Issue 498 - 6th February 2015 C7 Shakespeare’s Globe and British Museum Page 4 Lead Learners Page 6 Page 8 | Tel : 01376 561231 | Fax: 01376 563067 Headlines By Simon Mason Lead Learners On Monday 26th January we appointed our tenth team of Lead Learners. As the years have progressed, we have considered how best to appoint this key team and this year made a change that will, in future, see these learners in post from the January of their fourth year at the school through to the December of their final year with us. The major change we made this year is that we offered every learner in Cohort 10 the opportunity of applying for one of the six posts on offer. An exceptional fifty seven learners expressed an interest and of these forty two submitted a letter of application. The standard of these applications was superb. Many that we received were better than letters of application we receive from adults looking for work at the school. As a result twelve learners were interviewed for the six positions. In each of the past ten years I have always been overwhelmed by the passion, drive and commitment shown by our candidates for Lead Learner. However, this year was truly exceptional, not because any one learner was better than those in the past, but because the quality of applicants was so strong across all twelve that we interviewed. Indeed, many of the learners who submitted application letters this year and did not get down to the final twelve would have done so in previous years so strong was the whole field this time around. Whilst it was an incredibly difficult decision to choose between the outstanding young people called for final interview, choose we did and I am delighted to announce that Katie Armitage (10HBr/MSh) (who will take responsibility for leading our drive to improve youngsters’ use of technology in their learning), Sam DonnellyBoote (10PBl) (leadership in learning), Inaam Khan (10DEl) (learner wellbeing), Harrison Lock (10HBr/MSh) (skills for learning), Izzy Robson (10CMo/RHo) (progression in learning) and Hazel Sarti (10ABu) (environment for learning) were appointed as our new team of Lead Learners. As the standard of applications was so high, we decided that we would also create six deputy Lead Learner posts so that our Lead Learners had the support of youngsters who came very close indeed to being awarded one of the leading roles. Thus Charlie Baker (10DEl) (environment for learning), Tom Clark (10VSt) (progression in learning), Harry Doubleday (10VSt) (learner wellbeing), Caitlin Greene (10CMo/ RHo) (leadership in learning), Cameron Harbison (10RHa) (technology in learning) and Katie Henn (10PBl (skills for learning), will each deputise for the lead learners holding the responsibilities described above. This group will look to build on the Deputy role created three years ago, whilst also standing in for the appropriate Lead Learner in any situations at which they are unable to participate. We have very high expectations of them as in many previous years they would have succeeded in gaining a Lead Learner post themselves. Having listened, during the interviews, to a variety of new ideas about how we can further develop these key roles, I am really excited about the prospect of working with this superb group of young people throughout their final sixteen months at the school. They introduce themselves to our community inside next week’s Gazette. The official duties for our ninth team of Lead Learners will now begin to diminish as they focus in ever more acutely on the challenges they will face in this summer’s exam series. They played an important role in helping us to appoint their replacements, supporting Cohort 10 learners through their leadership training and offering us their views of the learners in that setting. Once again they proved to be a mature, thoughtful, analytical and insightful group of young people as they have done throughout the year where they have advanced the views of young people with great skill as we have taken our school forward. On behalf of our whole community can I thank Coral Bocking (11PJe), Grace Felstead (11LKi), Savannah Lowing (11ARo), Amy Moore (11SFa), Jamie Murray (11MWh) Henry Onno (11LKi), Sophie White (11OCi) and Phoebe Wickens (11LKi) for their exceptional contribution to our school so far this year and thank them in advance for the contribution they will continue to make in these last few weeks prior to their exams. Congratulations To Maja Jeffs (9DSm) who spent two days recently supporting visitors to the school. Maya speaks fluent Swedish and was able to use her language skills to act as a translator for the Scandinavian visitors To Zak Johnson (11DCa) who passed his Black Belt in Ju-Jitsu with Distinction – an outstanding achievement! Thanks To Joshua Ambrose (7EFo), Beth Archer (8CBt), Keena Bean (9STn), Lilly Brewer (7ATo), Alex Evins (8DWi), Rhys Goodman (8CGa), Amy Hart (8MJo), Amber Jordan (8MJo), Joshua Lee (9LJo), Harry Saville (9LPu), Katie White (8LVa), Brandii Whymark (7CKh), Alex Willson (8SHa) and William Wright (8LVa) for their support with interviews at the school last week To Elliot Adams (8CHo), Holly Ager (8CBt), Maisie Armstrong (8SHa), Isabel Baker (7CKh), Frederick Barnett (7ATo), Louise Bass (7EFo), Lauren Beney (8DWi), Dylan Bentley (8CHo), Rafferty Bradford (7MMe), Cameron Branagh (8CBt), William Brassington (7CKh), Lilly Brewer (7ATo), Sean Brewer (7CKh), James Brown (9HTo), George Butters (8LVa), Olivia Campe (7MMe), Ellena Cardy (8CBt), Liam Chapman (8SHa), Louis Clements (8SHa), Yasmin Clitheroe (8ADo), Harry CokerShepherd (8MJo), Phoebe Cole (7CRs), Christie Conway (8CHo), Yasmin Cook (9LPu), Holly Copping (8LVa), Rebecca Cordeiro (8DWi), Charlotte Deal (8CHo), Eloise Dockerty (8MJo), Simon Donnelly (8CBt), Eloise Dyer (7CRs), Jessica Dyson (7MWo), Megan Evans (7SSo), Hannah Everitt (8MJo), Freya Fox (8CBt), Sara Franco (8SAr), Henry Freeland (7CKh), Sophie Gaskell (7ATo), Amber Gent (8SHa), Rhys Goodman (8CGa), Brooke Greatorex (8CGa), Gemma Harrington (9NPo), Morgan Harrod (8LVa), Max Haywood (8CHo), Kadie-Jay Heaney (7HTr), Alishia Hewson (7ATo), Jacob Higgon (8MJo), Joseph Hodgkins (7ATo), Samuel Hodgkins (9MRa), Alfie Holland (7CKh), Rhyse Hudson (8DWi), Kyle Jarman (7MWo), Isabella Jeggo (9HTo), Elleanna Jenkins (8DWi), Oliver Jordan (8SAr), Benjamin Joyce (9LJo), Jaydon Kellyman (9LJo), Louie Kendle (7ATo), Karina Kilgour (8ADo), Ella King (8SAr), Annabelle Kitching (8SHa), Rebecca Kitching (9STn), Eadan Lagdon (8ADo), Amelia Lane (8CGa), Holly Lawrence (8LVa), Rebecca Lawrence (8ADo), Benjamin Lown (8MJo), Benjamin Macklin (8ADo), Simran Manku (8LVa), Hayden Matthews (8MJo), Benjamin McSweeney (8CBt), Isabelle Murphy (8DWi), Cameron Newton (7DSc), Mark Odell (8SAr), Adam Osborne (8ADo), Todd Osborne (8DWi), George Panting (8LVa), James Parkinson (8MJo), Imogen Pearey (7CKh), Lauryn Pinder (8SHa), Ryan Pitt (9STn), Holly Plank (8CBt), Bethany Potter (8SAr), Philippa Pratchett (7EFo), James Raine (7DSc), Samuel Riches (7EFo), Taylor Roffey (9NPo), Kai Ryan (7CRs), Alfie Saunders (7MMe), Emelia Saunders (7CRs), Katie Smith (8CHo), Madison Smith (7SSo), Abigail Steele (8CHo), Samuel Stinton (7HTr), Beth Tatnell (7CRs), Regan Turner (9DSm), Cameron Walker (7MWo), Eva Warren (7MMe), Sasha Warwick (7MWo), Molly-Ann Watts (7HTr), KieraJane Whittle (9STn), Alexander Wilcox (8SHa), Molly Witney (7DSc), Samuel Witney (7EFo) and Raff Yarrow (7CRs) all of whom supported the school during visits by teachers from Scandinavia recently. Parents’ Time Simon Mason will be available to see parents without appointment: Monday 9.00am—9.45am Tuesday 7.30am—8.15am Wednesday 3.15pm—4.00pm Thursday 5.00pm—6.00pm Friday 7.30am—8.15am C7 Shakespeare’s Globe and British Museum As part of Cohort 7’s exciting learning journey, this week learners visited Shakespeare’s Globe and the British Museum. Learners were given the opportunity to approach Shakespeare’s plays through the context of the Globe playhouse and to interact with real life actors and actresses. Through practical exploration, Cohort 7 developed an understanding of Shakespeare’s characters and stories, and engaged with the text as a script for performance! Whilst at the British Museum in the afternoon, Cohort 7 worked with resident artists to explore how different cultures use adornment and decoration. They spent time carefully considering the cultural significance of artefacts looking at shape, pattern and meaning. “What I most enjoyed about the trip was when we went to the Globe and the actors were performing at the bottom and using all fancy words. Also when we got to go on the stage to say a line from a ‘Midsummer Night’s Dream’.” Ella Pell-Coggins 7ATo. “The Globe theatre was breath taking; I learnt a lot of history when I was there, it was amazing” Joe Grant 7CRs. “I really enjoyed visiting London. I liked the fact that Shakespeare’s Globe was theatrical but fun and I really enjoyed the museum.” Emily Reeve 7SSo “I learnt a lot from this trip; how people used to perform and the museum was amazing with lots of different items.” Phoebe Cole 7CRs. “I thought it was really good especially when we saw the mummy” Esme Convery 7CKh. “The tour was great and experiencing acting one of Shakespeare’s plays was fascinating. I really enjoyed the day.” Kenzy Sherif 7CRs. C10 Lead Learner appointments On Thursday 29th January, 12 learners were interviewed for the post of Lead Learner. This role is the most prestigious role that learners can aspire to during their time at Honywood, and competition is very strong. The way in which the selection process for this role has changed this year; the opportunity to apply for the post was made available to the entire cohort, rather than a shortlisted group of Prefect Coordinators, as had been the case in previous years. Preparations for the selection process began a number of weeks ago, when our Cohort 11 Lead Learners provided a series of workshops which aimed to help learners develop their leadership skills and prepare for the application process. The following week, Mr Mason, Mr Caygill, Mr Rawlings, Mrs Hickford and myself worked together to provide a learning experience entitled ‘Leadership Experience Training’ where learners had the opportunity to refine and become more aware of their leadership skills, and put them to the test. Attendance to both of these events was compulsory for learners who were thinking of applying for the post of Lead Learner, or Prefect Coordinator. It was fantastic to see so many learners sign up for these events, and we had 57 potential applicants in attendance at both events. During the course of the training, observations were made of the learners in terms of their participation in the tasks, leadership skills, and ability to work and collaborate effectively with a team. These observations, along with each individual’s own reflection and evaluation of their participation in the training, would be used to inform the decisions made about selecting a total of 12 candidates for interview. Following the training that was available to potential applicants, learners were then invited to submit an application for the role of Lead Learner, in which they had to explain why they wanted to apply, and how they could contribute to leading the development of learning at Honywood. We received a staggering 45 letters of application! Next came the extremely difficult task of shortlisting 12 candidates from so many applications. Mr Caygill, Mrs Lee-Allan and myself went through each of the applications separately, and then met together to share our feedback. We found that we had to be very strict, using only our observations from the training events and the application letters to inform our decisions. We each found this very challenging, as the standard of the applications was so high. However, we finally managed to secure our list of 12. On Thursday 29th January, each of the 12 learners were invited to attend an interview, in which they were asked to give a presentation, lasting no more than 10 minutes, outlining the leadership skills they felt they possessed, ideas for developing the role next year and how they could have an impact on leading learning at Honywood. The presentations were then followed by 10 minutes of interview questions which had not been pre-designed; the questions were based on what had been seen in the presentation, and also the application letter. Mr Mason, Mrs Lee-Allan, Mr Caygill and myself led the interviews, and we had an incredible day where the quality of the presentations given, and the contributions of the candidates were outstanding. Without a doubt, this was the strongest field we have ever seen, and so it was very hard to choose between them. We decided that all 12 candidates were deserving of a role, and so we offered 6 Deputy Lead Learner positions to support the Lead Learner posts. I am delighted to announce that the new team for 2015-16 are: Technology- Katie Armitage Leadership – Sam Donnelly-Boote Well Being – Inaam Khan Skills – Harrison Lock Progression – Izzy Robson Environment – Hazel Sarti Deputy - Cameron Harbison Deputy - Caitlin Green Deputy - Harry Doubleday Deputy - Katie Henn Deputy - Tom Clark Deputy - Charlie Baker The next day, the new team worked together to begin planning the development of their new roles. Mr Caygill and I spent time with the group as they planned and organised the process for the recruitment of our Prefects and Prefect Coordinators this year. They also began sharing ideas and making plans for their first joint project, ‘Speakers Corner’ which will be launched in March (more details to follow soon!) Later that same afternoon, the team got together with our current C11 Lead Learners, to discuss how each team would continue to manage their responsibilities. This was an important discussion, as the move to recruit our Lead Learner teams earlier in the year (so that when in C11 learners could relinquish their roles to concentrate on their exam preparation) has resulted in a period of parallel running for our Cohort 11 and Cohort 10 team. The maturity and professionalism displayed by both teams as they reached their decisions was superb, resulting in the discussions running very smoothly. Both teams felt that they would like to have their own ‘stand-alone’ projects and commitments for which they would retain responsibility and ownership. However, both teams recognised that there are areas where their ideas for development do overlap, and that it would make sense to work together on those ideas. Therefore, the C10 Lead Learners and Deputies will be focusing on supporting the new prefect application process, for which interviews will be taking place after half term, followed by collaborating to launch the ‘Speakers Corner’ project. In the meantime, the C11 Lead Learners will continue to work on their current projects, some examples of which include designing themes and activities for Quintet Weeks, a Careers Fayre for C8, and the development of the ‘Learner Gazette’. However, both teams will work together to continue the projects being developed by our Cohort Creative Teams and Learner Leadership Team. I would like to thank all learners who expressed an interest in the application process this year – the experience was one which left staff who were involved feeling immensely proud that we have the privilege to work with such confident, determined, thoughtful young people. Extended thanks and congratulations go to our newly appointed team – well done for your amazing efforts! Mrs Meacock Mock Exams - MONDAY 9TH MARCH – FRIDAY 20TH MARCH With your mock exams a little over a month away it is important you are now starting to plan how you are going to use your time in the most efficient way to help prepare for your exams as best you can. It is important to remember to spread your time evenly amongst all of the subjects you will be sitting an exam for. You may find in some sessions you start to complete some revision during these learning sessions, this does NOT mean that you then shouldn’t be revising at home! In fact as a minimum you should be spending around 45 minutes per evening for the three subjects you have studied that day revising (that’s a total of 2 hours and 15 minutes per evening!) The best way to plan when you are going to do this is to create a simple revision timetable as shown below. (There are plenty of other revision timetable proformas available on the internet if you don’t like the look of this one). If you would like an A4 or A3 copy of this revision timetable let Mr Caygill know and we will have one printed for you. This way you can plan ahead, knowing which sessions you have had that day, when you have other commitments outside of school in the evenings and at weekends, and be able to fit in all of your revision as well as a little bit of down time for you to relax in. Best revision techniques From a study carried out in 2013 several of the most popular methods of revision were analysed and rated on how successful they were. The table below summarises the methods and how they were rated in terms of success (High being good and Low being not so good) • • • • • • • • • • Elaborative interrogation - being able to explain a point or fact - MODERATE Self-explanation - how a problem was solved -MODERATE Summarising - writing summaries of texts -LOW Highlighting/underlining - LOW Keyword mnemonics - choosing a word to associate with information - LOW Imagery - forming mental pictures while reading or listening - LOW Re-reading - LOW Practice testing - Self-testing to check knowledge - especially using flash cards - HIGH Distributed practice - spreading out study over time - HIGH Interleaved practice - switching between different kinds of problems - MODERATE The important thing to remember when it comes to revision is to do more than just read through your notes and/or GCSE Bitesize. Making mind maps, creating flash cards and testing your knowledge with friends and family are the best ways to revise. Also remember to start your revision early (as in NOW) and break it up into small chunks of time. For every 20 minutes you revise you may find it useful to take a 5 minute break and repeat this cycle for a few hours each evening and weekend. Every department has a range of past paper questions that are available to you. Revision guides and workbooks for most subjects can be bought through the Honywood School shop online. Rickstones 1 Honywood 8 Team: Jamie Cornish, Connor Hardy, Daniel Girling, Sam Hodgkins, Harry Jacobs, James Hopwood, Jonjo McCabe, Jacob Owen, Ben Pitt, Louis Shepherd, Issac Skubich, Daniel Rogers, Callum Tracey On a very cold evening and bumpy pitch Honywood produced some excellent team Football. Sam Hodgkins opened the scoring after Honywood dominated possession early on. Honywood scored a further two goals to take a deserved 3 nil lead. but just before half time Rickstones reduced the lead with a fine long shot from their centre forward. In the second half, Honywood again dominated possession and continued to score at regular intervals. Sam Hodgkins completed his hatrick and the final score ended at 8-1 to Honywood. This was the first league game of the season and if the team maintains this present form they should retain their league title from last year. Scorers Sam Hodgkins 3, Issac Skubich 2, Harry Jacobs 2 , Ben Pitt 1 Because of the weather we have decided to play all the fixtures after half term. Honywood teams are in league A with, Tabor, Hedingham and Forest Hall. Winners of league A will play the runners up of league B in the semi finals Runners up of league A will play the winners of group B in the semi finals The finals will be played at Halstead Football Club Upcoming Fixtures Boys Football 25th February 2015Cohort 7 v Tabor at Honywood Cohort 8 v Tabor at Honywood 26th February 2015Cohort 9 v Tabor at Honywood Cohort 10 v Tabor at Honywood Girls Football - C7 and C8 Every Thursday Lunch Can your learning group collect the most Sainsbury’s vouchers? Would your learning group like to win the use of the Sports Hall at lunchtimes for a week? Most importantly can you help the PE department collect enough vouchers to make sure you have equipment to use in lessons and extra-curricular clubs? Start collecting the vouchers today and give them to your learning group leader. The PE prefects will come round and collect your vouchers weekly and keep a running total. We are looking for a group of learners from all cohorts to take on a new role within school as part of the ‘FS20 Team’. This will involve: LEADING ACTIVITIES RUNNING EVENTS TAKING RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE AREA You must be reliable, willing to take responsibility, have willingness to lead and plan lunchtime activities for other learners. To apply, please email: Or hand in your application to Learner Reception in an envelope marked ‘FS20 Team Application’. Outline why you feel you would be suitable for the role and any experience you have that may be relevant. Deadline for all applications is Friday 13th February. Interested in a career in teaching? Recruiting now for Primary and Secondary Opportunity to speak directly to representatives from Essex TT, current trainees, newly qualified teachers and teachers from our partnership schools. Presentations at 4.30pm and 6pm Information Event Tuesday 10 February 2015 4 – 7pm The Marconi Club, Chelmsford, CM2 9FH Salaried and non-salaried places available SCITT and School Direct QTS with PGCE or 120 Masters Level 7 Credits Essex Teacher Training in partnership with the following for School Direct: Academies Enterprise Trust NTSA Gable Hall School Greensward Academy Lee Chapel Primary Lyons Hall Partnership: Honywood School St Albans Catholic Primary South Essex Teaching Institute (SETI) – Rayleigh St Thomas More’s Catholic Primary Tendring Technology TSA MLC Week Commencing 9th February 2015 Family English Learning C7 Would you like to learn more about the Globe theatre? C8 How is your showcasing developing? Would you like some additional guidance? C9 Travel Writing - where are you going next and how are you planning to explore your surroundings C10 Are you fully prepared for your Speaking and Listening assessment? Book a MLC appointment to find out more and to fully prepare for the future. Team On Wednesday 28th January, we held our FLT annual Internet Safety Evening presented by PC Kathryn Nessling. Kathryn is a local Youth Officer and a CEOP Ambassador. Parents and carers from C7-C10 were invited, along with parents with youngsters in Years 5 and 6 at our local Primary schools so we had about 50 people in total. Kathryn gave us an interactive session about the dangers for our youngsters when engaging with the internet, how parents and carers can assist with teaching youngsters and help keep them safe online. Further advice to parents and carers may be found on our website. Modern Languages Would you like to focus on a key skill area in languages? Do you find Listening activities hard or would you like to learn strategies to use when tackling a reading comprehension? For any language support simply book an MLC with Mrs Wilson. Well done to our Cohort 8 Duty Receptionists Emily Eagle Samuel Cousins Charlotte Deal Christie Conway Learners have been told, that as of Monday 9th February, if they do not have a valid bus pass, they will not be permitted to travel to or from school on the Hedingham buses. Please ensure that your daughter/son has a valid bus pass. If you need a replacement bus pass please contact Hedingham Buses on 01206 769778. All Learners must have a valid bus pass for all journeys on school transport. Cohort 9 Aspirations Week - Information Evening Parent/Carer of Cohort 9 I would like to invite you to an information evening at Honywood Community Science School regarding the upcoming Aspirations week (22nd - 26th June) for Cohort 9. On Tuesday 10th February there will be a meeting in school at 7.00pm where you can hear more information about our specific plans for the week and the residential visit. During the week we are taking the opportunity to allow learners to consider the options available to them once they leave Honywood. Many learners will leave us to attend college where they'll study for A-levels or vocational qualifications. However often learners do not consider, at this stage, opportunities available to them once they have turned 18. Mr Philpott Cohort 9 Leader
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