Excellence...Strengthened by Faith!

St. Anthony of Padua Catholic School
Est. 2001
Rev. Tom Rafferty
Reneé B. Nunez
Susan Leddy
Assistant Principal
Kendall Shamas
Dean of Middle
School & Auxiliary
FEBRUARY 4, 2015
Dear School Families,
Our celebration of National Catholic Schools Week was wonderful. We thank everyone for joining us for
our celebration. From the opening liturgy on Sunday to the week filled with activities and events, it was a huge
success. We had a very successful Open House last week. The Fellowship Hall was filled with prospective families.
Thank you to our staff, students, PTO, and families for the tremendous amount of dedication and work that went
into making the week a success and a lot of fun.
Our discipleship message this week focuses on community, which was part of the theme for our
celebration of National Catholic Schools Week. We know that discipleship flourishes in community. When we feel
like we are part of a community we honor the ideas, values, and ideals of the community. We show our belonging
in our words and actions. We are connected to the common good and a common purpose. We are bound by relationships, shared values, and what it means to be members of SAOPCS. We work every day to build our community
through relationships with one another, participating in classrooms, school-wide programs and activities, and making a culture of discipleship our goal. Thank you for working with us to reach that same goal.
Returning family registration was strong for ‘15-‘16 with 90% of our seats already filled for next year.
New student registration opened on Monday with some of our elementary and middle school classes already closed
and wait lists started. Spring Conferences are next week. We look forward to having parents on campus for those.
Don’t forget about STEPS for Students. We want to have a strong representation from our school at this
Archdiocesan event. All of the proceeds we raise this year will help support Camp Kappe. Raffle tickets for this
year’s Auction Gala were sent home last week. Ticket stubs and money for the first class prize are due on Friday,
February 13th. The first class prize is a movie, popcorn and a free dress day. Remember each family that sells all 25
raffle tickets by March 13th will have their name entered into a drawing for a chance to win a $500 Visa gift card.
That could come in handy for Spring Break! Have a great week!
Sincerely in Christ,
Reneé B. Nunez
Susan Leddy
Kendall Shamas
Assistant Principal, PreK-5
Dean of Middle School
The vision of St.
Anthony of Padua
Catholic School is to
guide the mind, body,
and spirit of the next
generation of Catholic
leaders to live the
Gospel of Jesus Christ
and to meet their full
potential as people
created in the image
of God.
On Tuesdays through Thursdays during the
weeks of February 23rd and March 2nd,
students in 1st through 8th grades will be
taking the IOWA Assessments. Students in 1st
through 7th grades will also be taking the
CogAT. We will not test on Monday and Friday
of these weeks. Instead, we will use these days
to review skills and concepts for the sub-tests.
Please do not schedule any appointments
during testing days and be sure your child
arrives to school on time. Students must be in
class by 8:00 AM. Anyone who arrives after
8:00 will be asked to leave and return at 10:30.
We do not want to disrupt the testing
environment for our students. Thank you in
advance for your cooperation and support.
PTO is looking for co-chairs for the Go Texan Day
committee. If you’re interested, contact Christine
Motsenbocker at motsenbocker10@gmail.com.
Go Texan Day is on March 11.
Excellence...Strengthened by Faith!
St. Anthony of Padua Catholic School
The Messenger, Weekly Newsletter
Congratulations to the following students for
being named to the January Writing Team:
1st grade Sofia Cruz, Anderson Dufrene, Luke
Sarah Boyd, Sophia Colletti, Jack Janiszewski,
Lucas Lawrence, Rex McKeig, Luke Parsons,
Ryan Schmittauer
2nd grade James Bollinger, Marissa Miller, Shane
O’Hare, Spencer Whatley
3rd grade Katie Dickinson, Alondra Martinez, Mitchell
Brauweiler, Nita Kuttarappallil, Marlon
Olivier, Caiden Villaver, Ivy Watts
4th grade Ryan Leslie, Sawyer Watts
5th grade Hannah Bernardo, Addison Janiszewski
6th Grade Elizabeth Meyer, Sophia Pappas
7th Grade Alaina Filley, Connor Davis
8th Grade Josh Lafleur, Keeley Wooddell
Keep up the great writing!
Students can exchange valentines on Thursday,
February 12th. Valentines should be included
for every student in your child’s class. It is not
necessary to address them. Simply have your
child sign a valentine for each child in their class
and bring them to school on the day of the
exchange. A single, small piece of candy may be
attached to the valentine. Please do not send
additional candy or favors. Exchanges will be
done in the classrooms as part of their day.
There are no classroom parties for Valentine’s
Great things are happening inside and outside our classrooms...
St. Anthony of Padua Catholic School
The Messenger, Weekly Newsletter
Do not miss out on the opportunity to sell Gala raffle
tickets after Mass this weekend—Saturday, 2/7 and Sunday, 2/8. Sign up on VOLUNTEER SPOT—one spot per
Thu, 2/5
Fri, 2/6
Sun, 2/8
Yearbooks will be sold during spring conferences on February 12
and 13 for $45.00 (cash or check orders only). Mr. Mattern will
have a table set up in the front office. Yearbooks can still be
purchased online at www.balfour.com (credit card orders
only—a $1 fee will be assessed).
Mon, 2/9
Wed, 2/11
Ads may also be purchased from Mr. Mattern at this time.
If you’re interested—hurry! There are only a few spots
Thu, 2/12
2015-2016 Acceptance Packets for returning families will
be sent home on February 11. Please return all paperwork by Friday, February 20 in order for placement to
be confirmed for the 2015-2016 school year. Families
with an additional sibling applying to SAOPCS will
receive their Acceptance Packet after new student
Fri, 2/13
New Student Registration:
Ends February 11, 2015
New Student Applicant Screening Day:
February 21, 2015
Sat, 2/14
Decisions Letters Mailed:
March 13, 2015
Mon, 2/16
2015-2016 SCHOOL YEAR
Tue, 2/17
If you are seeking tuition grants for the 20152016 school year please contact Cathy Russell at
crussell@staopcs.org for information on how to
apply. The St. Anthony of Padua Tuition Grant Program
application deadline is March 31, 2015.
St. Anthony of Padua Catholic School
Banking Day, 7:40-8:15 AM, School Lobby
PTO Rosary (Prayed in Spanish), 2;30 PM
Jr. Master Gardener (K-2nd), 3:45-5:00 PM
Mass (5A), 9:00 AM
MS Spring Social, 6:30-8:30 PM, Gym
2nd Collection for School Fund at All Sunday
Steps for Students—Online Registration Closes at
11:00 PM
PTO Rosary, 8:15 AM
3rd Quarter Progress Reports Go Home, 1-8
PreK Pajama Day—Auction Gala Principal of the Day
Registration Closes for New Students
Strategic Planning Committee Meeting, 11:30 AM1:00 PM, AMR
Spring Conferences (PM)—EARLY RELEASE DAYPreK AM dismissal at 10:30; PreK PM arrives
at 11:30 AM; dismissals at 2:15 PM for PreK3rd grade; and 2:30 PM for 4th-8th grade;
BAASP closes at 6:30 PM
Love & Logic Session, 12:00-2:00 PM, PLB
Room 204
PTO Rosary (Prayed in Spanish), 1:30 PM
PTO-Sponsored Staff Appreciation (Snacks Only),
2:30-3:30 PM, Office Suite
Booster Club Meeting, 6:00-7:00 PM, PLB Room 203
Spring Conferences (AM) and Staff Development
(PM) - No Classes and BAASP CLOSED
PTO-Sponsored Staff Appreciation (Snacks Only),
7:00-8:00 AM, Office Suite
Steps for Students—Individual Packet Pick-Up, 10:30
AM-6:30 PM, Fleet Feet Sports—6590
Woodway, Houston 77057
Development Day Hosted by SAOPCS
PreK Mardi Gras Parade, 10:00 AM and 2:00 PM
We need everyone here!
February 24-26 and March 3-5
Make-Ups will be during the week of March 9th
The Messenger, Weekly Newsletter
The character trait for February is Cooperation (Teamwork
& Helping). Cooperation means working together, getting
along and working as a team. Cooperation is all about helping others and interacting with people in a way that helps
everyone to succeed.
The social skills for February are How to work with others
and how to accept and give a compliment.
Important Dates for February:
Our Love and Logic Parent Training series continues.
The course will conclude on Thursday, February 18th.
 Iowa/CogAt testing starts on Tuesday, February 24, and
goes through Thursday, March 5. Please note: There
will be no testing on Monday, February 23; Friday, February 27; Monday, March 2; or Friday, March 6.
How your child can prepare for the IOWA and CogAt
A student who is well-rested and well-fed and has a positive
attitude about testing will be best prepared. You can help
your student do his or her best by considering these tips:
2014-2015 SCHEDULE
First Eucharist Schedule
“Tour of the Church” - For Parent and Child to learn
more about the church and to have the opportunity to
practice receiving communion.
Mon., 2/9/15 6:00-7:30 PM
Wed., 2/11/15 5:00-6:30 PM
Last name A-K
Last Name L-Z
Make sure your child is in school and on time on test
days. Reschedule any appointments on non-testing
Make sure your child gets a good night’s sleep and eats
a healthy breakfast before each day of testing.
Remind your student that these tests are only one part
of the school day. Emphasize that you have confidence
in his or her ability to do the best job possible.
Remind your child to listen carefully to the directions
and to each question as it is read aloud during testing.
Encourage your child to ask the teacher for help if he or
she does not understand the directions.
Our Love and Logic Parent Training began January 15th. It is
six weeks long and is held every Thursday in PLB Room 204,
concluding Thursday, February 19th. It’s not too late to sign
up. If you’re interested, please contact Janay O’Connor,
School Counselor at joconnor@staopcs.org or (832) 482-4168.
St. Anthony of Padua Catholic School
The Messenger, Weekly Newsletter
February 4, 2015
Dear St. Anthony of Padua School Parents:
The School Strategic Planning Committee recently completed surveys of current parents, staff,
parishioners and alumni parents as part of the process to revise our school's Long Range Strategic
Plan that will help guide and strengthen our future. We extend our sincere thanks to the school
families who took part in the survey.
As a follow up, we are now seeking additional parent feedback through a Parent Focus Group. This
is an opportunity for more in-depth discussion of survey topics such as facilities, communication,
development, enrollment, marketing, community relations, finances and technology.
The Parent Focus Group will be held on Tuesday, February 24th from 7:00-8:00 pm. It will be
facilitated by Betty Hollas, Luz Ayre and Kathleen Johnson, members of the Strategic Planning
Committee. Participants in the Parent Focus Group will be randomly selected by the facilitators and
will be contacted to confirm availability.
If you are interested in participating, we ask that you return the form below by February 18th to
the school office. A random drawing will be held to determine the focus group participants and those
selected will be notified by the end of the day on Friday, February 20 th. We thank you in advance for
your interest and willingness to play a part in the future of our school community.
Sincerely in Christ,
Rev. Tom Rafferty
Renee’ Nunez
Susan Leddy
Kendall Shamas
Assistant Principal
Dean of Middle School &
Auxiliary Programs
School Strategic Planning Committee
Parent Focus Group Interest Form
_____ Yes! I am interested in participating in the Parent Focus Group as part of the
SAOPCS long range strategic planning process. I understand this process is
confidential, and that a random drawing will be held to determine the Focus Group
participants from those who are interested.
Name: ______________________________
Grade Level(s) of Children: __________________
Phone: ______________________________ Email: __________________________________
Advancement Update:
Why am I NOT seeing
Signup Parties yet?
They are coming! We have had to regroup from a live event to an online
event for you! We want to make sure we have all our out t’s crossed and
our I’s dotted before you get the preview. So…. STAY TUNED each week.
You won’t want to miss out on that fantastic party for you or your child!
Hey Steps for Students 5k Race
We are approaching our final
online registration deadline for the
10th Annual Steps for Students.
If you have already registered, thank you so much and we
look forward to seeing you on
Race Day - Saturday, February
If you have not yet registered or
would like to invite other to join
you at the race, here is what you
need to know:
Online Registration Closes This
Sunday, February 8 at 11pm CST!
SAOPCS Gala Table Sales Special Opportunity!!
If you plan to wait until the very
last moment on Sunday, make
sure you begin the registration
process BEFORE 10:30 PM CST
so you can complete the process
before registration shuts down at
Purchase a gala table between 1/28 and
2/27 and you will be entered to win a gift
certificate from Couture House for a gown/
tuxedo rental and one night stay at The
Woodlands Waterway Marriott for the
evening of the event. Don't miss out on your
chance to win! Tables can be purchased by using the form at the end of
The Messenger and will also be available for purchase online in February.
You can still join a school team,
but you will have to pick up your
race packet in person at Individual
packet pick-up on Feb. 14 at Fleet
Feet Sports 6590 Woodway or
LAST CHANCE PACKET PICKUP on February 16-18 at the
Downtown Chancery | 1700 San
Jacinto| Houston, Tx 77002.
Dance the night away
Please contact Shannon
Whatley with any questions.
at this year’s gala with . . .
1st grade still holds
the lead with 81%.
Each class gets an ICe
ream party at 100%
31 Grandparents
71% of families
100% of faculty
Table Sponsors
St. Anthony of Padua
Table sponsorship is an opportunity to be prominently recognized in supporting St. Anthony of Padua Catholic
School. Following is a list of distinct sponsorship level privileges:
Premium seating table for 10 people
Priority beverage service
Early preview of auction items before gala, including wine and hors d'oeuvres
Room at the Marriott for 2 with complimentary in-room breakfast
Logo with hyperlink on SAOPCS Gala website through August 2015
Recognition as event underwriter: a full page ad in Gala program
Stage recognition as event underwriter at the Gala
Complimentary valet parking for sponsor and guests
Special gift of appreciation from the Gala committee
2 Raffle tickets
Express check-in and check-out
One last bid option for use on any one silent auction item (minimum of 5% over last bid)
Premium seating table for 10 people
Priority beverage service
Early preview of auction items before gala, including wine and hors d'oeuvres
Logo with hyperlink on SAOPCS Gala website through August 2015
Recognition as event underwriter: a full page ad in Gala program
Stage recognition as event underwriter at the Gala
Complimentary valet parking for sponsor and guests
Express check-in and check-out
Premium seating table for 10 people
Priority beverage service
Logo with hyperlink on SAOPCS Gala website through August 2015
Recognition as event underwriter: a half page ad in Gala program
Stage recognition as event underwriter at the Gala
Complimentary valet parking for sponsor and guests
Reserved seating table for 10 people
Logo with hyperlink on SAOPCS Gala website through August 2015
Recognition as event underwriter: a half page ad in Gala program
Stage recognition as event underwriter at the Gala
Complimentary valet parking for sponsor and guests
7901 Bay Branch Dr. • The Woodlands, Tx 77382 • 281-296-0300
Table Sponsors
St. Anthony of Padua
Payment must be received by March 13, 2015 in order for your sponsorship to be included in the program.
PACKAGES (Check One Please)
Each Table Seats 10
Bishop’s TaBle
Street Address:
Enclosed is my check for:
Payable to St. Anthony of Padua Catholic School
Charge my:
Card Number:
Exp. Date:
Billing Zip Code:
Cardholder Signature:
7901 Bay Branch Dr. • The Woodlands, Tx 77382 • 281-296-0300