GOVERNMENT OF NATIONAL CAPITAL TERITORY DIRECTORATE OF EDUCA TION. COORDINATION LUCKNOW ROAD: DELHI-54 (pH: 011-23811388) No.30-3(17)/(8)/Cir./Coord/20 OF DELHI BRANCH Dated:-t)ll.:1en 14/ 1'1~-.).!~ r-: CIRCULAR Sub: Grant of holiday on 07.02.2015 for the General Election to the Delhi Legislative Assembly, 2015 -Issue of Public Notice in the ewspaper on 05.02.2015. Please find enclosed herewith a letter No.F .51/07120 15/GAD/CN/dsgadiii/278-284 dated 04.02.15 received from General Administration Department (Coordination Branch) GNCT of Delhi, Delhi Secretariat, New Delhi-II 0002 on the subject cited above, for information. }Jl~ Ends: As above. No.30-3(17)/(8)/Cir./Coord/20 Copy I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. ~. (Sushila Kumari Ahlawat) Dy. Director of Education (Coord.) 14/ 1 '1 ~ - 'l/'l-4 10: PS to Secretary (Education). GNCT of Delhi, Delhi PS to Director, Directorate of Education, Delhi. PA to Spl.DE (Finance/Coordination), Directorate of Education, Delhi. PA to Adell. Director of Education (Admn), Directorate of Education. PA to Addl. Director of Education (School), Directorate of Education. All RDsEIDDsE of Districts Directorate of Education, Delhi (through website). All Branches ofl-lQ, Directorate of Education, Delhi (through website). All HOS ofGovt. Schools, Directorate of Education, Delhi (through website). All Employees, Directorate of Education. OS (IT) with the request to upload the Circular on the website of Department. <;;4 /.-.I...<L.J (Sushila Kumari Ahlawat) Dy. Director of Education (Coord.) - Election Mattor Most Urgent GOVERNMENT OF tJATIONAL CAPITAL TERIUTORY OF DELHI GENERAL ADMlNlSTRA T!ON DF..PARTr.fEN'r COORDINATION DlU ..!ien DELHI SECRETARIAT, I.P.ESTATe:, NEW DELm.llOQ02 Dated: 1)4.02.2015 NO.~'.51/07/2015/0AD/CN/dsgadiii/27S':28" To The Director, 01'1:. of IIIforma don & Pl;biicity, (;o\·r,. of NeT of Delhi, Old SoC!!.. Delhi. Sub- Grant ofhoHdo\\' on 07;0:'.2015 fer the Ocncrrc Elecucn __, the Delhi Legj>JhHi\'~ Aascrnhly. 2015 - Is~>l.1e of Public Notice in the Newspapers en ()5.02.20 15. Sir I am directed \0 enclose herewilh a Public Notice in English rcgardmg grant of holiday on the day of pol! on 07/02/2015 to the Delhi Legrulmlve r\~mbjy, the Feopk Act, 1951, leading ncwspepera, 05/02/2015. Ele<:tlon 2015. under Section 135B,of the Rcpreseruaric» (D every P'"..nI01lcmplQy«\ ll.ndcrUlkmgs or an)' other estublishrneru It is requested and Hindi versicr. for the General that the aforesaid English (rhree), who 15 in any buemess, trade, of industrial enuued to vote. Notice rna}" be published Hmdi fThreej, ?unjabl as public Nouce in the [l'woj and Urdu (Two] 01'1 This rna)' ersc be given wide publicity as a News I~em on Radio and TV be!{lrc the: day orpaH i.e. 01103/2015. The payment will be made by GAD. Ynurs railhfuHy I " (Ar!lltabt Kundcol Dy. Secretary (OJ\D) No.1. 5 J /07 /30 15iGI'.D/CN/d:-;g<l(!Jii/278-28~ C(lP), Icrwardcrl ulcngwith t;Opy of Public Notice: DutQd:O~ .02.20 15 The 1'1·Secretary I.ULt. Governor, Delhi. All Pr. Secremrie"/S~",relarit:s/HODs, Head of Autonomous sector Undertakings, Go\'1. of NCl' ,of Delhl 3. 4 5. 6 Bodies &. Public He,ld" or all Local Bodie», New Ddili/Delhi Tile Chief Electoral Officer. Delhi. The Commission"!" (Labour!, ucvt. of NCT of Delhi, with the request thai the cont~ntll of til" Public Nonce ml<}' be brought 10 t..~<" notice of all establishrueurs, factories, crbcr business establishments cc ensure: that the employees working in such establishments who are entitled to Vale in the commg election ro Deli)i Legislative Assemoly. 2015 are granted holiday $0 thai the)' a!c able to cast their vote in the Election on 07.02.2015& aso IC> Ch,,:;f Secretary, Govt. of Ncr of Delhi, Delhi, ! I v t/,"':'" h ,(undoo) Oy. Secretary (GAD) • GOVER1I;'"NENTOF NATIONAL CAPITAL TERlUTORY GENERAL ADIvIINlSTRATJON OF DELm DEPAR'l'II'fEN'J' (CO-ORDINATION BRANCH) DELHI SECRETARM'f, I.P. ESTATE, NEW DELHl·110 002 PUBLIC NOnCE GENBRAL ELEC'l'ION TO THE D~LHI LEGISLA7IW ASSJ~MBLY. 2015 It te 'notified for information afthe Gener-al Public that as poorthe pmvisicn of Section 135 Btl) uf the Representation of the People Act. 195 l , every person employed in any business, trade, indusu-iaj undertajcing or any oilier euiubfishment and enuttec to vote, shall be granted a h/.)llday Oll. 07.02.2015 ISaturdayl, the day of Poll in Delhi. so that hel she ean cast his/ her vote in the ejection to the Delhi Legislative Asse-mbly, 2015. l\s per sub-section (2) of section 135 B of the Representation of the People ACl 1951, no deduction OJ:abatement of the wages shall be made on account of above holiday and if any person is employed all the basis that hej she would 1I0t ordinarily receive wages tor such a day, hej she shall nonetheless be paid wages hei she would have drawn had not a holiday been granted to himi her on ihet (lay. Any contravention of the above provision by an employer is punishable as per the Provision of section 135 B (31 of the Representation of People Act. 195'J. However, as per sub-section (4) of section 135 B of the Repreacmatlon of the People Act 1951, this section shall nor apply to a•.1Y elector whose absence may C<U.1SC danger or substantia! loss in respect of the ernplcymcru in which he i-!l engaged It is further brought to the notice of all concerned that Ejection Commission of India Vide letter No. 78/2015/EPS/575 dated 20.01.2015 has clarified that all establishments and shops including those which work uu shift basis shall be closed on [he day of poll in the Constituency where a General erection is to be held. Further, there may be cases where a person is ordinarily resident of the consurueocy and registered as an elector, may be servmg/ employed in an tndusu-ial undertaking or an estubfisnment located outside the consrirncncy having' a genemi elecuou, in such a situation even thuse electors including cacual worker-s wurkrng outside Ll':! cOnSUll\C1WY concerned would be entitled to the beneflr of a paid holiday extended under rl::ctioo 13'5 B III of the Representation or the People Act, 195], The daily wag~ /c.u3unl workers are also cnciucd for a holiday and wages on poll rtay as provided in section 135 B of the Representation of the People Act, 1951. i.t- ~ (Amitabh Kundoo] Dy. Secretary (GAD)
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