Incoming Worshipful Master’s Message February 2015 Brothers, As February comes in with a blast of cold weather, Door to Virtue will be welcoming in the month as we are busy with degrees of our own. We will be raising Brothers Wayde Ezell, Bill Otovic, and Robert Resch on February 12th. Then on February 26th we will be dropping to the 2nd degree to pass Brothers Cullen Phillips, Joesph Fleck, Earl Woolford to the degree of Fellow Craft. Over the last month you may have noticed a few thing changing with the webpage. We have moved the Trestleboards to a member only section of the site and I am working with our digital committee to create some new content to keep the webpage fresh and exciting. With the members only section you will need to register for an account, this can be done on the right side bar of most pages. You will notice the next time you visit the lodge if you have not noticed already, on the landing between the social hall and the temple floor our new AED System. With the blessing of the Supreme Architect of the Universe we will never have to use it. Plans are to have people from each of the bodies that meet in the temple trained on how to use it, in the case of an emergency. Sincerely and fraternally, Michael R Raab, Worshipful Master, 2015 Thursday, February 12, 2015 Trestle Board, February 2015 dinner 6:30 Meeting 7:30 pm Routine Business The Master Mason Degree will be conferred upon brothers Wayde Ezell, William Otovic and Robert Resch Light Refreshments ************************* Thursday, February 26, 2015 Meeting 7:30 pm Regular Communication The Fellowcraft Degree will be conferred upon brothers Earl Woolford, Joseph Fleck and Cullen Phillips. Don’t miss a delicious breakfast served at Door To Virtue on Saturday, February 21, 7:30 am to 10 am 2014 Line Officers Surviving Past Masters Carl J Wisner, R.W.P.G.T, 1957 Worshipful Master, Michael R Raab 438 Logan Drive, Westminster, MD 21157 C: 443-340-3168 Harold F Poole, 1963 Robert M Bare, 1964 G Raymond Bankert, 1968 Senior Warden, P Troy Clark 2108 Sykesville Rd., Westminster, MD 21157 C: 410-876-8432 Carl A Nobile (affiliated), 1968 William F Steinberg, 1972 Joseph L Yelton, 1975 Edward C Study, 1976 Junior Warden B Patrick Rose 3408 Nottingham Rd., Westminster, MD C: 410-227-1363 Senior Deacon Jon W Kelly Charles J Simpson, Jr, 1979 William S Kelly, 1980 Thomas D Taylor, 1981 Carter W Wilson, PGI, 1982 John W Good, PGT, 1983, 2002, 2007-2009 Junior Deacon Steven Gemeny Richard K Shamer, 1984-1985 Charles J Schmiditt, Jr (aff) 1985-1988 Senior Steward Roger Solarcyzk John W Hopkins, 1987-1988 Daniel W Benton, 1989 R Bruce Tanner, 1990, 2003, 2004, 2005 Junior Steward Robert Hummel Byron S Taylor, 1991 L Larry Behrendt, 1992 Secretary Michael D Johnston, PM Michael D Johnston, 1993 Roger Galipeau (honorary), 1993 Treasurer William E Miller Scott W Wilson, 1994 Kurt S Wood, PGI, 1995 Tyler Richard I Hill Jeffrey L Disney, 1996 W Glenn Speicher, Jr, 1997-1998; Chaplain George R Bowers David G Robbins, 1999 Robert E Robbins, 2000, 2006 J Michael Robbins, 2001 Ritualism David G Robbins, PM Jeffrey N Zumbrun, 2007-2008 Richard W Steinberg, 2010-2011 Marshal, W Glenn Speicher, Jr, PM James R Helm, 2012 Eric W Helm, 2013 Grand Inspector Michael S Crafton, PM MASONIC CREED I, as a Freemason, believe in the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man. I will do unto others as I would have them do unto me. I pledge my loyalty to the Government of the United States of America, a Government of the people, by the people and for the people, and will not countenance disloyalty on the part of others. Freemasonry is founded upon these principles and I will use my utmost effort to preserve them for posterity. So mote it be
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