Greenbriar Times Volume 29, Number 7 Published By And For The Residents Of Greenbriar February, 2015 Briarmill Pharmacy “Caring For You Like Family” ads-847 732-840-1800 1820 Lanes Mill Rd - Brick - Next to Jersey Farms Asbury Park Press Readers’ Choice Winner “BEST PHARMACY IN OCEAN COUNTY” FREE PICK UP & DELIVERY EVERYDAY!! DO YOU WAIT HOURS FOR YOUR PRESCRIPTION? AT BRIARMILL, WE FILL IT NOW! WE ARE NOT A CHAIN DRUG STORE! AND WE MATCH OR BEAT ANY OTHER PHARMACY PRICES INCLUDING THE $4 PROGRAM WE ACCEPT EXPRESS SCRIPT CUSTOMERS! Hours: Mon. - Fri. 9 am to 8 pm Sat. 9 am to 5 pm • Sun. 9 am to 1 pm $5.00 OFF Any Gift of $10.00 or More • Fax Service (732) 840-5847 BM FREE Greeting Card • Notary Available • Postal Substation on Premises Coupon may not be combined with any other offer Expires 2/28/15 BM $3.00 OFF Any Incontinence Product Coupon may not be combined with any other offer. GBT 2 Expires 2/28/15 • Open 7 Days/Wk Coupon may not be combined with any other offers. Sale items excluded. GBT • Most Rx Plans Accepted • American Greeting Cards • Russell Stover • Colonial Candles • Unique Gifts BM THE GREENBRIAR TIMES FEBRUARY 2015 Expires 2/28/15 BM $5.00 OFF • Lottery Claim Center (Up To $3.00 Value) Limit 1 Per Visit No Purchase Necessary One Coupon Per Customer GBT Russell Stover Box Candy • Free Delivery Expires 2/28/15 GBT $3.00 OFF • Accept All Discount Cards Any New Or Transferred Prescription (For Seniors Over 62) Not Valid With Any Other Offer (Not For Prescription Card Co-Pays) With This Coupon Only Briarmill Pharmacy Coupons One Coupon Per Visit • Cash Purchases Only Cannot Be Combined With Any Other Offer GBT Expires 2/28/15 BM $2.00 OFF Any Good Neighbor Pharmacy Brand Product Coupon may not be combined with any other offer. Sale items excluded. Excludes, Prescriptions, Tobacco, Film products & Lottery GBT Expires 2/28/15 BM Trustees President - Carolyn Rubino Vice President - William Petrolino Secretary - Catherine Erickson Treasurer - Mary Keaney Trustee - Robert Gannon Trustee - James O’Keeffe Trustee - Donna Curtis Administrator Nanette L’Hernault Greenbriar Times Board Carolyn Rubino, Joe Bayer, Carol Palmquist, Joanne Albolino, Sue Barrett, Fay Davis, Anna DeSantis, Kevin Smith, Gail Amato, Marge Edmond, Joyce Leach, Pat Johnson, Pat McClendon, Ernestine Petrolino, and Barbara Luizzi The TIMES is the official publication of the GREENBRIAR ASSOCIATION, Inc. and is published monthly. It is intended to reflect the policy of the Greenbriar Association, and its activities, maintenance and administrative functions. It is a paper for the residents and published by the ASSOCIATION of Greenbriar. The TIMES is edited and published at no cost to Greenbriar residents.The TIMES does not knowingly accept false or misleading advertising. We reserve the right to reject any advertising. The TIMES is not responsible for errors in advertisements beyond the cost of the space. It publishes advertising on the assumption of the merchants’ good faith and compliance with Federal and State Consumer Protection Laws. Any evidence of misrepresentation should be reported to the Editors. Editor requests all contributions be submitted doublespaced. Also, if you have an activity report that requires photos, please supply your own. Articles appearing in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher or staff thereof and must be considered as the individual opinions and viewpoints of the persons submitting (or writing) such. Neither the TIMES nor the ASSOCIATION, INC. assumes responsibility for the opinion of authors of articles published herein. Any letters submitted must be limited to 200 words — articles to 300 words. Material submitted must not be libelous or obscene in any manner. Comments may be edited for brevity and clarity. The TIMES reserves the right to reject any comment or letter that is found to be unsuitable. President’s Message Submitted by Carolyn Rubino As you are aware, Greenbriar has a terrific new Channel 97. We are working on fine-tuning it, so those of you who do not have cable will be able to download it onto your computer. Greenbriar is entering the tech age! We are continuing to work with resolving the DEP issue, they want one well to be inspected to make sure it’s proper, then hopefully, we won’t have to do the other 11. As you might be aware by now we have to piggyback water from the wells that are operating to cover the areas of those shut down. Federal Irrigation has started this process so we will be ready in the spring and summer to fill our water needs. The contract with Air Systems Maintenance has been officially signed, they have given us a report on our heating and cooling systems. We will address those concerns in the future. The Greenbriar Travel Club is underway, look for the flyer in the paper, and make an effort to join Kathy and Donna at meetings to have input on trips you would like to have happen. PORCH ENCLOSURES & WINDOW REPLACEMENTS •E •P •D •A •W FAMILY OWNED AND OPERATED FOR OVER 25 YEARS FREE ESTIMATES • FULLY INSURED • LICENSED License #13VH04524600 ALL WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED PORCH ENCLOSURES SCREENROOMS & WINDOWS FA ads-1067C The Greenbriar Times PAGMAN ENTERPRISES INC. 732-687-6254 CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATE FR FEBRUARY 2015 THE GREENBRIAR TIMES 3 AL Minutes of the Greenbriar Association Trustees Budget & Business Meeting Monday, November 27, 2014 7PM The meeting was opened by the Color Guard of VFW Post 8867. A salute to the flag and moment of silence was held. Les Hoadley presented an American Flag flown over the Capitol received from Congressman Jon Runyan. Mayor Ducey presented a proclamation to the Veterans, and Councilman Mummolo presented a Resolution from the Township Council. President Rubino thanked the Veteran’s committee for all their hard work. Carolyn Rubino called the business meeting to order. Old Business; None Public Comment; Ruth Leach - 25 Phillips Rd. commented that the card room was very cold in the evening. Carolyn told her we are working on it, with the new service company and hope to have improvements soon. Motion to adjourn Bill Pedtrolino, 2nd Mary Keaney, all in favor, motion passed. Respectfully submitted, Cathy Ericksen Roll Call: Jim O’Keeffe, Cathy Ericksen, Donna Curtis, Mary Keaney, Carolyn Rubino, Bill Petrolino, Bob Gannon and Nanette L’Hernault were present. Nanette L’Hernault read the Open Public Meetings statement. President Rubino thanked the TV crew. Jerry Evans and Joe Giordano on console, Ron Williams and Carl Nigro on camera, Art Cullen & Joe Boyle on sound. Cathy Ericksen read the minutes of the October 27th meeting. Motion to approve minutes by Mary Keaney, 2nd Bill Petrolino, All in favor, motion passed. Mary Keaney gave the treasurer’s report. It will be posted. Nanette L’Hernault gave the administrator’s report. It will be posted. Carolyn Rubino gave the President’s report. New Business; Motion to approve parking lot repair by Donna Curtis, 2nd Mary Keaney, all in favor motion passed. Motion to approve Architectural Control Committee report by Mary Keaney, 2nd Bill Petrolino, All in favor, motion passed. SENIOR PUBLISHING COMPANY accepts advertisements and advertisements are based upon information provided by the advertiser. SENIOR PUBLISHING COMPANY does not independently investigate the accuracy of advertisement content and does not warrant or represent the accuracy of the content of any advertisement. Laugh Lines submitted by Kevin T. Smith 1. You know you’re growing old when they’re making the golf balls heavier and putting flags further away. 2. Barber: “Your hair is getting very gray, sir.” Customer: I’m surprised. Hurry up! 3. Classified ad: Top executive needed to take charge of mousetrap company. Must be able to make snap decisions. 4. A four year-old returning home from nursery school told his mother he learned a new Christmas Carol called “Dick the Horse”. Puzzled she asked him to sing it. He took a big breath and began. “Dick the horse with boughs of holly, fa la la la la...” 5. Laughter is the brush that sweeps away cobwebs of the heart. 4 THE GREENBRIAR TIMES FEBRUARY 2015 Kiwanis Enjoys Chorus The Kiwanis Club hosted the Point Pleasant Boro School Band at a December Meeting, the music was festive and invigorating. Pictured is the band and director, as well as our Arlene Smithauser with her grandson, a talented musician. who missed this presentation, all we can say is “Sorry!!” Our final meeting guests were the Point Pleasant Beach Jazz Band under the direction of Mrs. Frtiz, who had her group performing excellent renditions of the holiday seasonal music. Hat’s off to all the schools who came to us and did an outstanding job. We welcomed back one of our super members, Joe Rodie, who had been recovering from open heart surgery. It is wonderful to have him back with us, as he is one of the special people on which the whole club depends. Kudo’s go to Marie Dibblee who chaired our annual Christmas Party and her team for a fabulous evening. Special thanks to Ray Nunamacher who had previously chaired these parties in the past. Thanks go to Keith Franklin of Neptune our entertainer and Valente Deli of Wall Township who provided the food. Special thanks go to Brick High School Key Club members who served the food. Thanks go to Hess Gas, Shoprite, Provident Bank, Algonquin & Spring Lake Theaters, and Tuscany Restaurant. Spring Lake Manor, Lo’s Restaurant and Legacy Auto, local businesses who provided prize baskets. A good time was had by all. Twenty-two residents took a chartered bus to Atlantic City for dinner to welcome in New Year’s Eve. Thanks go to Rosalie Rabito for putting this together. Don’t forget, we’ll leave the light on for you, so come join us in 2015. We always love to welcome new members. Kiwanis Kapers By Neil Moran and Barbara Scharmann We have come to the end of another year and we can close the books on 2014 and begin a new one in 2015. Our Kiwanis Club hope all of you had a very Joyous Christmas and recieved everything you wished for, somehow or other we don’t remember wishing for two containers of coal. Oh Well!!! We only had 3 meetings in December with Christmas and New Year’s falling on a Thursday. Our first guests were the Brick High School, under the direction of Paul Bibleheimer who led 20 students from his very select choral group who sang some traditional Christmas carols and finished off with some songs from the Broadway Stage. Their chorus was indeed outstanding. The following week we were literally overwhelmed by the School of Performing Arts who came with two bus loads of performers totaling 73 students who literally knocked our socks off with their renditions of several Christmas carols, holiday music and even did several dance numbers of the holiday season from Broadway musicals. For those of you FEBRUARY 2015 THE GREENBRIAR TIMES 5 Home Improvement Contractor #13VH05003000 Greenbriar Bowlers Make It Happen!!! PAUL DICKSON PLUMbING, L.L.C. Submitted by Kevin T. Smith New Kitchens and baths replace your present bathtub with a new shower unit. Winter Vacationers Electrical Contractor Let Us Protect Your Plumbing fixtures and Pipes While You’re Away Doing Business in Water Heater Specialist Greenbriar for 40 years N.J. Plumbing License #10933 Home Improvement Contractor #13VH05003000 RoeNew Rispoli League 200’s Kitchens and baths emergency evening and Weekend Service replace your present bathtub with a new shower unit. Winter Vacationers Joe Ventrone 193, 194, 223, 233, 208 Heater Specialist LouWater Coppola 210, 190, 203, 195, 191, 192, 227, 191, emergency evening and Weekend Service 202, 224, 251, rely 196 on Paul Dickson’s Long Standing Barbara Lucas 193 Quality, Service & reputation Lee Edgarright 196 The first Time! Get It Done Larry Palmquist Call Us213 Wally Cason 203 (732) 295-1939 Toni Piccone 201 Let Us Protect Your Plumbing fixtures and Pipes While You’re Away ads-684a rely on Paul Dickson’s Long Standing ALL TYPES OFService ELECTRICAL WORK Quality, & reputation Get It Done right The first Time! Call Us ads-684a • Insured and Bonded • Family Owned $1,260 - Replacing 200 amp • OverBreaker 35 Years Experience 40 Circuit Panel • Insured and Bonded • Family Owned Greenbriar 1 and 2 leauge • Over 35 Years Experience Complete with Permits and Inspection O.L.V. L.V.W Friday Men’s Senior League Joe Ventrone 201, 235, 195, 206, 194, 224, 190, 204, 223 Lou Coppola 214, 202, 191, 191, 200, 190, 203, 214, 232 Andy Hogh 190, 202, 190, 215, 197, 195 Vic Tomie 206, 213, 214, 201 Call Bernie Sharkey 732-606-3557 Resident of Greenbriar for 14 Years! ads-4757 PAUL DICKSON PLUMbING, L.L.C. N.J. Plumbing License #10933 Home Improvement Contractor #13VH05003000 New Kitchens and baths replace your present bathtub with a new shower unit. Winter Vacationers Water Heater Specialist N.J. Plumbing License #10933 emergency evening and Weekend Service me Improvement Contractor #13VH05003000 OTTONE rely on Paul Dickson’s Long Standing Quality, Service & reputation New Kitchens and baths ace your present bathtub with a new shower unit. Winter Vacationers Let Us Protect Your Plumbing fixtures and Pipes While You’re Away CHIROPRACTIC CENTER Water Heater Specialist emergency evening and Weekend Service DR. PETER A. OTTONE Get It Done right The first Time! rely on Paul Dickson’s Long Standing Quality, Service & reputation • Participating Medicare Provider • Safe, Gentle Get It Done right TheTechniques first Time!• Activator Advanced Proficiency Call Us Rated • Serving Seniors of Ocean County for 15 years • Board Certified • Member of American (732) 295-1939 Chiropractic Association 1140 Burnt Tavern Rd., • Insured and Bonded Unit 1C • Family Owned ads-4135 • Over 35 Years Experience 732-840-8400 EISURE KNOLL 6 License #932 – Fully Bonded & Insured Let Us Protect Your Plumbing fixtures and Pipes While You’re Away PAUL DICKSON PLUMbING, L.L.C. Pro-Med Building rving Leisure Knoll Since 1980 $ SPECIAL $ Serving O.L.V. Since 1977 Serving Leisure Village West Since 1980 Wally Carson 190, 192 Herb Eyth 182 Bruce Tipling 215, 203, 199 Roy Kirshner 207, 188, 187 Sheila Lalis 202 Mike LaSale 176, 166, 173 Dave Stratton 167 Lee Edgar 166 Bev Moloney 163 Bob Kennelly 183, 169, 167 Ray Hohman 178 (732) 295-1939 THE GREENBRIAR TIMES FEBRUARY 2015 Call Us ads-684a (732) 295-1939 Serving Greenbriar Since 1977 • Insured and Bonded • Family Owned • Over 35 Years Experience GREENBRIAR ALL PHASES OF CARPENTRY TRIMWORK • CROWN MOLDING ALL PHASES O CARPENTRY CHAIR RAIL • DOORS REPLACED CUSTOM CABINET WORK ENTERTAINMENT CENTERS HOME BARS AND DRYWALL REPAIRS Karl T. Bittner 732-681-9428 Ads-546 License Registration #13VH01616200 Submitted by: Sue Barrett A couple was invited to a swanky costume party. BULLETIN Unfortunately, the wife came down with a terrible headache and told her husband to go to the party alone. He being a devoted husband protested, but she argued and said she was going to take some aspirin and go to bed and there was no need for his good time being spoiled by not going. So he took his costume and away he went.. The wife, after sleeping soundly for about an hour, awakened without pain and, as it was still early enough, decided to go to the party. Since her husband did not know what her costume was, she thought she would have some fun by watching her husband to see how he acted when she was not with him. She joined the party and soon spotted her husband cavorting around on the dance floor, dancing with every nice woman he could, and copping a little touch here and a little kiss there. His wife sidled up to him and being a rather seductive babe herself, he left his current partner high and TRIMWORK • CROWN MOLD CHAIR RAIL • DOORS REPLA CUSTOM CABINET WORK ENTERTAINMENT CENTER dry and devoted his time to the new babe that had just arrived. She let him go as far as he wished...Naturally, (since he was her husband.) HOME BARS AND DRYWALL R Finally, he whispered a little proposition in her ear and she agreed. So off they went to one of the cars and had a quickie. Karl T. Bittner Just before unmasking at midnight, she slipped away, went home, put the costume away and got into bed, wondering what kind of explanation he would make for his behavior. 732-681-9428 License Registration She was sitting up reading when he came in, and sheAds-546 asked what kind of #13VH01616200 a time he had. He said: “Oh, the same old thing. You know I never have a good time when you’re not there.” “Did you dance much?” TABLOID “You know, I never even danced one dance. When I got there, I met Pete, Bill Browning and some other guys, so we went into the den and played poker all evening. But, you’re not going to believe what happened to the guy I loaned my costume to.” FEBRUARY 2015 THE GREENBRIAR TIMES 7 Who Knew Patricia Cavallo and her daughter, Theresa Paterno enjoy serving scones and tea at The Scone Shoppe in the Laural Square Plaza. Patricia has lived in Greenbriar since 2011 and loves it here. She came to live in Greenbriar after she had hip surgery, lived with one daughter for 11/2 years and then another daughter for 11/2 years and decided she needed a house all on one floor. We all know how wonderful our homes are and being on one floor is a good reason to live here. However, Patricia says another reason is the location. It is so convenient. Patricia was a stay at home Mom with three girls, Lisa, Theresa, and Patricia. Who knew that her love of baking, having company, and entertaining would also become one of Theresa’s passions. Patricia’s husband was an only child but Patricia has 2 sisters and three brothers (one of 6), and brags she has 80 nieces and nephews, add her brothers, sisters, childern, and in-laws and there are 110 total. They see each other often during the year. One of her grandchildren was turning 5 in December, and they decided to have his birthday celebration in July with a pool party. There were 115 family members enjoying the fun. Patricia will gladly show you family pictures adorning The Scone Shoppe walls, introducing you to her parents and grandparents as she shares stories of the fine china that has been handed down in the family. Who knew that some of this fine china is being used in the Scone Shoppe? Theresa inherited her Great Grandmother’s china, something that still makes her smile as she talks about it. Theresa explains that she traveled all over the world visiting teashops, and has incorporated many ideas in The Scone Shoppe. For instance, you will find linen table cloths, napkins, a luxurious look with fine china cups, teapots and decorations. “I think the coolest thing is to have afternoon tea. It is so different from my Italian background. It never ceases to amaze me the enjoyment of having tea and enjoying each other’s company brings. Today’s woman is so busy. Who takes out their china and uses it? But women will come in, eat lunch, visit with each other, and enjoy tea. It is a treat to be in a tearoom setting. Women need this more than ever” Who Knew that it would be like mother, like daughter? 8 THE GREENBRIAR TIMES FEBRUARY 2015 Greenbriar We welcome your questions! Alice and Carolyn, Answers 1. 1« 2. 2 « (Preempt) 3. Double (takeout double) 4. 4S (has 5 pieces, a singleton and about 9/10 total points) 5. Pass (trap pass) 6.1 INT 7. 2H (overcall) 8. 2D (giving partner a choice of 2 suits) 9. The 2 toward the Q (hoping to finesse the K). 10. «10 (asking partner to play their K and then lead another one to you) Who Knew? SALE DOOR 8x7 NJ Cert #13VH01882000 NO SUBCONTRACTORS Computer Club News By Elma Perry Fast, Professional Service “Family Owned and Operated” “Computers are not User Friendly But we are” 732-269-9667 • 609-693-804 spc-882c February is a special month - not just because of expected cold weather or possible snow banks, but due to its special dates - February 14, Valentine’s Day and February 22, Washington’s Birthday. The history of Valentine’s day is clouded by various fanciful legends and it was not until the 14th Century that this Christian feast day became associated with love. Chaucer is said to have been the first to link St. Valentine’s Day with romance. In 1969 the feast days of saints whose history was questionable were removed, St. Valentine was one of the casualties. Read more at Today we are expected to at least send our special friend a card or a gift. You’ll find a wide choice of free cards at or if your friend has a smartphone or a tablet they might like a VENTEV POWER DASH r900, a very cool USB battery/charger for the car. Get it at Amazon, or for $27.50. I found the most complete and interesting history of Valentine’s Day, including pictures of antique and vintage Valentine cards at’sDay. Wikipedia also noted that Islamic Officials in certain Muslim countries have banned the production of any goods relating to this day (cards with hearts, red roses, etc) because the celebration of romantic love is “not suitable” for Muslims. The American Holiday, February 22, was originally established in 1885 in recognition of President George Washington, who was born on that day in 1732. In the 1970s it became known as President’s Day, honoring Abraham Lincoln & others. This Holiday was scheduled to become a part of a 3-Day weekend for workers and then retailers were able to use that Holiday to promote sales. A number of N.J. Schools are closed for Presidents week, so if you have Grandkids visiting - check out these Activities: for a list of their exciting new exhibits; or visit Newark for fun-filled family programs or the Planetarium Show. Plan to attend the next Computer Club Meeting scheduled for the first Thursday of each month at 7 pm. Refreshments will be served. • Fully In HALF BULLETIN REPAIRS DONE RIGHT! The Best Service, Parts, and WarrantyThat’s The Guardian Advantage Service • Repair • Sales • Installation Winter Special Senior Discount (Excludes Sale Items) Get Your NEW Insulated Door Today SERVICING ALL BRANDS OF GARAGE DOORS & OPENERS Broken Springs Replaced • Rollers & Cables Replaced Transmitters & Receivers ONLY $649 Insulated Installed regularly $849 SALE DOOR 8x7 NJ Cert #13VH01882000 NO SUBCONTRACTORS spc-882c Fast, Professional Service “Family Owned and Operated” 732-269-9667 • 609-693-8040 • Fully Insured FEBRUARY 2015 THE GREENBRIAR TIMES 9 Full Line Of Window Treatments Factory Showroom Art’s Windows 199 Ocean Ave. (Rt.88), Lakewood, NJ 800-822-8920 • 732-367-1770 Serving NJ Since 1981 • 1/2 tabloid Submitted by Sue Barrett 1/2 bulletin $ .00 $ .00 $ .00 $ .00 .00 $ .00 Cannot be combined with any other offer. Ad MUST be presented at time of order. ART’S WINDOWS 199 Ocean Ave. (Rt.88), Lakewood, NJ 800-822-8920 • 732-367-1770 Blinds - Shades - Plantation Shutters Draperies and More VERTICAL BLINDS PLEATED SHADES CELLULAR SHADES MINI BLINDS WOOD/FAUX BLINDS DRAPERIES SEATS / CHAIRS BEDSPREADS PLANTATION SHUTTERS WINDOW SHADINGS ROLLER & ROMAN SHADES SKYLIGHTS & MORE... Take Advantage Of This Opportunity. Call Us For A No Cost, No Obligation In-Home Consultation Over 25 Years Of Experience Art’s Windows Serving NJ Since 1981 10 Free In-Home Consultation Full Line Of Window Treatments Factory Showroom 199 Ocean Ave. (Rt.88), Lakewood, NJ 800-822-8920 • 732-367-1770 THE GREENBRIAR TIMES FEBRUARY 2015 HUNTER DOUGLAS GRABER • LAFAYETTE ADO • ROBERT ALLEN MICHAELS TEXTILE NORMAN • COMFORTEX TIMBER • & MORE SHOWROOM HOURS Mon-Thurs 8-6 Fri-Sat 9-5 • Commercial • Residential • ads-698E $ BULLETIN 25 OFF 250 ART’S WINDOWS 50 OFF 500 Full Line of QUARTER 100 OFF 1000 or More Window Treatments Let’s Meet: Adele and Albert Ardolino By Joyce Leach Adele and Albert “Bert” Ardolino proudly boast 70 years of marriage. She grew up in Belmar and he grew up in Neptune, NJ. They met when Adele was 14, while she worked in the Allenhurst pharmacy-luncheonette. He worked in the local grocery store and delivered fruits and veggies to the pharmacy. She says he “really looked good” and he thought the same about her. The next summer, Bert got her a job as a cashier at the grocery store. Adele remembers in 1946 they bought their first home in Neptune on the GI Bill, no money down, and their mortgage payment was $42.75 a month, taxes included. Bert delivered bread in Seaside and Neptune, was a presser in a uniform shop, and eventually went to work for Consolidated Water as a serviceman. He remembers pipes frozen in the midst of winter and spent many days “lying in the snow thawing pipes, until they thawed out.” “I remember one house in Interlaken that had a bad meter. When I got to the house the owner said that the son had let a squirrel into the house and asked if I could help them out. I had to find the squirrel and get him out of the room filled with toys, skis, and stuff. The owner called the Company and got my name and gifted me with a big basket at Christmas.” Adele worked for the telephone company for 35 years. “I worked the switchboard at night while the kids were growing up. Then I was assigned to Princeton for 8 years in the customer service department, trained new people and introduced new systems throughout New Jersey.” “One terrible experience on the day shift was when a little boy, 7 years old, from Pt. Pleasant called screaming that his mom was trying to kill him, she had gas in the garage and he couldn’t get out.” Adele contacted the police and they were able to locate the house, finding the boy and his mother, both unconscious, lying in a closed garage with the car running. They requested an ambulance from Adele, who was able to quickly send one over. The police stated that the telephone call had saved the lives of both mother and son. “This was so traumatic and I always wondered what happened to that boy.” In 1982 Adele and Bert both retired to their home in Neptune, moving to Greenbriar in 1991. When asked how they managed to make their marriage last 70 years, they say you have to overlook a lot. Let things go in one ear and out the other. He played a lot of golf (Woodlake Country Club and Forge Pond of late). He met the challenge of shooting his age on the golf course, 75 years old. He shot a 75. This was reported in the Asbury Park Press. Bert adds, “It helps to have a great sense of humor.” Bert plays cards, including poker on Wednesday night and every day he is not golfing, and is a great storyteller. Adele plays bridge, enjoys going to Atlantic City and grocery shopping. They boast they traveled from New Jersey to Delray Beach, Florida for 15 years. “Can you imagine in 1984 we traveled to 7 countries and it cost $1500? We also enjoyed traveling to Hawaii to visit relatives, San Francisco, and Vegas.” Now they just stay in Jersey enjoying their two daughters, Nancy and Lynn. “Most of all we have enjoyed Greenbriar since 1991.” “Life is good.” Important Information for Contributors to the Greenbriar Times The paper comes out monthly. Deadline for articles is the 4th of February for the next issue. Also the Editorial Staff will select the photos for the papers. All articles are to be typed and signed. Each activity is responsible for their own article and pictures. FEBRUARY 2015 THE GREENBRIAR TIMES 11 NJ HOME IMPROVEMENT LIC#13VH01279200 SINCE 1963 FREE ESTIMATES FULLY LICENSED & INSURED ADS-3503 New Neighbors ■ ARCHITECTURAL SHINGLES ■ SINGLE PLY ROOFING ■ BUILT UP ROOFING ■ ATTIC FANS & SKYLIGHTS ■ VINYL SIDING ■ REPLACEMENT WINDOWS ■ SEAMLESS GUTTERS & GUTTER GUARD ■ GARAGE DOORS ■ DOORS ■ SHUTTERS 732-458-9222 • 609-693-2929 FREE ESTIMATES • FULLY INSURED • PROMPT SERVICE Tom Allen BRICK, NEW JERSEY LICENSE #13833 732-295-8900 Call for pricing to replace your Federal Pacific Electric panel before it’s too late! our #1 priority Serving your community is 12 Can you believe it, John and Betty Whalen, left Florida to come live here in Greenbriar. He is a retired Lieutenant Colonel from the United States Army. They came to New Jersey to be close to their families in Wall and Manasquan. John and Betty are anxious to meet their new neighbors and to become involved in our beautiful community. Lucinda Guinta and Joe Pellegrino moved here from Belleville, New Jersey. They owned a hair salon in Maplewood, NJ. Greenbriar’s location was an important factor in their decision to relocate in our community. They are anxious to play golf. ad #3148 ad #3148 w w w. C a r d i n a l R o o f i n g . c o m Angela and Rich O’Reilly moved to Greenbriar from Lake Como, NJ. Angela was a realtor, which let her know that we are the best kept Community, with the best amenities that she has sold houses over the years. Rich is recently retired. THE GREENBRIAR TIMES FEBRUARY 2015 FREE ESTIMATES • FULLY INSURED • PROMPT SERVICE Tom Allen BRICK, NEW JERSEY LICENSE #13833 732-295-8900 Update your old smoke detectors with built in 10 year batteries. our #1 priority Serving your community is LAKE RIDGE ON o Anna’s Spiritual Garden The Rev. Barbara Brown Taylor was a guest on Oprah’s Super Soul Sunday, where she takes issue with “Spiritualists,” who talk about the importance of “the journey.” She states, “if they focus on the journey, they are focused on the destination.” This is untrue!! Spiritualists do not focus on the destination, because this is not where life happens. “Life” happens on the journey!! This is where we learn, fall down, get up, love, laugh, cry, dance, and hopefully choose the path we take, at any given time. I am aware that sometimes we don’t get to choose every path we are on. Sometimes, life for whatever reason, presents us with challenges, that are difficult, such as life threatening illnesses, falls with broken bones, etc. Some of my loved ones, dearest friends, and neighbors in Greenbriar are on such a path. You all know who you are, and you are all truly Amazing!! Every day I see you put one foot in front of the other and you all, “keep on , keeping on.” I see you focus on your journey, because that is where your healing occurs. I see you finding reasons to hope, smile, and even dance. You are all doing the best you can, and I believe your best will be Good Enough!! Again, you are all amazing role models. You show how to go through the dark night, and wait for the dawn. The dawn always comes! Remember, You Are All Loved!! See you on the Path, Love and Peace, Anna Did You Know? Submitted by Pat McClendon 1. Kites were used in the American Civil War to deliver letters and newspapers. 2. The Mona Lisa has no eyebrows. In the Renaissance Era, it was fashionable to shave them off! 3. In ancient times strangers shook hands to show they were unarmed. 4. Warner Communications paid $28 million for the copyright to the song “Happy Birthday” Trivia Time Dedicated to your skin, hair & nails. Submitted by Kevin T. Smith Hydrophobia of what?, hair is&fear nails. 2. How many months have 28 days? 3. What is known as Cape Cod turkey? 4. The most destructive insect in the world is the desert locust, cockroach, or termite? 5. What is the average lifespan of red blood cells in the Immediate Appointments human body Answers on page 22 Immediate Appointments Available Professional, Courteous Staff Medicare and Most Insurances Accepted Available Professional, Courteous Staff Medicare and Most Insurances Accepted • Board Certified • Specializing in Skin Cancer Treatment • Nail Fungus • Mohs Surgery • Spider Veins • Removal of Moles, Growths, Age Spots & Brown Spots • Injectables: Botox and other fillers... • Specializing in cosmetic procedures for antiaging • • Rosacea Dry Itchy Skin Free cosmetic consultations Toms River, NJ 732-341-0515 • Nail Fungus • Spider Veins • Injectables: Botox and other fillers... • Specializing in cosmetic procedures for antiaging s, Age Manahawkin, NJ 609-489-0520 Dry Itchy Skin Treatment • Lakewood, NJ 732-364-0515 Whiting, NJ 732-849-9444 Sea Girt, NJ 732-282-9660 spc-118c FEBRUARY 2015 THE GREENBRIAR TIMES 13 Greenbriar Welcomes The New Year with Good Food, Friends, and Dancing! 14 THE GREENBRIAR TIMES FEBRUARY 2015 SNOW SHOWER In early December we were treated to a light snow shower that stuck to the wet trees and bushes and was gone in a few hours. Pictured is snow at the lake, snowy decor at the clubhouse, and our Greenbriar entrance sign with lights on... 8 3 ALL INSECTS ALL ANIMALS ALL RODENTS 1-888-313-7188 1-732-489-9513 FREE ESTIMATES WE WILL BEAT ALL WRITTEN ESTIMATES! $50 Termite Inspection $65 Quarterly Pest Control +tax +tax + Quarterly Pest Control Termite Contracts $65 per year WITH NO CURRENT TERMITE PROBLEMS ALL INSECTS COVERED GROUND BEETLES CENTIPEDES • MILLIPEDES EARWIGS • SPIDERS BEDBUGS • ANTS SILVERFISH • CRICKETS BEES • RATS • MICE **WOOD DESTROYING INSECTS NOT INCLUDED ** Business Lic. #97622A Lic. # 25801A ads-2704B ALL INSECTS ALL ANIMALS ALL RODENTS 1-888-313-7188 1-732-489-9513 FREE ESTIMATES AL ALL ALL WE WILL BEAT ALL WRITTEN ESTIMATES! ALL INSECTS COVERED 1-888-3 1-732-4 GROUND BEETLES • CENTIPEDES • MILLIPEDES EARWIGS • SPIDERS • PAVEMENT ANTS SILVERFISH • CRICKETS • BEES • RATS • MICE **WOOD DESTROYING INSECTS NOT INCLUDED ** Business Lic. #97622A Lic. # 25801A $50 Termite Inspection $65 Quarterly Pest Control +tax + Quarterly Pest Control Termite Contracts ads-2704B $65 +tax per year WITH NO CURRENT TERMITE PROBLEMS FREE ESTIMATES WE WILL BEAT ALL WRITTEN EST $50 Termite Inspection $65 Quarterly Pest Control +tax ALL INSECTS GROUND B CENTIPEDES • EARWIGS • +tax PAVEMEN + Quarterly Pest Control SILVERFISH • BEES FEBRUARY 2015 THE GREENBRIAR 15 • RAT per year TIMES Termite Contracts $65 WITH NO CURRENT TERMITE PROBLEMS **WOOD DESTROYING INSE Business Lic Lic. # 25 febrUAR SUNDAY 1 9:30 St. Dominic’s RC Church Bus 5:00 Super Bowl Sunday - FR MONDAY 2 9:00 Oil Painting - Mid 10:00 Service Club Brd Meeting Sewroom 11:00 Tai Chi - Front Aud 11:00 GBTV - New Program 1:00 Mah Jongg - Lib 6:00 Prayer Mtg - Lib 6:30 Social Bridge - Crd 9 8 9:30 St. Dominic’s RC Church Bus RECYCLING DAY 9:00 Oil Painting - Mid. 11:00 Tai Chi - Front Aud. 11:00 GBTV - New Program 1:00 Mah Jongg - Lib. 6:00 Prayer MTG - Lib. 6:00 Social Bridge - Crd 3 TUESDAY 8:30 Exercise Cl - Front 10:00 Area Reps Mtg - FR. 1:00 Service Club - Aud 1:00 Mag Jongg - Card 7:00 Bingo - Aud Eatontown Mall 10 8:30 Exercise Cl - Mid. 1:00 Service Club - Aud. 1:00 Mah Jongg - Card. 7:00 Bingo - Aud. 4 WEDNE 8:15 Chair Yoga - Mid 9:00 Bridge Clinic - C 9:15 Blood Pressure 10:00 Zumba - Fr. Au 11:30 Bowling - O.La 1:00 Ceramics - Cer. 4:00 GBTV - Rerun 6:00 Pinochle/Poker 6:30 Line Dancing - F 11 OCEAN COUNTY MALL 16 15 9:30 St. Dominic’s RC Church Bus 2:00 Movies - Fr. Aud. OFFICE CLOSED 9:00 Oil Painting - Mid. 11:00 Tai Chi - Fr. Aud. 11:00 GBTV - New Program 1:00 Mah Jongg - Lib. 6:00 Prayer MTG - Lib. 6:30 Social Bridge - CRD 17 23 22 9:30 St. Dominic’s RC Church Bus 5:00 Pot Luck Dinner - Mid. 16 RECYCLING DAY 9:00 Oil Painting - Mid. 11:00 Tai Chi - Fr. Aud. 11:00 GBTV - New Program 1:00 Mah Jongg - Lib. 6:00 Prayer MTG - Lib. 6:30 Social Bridge - CRD 7:00 Trustees’ Mtg. - Fr. Aud. THE GREENBRIAR TIMES FEBRUARY 2015 18 8:30 Exercise Class - Mid 1:00 Service Club - Aud. 1:00 Mah Jongg - Card 7:00 Bingo - Aud. PRESIDENT’S DAY 8:15 Chair Yo 9:00 Bridge C 10:00 Zumba 11:30 Bowling 1:00 Ceramic 2:00 Brain Ga 4:00 GBTV - R 6:00 Pinochle 6:30 Line Dan 7:00 Book Dis EATONTOWN MALL 24 8:30 Exercise Class - Mid. 12:00 Service Club Blind Auction- Aud. 1:00 Mah Jongg - Card 7:00 Bingo - Aud. WEGMAN’s 8:15 Chair Yoga - MI 9:00 Bridge Clinic - C 10:00 Zumba - Fr. Au 11:30 Bowling - O. L 12:30 Hadassah Mtg 1:00 Ceramics - Cer. 4:00 GBTV - Rerun 6:00 Pinochle/Poker 6:30 Line Dancing - F 25 8:15 Chair Yoga 9:00 Bridge Clin 10:00 Zumba - F 11:00 Memoirs G 11:30 Bowling 12:30 Music & T 1:00 Ceramics 2:00 Brain Game 4:00 GBTV - Re 6:00 Pinochle/Po 6:30 Line Dancin RY 2015 ESDAY d Card Screening - Lib ud. anes Rm. - Crd Fr. oga - MID. Clinic - Card a - Fr. Aud. g - O. Lanes cs - Cer. Rm. ames - Mid Rerun e/Poker - CR ncing - Fr. scussion Group - Lib ID. Card ud. Lanes g - Mid . RM - CR Fr. a - MID. nic - Card Fr. Aud. GP - Lib O. Lanes The Arts - Fr. Aud. - Cer. Rm. es - Mid erun oker - CR ng - Fr. 5 THURSDAY 8:30 Kiwanis Board Mtg Mid Aud. 9:45 Kiwanis Mtg - Mid. 11:00 Library GP - Lib 11:45 Bowling - O. Lanes 12:30 Dup. Bridge - Mid. 7:00 GBTV - Rerun 7:00 Computer Club - Fr 6 FRIDAY SATURDAY 7 GARBAGE DAY 9:00 Yoga -Mid. Aud. 8:30 Exercise Class - Mid 9:30 Bowling - O.Lanes 10:00 Tap/Jazz Dancing - Fr. Aud. 1:00 Mah Jongg - Card 7:00 GBTV - Rerun 7:30 Line Dancing - Fr. 12 13 9:45 Kiwanis Mtg. - Mid. 11:00 Library Group - Lib. 11:45 Bowling - O. Lanes 12:30 Dup. Bridge - Mid. 6:00 Yoga - Fr. Aud. 7:00 GBTV - Reru 8:30 Exercise Class - Mid. 9:30 Bowling - O. Lanes 10:00 Tap/Jazz Dancing - Fr. Aud. 1:00 Mah Jongg - Card 1:00 Golden Tones - Fr. 7:00 GBTV - Rerun 7:30 Line Dancing - Fr. 9:00 Yoga - Fr. Aud. 7:30 Cafe Nite’s Valentine’s Day Dance - Aud. 19 20 21 9:45 Kiwanis Club - Mid. 11:00 Library Group - Lib. 11:45 Bowling - O. Lanes 12:30 Dup. Bridge - Mid. 6:00 Yoga - Fr. Aud. 6:00 Bunco - Mid. Aud. 7:00 GBTV - Rerun 8:30 Exercise Class - Mid. 9:30 Bowling - O. Lanes 10:00 Tap/Jazz Dancing - Fr. Aud. 1:00 Mah Jongg - Card 1:00 Golden Tones - Fr. 7:00 GBTV - Rerun 7:30 Line Dancing - Fr. 9:00 Yoga - Fr. Aud. 26 27 28 9:45 Kiwanis Club - Mid. 11:00 Library Group - Lib. 11:45 Bowling - O. Lanes 12:30 Dup. Bridge - Mid. 6:00 Yoga - Fr. Aud. 7:00 GBTV - Rerun GARBAGE DAY NO GARBAGE DAY GARBAGE DAY 8:30 Exercise Class - Mid. 9:30 Bowling - O. Lanes 10:00 Tap/Jazz Dancing - Fr. Aud. 1:00 Mah Jongg - Card 1:00 Golden Tones - Fr 7:00 GBTV - Rerun 7:30 Line Dancing - Fr. 14 GARBAGE PICKUP 9:00 Yoga - Fr. Aud. FEBRUARY 2015 THE GREENBRIAR TIMES 17 Volunteers Party The Greenbriar Volunteers were treated to a great luncheon at the clubhouse sponsored and served by our trustees. Thanks volunteers and trustees. Pictured are trustees serving the food and some locals showing off their holiday sweaters. Question of the Month Submitted by Pat McClendon What are your favorite Valentine’s Day Memories? Mary Keany - My first husband said Valentine’s Day was a “Hallmark Holiday” and never acknowledge it. My Second husband Joe, always took me out to dinner on Valentine’s Day. DOTTY RANDAZZO - My husband and I became engaged on Valentine’s Day many years ago! HOLLY and RON WILLIAMS - We started going steady on Valentine’s Day and have been together ever since! 18 THE GREENBRIAR TIMES FEBRUARY 2015 Greenbriar Times Staff Party Before editing the January edition, the staff got together for a terrific pot luck supper with great desserts. Pictured are staff members... M&M Auto Service 3215 BRIDGE AVE POINT PLEASANT, NJ 08742 PHONE: 7 32-892-3500 7 32-899-5533 FA X: 7 32-899-0709 MMAUTOSERVICE@COMCAST.NET WE ARE M&M AUTO SERVICE, A FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED COMPLETE AUTO REPAIR SHOP. WE HAVE BEEN SERVING YOUR ADULT COMMUNITY SINCE 1991. TO SHOW OUR APPRECIATION FOR YOUR BUSINESS 10% OFF ANY REPAIR WITH THIS COUPON. CALL US TO MAKE AN APPOINTMENT PICK-UP & DELIVERY AVAILABLE FEBRUARY 2015 Ad #3305 THE GREENBRIAR TIMES 19 Greenbriar Association Treasurers Monthly Report Book Club News By Pat McClendon The book discussed at the December 10th meeting was “I Feel Bad About My Neck” by Nora Ephron. It is a delightful collection of short stories about her take on what it’s like to be a “woman of a certain age” She discusses things such as buying an expensive purse in Paris, and her experience with cuisine and cooking and entertaining. Her essay on “Maintenance” addresses her displeasure with her sagging neck and having to wear scarves and turtlenecks and realizing that in order to do something about it would require a full face-lift which she isn’t ready to do. Each of her stories gives the reader a witty, urbane look at her take on being a woman. Most of the group found they could relate to at least one or more of her essays and enjoyed her views on how women approach and deal with the inevitability of aging. The book we are reading for the January 14th meeting is “The Secret Keeper” by Kate Morton. COME TAX PREPARATION Respectfully Submitted, Mary Keaney, Treasurer INCOME TAX PREPARATION 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE $100.00 -New Clients- $100.00 -New ClientsFederal A&B, New Jersey FREE PICK-UP AVAILABLE ORE FINANCIAL SERVICES L.L.C. Robert F. Lepore, C.F.P. 732-892-7550 732-779-8554 Locations in Ocean County Federal A&B, New Jersey FREE PICK-UP AVAILABLE LEPORE FINANCIAL SERVICES L.L.C. Robert F. Lepore, C.F.P. 732-892-7550 732-779-8554 ads-1587a Locations in Ocean County OTTONE CHIROPRACTIC CENTER DR. PETER A. OTTONE • Participating Medicare Provider • Safe, Gentle Techniques • Activator Advanced Proficiency Rated • Serving Seniors of Ocean County for 15 years • Board Certified • Member of American Chiropractic Association Pro-Med Building 1140 Burnt Tavern Rd., Unit 1C ads-4135 20 THE GREENBRIAR TIMES FEBRUARY 2015 732-840-8400 Robert N. Del Presto, DMD esto, DMD ARROWHEAD FAMILY DENTAL 2024 Rt. 88 East, Brick EAD NTAL t, Brick Across from White Chiropractic hiropractic 1300 nate Care Accepted NTS 732-840-1300 Visit us at • Professional, Compassionate Care • Many Insurance Plans Accepted ANY ORDER THROUGH 2/28/15* IMPLANTS $999 QUILTING Kathi McCann QUILTING MINI-IMPLANTS ALSO AVAILABLE QUALITY FULL DENTURES $895 Kathi $80 McCann $600 Quality Workmanship Fourteen Day Service Availabl Edge to Edge Quilting (Reg. $999) Offers cannot be combined with any discounted dental plan. spc-253b FREE $150 OFF SERVICE CALL ads-1728 Initial Exam & Cleaning with st • All Necessary X-Rays • Consult with Dr. Del Presto GAS BOILER/ FURNACE REPLACEMENT 732-849-589 (with repair) Not valid on after hours or weekend services. Expires 2/28/2015 (Reg. $240) 891 Route 37 West, Toms River, NJ 08755 732-349-1448 1-800-688-TEMP 732-657-8367 (Reg. $999) (Reg. $240) System Guarantees Results! EW PATIENT SPECIAL 600 Includes: Initial Exam & Cleaning with Hygenist • All Necessary X-Rays • Personal Consult with Dr. Del Presto EACH (Reg. $1,100) 732-849-5892 Guarantees Results! NEW PATIENT SPECIAL Immediate Dentures, Partials Slightly More ads-1728 E ON PREMISES $80 (Reg. $1500) RESTORATIONS MUST BE DONE ON PREMISES Quality Workmanship ACEMENT Fourteen Day Service Available $1500) Edge to Edge Quilting TS BLE PLACEMENT √ CERTIFIED & TECHNICALLY TRAINED not be combined with any PROFESSIONALS ounted dental plan. spc-253b √ SAME DAY SERVICE / REPLACEMENTS √ FULLY LICENSED / FULLY INSURED √ SERVICE & INSTALL ALL MAKES & MODELS √ FREE ESTIMATES ON REPLACEMENTS & NEW INSTALLATIONS Central Air Conditioning • Boilers • Furnaces Heat Pumps • Hot Water Heaters Tankless Water Heaters • Attic Fans Oil/Gas/Propane Conversions Air Cleaners • Dryer Vents • Humidifiers Tune-Ups • Service Plans FINANCING AVAILABLE NJ HIC #13VH02253000 Michael J. Belanger, NJ Master Plumbing LIC# 9465 RT Brown, NJ Electrical LIC# 10584 ads-1101E $250 OFF GAS CONVERSION $100 OFF TANKLESS GAS HOT WATER SYSTEM OR $50 OFF GAS HOT WATER HEATER $150 OFF $250 OFF CENTRAL AIR CONDITIONING REPLACEMENT NEW INSTALL OF AIR CONDITIONING OR HEATING SYSTEM COUPONS MUST BE PRESENT WHEN SIGNING CONTRACT and may not be used for prior services/installations. Coupons do not expire, except service call coupon. FEBRUARY 2015 THE GREENBRIAR TIMES 21 Greenbriar Travel Club We are excited to announce the start of a Greenbriar Travel Club. The club will meet on the second Thursday of the month at 1:00pm in the Trustee Room at the Clubhouse. We plan to work with Terri Boyd, our new in-house travel agent, to arrange day trips and maybe more for Greenbriar residents and friends. If you would like to participate, please join us on Thursday, February 12. Questions or Suggestions? Contact Cathy Ericksen or Donna Curtis. Pet Stop Submitted by Kevin T. Smith All of our pets are on vacation with their families. They send their love to all of you! Look for your Furry Friends to return to Greenbriar in our March Issue. We hope everyone had Wonderful Holidays. Best regards, Kevin and his Furry Friends Trivia Answers 1. Water 2. All 12 Months 3. Dried Salt Cod 22 THE GREENBRIAR TIMES FEBRUARY 2015 4. Desert Locust 5. 120 Days FEBRUARY 2015 EVENTS ADMINISTRATION - 458-3700 security - 948-2076 service desk - 458-3725 accounting - 458-3859 ************************************** Greenbriar association meeting and board of trustees’ MEETING Monday, February 23, 7:00 pm All homeowners are urged to attend this meeting which will be held in the Front Auditorium. This meeting will be televised. Sunday, February 1st, 5 pm Super Bowl Sunday! *** Saturday, February 14th, 7:30 pm Cafe Nite’s Valentine’s Day Dance *** Sunday, February 15th, 2 pm Movies *** Sunday, February 22nd, 5 pm Pot Luck Dinner *** ************************************************** CAFE NITE’S VALENTINE’S DAY DANCE SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14TH, 7:30pm Bring your sweetheart and dance the night away! Tickets are on sale in the Administration Office at $5.00/person. For Advertising Contact Senior Publishing Company at 1-888-637-3200 ************************************************** BLOOD PRESSURE SCREENING: Come to the Library on Wednesday, February 4th at 9:15 am to have your blood pressure read by a professional for FREE! Our registered nurse will be here from 9:15 am - 10:15 am - so make sure you take advantage of a good thing! COMMITTEE MEETINGS: Monday, February 2nd, 10 am - Service Club Board Meeting - Sewing Room Tuesday, February 3rd, 10 am - Area Representatives Meeting - Front Auditorium Thursday, February 5th, 8:30 am - Kiwanis Club Board Meeting - Rear Auditorium RECYCLING PICK UP DATES FOR JANUARY: Monday, February 9th Monday, February 23rd Also, please remember that because of Presidents’ Holiday on February 16th, garbage will be picked up on Saturday, February 21st We accept no responsibility for any advertisements. If there are any complaints concerning an advertiser, please contact them directly. If you receive no satisfaction, you can contact your Better Business Bureau or the Ocean County Department of Consumer Affairs. Lic # 9677 GARON T. PLUMBING & HEATING 24 Hr Emergency Service • All Plumbing Repairs and Maintenance • Fixtures/Faucets-Repaired & Replaced • Sewer & Drain Cleaning • Hot Water Heaters Repaired & Replaced • Handicap Fixtures and Accessories • Single Lever Laundry Valves • Service Gas Furnaces • Outside Faucets Repaired & Replaced • Repair & Replace Broken Piping • $2500 Senior Discount Call Us For Your Plumbing And Heating Needs! 732-920-5721 FEBRUARY 2015 ads-2693 THE GREENBRIAR TIMES 23 Name Website Email Phone Michelle Morgan-Vitello 848-565-6182 G E T G U A R A N T E E D S AV I N G S Guaranteed Savings Plan Natural Gas & Electricity 3% S SAVING TEE GUARAN Customers are GUARANTEED an annual savings of at least 3% under what he incumbent utility would have charged for the same period, or they receive a check for the difference. 24 Available Markets • PSE&G - Gas and Electric • Jersey Central Power and Light • Atlantic City Electric • Rockland Electric • South Jersey Gas • New Jersey Natural Gas GREAT REWARDS ■ Earn Free Energy by referring friends & family to Ambit ■ Enjoy two nights of hotel accommodations at one of more than 60 destinations as a welcome gift ■ Accumulate points for travel rewards based on the energy you use each month Sign up today! Ask me how can lower your energy bills! Name Website Email Phone Michelle Morgan-Vitello 848-565-6182 THE GREENBRIAR TIMES FEBRUARY 2015 ads-4011a an annual savings of at least 3% under what he incumbent utility would have charged for the same period, or they receive a check for the difference. Manalapan There will be no bus service on the following (10) holidays: New Year’s Day, Martin Luther Kings Birthday, Presidents Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, July 4, Labor Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day or Christmas Day. There will be bus service the Friday after Thanksgiving. FEBRUARY 2015 THE GREENBRIAR TIMES 25 26 THE GREENBRIAR TIMES FEBRUARY 2015 Straight Horizons This is the time of year when many of us travel to warmer places. This gives us the opportunity to shoot some landscapes and seascapes of the places we visit. It is very important to make certain you hold your camera level on this type of shot so the horizon is straight and level. Having a tilted horizon line is especially important when shooting sunrises and sunsets. If the horizon is tilted (even slightly) it will make the image seem unnatural and give it an unbalanced feel. It is also important to keep your camera level when shooting indoors. Horizontal lines, such as a fireplace mantel, molding, or door frames, that are not level will make your images less appealing. When photographing, take your time and make certain your composition is good and level. That’s it for this month. As always you can email me with any questions at If you’d like to see more of my images you can visit my site at . Remember to keep shooting and trying to improve your images, but most importantly, have fun with your camera. Straight Horizon Crooked Horizon FEBRUARY 2015 THE GREENBRIAR TIMES 27 CAFÉ NIGHT The December Cafe Night was lots of fun. Everyone looked festive and was ready for a good time. The music and dancing was superb. If you have not come out to a Cafe Night, you’re missing a good time. Think about it.... Pictured are party goers enjoying themselves. 28 THE GREENBRIAR TIMES FEBRUARY 2015 AD 4688 $ Will pay CASH for $ Costume & Fine Jewelry, Silver, Watches, Coins, Antiques, Art, Sculpture, Furniture, Lighting, Musical Instruments, Porcelain, and more Partial or entire estates Special care for senior citizens Your satisfaction is our goal Ask for Jeff, Peter or Daryl 800-290-5401 848-466-9000 LET IT SHINE Commercial & Residential Cleaning Service Affordable, Bonded, Insured 111 Blake Circle • Brick, NJ 08724 908-433-7750 Barbara Baatz, Owner Greenbriar Homeowner Ad 4519 We accept no responsibility for any advertisements. If there are any complaints concerning an advertiser, please contact them directly. If you receive no satisfaction, you can contact your Better Business Bureau or the Ocean County Department of Consumer Affairs. Fifty Years...WOW by George Delmarmo On December Twenty-sixth my sisters and I traveled to West Virginia for a fiftieth wedding anniversary. In this day and age when many of us have divorced, it was indeed a unique experience. The biggest thrill of the trip was to meet a lot of the people who were at the wedding...of course there were many who weren’t there...and to meet the many guests who were new to the party. The new ones included the families of the couple we were there to honor. This group included the children...grandchildren...and great Costumethe&many Fine Jewelry, grandchildren...and new friends made over Sil the fifty year period of their being together. Watches, Coins, Antiques, A At one point the DJ cleared the dance floor for the Sculpture, Furniture, Light couple to dance to the Anniversary Waltz...and then called for other couples who were married for fifty Musical Instruments, Porce and over years...forty...thirty...etc. Personally I was saddened by the fact that and the Goodmore Lord denied me that thrill, but that will be for me and Him to resolve. Partial orforentire The only suggestion I have anyone else estates planning such a party, is to have name tags made...not only care for senior withSpecial the person’s name on it, but how they are related.citiz I was constantly embarrassed by lovely young ladies satisfaction is our go kissingYour me hello, who I didn’t know and by handsome young men shaking my hand, who I also didn’t know. The party was much better than welcoming Santa to town...I highly recommend that type of entertainment for everyone. $ Will pay CASH for Ask for Jeff, Peter or29 Da FEBRUARY 2015 THE GREENBRIAR TIMES 800-290-5401 MEDICARE PART B UPDATE 2015 The Medicare Part B deductible for 2015 will remain at $147.00 and the Part B Premium will stay at $104.90 for most Medicare beneficiaries. ATTENTION! PAAD AND SENIOR GOLD BENEFICIARIES Effective January 1, 2015, income limits for PAAD and Senior Gold increased. Pharmaceutical Assistance for the Aged and Disable (PAAD) Income Limit: Less than $26,575 (single) Less than $32,582 (married). *For PAAD the total income cannot equal or exceed the indicated limit for the person to be eligible. Senior Gold Prescription Discount Program Income Limit: $26,575-$36,575 (single) 32,582-$42,582 (married) *For Senior Gold the total income must be between the amounts indicated to be eligible. OCEAN COUNTY CARES The Ocean County Office of Emergency Management has an application called “We Care” for anyone who might need special assistance in an emergency. The “We Care” application can be obtained by calling the Office of Emergency Management at 1-800331-8152. Once the form is completed, it should be returned to your local police department. If you need assistance completing the form or you need someone to pick up your completed form, call the Office of Emergency at 1-800-331-8152 for assistance. All your information will be kept strictly confidential; however, it will assist our Emergency Management officials in planning for your safety in the event of an emergency. Emergency Management staff will be happy to answer any of your questions regarding the “We Care” program and you can send you additional weather emergency info. Please call 1-800-331-8152. 30 THE GREENBRIAR TIMES FEBRUARY 2015 WINTER HAS ARRIVED; BE PREPARED Prepare now to take the sting out of the winter weather; here are some things you can do to get ready: • Store drinking water, first aid kit, canned/ no-cook food, non-electric can opener, radio, flashlight and extra batteries where you can get them easily, even in the dark. • Keep cars and other vehicles fueled and in good repair, with a winter emergency kit in each. • Get a NOAA Weather Radio to monitor severe weather. • Know ahead of time what you should do to help elderly or disabled friends, neighbors or employees. • Winterize your house, barn, shed or any other structure that may provide shelter for your family, neighbors, livestock or equipment. Install storm shutters, doors and windows; clear rain gutters; repair roof leaks; and check the structural ability of the roof to sustain unusually heavy weight from the accumulation of snow--or water, if drains on flat roofs do not work. • Also remember that dressing in layers is important when the temperatures drop. Experts recommend wearing several layers of loosefitting, lightweight, warm clother rather than one layer of heavy clothing. Outer garments should be tightly woven and water-repellent. Mittens are warmer than gloves. Wear a hat. Cover your mouth with a scarf to protet your lungs from etremely cold air. Wear sturdy, waterproof boots in snow or flooding conditions. • And remember that if you lose your power and are using kerosene heaters make sure you maintain ventilation to avoid build-up of toxic fumes. Keep heaters at least three feet from flammable objects and refuel kerosene heaters outside. GUARDIAN GARAGE DOOR SERVICE Repairs ~ Sales ~ Installation Repairs Done Right! 732-269-9667 D I R E C T O R Y Major Appliance Service Factory Authorized Refrigerators • Freezers • Ranges Washers • Dryers • Dishwashers 732-892-8508 All work fully guaranteed CENTRAL JERSEY GARAGE DOOR Sales • Service • Installation Automatic Door Openers Insured HORAN Bulletin CONSTRUCTION BRICK, NEW JERSEY 08724 NO JOB TOO SMALL ONE CALL DOES IT ALL!!! 732-604-7816 NJ. H.I.C. # 13VH04458100 GINA Service Major Appliance “Your trusted personal assistant” Factory help, Authorized Elder care, paperwork light cleaning, meal Refrigerators • Freezers Ranges preparation, errand and shopping•companion Strong Washers references! •No minimum! No task too small! Dryers • Dishwashers Serving Greenbriar since 1991 732-892-8508 CALL 732-644-7570 All work fully guaranteed Insured George’s Plumbing Plumbing | Heating Repairs | Air Conditioning |Sewer & Drain 732-905-9975 NJ HIC.#13VHO1856500 Georgi’s Care Need help running errands, cooking, cleaning, shopping, house sitting, or any transportation. Call Georgi for safe reliable service! CALL: (201) 906-6074 Email: Hair At Home I Come To You! 35 Years Experience • Licensed/Referrals Call Kathy 732-267-2819 For All Your Hair Needs! Michelle’s Helping Hand Tabloid 866-482-0177 • 732-370-2769 will make your life easier from errands to chores and so much more. For all of your companion needs please call. Lic#1014 732-278-3258 Service Today! $10.00 Off Your Next Service Call We Charge By the Job NOT by the Hour!! Hometowne Plumbing Walt’s Home Repair & Maintenance LLC 732-270-3232 Small Jobs Are Welcome Will Beat All Legitimate Estimates No Job Too Small Lic. 9452 FORMER MARINE Jeff’s Powerwashing Hot Water and Soap • Mold Removal Houses • Patios • Roofs Washed 732-901-5336 Insured Lic. #13VH01634500 Senior Discounts • Free Estimates Low Pressure Roof Stain Removal Safely Washing Houses & Roofs for Over 15 Years BULLETIN ABOVE TABLOID BELOW D I R E C T O R Y Handyman Service Reliable Quality Work 30 years Experience (908) 675-5626 Free Estimates Licensed & Insured Lic #13VH06957700 CENTRAL JERSEY GARAGE DOOR Sales • Service • Installation Automatic Door Openers 732-905-9975 NJ HIC.#13VHO1856500 FEBRUARY 2015 THE GREENBRIAR TIMES 31 CARPET • HARDWOOD • LAMINATE GUARANTEED 20% LESS THAN HOME CENTER PRICES CARPET CARPET SUPER STAIN RESISTANT COMMERCIAL CARPET Only 1 $ 69 Only PER FT. • ASSORTED COLORS • 5 YR. 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