February 2015Newsletter - First Presbyterian Church

First Presbyterian Church
Pastor’s Pen
Is God an optimist or a pessimist? Actually I am not sure that this is even a good question about God. If we
believe in a God of providence or as John Calvin would say, “Nothing happens that God does now know,” could
God be either one?
When you think about an optimist versus a pessimist, what comes initially to mind? Do you think of an optimist
as seeing the “glass half full instead of half empty?” Do you see someone who has a positive outlook on life in
spite of hardships and difficulties? Do you see someone who is unrealistic and refuses to see the harsh realities of
life around us? Do you see one who “hopes for the best” while others are preparing for the worst? Do you see
someone who is a Chicago Cubs fan who every year will say, “There is always next year!”?
On the other hand, what do you think about when you hear the word “pessimist?” Do you have an image of
someone who doesn’t believe anything good ever happens to them? Do you think of one who sees the glass half
empty and focuses on what they don’t have instead of what they do have? Do you see someone who says no to
everything because it is going to fail anyway? Do you know of any happy pessimists?
I think the difference between the optimist and the pessimist is more about how they see the future.
I read a story about the girl’s basketball team in Climax, MN not far from where I grew up. In fact, I was offered a teaching/coaching position there a couple of careers ago. In the story, the girl’s team had not won a high
school basketball game in 84 games. They had 9 players on the team because over the course of the losing
streak some of their players quit. Losing is not fun. But nine girls hung in there. They played and worked and
practiced believing that one day they would win.
One night they were playing a team from a nearby town. In the first half they couldn’t make a basket, but
they seemed to be able to make free throws and they shot quite a few. They made so many in fact that at the
half they were up by one point. But the second half didn’t go so well. Their three senior players fouled out. Then
their three junior players fouled out. They were down to their last three players. In spite of being short handed,
they refused to give up and forfeit the game. And somehow with the last three players from the bench on the
court, they scored the winning basket in the last few seconds of the game and the 84 game losing streak came to
an incredible end.
In an interview, one of the players was asked what she took away from this game. She responded, “We’ve
learned that if you continue to believe and work hard you will find a way to win.”
I would like to write that they went on a winning streak that led them to a title, but they didn’t. They lost the
next game. But for the rest of their lives, these young women will remember how they believed, worked and figured out how to win that one game against all odds. They were optimists. They believed that they could win
when nobody else did.
First Presbyterian Church
208 West State Street
Jefferson Iowa 50129
Phone: 515-386-2514
Fax: 515-386-2170
Rev. Gordon Moen, Pastor
I have been thinking about this since our annual meeting. I said something about having this
sense or feeling that something special was about to happen here at First and that we are at this
place where things are about to turn. I was asked why I thought this and it was only after the meeting that I came up with the answer I would have liked to have given. When asked why, I would
have said that what it comes down to is, “I believe in God and I believe in the members of First
Presbyterian Church.”
I guess I am more of an optimist because I see the variety of gifts we have here in all areas of
ministry, from music, to teaching, to hospitality, to compassion. I look at all the gifts and believe that
God has gathered this particular group of believers for a purpose. I believe God looks at this
gathering of disciples with the optimism that we will be faithful in our calling and accomplish what
God intends. I look at this congregation and see a glass that is more than half full. I look at thischurch and all its gifts and I believe God will use this church.
That got me thinking about who God is and whether God is an optimist or a pessimist. I have
decided God acts like an optimist. Look at the stories in scripture and ask how many times did God
redeem Israel when Israel strayed away from God. God acted as an optimist that Israel would
change. The story of Jesus is about God becoming one of us in his son Jesus so that the “world
might be saved through him.” God acted as an optimist that the world would change. As Jesus
worked with his disciples, they seemed slow to catch on to who he was and what he was doing. But
Jesus did not give up on them. God acted as an optimist that they would grow in Spirit. In the garden, facing his death, Jesus prays “not my will but your will”. God acted as an optimist that we
were worth it. Jesus told his disciples that he would die and in three days be raised. God acted as
an optimist that death would be overcome. The church proclaims salvation by grace and the promise of new and eternal life. God acts as an optimist in us. God continues to call people to “go out
into the world and make disciples, baptizing and teaching”. God acts as an optimist trusting us.
The promise is that one day, Jesus comes, evil is gone, the kingdom is complete, the banquet is prepared, and all will bow and worship God. God acts as an optimist.
So, if I believe in God and believe in the people of First Presbyterian Church, I guess I am an
optimist. I am good with that and am willing to move forward with God because God is more than
an optimist. God is able to “do far more than we can ask or imagine.” With God, so can we! See
you Sunday.
Stated Session Minutes of January 21, 2015 from Regular Meeting
The Session of the First Presbyterian Church of Jefferson, Iowa met in the conference room on
Wednesday, January 21, 2015 for its regular stated meeting. Moderator Gordon Moen
called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Present with Pastor Moen were Ruling Elders: Keri
Brooker, Donna Carhill, Thelma Hedges, Wayne Lautner, Bill Monroe, Mike Mumma, Cara
Reedy, Cliff Said, and Shirley Stapleton. Excused was Doug Monaghan. Kathi Florea arrived
at 7:30 p.m. A quorum was present.
The meeting was opened with scripture and prayer.
Minutes of the December 17, 2014 stated meeting were approved with the following changes:
Under Mission, it was Adopt-a-Family that met its goal, not ARC and The Church of the Damascus Road met on December 31, not January 31.
Average attendance December 2013 – 94; Average attendance December 2014 – 109
156 were served communion at the Christmas Eve candlelight communion service
54 were served communion by the Deacons at the January 4 worship service
Cara Reedy was installed and Kathi Florea was installed and ordained as Ruling Elders at the
January 4 worship service
It was approved to install Shirley Stapleton as Ruling Elder and Rose Morrison as Deacon at the
January 25 worship service
The annual congregational meeting and breakfast was held on January 18, 2015
The committee structure for 2015 was completed with Cliff serving as financial secretary in August
and Doug in September
Salaries for the youth coordinator, secretary, custodian, and organists and pianists were reviewed.
Wayne and Keri excused themselves. It was approved to give the youth coordinator, secretary
and custodian a 2% raise and to increase the organists’ daily rate by $5.00 from $60.00 to
$65.00 and the pianists’ rate by $5.00 from $25.00 to $30.00. Bill abstained from the vote.
The proposed 2015 General and Mission budgets were reviewed. It was approved to adopt the
budget as proposed with changes made to the salaries to reflect the raises and also noting
that farm rent received from Paul Mears was $72,842.00 instead of $72,600.00.
Alex Deane Overby, son of Dan and Heather Overby was baptized on December 14, 2014.
Pastor’s Report
Presbytery training at Ackley on January 24
Macedonia Ministry meeting at Fort Dodge on January 29
A thank you card was read that was received from the Alex Overby family regarding his baptism
and also a lithograph picture was given by the family
A request was made from the General Assembly for our church membership and mailing list to
send out requests for mission giving on a quarterly basis. Session chose to not make the list
Stewardship Ministry Team
Doug & Kathi
Grant checks for 8 students have been sent out for the spring semester and also one to Katie
Leusink for $1,000.00 for past student loans
Property & Finance Ministry Team
Mike & Bill
The treasurer’s report shows a total asset balance of $40,523.73 on December 31, 2014
It was approved to accept the treasurer’s report for December and to pay the current bills
Farm rent of $72,842.00 was received for the year from Paul Mears
Stated Session Minutes of January continued
Spiritual Growth Ministry Team
Thelma & Cara
Vacation Bible School will be the last two weeks of July and to be determined later
Sunday school breakfasts will be in March, June, September and December
Dream Plan update
Money disbursed in 2014: $50.00 Compassion International, $100.00 Lakeshore Center on Okoboji,
and $100.00 Ronald McDonald House. Heifer Project since January 2013: 1 sheep for $120.00,
6 flocks of chickens for $120.00, 1 pig for $120.00, 1 llama for $150.00, 1 water buffalo for
$250.00 and 1 heifer for $500.00 have been purchased. Due to a memorial gift, additional animals were purchased.
Congregational Life Ministry Team
Wayne & Shirley
Use instructions for kitchen equipment are going to be made up
Discussion held on the new church in town: The Sanctuary. It was approved to extend the use of our
facility to them if it is needed.
Worship Ministry Team
Working on plans for Lent
Cliff & Donna
Mission Ministry Team
The Christmas Joy Offering was $416.28
Souper Bowl plans are underway
Dessert Auction date not yet set
Personnel Committee-No business
Nominating Committee-No business
Governance Committee-No business
Communion servers for February 1 worship service will be Mike, Cliff, Kathi and Wayne
Communion servers for the February 18 Ash Wednesday service will be Cara, Bill and Shirley
The sexual harassment policy was reviewed and sign-off sheets received
The February Session meeting will be held on February 25 at 7:00 p.m. due to the Ash Wednesday
service on February 18
Be in prayer for those in our presbytery who are going on the 2015 Presbytery mission trip to
Charleston, SC January 31-February 7/8
Use the link below to access our calendar of events on our church website
http://www.firstpresjefferson.org/calendarof events.htm
Souper Bowl Challenge
Sunday, February 1
Sunday, February 1 is Souper
Bowl of Caring Sunday. Again
this year the Mission Ministry TEAM has invited the
Grand Junction and Paton Presbyterian churches to compete in a contest to see which church can collect the most
soup. Anyone could win! Are you ready for the challenge?
Bring lots of cans of soup to church by Sunday, February 1 so we can not only win the challenge, but also
provide warm food for the hungry! The soup will be
given to our local ARC Food Pantry, the Beacon of Hope
Men’s Shelter in Ft. Dodge, and Sharp’s Corner Food
Pantry on the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota.
The depth of a church is determined by the quality
of its worship and instruction. The breadth of a church
is determined by its commitment to fellowship and
evangelism. We must keep reaching out to people who
are in need. After all, that is what love is all about.
Charles R. Swindoll
(© 2014 Insight for Living)
Ash Wednesday
February 18
Plan to join us for a special Ash
Wednesday worship service and communion on Wednesday, February 18
sat 7:00 p.m. as we begin the season
of Lent.
Summer Camp
It is our genuine belief that all children of God, both
young and old and everyone in between, are called to
retreat to a quiet place and be ministered to by God's
Holy Spirit. Our mission is to seek to be a sacred space
where all may come and experience God. You do not
need to be Presbyterian to enjoy our Camp. ALL are
welcome here.
Please note that the summer schedule is already in
place at the Lakeshore Center at Okoboji Summer
Camp. You can visit the website at
http://www.presbycamp.org/ or camp brochures are
available - see Wendy.
Ecumenical Lenten Services
and Luncheons 2015 (rev)
Plan ahead! Throughout the Lenten season, the
Greene County Clergy Association sponsor ecumenical
luncheons and worship services each Wednesday. The
schedule is as follows:
Lenten Luncheon ($5.00) - 11:45 A.M.
Worship 12:15 P.M.
February 18
Gospel Open Bible Church
February 25
St. Joseph’s Catholic Parish Center
March 4
Trinity Lutheran Church
March 11
March 18
First Presbyterian Church
March 25
First United Methodist Church
Need Tech Support?
Would you like some one-onone help with your computer or
cell phone? We will be announcing an evening that the
youth will be our mentors. Sign
up at the church or call or see
We have spent some time in Youth Force talking
about God’s call on a person’s life. Looking at different call stories, an interesting pattern develops. God
uses regular folks to do his work. One author put it this
way, “The Bible is packed with stories of ordinary
people doing extraordinary things when responding
to God’s call.”
Think of stories like Abraham, Moses, Ruth, Samuel,
David, and Esther. That is some great inspiration right
there! But, how does God get their attention? How did
they know what they were supposed to do? In other
words, how did God speak?
God spoke to Abram, showed up in a burning
bush to Moses, gave determination to Ruth, spoke to
Samuel only when he was listening, and God “spoke”
through the actions of Esther. From these few examples, I think we can safely say that God “speaks” in
many different ways, but the common thread is an
action we can control, paying attention to God or
“listening” to God.
Mercy Me has a beautiful song called, “Word of
God Speak” that tells the importance of listening to
God. The song says:
I'm finding myself at a loss for words
And the funny thing is it's okay
The last thing I need is to be heard
But to hear what You would say
Word of God speak
Would You pour down like rain
Washing my eyes to see
Your majesty
To be still and know
That You're in this place
Please let me stay and rest
In Your holiness
Word of God speak
The bottom line is listening. We can listen to God
as we read the scriptures, listen to music, receive input
from friends and mentors, examine desires put deep
within our souls, and think about things that keep
crossing our path. Try to “listen” to God with our all of
your senses as well as your heart.
The painting in the large room is just about complete. The trim and three walls are done. Next in line
to paint are the accent wall and finishing the cupboards. A couch, two love seats, tables and chairs
have been purchased and delivered. The cork board
with be going up and we are well on our way. This
project is being funded solely by donations. If you
would like to help out, contact Donna Carhill.
At the start of Sunday School/
Sunday Club, on the first Sunday
of each month, we are going to
gather together in a new and
different way! We will meet briefly in the conference room to share in song, give announcements,
and pray together. Research has shown that to
keep kids active in faith in college and beyond, intergenerational relationships are vital. We are continually seeking ways to provide intergenerational
activities. The start of the month is one way we can
gather together as one! Please join us!
Sunday Club
All Kids Allowed!
Sunday Club continues to be a great place to
learn about God through exciting activities. In January and February, we continue with New Testament
stories looking at the Lord’s Prayer, House on a
Rock, and A Storm. Sunday Club will only teach one
rotation per Sunday. (Until now, we have taught two
rotations each week.) It will continue to be a fast
paced, fun learning environment. Join us if you dare!
Sunday School Mission Update
When you give an offering at Sunday school,
you help! In 2014, money has been donated to
Compassion International, Lakeshore Center at
Okoboji (formerly known as the Presbyterian
Camp on Okoboji), Ronald McDonald House
Charities of Central Iowa, and Alex’s Lemonade
Stand. In 2015, we will be allocating the money
differently. We will be working toward one project
during the entire year. If you have any suggestions,
please see a committee member (Roger Olhausen,
Thelma Hedges, Carla Haupert, Cara Reedy,
Kayla Youngblood, Wendy Pittman). A decision
will likely be made during our February meeting as
to what our 2015 project will be.
Christ’s Kids
This month the focus was on the story of Noah’s Ark.
We “heard” the story many different ways. It was read
from the Spark Story Bible, sung by Wendy and Pastor
Gordon through the song, “Arky, Arky” otherwise known as “Rise and Shine,” (and if
you weren't there, you missed out on quite
a concert), the kids used a story telling
method to recap, and finally we looked at
the story through art (find the differences
picture). Perhaps it is because of the familiarity of this story or maybe because we
looked at it so many different ways, but I
was pleased with how well the kids remembered the story
of Noah’s Ark. We created sand art rainbow bracelets to
remind us of a portion of the story.
Of course, we spent time with our special friends at
Long Term Care. Thank you to Donna Carhill and Cheryl
Nailor for providing December treats. Our next meetings
will be Wednesday, February 4 and 18.
**A note for the future, if school is
cancelled due to inclement weather,
Youth Force and Christ’s Kids will be
cancelled as well.**
Heifer International
During the last two years, we
have worked to fill an ark for
Heifer International. Since
January 2013, 1 sheep ($120),
6 flocks of chickens ($120), 1
pig ($120), 1 goat ($120), 1
llama ($150), 1 water buffalo
($250), and 1 heifer ($500)
have been purchased with Sunday school funds! In addition, 1
goat ($120), 2 pigs ($240) and
a flock of ducks ($20) have
been purchased from Danna
Monaghan’s memorial money.
Thank you to everyone who contributed,
what a difference we made together!
CONCERT: Big Daddy Weave, Jason Gray, and Citizen
Way are slated to be at Lutheran Church of Hope on February 13th at 7:00 p.m. The cost of the event is: $23.10,
$28.25 or $38.55 depending on the tickets we purchase.
Plan ahead and let Wendy know if you want to attend this
event. Check out Life 107.1 website for details: http://
Youth News
After a very long break due to Christmas break
and very cold weather, Youth Force is back at it again!
We spent time painting the basement (some people
even ventured out on that cold day to paint), but we
painted as a large group with adult helpers on January 14. The kids and adults did a great job and had a
lot of fun. A special thanks is given to Larry Saddoris
for lending a miracle painting roller, also thanks to
adult painters: Doug & LeAnn Monaghan, Thelma
Hedges, Ron & Lori DeBok, Brenda Batschelet,
Donna Carhill, Wayne Lautner, Katie Leusink, and
Bill Monroe. This month we had to say (not
“goodbye”), but “see you later” to Katie Leusink as
she prepares to go to Uganda with the Peace Corps in
June. We took time to give her many “needed” supplies and teach her about the culture she would be living in. (Apparently fried grasshoppers are a real
treat.) She shared with us about answering God’s call
to serve in this manner. We will look forward to hearing from her through blog updates. Katie’s story led
nicely into a discussion about God’s call on people’s
lives. We wondered about how God might call us and
use us now. The first call story we looked at was the
call of Samuel (1 Samuel 3).
5:30-6:30 Middle School YF
6:30-7:00 Youth Force eats
7:00-8:00 High School YF
Youth Force Meals
Simple meals are needed for approximately 20
people. Meals begin at 6:30 p.m. each Wednesday.
These meals are much appreciated because some
youth come straight from after-school activities to be
able to attend. There is a sign-up sheet on the door to
the education wing. Thank you to all who prepared a
meal for Youth Force during the month of January including Keri Brooker, Donna Carhill, Kathy Hardaway, Diane Gibson, Marilynn Hoskinson, and
Shirley Stapleton.
Youth in Training Applications
Youth-in-Training applications are available.
See Wendy if you are interested in this summer opportunity! Deadline is February 16.
Scott Johnson
Wayne Lautner
Ron DeBok
Jeff Gorsuch
LeAnn Monaghan
Heather Snowgren Erickson
Lori DeBok
Neva Eggimann
Kris Hoskins
Wayne Taylor
Emily (Brooker) Davis
Luke Moen
Shirley Danielson
Bret Haupert
Kathy Hardaway; Marilynn Hoskinson
Carol Zwicky; Donna Carhill
Tracy Hoodjer; Teresa Green
Tom and Melinda Heater
Bruce, Amy, and Kayla Youngblood
Keith and Beth Vander Wilt
Perry and Marilyn Parker
Denise and Kelsey Buenz
Wendy Pittman
Julie and Julia Saul
Jill and Tressa Rasmussen
Eldon and Peggy Cunningham
Acolyte Schedule
Annie Twillie
Julia Follett
Maggie Mikkelsen
Sadie Reedy
Financial Secretary for February
Keri Brooker
Lay Readers
Shirley Stapleton
Beverly Hoyt
Diane Gibson
LeAnn Monaghan
February Deacon
The February Deacon of the Month is
Roger Olhausen. If you need a ride to
church, call him at 386-4938 before 5:00 p.m.
on Saturday night.
Shirley Stapleton; Pauline Duke
Rose Morrison; Doris Hance
Tim, Denise and Kelsey Buenz
Donna Carhill; Kim Wright
Alan Scott; Russell Scott
Tracy Hoodjer; Teresa Green
Eldon and Peggy Cunningham
Les and Joyce Fister
Helping Hands
*Thank you to Carol Zwicky for volunteering at the ARC Food Pantry on Saturday, January 17.
*Thanks to the Session members who provided
breakfast preceding our annual congregational meeting on January 18.
*Thank you to everyone who quietly participates in
many ways that sometimes go unnoticed! You are so
Alexander Dean Overby, born October 2, 2013, was baptized by Pastor
Gordon Moen during the worship service
on Sunday, December 14, 2014. He is the
son of Dan and Heather Overby. His
grandparents are Roger and Joan Overby.
We welcome you, Alex, into the family of God.
You are loved!