THE FRIA FLYER VOLUME II 9794 W. Peoria Ave. Suite #2 Peoria, AZ 85345 623-937-7770 February 2015 Issue 2 A Special Kind of Peace I suppose that perhaps it is best described as a new purpose in life. That for all of us there has to be a particular incident that causes us to pause and to reassess our personal goals and values and brings with it the commitment that one must have if we are to "practice these principles in all our affairs." God has been kind to me in the way he has enhanced my personal experience. For many of us the significant event is part of our drinking experience. In my own case, I was able to get the real message of what AA is all about through an entirely different event--my first Twelfth Step task. It was at that early, difficult, often painful and insecure period when I was just emerging from the nightmare. I was once again beginning to become aware of the world around me. This may sound strange but toward the end of my drinking the world seemed to have a "sameness" about it. I was no longer aware of the seasons. The winters, summers, autumns, and springs had somehow merged into one dark, angry, fearful, and lonely place. I seemed as alone in my recovery as I had been with my drinking and I had to wrestle on an hour-to-hour, day-to-day basis with my engulfing insanity. God and I still seemed a lonely place. The little things that happen, the spoken word, the kind smile, the nod of encouragement--the fellowship that goes with the program--these things I will never forget. I went to a meeting one particular day. I still had that lost feeling of not really belonging--had all of this perhaps come too late? Steps, Traditions, and Concepts of Alcoholics Anonymous Step 2: Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity. Tradition 2: For our group purpose there is but one ultimate authority—a loving God as He may express Himself in our group conscience. Our leaders are but trusted servants; they do not govern. Concept II: The General Service Conference of A.A. has become, for nearly every practical purpose, the active voice and the effective conscience of our whole Society in its world affairs. Steps, Traditions and Concepts reprinted with permission from A.A. World Services, Inc Agua Fria Intergroup find meetings service opportunities news events order literature I remember that it was a black man who was speaking and he seemed to have a special kind of peace about him. I remember how he held his watch and said "If you come to AA and you still have a watch, you have come too soon." I remember how good I felt--I did not have a watch when I came to the Fellowship. I could keep going for yet another day. Alcoholics Anonymous “Responsibility Pledge” Maybe it was part of the miracle and I thank God for it because one day in our house (it was becoming a home again) the phone rang and I was asked to go on a call, there and then; there did not appear to be anyone else available just at that time and the family sounded desperate. “I am responsible… When anyone, anywhere, reaches out for help, I want the hand of A.A. always to be there. And for that, I am responsible.” Cont. pp2 Reprinted from the Pamphlet P-1, This is A.A., Page 24, with permission of A.A. World Services, Inc. A Special Kind of Peace…Cont. from Page 1 – Part 2 A Special Kind of Peace…Cont. from Page 1 – Part 3 What panic! and the cold sweat again, why me? I am not ready for this kind of thing. What will I say? A precious and memorable moment had come into my life. I was able to put my hand on a thin trembling shoulder and whisper, "I know how you feel. I know what you are going through." In the kinship of common suffering, one alcoholic was talking to another. "It does not have to be this way--there is another." I drove to the address given. It was not in the best part of town, and I found myself standing in front of what I like to call a "threadbare house." It's not really a question of money or material things that makes threadbare houses. There is just something about some places that I recognize. It's not difficult to tell when people have stopped caring--something about the house, something about the garden--it's not easy to explain, but I am sure you know what I mean. The trip home was in so many ways different--so much had changed. My doubts had changed to faith, an abiding faith that lives with me to this day. I had gotten so much from trying to give something away. I now know without any doubt that the long search was ended and I had found the place where God as I understand him wanted me to be and where I truly belonged. I fought off the panic and marshalled my thoughts: carry the message, that's what you must do. I knocked at the door and a few moments later it was opened by a very small girl. I recognized the frightened, haunted look in her eyes--it is part of the disease of alcoholism. She looked up at me and said, "Are you the man who has come to help my daddy?" I really did not know what to say. Here was a challenge I had not expected. Why did I want to run away? I remember stumbling through some kind of response as she stood aside and let me in, I followed this little girl down a long corridor--which, incidentally, badly needed a coat of paint. I noticed that her blonde hair was a little untidy, that her dress, though clean, was well worn. We came into a room and she sat herself on a small bench, her little feet not touching the ground. John H. Benoni January 1988 Reprinted with permission from Grapevine digital archives. Call for Personal Stories from Local A.A. Members Here at the Fria Flier it is a tradition to publish the personal stories of local A.A.s. We would very much like to continue that tradition. I was immediately aware of familiar smells, smells I could recognize--the smells of spent anger, fear, loneliness, and despair. Across the room sat the mother, unable to understand the hopelessness of it all. What had become of the man she had married--what of their dreams? About 2 pages, at a font size of 10 – 12, is perfect. Longer stories will be accepted, but will have to be edited for space constraints. Daddy appeared confused. He smelled of stale alcohol-not through drinking it recently, he had not had a drink for several days--it was seeping through his skin. Please send your stories to: SATURDAY OFFICE COVERAGE I could recall when the same was true of me. I could not take my eyes off the little girl with a haunted look about her. Do little girls get angry, fearful, lonely? There was so much unhappiness about her, and yet, something else-a real strength, perhaps even courage, and yes, a certain hope which was almost a part of her. Children do seem to be so much closer to God. Each month your Home Group can volunteer, at our Intergroup Office, to cover the phones and walk in business from 9 AM to 1 PM. Groups find that this service opportunity keeps them connected to each other and our AA Community! All of a sudden I became aware of the real purpose of Alcoholics Anonymous, and I was no longer afraid. In my short time in AA I had already witnessed the miracle of the grace of God. I had engaged in battle with my obsessions and a consuming insanity. I had realized that for me there was no hope at all. January Altering Attitudes February Tuesday Night Hope March Gooddale Men’s Stag April Primary Purpose May ??? It was easy then. I started to tell them about me and I could see they began to identify and understand, and every now and again "Daddy" nodded agreement. Ask your Intergroup Representative to get your Group on the calendar soon! Cont. next column 2 AFI BULLETIN BOARD Service Calendar FOOD FUN AND FELLOWSHIP February 2, 2015 Sub District 08-801 West Valley Fellowship 919 N. Dysart Rd, Avondale February 3, 2015 AFI Business Meeting New Life Community Church 8155 W Thunderbird Rd, Peoria February 3, 2015 Sub District 08-800 AFI Office 9794 W. Peoria Ave. #2, Peoria February 10, 2015 Sub District 08-806/807/808 AFI Office 9794 W. Peoria Ave, #2 Peoria February 11, 2015 Valley-wide H&I Community Bridges (Bill Wilson Hall) 2770 E Van Buren St, Phoenix 5:15 PM 6:30 PM 2nd Friday Sobriety Trudgers Potluck The Southwest Indian School 14202 N. 73rd Ave, Peoria, AZ 7:00 PM 6:30 PM before 7 PM Meeting 3rd Saturday Happy Valley Group Potluck 7:00 PM Foothills Christian Church 3951 West Happy Valley Rd (39th Ave & Happy Valley) February 17, 2015 MCSM/DCM Meeting Gloria Dei Lutheran Church 3539 E. Stanford Dr., Paradise Valley 7:00 PM February 26, 2015 Valleywide Bridging the Gap Committee Meeting Denny's on 35th Ave. and Bethany Home Rd 2nd Thursday Tonopah Fresh Start Group Tonopah Valley Baptist Church 37702 W. Indian School 6:30 pm before 7:30 meeting 7:00 PM 6:30 PM February 24, 2015 Valley PI/CPC Committee SRI Office 3215 E Thunderbird Rd, Phoenix First United Methodist Church 7102 N. 58th Drive, Glendale AZ 6 PM to 8 PM February 12, 2015 Sub District 08-802/803/804 St. Helen’s Church 5510 W. Cholla St., Glendale February 19, 2015 AFI Steering Committee AFI Office 9794 W. Peoria Ave, #2 Peoria 1st Saturday Glendale Appreciation Group Potluck 6 PM Speaker at 7 PM 3rd Saturday West Valley Pot Luck Speaker Panel All Saints of the Desert Episcopal Church 9502 W. Hutton Dr., Sun City Bring Your Favorite Dish! Social from 6:00-7:00 Panel Speakers 7 PM 7:00 PM Last Friday Friday Night Fighters Cake and a Speaker Crossroads West 6:30 PM 7523 N. 35th Ave, Phoenix AZ 7 PM 7:00 PM (Join us early to eat d inner @ 6:00 if you’d like!) Last Saturday Downunder Group Potluck First Evangelic Church 918 S. Litchfield Road, Goodyear AZ 5 pm-7 pm UNITY 3 On the Road Again! Where t o Send Cont ribut ions: Gas up your car and join us on the Road to Happy Destiny at events around Town and Arizona General Service Office PO Box 459 Grand Central Station New York, NY 10163-0459 Pass It On Yuma Round Up Agua Fria Intergroup, Inc. 9794 W. Peoria Ave., Ste 2 Peoria, AZ 85345 February 20-22, 2015 AWC Main Campus 2020 S Avenue 8E Yuma, AZ Area 03 Committee PO Box 1907 Phoenix, AZ 85001-1907 Day in the Park District 08 Treasurer PO Box 45066 Phoenix, AZ 85064 Saturday, February 21, 2015 Rio Vista Park 8866 W. Thunderbird Rd Peoria, AZ Sub-District 08-800 PO Box 671 El Mirage, AZ 85335 Group Inventory – It’s History and Practice A Workshop for all Groups/Members Sub-District 08-801 c/o Denise Ruble PO Box 274 Litchfield Park, AZ 85340 February 28, 2015, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. St. Alban’s Episcopal Church 357 W. Yavapai St. Wickenburg, AZ Sub Districts 08-806-807-808-816 c/o Tom White PO Box 364 Waddell, AZ 85335 25th Annual West Valley Roundup Language of the Heart Sub-Districts 08-802-803-804 PO Box 621 Youngtown, AZ 85363 March 20-22, 2015 Lake Pleasant Regional Park Peoria, AZ Valley Wide Hospitals & Institutions Committee PO Box 80126 Phoenix, AZ 85060 80 Years – Happy, Joyous and Free 2015 International Convention of Alcoholics Anonymous Bridging the GAP PO Box 716 Peoria, AZ 85382 July 2-5, 2015 Atlanta, Georgia H & I Monthly Big Book Drive Valley Wide Hospitals and Institutions. H & I provides literature for the confined alcoholic H & I is looking for new or used Big Books, any 12 Step literature or any AA related books that can be taken to Treatment Centers or Jails. Please bring any literature you’d like to donate to the H & I Business Meeting held the 2nd Wednesday of every month at Bill Wilson Hall. 2770 E. Van Buren St, Phoenix. You may also call Abby P. at 602.329.0781 to make other arrangement for Pick up or Delivery of your donation. 4 Agua Fria Intergroup Business Meeting Minutes December 2, 2014 Dave E opened the meeting at 7:00 pm with the Serenity Prayer. The 12 Traditions were read by Gwen. New AFI Groups: None New AFI Representatives: Robyn S – Altering Attitudes, Mitch W – Sundowners, Dan – Unshakeable Foundation. Introduction of Steering Committee Members: Dave E (Chair), Raena Q (Co-Chair), Mike E (Office Manager), Leanne S (Secretary), Larry T (Treasurer), Jocelyn W, Jen R, and Nik B. Dick F and Diane P were absent. 7th Tradition: Collected – $55.00 Roll Call: 33 IGR’s in attendance including the 3 new representatives. Approval of the November AFI Business Meeting Minutes: Dave asked for a motion to approve the November 4, 2014 Business Meeting minutes. Jeff B motioned to accept the minutes as written and Fred L seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Office Manager’s Report: (Mike E 623-570-1875 or 1. Mike presented his written report (See attached.) 2. Mike announced that he had given to Dave E his written resignation at the November Steering Committee Meeting. 3. Mike announced that Mike G had provided Christmas Alcothon fliers in bundles for the reps to take to their groups. Chairperson’s Report: (Dave E 602-725-7335) 1. Dave reported that he had accepted Mike E’s letter of resignation, but didn’t enjoy it. 2. Dave reiterated the need to consider an AFI group inventory by the Steering Committee since several people are ending their terms and with Mike resigning, much valued experience and knowledge could be lost. Vice-Chairperson’s Report: (Raena Q 602-361-0631) – 1. Raena announced that the Thanksgiving Event went great and the final committee meeting is to be Saturday at 2:30 pm at Crossroads West. 2. Christmas Alcothon preparations going well. Carolina was absent but the flyers have contact information for groups to volunteer to chair meetings. 3. Jim and Jerry are here to give the NYE and Day in the Park reports. 4. The Family Campout and Fishing Derby is scheduled for April 17 – 19, 2015. Treasurer’s Report: (Larry T 469-263-5398) 1. Larry presented a written report (See attached.) Jerry motioned to accept the report and Jeff B seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 2. Larry announced that the yearly budget has been completed. Archivist’s Report: (Kelli C 602-573-0960) – Absent, no report. Area Liaison: (Pat L 623-734-0151) – Pat presented his written report (see attached). H&I Liaison: (Brett C 602-663-3921) – Absent. Mike reported that the West Phoenix Prison needs a new coordinator to arrange meetings there. Steering Committee: (Jocelyn W) – Jocelyn recapped the November Steering Committee meeting. In addition to the reports by officers: the Steering Committee reviewed the previous month’s Business Meeting minutes, approved next month’s Business Meeting agenda, approved last month’s Steering Committee meeting minutes, reviewed the Treasurer’s report and 2015 Budget, discussed the prior (June 2012) AFI Inventory and checked in with the ad-hoc committee on flooring. Committee Reports: Telephone: (Deb K 623-326-0406) – Deb was absent.. Mike reported that the Committee will need a new chairperson and that Sasha (current co-chair) is very interested but would be unable to attend the AFI Business Meetings due to her work schedule. Newsletter: (Jerry M 602-320-9799) – Jerry was not excited about not having a local story to run this month. He needs our local personal stories, funnies, etc. and encourages members to send in their stories to him online at Unity: (George R 623-337-0061) – George reported that his committee is down to only 2 members. Next meeting is December 16 at 7pm. (57th Ave/Greenway). PI/CPC: (John Z 602-390-6739) 1. PI/CPC participated 11/20/14 in the event at the VA ‘Center for Healthy Living’. 2. PI/CPC (Public Information and Cooperation with the Professional Community) needs weekday presenters; the only requirement is participation in one of their quarterly training sessions. 3. Rick, the Literature Chair, placed literature in Goodyear and Avondale (police stations, library). 4. Susan and Phil did the quarterly presentation to GC College School of Nursing. 5. The Spanish PI/CPC will be submitting a public service announcement. 6. No PI/CPC meeting in December. For more information, contact John Z or Susan at The next quarterly workshop is February 24. Website: (Bill M 602-361-2938) – Bill presented written report (see attached). Bill, Mike and Judy are working on the new design and website host provider. It should be operational by the first of the year. Call Bill if you have any questions 5 about the website. Special Events: Day in the Park: (Jerry L 602-904-1088) – The event will be at Rio Vista Park on February 21, 2015. Jerry has the committee fully staffed. The next committee meeting will be on December 8. Family Campout and Fishing Derby: (JJ O 602-481-4875) – Absent. Raena reported that the date for the event will be April 17-19 at Bartlett Lake South Cove. Anyone interested in volunteering for the event call JJ. AFI Anniversary: (Dave E 602-725-7335) – No report. Thanksgiving: (Diane P 602-999-2699/Jocelyn W 602-448-6059) – Diane absent. Dave E attended the event and said it was a fun affair. Christmas: (Carolina G 602-402-4248) – Carolina absent. Raena reported everything has been going well. Shirley M is the chair of the ‘Long-Timers’ Meeting at 6pm. The next committee meeting will be December 14th. Remember new location this year: Comfort Suites at 99th & Camelback. New Year’s Eve: (Jim W 480-734-4585) – Jim requested that the reps turn in all unsold event tickets. Tickets will still be available through the AFI Office in person or via phone orders until 12/27/14. The doors open at 6:30 pm. Alanon speaker is Ed G and AA speaker Patty O. Old Business: AFI Office Flooring Ad Hoc Committee – Jen R presented a written report, adding that the estimated cost of replacing the baseboards would be an additional expense of approximately $450. She also provided copies of the report/proposal for the reps to present at their home groups for a group conscious on the proposed replacement of the office flooring. The committee’s recommendation is a decorative wood-grain look, vinyl tile for the entire 1050sf of the office. New Business: 1. AFI Office Manager’s Position: IGRs were notified of position opening and provided with a printout of all necessary information to take to groups. Interviews will be held in February. Interview committee will forward all qualified applicants to the AFI Board of Directors for selection. 2. AFI Nominations: a. Steering Committee Nominations: Nora nominated Jocelyn, she accepted. b. Service Sub-Committee Nominations: Leanne S nominated Jerry M for Newsletter, Jerry accepted. John Z nominated Susan W for PI/CPC, she accepted. Pat L nominated George R for Unity, George accepted. Pat L nominated Bill M for Website, Bill accepted. George nominated Sasha for Telephone (in absentia-Sasha has confirmed her acceptance via Mike E.) Office Volunteers: December – Band of Brothers March – Gooddale Men’s Stag January – Altering Attitudes April – Primary Purpose February – Tuesday Night Hope Announcements: 1. Raena will give a 10 minute orientation after the meeting for new IGRs. 2. Please help clean up and put the tables & chairs back. 3. Jeff B announced that the West Valley Roundup is forming the committee for the event. Meeting will be held this Sunday 12/14 at the Alano Club. Motion to Close: Jeff B motioned to close the meeting. Gwen seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously. Dave E closed the meeting at 8: 29pm with the Responsibility Statement. Does your Home Group have a Call for A.A. tee-shirts PI/CPC Representative? Why Not? A.A. tee-shirts needed for the tee-shirt quilt, for the raffle at this year’s AFI anniversary party. Any shirt from a roundup, or with A.A. slogans or images is good. Please bring them to the AFI office, or leave a message with the office, and Kathy S. will contact you to make arrangements to come pick them up. Help Carry the Message to the Community Committee Meets Every 4th Tuesday 6:30 @ SRI Office 3215 E. Thunderbird #B THANK YOU!!! 6 Group Donations for Fiscal Year 2015 Fiscal Year Begins September 1. Dec 14 Sep - Dec 14 Dec 14 0.00 Sep - Dec 14 303.49 11th Steppers 0.00 100.00 West of the Sun Group Altering Attitudes 0.00 490.83 West Side Winners 0.00 100.00 0.00 78.04 Awakening 0.00 507.70 West Valley Recovery Group Bagnaasty 0.00 250.00 Willing To Change 1,058.20 1,058.20 Big Book 164 AA 0.00 100.00 Wings of Sobriety 0.00 50.00 Black Canyon City Group 0.00 40.13 Winners Circle WOMEN'S STEP MEETING IN VERRADO 0.00 379.80 0.00 95.00 Bone Dry Group 100.00 200.00 Cactus Capers Group 0.00 50.00 Carry the Message 0.00 80.00 Celebrate Homecoming 300.00 300.00 Deer Valley West Group 0.00 100.00 DownUnder Group 0.00 125.00 Goodale Mens Stag 0.00 169.59 Happy Valley Group 80.70 451.05 Hope For Today 0.00 1,000.00 How it Works TODAY 0.00 33.00 Last House Group 0.00 141.50 20.00 20.00 Maryvale Group Mens Gut Level Stag 66.00 136.00 Mens Stag Meeting 350.00 350.00 Mid-Day 500.00 500.00 30.00 30.00 Nomad Of Happy Trails 0.00 520.00 Over 50 Group 0.00 300.00 Peoria PM Group 0.00 57.74 Promises Group FS#50 0.00 185.00 No Half Measures Saturday Sobriety Seniors in Sobriety Sunflower Smoke Busters Sober View Sobriety "R" Us 35.00 60.00 115.00 210.00 90.00 90.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 79.78 Sobriety Trudgers 100.00 250.00 Stardust Big Book 0.00 90.00 248.55 481.61 Sun City Living Sober 0.00 195.00 Sun City Serenity Group 0.00 50.00 350.00 350.00 0.00 100.00 Sunday Night Discussion 65.45 104.45 Sunday Night Newcomers 87.50 432.50 Surprise Serenity Group 0.00 200.00 Surprise Womens Group 0.00 140.80 The Promises Group SCW 0.00 82.00 Tonopah Fresh Start 0.00 120.00 Verrado Turning Point 0.00 56.00 We Are Not Saints 0.00 170.00 Stepping Stones Group Sun City Sharing Time Group Sun City Wednesday Nite Step Ya Ya Belles TOTAL : 70.00 70.00 3,666.40 11,734.21 Thank You!!! A Higher Power for Atheists “I have had many experiences with atheists, mostly good. Everybody in A.A. has the right to his own opinion. It is much better to maintain an open and tolerant society than it is to suppress any small disturbances their opinions might occasion. Actually, I don’t know of anybody who went off and died of alcoholism because of some atheist’s opinions on the cosmos. “But I do always entreat these folkis to look to a ‘Higher Power’—namely, their own group. When they come in, most of their A.A. group is sober, and they are drunk. Therefore, the group is a ‘Higher Power.’ That’s a good enough start, and most of them do progress from there. I know how they feel, because I was once that way myself.” Letter, 1962 Reprinted, with permission, from As Bill Sees It (pp.276) 7 AGUA FRIA INTERGROUP 9794 W. Peoria Ave. Suite #2 Peoria, AZ 85345 KEEP INFORMED ON WHAT’S GOING ON IN YOUR AGUA FRIA INTERGROUP! If you or your Group would like to receive this newsletter, simply fill out this form and return it to the AGUA FRIA INTERGROUP office. Or call 623.937.7836. Although this newsletter is a free publication of the Agua Fria Intergroup, Inc., there are certain costs involved in printing and mailing. A $10.00 subscription, per year, for individuals or 10 copies per month for $20.00 for a Group subscription will help defray the costs of this monthly newsletter or Free Newsletter by e-mail. If you wish to include a donation, simply attach your check or money order payable to Agua Fria Intergroup Newsletter. Mail to: Agua Fria Intergroup, 9794 W Peoria Ave. Ste #2 Peoria, AZ 85345. All donations are appreciated. NAME or GROUP _________________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS _________________________________________________________________________________ CITY, STATE, ZIP _________________________________________________________________________________ E-Mail ______________________________________________ Please Circle - How to Receive Agua Fria Newsletter: NAME Free by E-mail Address or Postal Mail Service Individual $10.00 or Group $20.00 New Subscription: ____ Renewal: _____ Donation: ____ Address Change: _____ 8
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