Number 235 February 2015 R EMINDER Dr. Richard Bull, Pastor PO Box 192 27 S. Shasta Ave. Eagle Point, OR 97524 Church Office: 541-826-2767 Fax: 541-826-2818 E-mail: THE PURPOSE of Eagle Point Community Bible Church is to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever THE VISION of Eagle Point Community Bible Church is to bring the people of our community and the communities we serve into a life transforming encounter with the living God and to teach them to live as members of God’s family, growing in maturity and becoming Christlike in their daily lives. THE MISSION of Eagle Point Community Bible Church is to accomplish our vision by the following means: Equipping believers for works of ministry and helping them to mature in Christ Becoming a church of compassion comprised of praying people willing to give ourselves away for the cause of the least and the lost. Building strategic bridges between our church and the communities in which we live, work, and play. Valentine Banquet Saturday, February 21, 6:00 p.m. Cost is $12 per adult. Watch the weekly bulletin for more details Sunday Morning Worship Service……10:00 a.m. Praise, worship, and the teaching of God’s Word. Nursery & Children's Ministries available Groups for adults, teens, and children throughout the week epbiblechurch Eagle Point Community Bible Church WEEKDAYS AT A GLANCE AT EPCBC February (all ministries held on church campus unless otherwise noted) SUNDAY 9:00 am Adult Bible Studies "Knowing Jesus" "James" 9:00 am Middle School Bible Study MONDAY 6:30 pm Men's Ministry Time 1 John TUESDAY 9:00 am Ladies' Prayer Breakfast at Diner 62 9:30 am Eagle Cove Bible Study Group at Eagle Cove Center Men's Prayer Breakfast Friday, February 27 6:00 a.m. 1:45 Bible Story Time WEDNESDAY 6:30 pm Shady Cove Adult Bible Study (led by Spencer Davenport) 6:30 pm Middle School Group (meet at church to go to Little Butte Gym) 6:30 pm High School Youth Group (meet at church to go to Eagle Rock Gym) 6:30 pm Awana THURSDAY 9:00 Mom to Mom 1st & 3rd Thursday of the month 7:00 pm Adult Bible Study "That The World May Know" (hosted by Spires (5) & Linders 12,19,26) at the church) 7:00 pm Adult Bible Study "Acts" (led by Larry Baker) FRIDAY 9:00 am Women's Bible Study MIDDLE SCHOOL RETREAT AT BOX R February 13-16 See Chris Alden or Dick Kendrick for details +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Wisdom for Women ♡ You are Mine ♡ Love, GOD Isaiah 43:1 “Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name. YOU ARE MINE.” February is a time that we celebrate the special relationships that make life meaningful. I encourage you to take a moment to consider your ultimate Valentine! The God of the universe created you, promises to always be with you and claims you as His own. There really is no promise of love more precious than that. Treasure it! SHAMROCK SHUFFLE APPROACHES The third annual Shamrock Shuffle will be held on Saturday, March 14. Runners and walkers are welcome to participate in this fun 5K to benefit the EPCBC Mom to Mom group. You can register online at For more information about being sponsor, contact Amanda at epcbcmom2mom@ "Breaking Free" 6:00 am Men's Prayer Breakfast February 27 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ March 7: Ladies' Movie Night. Get the REMINDER online! Send your request to be put on our email list to or access the latest Snacks provided. Sign up in the foyer and bring your friends. For more information, contact Paulette Pomeroy the Bull Pen I found this in the classified ads: Wedding dress for sale, never worn. Will trade for .38 caliber pistol. We have all experienced the emotion of anger. The rush of blood. The surge of adrenaline. The near superhuman strength. What are you capable of when you are real angry? Scary isn't it, the things we might say or do? Years ago, there was a man by the name of Bernhard Goetz, who rode the subways in New York City. He had been hassled by some thugs on the subways, so he started to carry a gun. He was 37 years old, thin, lawabiding, and almost timid, not the kind of person you would cast to play a hero in a movie. Then, on the way home on night while riding the subway, four young men tried to mug and rob Bernhard and others on the subway. Bernhard blasted all four of them. He became a hero. A rock group wrote a song in his honor. He was wanted on late night talk shows. People raised money for his defense. He did what we all want to do. He fought back, he kicked the bully, he punched the bad guy in the nose. Around our country, there was an outpouring of support. People were tired of being harassed and intimidated, and a modern day Wyatt Earp rose up and we applaud him. People are angry and scared today. Did Bernhard do the right thing? Let's talk about anger. It begins as a drop of water. An irritant. A frustration. Nothing big, just an aggravation. Someone pulls in front of you on the freeway. Someone calls you a name. Someone gives you a poke. Someone threatens you. Drip...drip...drip... Before long, you have got a bucket full of walking rage and unharnessed hatred. Have you ever knocked someone flat? In your mind? I think, given the right circumstances, anyone of us could explode just like Bernhard Goetz. But what good has hatred ever brought? Has anger ever created hope? Have problems ever been resolved by revenge? I don't blame Bernard for fighting back (I may have done the same). But in retrospect, reality makes me ask, "Are the subways safer?" No. Anger never makes anyone safer. It only feeds a primitive emotion for revenge, and control, and pride. So what do we do? How do we harness anger? In Luke 23:33-34 we read, "When they came to the place called The Skull, there they crucified Him and the criminals, one on the right and the other on the left. But Jesus was saying, 'Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing.' And they cast lots, dividing up His garments among themselves." Jesus is speaking here about the men that killed Him. How did He keep in control with the pain, injustice, and humiliation? The answer is the second part of His statement, "for they do not know what they were doing." (vs. 34). Jesus saw this bloodthirsty crowd, not as murderers, but as victims. He saw their confusion: "they don't know what they are doing." And they did not. They were a stir crazy mob, mad at something they could not see, so they took it out on God (we saw something similar in Ferguson, Missouri: people became so angry). They didn't know what they were doing. And for the most part, neither do we when we get angry. We play tag with the fiery realities of death and pain. We can't answer our own questions about love and hurt. We can't solve the riddle of aging. Sometimes, we can't even get along with our own families. We can't keep ourselves out of wars or feed hungry children. There are moms and dads that don't know how to be parents. The apostle Paul spoke for humanity when he said in Romans 7:15, "I do not know what I am doing." When we walk in the flesh rather than the spirit, it is a scary thing. My point is this: uncontrolled anger never did us any good. it has never helped our world. But sympathetic understanding will. Once we understand ourselves, we can begin to operate, not from a posture of anger, but compassion and concern.. We can look at people who upset us, not with anger, but as Jesus did. Know this, folks, the lights are out and people are stumbling in the darkness, so we need to be candles. Maybe instead of shooting people, we could teach in schools, build hospitals, help in orphanages. Pray and see people the way Jesus did...and pray you never have to use a gun, because people don't know what they are doing. Uncontrolled anger never did anyone any good. Understanding will. Let's bring light, not darkness. Love, Pastor Dick ELDER BOARD AT EPCBC Chris Alden Mike Bull Phil Hefley Skip MacQueen Luke Murphy Pastor Dick Bull PRAYER MEETINGS February 10 & 24 (2nd & 4th Tuesdays of the month) Lifting up the new sanctuary project in our prayers H ap p y B ir t h d a y February JoAnn Cruz Marty Koval David Chandler Sandra McKay Jean Hudson Carole Campbell Jake Whitmire Janie Monnette 8 Annie Poll Benjamin Chamberlain 9 Marsha Brotzman 10 Jack Fimple 13 Duane Haas Gary Kaiser 14 Betty Clement 17 Kaylee Boutwell Dawson Murphy 18 Blake Chamberlain 21 Elloise Spires Jacoby Jackson 22 Jonathan Smart 23 Brennan Kopp 28Ro Brooke Henrickson 2 3 4 5 6 7 1st Half of March 1 Sydney Bruner Lisa Marshall 2 Sean Lloyd 3 Sandy Waterhouse John Linder Maria Henry Mary Etchison 4 Lucille Wilcox 6 Bill Bartlett 8 Rowen Miller 9 Mileah Swopes 11 Donna Boutwell Olivia Udall 15 Sarah Shaffer Happy Anniversary February TF P The Family Page 12 Dick & Becky Bull Duane & Becky Haas 16 Tracy & Lorna Van Hee 29 David Davern & Pat Morache/Davern 1st half of March 3 John & June Campbell PRAISE THE LORD At press time, our ARISE fund for the new sanctuary is $267,779.17 CONGRATULATIONS to Jacob Lee "Most Valuable Wrestler" Eagle Point Youth Wrestling Welcome to Membership Diane Meyer JANUARY FINANCIAL REPORT Income Expenses Net Ord. Income $25,435.50 $23,285.62 $ 2,149.88 Ryan & Sarah Bentley (Greater Europe Missions--UK) Rick Cook Dave & Sharon Esau-Operation Mobilization Nick & Heidi Forest--Tanzania Pablo & Martha Garcia--Mexico Russ and Ruth Ragsdale Millie Redding-International Students, Inc. Bob Remington-Evangelical Alliance Mission Mike Silva Sharon Rush--Hearts With a Mission MISSIONS & Terry Pruett-In Faith MISSIONARIES Mabel Tyrrell Access Mobile Food Pantry SUPPORTED BY Cascade Christian High School EPCBC Nitan Sardar-Friends of the Poor Medford Gospel Mission Radio Bible Class. Rogue Valley Pregnancy Resource Center Rogue Valley Youth for Christ St. John's Lutheran School The Least of These--Richmond Wilderness Trails February 2015 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 2 3 4 5 6 9:00 am Adult Bible Studies 9:00 am Middle School Bible Study 10:00 am Morning Worship Service 10:00 am Children's Church 6:30 pm Men's Ministry Time 9:00 am Ladies Prayer Bkfst Diner 62 on Crater Lake Hwy 9:30 am Eagle Cove Bible Study Eagle Cove Ass't Living Facility 1:45 pm BST 6:30 pm Shady Cove Bible Study 6:30 pm Middle School Youth Group (6th-8th) 6:30 pm High School Youth Group (9th-12th) 6:30 pm Awana 9:00 am Mom to Mom 7:00 pm Adult Bible Study at church 7:00 pm Adult Bible Study (Acts) 9:00 am Women's Bible Study 8 9 12 13 7:00 pm Adult Bible Study at church 7:00 pm Adult Bible Study (Acts) 9:00 am Women's Bible Study 1 9:00 am Adult Bible Studies 9:00 am Middle School Bible Study 10:00 am Morning Worship Service 10:00 am Children's Church 10 11 9:00 am Ladies Prayer Bkfst Diner 62 on Crater Lake Hwy 9:30 am Eagle Cove Bible Study Eagle Cove Ass't Living Facility 1:45 pm BST 7:00 pm ARISE Prayer Mtg 6:30 pm Shady Cove Bible Study 6:30 pm Middle School Youth Group (6th-8th) 6:30 pm High School Youth Group (9th-12th) 6:30 pm Awana 16 17 18 6:30 pm Men's Ministry Time 9:00 am Ladies Prayer Bkfst Diner 62 on Crater Lake Hwy 9:30 am Eagle Cove Bible Study Eagle Cove Ass't Living Facility 1:45 pm BST 7:00 pm Elder Board Mtg 6:30 pm Shady Cove Bible Study 6:30 pm Middle School Youth Group (6th-8th) 6:30 pm High School Youth Group (9th-12th) 6:30 pm Awana 24 9:00 am Ladies Prayer Bkfst Diner 62 on Crater Lake Hwy 9:30 am Eagle Cove Bible Study Eagle Cove Ass't Living Facility 1:45 pm BST 7:00 pm ARISE Prayer Mtg 6:30 pm Men's Ministry Time Children's Worship Leader Meeting after service 15 9:00 am Adult Bible Studies 9:00 am Middle School Bible Study 10:00 am Morning Worship Service 10:00 am Children's Church SATURDAY 7 14 Middle School Retreat to Box R 19 20 21 9:00 am Mom to Mom 7:00 pm Adult Bible Study at church 7:00 pm Adult Bible Study (Acts) 9:00 am Women's Bible Study 25 26 27 6:30 pm Shady Cove Bible Study 6:30 pm Middle School Youth Group (6th-8th) 6:30 pm High School Youth Group (9th-12th) 6:30 pm Awana 7:00 pm Adult Bible Study at church 7:00 pm Adult Bible Study (Acts) 6:00 p.m. Middle School Retreat to Box R 22 9:00 am Adult Bible Studies 9:00 am Middle School Bible Study 10:00 am Morning Worship Service 10:00 am Children's Church 23 6:30 pm Men's Ministry Time 28 6:00 a.m. 9:00 am Women's Bible Study Men's Retreat to Sunriver (return Sunday, March 1) Events will be held on the church campus unless otherwise noted. Times, locations, and events may change. Check with your group leader, the weekly bulletin, or the church office for updates.
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