Variation W. By T HE W. aid an therefore adequate Altitude levels for the from tiot he most of Canada, the to provide reliable as have a factor l)eems the years of United to age States, justify particularly values before among people same these tables magmsitude of women are, showus levels the United with advaisciusg to obtain amid after sufficient data on adult middle age, amid to itidicate adults. Sm’h information differemsces people States, of could some other SUBJECTS The From N. the of Maritime Ofl 1308 male between Regional AND and 1424 November beets the last these cots- reported tens years, The values methods w’ith ose typical of those usually adult life. The other geuserally low’er. but women upon is little that The sex it is smaller the its treisd its reports or no a decrease of of the (‘hausge its occurs in people to allow’ comparisoms of the degree of the sex differemsce be of fairly s’ide interest amsd use, likely to exist hetw’een hemoglobin in many other localities in Camsada, coumstries, particularly at sea level. METHODS feussale 12, Laboratory, have l)y Wiustrohe, but hemoglobin is kmsowus subjects 1952, anstl National bet weeu May 22, Research tlue ages 1953. The Council of 9, 1954. of 9 Canada, 98 arutl youngest subIlali- S. Submitted We aspect in order to extend informatious our 6 years of age upw-ard. We w’ished w’ould not be Halifax amsd those amid possibly The survey was (lone years. It was carried out fax, age, here was umidertakems of individuals from significant among the is be comssurveys ots this Britaims. of however, as that reported levels older because must have Little amid Great comparisoms among older people. A differemsce hetw’eems mets and hemoglobin values in late adult life has been remarked last few years. Evidence has beets provided that there The work hemoglobin used l)asis its relatioms states decade withims mostly in the values factors. which values the hemoglobin men.46 is w’idely affectimsg domse.1 reported in this survey. values givems by Wintrohe2 are of mets amid w’omems throughout adult Sex factual figures and with those Its tables 2 amsd 3 the coissidered as characteristic is of the blood of hemoglobims considered 100 similar another for LEONARD A sound of other geographic hemoglobims values 4 to about sufficiently difference G. whets borderlimse omsly about the last surveys importamsce 3 summarize from were and VERNA of health. tremsd important Within amid exteist where , particularly the Age respect childreus from six years of age upward amsd young most attemstion. The state of kmsowledge con(’ermsiusg Isemopopulatioms groups is, however, still umssatisfactory. possible 1 2, and individuals AND state establishimig useed localities cerising Tables of the is most surveys. probably in SPECK with CONCENTI(ATH)N in number have levels Level EIaLY5 assessmetst Its this received in some hematology. used in and sex. This as in msutritiots women globin Hemoglobin HAWKINS, necessary to age sidered, for the HEMOGLI)BIN as been of must course December thank of this Dr. survey, 9, E. 1953; Gordon and accepted Vounug, for hell) for the publication Director ins preparing 999 February of this the nsaterial Laboratory, for for publications. ativice dun rig 1000 VARIATION TAB Age No. OF hEMOGLOBIN I.E 1 -Hemoglobin of subjects Hgb (‘hildren av.) Locality Ref. 13.3-13.6 Great Britain 19 13.2 Great Britain 20 1483 12.8 British 5-il 3575 1456 12.8 13.3 Floritia Saskatchewan 5-15 200 12.5 hamilton, 5-16 518 12.4 East 8-13 515 13.1 Louisiana Columbia 14 12 15 Ont. 10 Ont. York, 10 21 7-14 358 13.5 Michigans 7-14 1669 13.6 Saskatoons, S Sask. 9 297 h)oys 13. 1-13.8 Eniglanud 13 10 329 boys 13.5-14.0 England 13 14 550 boys 14.3-14.7 Enugland 13 2.-Hemoglobin TABLE Age No. of subjects Hgb Levels %, (Gm. among as’.) Men Locatity Ref. 19 12-19 - 13.8 Great Britaini 15-19 - 14.2 Great Britains 19 16-25 137 15.1 Hawaii 22 - 111 15.8 Cleveland 23 25 15.9 Philadelphia 24 411 15.2 Bostons 25 77 16.2 Sydnsev 26 51 17-23 17-25 19-28 15.6 Norway - 539 245 16.0 15.7 U. S. A. and Great Britain - 175 16.0 Lima 28 60 13.8 Canada 11 330 14.0 Winunsipeg 60-94 50 14.1 St. 60-98 41 13.9 Scotlansd 65-80 73 13.1 U. S. A. 29 69-91 50 12.6 U. S. A. 30 160 14.3 U. S. A. 31 19-30 16-59 ‘ 50-79 50-97 60-104 jects were ins tlse studied during the early part of the winter, 27 Europe 2, 3 13 6 Louis 5 4 and the adults later in the winter and sprinsg. the With provide drawn help of the children from each Those from universities, 6 to Halifax 14 to was a with disorders folks’ homes. welfare class 2() years Capillary into of Service, a variety were age the oldest schools its high studensts among six were of socio-econsomic them schools, would wisich would Subjects hospitals, expected be choseni groups. to have were colleges, and a better than background. wide variety likely Many groups. than Medical old from in each school. at least socio-economic There School 14 years grade so that average taken SEX 493 - known %, (Gm. a many AND - 6 nomic Levels AGE 4-14 - old WITH 6-13 6-14 anuy LEVEL those blood a calibrates! from of adult to were affect members Ins general usually the pipet, adults of the finger collected were some were and were ins surveys and There hemoglobins of clubs studied a puncture Sahli subjects. the societies, more of this tip was ins a few invalids excluded. among Some including healthy them, were some and but residents of in a better the of better socio-eco- kind. used. A sample nmilliliters of 20 cu. of water mm. was in a test tube HAWKINS, No. of subjects A ND Hgb Ierels %, tGm. 1001 LEOXA liD among hlonuen Locality av.) Ref. 12-19 12.8 Great Britaits 19 15-19 13.6 Great Britain 19 32 12-19 258 12.2 13.0 15-22 48 44 Mi nsnsesot a Cleveland 13.6 iIi55iS5il)l)i 17-21 1080 12.0 Toronto 17-24 4550 13.4 Nortlu 23 33 central 17-22 161 13.8 Amherst, 17-25 52 13.2 Linscolns, 17-26 352 13.8 Saskatoon, 18-23 25 13.5 Philatlelphia 17-68 403 14.0 U. 19-30 S. U. S. 10 34 A. Mass. 35 Neb. 36 Sask. 24 A. ansd 2, 3 Europe 14.1 Norway 275 13.2 Lincoln, 480 13.8 Great 64 12.7 Cansada 175 13.6 60-90 50 13.7 60-98 48 13.2 Winnipeg St. Louis Scotland 65-80 27 12.5 U.S. A. 29 66-104 50 11.7 U. S. A. 30 60 17-86 50-79 50-97 marked to the at 10 ml. 10 ml. At the nsark with spectrophotometer. mination the K, 3.-Hemoglobin TABLE Age SPEC of laboratory water, This the was described had Collier.7 been 36 Britains 13 11 6 5 4 with (lensity of the by concentration treated optical is ans application hemoglobin hemoglobin this arid 27 XCI). ferricvanide and at 540 mM in a Coleman read cyanmethemoglobins It was method standardized determinetl cyanide, from against the iron for ea(’h diluted model for the blood constent 14 deter- of which and oxygen capacity. RESULTS The hemoglobin in table values 4 and Among the average figure children of about Gm. among for higher arrausged accordiisg to age sex are preseusted 1. 6 to 13 Gm. the oldest. values to per 14 years Up to about occur amoisg amomig the boys. The average was the same, 13.5 Gm. per old 100 ml. value 100 the values of blood imscreased amomsg 12 years of age the girls, hut the there with age youusgest from an to about 14 w’as possibly after that for both boys amsd girls ml. It may be of itsterest a temsdeuscy they were 6 to 14 years to msote that higher of age many of the girls had started to memsstruate at about 11 years of age. Ams examimsation of the distribution of hemoglohins values amomsg these childrems showed that 40 per cent of them were betw’eems 13 ausd 14 Gm., 31 per ceust of them beiusg higher and 28 per cent low’er. No doubt this slight positive skewness w’as a reflectioms of the tendency toward higher values with increasimsg age. In creased In the at jects. 14 the subjects betweels slightly among latter the average years, In amid individuals 14 amid 20 years of age the the girls, amsd increased rather value at 20 years of age was represented essemitially 15 to 20 years of age the highest iusclusive, hemoglohims markedly 5 per cent value the average values amomsg higher shown by de- the boys. thams that male hemoglobius suls- value 1002 VARIATION OF 4.-l’aria(ion TABLE HEMOGLOBIN of Hemoqiobin LEVEL Levels Population with WITH .lge of AGE and Sex AND among Representatives , Hgb. Females per 100 ml. of blood) _______ ________ (Gm. No. of subjects . Range As’. S.D. per tOO ml. of blood) _______________ Range A. S.D. 66 11.3-14.8 12.5 0.81 53 11.4-14.7 13.2 0.69 7 45 10.7-14.5 13.1 0.91 60 11.4-15.3 13.2 0.89 8 55 11.2-15.1 13.3 0.91 42 11.1-15.7 13.1 0.99 9 45 11.9-15.1 13.5 0.80 60 11.2-15.7 13.4 0.92 10 78 11.8-16.0 13.5 0.81 62 11.7-15.2 13.3 0.90 11 56 11.4-15.3 13.4 0.91 57 11.6-17.0 13.7 1.15 12 51 12.0-16.4 14.1 1.01 56 11.5-15.9 13.7 0.79 13 45 12.2-15.8 14.0 0.91 66 11.3-15.4 13.7 0.87 14 66 12.2-16.5 14.3 1.12 93 11.4-16.3 13.5 1.07 15 lOt) 11.4-17.4 14.4 1.05 154 10.5-15.7 13.3 0.9S 16 119 11.7-17.5 14.5 1.13 169 8.0-15.9 13.0 0.98 17 18 83 52 11.1-17.1 12.8-16.9 14.8 15.0 1.17 1.05 104 7.4-15.3 13.2 1.13 10.6-15.4 12.9 0.82 19 39 12.8-16.5 14.9 0.96 44 10.3-14.3 12.5 0.87 20 11) 12.8-17.5 14.9 1.05 21 11.3-14.1 13.2 0.75 57 21-30 83 12.1-18.0 15.1 1.22 44 9.0-14.4 12.7 1.14 31-40 23 12.3-17.5 14.6 1.35 39 11.0-16.2 13.2 0.92 41-50 23 11.8-16.8 14.7 1.26 39 10.2-16.5 13.2 1.30 51-60 65 8.1-16.9 14.4 1.31 41 9.6-16.3 13.1 1.32 61-70 51 8.4-17.4 13.9 1.59 55 7.7-15.6 12.9 1.33 71 33 8.3-16.1 11.1-15.4 13.0 13.0 1.45 1.24 10.6-12.6 11.4 0.95 71-80 71 81-90 28 8.9-17.1 8.9-15.8 13.4 12.4 1.59 1.73 91-100 3 8.9-14.3 11.2 2.18 4 6-14 510 10.7-16.5 13.5 1.00 549 11.1-17.0 13.5 0.96 15-20 421 11.1-17.5 14.6 1.12 549 7.4-16.3 13.2 1.04 326 8.3-16.5 13.0 1.20 1424 7.4-17.0 13.3 1.07 377 8.1-18.0 14.1 1.65 8.1-18.0 14.0 1.23 6-94 6-98 for males per cemit. of the 1308 . was 14.6 The distributions males 16 Gm.; per ceist and Its the 13.0 and 3 had 99 per case Gm. ceust thereafter its of the of arid for females also reflected 12 amid females amsy its age for had very little. decade succeedimsg amid levels Gm., sex 81 a differetsce differemsce per of 10 : 98 per ceist between 13 amid 16 Gm., and of 14.1 Gm. the values in tables cent 10 and between of age the be compared ratsges those its youmsger third Gm., 17 13.2 the 93 15 Gm. Gm. 12.7 showus differed or het.weeui differemsces ins the those ml., 100 of values of those above 20 years for w’omen cams hardly because those per 11 ausd value of Gm. levels betw’eens average group (Gm. ___________ 6 21-98 for Hgb. , No. of subjects 21-94 ansy of the Halifax Males Age SEX are its the yearly Amotsg was decade. higher insvolved. third age the averages with decade groups. mets the thami Decreases Among that the of life w’as The averages average value men 2 women the lower than for decades of 15.1 Gm. its amsy youmiger its hemoglobits for yearly values age among HAWKINS, SPECK, AND LEONARD 1003 a 0 0 17 ‘. 16 P4.1. Av.±S.D ‘ F.sI. #{149} II 11IF flifflh1fl j; 10 #{149} 6 7 I 8 9 10 II 1213 14 1516 17181920 I I i i i 2l..3O3l..4O415O5I-6O6I..7O7I-8O81-9O I AGE FIG. -The 1 t rensd population of Halifax. the w’ere meis men values of age, amomsg amsd 15 Gm. Its w’omeis per they values those and mets temided became amid 2 amid 3 are ims tables represerut the fifth up womemi thaus those amousg were the its hue I 70 its years tise tsimstls vomeus. typi(’ally case Amousg about amid occurriung amomsg the 13 Gm. The differeusce greater’ of decade. to smaller, of age at ives slsowns. much 60 years 100 ml., the higher values were typically about among after amousg to be lower 20 sex are marked thams differemices l)etw-eems arud tleviatiotss more highem’ the its mets wit hi age stanutiard amsd comssiderahly thereafter values ansd progressive values globimi values Averages were 1)1St decade of hemoglol)inu Hemo- l)etweeus youmsger 14.3 sul)jects. l)etweeus of mets than these of womeus. DiscUssIoN The average childrems age group. these A tremid The the Pett, agree hemoglobin 13.5 the with (.m. highest some imicreases of what Aim amsswer Hanley, amid a group those which Hanley’5 rem’ 100 which 13 to 14 iuscrease its l)oys of l)lood reported its iusdicatimig that Gm. per age, 14 yeam’s but old 100 fom’ this betweems ml. Other lower has Flalifax for beets with 6 to ml. have others2 fm’om the same thams ours fell of children Perkimss1m below’ level tsot oms the 1)asis a thousatid 11.9 the same 5 to 11 per value 100 as the old its of arranged 999 (10.7 ims a histogram. each bar of the Gm. for iii curve amid distt’ibutiomi British its- \.ttlIl(s l)eets ‘#{176}- reported could represeust. Iow’ei’ limit of normal w’as extemsded Our were two Gm. 17.0 drawus to made. values j)( suggested from data extremes for one axis time the ots Halifax six omitted girl). which amsd examimsa- the ots that Pett among through the is im- ma\! amsemia. distributed the (,lsildrems of hemoglobius Columbia, ml. amid in speculatiomss Saskatchewams. omse boy A smooth diagram, ausemia but of the childm’eis Gm. years represemsts possii)le, were analyzed as follow’s. The values fallimsg hetweems 12 and 17 Cm., w’ith total of lsemoglobims is of course of over deduced children intervals top is among have imsdicated tow’ard higher values questioms amomig the results of value old England.13 port.amst. tioms 14 years Our ages vestigatiomss from hemoglobin 6 to class out They middle the of were of the hemo- 1004 globin VARIATION OF were represemited. values Its limits were raisge of values would 12 arid LEVEL This appear to 15 Gm. This insformatiomi average hemoglobims might were vere in AND a slight which w’ho use however, per 100 AGE showed Gm., h)e of little distributioms w’as such, levels below 12 Gm. WITH curve at 11.1 Gm. amid 16.8 among the 997 subjects therefore level. The hemoglobims hEMOGLOBIN SEX positive skewness. also the limits of the a procedure to defimie Such comssidered. attempt an that 5 per ml. of blood, be of more the anemic cemit of the childrems had aisd 87 per cent between use thiuskiisg iii about amsemic levels. The w’omems for 14 to 20 years young showms girls as young tow’ard as 14, arid decrease other ralues surveys.1’ which 10. each decade of life indicatimig a virtual many of value mets, betw’eems leveliisg groups to be high compared males its this period Halifax subjects the same 25 years The old the average showed 13.9 iiscreases Gm. was value Youmsg the mens globin value which w’as Its the The levels. The this 20 to 30 by value Pet.t of those group in 13.2 subjects, Gm. Gm. its authors Halifax 15 to 20 years were so distributed 12 Gm. per 100 arid over. These small degree ml. that aisd figures of vamiatioms 20 years of age w’as remarkable. but it was of age how’ever, amid might be its hemoglobin per same in years to 30. old This its amsy decade of life. average hemo- as that values hemoglobirs values, ramiged betw’eems 14.2 Gm. for the per cent proportioms among highest values amomsg to last 20’s. the attempts ml. 100 subjects 14 20 highest 95 amid 100 of use Gm. to imito the inclusive, the values amid increases this group of essemstially the same deviatioms, 12.2 amid betw’eels over, The its males maimstaimsed as mimsus arid plus one standard per 100 ml. for the males, amid values 13 from the reported Catsadian mcmi showed Halifax of those 14.9 irs boys foumsd also for off with those of more that for those 17 to amousg youmsg in 100 ml., by Pett a leveling of blood of age, noted womemi Gm. per obtained most higher, Ogilvietm’ decrease been Halifax ml. than compare The imsdicated years was and of army of the male subjects, at the age of 17 arid Halifax 100 low’er is a 1)etw’een has were 12.7 to 13.2 age of 20. Values also there would group compare more favorably is supported by the fact amid 14.5 w’hich age age If range. amotsg per 20. to those in the five precedimsg years, of life would be expected, so that reached expressed 15.7 Gm. showed 10 Gm. highest ins young values w’omeis age this of Camsada From thams subjects same values was 19, for of average young Halifax Cm. 2). of blood older in the w’ithims parts ams average 17 to these msearly of 14.6 found from in those for hemoglobims values some values hemoglobims proh)ab)ly would age ramige. This hemoglobims ramsge of age imsclusive, (table tended amotsg nearly ml. the 20 amid 90 years off at about the 15 to 20 years cOmparal)le 015 100 w’e observed and Ogilvie#{176} omi womems in various through the middle years of life. The average hemoglobims value youlsg Gm. imiclude its more Average 11 per w’as withims hemoglobims those ages, thems the average favorably with those for others its hemoglobins 13.2 Umsited States, amid Great Britain svhich are comparable groups represemsted in this table table tendeiscy in of its Halifax womems its Camsada, the 3. Very few of the its include value of age women females the define and females. of the of to 13.5 males females ansemic after about were shown SPECK, HAWKINS, AND by those between 10 and 14 years of age. pause affected the hemoglobin level. In men the progressive resulted in the highest were 30 50, then hemoglobin appeared values This surveys46 which supplies between have further Whether may the higher follow’ed by a fall, values. men been evidence or not to note that in the liver, was decreasimig amid to be the result of decreasing men after middle age has in this was progressively values There 1005 iso evidemice that the memso- increase ims hemoglobin through childhood amid youth values beimig showms in the 20’s, whets the lowest values by women. shown and LEONARD it has The womems to above, a levelimsg off betw’eems decreasimsg with differemice advamscimsg levels in men. beers irsdicated referred for possibly age imi therefore This trend its hemoglohims the results of previous in amid the material of this report it. any connection w’ith hemoglobin, it might be of iusterest there is a difference betw’een the sexes in the (‘omiceustratioms of iromi but it varies with the species.tm6’ ‘ In rats it is higher ins females, and be associated liver with sex 17 In the case of humauss, mets have iron.’8 SuIIAIsY During the winter and spring of 1952-53 made in Halifax among 1308 male subjects 6 to 94 years of age. Among children 6 to 14 years old the 14 Gm. per 100 ml. of blood, and there a survey of hemoglobims values was 6 to 98 years of age, amid 1424 female subjects the sexes. In The girls slightly, average between reaching was au 20 years They were female to of age, the 20 13 Gm. about the of per 100 In lowest subjects itscreased essentially boys amid the sexes these characteristic arid from about 13 to about rio differemsces between girls was 13.5 Cm. age the hemoglobims values ml. In boys of correspomsdimsg both remaimied the male both years 15 Gm. and essentially and for and about increase about value 14 values were the of army age highest values were of the third showms respectively decreased ages there attaimsed decade at of life. h)y the group. Hemoglobin values in mcmi between 20 arid 60 years of age w’ere typically to 15 Gm. per 100 ml., the higher values tensdimsg to occur amouig the youusger men. After the fifth decade there w’ere progressive amid marked decreases to ami 14.5 average In of 12.4 women mained in men 20 between years from near 13 Gm. per 80 arid of 100 age presentate un studio of age. the average hemoglobins values re- ml. SUMMARIO Es 90 years onsw’ard IN del statistic INTERLINGUA valores hemoglobinic obtenite durante le e primavera de 1952/53 a Halifax in Nova Scotia ab 2732 individuos1308 masculin de etates ab 6 a 98 annos e 1424 feminin de etates ab 6 a 94 annos. In juvenes inter 6 e 14 annos le valores cresceva ab circa 13 a cim’(’a 14 g per hiberno 100 ml de sanguine. constatate In In iste gruppo de le sexos. Le valor medic inter 14 e 20 annos deetate inter pueras levemente usque a circa 13 g per 100 ml etate nulle pro pueros le valores de sanguine. differentia essential e pueras esseva de hemoglobina In pueros del esseva 13,5 g. decresceva mesme etates 1006 VARIATION ii habeva un attingite del HEMOGLOBIN accrescimento usque de circa 20 annos. a! etate vita OF e representava LEVEL a 15 g. Illos respectivemente WITH In AGE ambe AND sexos SEX iste remaneva typic durante le minimo e Ic maximo valores esseva le tertie decade inter le gruppos de etate del duo sexos. Le valores de hemoglobina 14,5 a 15 g per typicamente occurrer le individuos in in masculos 100 plus ml de juvene. inter 30 sanguine. Post. e 60 Le le quimste e marcate decrescimentos usque al valor medic de etate. In feminas post 20 annos de etate Ic valores annos valores decade de 12,4 de plus etate alte il habeva pro esseva tendeva a progressive homines inter 80 e 90 annos presso a 13 g per medic de hemoglobina persisteva 100 ml de sanguine. REFEItENCES W. 1 HAwKINs, waus college - : Blood packed 4 OrBRmcH, of normal red cells 0. Geroumtol. D. elderly people. H. W., Diet. A. 24: 496, \V. W. I. B. of \V. M. A. & Febiger, Edinuburgh C. Hosp. M. J. 54: and 53: 306, V. : Hematologic Saskatche- 1951. hensoglobins Hopkinus Vi., AND BLANCHAER, 68: 347, 1953. J. standardizations E. Z., E. ANI) J., of blood A. HARRISON, F. : Nutritionsal I). KLINE, ANt) h. 118, volume ins the C. : Henisatological - hemoglobins P., tleternsinationss. ANT) R. THOMAS, status Blood E. Nh’HENRY, younsg women. G. F. OGnIvIE, H. K. U. \V. T. ANt) S. C., Brit.. of U., children. levels 5: 278, M. RUTLEDGE, VII. M. amonsg : Hensoglohin levels A. levels H. Health AND J. 53: CoRwmN, J. P. J., 1: 410, J. demie 19 MEDICAL M. moms tionery Office, MCBEE, Am. severs to fourteens year 56: 502, at (lifferent population 1947. ages. Cansad. M. A. J. Diet. H. MAd;EE, AND appraisal A155. A. 23: auth tlemonsstrations 101, 1947. E. : Hensoglobin levels in proadults M. ins British It. MCCANCE, A.: Sexual differensces its tlse iuu the ironi storage Saskatcheand issetabolisni metabo- of rats. Bio- tie fer que celui de vue: l’honsnse. observat.ionss uponi le foie de Ia fenime Compt. rensd. Series No. 252: Special Report CoUNcIL: (with de contienst Soc. (le hiol. Hensoglohin seruns proteini levels). K.: Economic status theux 141: levels Londols, fois 214, 1947. in Great H. M. Sta- 1945. M., of chiltirens M., ausd 1953. RESEARCH ins 1943 level ANt) 173, Britains 20 MACKAY, LAMJ. 1952. L.: Urue vielle tlonns#{233}e pert!ue 18 LAPICQt’E, et M. M., Hemoglobin. ins Canatlians J. H. : Nutritionsal Service. Biochens. J. 42: 577, 1948. effect of dosage on sexual differeruces of ironu. -: The chem. ins 195(). %V. : Hemoglobinu Cansati., Public M. E. 16 WIDDOWSON, - J. Canad. L. B., HANLEY, F. W., AND PERKINS, E.: Hensoglobiti levels of childrens Columbia. Bull. Vancouver M. A. 22: 128, 1946. AND -: A nuutritions survey among school chil(lrens in British Columbia arsd Canad. M. A. J. 56: 187, 1947. lism aged. values PETT, 14 of 1933. 1947. values M. : Ilensoglobins Canuatia. ansd thse chsildren. 2 aged. amonsg 1948. 12 ANI)ERSON, BERRY, Lea counsts, Johns MOORE, levels 1948. childrens 58: 353, lI the AND ins Saskatoon, H. groups: grans in B. : Hensoglohin 161, 1948. Phiilatlelphia, Bull. S. , HAWKINS, BEACH, children 11 1ETT, 58: Ervt.hrocyte inst!ividuals. Catsad. B. : The LEESON, 10 J. women. changes M., AND 8 HAwKINS, old A. Hematology, B. , MAYES, JEFFERSON E(’K, H. COLLIER, M. atsd of 229 A. J. 50: 550, 1944. I’SAUCHER, M., MoYER, 8 AND 7: 207, 1952. 7 ConLmER, 17 nsen : Blood J. 6 SHAPLEIGH, 6 J., BARSKY, wonsen. Canad. M. M. : Clinical 2 WINTROBE, 3 W., WILLS, of mens M0SCHETTE, L., AND ins the D. S., BINGHAM, fighting AND services TUCKER, anti of civilians. C. : The hensoglobins and the hensoglohin Brit. M. J. 1: 711, 1946. consceustrationss, eryth- HAWKINS, rocyte counts, Nutrition 22 HAMRE, C. of age. 24 Med. BELK, P., Path. C. W. E., Louisiana values elementary for normal school healthy content of childrenu. mets humans 16 to 1)100(1. J. 25 years J. Lab. & 2: 27 LINNEBERG, WILSON, niormal young M. K. : risen and Erythrocyte counts, women residing hemoglohins, in the and easterns U. S. Am. 6: 487, 1936. : The H. Australia ANI in hemoglobin medical, 26 WARDLAW, 1007 LEONARD Med. 27: 1231, 1942. H. M. : The hemoglobin EDDY, volume various selected H. : Hematologic Clin. CURTrS, J. Clin. of AND 24: 502, 1939. ervthrocyte Is HEATH, hematocrits 42: 539, 1950. J. AND AU, M. J. Lab. & V. C. 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