As of 12292014 33RD ANNUAL COLONIAL OPEN BOXBOROUGH, MA HOSTED BY COLONIAL FSC, MAY 14TH,15TH, 16TH & 17TH 2015 WWW.COLONIALOPEN.COM SKATECOLONIAL.ORG REGISTER VIA ENTRYEEZE: COMP.ENTRYEEZE.COM/HOME.ASPX?CID=176 IMPORTANT INFORMATION: The ISU Judging System will be used for the following events: Free Skate (Singles & Pairs, Well-Balanced) Pre-Juvenile, Open Juvenile Juvenile Intermediate Novice Junior Senior Adult Silver and Above Short Program (Singles & Pairs) Intermediate Novice Junior Senior The 2015-2016 Well Balanced Program requirements will be used for the event. Unless otherwise noted on the competition website, all other events will use the most current program requirements as of the entry deadline, April 24, 2015. Per rule 1235(C), for detailed information on IJS for Pre-Juvenile, Adult Silver, please review USFS Technical Notification#151, Participants all events listed above will be required to complete Planned Program Content Forms on the EntryEeze Website. Unless noted otherwise, all other events will use 6.0 Judging System Critiques: Offered for all Short Program (Initial Rounds only) using the ISU Judging System and Juvenile Free Skate (Initial Rounds Only) Final Rounds: Held for IJS Juvenile through Senior FS and Intermediate through Senior IJS Short Programs as determined by the Referee. Entry Deadline: All entries must be received via EntryEeze by Friday April 24, 2015, 11:59PM This event is a standard U.S. Figure Skating Nonqualifying Competition 2015 Colonial Open Competition May 14, 15, 16 & 17, 2015, at Nashoba Valley Olympia, Boxborough, MA The Colonial Figure Skating Club, Inc. The Colonial Open Competition will be conducted in accordance with the rules and regulations of U.S. Figure Skating, as set forth in the current rulebook, as well as any pertinent updates which have been posted on the U.S. Figure Skating website. The 2015-2016 USFS and Program Requirements, posted on the USFS website as of April 24, 2015, will be utilized at the competition. This competition is open to all eligible, restricted, reinstated or readmitted persons as defined by the Eligibility Rules, and is a currently registered member of a U.S. Figure Skating member club, a collegiate club or an individual member in accordance with the current rulebook. Please refer to the current rulebook for non-U.S. Citizens. The 2015 Colonial Open is a participating competition within the 2015 Solo Dance Series. The solo pattern dance event, combined event and shadow dance events are being offered as part of the 2015 U.S. Figure Skating Solo Dance Series and will be conducted in accordance with the 2015 Solo Dance Series Handbook found at Please refer to the 2015 Solo Dance Series handbook for the current Series rules, levels and event requirements that will be in effect for this competition. ELIGIBILITY/TEST LEVEL: Participants may enter as many events as they choose and for which the skater is qualified Test level: Competition level is the highest test passed as of the entry deadline in the discipline the skater is entering. Entrants may skate one level above that for which they qualify, but they may not skate down in any event. Skaters who placed in the top four in a final round of their last qualifying competition in their divisions must move up one level, except for novice and higher. Age restrictions/requirements: Skaters entering Juvenile free skate events (Well Balanced Program) must be under 14 years of age at the close of entries (Friday April 24, 2015). Skaters entering Open Juvenile free skate events (Well Balanced Program), must be at least 14 years of age at the close of entries. The Referee may reassign participants in any event. Skaters entering beginner through Pre-Juvenile events will be divided as closely as possible by age should the number of entries warrant more than one group. ENTRIES: All competition participant registrations must be submitted via the EntryEeeze website No other registration methods are allowed. ENTRY DEADLINE: All entries must be received through EntryEeze by Friday April 24, 2015 This event is a standard U.S. Figure Skating Nonqualifying Competition ENTRY FEES: A summary of entry fees for the competition are listed in the following table: ISU Judging System (IJS) Short Program Free Skate Solo Dance Events Solo Pattern Dance Event Shadow Dance Event Combined Event 6.0 Judging System Free Skate Competitive Test Track Moves in the Field Individual Compulsory Moves Compulsory Spins Showcase First Event $150 Subsequent Event (listed at 50% Discount) Discounted Rate: $75 $150 Discounted Rate: $75 $100 Discounted Rate: $50 Example Clarification: Subsequent events will be discounted by 50% off the price of the first event when purchased together. The subsequent event discount is only for the second or more event entered within the judging system category. For example, entering a short program and free skate event for an IJS event would cost $150 for the short program event, and $75 for the free skate event. If in this same scenario a third event was entered that uses the IJS system, the price for the third event will be $75. PAYMENT: Payment will be coordinated through EntryEeze. Acceptable payments forms are listed on the EntryEeze website at and to ensure participation, all payments must be received prior to competition start date. The Colonial Open will not accept cash, checks, money orders or similar cash-like payment forms. For all registrations and practice ice purchase through EntryEeze, credit card transaction charges include 2.5% of the final registration amount plus $0.30 cents. A per skater registration fee of $1.85 per skater (except for practice ice) will be assessed. COMPETITION REFUND POLICY: Entry Fees and practice ice fees will not be refunded after entry deadline unless the competition is cancelled by the organizers. Per USFS rule 3047, once entries are closed, entry fees are only refundable if the entire competition is cancelled. There will be no refunds for medical withdrawals. The online processing fees are not refundable. Payments returned for non-sufficient funds and contested credit card charges will be issued a $50 fee. Payment of the fee will be required before the skater is allowed to participate in practice ice or events. Notification of competition and practice ice times will be available on the EntryEeze website at . FACILITIES: The competition will be held at Nashoba Valley Olympia, 34 Massachusetts Avenue, Boxborough, Massachusetts. The Nashoba Valley Olympia facility has handicap access ramps at the main entrance and also inside Olympia III. The snack bar will be open throughout the competition. The competition will utilize the following ice surfaces: Olympia I, ice surface is 186’ x 87’ Olympia II, ice surface is 183’ x 84’ Olympia III, ice surface is 184’ x 82’ with round corners This event is a standard U.S. Figure Skating Nonqualifying Competition Admission to view the competition will be provided free of charge. MUSIC: The official competition music must be turned in at the registration table at the time of arrival. CDs are the only acceptable forms of media. Cassettes, phones, thumb-drives, or Mp3 players will not be accepted. CDs must be clearly marked with name, event entered and the music length. Each CD must have only ONE (1) track on it. In the case of short and long programs, two (2) separate disks must be used. Any disc with more than one (1) track will NOT be accepted. Due to compatibility and reliability reasons music may NOT be submitted on rerecordable "CD-RW" discs. The competition, may, at the request of the organizing committee, request that music be submitted electronically, and coaches/competitors must still be ready to provide a CD at the competition as required. A duplicate CD should be readily available. Music may be picked up at the registration table. Every reasonable care will be taken, but the Colonial Open cannot be responsible for CDs left at the end of the competition. Please have separate CDs for practice and competition. LIABILITY: U.S. Figure Skating, Colonial Figure Skating Club, Inc, Nashoba Valley Olympia and Olympus Realty Trust, Inc accept no responsibility for injury or damage sustained by any participant in this competition. This is in accordance with Rule 1600 of the official U.S. Figure Skating Rulebook. By participating at the Colonial Open Competition, you agree to release, indemnify and hold harmless Colonial Figure Skating Club, Inc., Nashoba Valley Olympia, Inc., and Olympus Realty Trust, and all of their directors, officers, agents, insurers, attorneys and employees, from any and all claims, demands, losses, damages or injury, whatsoever, of any kind or nature, that may sustain as a result of your (or your child’s) participation. JUDGING SYSTEM: The ISU Judging System (IJS) will be used for the following events: - Well Balanced Program free skate events, pre-juvenile, open juvenile, juvenile – senior -Well Balanced Program free skate events, Adult Silver and Above - Short program events, juvenile – senior - Pairs free skate events, pre-juvenile, juvenile – senior - Pairs short program events, intermediate – senior All competitors skating in these events need to submit the planned program content form by the Entry deadline on Entryeeze located at . The 6.0 Majority Judging System will be used for: - Well Balanced Program free skate events, pre-preliminary - preliminary - Introductory free skate events (Free Skate 1-6, beginner, high beginner, no-test) - All Test Track events - All specialty singles events (spins, jumps, compulsory moves, etc.) - All solo dance events CHECK-IN/REGISTRATION: Registration will begin no later than 30 minutes before the first event This event is a standard U.S. Figure Skating Nonqualifying Competition of the day and will run through the last event of the day. Please provide music at check-in promptly upon arrival, or as stipulated by the competition committee. PRACTICE ICE: Competition schedules and practice ice will be posted on the EntryEeze site following the entry deadline. No confirmations will be mailed. Limited practice ice will be available during the competition. All practice ice purchases will be final and non-refundable in accordance with the competition refund policy. Participants will not be allowed to switch practice ice sessions or hold sessions for others. PHOTOGRAPHY/VIDEOGRAPHY: To ensure safety of participants, flash Photography and Recording from personal media devices, use of tripods by spectators, occupying electrical outlets for unauthorized purposes is prohibited. A professional videographer and photographer will be available during the event. AWARDS: Awards will be presented to 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th place finishers and will be presented off ice at scheduled intervals throughout the competition. OFFICIAL NOTICES: A tentative schedule of events may be posted prior to the competition. Official competition notices will be published in the following areas: or . In addition, participants, coaches or entrants may receive e-mail communications from the competition committee. It is the responsibility of each competitor, parent and coach to check for any schedule changes and/or additional information. Skaters are requested to arrive at least 45 minutes prior to the scheduled time of their event. INFORMATION REGARDING COACHES: U.S. Figure Skating Rule MR 5.11 Coach Compliance In order to be granted access to work within U.S. Figure Skating sanctioned activities, each coach must complete the following requirements on an annual basis by July 1: A. Must be a current full member of U.S. Figure Skating - either through a member club or as an individual member; B. Must complete the coach registration process through the U.S. Figure Skating Members Only site, submit proper payment for the annual registration fee of $30 and, if 18 years of age or older, successfully pass the background screen. C. Must complete the appropriate CER courses (A,B, C or D) depending on the highest level of students being coached as of July 1. See rule MR 5.12. D. Must submit proof of current general liability insurance with limits of $1 million per occurrence/$5 million aggregate. For Basic Skills ONLY coaches - Any person, 18 and older, instructing in a U.S. Figure Skating Basic Skills Program must have successfully passed the annual background screen and be registered as a Basic Skills instructor member. The local organizing committee/club will have a list of compliant coaches who are cleared for a credential at the competition. Coaches will need to check in at the registration desk and show a government issued photo I.D. to receive a credential. If a coach cannot provide a photo I.D. and is not on the list or cannot produce the necessary documents, he or she will not be allowed a credential – no exceptions. We strongly urge all coaches to have their cards with them. Noncredentialed coaches will not be permitted in the designated coaching area at rink side during events including practice sessions. Coaching at U.S. Figure Skating events without compliance is an ethics violation which is reported to U.S. Figure Skating and PSA. This event is a standard U.S. Figure Skating Nonqualifying Competition For more information regarding Coach Compliance, please refer to: CONTACT INFO: If you have questions, please contact Colonial Open Competition Organizing Committee: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Official hotel accommodations: Holiday Inn Boxborough Woods -Boxborough MA (978) 263-8701 Group Code: CSS Other Hotels: Hampton Inn – Westford, MA - (978) 392-1555 Westford Regency – Westford MA (800) 543-7801 Best Western - Hudson MA (978) 562-1001 Embassy Suites - Marlboro MA (508) 485-5900 Airport information: Boston Logan International Airport – Airport Code: BOS 50 minutes to Nashoba Valey Olympia, Boxborough, MA Manchester Regional Airport (NH) – Airport Code: MHT 50 minutes to Nashoba Valey Olympia, Boxborough, MA Providence TF Green (RI) – Airport Code: PVD 90 minutes to Nashoba Valey Olympia, Boxborough, MA Airport Transportation Options: Knights Limo (Shared Van Service Available): Code: COPEN Taxis and Rental Cars are available at Boston Logan Airport. This event is a standard U.S. Figure Skating Nonqualifying Competition SECTION 2: Events Offered SINGLES FREE SKATING EVENTS Illustration of Singles Free Skating Events: Beginner High Beginner Introductory events No Test Test Track Free Skate Well Balanced Program Free Skate Pre-Preliminary Pre-Preliminary Preliminary Preliminary Pre-Juvenile Pre-Juvenile Juvenile Juvenile/Open Juv. Intermediate Intermediate Novice Novice Junior Junior Senior Senior A. Introductory free skate events 2015-2016 Season Program Requirements will be used (as posted on the USFS Website by the entry deadline) This event is a standard U.S. Figure Skating Nonqualifying Competition B. Test Track free skate events Pre-Pre Test:: Skaters may not have passed tests higher than U.S. Figure Skating pre-preliminary free skate test (Program Time :1:30 +/-10)TR 32.01 Preliminary Test:: Skaters must have passed at least the U.S. Figure Skating pre-preliminary free skate test but may not have passed tests higher than the preliminary free skate test. (Program Time: 1:30 +/-10)TR 32.02 Pre-Juvenile Test:: Skaters must have passed at least the U.S. Figure Skating preliminary free skate test but may not have passed tests higher than pre-juvenile free skate test (Program Time: 2:00 +/-10)TR 32-03 Juvenile Test:: Skaters must have passed at least the U.S. Figure Skating pre-juvenile free skate test but may not have passed tests higher than juvenile free skate test (Program Time: 2:15 +/10)TR 32-04 Intermediate Test:: Skaters must have passed at least the U.S. Figure Skating juvenile free skate test but may not have passed tests higher than intermediate free skate test (Program Time: 2:30 +/-10)TR 32.05) Novice Test: Skaters must have passed at least the U.S. Figure Skating intermediate free skate test but may not have passed tests higher than novice free skate test (Program Time: Ladies 3:00 +/10 Men 3:30+/-10) TR 32.06 Junior Test: Skaters must have passed at least the U.S. Figure Skating novice free skate test but may not have passed tests higher than junior free skate test (Program Time: Ladies 3:30 +/-10Men 4:00 +/-10) TR 32.07 Senior Test: Skaters must have passed at least the U.S. Figure Skating junior free skate test (Program Time: Ladies 4:00 +/-10Men 4:30 +/-10) TR 32.08 General event parameters: 1. Skaters may not enter both a Well-Balanced Free Skate event and a Test Track Free Skate event at the same nonqualifying competition. 2. Skaters will skate to the music of their choice. Vocal music is permitted at all levels. 3. Level will be determined by the highest Free Skate test passed. Skaters may compete at the highest level they have passed, or “skate up” to one level higher. 4. Minimum number of spin revolutions are in ( ) following the spin description. Revolutions must be in position. 5. The following deductions will be taken: - 0.1 from each mark for each technical element included that is not permitted in the event description. - 0.2 from the technical mark for each extra element included. - 0.1 from the technical mark for any spin that is less than the required minimum revolutions. This event is a standard U.S. Figure Skating Nonqualifying Competition The following Test Track Program requirements will be used. Test Track Event Requirements: Level Pre-Preliminary 1:30 +/- 10 sec. Jumps Spins Maximum of 5 jump elements: Maximum of 2 spins: wo spins of a different nature, one position only. No change of foot, no flying entry. (Min. 3 revolutions) than one-half rotation (front to back or back to front including halfloop) Step Sequences Connecting moves and steps should be demonstrated throughout the program Qualifications Skaters may not have passed tests higher than U.S. Figure Skating prepreliminary free skate test Connecting moves and steps should be demonstrated throughout the program Skaters must have passed at least the U.S. Figure Skating pre-preliminary free skate test but may not have passed tests higher than the preliminary free skate test One step sequence fully utilizing ice surface Skaters must have passed at least the U.S. Figure Skating preliminary free skate test but may not have passed tests higher than prejuvenile free skate test One step sequence fully utilizing ice surface Skaters must have passed at least the U.S. Figure Skating pre-juvenile free skate test but may not have passed tests higher than juvenile free skate test Salchow, toe loop and loop only. combinations or sequences type jump Preliminary 1:30 +/- 10 sec. Maximum of 5 jump elements: than one rotation (no Axels). combinations or sequences type jump Pre-Juvenile 2:00 +/- 10 sec. Maximum of 5 jump elements: than one rotation (no Axels). combinations or sequences type jump Juvenile 2:15 +/- 10 sec. Maximum of 5 jump elements: including Axel, are permitted. combinations or sequences Max. 2 of any same type jump Maximum of 2 spins: position; no change of foot, no flying entry. (Min. 3 revolutions) One spin consisting of a front scratch to back scratch; exit on spinning foot not mandatory. (Min. 3 revolutions per foot) Maximum of 2 spins: position, no change of foot (Min. 3 revolutions) spin: forward camel spin to forward sit spin; change of foot optional (Min. 6 revolutions). Spins may not fly. Maximum of 2 spins: position, no change of foot (Min. 4 revolutions). with one change of foot and at least one change of position, must include two of the basic spin positions. (Min. 4 revolutions per foot) This event is a standard U.S. Figure Skating Nonqualifying Competition Intermediate 2:30 +/- 10 sec. Maximum of 6 jump elements: Maximum of 2 spins: One step sequence fully utilizing ice surface Skaters must have passed at least the U.S. Figure Skating juvenile free skate test but may not have passed tests higher than intermediate free skate test One step sequence or spiral sequence fully utilizing ice surface (see rule 4104 & 4105 for remarks) Skaters must have passed at least the U.S. Figure Skating intermediate free skate test but may not have passed tests higher than novice free skate test One step sequence fully utilizing ice surface (See rule 4105 for remarks) Skaters must have passed at least the U.S. Figure Skating novice free skate test but may not have passed tests higher than junior free skate test Men: Two different step sequences, one being of advanced difficulty, both fully utilizing the ice surface. (See rule 4105 for remarks) Ladies: One step sequence of advanced difficulty, covering the full ice surface and one spiral sequence. (See rule 4104 & 4105 for remarks.) Skaters must have passed at least the U.S. Figure Skating junior free skate test spin (min 5 revolutions), permitted: double Salchow and double toe loop. aximum of 3 jump combinations or sequences combination spin with at least one change of foot and at least one change of position (minimum 4 revolutions per foot). type jump Novice Ladies: 3:00 +/- 10 sec. Men: 3:30 +/- 10 sec. Maximum of 7 jump elements for men and 6 for ladies: Maximum of 3 spins, of a different nature: permitted: double Salchow, double toe loop and double loop. combination spin with at least one change of foot and at least one change of position (min 5 revs per foot) combinations or sequences option of the skater (min 6 revolutions per foot) type jump Junior Ladies: 3:30 +/- 10 sec. Men: 4:00 +/- 10 sec. Maximum of 8 jump elements for men and 7 for ladies: permitted: double Salchow, double toe loop, double loop and double flip combinations or sequences Maximum of 3 spins of a different nature: position (Min. 6 revolutions) revolutions) consisting of all three basic positions and one change of foot (2 per position, min. 5) revolutions per foot) type jump Senior Ladies: 4:00 +/- 10 sec. Men: 4:30 +/- 10 sec. Maximum of 8 jump elements for men and 7 for ladies: Maximum of 3 spins of a different nature: position (Min. 6 revolutions) four different double jumps, one must be a double Lutz. permitted combinations or sequences revolutions) consisting of all three basic spin positions and one change of foot (2 per position, min. 5 revolutions per foot) type jump This event is a standard U.S. Figure Skating Nonqualifying Competition C. Well Balanced Program free skate, see USFS for requirements: 2015-2016 Season Program Requirements will be used (as posted on the USFS Website by the entry deadline) *** (Skaters may only enter one Free Skating event) *** SINGLES SHORT PROGRAM 2015-2016 Season Program Requirements will be used (as posted on the USFS Website by the entry deadline) The short program events listed below will be skated. Athletes and coaches are responsible for going to the U.S. Figure Skating rulebook for rules, program length, etc. (Skaters may only enter one Short Program event.) A. Intermediate short program – Rule 4230 B. Novice short program – Rule 4220 C. Junior short program – Rule 4210 D. Senior short program – Rule 4200 INITIAL / FINAL ROUND Final Rounds will be held for Juvenile-Senior Free Skate (not including Test Track Free Skate) and Intermediate – Senior Short Programs at the discretion of the referee and organizing committee. PAIRS FREE SKATING EVENTS Pairs events will be conducted in accordance with the U.S. Figure Skating rulebook. Athletes and coaches are responsible for going to the U.S. Figure Skating rulebook for rules, program length, etc. 2015-2016 Season Program Requirements will be used (as posted on the USFS Website by the entry deadline) A. Pre-juvenile – senior PAIRS SHORT PROGRAM EVENTS Pairs events will be conducted in accordance with the U.S. Figure Skating rulebook. Athletes and coaches are responsible for going to the U.S. Figure Skating rulebook for rules, program length, etc. (One pair may only enter one Short Program event.) 2015-2016 Season Program Requirements will be used (as posted on the USFS Website by the entry deadline) A. Intermediate short program – Rule 5230 B. Novice short program – Rule 5220 C. Junior short program – Rule 5210 D. Senior short program – Rule 5200 This event is a standard U.S. Figure Skating Nonqualifying Competition ADULT SKATING EVENTS The following Adult Skating Free Skate Events will be offered: Adult Silver, Adult Gold, Championship Adult Gold, Championship Masters. 2015-2016 Season Program Requirements will be used (as posted on the USFS Website by the entry deadline) Adult Program timing and requirements can be obtained from USFS Website. SINGLES COMPULSORY MOVES Compulsory moves categories are based on Freeskating tests passed. All compulsory moves programs may not exceed but may be shorter than 1-½ minutes. Skater will not be penalized if shorter than the maximum time. All specified moves must be included. Connecting steps are allowed and will be marked, but such steps should be limited to the minimum necessary to link various moves. Unspecified or additional moves are not permitted and marks will be deducted if any are included. Only one attempt will be allowed. The program will be skated without music and using only half the ice at the discretion of the Referee. Pre-Preliminary: No Freeskating tests or Pre-Preliminary Freeskating test passed. 1. Forward stroking with crossovers around end of the rink 2. Salchow 3. Waltz jump 4. Half-flip jump 5. One foot spin Preliminary: Pre-Preliminary or Preliminary Freeskating test passed. 1. Forward crossovers in figure 8 2. Consecutive outside spirals (one on each foot) 3. Loop jump 4. Waltz jump/toe loop combination (no step or turn between jumps 5. One foot back spin Pre-Juvenile: Preliminary or Pre-Juvenile Freeskating test passed. 1. Three turns in the field (RFI 3 turn to LBO 3 turn to RFI 3 turn to LBO 3 turn 2. Flip jump 3. One single jump combination to include a loop jump (no step or turn between jumps) 4. Attitude or layback spin (ladies) cross foot spin (men) 5. Combination spin-camel to sit spin 6. Consecutive forward outside spirals (1 each foot) Juvenile: Pre-Juvenile or Juvenile Freeskating test passed. 1. Eight step mohawk sequence (clockwise) 2. Consecutive forward inside spirals (1 foot each) 3. Flip jump 4. Stag jump 5. Combination jump-2 single jumps (no step or turn between jumps) 6. Sit spin 7. Spin combination (1 change of foot, 1 change position) This event is a standard U.S. Figure Skating Nonqualifying Competition SINGLES MOVES IN THE FIELD Skaters may only enter one Moves in the Field Event Pre-Preliminary: No test or Pre-Preliminary MIF test passed. Pattern 3- Spirals; Pattern 4-Waltz Eight Preliminary: Pre-Preliminary or Preliminary MIF test Passed. Pattern4-Alternating forward threes RFO: Pattern 5-Forward Circle 8 Pre-Juvenile: Preliminary or Pre Juvenile MIF test passed. Pattern 4 Forward and Backwards Power pulls: Pattern 5 Back Circle 8 Juvenile: Pre-Juvenile or Juvenile MIF test passed. Pattern 5-Backward Power Three-turns - Pattern 6Forward Double Threes Outside and Inside. Intermediate: Juvenile or Intermediate MIF test passed. Pattern 2 Spiral Sequence.- Pattern 4 Forward Outside Twizzles Novice: Intermediate or Novice MIF test passed. Pattern 4-Forward loops; Pattern 6- Backward Twizzles Junior: Novice or Junior MIF test passed. Pattern 5- Backward Loop Pattern; Pattern 6-Straight Line Step Sequence Senior: Junior or Senior MIF test passed. Pattern 3- BO Power Double Three turns to Power Double Inside Rockers; Pattern 5-Serpentine Step Sequence SINGLES COMPULSORY SPINS Skaters may skate up one level. All levels will present a program without music incorporating the spins specified for their level. Programs shall not exceed the stated times but may be shorter without penalty. All levels will be competed on half-ice surface or at the discretion of the Referee. Test qualifications are the same as Ladies/Men’s Freeskating event. Footwork sequences are allowed to connect moves, but they will not be marked. DEDUCTIONS WILL BE MADE FOR ANY JUMPS PERFORMED. Preliminary – 1.5 mins a. One foot upright spin, optional free foot (3 rev) b. One foot back spin, entry optional (3 rev) c. Sit spin in recognizable sit position (3 rev) Pre-Juvenile (1.5 mins) a. Camel spin (3 rev) b. Combination Camel spin to sit spin – no change of foot (6 revs in position) c. Front scratch to back scratch – exit on spinning foot (4 rev each foot) This event is a standard U.S. Figure Skating Nonqualifying Competition SHOWCASE According to the new USFS Guidelines Events will follow the Showcase Guidelines listed on the USFS Website. Showcase is a form of skating in which the skater will be judged on overall performance. Eligibility rules of the corresponding Freeskating Level apply to all Showcase events. Competitors will be judged in the following categories with no order of preference: 1. Technical Merit 2. Costume – its suitability to the music 3. Music Interpretation 4. Choreography – suitability of the program sequence and elements to the music 5. Audience Appeal – overall composition, appearance and style Light and Dramatic Entertainment: Preliminary/Pre Juv:1:40 max Juvenile-Novice: 2:10 max Junior/Senior: 2:40 max Teen/Young adult: 2:10 max Adult: 1:40 max Interpretive/Improvisation: Pre Juv and below: 1:00 max Juvenile-Novice: 1:30 max Junior/Senior: 1:30 max Teen/ Young adult: 1:30 max Adult: 1:30 max This event is a standard U.S. Figure Skating Nonqualifying Competition Free Skate 1-6 Format: The skating order of the required elements is optional. The elements are not restricted as to the number of times the element is executed, or length of glides, number of revolutions, etc, unless otherwise stated. Connecting moves and steps should be demonstrated throughout the program. Vocal music is allowed. To be skated on full ice The skater must demonstrate the required elements and may use but is not required to use any additional elements from previous levels A .2 deduction will be taken for each element performed from a higher level Time 1:30+/-10s Level Free Skate 1 Time 1:30+/-10s Free Skate 2 1:30+/-10s Free Skate 3 1:30+/-10s Free Skate 4 1:30+/-10s Free Skate 5 1:30+/-10s Free Skate 6 1:30+/-10s Skating rules / standards -Advanced Forward stroking – 4-6 consecutive -One-foot upright scratch spin from backward crossovers-minimum three revolutions -Waltz Jump from backward crossovers -Half flip jump -Forward outside spiral – R or L -Beginning back spin – entry optional – minimum two revolutions -Waltz jump, side toe hop, waltz jump sequence -Toe loop jump -Forward crossovers in figure 8 -Back spin- minimum three revolutions -Salchow jump -Waltz jump/toe loop or Salchow/toe loop jump combination -Forward power 3’s, 2-3 consecutive sets R or L -Sit spin- minimum three revolutuons -Loop Jump -Waltz Jump/loop jump combination -Camel spin- minimum three revolutions -Forward upright spin to back upright spinminimum three revolutions, each foot -Loop/loop jump combination -Flip jump -Camel, sit spin combination, minimum of four revolutions total -Split jump or stag jump -Waltz jump, ½ loop, salchow sequence -Lutz Jump This event is a standard U.S. Figure Skating Nonqualifying Competition COLONIAL OPEN IJS FEATURE EVENT Note: These are IJS events but are charged at the 6.0 entry fee. IJS Footwork: Skaters will perform their step sequence twice so it can be called appropriately. Skaters may have a 10 second introduction and 10 second exit with the footwork music. Juvenile/Intermediate: Skaters will cut their music down to 1:00 or less and perform their choreographed step sequence. A judge will then critique the skater and give GOE’s to the skaters. The skater with the most GOE points will win Novice-Senior: Skaters will cut their music down to 1:00 or less and perform their leveled step sequence. A technical specialist, assistant technical specialist and judge will give the skater a level and appropriate GOE’s. A critique will then be given, and the individual with the highest level and most points of GOE’s will win. IJS Spins: Juvenile/Intermediate: Skaters will perform the 2 spins from their free skate program, with a judge and a technical specialist watching them. They will receive the appropriate level and GOE’s and will be placed accordingly. Novice: Skaters will perform the 3 spins in their Free Skate program, with a judge and a technical specialist watching them. They will receive the appropriate level and GOE’s and will be placed accordingly. Junior/Senior: Skaters will perform the 3 spins in their Free Skate program, with a judge and a technical specialist watching them. They will receive the appropriate level and GOE’s and will be placed accordingly. IJS Jump from steps (As in Short Program): Each skater will perform the jump twice. Both attempts will be called, but the better of the two will be judged in the competition. Intermediate/Novice: Skaters will perform their jump from steps in their short program. Junior: Skaters will perform the required jump from steps in their short program as in the 2015-2016 rules as of the entry deadline. Senior: Skaters will perform their triple jump from steps as in their short program. This event is a standard U.S. Figure Skating Nonqualifying Competition 2015 SOLO DANCE SERIES EVENTS BEING OFFERED: Solo Pattern Dance Event: The solo pattern dance event is comprised of two dances at each level. This event is being offered at the Preliminary, Pre-Bronze, Bronze, Pre-Silver, Silver, Pre-Gold, Gold and International levels. Level Preliminary Pre-Bronze Bronze Pre-Silver Silver Pre-Gold Gold International Dances Dutch Waltz Canasta Tango Swing Dance Cha Cha Hickory Hoedown Ten Fox Fourteenstep Foxtrot American Waltz Rocker Foxtrot Kilian Blues Westminster Waltz Quickstep Cha Cha Congeldo Tango Romantica Refer to the 2015 Solo Dance Series Handbook found at grams.asp?id=479 for the solo pattern dance event rules, test requirements and details. Combined Event: The combined dance event is comprised of the following: 1.) JUVENILE, INTERMEDIATE, NOVICE: One solo pattern dance chosen by the referee out of two possible dances as selected by U.S. Figure Skating This dance will not be posted until the starting order is posted at the competition. Pattern Dance Selection for Juvenile: Willow Waltz and Ten Fox Pattern Dance Selection for Intermediate: European Waltz and Foxtrot Pattern Dance Selection for Novice: Tango and American Waltz JUNIOR, SENIOR: A short dance 2.) A solo free dance The pattern dances competed in the combined dance event are separate from those in the solo pattern dance event and the results will not count towards the solo pattern dance event or results. This event is offered at the juvenile, intermediate, novice, junior and senior levels. Refer to the 2015 Solo Dance Series Handbook found at for the combined event rules and details. Shadow Dance: The Shadow Dance event is offered for the preliminary through senior levels. Refer to the 2015 Solo Dance Series Handbook found at for the shadow dance rules and event details. Level Dances Preliminary Rhythm Blues Juvenile Hickory Hoedown Intermediate Fourteenstep Novice Rocker Foxtrot Junior Paso Doble Senior Quickstep This event is a standard U.S. Figure Skating Nonqualifying Competition
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