Electronic Billboard Style Guide Content Guidelines The electronic billboards are used to advertise Medtronic internal programs and products, which apply to employees on the various Medtronic campuses. • Ads must represent Medtronic internal programs or products and apply to employees. • Please see Technical Specifications (page 5) for usable formats. • If your budget allows, it is best to have a custom ad or custom template created by Corporate Creative. Michele White (x58139) can provide more information about design options and specifications. • Options include templates for text-only, simple text/graphic messages, and custom designed ads. • Please keep messages to 20-25 words per screen. The average viewer sees the screen for less than 15 seconds. • Flash or video ads should be limited to 30 seconds or less (see additional specifications on page 5). • T win Cities employees: Visit the Masterbrand website http://masterbrand.medtronic.com/brand-application-guidelines/electronic-communications/electronic-billboards/index.htm) to submit an online e-billboard request form. Please allow at least two weeks for the design and approval process. • All ads and scheduling requests are subject to review by Corporate Communications. Contacts CORPORATE COMMUNICATIONS Dori Estrella-Sands 763.505.2670 dori.a.estrella-sands@medtronic.com Karen Kutzner 763.505.2604 karen.a.kutzner@medtronic.com CORPORATE CREATIVE Michele White 763.505.8139 michele.white@medtronic.com 2 Basic Ad Samples Please visit the Masterbrand website (http://masterbrand.medtronic.com/brand-application-guidelines/electronic-communications/electronicbillboards/index.htm) to submit a design request for a Basic Ad, similar to the examples below. 3 Custom Designed Ad Samples These ads were created to announce special events, campaigns, etc. They are samples only. To create your own customized ad, please contact Corporate Creative Solutions or your creative resource. 4 Formatting TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 13.66 inches • 1366 pixels • 13.66” x 7.68” • 100 dpi RGB • 1366 x 768 pixels PPT Files (JPG embedded in PPT format) • • • • 10” x 7.5” 144 dpi RGB 1440 x 1080 pixels PPT slides/individual PPT slides/decks do not work 7.68 inches • 768 pixels JPG Files Video Files • Timeframe: 30 seconds or less • File size: 10MB or smaller • 1280 x 768 or 1000 x 600 pixels (when message bar is present) • JPG or PNG recommended image formats • Mp3 recommended audio format • .wmv recommended motion video format (bit rate of 7.6 megabits per second recommended) Please note: Videos over the 30 second timeframe requirement must include an identifying banner in blue or black with white type. If the video content includes a great deal of fast moving action or camera pans, it would be best to use non-interlace or progressive-scan options if available during the encoding process to reduce onscreen artifacting. 5 Text Margins A margin of .75 inches should exist on all four edges. .75 inch margin .75 inch margin YOUR TEXT SHOULD FIT WITHIN THIS RECTANGLE Medtronic Logo Horizontal Logo Width: at least 4.5 inches The edge of the word “Medtronic” should rest at least .5 inches from the edge. In cases of the logo resting on the left edge of the screen, the edge of the Rising Man should be at least .5 inches away from the edge. Please reference www.medtronic.com/masterbrand/logo/ to learn more about correct and incorrect usage of the Medtronic logo. .5 inch margin 6 Typography All text should exist within the boundaries established in “Text Margins.” There are four main categories of text: the headline, subhead, body copy, and disclaimers. Try to use a maximum of three out of the four categories; two categories are ideal. Within each category, text should not exceed three lines of copy except in an event format. * Headlines Point Size: 80–100 Character Count: max 20 char. per line Leading: equal to point size Kerning: 0 • 10 pt leading between headline and subhead Subheads Uppercase Point Size: 45–60 Character Count: 20–25 Leading: equal to point size Kerning: 0 • 35 pt minimum leading between subhead and body Body Point Size: no smaller than 40 pts Character Count: 35 char. per line Leading: equal to point size Kerning: no less than 0 • 30 pt minimum leading between body and disclaimer * Event Info Format Title: Time: Date: Location: The greater the difference between informational tiers, the easier it will be for the viewer to retain information presented. normal use Myriad Pro occasional use Chaparral Pro Disclaimers Point Size: 25–30 Character Count: 60 char. per line Leading: equal to point size Kerning: no less than 0 7 Color and Contrast The relationship between color and text is just as important as point size. In regards to color, one must consider brightness, hue, and saturation. Greater Contrast in Brightness 100% White Text 100% 301 Blue 100% White Text 80% 301 Blue Contrast between background and text increases readability. 100% White Text 60% 301 Blue 100% White Text 40% 301 Blue Lower Contrast in Brightness Greater Contrast in Saturation 100% White Text 20% 301 Blue 301 Blue 0% Tint 301 Blue 20% Tint 301 Blue 40% Tint 301 Blue 60% Tint Lower Contrast in Saturation Greater Contrast in Hue 301 Blue 80% Tint Yellow 100% 301 Blue Orange 100% 301 Blue Red 100% 301 Blue Purple 100% 301 Blue Lower Contrast in Hue UC200902635a EN 5/10 Green 100% 301 Blue 8
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