The Pennypacker AThe Voice of the Friends of Pennypack Vol. 28 No. 02 215-934-PARK MONTHLY MEETING THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 7:30 P.M. AT THE LAFAYETTE-HOLY REDEEMER CENTER 8580 VERREE ROAD (NORTH OF RHAWN STREET) SPEAKER: PArK rAngErs gEOrgIA And BArry wILL sPEAK ABOut wILdLIFE In thE PArK InCLudIng hAvIng LIvE snAKEs, LIzArds And OthEr CrEAturEs tO shOw us At thE MEEtIng. February 2015 January Meeting - Presentation by Cindy Masiejczyk – written by roland williams and Carol Arita-williams winter’s cold keeps many of us from enjoying nature out-of-doors, but nature was brought to us at our January meeting by our own Cindy Masiejczyk. Cindy has long been one of our most active members, having worked countless volunteer hours in our park cutting, uprooting, and removing invasive weeds in order to encourage regrowth of native wildflowers. this hands-on field work backed by diligent research makes Cindy something of an expert on our park’s ecology. that’s Cindy – the naturalist. But she is an artist as well, with a keen eye for things of special interest and beauty. with her skills as a videographer, Cindy has captured living images of rare and amazing things. In a series of short videos, Cindy presented a wide range of subjects. these were scenes of various species of caterpillars feeding on native plants, and Cindy had captured the action as a pair of the park’s elusive ‘Pileated woodpeckers’ chiseled into a tree’s deadwood and bark in search of insects. we watched candid and amusing scenes of a ‘starling’ family at home in a tree hollow. A scene featuring the spring mating calls of frogs called ‘Peepers’ was followed by the absolutely hilarious sight and sound of a mob of ‘American toads’ leaping and tussling in a shallow muddy pool, so bursting with the reproductive urge that they seemed to be simultaneously mating and engaging in mortal combat. scenes of belligerent ‘sunfish‘ facing off in the creek and a ‘wild turkey’ in a treetop added to the variety and interest of Cindy’s presentation. In her talk accompanying her presentation, Cindy related her experience in capturing these scenes on video, and shared her extensive knowledge of the lives of the wild things shown on screen. Cindy’s work illustrates the beauty and interest any of us can find when we learn not to hurry blindly along park trails but slow down and take time to listen and observe. thank you Cindy for this lesson and for sharing your knowledge, talents, and experiences with us. Images courtesy of Cindy Masiejczyk Hind end of the Saddleback caterpillar (Top) and profile of Shizura caterpillar (Bottom). Both are examples of camouflage in nature that protects insects from predators. ********** Attention FACEBOOK users. FOPP now has a FACEBOOK page. Please visit our FACEBOOK Page and Like us. ( ) Friends of Pennypack Park • February, 2015 1 | Page The Pennypacker 2014 ‘The Year in Trash’ – by nance Kerns Before we begin a new Cleanup year let’s reflect back on the Cleanups of 2014. For our bean counting buddies, the statistics rattle along like this: 9 cleanups (in July and August the rain didn’t stop us and maybe that was not such a good thing) 192 different people (our stars and the reason we were able to get anything done this year. thank you! thank you!) 803 volunteer hours total (the equivalent of about twenty 40 hour work weeks or 100 days of work) 9 city workers on the job and their job included helping us in one form or fashion (includes CLIP, the Parks & rec trash truck guys, and our wonderful friends in blue) 392 bags of trash (and an assortment of other stuff – 228 different kinds reported by our volunteers) Along the way we met a bunch of really great people; some of whom belong to really great groups. we had some regulars retire and one retire to heaven. Of the 192 different volunteers some came more frequently than others. those coming to half or more cleanups were: Bill henderson, Alan Ostrow, Jim ryan, roland williams, Louise Kopena, Karen Kaczorek, robert McMunn, george scholl, Joyce Ferrero, Kevin sweetra, rich glaser, and nance Kerns. Our pretty much retired, retired, and retired to heaven who were indefatigable and inspirational include: Florence Brodman, norma rudolph, and Jim smyth (although rumor has it, Jim might return – stay tuned), and the newest Angel watching over us in the Pennypack – Jim ryan. Cleanup Finds we now turn to the reason we have to go out and clean the park in the first place (and believe us, as much fun as it can be, we’d really wish there not be a need to have to do it at all) – the trash. this year we removed 192 bags and a mountain of “other” stuff. due to space limitations we can’t list each of the 228 different kinds of trash that was reported, however, we can hit the highlights. there were two main groups of these: the things we kept running into and the things that we wondered why we found them in the first place. the things we kept running into included: • 392 bags of trash • 16 bags of cans • $6.08 • 8 shopping carts + a few pieces • 8 tires (with and without rims, luckily mostly without) • 3 milk crates • 8 hubcaps + 1 broken one • 8 baseball caps • 5 flip flops • 11 pairs of pants (also, should probably be on the “why?” list) • 7+ t-shirts • 8.5 wooden boards • 15 chairs (includes: director’s, folding, kitchen, resin, wicker, woven strip, and outdoor dining) + a few pieces of resin chairs • 3 American flags • 3 kitchen knives • 26 + bricks • 7.5 cinder blocks • 3 basketballs • 4 bikes + 2 bike frames • 6 golf balls + 0.5 golf club • 0 wiffle balls + 3 wiffle ball bats and • 3 sledding disks The “why” list included: • infant car seat • seat belt • green duct taped wallet (repurposed now as a business card holder) • bunny tail from a halloween costume • coffee table • folding door for a closet • garage door opener • 2 mattresses and a box spring • bathroom plunger (because it’s the best way to unclog the creek???) • vanity table (critters have to look their best when Cindy comes by to take their pictures) • tv • 30 MPh speed Limit sign (newsflash: throwing the sign in the park because you got caught speeding on holme Avenue will not invalidate the ticket you got) • no Parking sign (for the fool who can’t figure out why you shouldn’t park your car in the creek in the first place) • 12 Lego pieces • sleeping bag and finally • the ironic – 2 “1-800-gOt-JunK” signs (yes, and these signs were part of it.) • the head-scratching – a registered boat missing a motor and a steering wheel (reported to neighborhood services and removed) • and the historic – a wagon wheel that roland thinks was from the 19th century. the great groups that put a park cleanup on their “to do” list were: Augusta-westland, Cub scout Pack 252, holmesburg Christian Academy, Engineers without Borders, holy Family university, and the delaware river City Corporation (the people that were instrumental in getting the land that is now Pennypack on the delaware added to our park and then very nicely turned around this year and helped us clean it up). holmesburg Civic and holme Circle Civic sent their presidents to help us when our cleanup took us to their neighborhoods. Additionally, we want to thank the following schools and churches for recommending that their students do community service with us: Father Judge, Central, disston, st. david’s Lutheran, Arts Academy at Benjamin rush, st. hubert’s, Maternity BvM, Archbishop ryan, and st. John’s Lutheran. the city workers who didn’t have to be so nice but were instead simply amazing include: Mike Beutenmeuller and Jim McCarthy from CLIP and their crew, Jim huntsburger of Parks and recreation who always brought along our favorite piece of equipment – the trash truck (we want to also give a shout out to Pat Crossan of district #1 and her staff for being so responsive to the concerns we had to pass along to her office), and sergeant Mortimer of the 15th Police district and Officer Loizos of the 8th Police district for checking up on us while on patrol and demonstrating what “community policing” is all about. 2 | Page Friends of Pennypack Park • February, 2015 The Pennypacker we want to stand up and cheer for shoprite Corporation and their Earth day Challenge which kindly supported our efforts by donating gloves and bags for the entire cleanup year. Also, we appreciate the gloves (in large and small sizes) and bags thoughtfully provided by Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful. we never had to worry about having enough supplies for the crews that came out, making our efforts a whole lot easier. well, that closes out 2014. thanks again to all who protested littering in the park in 2014 by helping to remove it from our favorite park-Pennypack. Just think next month, March, begins our 2015 Cleanup year. Our first stop is the Ballfield on holme Avenue behind nazareth hospital on saturday, March 28th from 10 am to 1 pm weather permitting (too hot, too cold, too wet, too bad, to check call 215-934-PArK or 215-934-7275). If you have any questions or concerns about Monthly Cleanup, please call us at 215-934-PArK or send an e-mail to we hope to see you in 2015! ********** MONTHLY CLEANUP NEEDS YOUR HELP People’s Choice 2015 ‘Bird for the Earth Day Button’ Our wonderful FOPP Earth day Button artist, roland williams, has drawn two different birds for the 2015 Earth day button -- a ‘white-throated sparrow’ and a ‘grackle’. we can’t decide which bird should be on the 2015 Earth day button. therefore, we are asking you to vote for the ‘Bird for the Earth day Button’ on our Facebook page. there you will be able to see all the buttons for previous years except for years 1999 and 2001. those of you who have a button for one of our missing years, kindly call us at 215-934-PArK or email . voting is open from now until st. Patrick’s day (March 17th). the new button selection will be unveiled and handed out free to those who come out to volunteer at our Earth day Cleanup on saturday, April 25th at Little City (aka the rhawn street park entrance just east of holmehurst Avenue). now, get on our Facebook page and exercise your right to choose the “Bird for the Earth day Button”! Attention FACEBOOK users. FOPP now has a FACEBOOK page. Please visit our FACEBOOK Page and Like us. ( ) Friends of Pennypack Park • February, 2015 3 | Page The Pennypacker FOPP BOUTIQUE Item, Color, Price, and Available Sizes Size Qty. $ Amount Short Sleeve T-shirts Yellow with Green FOPP logo Black with White logo Grey with Green logo Khaki with Yellow logo Jade with White logo (out of Size M now) Sizes: M, L, XL -$9.00 each Size: XXL - $10.00 each Long Sleeve Sweatshirts Yellow with Green logo Black with White logo Grey with Green logo Khaki with Yellow logo Sizes: M, L, XL -$15.00 each Size: XXL - $17.00 each Long Sleeve T-Shirt Grey with Green logo Khaki with Yellow logo Size: XXL - $15.00 each Hooded, Zippered Sweat Jacket Grey with Green logo Sizes: M, L, XL -$24.00 each Size: XXL - $26.00 each 100 Year Anniversary Short Sleeve T-Shirt -$8.00 each White Sizes: S, M, L, XL Baseball Cap (adjustable) -$12.00 each Natural with Black logo Soft Brimmed Hat 100% Cotton -$11.00 each Natural with Green logo Tote – 100% Cotton Canvas with Handles -$7.00 each (2 for $13.00) Natural with Green logo Size: (17 ¾ ” wide) x (15 ¾” high) x (6 ¼” gusset bottom) New! The 2003 -2015 Earth Day Button Collection Earth Day Buttons (years 2003 - 2015) Non-Members $2 per button Members $1.50 per button (available for pickup only at Monthly Meetings or Monthly Cleanups - no deliveries) Non-Members $25.00 Members: $19.00 Book “Exploring Pennypack Park” by Roland Williams -$5.00 each Send your order with a check or money order payable to FOPP. Mail to: FOPP, P.O. Box 14302, Philadelphia, PA 19115 Save on postage and handling by picking up your order call 215-464-7181 for details Postage & Handling: TOTA L: $5.00 for first item + $1.00 for each add’l item Name: Address: City, State, Zip: Phone: 4 | Page Revised: February 3, 2015 Friends of Pennypack Park • February, 2015 The Pennypacker February Events: Membership Committee: (2nd Monday, monthly) Home Sugaring Workshop: PEC Open House (hosted by Pennypack Environmental Center) Monthly Meeting: (3rd Thursday, monthly) Recycling: (3rd Saturday, monthly) March Events: Maple Sugar Day: (hosted by Fox Chase Farm) Membership Committee: (2nd Monday, monthly) Snow Clues: PEC Open House (hosted by Pennypack Environmental Center) Monthly Meeting: (3rd Thursday, monthly) Recycling: (3rd Saturday, monthly) Science for Seniors Spring Edible Greens: (hosted by Pennypack Environmental Center) Monthly Cleanup: (4rd Saturday, March-Nov.) - schedule on the FOPP website - UPCOMING EVENTS Monday, February 9 saturday, February 14, 1:00 PM homeowners with maple trees can join us to learn what you need to know to make your own syrup or sugar in your own kitchen. Pennypack Environmental Center, 8600 verree road, Philadelphia, PA 19115. Contact 215-685-0470 or email thursday, February 19, 7:30 PM at the Lafayette-holy redeemer Center, 8580 verree road (north of rhawn street). speakers are Park rangers georgia and Barry who will speak about wildlife in the park including having live snakes, lizards and other creatures to show us at the meeting. saturday, February 21, 9:00 AM till noon, rain or shine ryan Ave. and sackett st. parking lot at Lincoln high school Call the park line, 215-934-PArK to check for any cancellation. saturday, March 1, 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM Learn the process of maple sugaring, watch the making of maple candy, and sample pancakes with pure maple syrup. Crafts & storytelling. Maple products will also be for sale. Admission: $3.00 Adults and Children. Fox Chase Farm, 8500 Pine road, Philadelphia, PA 19111. Call 215-728-7900 for details. Monday, March 9 saturday, March 14, story and walk at 11:00 AM Is cabin fever setting in?? “Big tracks, Little tracks,” by Millicent E. selsam, a book showing animal signs in winter. story will be followed by a walk into the nature sanctuary to uncover animal tracks and other clues to see who has been out and about this winter. the center will also be open to explore from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM. Contact 215-685-0470 or email Pennypack Environmental Center, 8600 verree road, Philadelphia, PA 19115 thursday, March 19, 7:30 PM at the Lafayette-holy redeemer Center, 8580 verree road (north of rhawn street). speaker to be announced. saturday, March 21, 9:00 AM till noon, rain or shine ryan Ave. and sackett st. parking lot at Lincoln high school Call the park line, 215-934-PArK to check for any cancellation. thursday, March 26, 2:00 PM Program designed for adults 50 and older with a desire to learn more. there will be a walk to Id spring greens with some samples to taste as well. registration requested. Contact 215-685-0470 or email Pennypack Environmental Center, 8600 verree road, Philadelphia, PA 19115 saturday, March 28, 10:00 AM till 1:00 PM Ballfield at holme Avenue, behind nazareth hospital. wear long pants, long sleeve shirts, and sneakers/work boots/hiking boots. volunteers under 18 must be accompanied by an adult. due to weather, some cleanups may be cancelled. If in doubt, call 215-934-PArK. The new Recycling Schedule and Cleanup Schedule are out and can be picked up at Recycling events or the Monthly Meetings. They are also available on the website at Friends of Pennypack Park • February, 2015 5 | Page The Pennypacker January Recycling – by Alan Kaminsky two, four, six, eight, who do we appreciate? FOPP, FOPP, go FOPP!! I give a cheer because when I arrived at the parking lot it was packed! there was a cheerleading competition going on that day. I was able to set up along the curb in the incoming driveway of the lot. It was wide enough for 3 vehicles so on the right we placed the truck and book table, the middle lane was our drop off lane and the left lane allowed for incoming traffic to pass. It worked out fine, though it was difficult for our volunteers and recyclers to find parking. Fortunately we had nice weather for January with 13 volunteers helping out: Alan, Andrew, Bernard, Bob, george, herb, John, Karen,Melanie, Mimi, nance, norma, and rus. Our streets department driver this month was Jimmy. Electronics Recycling: you can bring most small electronics including tvs and computers to Best Buy stores for recycling (take them to the Customer service area). Best Buys also has bins for rechargeable batteries, Cds, Cd cases and used plastic gift cards. tvs and computers can be brought to the sanitation Convenience Center on state and Ashburner streets (no charge) during their business hours of 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM Monday through saturday. Life Cycle solutions Inc 8701 torresdale Ave stE O, (on Pennypack st side of the building) takes various electronics. (215) 882-8161. they are open Monday to Friday, 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM. ********** When? Every third saturday of each month, between 9:00 AM until noon rain or shine. If bad weather does occur please call the park line, 215-934-PArK to check for any cancellation. Where? Lincoln high school parking lot on ryan Ave at sackett st WHAT TO BRING: Aluminum Cans - crushed or whole Batteries - button type and rechargeable batteries only Cell Phones, MP3, digital Cameras, and gPs - any type Clothing (including towels, linens, draperies), shoes, bags, belts. Place clothing, belts/bags and shoes in separate bags. Crayons - donation of $1 per pound requested to defray shipping costs Magazines And Books - for our book table where you can browse a wide assortment of books and magazines and other items (you never know what you’ll find) and take what you want for FrEE (donations are appreciated) Packing Peanuts and Bubble Wrap - all types Paper/Cardboard - all types of paper and corrugated cardboard. Printer Cartridges - all types Scrap Metal - aluminum, brass or copper Toys - hard and soft toys no bigger than a large microwave. Must be in good condition. Board games and puzzle boxes must be taped shut. stuffed items must be clean and dry. Off the Cuff The NO List - nO glass, steel cans, plastic, block styrofoam packing material other than peanuts (block styrofoam is accepted at the sanitation Convenience Center on state rd.). wE'MI n'ELunhO' MAh we are all related. - Lenape A wise old owl sat in an oak, the more he saw the less he spoke, the less he spoke the more he heard. why can't we all be like that wise old bird? - Old Proverb we could learn a lot from crayons; some are sharp, some are pretty, some are dull, while others are bright, some have weird names, but they all have learned to live together in the same box. - Author Unknown we recommend that you place a cloth or plastic sheet over the items in your trunk that you don’t want us to take so that we can clearly determine what to remove. Any profits from recycling are used to support the park for the purchase of trees, and to pay for park improvements and maintenance. Additional information on recycling can be found at our web site at: w w w. f r i e n d s o f p e n ny p a c k p a r k . o r g . I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. - Maya Angelou ARTICLES FOR THE PENNYPACKER ARE DUE BY: MONDAY, FEBRUARY 23 ALL SUBMISSIONS WELCOME. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO SHARE ANY SPECIAL AND UPLIFTING STORY ABOUT AN EXPERIENCE YOU’VE HAD WHILE VISITING PENNYPACK PARK, PLEASE SEND THEM TO NEWSLETTER@FRIENDSOFPENNYPACKPARK.ORG 6 | Page Friends of Pennypack Park • February, 2015 The Pennypacker FOPP OFFICERS President: V-P Legal Affairs: V-P Trees & Trails: V-P Ways & Means: V-P Public Affairs: V-P Environmental Affairs: Founder: Treasurer: Corresponding Secretary: Sponsor a Tree Program Linde Lauff Harvey Cantor Joyce Ferrero Kathy McCrea Nance Kerns Alan Kaminsky Ben Cohen Corinne Stobbe Norma Rudolph PENNYPACKER STAFF Editor: Caroline Nelson, Distribution: Norma Rudolph, Bobbi Buckley, Mary Ellen Cebula, Ruth Galpern, Gil Galpern, Florence Brodman, Sol Stark HOW TO CONTACT US Sponsor’s Information Phone: 215-934-PARK (7275) – 24 hours a day message center – listen to our announcements or leave a message. 2. Written Correspondence: Friends of Pennypack Park, P.O. Box 14302, Philadelphia, PA 19115 3. Email Contacts: Name: General Questions and Correspondence: Address: info@ Newsletter E-Notice Serviceand Membership: membership@ Phone Number: Monthly Cleanups or Trash Issues: Note: If you would like to dedicate the tree to someone special, please fill in the blank below. We will forward to you a nonpermanent label to be affixed to the protective sleeve on the tree. cleanup@ Submission of Articles for the Pennypacker: newsletter@ Recycling Issues and Information: recycling@ 4. Re-forestation Cards: Applications can be found at or order from: Mary Ellen at 215-722-0184 or Barbara at 215-342-9331 5. Moved? Let us know by checking the box marked ‘Change of Information’ on the Membership Form in this newsletter and send it in or send us an e-mail at: FOPP’s United Way Donor Choice Number is: 9948 Thank you to all of our United Way supporters! A copy of the official registration and financial information regarding Friends of Pennypack Park may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll free within Pennsylvania, 1-800-732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement. Number of trees: __________ Donation Enclosed: __________ ($100.00 for each tree to benefit the Restoration Fund ) Make check Payable to: Friends of Pennypack Park Send check and this form to: Friends of Pennypack Park P.O. Box #14302 Philadelphia, Pa. 19115 Attn: Joyce Ferrero-Trees & Trails Committee Check here if you would like to participate in the planting of the tree. We will let you know the proposed planting date. Date may change due to weather conditions. Yes, I would like to help ______________ No, I’m not able to at this time ____________ If you have any questions, feel free to call the Park phone #215-934-PARK (7275) Friends of Pennypack Park • February, 2015 7 | Page The Pennypacker FIRST CLASS MAIL P.O. Box 14302 “Leave only footprints-Take only memories” Philadelphia, PA 19115 215-934-PARK FRIENDS OF PENNYPACK PARK MEMBERSHIP FORM You get a discount of $5.00 / year membership if you receive your newsletter via email Type of Membership: (email address required if selecting emailed newsletter option) Annual Membership Sr. Citizen (62+) or Student Additional Contribution $20/yr $15/yr email newsletter discount $15/yr email newsletter discount $10/yr Change of Information ONLY Total number of persons at this household: _______ NAME: HOME PHONE: ADDRESS: CELL PHONE: CITY, STATE, ZIP: EMAIL ADDRESS: If you would like to volunteer in some way, please let us know: Please return this form with check payable to: Friends of Pennypack Park, c/o Corinne Stobbe, Treasurer, P.O. Box 14302, Philadelphia, PA 19115 THANK YOU for your support. 8 | Page Friends of Pennypack Park • February, 2015 REV. 10/2014
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