPUT STAINS & PREPS GRA STAIN 30AP10 2013 No ~quamou~ epithelial ce11~ 5een ~10 polymorphonuclear ce115 ~een No bacteria 3een FINAL REPORT 02HAY10 0729 Scant growth (1+) Candida albican ACCESSION # CULTl, URTI COLLECTED: 30APR10 1639 SOURCE: URINE URIN FINAL REPORT 10-120-1973 RECEIVED: 30APR10 1650 STARTED: 3 OAPRl 0 1825 OlHY10 1458 No Growth in 16-24 hour5 ACCESSION CULTI, HRSA SCRE # COLLECTED: 27APRlO 1650 SOURCE: NASAL SW NASAL SWAB FINAL REPORT 10-117-24.5 RECEIVE: 27APRlO 1730 STATED: 27APR10 2151 28AP10 2125 NEGATIVE ACCESSION f CULTl. BACTERIAL. ROUTIN COLLECTED: 27APR10 1500 SOURCE: BRONCH L RM llAL STAINS & PREPS GRA STAIN 10-117-1862 RECEIVD: 27APRlO 1530 STARTED: 27APRlO 1553 27AP10 1912 No bacte ria seen FINAL REPORT 29APR10 1221 1.000 to 10,000 colony forming uni t5 per mL Alpha-hemolytic Streptococci 1.000 to 10,000 colony foi:ng uni t5 per mL Neisse ria 5pecies Patient Name: GRJU HEY L S740A ROUTIN CULTUR PRID BY: RWAR DATE 6/2/2010 Continued on next page... Print Date: 07HAY10 LABCORP-KNOXVILLE A LABORATORY PARTNRSHIP WI1H UNIVERSITY BEAL1H SYSTEMS. INC (CLIA 44D0690507) 1924 ALOA HIGHAY (865) 305-9101 KNOXVLLE. TESSEE 37920 Patient Name: GRAJU HENRY L IP/OP ACCT': 13273510002 KRf: (0000)1327351 Age: 18 TIS 1'oiit Dr. BRACA. PAUL (S-210) S740A ~ LAORATORY FINAL REPORT :; DOB: 070CT91 Sex: MA DSCH DATE: 06MAYIO NO REFERRING PHYSICIAN Order Dr. SALTA.HU CULTU. SPUTU PRI DATE: 07MAY10 PRI TIME: 0302 PAGE: 25 ACCESSION' 10-117-1445 COLLECTED: 27APR10 1306 RECEIVED: 27APRlO 1312 STARTED: 27APRlO 1408 SOURCE: SPUTU SPUT GRA STAIN STAINS & PREPS 27APR10 1415 ,10 squamous epi thelial cells seen /25 polymorphonuclear cells seen 2+ mixed bacteria FINAL REPORT Moderate growth (3+) 29APR10 0656 Routine respiratory tract flora present CULTU. URDl ACCESSION' 10-117-1426 COLLECTED: 27 APR10 1255 RECEIVED: 27APRlO 1300 STARTED: 27APRlO 1407 SOURCE: URINE URIN FINAL REPORT 28AP10 1024 No Growth in 16-24 hours Patient Name: GR JU HEY L S740A ROUTIN CULTUR Continued on next page. .. Print Date: 07MAY10 PRINTD BY: RWAl DATE 6/2/2010 LABCORP-XNOXVILLE (CLlA 44D0690507) A LABORATORY PARTNRSHIP WITH UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEHS, INC 1924 ALCOA HIG~AY (865) 305-9101 :KOXVLL, TESSEE 37920 Patient Name: GRAJU HENRY L ACCT': 13273510002 IP/OP Age: 18 YRS i.,: (0000) 1327351 it Dr. BRACA. PAUL (5-210) S740A .. LAORATORY FINAL REPORT DOB: 070CT91 Sex: DSCH DATE: / MA NO REFERRING EHSICIA Orde r Dr. o 6MAYl 0 PRI DATE: 07MAY10 PRIN TIME: 0302 SALITA. HI PAGE: 26 ACCESSION I 10-117-1866 PNEUMOCYSTIS STAIN COLLECTED: 27 APR1 0 1500 RECEIVD: 27APR10 1530 STARTED: 27APRlO 1554 SOURCE: BRONCH L :RL BAL FINAL REPORT 28AP10 0741 No PneumoCY5ti5 carinii 5een by DFA. ACCESSION l 10-117-1945 RECEIVD: 27APRlO 1540 CULTU. ACID FAST BACT W/SM COLLECTED: 27APR10 1540 STARTED: 27APRlO 1553 SOURCE: BRONCH L :RL BAL AF SH STAINS & PREPS 27APR10 2232 No acid-fa5t bacilli 5een ACCESSION l 10-117 -1886 OVA " PARITES-BRONCH ONLY COLLECTED: 27APR10 1532 RECEIVED: 27APR10 1532 STARTED: 27APRlD 1553 SOURCE: BRONCH L RH BAL FINAL REPORT 27APR10 1639 No ova or parasites Been Patient Name: GR JU .HY L S740A HICROBIOLOGY AF CULTURS PARSITOLOGY PRINTD BY: RWAR 6/2/2010 DATE Continued on next page... Print Date: 07MAYI0
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