We are happy to introduce this spring 2005 issue of Manchester Magazine. Our volunteers, writers and editors were joined by Susan Barlow of the Manchester Historical Society who contributed articles about the history of Center Park and about the restoration of the Soldiers Monument. Tana Parseliti is back with a restaurant review, this time of Cheney’s on Main Street. Tana also wrote an article about Cruisin on Main Street, which will take place this summer on August 7. Don’t miss it. It has become one of the biggest events of its kind in the country. Thanks to Mark Pellegrini, Doug McDonough, Scott Sprague, Dede Moore, Barbara Quigley, Chris Silver, Doreen Petrozza and our Editor/Writer/Publisher Darcy Arcand for putting this issue together. We have a busy spring and summer ahead of us here in Manchester and we’ve taken the opportunity to mention a few of the things you’ll want to know about listed below. Access Manchester – The Board of Directors has approved a move to issue Access Manchester photo ID cards effective September 1. Cards will be issued at multiple town locations and will be free for residents age 20 or younger. The new card is a passport to a variety of Town services and facilities from the public library, to indoor and outdoor recreation facilities, swimming pools and more. Aquatics Programming – Recreation Department program enhancements will soon provide increased water exercise opportunities for adults and seniors. The number of swimming lessons and the number of times lessons are given in both the morning and afternoon will also increase. Look for exciting details about the Town’s new summer aquatics program offerings in the June 14 edition of the Reminder. For more information, log on to the Recreation website at http://recreation.ci.manchester.ct.us/ or give them a call at 647-3084. Table of Contents Manchester Perspectives 1-2 Making a Difference 2 Broad Street Streetscape Plan 3 Lutz Children’s Museum 4 Homework Help 5 Restoration of Soldiers Monument 5 One Hundred Years of Center Park 6-7 Neighborhood Meetings 7 Cheney’s Restaurant 8 Adventure in Australia 9 Fall Prevention 10 Referendum 11 Manchester Senior Center Team 12 Manchester New Cruisin’ History 13 The Marlow Building 13 Manchester Municipal Telephone Numbers Assessor, Motor vehicle and Personal Property 647-3017 Assessor, Real Estate 647-3016 Heritage Day – The idea for Heritage Day was taken from a day set aside by the Cheney Brothers to celebrate “Homeland Day”, a gala affair recognizing the diverse ethnic backgrounds of workers who had found their way into Manchester for more than 50 years to work in the silk mills. The goal of Heritage Day 2005 is to celebrate the vitality of our town’s diverse population. Join us on June 11, from 10:30 AM to 3:00 PM. Heritage Day will be held at Cheney Hall located at 177 Hartford Road. There will be crafts, ethnic food, local entertainment, Cheney Homestead, Fire Museum, Cultural and Historical Exhibits, Keeney Street Schoolhouse, Historical Museum, bus tours of historical sites, horse drawn carriage rides, popcorn, moon bounce, reasonably priced artwork for sale, voter registration, and lots of family fun and community pride! Building Inspector 647-3052 Customer Service and Information 647-5235 Dog Warden 645-5516 Fire, Non-emergency 647-3266 General Manager 647-3123 Heath Department 647-3173 Human Resources 647-3126 Library, Mary Cheney 643-2471 Library, Whiton Branch 643-6892 Parks and Recreation 647-3084 Planning and Zoning 647-3044 Police, Non-Emergency 645-5500 Registrars of Voters 647-3025 General Manager Steve Werbner and Mayor Steve Cassano Sanitation 647-3248 Senior Center 647-3211 Tax Collection 647-3018 Town Clerk 647-3037 Water and Sewer Department 647-3115 Youth Service Bureau 647-5213 School Bond Referendum – Tuesday, June 7 from 6:00 AM to 8:00 PM. We’ve included the upcoming referendum questions on Page 11. While it is a lot to read, it is important for all of us to understand what is being proposed. Please make every effort to vote on these questions. Manchester Magazine © 2005, Town of Manchester, CT. All rights reserved. Manchester Perspectives: A Conversation with Earl Yost, Manchester’s First Sports Historian by Darcy Arcand Earl Yost is a recognized expert in Manchester sports and a retired sports editor for the Manchester Herald. In 2004, he was appointed as Manchester’s first official Sports Historian. He writes a sports column for the Hartford Courant, which appears the first and third Fridays of every month. The following interview was conducted with Earl Yost at his East Hartford, Connecticut home during a major snowstorm. Mr. Yost, where were you born and raised? I was born in Manchester on August 14, 1921, the son of Albert and Ida Lepp Yost. I graduated from Manchester Trade School with a concentration in Drafting in 1940. My wife Adelle and I have been married for 62 years. We have lived in the city of East Hartford for more than 50 of those 62 years. I have two sons, Reed, who lives in Maine and another son, Dean who lives nearby in Ellington, and two grandchildren. Tell us more about your writing career! “I began writing when I was 12 years old and have never stopped,” he said with a smile. Shortly after high school graduation he joined the military service on December 7, 1941. He was a member of the Army Air Corps during WWII serving both as a drill sergeant and was involved in recruitment. “I started working for the Manchester Herald in 1944. I was hired by Thomas Ferguson, Sr., who quipped during my interview, ‘If you can type, you can have the job.’ Well, I guess I’m lucky I got that job because at the time I didn’t even own a typewriter.” After many years on the job, he added that he’s not an accomplished typist. He describes his style as the old-fashioned hunt and peck approach and it has served him well during the course of a prolific writing career that now spans six decades. Mr. Yost has fond memories of working life at the Herald, “I liked my job so much that I never needed an alarm clock and I never missed a day of work or was late for work in 37 years. It was only in the last three years that I missed about four days,” he explained. The only negative experience he reports was when new owners at the Herald moved in on a Friday night and proceeded to discard his records and files. “They threw out our history,” he said with some disgust. “And it has had a long-term effect as I myself sometimes have to check facts with the Manchester Public Library and other sources. There’s nothing worse than giving false information or statistics in my business.” Despite this obvious setback, Yost was able to salvage many records and is frequently called upon by others looking for the facts. “After a 39 year stint with the Manchester Herald ended in 1983, I did public relations work for the Hartford Whalers for 8 years. In 1993, I joined the staff of the Hartford Courant and now write a sports column, which appears twice monthly.” What sports have you been personally involved with? Yost is himself an accomplished athlete who has played a variety of sports, including basketball, volleyball, tennis, etc. He also told me that he spent several years as a baseball umpire, even achieving sought after East Coast Athletic Conference, (ECAC) status. He enjoyed being an umpire so much that he said he thinks that, had his sports writing career not worked out, he would have pursued becoming a professional umpire. He is tall in stature at 6’ 2” and once made a living as a semi-pro basketball player with the Wilmington Delaware Clippers. According to Mr. Yost, “You always get a bigger thrill out of playing than writing,” he explained. Back when he was playing with the Clippers fans used to line up for hours just waiting to get into a game. “It was all very exciting and we had a wonderful time.” Still today he says that basketball is his favorite sport. He took up tennis during his 50’s and has been a steady tennis player since and has had a fair amount of success with tennis tournaments. A tennis tournament, in fact, was named in his honor eight years ago, the Earl Yost Tennis Classic. The Manchester Parks and Recreation Department sponsors it annually. He still plays tennis regularly (doubles); and you’ll find him on the court three times a week from 7 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. continued on page 2 M a n c h e s t e r M a g a z i n e 1 Manchester Perspectives – continued from page 1 How, in your opinion, has today’s athletics scene changed from that of years past? “I believe that today’s athletes are superior in many ways. For example, they are much better shooters than we ever were. Back in the days when I was playing basketball you might end up with 40 points in an entire game; today the individual players score as many points,” he added. What are your biggest goals? “Well, I’ve actually had two and have been working on them for many years; one of my longstanding projects has been to establish and promote the Manchester Road Race and the other is the ongoing support of the Manchester Sportsmen’s Hall of Fame,” he said. “I’m thankful that I’ve had both the opportunity and privilege to promote the Manchester Road Race for decades. Lucky for me the publishers of the Manchester Herald, i.e. the Ferguson family, used to give me as much space as I needed to write about it because they recognized how important it was for Manchester,” he explained. “There were only eight runners in the 1945 race and I used to promote it simply by writing to every high school, college and university throughout New England, New York and New Jersey inviting their top runners to participate.” It has grown steadily from that starting point. “It’s an event that makes Manchester come alive like no other day of the year,” says Yost with pride. “During the last six years, more than $100,000 has been given to local charities. Would you believe that back in 1945 our biggest expense was the safety pins needed to pin runner’s numbers on their shirt?” he added. “My second major goal is the establishment and ongoing support of the Sportsmen’s Hall of Fame, which began back in 1980 at the behest of Mayor Steve Cassano. Today, the organization is going strong and just celebrated an important silver anniversary year.” PostScript: While conducting this interview Earl Yost gave me the rare privilege of taking a glimpse at his home office. Among the many impressive awards, scrapbooks and sports memorabilia, I noticed a wonderful caricature of him drawn by Bill Whittaker, appropriately titled Earl Yost, “Super Gentleman of Sports.” Making a Difference: budgeting and communicating. They allow students to gain a wider perspective and learn to appreciate others’ talents.” But are clubs really just fun and games? “Well,” she says, “our Chemistry Club competes in the Chemistry Olympiad at UConn and just won its fourth straight championship. Our Math Club won the competition among larger schools in the Greater Hartford Math League.” And there is more, she is quick to point out. The clubs take on school improvement projects. “They have painted nine student bathrooms so far this year and they are going to do another round in the spring,” she says. Sarah is the first to point out that she is not a teacher but she tells an interesting story about why she loves what she does at MHS. “When I was on campus in college, I’d walk by the physics building and be thrilled knowing that there was cool stuff going on in there. I have the same feeling when I walk down the halls here at Manchester High. I look into the classrooms and I know what great things are happening there,” she said. “I think every teacher in this school has that same feeling.” “The staff here is generous with their time and personal resources because they want every student to be successful,” she continues. “I wish everyone in Manchester could come in here and see that.” As she finishes her comment, her phone rings again and she provides some information to a parent about an upcoming activity. Does she get to talk to parents often, she is asked? “Yes, I call parents, but not because these is an issue of some kind. I call them to thank them for letting me work with their kids.” If you ask a youngster at Manchester High School if he or she is in a school club or has participated in a club sponsored event, 80% of them will say yes. That translates to more than 1,800 students participating in 47 different clubs. From Astronomy Club to the Drill Team, Manchester High School kids are busy doing things outside the classroom that they really like, and in many ways, are learning from. At the center of all this club activity is Sarah Jones, an energy-filled young woman who has devoted herself to making the clubs successful for the past seven years. She started as an intern in the Manchester High School student activity office while an undergraduate at UConn studying Parks & Recreational Management. She went on to earn a Master’s Degree in Experiential Education at Springfield College and then returned to Manchester High School as the Director of Student activities. “I planned to stay for just four years,” Sarah said, “but somehow, I’m still here after seven.” Sarah makes it clear that she doesn’t actually advise all the clubs. Each club has a teacher who acts as an advisor. Sarah’s job is to make it possible for the clubs to function. She handles logistics for meetings, trips and social events, gets space allocated for functions and meetings, coordinates the work of the custodians and even handles security arrangements for evening events such as dances and concerts. She also acts as the state’s Executive Director of Student Councils, an extra job that she says benefits Manchester High School through the experience she gains there. She is by any measure a very busy person. Every Friday night of the school year, there is a club or athletic event of some kind. “I attend every event that I can,” she says. “I don’t have much of a weekend life.” Does she mind? Her smile answers the question immediately. Sarah is a strong advocate of the clubs at Manchester High because she sees how students benefit when they participate. “Clubs are great for socialization,” she said. “They teach useful skills such as event planning, finance, 2 M a n c h e Sarah L. Jones Sarah Jones can be reached at 647-3350 or B11sjone@ci.manchester.ct.us s t e r M a g a z i n e Broad Street Streetscape Improvement Plan If plans are realized, Broad Street will be transformed from a deteriorating, aging commercial strip with lack of a solid identity to an attractive commercial corridor with granite curbing and sidewalks, ornamental street trees, attractive pedestrian crossings, and landscaped median islands. This vision for a beautified Broad Street came out of a conceptual design study commissioned by the Town Board of Directors. The Town hired BL Companies to take the master plan recommendations from the Parkade/Broad Street Revitalization Study, prepared by TPA Design Group in 2003, and develop conceptual plans and preliminary cost estimates. The master plan goals from the 2003 study included improving pedestrian access, scale and safety on the street. By reducing the number of curb cuts and/or the size of curb cuts on the street, an improvement will be seen in the way Broad Street works for vehicles. Uniform design features on both sides of the entire length of Broad Street will create a more attractive streetscape and provide a uniform look and a foundation for new development. Improving the visual appearance and function of Broad Street will enhance economic viability of the street for new businesses and investors. The streetscape project will not only beautify the street but will perform necessary improvements to an aging road surface and drainage system. It will “As a lifelong resident of Manchester, as well as the person who renovated the West Middle Turnpike section of the Parkade, and as the person responsible for re-developing the vacant Broad Street Parkade, I am one hundred percent in favor of the renovations. Broad Street is a main commercial thoroughfare in town and is badly in need of an upgrade. My 25 years of experience in commercial real estate re-development gives me great confidence that these improvements will generate significant commercial interest from tenants and stimulate capital improvement investments from landlords on Broad Street.” -George Lee M a n c h e s t e r M a “It is with certainty that the existing drainage system and pavement in this area will need to be completed within the next few years. This proposal will address both these important infrastructure needs and improve the aesthetics of the entire Broad Street commercial district.” - Mark Carlino, Director of Public Works. become the foundation of an economic revitalization strategy to create a vibrant mixed-used district and to reuse vacant or under-used properties on the street. The concept plan keeps the three lanes that exist on Broad Street, but these lanes would be slightly narrowed to gain additional land to put sidewalks, curbing and landscaping on both sides of the street. This approach will not compromise safety for pedestrians or motor vehicles and avoids expensive land acquisition costs. Three gateway features would be created: one at the intersection of Middle Turnpike and Broad Street, another at the intersection of Center and Broad Street, and a third at the intersection of Green Manor Boulevard. Decorative pavers would delineate crosswalks, and street trees would be planted along the edge of the right-of-way and in medians in the street. Ornamental pedestrian street lighting would add to the overall appeal of the street. BL Companies estimates the probable construction costs for the streetscape improvements at $4.4 million. BL Companies also investigated the cost of placing the overhead utilities underground, in an attempt to further improve the appearance of the street. However, that cost alone would be $6.7 million. At a public information meeting, the plan received solid support from property owners and business owners located on Broad Street. Those attending the meeting had some suggestions for possible improvements, including suggestions on relocating some utilities behind buildings or cleaning up the overhead lines by reducing their number. Overall, there was enthusiasm for dealing with the many problem conditions on Broad Street. The Board of Directors heard a presentation on the proposed Streetscape Improvement Plan at a policy breakfast in January 2005, and is now faced with the question of how to fund this important capital investment. The Board is considering whether to add the Broad Street Streetscape Improvement Plan to a bond referendum in 2005. g a z i n e 3 This is Not Your Father’s Museum You will find the Lutz Children's Museum in a cozy retired schoolhouse at the south end of town; but don’t let the tranquil setting fool you, it is a busy and exciting place inside. Many people fondly recall visits to the museum as a kid, but timidly admit they haven’t been there in years. Well folks, there is no time like the present. Just brace yourself for a roller coaster ride. The first thing you will find is that the museum is actually huge. It reaches across Manchester and beyond. The “museum” can be found in grade schools teaching hands-on arts, science and living history programs. A staff of museum educators takes the museum on the road every day. They summer arts program, too. often carry interesting artifacts with them from the Neighbors have reported seeing lights at all museum’s huge collection of curiosities. You will hours of the night. It could just be the staff setting also find the museum under water, or at least leading a group of junior biologists into the pond at up for a birthday party, or maybe it is a meeting of grown-ups: a lecture, or a hobby group. You had Oak Grove Nature Center. The museum operates better get some this nature rest. Tomorrow reserve and educould hold cational center another install“Many people fondly recall visits to the in conjunction ment in the “Live with the Town (Lutz) museum as a kid, but timidly at the Lutz” of Manchester and Board of admit they haven’t been there in years.” Performance Series or a Education. Family-Friendly Let’s head Bus Trip. back inside the So, time is a wasting. Get the whole family in primary museum building just a hop, skip and a the car and head to the Lutz Children's Museum at jump from downtown Manchester. The youngest 247 South Main Street. The museum is open to the members of your party will be delighted with the public six days a week (Tuesday to Friday from 9:00 inviting spaces in which to play and learn. Just wait AM to 5:00 PM and weekends from noon to 5:00 until they discover the live animal collection. Yep, PM). Admission is $4 per person and memberships did we mention that the museum is also a wildlife are available. Call 643-0949 or visit www.lutzmurehabilitation facility? Don’t miss the after school seum.org for additional information. classes – there are hundreds! Oh, ask about the 4 M a n c h e s t e r M a g a z i n e Homework Help for Students @ the Library by Douglas McDonough Manchester is home to a public library with one of the highest number of books loaned per year in the entire state. Despite the focus on encouraging people to read and borrow materials, the library hasn’t forgotten other information-related needs in the community, including homework help for students. While having thousands of books to help children with homework assignments, the public library also offers access to magazine databases and to the Internet, plus professional librarians who work to match up the student with the information that each needs. As homework assignments have evolved, students sometimes need new methods of completing their work. Throughout the school year on Thursdays from 2:30 PM to 4:30 PM, special homework help is provided in the Mary Cheney Library’s Howroyd Room, where several laptop computers, Internet access, and the availability of Microsoft Office software allow students to create reports or even PowerPoint presentations for later use in their school classroom. Working in this location means that the full range of the library’s 150,000-plus volumes of books are nearby as well as high-speed Internet access and a librarian dedicated just to homework help, spanning math assignments to report writing. This service is especially aimed at students from grades six through 12. Restoration of Soldiers Monument Is Complete. Rededication Ceremony scheduled for June at that time plans for 4The rededication of the recently restored Soldiers the rededication cereMonument will be one in a series of activities the mony began to take Town has planned for June 4, the first day of Pride shape. in Manchester Week. Other events planned that day include Family History Day, a Civil War Encampment in Center Park, as well as a concert in Background the park that evening. The Soldiers Monument in The Colonel Albert Soldiers Monument, located in Center Park at Center Park before restoration. Drake Post, Grand the intersection of Center and Main Streets, is hisArmy of the Republic, torically significant as a symbol of the respect and started the campaign for the Town to erect Soldiers honor paid by the community to its citizens who Monument, Manchester’s Civil War Monument, in died in the Civil War. It is artistically significant for 1867. Albert Drake, colonel in the 10th its rugged stone finish which, combined with the Connecticut Volunteer Infantry, raised smooth-finished seals on died June 5, 1862. The post the die, makes it an example of “Is there anything higher or raised several hundred dollars work seldom found elsewhere. and the town appropriated The statue was dedicated on nobler than devotion to $3,000. September 17, 1877, September 17, 1877. country, to be willing to die the anniversary of the battle of Until recently the monuif death lies in the path of Antietam, was selected as the ment was covered with light day for dedication. duty?” green corrosion and black polThe dedication festivities lution deposits. The light green included a parade that began at corrosion is caused by acid rain General Joseph R. Hawley Cheney Hall and made its way and snow dissolving the to Center Park. The dignitaries bronze. The black deposits are present included Governor from vehicle emissions. If it Richard D. Hubbard and General Joseph R. had been left untreated, the corrosion would have Hawley, who rode in carriages in the parade. eventually eliminated the details in the statue. General Hawley made a speech in which he asked The town received a State grant to cover half of the crowd “Is there anything higher or nobler than the cost of restoring the monument. The restoradevotion to country, to be willing to die if death tion work was completed in November, 2004 and lies in the path of duty?” M a n c h e s t e r M a g a z i n e e 5 One Hundred Years of Center Park By Susan Barlow, Manchester Historical Society sturdy walls of Hartford’s Bushnell Park, designed by Jacob Weidenmann, and of New York’s Central Park, designed by Calvert Vaux and Hartford-born Frederick Law Olmsted. Both Weidenmann and Olmsted reshaped the land in creating their parks. We don’t have a “before” topographic map of the Center Park area, so we can’t determine how much soil was moved to create the slope with the flagpole on top, or to sculpt other areas of the park, but we do know that those were common practices in the great urban park movement, the heyday of which was from 1890 to 1940. For our next birthday party, we’ll recognize the Cheney family’s 1909 donation of the “Dancing Bear” fountain in Frank Cheney’s memory. This bronze statue was sculpted by Albert Humphreys. The fountain’s stone base was designed by Charles Adams Platt (1861-1933), grandson of George Wells Cheney, a brother of the silk-mill founders. Center Park officially celebrates its 100th anniversary this year, but it can also celebrate in 2009 and 2012. The seven-acre park developed in phases and has several significant dates in its history, so we can have more than one centennial party. This year, we commemorate May 15, 1905, the date Manchester voted to authorize Susan J. Cheney (1827-1914) to lay out a park, saying she could A 1909 photograph of the Dancing Bear fountain, from the archives of “make changes in grade or otherthe Manchester Historical Society. wise … including laying walks, placing or removing trees, shrubbery or constructing other improvements Platt, nationally recognized for his etchings, paintthereon...” ings, and landscape architecture, also designed New The Manchester Historical Society will celebrate York apartment buildings and townhouses, country this event with a walking tour and program on houses, public buildings, including the Public May 15. Library in Rockville, Connecticut, the Freer Gallery Other important dates in the Park’s history go in Washington, D.C., and several Cheney mansions back to when “Manchester” was still part of East in Manchester. His design of Center Park’s pavilion Hartford (Orford Parish). Land was set aside as and Daughters of the American Revolution fountown property in the northern edge of today’s park, tain, mirror similar classic work in New York City’s bordering Center Street. Bryant Park. In 1876, this land, known as Monument Park, Another party awaits us seven years from now, was chosen for the site of a Civil War monument, recognizing Susan J. Cheney’s 1912 deeding of a statue of a young soldier, placed and dedicated three acres of land to the Town, “for a public park in 1877. only.” At the October 7, 1912 Annual Town In 1896, Frank Cheney (1817-1904), one of the Meeting, a motion was made and voted to “accept Cheney Brothers who founded the silk mill dynasty, the deed of a gift of the Public Park at the Center, donated land on Center Street to enlarge the park offered by Mrs. Susan J. Cheney; also the sum of and provide a place for the Hall of Records, today’s …$15,000 Dollars… which sum shall be… Probate Court. A town report indicates that this devoted towards the future maintenance of the said colonial-revival-style building cost $15,000 park.” Chestnut Street, which formerly cut right including the furniture. through the park, now ended at Linden Street. In 1905 when Frank’s widow, Susan, offered In 1915, the Annual Reports of the Selectmen more land along with the laying out of the park, she and Town Officers, states that before this 1912 gift, may have been influenced by the curving walks and the town had no park, until the Cheney family 6 M a n c h e s t e r M a g a z i n e Manchester’s famous Dancing Bears as they appear today in Center Park. “conceived, created and presented to the Town the beautiful tract at the Center as a memorial. A grateful people appreciate the gift, and no better testimonial of appreciation can be had than the creation of the smaller parks at Depot Square and at the Green. From a hideous, desert-like space in the very center of the North End, a neat and well-kept beauty spot has sprung, giving notice to all who pass that way that here pride and enterprise and a love of the beautiful are found.” However, Herbert O. Bowers, then Superintendent of Parks, said that the Park Department was still a “lusty infant.” The annual budget for parks was $1,318.91, including the $21 expense: “Horse for mowing lawn.” In 1937, a library opened in the park, named after Frank and Susan Cheney’s daughter, philanthropist Mary Cheney (1855-1934), whose portrait hangs on the north side of the library’s lobby. Two wings were added to the library in the 1960s, and some of the lawn was paved over. There have been other changes over the years, but the structure of the park is substantially the same as 1912. Continual work and attention are required, however, just to maintain the status quo. Trees die, weather takes its toll, and accidents happen. In addition to the refurbishing of statues and monuments, extensive work was performed on the slope at the south end of the park, and dedicated with a plaque at the bottom of the stairs to the pavilion: “The landscaping of this hillside honors the memory of Mary Olmstead Chapman, 1879-1956, for many years the chairman of the Park Commission of Manchester, a skilled gardener and a lover of beauty in all its forms. – The Manchester Garden Club.” Some of this project includes work from a re-landscaping plan developed in 1953 by James Klar and Associates, a drawing of which is on file in the archives of the Historical Society. More work on the pavilion was needed in the mid-1990s, when inscribed bricks were sold as a fund-raising project. Over the years, there have been threats to the park’s natural beauty, rebuffed by concerned preservationists and by The Friends of Center Park, founded by Dr. Frederick Spaulding, a Park advocate and neighbor. The Friends and the Historical Society support continued preservation of this historic open space, and continual celebrations of its place as a green jewel in the center of our town. On Sunday, May 15, 2005, the Manchester Historical Society will lead a walking tour from the former Frank Cheney mansion to Center Park. The walk begins at 1:00 PM at 20 Hartford Road, and will include commentary on the Cheney building and other Downtown landmarks. At 2:00 PM, the walk will reach the Civil War monument, where there will be a program of history and commentary about the park, with music provided by The Universal Voices. The public is welcome to attend either the walking tour, or program, or both. These events are free. In case of rain, the 2:00 PM program will move to the Salvation Army, across from the Park, at 661 Main Street. Neighborhood Meetings – Manchester’s Board of Directors is interested in hearing residents’ questions and concerns about our town’s operations, programs and policies. – On September 28, from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM, meet Directors Josh Howroyd and Geoffrey Naab in the cafeteria at Highland Park Elementary School, 397 Porter Street. – On November 30, from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM, meet Directors Geoffrey Naab and Kevin Zingler in the cafeteria at Verplanck Elementary School, 126 Olcott Street. – Your ideas, concerns and comments are important. Please join us. M a n c h e s t e r M a g a z i n e 7 Cheney’s 623 Main St. Manchester, CT 06040 (860) 646-5356 By Tana Parseliti, Downtown Manager Downtown Manchester Special Services District When I arrived in Manchester in April of 2000, the husband and wife team of Scott and Hilary Stevenson had recently opened their restaurant, Cheney’s, at 623 Main St. In our family, special occasions are always celebrated with food. My husband and I decided to mark the occasion of my new job as Downtown Manager for the Downtown Manchester Special Services District with a nice meal. The classic brick exterior of Cheney’s beckoned, promising a warm and cozy interior. Although I can’t remember exactly what we ate on our first visit, I know that the quality of the food, service and atmosphere ensured many return visits. With its dark wood paneling, brick walls, and polished wood tables, Cheney’s exemplifies the best features of an intimate neighborhood restaurant and pub. The small bar, situated just inside of the front door, seats twelve. A partial wall separates the bar area from the dining room, which seats a maximum of 62 and offers both booth and table seating. Cheney’s menu is a reflection of chef-owners Hilary and Scott Stevenson’s heritage and culinary philosophy. Hilary received formal chef ’s training in her native Ireland. Scott’s background includes knowledge of bartending gained during a six-year stint as part time bartender at First & Last in Hartford, and a natural love of cooking. While not expansive, Cheney’s menu is well balanced and reflects a style of cuisine that Hilary refers to as “contemporary Irish and other items.” Every offering on the menu is prepared to order and uses fresh seasonal ingredients. A recent visit to Cheney’s reacquainted us with some old favorites and introduced us to some new ones. We began our meal with one of Cheney’s imported beers. The waitstaff at Cheney’s knows its beer and helped us make a selection from an array of Irish, English, Belgian and local beers, both on tap and bottled. From a list of four appetizers and one soup du jour, we selected the “Irish Toasts” to share. Although the steamed mussels prepared with garlic and white wine, and the Shrimp Wraps accented with spicy peanut dipping sauce looked delicious, the Irish Toasts sounded so much like an Italian Bruchetta that we just had to try them. The toasted Irish Soda Bread topped with fresh chopped tomatoes, a touch of red onion and cheddar cheese was satisfying and with four slices, more than enough for two people to share. Cheney’s menu offers five different salads. My two favorites are the White Chocolate Salad (fresh field greens dressed with a citrus vinaigrette, topped with pecans and sun dried cranberries and finished with shaved white chocolate) and the Ballycotton (fresh field greens in a white champagne vinaigrette topped with warm goat cheese and walnut toasts). My husband, ever the carnivore, raved about the Orange and Duck Breast Salad (marinated, pan seared duck breast served over fresh field greens). He loved the contrast between the warm duck and the crisp salad and was delighted that the duck could be prepared to his liking. Restaurant bread often does not merit mention but Cheney’s bread does. The Irish Soda Bread is moist and crusty with a characteristic baking soda tang. Cheney’s eight entrée selections include fish, chicken, beef, pasta and pork plus a daily vegetarian and fish special. My husband selected the Shepherd’s Pie, a hearty winter dish combining ground beef, and onions and herbs topped with a piped mashed potato and served with crisp julienne carrots and zucchini in a light butter sauce. In my eternal quest to learn to like fish, I ordered the fish special: Cod with Gorgonzola Cream Sauce. Baked en casserole, the cod was firm and white, a nice compliment to the rich Gorgonzola cream sauce. The serving size was ample and my husband and I could easily have taken a part of our entrée’s home to enjoy later. Cheney’s kitchen prepares three freshly baked desserts each day. Although our personal favorite, Chocolate Cream Brulee, was not available on this recent visit, we savored the Warm Chocolate Tart recommended by our waitperson. The flourless chocolate tart formed a moist, dense embrace for the warm, fudge-like center. Fresh whipped cream and shaved white chocolate gave a decadent finish to this dessert that could be satisfactorily shared by two. As we savored our after dinner coffee, my husband and I agreed that each time we visit Cheney’s we are reminded that bigger doesn’t always mean better and nothing compares to a well-crafted menu that offers a careful balance of freshly prepared entrees and specials. Cheney’s is open Tuesday through Saturday from 4:30 PM to closing for dinner only. Reservations are recommended. 8 M a n c h e s t e r M a g a z i n e Adventure in Australia By Darcy Arcand Manchester’s Assistant Recreation Director Chris Silver just had the best professional experience of his career and he’s been in the business now for almost 20 years. He and three other Parks and Recreation professionals from New England; Nancy Bove and Maggie Leuggers from Burlington, Vermont and Dan Landsend from Needham, Massachusetts, recently visited the State of Victoria, Australia as part of a group study exchange program. The National Recreation and Parks Association began sponsoring the program in 2000. Chris was chosen from a competitive pool of applicants and it is believed that he’s the first Connecticut Parks and Recreation professional to receive this honor. Team New England in Australia. From left, Nancy Bove, Manchester’s own Chris Silver, Dan Landsend and Maggie Leuggers. Australian community centers, aquatics centers, parks, bike paths, etc. Australia's natural beauty during its summer season was a tantalizing backdrop. The journey also opened a few eyes as the team discovered some important differences between Australian management practices and ours. One thing that particularly intrigued them was that the responsibility of recreational programming is assigned to local clubs or committees, not a Parks and Recreation professional, as is the case here in the states. In Australia, their counterparts are absorbed in facilities planning, development and being landlords to the local clubs and committees Chris Silver and his companions from New England who are the lessee of recreation sports complexes came across this group of school children. When he and facilities. asked about the big hats the children were wearing, In general, Silver observed that the Australian he was reminded that February is the height of summer in Australia and that the hats protect the system is more geared towards strategic planning youngsters from skin problems caused by the activities. strong sun. “Our philosophy is much more reactionary here in the United States; a more proactive mindset The snow was falling in Connecticut when could definitely be detected over there,” he said. “Team New England,” as the foursome dubbed “The key is to have the plans in place, before the themselves, landed safely in Melbourne, Australia funding is even available. I'd like to take some of on February 5. The group later picked up and travwhat I learned during eled more than 500 my trip and try to bone-crunching miles apply it in my day“I stayed in their homes, ate from the central busito-day job in ness districts of cities to their food and observed their Manchester,” he added. suburban residences. Since returning lifestyles. It was real life,” The trek, which convefrom his Australian niently coincided with adventure, Chris has the Australian summer been busy as Manchester’s Assistant Recreation months of November through April, lasted three Director, creating great programs for this summer weeks. and beyond. He has also created a beautiful DVD According to Chris, the whirlwind tour was of many of his trip photos. If you asked him, we’re hectic, but he was happy to have the experience of sure he could arrange to show it. living with different Australian families and individYou can reach Chris at 647-3089 or at uals during his stay. chris50@ci.manchester.ct.us “It's a little more difficult, but staying with host families gave me a good glimpse of real Australian life. I stayed in their homes, ate their food and observed their lifestyles. It was real life,” he said. He explained that sometimes bunking with six different families was a challenge for him, but he No trip to had no real regrets. Australia would Team New England’s aim was to have a true be complete cross-cultural experience and learn the most they without a photo could about Australian Parks and Recreation manlike this and Chris did not disagement. The tour included close-up views of appoint us. M a n c h e s t e r M a g a z i n e e 9 Fall Prevention Falls can happen to anyone. However, the effects from a fall can be life altering to a senior. More than a third of people age 65 or older have at least one fall per year. They are a major cause of death and disability for this population. Just as other health problems can be prevented or reduced with information and awareness, so can falls. Research has shown that by maintaining strength and flexibility through exercise, being aware of side effects of medications and minimizing or eliminating environmental hazards (to name just a few actions to take), falls can be reduced. The Manchester Senior Center has partnered with the Connecticut Collaboration for Fall Prevention to bring a fall prevention initiative to Manchester. A “kick-off ” event was held March 29 to raise awareness among the senior population and to rollout the efforts being made to Senior Center member Toni Sterne keep our seniors safer. demonstrates her balance for Nurse In addition to a number of planned programs concerning this issue, Barbara Quigley fall prevention assessment is being offered by appointment with the nurse at the center. “This is an opportunity for people to meet with me individually to identify their risk factors and develop a plan to address them,” said Senior Center nurse Barbara Quigley, RN. “I’m finding that most people are aware of their risks but need some suggestions on ways to reduce those risks.” The assessment includes balance testing, blood pressure testing both lying and standing, medication review as well as a variety of questions about the person’s home environment. Toni Sterne, a Senior Center member, recently had an assessment done and stated “I thought the assessment was very helpful. I believe in prevention and I thought I was doing everything I could to prevent a fall but I learned some additional things I could do to be even safer.” To make an appointment for a fall prevention assessment, call the Senior Center at 647-3211. Stay healthy and stay safe! State Senator (and Manchester resident) Mary Ann Handley describes a fall she took at the state capitol. Senator Handley spoke to an overflow crowd at the Senior Center’s March 29 presentation on Fall Prevention. Manchester Matters Services Fair Signs Up 1,000th Subscriber One of the nagging issues for service providers has been that some citizens are not aware of the many programs and services offered in Manchester. To help remedy this, there will be a “Services Fair” at Nathan Hale School, 160 Spruce Street, from 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM on Saturday, May 7. The focus will be on health and safety however, providers will offer information about a broad range of programs and services and a limited number of services will actually be offered on site. Entertainment in the form of a DJ and performances by groups like Manchester Youth and Senior Theatre group will take place during the day. Some groups will also give demonstrations such as martial arts. It promises to be an exciting event with lots of information for citizens who attend. Congratulations to Manchester Matters subscriber Bob Morra, a professional appraiser who works throughout this area of Connecticut and is First Selectman in the Town of Bolton. Bob, (pictured here with Customer Service Manager Doreen Petrozza), was the winner of a prize package given to the 1,000th subscriber to Manchester Matters, the Town’s electronic newsletter. The prize package included a T-shirt and assorted Manchester memorabilia. Bob says he appreciates the excellent service given by the Customer Service and Information Center and is looking forward to receiving our newsletter. Sign-up is easy. You can register on-line at www.ci.manchester.ct.us or call the Customer Service and Information Center at 647-5235, Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, with your name, address and e-mail information. The on-line service is designed to keep community residents better informed about the activities of local government. Everything from election results to reminders about upcoming special events and leaf and trash collection will arrive in your computer’s mailbox. 10 M a n c h e s t e r M a g a z i n e RESOLUTION APPROPRIATING $44,305,000 TO THE CAPITAL ACCOUNTS OF THE 2004-2005 BUDGET FOR THE EXPANSION AND RENOVATION OF BENNET AND ILLING SCHOOLS AND THE PURCHASE OF FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT FOR BOWERS AND WADDELL SCHOOLS, AND AUTHORIZING THE ISSUE OF $44,305,000 BONDS OF THE TOWN TO FINANCE SAID APPROPRIATION AND PENDING THE ISSUANCE THEREOF THE MAKING OF TEMPORARY BORROWINGS FOR SUCH PURPOSE Section 1. The sum of $44,305,000 is hereby appropriated to the 2004-2005 Capital Accounts for the capital purposes consisting of the expansion and renovation of Bennet and Illing Schools and the purchase of furniture and equipment for Bowers and Waddell Schools (the “Project”) as follows: Bennet School (Expansion and Renovation, including pool) Illing School (Expansion and Renovation) Bowers and Waddell Schools (Furniture and Equipment) $37,080,000 $ 6,800,000 $ 425,000 $44,305,000 The Project shall include the purchase of furniture and equipment for Bowers and Waddell Schools, including computer equipment, and planning, acquisition and construction of the renovation, repair, expansion and improvement of Bennet and Illing Schools including building code and ADA compliance, fire alarms, asbestos removal, HVAC systems, electrical and wiring, roof system, additional space and space reallocation, and renovations to the Bennet School swimming pool. The Project shall include architects', engineers' and consultant fees, surveying, easements, testing, equipment, furniture, appurtenances and improvements related thereto, and debt administrative, including printing, legal and financing costs, or so much thereof as may be accomplished within the foregoing appropriation. Said appropriation shall be in addition to all appropriations for such purposes adopted prior or subsequent to the effective date of this resolution, unless otherwise provided by the Board of Directors (“the Board”), but inclusive of state and federal grants in aid thereof. The Board of Directors is authorized to transfer amounts among purposes so as to accomplish Project priorities as may be established from time to time by the Board, and within the foregoing appropriation. The Board and the Board of Education shall approve each improvement purpose as required in order to apply for and receive state or federal grants. Section 2. It is hereby found and determined that the Town expects to receive an estimated $17,100,000 in State school building project grants, consisting of the Town’s current reimbursement rate multiplied by total estimated Project cost, reduced by estimated ineligible expenses. All of the estimated grant actually received shall be included as part of the $44,305,000 appropriation. Section 3. Upon approval of the Project and appropriation set forth in Section 1 at referendum as required by Charter Chapter 5 § 25, $44,305,000 bonds of the Town, or so much thereof as shall be necessary for such purpose, after taking into account state and federal grants in aid of the Project, are authorized to be issued to finance said appropriation. Said bonds shall mature not later than the twentieth year after their issuance date, and may be issued in one or more series in such amount as shall be determined on behalf of the Board by any two of the Treasurer, General Manager, and Director of Finance (the “Town Officials”), provided that the total amount of bonds to be issued shall not be less than an amount which will provide funds sufficient with other funds available for such purpose to pay the principal of and the interest on all temporary borrowings in anticipation of the receipt of the proceeds of said bonds outstanding at the time of the issuance thereof, and to pay for the administrative, printing and legal costs of issuing the bonds. The Town may finance any portion of the appropriation with bonds, notes or other obligations issued to the State of Connecticut, the federal government or its agencies. Pursuant to Section 7-370 of the Connecticut General Statutes, except as otherwise provided herein, the Town Officials are delegated authority to determine the terms, details and particulars of borrowings authorized by this Resolution. Section 4. Said bonds shall be sold on behalf of the Board by the Town Officials in a competitive offering or by negotiation, in their discretion. If sold in a competitive offering, the bonds shall be sold upon sealed proposals, or by auction, at not less than par and accrued interest on the basis of the lowest net or true interest cost to the Town. A notice of sale or a summary thereof describing the bonds and setting forth the terms and conditions of the sale shall be published at least five days in advance of the sale in a recognized publication carrying municipal bond notices and devoted primarily to financial news and the subject of state and municipal bonds. If the bonds are sold by negotiation, the purchase agreement shall be subject to the approval of the Board. Section 5. The Town Officials are authorized on behalf of the Board to make temporary borrowings in anticipation of the receipt of the proceeds of said bonds and to determine the terms, details and particulars of each said borrowing, including interest rates. They shall be issued with maturity dates which comply with the provisions of the General Statutes governing the issuance of such notes, as the same may be amended from time to time. The net interest cost on such notes, including renewals thereof, and the expense of preparing, M a n c h e s t e r M a issuing and marketing them, to the extent paid from the proceeds of such renewals or said bonds, shall be included as a cost of the project. Upon the sale of said bonds the proceeds thereof, to the extent required, shall be applied forthwith to the payment of the principal of and the interest on any such temporary borrowings then outstanding or shall be deposited with a bank or trust company in trust for such purpose. Section 6. The bonds and notes herein authorized shall be in the denomination of $1,000 or a whole multiple thereof, be issued in bearer form or in fully registered form, be executed in the name and on behalf of the Town by the manual or facsimile signatures of any two of the Treasurer, the General Manager and the Chairman of the Board of Directors, bear the Town seal or a facsimile thereof, be certified by and payable at a bank or trust company designated by said officials which bank or trust company may be designated the registrar and transfer agent, and be approved as to their legality by Bond Counsel. Except as otherwise provided, they shall bear such rate or rates of interest as shall be determined by the Board. The bonds and notes shall be general obligations of the Town, and each bond and note shall recite that every requirement of law relating to its issue has been duly complied with, that it is within every debt and other limit prescribed by law, and that the full faith and credit of the Town are pledged to the payment of the principal thereof and the interest thereon. The aggregate principal amount of the bonds or notes, annual installments of principal, redemption provisions, if any, the date, time of issue and sale and other terms, details and particulars of such bonds and notes, as applicable, shall be determined by the Board in accordance with the requirements of the General Statutes of Connecticut, as amended. In connection with the issuance of any bonds or notes authorized herein, the Town may exercise any power delegated to municipalities pursuant to Section 7-370b, including the authority to enter into agreements moderating interest rate fluctuation, provided any such agreement or exercise of authority shall be approved by the Board. Section 7. Resolution of Official Intent to Reimburse Expenditures with Borrowings. The Town of Manchester (the “Issuer”) hereby expresses its official intent pursuant to §1.150-2 of the Federal Income Tax Regulations, Title 26 (the “Regulations”), to reimburse expenditures paid sixty days prior to and after the date of passage of this resolution in the maximum amount and for the capital project defined in Section 1 with the proceeds of bonds, notes, or other obligations (“Bonds”) authorized to be issued by the Issuer. The Bonds shall be issued to reimburse such expenditures not later than 18 months after the later of the date of the expenditure or the substantial completion of the project, or such later date the Regulations may authorize. The Issuer hereby certifies that the intention to reimburse as expressed herein is based upon its reasonable expectations as of this date. The Director of Finance or his designee is authorized to pay project expenses in accordance herewith pending the issuance of reimbursement bonds, and to amend this declaration. Section 8. The General Manager, or in his absence the Director of Finance, is hereby authorized, on behalf of the Town of Manchester, to enter into agreements or otherwise covenant for the benefit of bondholders to provide information on an annual or other periodic basis to nationally recognized municipal securities information repositories or state based information repositories (the “Repositories”) and to provide notices to the Repositories of material events as enumerated in Securities and Exchange Commission Exchange Act Rule 15c2-12, as amended, as may be necessary, appropriate or desirable to effect the sale of the bonds and notes authorized by this resolution. Section 9. The Project as adopted by the Board at this meeting shall be submitted to the electors of the Town of Manchester for approval or disapproval at a referendum vote to be held on Tuesday, June 7, 2005, between the hours of 6:00 A.M. and 8:00 P.M. and the Warning of said Referendum shall state the question to be voted upon as follows: “Shall the resolution entitled, “RESOLUTION APPROPRIATING $44,305,000 TO THE CAPITAL ACCOUNTS OF THE 2004-2005 BUDGET FOR THE EXPANSION AND RENOVATION OF BENNET AND ILLING SCHOOLS AND THE PURCHASE OF FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT FOR BOWERS AND WADDELL SCHOOLS, AND AUTHORIZING THE ISSUE OF $44,305,000 BONDS OF THE TOWN TO FINANCE SAID APPROPRIATION AND PENDING THE ISSUANCE THEREOF THE MAKING OF TEMPORARY BORROWINGS FOR SUCH PURPOSE”, be approved? Yes ___ No ___” The ballot label for said question will read as follows: “Shall the $44,305,000 appropriation and bond authorization (to be financed by an estimated $17,100,000 state grant and the issuance of an estimated $27,205,000 of town bonds) to renovate and expand Bennet and Illing Schools and purchase furniture and equipment for Bowers and Waddell Schools, be approved? Yes ___ No ___” Section 10. The Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to prepare pursuant to section 9-369b of the Connecticut General Statutes explanatory text for the foregoing question. Subject to the approval of the Town Attorney, the Board further authorizes the preparation and printing of materials concerning the question approved above in addition to the explanatory text in accordance with section 9-369b of the Connecticut General Statutes. g a z i n e 11 Manchester’s Senior Center Has Unique Management Team suggested some changes that really made it better,” she said. “And now we can put Senior Center programs in the town’s recreation brochure!” Kathy exclaims excitedly. One has to admire the energy that these two have when talking about their favorite subject. One of the helpful things that Kathy McGuire did after joining the Senior Center was to “grade” the various exercise programs that were being Manchester’s Senior Center, like those in many offered. With the help of Barbara Quigley, other communities, has a large and loyal following. Traffic in and out of the center is brisk and virtually Manchester’s Public Health Nurse, each exercise was rated as to its difficulty, with “1” being easy every room is filled with seniors enjoying the many and “3” being difficult. Those ratings are now activities available to them. beginning to be used when seniors sign up for an But Manchester is rarely happy when one of its exercise program. Barbara Quigley is also beginning services is “just as good” as what other towns offer. to use the ratings when she sees seniors during her Manchester likes to be the best and it was that goal weekly visits to the center. that led General Manager Steve Werbner and key Barbara Quigley has also added another dimendepartment heads to do something completely difsion to the Senior Center that both Kathy and ferent at the Senior Center: They assigned two Debbie have embraced. Falling is a serious issue for people with completely different backgrounds to seniors both in terms of serious injury and the fear manage it. of falling that sometimes occurs even if the senior Two very imporisn’t hurt during a tant sets of skills fall. Working with come together in “We understand the many challenges the Connecticut this new team: Collaboration for people may face as they age and the Deborah Stein Fall Prevention, brings a backkinds of information and support Quigley has plans ground in social to put in place a services, counseling they may need.” Fall Prevention and gerontology Program that will -Debbie Stein of the Manchester Senior Center and Kathy McGuire be used in the adds expertise in training of fitness recreation and, in instructors at the Senior Center. The Senior Center fact came from Manchester Parks & Recreation. team has started offering individual fall risk assessAlso, the former Elderly & Family Services has ments and a series of educational programs that will been merged with the Senior Center to form the tackle the issue of falling from a number of difnew Senior, Adult & Family Services, of which angles. ferent Debbie is the Director. “Fall Prevention isn’t going to be a one-time So, how do a social worker and recreation program at our Senior Center,” Debbie Stein says, person work together? Quite well, it seems. “It’s our vision to have it fully embedded into all of Kathy McGuire starts off. “Look,” she says, our activities.” “Recreation people are good at PR and getting new Stein collaborated with Senior Center Social people involved. We know how to create programs Sue Bernstein to develop another Senior Worker that are fun and healthy and we are good at educaCenter first: “Medicare University.” First held in tion and recruiting volunteers.” April, this program explained Medicare issues to a “And at Elderly and Family Services, we know number of the adult children of Manchester seniors lots about community programs for seniors and are as well as new beneficiaries. good at making referrals and providing social work “That kind of education is our responsibility,” and outreach services,” Debbie said. “We underDebbie said. stand the many challenges people may face as they to say, if you haven’t visited the Needless age and the kinds of information and support they Manchester Senior Center lately, you might want to may need.” and see what’s going on. If you are a senior, stop by “We were able to share those skills and our posiyou’ll find abundant activities that are healthy, tive attitudes toward our seniors,” Kathy adds. “We rewarding and just plain fun. If you’re not a senior, were determined to make this collaboration work.” drop in anyway. But be aware that if Kathy McGuire Debbie, who feels that part of her job is spots you, you just might become another of the focusing attention on key issues that impact the center’s corps of dedicated volunteers. lives of seniors and their families, writes the front page story for the popular senior newsletter. “Kathy 12 M a n c h e s t e r M a g a z i n e Manchester’s New Cruisin’ History By Tana Parseliti, Downtown Manager Downtown Manchester Special Services District Over the past four years Cruisin’ on Main Street has grown to become one of Manchester’s premier special events. Cruisin’ on Main Street is a free cruise and show for antique and classic cars, trucks, sports cars and street rods 25 years old and older. This one-day event brings thousands of vintage vehicles and enthusiastic admirers to the streets of historic Downtown Manchester. This year Cruisin’ on Main Street will celebrate its 5th anniversary. The idea for a Main Street cruise and show was born in 2001 and quickly caught on. A generation of Manchester residents recalls Thursday evenings spent driving the Main Street “loop” with their best girl by their side. The Board of Commissioners of the Downtown Manchester Special Services District adopted the idea of a Main Street cruise at the urging of commission chair and local businessman Ed Firestone of Pinewood Furniture, and vintage vehicle “guru”, Butch Gordon of Manchester Motor Car Co. Given the unique history and character of Main Street and the burgeoning interest in vintage vehicles, the commission thought that a Main Street cruise and show would be a winner. A core group comprised of representatives of the Downtown Manchester Special Services District, Manchester Motor Car Co., the Eastern CT Chapter of the Over the Hill Gang and Big Hits 102.9DRC FM took on the task of organizing the event. Local civic organizations were recruited to act as vendors and downtown businesses provided prizes for a drawing to add to the fun. With technical support from the Town of Manchester, the first Cruisin’ on Main Street was held in August of 2001. Cruisin’ organizers had a modest goal of attracting 200 show cars and several hundred spectators to that first cruise. Over 500 show cars and several thousand spectators turned out. Since that beginning, Cruisin’ on Main Street has grown exponentially each year. Cruisin’ on Main Street 2004 drew over 2,000 vintage vehicles and over 20,000 spectators, making it the largest downtown cruise and show of its kind in the Northeast. Cruisin’ on Main Street is supported by a healthy mix of both local and national sponsors, If there’s a classic Chevy in your background, you can relive old memories on Sunday, August 7 right on Main Street many of whom have sponsored the event since its beginning. The Cruisin’ Committee is proud to welcome a consortium of Manchester car dealers as presenting sponsors of this year’s event. They include: Carter Chevrolet/Dodge, DeCormier Nissan, Key Hyundai, Lynch Motors, Manchester Honda, Schaller Acura, and Suburban Subaru/Mitsubishi. Cruisin’ on Main Street 2005 will be held on Sunday, August 7 from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM with a rain date of August 14. The Cruisin’ Committee has been hard at work for months planning every aspect of the event. This year’s cruise will offer more music, food, trophies and fun then ever before. Even the number of port-o-lets has been increased! With the growth of Cruisin’ on Main Street comes an increased need for volunteers to help support various aspects of the day and vendors to provide food and refreshments to spectators. Those interesting in volunteering should call the Special Services District at (860) 645-2101 for more information. Folks of all ages who appreciate the beauty, engineering and romance of our automotive past should mark their calendars to attend Cruisin’ on Main Street 2005 and become a part of Manchester’s new cruisin’ history. The Marlow Building In September 2002, in the first issue of Manchester Magazine, our cover featured the Marlow Building on Main Street. At that time, Marlow’s was within weeks of closing and we thought it fitting to remember this wonderful store, where many said, “You could find almost anything.” When it closed, Marlow’s occupied only the northern half of this historic brownstone building. Manchester Hardware had very successfully occupied the other half as it does so today. Today, just 2-1/2 years later, the Marlow space has come back to life. A program of adaptive reuse under the direction of Manchester developer John Lee has produced an almost completely renovated first floor. New tenants in the space include Northeast Brokerage, Blitz for Men and the soon to be completed Landmark Café. M a n c h e s t e r M a The upper floors are being renovated into market rate apartments and a new façade is being added as part of Manchester’s Façade Improvement Program that provides building owners with 75% of the cost of a façade project. Tana Parseliti, Manager of the Downtown Manchester Special Services District notes that the businesses that have located in the Marlow building will generate additional foot traffic and more people shopping and dining on Main Street is good for all of Manchester’s downtown. g a z i n e 13
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