The Voice No. 94 - Maltese Welfare NSW

The Voice of the Maltese
(driven by the voice of its readers )
Issue 94
e m
February 3, 2015
Australian Day on January 26 all
those who regard this continent as
their home proudly saluted the nation. The Maltese-Australian community joined in by organising special
events to commemorate the occasion.
One of the largest and most successful was held by the MCC in NSW
where the Maltese choir (above)
under Choir Director Marisa Previtera
(inset) and young singer A-Lee (in
red) featured prominently. Marisa also
acted as MC. (Report pages 2 and 3).
Elsewhere, Darling Harbour was the centre of the celebrations (below)
2 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday February 3, 2015
Australia Day successfully celebrated
by the Maltese community of NSW
he Maltese
Charles Mif- contribution the Maltese community has
sud recited given to Australia, while the Mayor of Holjoined
the acknowl- royd explained the history of the district and
rest of Australia in
edgement to its connection with the Maltese community.
The Malta High Commissioner who spoke
celebrating Natiothe Dharug
nal Day at an event
people tradi- in both English and Maltese expressed his
that attracted a large
tional owners gratitude for being given the opportunity to
crowd at the Holof the land share this occasion with the Maltese comroyd
while Fr N. munity of NSW. He spoke of the excellent
Centre in MerryB i a n c o relationship between the two countries and
lands NSW that was
MSSP read a community that has integrated well and is
used very successthe Australia well respected.
The concluding remarks delivered by
fully for the first
Day prayer.
time. The evening
In his wel- Charmaine Cassar, a hard working member
featured music, pacome speech, of the Maltese Australia Youth Committee.
triotism, comrade-y
Maltese Com- dispelled any myths about the relationship
and some excellent
munity Coun- between the young and the old generations.
Malta HC Charles Muscat and Charmaine Cassar cil of NSW
Charmaine said that our Maltese commuspeeches.
nity in Australia is
Once again, the celebrations reiterated the Lawrence Dimvery much alive, and
respect and high regard that Australia, ech, said that the
is succeeding in enthrough its politicians has for the Maltese key to a successgaging the younger
community. Apart from H.E Charles Muscat, ful transition for
the High Commissioner for Malta in Aus- our community
and keeping up with
tralia and NZ and Mrs. Muscat this celebra- is that between
what our elders have
tion attracted the Mayor of the City of the past and the
achieved until now,
Holroyd Clr Greg Cummings and his wife, future
rather than having to
the Hon Chris Bowen, Federal Shadow must be continure-invent the wheel.
Treasurer, and a number of MPs, including ity.
“Many may think
He highlighted
Julie Owens, Dr Geoff Lee, Andrew Rohan,
that the older MalJulie Finn standing for Michelle Rowland, the progress achtese community is
and Clr Lisa Lake. Others attending were ieved by the
resistant to pass on
Ken Sharp from the Order of Australia Com- MCC in meeting
to the younger comthe challenges of
mittee and Fr Noel Bianco and Fr L.Testa.
munity, but this is
A special message was also received and modern technolfar from the truth.
read from the Hon Victor Dominello MP, the ogy. He conclud“I have never been
ing by stating MPs Dr Geoff Lee (left) and Hon. Chris Bowen
Minister for Citizenship and Communities.
The key speaker at the event was Dr Barry that “we may project an image of maturity that so encouraged and so praised for the work
York OAM, Maltese historian at the Mu- brings with it nostalgic moments, but we are that we do.”
She concluded by saying: “It is important
seum of Australian Democracy at Old Par- still very active and productive.”
liament House Canberra. (Read his speech
A very interesting visual presentation of that we keep the connection between the
on opposite page).
the Maltese community’s contribution to past and the future and move forward toMarisa Previtera as the MC and Choir Di- Australia compiled by Emanuel Camilleri gether”
The evening was wrapped up with a visual
rector was responsible for a very successfully and Augustine Borg was then presented and
rendition of both national anthems. Reand well-run evening. The activity opened by was very well received.
15-year- old Australian Maltese singer A-Lee
The recipients of the Order of Australia freshments were served before and after the
and the choir of the Maltese Culture Associ- present were then acknowledged and intro- event. The organisers through The Voice
wish to thank all those who have assisted
ation rendering the theme of the evening: We duced (see photo opposite page).
are one but we are many, which indeed viThere were more speeches, by MPs Chris especially the Holroyd City Council and the
brated through the whole proceeding.
Bowen and Dr Geoff Lee; all praising the NSW Government
Sections of the vast crowd that atteneded
the Australia Day celebrations organised by
the Maltese Community Council of NSW
Tuesday February 3, 2015
We are one but
we are many
The Voice of the Maltese 3
Key speech by Dr Barry York,
OAM, at the January 25 Australia
Day function organised by the Maltese Community Council of NSW
at Holroyd Centre, Merrylands,
about the Dutch too.
My dad, Loreto, used to tell me a story
about his dad, my nannu Salvu Meilak.
In the 1930s, when my dad was a
teenager, Salvu would take him up to
the flat roof of the family home at night
in Malta and, with his pipe would point
to the stars in the sky.
Salvu (“Tan-Nassi”), from Ghajnsielem,
Gozo, had been a merchant seaman and had
travelled widely on the ships. He would
point to one particular star and say, “Loretu,
that star is Canada; a fine country”. Then
another star: “That star is England, the
mother country” - yes, he was a ‘Stricklander’! Then another star: “That is America,
lots of work there”. Then finally, pointing
to the brightest star, he would say: “Son,
that is Australia, the land of the future”.
Neither Salvu nor his son could have
imagined that one day Loretu would end
up permanently settled in Australia and,
despite having only four years of schooling and working in factories, would become the first Maltese-born Maltese
Mayor of an Australian city: Melbourne’s
fine multicultural city, Brunswick.
Today, it hardly raises an eyebrow when
someone born overseas of non-Englishspeaking background becomes a Mayor. Australia has changed; the world has changed.
My parents came here in 1954 as assisted
migrants, lawfully by boat. But I ask:
would their commitment to a better future
and their contributions and achievements
have been any less had they arrived unlawfully and somehow been admitted?
This is a question that all of us who were
migrants can ask ourselves, and I think we
know the answer.
Today we are here to mark Australia Day,
but there is another anniversary I’d like to
this year.
In my
it is much
than Australia
Day, but
to it.
ago, a
The awardees of the Order of Australia. From
group of
left: Lino Vella, Doris Athansio Lawrence
barons in
Dimech, Nancy Serg-Borg and Sam Vella
had my first Australia Day in Australia
60 years ago, in Melbourne. I don’t remember it at all – I was only 3 - and
I’m sure my parents would have been too
preoccupied with other things to give it
much attention. My parents and I had
some months earlier disembarked from the
migrant boat Himalaya at Station Pier.
We travelled a couple of kilometres to
my uncle Joe Meilak’s place in West Melbourne. He was a wharfie and had migrated from Malta in 1925. He was a
kind-hearted, barrel-chested, Gozitan.
The little workers’ cottage in Hawke
Street, West Melbourne was rather
crowded with other new arrivals and we
ended up having seven different lodgings
in our first two years in Melbourne,
mostly in boarding houses, before buying
our home in Brunswick in 1956.
I spent thirty years growing up in
Brunswick. It was a microcosm of Australian multiculturalism before the term existed. In my street, we had many nationalities: Greeks, Italians, Maltese, Latvians,
English, Irish, Scots, Yugoslavs, and Dutch.
I grew up thinking that Anglo-Australians
were a colourful exotic ethnic minority.
What united us was the fact that we were
all low-income wageworkers with more important things on our minds than being
nasty to one another because of our national
or ethnic differences. And we were united,
kind of, by the English language, which
was grasped to varying degrees by people
in the street. It was the unifying language in
my old street just as today it is becoming
the unifying language of our planet.
There was occasional nastiness in the
street. And it wasn’t only the old Australians against the new. When a Lebanese
family moved into the street, I was approached by a Dutch neighbour, who
spoke with a thick Dutch accent, who in a
panic told me that the Lebanese were taking over Brunswick and ‘we’ had to do
something about it. I politely told him that
the same thing was probably once said
rose up and rebelled against their king. In
those days, kings ruled arbitrarily and regarded themselves as 'divine'; thus they
were above the law.
The barons’ revolt compelled the king John - to agree to a charter of reforms
known as the Magna Carta. For the first
time, a monarch was forced to agree to be
subject to the law, and not above it. From
this Great Charter was also established certain rights we take for granted today, including the right not to be arrested and detained
for a long time without being charged.
The spirit of Magna Carta influenced the
revolutions in England in the C17th and in
America and France in the C18th and
C19th. It truly changed the world. In Australia, its spirit was revealed at the Eureka
Stockade in 1854, which led to representative government. Today, people in some
other countries fight to establish its basic
principles while we who achieved the
principles may now have to defend them.
I mention the 800th anniversary of
Magna Carta because I think on an occasion like Australia Day, rather than claim
specific traits for Australian identity that
are really shared by pretty much everyone
on the planet, we might reflect on the
British heritage that essentially shaped
modern Australia.
Our multiculturalism works because its
foundation is the rule of law that has been
built over centuries on particular values that
have come to see diversity as strength.
No, I am not becoming conservative in
my old age. These values and this heritage
were, and are, revolutionary ones.
In finishing off, I do wonder what I would
say to my children, now both young
adults, were I to take them onto the top of
my roof at night and point to the stars.
The world has changed so much, even in
my lifetime. We are all so interconnected
now as a human race, economically and in
terms of capacity for travel and global communications that it would seem strange to
speak of any one country as ‘the future’.
‘We are one but we are many’ applies to
our common humanity. And the stars out
there are a fine reminder of that fact.
4 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday February 3, 2015
Australia’s unlikely WW1 history in Malta
-The recollections of a 93-year-old Maltese private
he story of Australia
tralians at the time underHall in Pembroke that
stood its worth.
was built for the 1915
That is why the Australian
Gallipoli campaign was reHigh Commissioner to Malcently featured on Australia’s
ta, Jane Lambert is calling for
The Sunday Telegraph newsits restoration. She told The
paper and the
Voice of the Maltese she
news portal. Both published
would like to see Australia
an article by Malta-based
Hall in Pembroke restored as
Charles Miranda that centred
a place for the community to
on the emotional recollections
use for events and activities,
of former Maltese servicewhich would be in keeping
man, Lino Camilleri, now 93,
with the original purpose of
and current Australia’s high
the building. This year 2015
commissioner Jane Lambert’s
will mark the centenary of
call for the restoration of the
the Gallipoli campaign but
93-year-old WWII veteran
also the centenary of the conLino Camilleri
Australia Hall, whose story
struction of Australia Hall,
is barely known in Australia
which was completed in Nosurvived military service in
vember 1915 and officially inWW2 but is today a sad carcass of a Corp he was not a direct combatant, but augurated on January 28, 1916.
once dignified public building follow- was tasked with defending the barracks
“It would be very welcome if during
ing a gutting fire that left the building and the hall that most locals knew had the centenary year plans for the restoraa special role in the Great War. As an tion of Australia Hall were announced.
with no roof.
“I think it has a very strong place in the
Getting emotional, and with tears 18-year-old he was posted to the barhistory of the Gallipoli and the ANZAC
welled in his eyes as he reminisced racks beside the hall for three years.
He remembers the stage productions story but perhaps it has been a story
about his days in military service in
Malta during the Second World War, and entertainment for the Australian that has not been well known,” she
Lino Camilleri, told Charles Miranda and British troops at Australia Hall. said.
“That is quite surprising even when
“You make me cry remembering these “It was a colourful time even though
the windows were blacked out, inside you consider just the statistics. There
old stories.”
Lino, a former Private - who was it was well lit and everyone would were about 55,000 troops from the Galawarded an MBE by the Queen in have a good time until the sirens went lipoli campaign brought to Malta for
and we had to go to the care, so it is surprising their experiences
shelters or slit trenches,” here were not recorded or understood
he said.
in any way outside the local Maltese
“The seating capacity community. The 100th anniversary of
was for 1000 and it was a the Gallipoli campaign and also the
one and only, very popu- centenary of the First World War is a
lar place for servicemen. time for reflection and looking back in
It is very important for history and making sure we haven’t
Australia and I hope forgotten the important things that
something is done. It is need to be remembered.”
sad to see it how it is
As the High Commioner said, by the
end of the war over 55,000 Anzacs
Australia Hall was built from the Gallipoli campaign were
as an entertainment and taken to Malta - 4000 alone in May
recreation hall for conva- 1915 after the first week of the landings
H.E. Jane Lam- lescing wounded soldiers - to be treated for various wounds.
bert at the di- belonging to the Auslapited Hall she tralian and New Zealand
Continued on page 3
wants restored
A r m y
C o r p s
1990 for services to the Crown as head (ANZAC) in Novemof the British Legion in Malta as well ber 1915, by the Ausas representing Australia’s RSL - re- tralian Branch of the
called the friends he lost, the future Red Cross at the time
wife he gained (having met her in an of the Turkish camair raid shelter) and the joy he felt with paign. It raised funds
the Luftwaffe failing to destroy Aus- from donations from
tralia Hall, that forms a critical part of the public believed to
the ANZAC Gallipoli story and the be predominantly from
bond today shared between Malta and NSW, to finance it as a A dilapitaded Australia Hall
recreation centre. It that the Australian governAustralia.
As a member of the Royal Army Pay was indicative Aus- ment wants to restore
The Voice of the Maltese 5
Tuesday February 3, 2015
From page 2
The hall on the corner of ANZAC
Street and Alamein Street and extensive gardens, then surrounded by a
number of field hospitals and their
barracks, was built for the men as they
recovered and could be returned to
the frontline. The chiselled distinctive
Australian Coat of Arms is still there,
as is a stone declaration confirming it
was built on donations.
In 1970 the Hall was given to the
Labour Party in exchange for the
party’s building in Marsa that housed
its headquarters, then known as Freedom Press to be transformed into
Malta Shipbuilding.
Unfortunately, in December 1998, the
ceiling of trusses and sheeting was
gutted by fire but its sturdy four walls
still remain standing. Today it is just a
shell of its former self with its interior
totally gutted out and left in a state of
utter dilapidation.
It is not only the Australian High
Commissioner that wants it to be restored. Malta Heritage Trust chairman
Mario Farrugia also wants restoration,
whether by the new developers or the
Australian Government through a
trust arrangement.
Servicemen and women
enjoy a function at Australia
Hall (Richad Ellis photo)
He said there had been about 800 Maltese volunteers who went to Gallipoli
as muleteers or to dig the trenches and
some even fought within the Australian ranks or worked as stevedores
unloading the ships. There are about
300 Anzacs buried in Malta, dying
from wounds suffered in Gallipoli.
“I think there are so few of the lasting
physical links between our two cultures, it would be a shame if something was not done,” he said.
“With a degree of effort and determi-
nation you could get it back to what it
Meanwhile, the president of the Maltese Community Council of NSW
Lawrence Dimech said that many attempts were made in the past to turn
Australia Hall into a home away from
home for Australian-Maltese visiting
Malta. “We are hoping that this historical Hall can be preserved and that
the Australian government gets really
interested especially on the centenary
of ANZAC” he said.
Il-Piers Festival 2015 f’Port Melbourne
Parti mill-udjenza ssegwi l-ispettaklu waqt il-Piers Festival
Il-preΩentazzjoni talMaltija Rosemary Attard
il-25 ta’ Jannar il-Multicultural Arts
Victoria organizzat ir-raba’ Piers Festival 2015 fuq Princes Pier, Port Melbourne
li g˙alih attendew ˙afna nies, anke jekk
milli jidher ftit li xejn ing˙atat pubbliçita`,
speçjalment fost il-Komunita` Maltija
min˙abba li meta attendejna a˙na ftit li xejn
iltqajna ma’ Maltin, filwaqt li persuni millkoumunitajiet Taljani, Griegi, Torok u
o˙rajn kienu aktr numeruΩi.
Fl-istess ˙in il-komunitajiet li semmejt ipprovdew divertiment ta’ muΩika, kant u Ωfin
b˙ala parti mill-kultura tag˙hom. G˙al darb’o˙ra l-Maltin kienu neqsin.
Kien hemm esebizzjoni ta’ stejjer ta’ ˙afna
emigranti minn pajjiΩi differenti li kollha
ppreΩentaw l-istorja tag˙hom ta’ kif ˙allew
pajjiΩhom u ©ew jibdew ˙ajja ©dida fl-Awstralja. G˙all-inqas hawn kellna parteçipazzjoni Maltija bis-sa˙˙a tas-Sinjura Rosemary Attard, is-Segretarja tal-Grupp Letteratura Maltija tal-Victoria.
Rosemary, dakinhar ta’ 18-il sena, ˙alliet
Malta flimkien mall-familja tag˙ha, fuq l“Arosa Kulm” fit-8 ta’ April 1956 b’511
Maltin fuqu. Óafna minnhom kienu nisa u
tfal. Rosemary ippreΩentat kwadru kbir
b’˙afna tag˙rif nteressanti dwar il-vja©©
tag˙ha lejn l-Awstralja.
Wara g˙add ta’ problemi min˙abba li meta
l-vapur wasal Freemantle fit-8 ta’ Mejju
nstab li d-dg˙ajjes tas-salvata©© kienu
f’kundizzjoni ˙aΩina, il-passi©©ieri kellhom
jistennew xi ˙amest ijiem sakemm iddg˙ajjes issewwew qabel issoktaw il-vja©©
tag˙hom lejn Melbourne fejn waslu fis-16
ta’ Mejju.
Paul Vella
6 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday February 3, 2015
Jay’s tragedy the highlight
in a difficult summer in WA
ummer might soon be over, but
whereas New South Wales residents
swelter through day-after-day of
sunshine, beaches have been plagued by
persistent shark sightings up and down the
coast, and most of the people in Western
Australia, particularly those close to
Cheynes Beach, 65km east of Albany on
WA’s south coast still cannot forget the
tragedy in which 17-year-old Jay Muscat
was fatally mauled by a shark, thought to
have been a great white up to five metres
long nicknamed Bruce.
As a result of that attack, another when a
3.5 metre shark attacked a dolphin cruising about in the area, and yet a third, when
another 17-year-old, Sam Smith suffered
a bite to his hand after he tried to film the
shark while spearfishing, Newcastle
beaches were closed for an unprecedented
number of days.
Obviously, what stole the headlines this
summer – also reported by The Voice of
the Maltese (on page 17 in issue No. 92) has been the shark attack that killed Jay
Muscat, an ocean fanatic who lived for
diving, who was spearfishing with a friend
of his, Matt Pullella at a dive spot about
40m from shore at Three Stripes.
Jay was bitten on the leg and died from
his injuries, while Matt warded off the attack after managing to fire his speargun at
the animal before scrambling on to rocks
and calling for help from fishermen
The Voice managed to locate Jay’s
family in Albany. His grandparents, 70year-old Joe Muscat hails from Nadur,
Gozo. He arrived in Australia in 1962.
He is married to Doris from Sliema.
Jay’s parents, Mark Anthony and Sheryl, are both born in Australia.
Jay’s family, his friend Matt Pullella and
about 100 mourners attended an emotional
memorial car cruise to remember and pay
tribute to the young victim. A convoy of
cars under police escort left Albany bound
for Cheynes Beach, where mourners laid
flowers and a
His parents,
Mark and Sheryl
and younger sister Ebony were
too distraught to
address the mouJay Muscat,
rners. Statements
victim of a
were read on theshark attack
ir behalf reiterating their devastation, reducing
many to tears.
The Albany
School chaplain Leon Durrant spoke passionately about Jay, “a student with a
cheeky smile and mischievous nature who
was last year’s ASHS Countryweek volleyball team captain and fairest and best
player before graduating in November”.
In a fresh tribute on social media Matt,
who survived after firing his speargun into
the mouth of the shark saluted his diving
partner, saying: “Rest easy brother!
The family is “devastated over the sudden tragic passing of Jay” and friends of
the family said they were finding it difficult to face life without their beloved son.
The organiser of the tribute in the name of
friends and locals and a close friend of the
Muscats, said the teenager’s grieving parents, Mark and Sheryl, gave their blessing
to the memorial drive. “They’re doing all
right and they were happy that we wanted
to do this as a tribute to Jay,” he said.
“We can take some comfort in knowing
Jay passed doing something he loved.”
A fellow member of WA Undersea Albany,
the spearfishing group that Mr Muscat was
a member of, said divers regularly encountered sharks and knew the risks.
The death comes 13 months after WA’s
last fatal shark attack on surfer Chris
Boyd, 35, who was taken near Gracetown
in the Southwest. The death of Jay took
the state’s statistics to ten in ten.
Hundreds have gathered in Albany for the
funeral of teen shark victim Jay Muscat
Friend of Jay,
Matt Pullella
Over the past decade ten people have lost
their lives in WA as a direct result of a shark
attack, and whilst other Australian states
surpass WA for shark attacks and other regions in other countries suffer from similar
statistics, it is the recent increase in frequency of attacks in WA that has pulled it,
unfortunately, into the spotlight.
It’s thought the warmer weather and increased marine life are possible reasons
for the prolonged presence of the sharks
with CSIRO shark expert Barry Bruce
saying that the creatures were common
along the NSW coastline but only get noticed when they stop near a heavily populated area, like Newcastle.
• Mollymook, NSW: A 17-year-old boy is
treated in hospital after being bitten on the
• Newcastle, NSW: A Five-metre great white
is spotted numerous times, closing beaches
for a record seven consecutive days
• Bondi, NSW: Sharks are sighted twice in
four days, prompting lifeguards to temporarily close Sydney’s most famous beach
• Albany, WA: Jay Muscat, 17, is killed by a
great white while spearfishing at Cheynes
• Perth, WA: A catch-and-kill order is issued
for a white pointer spotted over two weeks
near popular Warnbro Beach, which was
closed for days
• Adelaide, SA: A shark is sighted at Glenelg
Beach, forcing swimmers out of the water
• Port Douglas, Qld: Daniel Smith, 18, is
mauled and killed in front of mates while
spearfishing at Rudder Reef
• Perth, WA: While surfing at Port Boulevard, Cameron Pearman, 13, is bitten by a
two-metre shark, suffering minor leg injuries
• Bondi, NSW: Two great white sharks are
discovered dead in nets within a week
• Port Macquarie, NSW: Competitive surfer
Ryan Hunt, 20, is bitten on the foot by a
shark at Wallabi Point. He kicks it away
Tuesday February 3, 2015
The Voice of the Maltese 7
Galea execution may be a
case of mistaken identity
one at Auburn in 2012 related to a
he body of 34-year-old Darren
have seen the white Toyota Corolla with two
Galea was found dumped under
drug activity and a 2011 drive-by
Auburn’ Duck River Bridge
men in the Wentshooting at Merrylands related to a
after an execution-style murder last
worthville area in the Nomads bikie gang dispute.
year. Now Police believe that Galea
early hours of JanuDavid Banks, president of the Parraary 16.
may have been a victim of mistaken
matta & District Orchard Society said:
They are also hopidentity, as there was nothing in his
‘‘He (Galea) was a quiet chap; the last
ing someone can
past to suggest any links with orthing he’d be involved in is bikies or
shed light on Mr
ganised crime or drug activity.
Galea's movements
Mr Galea was kidnapped, taken to the
Mr Banks went on to say that a red
the night before, on cattleya hybrid is being grown at Timreserve and shot in the head just
January 15.
after midnight on January 16,
onee Orchids nursery at Mondrook in
They know
2014. His hands were bound
Darren’s honour. Once it blooms, an
he drove
and his body was dumped.
application would be sent to the Royal
from Merry- Horticultural Society in London to
His white Corolla hatchback
lands to his
was set alight near his home
have the name Memoria Darren Galea
home about officially registered.
in South Wentworthville
Darren Galea... killed over a year ago 4pm and
NSW two hours later.
A year later, Homicide Squad
that a
Dan il-progett hu sponsorjat milldetectives have lodged an appeal for infriend at a service station on MerryCABRA-Vale Diggers club
formation to help find the family man’s
lands Road at 8.20pm saw him. The
Servizzi ta’ kura
killers. Police are hopeful someone may
next four hours before his execution
are a mystery.
multikulturali u
‘‘Effectively, he’s been
working, spending
time with his family
and growing orchids,’’
Anthony Sciberras
Detective Inspector
Henney said, adding
that there was nothing
in Mr Galea's past to
suggest any links with
organised crime or
drug activity, which is
why they believe it
T˙ossok iddisprat u bla g˙ajnuna?
could have been a case
of mistaken identity.
"By all accounts, Mr
T˙ossok iΩolat jew eskludit?
Galea was close to his
T˙ossok wa˙dek u ma tistax
family, worked hard at
tikkumbatti l-˙ajja?
his job as a manager of
a fast food restaurant,
G˙andek bΩonn min jg˙inek jew
and kept mostly to
titkellem ma’ xi ˙add?
himself. There is certainly nothing in his
past to indicate why he
would be targeted in
this fashion," he said.
Bejn l-10 a.m. u nofsinhar fis-Sala
Ballistics testing on
tal-Knisja Stella St u Boulevard St
the bullet that killed
Mr Galea established
links to two other
shootings in Sydney -
bil-lingwa Maltija
Nhar it-Tlieta,
3 ta’ Marzu 2015
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The Voice of the
Breakaway Travel 94 corner of Main & Campbell
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Tel (02) 9622 7799
8 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday February 3, 2015
Have your say/Xi trid tghid?
Your letters/ L-ittri tag˙kom ...
Australia Day: What a celebration!
Charmaine Cassar from NSW writes:
The Voice of the Maltese
e m
is is a bi-lingual (in
English and Maltese) fortnightly online publication
specifically targeting all
Maltese living abroad
with emphasis on the
Australian scene.
is online magazine is
sent via email by request.
Subscription is free.
Malta: Joseph Cutajar
Lawrence Dimech: MOM,
email address:
Letters for publication in The Voice either in Maltese or English should be
e-mailed to:
Now you can also join us
on facebook:
am on such a high right now! Just got home from one of the best Australia Day
celebrations I have ever been to. Hearing what our past generations thought about
this country I call my home through the words of Dr Barry York, sharing his story
about his Maltese grandfather telling his father that Australia is the future.
It didn't just stop there, the words of pride kept flowing through our High Commissioner, his Excellency Charles Muscat, pointing out that we are just as proud Maltese
as being Australian.
Member of Australian Parliament Chris Bowen, the mayor of Holroyd Greg Cummings and Dr Geoff Lee of Parramatta gave their views on the Maltese and their contributions to Australia...
And I was so honoured and privileged to conclude the ceremony, highlighting everything I feel to be an Australian of Maltese heritage and thanking Australia for all the
opportunities it has given us all.
Never ever forget where you came from, from Malta to here - we love Australia just
as much as we do the Maltese Islands
Terrorism affects us all
Anthony Cassar from Greenwich, NSW
I feel I must commend Chris Muscat for his
comments (The Voice of the Maltese No.
93) about the killing of the 17 innocent people in the terrorist attack in France.
While condemning such brutal acts, I think
we should also take stock of the repercussions of such acts. They not only bring sufferings to the relatives of the people killed,
but also, as we are seeing through the news
media, to the people who go about doing
harm to nobody, but yet, after such acts, live
in fear, either because of possible reprisals
or just the fear phobias.
I am sure that by now, in this instance, like
it or not, the French people must be wary of
the perils in their streets. I am talking here
about all the people, not only those who belong to any religion, be they Christians,
Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, even atheists for
that matter.
What happened in Paris was not about religion. That was just an excuse by the extremists who don’t care about anything or
anybody so long as they reach their goals of
disrupting our daily life. Nobody likes to live
in fear, but terrorism, and the fact that politicians keep harping on the possibility of other
attacks is so frustrating.
Sometimes the media wrongly gives the
impression that it is only the west that suffers
from occasional terrorist acts. In this time,
we should also turn out sights on Africa, to
mention just one other region. Nigeria, particularly northeast of the country, is a case in
point where the terrorist organisation Boka
Haram brutally kills and kidnaps young people, be they Christians or Muslim, and keep
the country hostage.
Since July 2009 and June last year Boko
Haram are reported to have killed more than
5,000 civilians in attacks occurring mainly
in northeast, north-central and central Nigeria. They have also abducted more than 900
men, women and children, and are now also
converging on other neighbouring countries.
There’s also Al Qaeda and the Islamist rebel
group ISIS.
The quicker the powerful countries unite to
destroy these organisations and others like
them, the better it would be for us all peacelovers to live the way God wants us to be, in
harmony with each other.
The Voice of the Maltese 9
Tuesday February 3, 2015
Have your say/Xi trid tghid?
Australia Hall must be preserved
Charles N. Mifsud, fom Burraneer NSW writes
ustralia Hall at Pembroke in Malta is again in the news and
has even featured in Sydney’s main press media.
In 2010 when I was in Malta for the Convention of Maltese
Leaders from Abroad, together with Mr. Col Willis the former
Australian High Commissioner to Malta (who has since retired
in Malta), Mr. Tony Cassar Darien a former General Manager &
Director of Teatru Manoel, the late Alfred Fenech OAM,
Lawrence Dimech and a young Maltese-Australian lady who
lives in Malta but whose name escapes me at the moment, we
PM abbott has lost the plot
James Borg from
Williamstown Victoria writes:
What is wrong with our
British born Prime Minister?
First he revived the British Imperial honours in 2014 and
now on Australia Day decided
to give a knighthood to the 93year-old Duke of Edinburgh,
the husband of the Queen Elizabeth.
I was reading the other day
what Pope Alexander VI once
said: “ Do you know what is
more poisonous than failure in
war or politics? The answer is
Mr. Abbott, being a devote
Catholic may well heed the
former pontiff’s advice. The
Duke, or is it Sir Philip now,
has more honorifics that one
could memorise. I really think
PM Tony Abbott has lost the
visited the site of Australia Hall.
We all agreed then, that this building, which is a magnificent
memorial to the Anzacs and to Malta, “the Nurse of the Mediterranean” should be preserved and restored to its former glory and
put to good use.
I further believe that the Governments of Malta & Australia
should assist financially in its restoration. The Maltese Banks
should assist as well as they have profited greatly from dealing
with Maltese living abroad.
We have to generate increased awareness for the need to preserve this historic building in Malta.
Nikkuppjaw lil
xulxin bl-addoçç!
Brian Tonna minn Blacktown NSW jikteb:
inn zmien g˙all-ie˙or jien nirçevi qabda emails li jien insejj˙ilhom vjolenti u li jimbuttawk, biex tibda tobg˙od u
tis˙et lil kull reli©jon o˙ra barra dik Kattolika. Donnu li r©ajna
lura lejn iΩ-Ωmien meta f’Malta kienu jg˙idulna li a˙na biss, ittfal ta’ Gonzi (l-Arçisqof) sejrin il-©enna. Kienu jg˙idulna wkoll
li ˙add mhu aqwa minna l-Kattoliçi.
Ninkwieta wkoll g˙ax dawn l-emails ©ejjin minn nies li jippretendu li huma intelli©enti. G˙adhom ma jafux li din il-kwalita`
ta’ propaganda hija bil-wisq aktar kontro-produttiva.
Mhux sewwa li tasal biex tinsulenta, tkasbar u anke twaqqa’
g˙ar-redikolu dak li int ftit tifhem fih. Ma
na˙sibx li nie˙du pjaçir li kieku xi ˙add
kellha jniedi xi kampanja kontra r-reli©jon
li n˙addnu a˙na, ji©ifieri l-biçça ‘l kbira
ought to mark this special event and not minna l-Maltin, jew kontra Alla li nqimu
let it slip by.
a˙na l-Kattoliçi.
One way to remember this important hisLi kellu jse˙˙ dan, g˙alkemm ma nqis lili
torical anniversary milestone is the feast nnifsi xi bniedem fanatiku, imma xorta
celebration of Our Lady of Victories. I nkun minn tal-ewwel li nipprotesta jekk xi
would like to know if other activities are ˙add ikasbar jew iΩeblah dak li nemmen
being planned this year for the 450th an- fih. Le, mhux sewwa li bla ma na˙sbu
niversary for the Maltese community in nikkupjaw u nççcirkolaw dak li jriduna
nag˙mlu l-estremisti.
450th anniversary of the 1565 Great Siege of Malta
Lawrence Scerri from Warrawong, Wollongong-Illawarra NSW writes:
his year marks the 450th anniversary
of the Great Siege of Malta in 1565.
The fort of St Angelo in Birgu, Vittoriosa
stood to hold off the Ottoman Turkish invasion of Malta.
The Maltese community in Australia
10 The Voice of the Maltese
The letter to the editor by one of
our readers published in the last
issue of magazine (Crimes of socalled Islamists hurting even their
own people) seems to have started
an interesting debate on the subject among other readers (see page
8). The feedback mostly favoured
the arguments put forward in the
first letter.
Tuesday February 3, 2015
It was pointed out that the latest
protests the world is currently witnessing surfaced over a terror
strike over a derogatory cartoon on
Islam, apparently made by a Christian, or rather, by a non-Muslim.
This is not the first time that
such protests have taken a bloody
turn. It will definitely not be the
last. But there’s no justification
whatsoever for violent reactions.
It is not our intention in this article to write about terrorism or zerotolerance, but an attempt to understand the psyche behind these protests. It does not matter what religion is being criticised, not even
whether the person criticising it belongs to the same religion.
Joseph Cutajar
Religion should not be more
important than human life
e have seen violent protests in
various parts of the world whenever any religious sentiment is
hurt which goes to show that sometimes, what matters is that people seem
to think that Religion is more important
than Human life.
What many people fail to understand
is that no religion can ever be hurt, that
the original religious teachings are not
Extreme Islamists
harmed by any person’s views for it or
cold bloodedly
to the contrary.
kill a fellow MusThe fact of the matter is that all relilim during the atgions teach only one thing – that God is
tack on the
one. If that is true then how can anyChalie Hebdo
body believe that followers of one God
magazine in the
can be shamed by followers of another?
streets of Paris
From time immemorial people have
chosen to follow a belief or religion that
they find convenient, either because
they are born into it or because the
people influencing them, believe it. Very
few people choose to actually learn the
teachings of any religion in depth. The
outcome of this is that people are able
to mindlessly criticise another religion
or twist its teachings to serve their own
are instigated. Countless opinions are formed on
In a recent article I read, an opinion writer by the people of all religious faiths based on these riots.
Some are termed infidels, and others terrorists.
name of Rati Hegde illustrates this by giving a
What is forgotten however is that innocent people
clear example, pointing out that in many instances
are harmed. The latest victims of such a mindless
women bear the brunt of obsolete rules and tradiact, in Paris (in this case, but there are others in
tions in all religions because people in influential
other parts of the world), the hostage victims, must
positions choose to project these rules as part of
have never even dreamed of this fate when they
their religious teaching.
stepped out of their house that day. They were not
When a cartoonist (in this case) chooses to depict
Islam derogatorily, does he do any service to his own even remotely related to the publishing of the carreligion? No. When people choose to put up offensive toons. But they are not the only ones.
Thousands of people all over the world are killed
images of Hindu gods and goddesses are they sucevery year due to some people deciding to poke fun
cessful in saying that their religion is better? No.
When a book becomes a success because it ques- at a religion that either they do not believe in or
that they choose to question.
tions ancient Christian beliefs, is the author doing
Freedom of expression cannot be more valuable
a service to mankind? Definitely not! Then why do
than human lives. This alone is the strongest reapeople indulge in such acts?
son why religions should not be played with. HuThe answer might be, that it is because man
manity, the strongest religion of all, the only
loves to instigate others into doing wrong deeds. It
could also be that man loves to poke holes into the religion worth following, is the religion that dies in
such actions. The most important lesson to learn
beliefs of others, and gives him a high to see that
is that the end result of such mindless actions is a
one mindless act of his or one command of his
‘domino effect’- everybody falls, nobody rises in
sways thousands of people.
this game.
It is no surprise that one finds many people who
Besides, freedom of expression does not equate to
are intolerant to their beliefs being questioned,
one having the right or the freedom to insult othbeing probed. Mindless riots are a result of such
intolerance as also intolerance to such riots that
The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday February 3, 2015
MCC Oral history project - Maltese Personalities
n order to preserve our Maltese-Australian
heritage for posterity, the MCC of
NSW has embarked on videorecording the settlement experiences
of Maltese personalities.
The oral history interviews are con-
ducted in English on Wednesdays
mornings. The time taken varies
from 60-90 minutes and are done by
Mark Caruana, who has been doing
such interviews since 1982.
At the end of the interview, the person interviewed is asked to do any
necessary editing and to furnish four
photos to be included in the DVD
Couple get
the delight
The MCC will produce seven DVDs,
five of which go to the family, one to
the MCC Archives and one to the National Library in Canberra. A donation of $50 to cover costs would be
Anybody wishing to have his settlement history recorded, is requested to
contact Emanuel Camilleri on 9822
Rita and Fortunato
in their garden
Veggies and
flowers thrive
altese-Australian couple, ForM
tunato and Rita Vella who
have lived in Prospect, a suburb
in the West of Sydney for 25
years, recently were in the news
when they won the Ward 3 for
Best Residential Garden category
of the Blacktown Council competition.
In its “My Garden” section the
digital edition the Blacktown Advocate featured the Vellas’ award
and said that whereas some gardeners have a knack far cultivating delicious vegies, others know
how to make flowers thrive. It said
that the Vellas are skilled in both.
Following a visit to their residence, it reported that the Vella
couple’s so-called greenthumbs’
flair is evident from the moment
you see the well-manicured front
yard, where a winding patch is
lined with white roses that gives
the entrance
an inviting cottage
It went
on to describe the
scene in the
husband and wife
team’s backyard,
saying that it adopts a
more modern look and a serene
setting thanks to the sound of a
water feature that creates a
soothing effect.
It sits among ferns and statuettes into the vegetable patch
were lemon trees, chives, prickly
pear, tomatoes, garlic, and capsicum ensure there’s a healthy
supply for dinner.
Asked for his comments, Fortu-
nato said: “We just did the garden
bit by bit. I’m not a man for sitting
For her part, Rita said that like
many who love toiling away in
their backyards, she loved the
calming influence gardening offered.
“We feel good when we do the
gardening outside,” she said. “It
keeps you healthy and active.”
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12 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday February 3, 2015
Roundup of News About Malta
CHOGM dates
he Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting to
be hosted this year in Malta with the theme ‘Adding
global values’ is to be held between November 27 and 29.
The announcement of the dates was made at a joint statement released by Prime Minister Joseph Muscat and Commonwealth secretary-general Kamalesh Sharma in Malta.
The meetings will be taking place at a number of historic
around the island and the heads of State and of govFort St Angelo, in Vittoriosa that will be
ernment retreat will be held at Fort St Angelo, in Vittoriosa.
in full use during CHOGM in November
The CHOGM is held every two years and is the Commonwealth’s highest consultative and policymaking body, bringing together the
representatives of 53 countries. In this
year’s meeting the CHOGM will hear the
views of the citizens of the Commonwealth
through forums for youth, women, business and civil society.
ollowing the first ever terrorist attack curity Services and Opposition leader
The Prime Minister said that the Comon a Maltese investment in Libya, on Simon Busuttil to discuss the attack on the monwealth’s strength as an institution lies
the Corinthia Group’s (International Corinthia Hotel in which he called for a in its diversity and the CHOGM was an opHotel Investments) Corinthia Bab Africa bipartisan approach to the situation. The portunity to review where governments
Hotel in Tripoli, that left 13 people death, call was also echoed by Busuttil after the stand on issues that affect their people.
including the two terrorists reportedly af- prime minister evacuated 13 Maltese emSharma said that the meeting, which
filiated to the Islamic State group ISIS, ployees of the Corinthia Hotel to Malta brought together countries in various stages
Prime Minister Joseph Muscat reiterated and other Maltese nationals in the country. of development, was a change to plan prachis call on the international community to
Busuttil said he agreed with the govern- tical solutions for global challenges, based
have a United Nations peacekeeping force ment that all Maltese nationals in Libya on shared values and principles.
help Libya rebuild its institutions, if must return to Malta immediately.
Libyan factions demand its help.
Fire breaks out outDelivering a statement to the House of
side the Corinthia in
Representatives, he warned the conseLibya after the terquences of a failed state in Libya where
rorist attack in Tripoli
civil conflict has seen two rival governments the democratically elected one in
Tobruk, and another set up in Tripoli.
alta stands ready to discuss concessions
He further warned of a consequential
with the newly elected radical left party
chain of events that would see a migration
Syriza government in Greece that are reasonof people into Europe, the threat of terrorable, but would be against writing-off its
ism and the prospect of energy failure if
€181 million debt with Malta, Minister for
Libya keeps sliding into anarchy.
Finance Prof. Edward Scicluna told the
The PM had a meeting with the Malta Semedia following a Eurogroup Session during
which Eurozone Finance Ministers
were informed of the latest developments regarding the recent
Greek elections.
“Any concession may be put on
the table for discussion, except for
study by the Institute for Climate Change and itive and negative impacts on Malta’s environment writing off any of the €181 million
Sustainable Development from the University and public health, the economy and overall busi- outstanding debt,” the minister
of Malta found that Traffic congestion is costing ness climate, the study shows.
Malta €274 million a year.
The study will assess three policy actions and their
As a Eurozone member, Malta
It also found that by 2020, the total cost to the impact projected in the future, proposing measures was one of the countries that
country through accidents, congestion, climate aimed at reducing traffic and congestion and esti- helped Greece with its bailout, and
change and pollution and noise would increase to mate their cost. They include, increasing the effi- Prime Minister Joseph Muscat said
€317 million. Of these, €89 million would relate ciency of public transport, through further use of that this commitment cannot be igto traffic accidents, €15.3 million in air pollution park and ride schemes; use and deployment of noncosts, €51.2 million in climate change costs, €10.4 road modes, and more efficient use of the road net- nored.
He said: “There are two sides to
million in noise costs, and a massive €151 million work, through intelligent transport services.
in costs resulting purely from traffic congestion.
The report said that improving roads could “ease this debate: the new Greek adminMeanwhile, preliminary results for traffic con- temporarily congestion levels” but not have sig- istration is saying that the repayment
gestion in Malta following a study by the Euro- nificant impacts on reducing it.
pean Commission’s Joint Research Centre in 2012
The study claims that by increasing the marginal sustainable; on the other hand,
show that the average number of seconds of delay costs of using a car, where it becomes less of a member states forked out taxpayper km in Malta is estimated at 16.93 seconds benefit to use private transport when other public ers’ money to help Greece and we
whereas the European average is 5.74 seconds.
forms are sufficient, could have a better impact on will keep on insisting to have our
The growth in car dependence has had both pos- reducing traffic.
money back,” he said.
Government, Opposition agree on bipartisan approach
re Terrorist attack on Maltese investment in Libya
Discussions YES,
debt write-off NO
Traffic congestion costing
Malta €274 million a year
The Voice of the Maltese 13
Tuesday February 3, 2015
Roundup of News About Malta
2014 tourist arrivals
hit 1.714m mark, is
7.8% more than 2013
ourist arrivals in the twelve months between January and
December 2014 year amounted to a record 1,714,533, an
increase of 7.8 per cent over 2013. Total nights went up by
4.9% per cent, reaching 13.5 million.
Total tourism expenditure during 2014 was estimated at €1.5
billion, 6.1% higher than that recorded for the same period in
2013, while total per capita expenditure stood at €905.
In the last month of 2014 (December) arrivals were estimated
at 66,619, an increase of 1.4% compared to the same month in
2013. Excluding the passengers who stayed overnight on board
their berthed cruise ship, total arrivals amounted to 66,232.
Inbound tourists from EU member states went up by 7.7% to
55,512, with the largest proportion of tourists aged between 45
and 64, followed by those within the 25-44-age bracket.
Total tourist expenditure was estimated at
€51.7 million, an increase of 4.4 per cent
more than in the same month in 2013.
A total of 53,136 inbound visits were carried
out for holiday purposes, while a further
8,176 were undertaken for business.
s we know, on October 13 last year, Malta’s capital, Valletta,
was awarded the prestigious title of European Capital of Culture 2018. Now it has also been shortlisted amongst the 20 nominees for the title of European Best Destination 2015.
However, Valletta can only win this title if people vote for it. In
order to increase the chances it needs to increase the number of
votes, therefore we would like to encourage our readers to go for
it on Voting closes on Tuesday February 10.
We also urge our readers to share this information with their
contacts so we can increase the ranking for our beautiful Valletta!
Nine boutique hotels
approved in Valletta
he authorities tasked with applications
from entrepreneurs to set up boutique
hotels in Valletta have approved nine applications out of the 14 submitted.
Parliamentary Secretary Michael Falzon
said in Parliament that the applications
were a sign of the rejuvenation of Valletta.
Replying to a Parliamentary question after
MP Claudio Grech expressed concern for
residents about the designation of part of
a Street for late night activities, Falzon
said that although residents lived in the periphery, the idea was to concentrate culture-related activities near residences and
other activities away from them.
He added that a balance had to be struck
if Valletta was to come alive and not just
be a museum, and that much progress had
been made in breathing life into Valletta
over the past 19 months.
335,249 Licenced
motor vehicles
ccording to NSO, at the end of 2014, the
number of licensed motor vehicles in
Malta stood at 335,249. Of these, 79.3% were
passenger cars, 12.8% goods-carrying vehicles,
and 5.5% motorcycles. Buses and minibuses
accounted for less than one per cent.
During the period under review 4,782 new licences issued. The majority of them (3,858 or
80.7% of the total) were issued to passenger
cars, followed by motorcycles (449 or 9.4%).
Newly licensed ‘new’ motor vehicles amounted to 2,015, (42.1%).
Govt. plans to strengthen
national carrier Air Malta
The government is looking
at ways of strengthening
Air Malta that go beyond
its original restructuring,
Tourism Minister Edward
Zammit Lewis has revealed that the government
is looking at ways of
strengthening the island’s
national carrier, Air Malta
that go beyond its original
restructuring. As such, it
will listen to the advice of
aviation experts in order to
review its position as the
national airlines’ shareholder and suggest ways
through which the government can strengthen it.
During a discussion pro-
gramme, the Minister said
his government honoured
the restructuring plan – that
Prime Minister Joseph
Muscat had insisted was a
priority - that it had found
in place but added that it
could not rest solely on that
it. He plans to see the company become commercially viable and relevant
in both the airline and
tourism sectors.
“Air Malta is indispensable to Malta’s tourism,”
“Throughout the years, the
airline operated routes that
made sense for tourism but
did not make sense to the
airline from a commercial
standpoint. This is why Air
Malta must be seen as an
integral part of our
Air Malta has gone
through a massive restructuring imposed by the EU
after the government saved
it from bankruptcy in 2010
with a €52 million loan.
Two years later the EU approved €130 million in
State aid on condition that
the airline was restructured. Since then Air Malta
almost halved its workforce, reduced the number
of planes in operation and
cut capacity.
14 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday February 3, 2015
Kliem barrani fil-Malti
atul iΩ-Ωmien fl-Ilsien Malti
da˙al ˙afna kliem barrani.
Wara influss qawwi ta’
kliem Taljan, f’dawn l-a˙˙ar snin
f’ilsinna da˙al ˙afna kliem mill-Ilsien
IngliΩ - kliem li biçça minnu seta’ ma
da˙alx g˙ax g˙alih g˙andna kelma
Maltija pura. Hekk spiççajna li biex
ng˙idu li ‘nistieden lil xi ˙add’, maljar ikun hemm min jg˙id ‘ninvitawh’
b˙alikieku g˙andna xi vit u qed nuΩaw it-turnavit biex norbtuh.
Imma minbarra l-kwestjoni jekk
g˙andniex naççettaw çertu kliem barrani f’ilsienna - (personalment ma
nsib xejn ˙aΩin li fejn m’g˙andniex
kelma Maltija nuΩaw kelma barranija) - issa hemm ukoll il-mistqosija dwar kif g˙andu jinkiteb dan
il-kliem. In˙alluh kif inhu, jew natuh
bixra Maltija? X’g˙andna niktbu:
Ba©it jew budget? Fjuwil jew Fuel?
Mani©er jew manager? Çermen jew
chairman? Plejer jew player?
Billi minn ftit taΩ-Ωmien ilu l-midja
bdiet tispelli kliem li ©ej minn ilsna
barranin - attwalment kliem mill-IngliΩ - kif jin˙ass, ˙afna kienu ja˙sbu
li kienet ittie˙det deçiΩjoni dwar kif
g˙andu ji©i miktub dan il-kliem.
Dan sa˙ansitra stqarru l-Professur
tal-Filosofija fl-Università ta' Malta,
Joe Friggieri.
“Sa ftit ilu kont g˙adni na˙seb li lKunsill kien ˙are© direttiva li dalkliem g˙andu jinkiteb kif jin˙ass.
Kont ˙adt din l-impressjoni g˙ax
bdejt nara fil-gazzetti kliem b˙al ‘ba©it’, ‘fjuwil’, ‘çermen’, ‘mani©er’,
‘mowbajl’, ‘plejer’, u l-bqija. Issa
tg˙allimt li ma kienet ittie˙det l-ebda
deçiΩjoni dwar dan,” qal Friggieri.
Attwalment id-deçiΩjoni li kien ˙a lKunsill tal-Malti kien propju dwar xi
kliem b˙al ‘skond’ ‘b˙al meta’, ‘billejl’,’ ‘g˙al g˙arrieda’, ‘m’a˙niex’ ,
‘m’huwiex’ ‘l-ewwel nett’; li ©ie deçiΩ
li jinktbu ‘skont’, ‘b˙almeta’, ‘bil-lejl’,
‘g˙alg˙arrieda’, ‘ma˙niex’, ‘mhuwiex’, ‘l-ewwelnett’, u g˙add ta kliem
ie˙or li wie˙ed jista’jsib fil-lista li
˙are© minn dan l-istess Kunsill.
Issa mistenni li sa nofs dis-sena lKunsill jie˙u deçiΩjoni dwar kif
g˙andna nispellu kliem li ©ej mill-IngliΩ.
Sintendi hawn ˙afna fehmiet dwar
Jien naqbel ˙afna ma’ kif irra©una lProfessur Friggieri fejn jg˙id li kliem
‘ixxreddja’, ‘ikkrossja’, ‘iddabbja’,
‘iffawlja’, ‘iççekkja’ u ‘ibbukkja’
jista’ ji©i aççetat g˙ax, “li t˙alli lkelma bl-IngliΩ f’nofs il-verb to˙loq
problemi li qatt ma kellna s’issa.”
Imma©injaw niktbu ‘ ibbounceja’, ‘ibbookja’
L-istess g˙al dawk in-nomi li biΩΩmien fil-plural ˙adu forma Maltija,
b˙al ‘swiçç’ li ssir ‘swiççijiet’ (‘qis li
titfi s-swiççijiet kollha qabel to˙ro©’),
‘bord’ li ssir ‘bordijiet’ (‘il-kumpanija titmexxa minn erba’ bordijiet’).
Qal li fejn din l-assimilazzjoni ma
se˙˙itx, g˙andna n˙allu l-kelma kif
tinkiteb fil-lingwa ori©inali, ji©ifieri
bl-IngliΩ. “Mela g˙andna niktbu ‘lecture’, ‘tutorial’, ‘postman’, ‘reporter’, mhux mod ie˙or.”
L-istess argumenta g˙al ‘budget’,
‘fuel’, ‘manager’, u g˙al kliem kompost b˙al ‘hard disk’, ‘long play’, ‘on
line’, ‘out of bounds’, ‘full up’, ‘hairdresser’, ‘vacuum cleaner’, ‘breakfast
show’, ‘point of order’, u l-bqija.
Issa naraw biex se jo˙ro© il-Kunsill
Diffiçli biex jinbidlu
’intervista li l-Isqof ta’ G˙awdex Mons Mario
Grech (fuq) ta lill-©urnal tal-Óadd Illum qal li
kien diffiçli ˙afna li tibdel il-mentalita’ ta’ g˙add
ta’ kappillani u saçerdoti li huma marbuta wisq
mal-Knisja b˙ala binja u s-sagristiji.
Huwa sostna li l-Knisja je˙tie© li tadatta ru˙ha
g˙aΩ-Ωminijiet tal-lum, filwaqt li tibqa’ fidila lejn
il-van©elu. Il-Knisja ma tistax tibqa’ mag˙luqa fiha
nnifisha mitlufa fi strutturi li jag˙tu sens falz ta’
sigurta’ u tispiçça b˙ala m˙allef bla ebda ˙niena.
IΩda biex issir din il-bidla jin˙tie© li l-kappillani
u s-saçerdoti jibdlu l-mentalita’ tradizzjonali
Kliem tassew g˙aqli u ta’ viΩjoni.
Id-Dejn ta’ Malta jonqos
Sinjal poΩittiv g˙all-ekonomija Maltija huwa l-fatt
li d-dejn nazzjonali qed jonqos.
Fil-fatt skont l-a˙˙ar rapport tal-Eurostat bejn ittieni u t-tielet kwart tal-2014, Malta kellha t-tieni
l-akbar tnaqqis fid-dejn nazzjonali minn
fost il-pajjiΩi kollha tal-Unjoni Ewropea.
Dan it-tnaqqis ifisser ukoll li, imqabbel
mas-sena ta’ qabel, id-dejn nazzjonali ta’
pajjiΩna naqas b’madwar 0.5% tal-prodott
gross domestiku. Barra Malta, kien biss
f’disa’ pajjiΩi tal-Unjoni Ewropea li d-dejn
nazzjonali wera tnaqqis fuq is-sena ta’
qabel. G˙aldaqstant, filwaqt li fil-medja
tal-Unjoni Ewropea d-dejn nazzjonali
Ωdied b’1.3% tal-©id nazzjonali, f’pajjiΩna
kellna tnaqqis.
Dan l-iΩvilupp Ωied id-distakk fid-dejn
nazzjonali bejn Malta u l-bqija tal-pajjiΩi
tal-Unjoni Ewropea. Malta fil-fatt g˙andha
livell ta’ dejn nazzjonali li niΩel ta˙t talÌermanja u wasal qrib tal-Olanda, li huma
l-aktar pajjiΩi rispettati fejn jid˙ol immani©jar ta’ finanzi pubbliçi.
While visiting Malta Stay at:
The Diplomat Hotel, 173 Tower Road Sliema
Email: Tel: (00356) 23497000
The Voice of the Maltese 15
Tuesday February 3, 2015
Mix-xena tal-˙ajja Maltija 2
mhux ˙aΩin
G˙adu fuq
˙as-soltu l-©urnal Maltatoday g˙amel l-ist˙arri©
regolari tieg˙u dwar issa˙˙a politika tal-partiti politiçi
u l-fiduçja tal-poplu fil-mexxejja tal-istess partiti. Ìeneralment dan l-ist˙arri© isir b’telefonati lil madwar xi 500 ru˙ li
jkunu mag˙Ωula mid-direttorju
G˙alhekk kultant tqum il-mistoqsija dwar kemm wie˙ed
g˙andu joqg˙od fuq dawn list˙arri©. It-twe©iba aktarx tkun
li ma tantx wie˙ed jista’
joqg˙od fuqhom g˙ax, kif ilfehma ta’ madwar 500 ru˙ tista’
tirrappreΩenta dik ta’ daqshekk
eluf ta’ Maltin?
IΩda min-na˙a l-o˙ra, speçjalment fejn jid˙lu l-elezzjonijiet, l-ist˙arri© li
sar fil-passat, l-aktar mill-Maltatoday
kwaΩi dejjem kien qrib dak li finalment
Skont l-a˙˙˙ar st˙arri© tal-Maltatoday ,
minkejja li l-Gvern Laburista, issa nistg˙u
ng˙idu li qieg˙ed f’nofs it-terminu tal˙ames snin tieg˙u, xorta jidher li g˙adu laktar b’sa˙˙tu.
Fil-fatt irriΩulta li l-Partit Laburista qieg˙ed disa' punti perçentwal fuq il-Partit
Nazzjonalista f’dik li hi popolarita`. Dan
hekk kif g˙all-mistoqsija lil min tivvota li
kieku kellha ssir elezzjoni ©enerali g˙ada,
31% wie©bu lill-Partit Laburista, filwaqt
li 22.4% wie©bu lill-Partit Nazzjonalista.
Anke fejn tid˙ol it-tellieqa bejn Joseph
Kultant nistag˙©bu kif f’çerti pajjiΩi jidher
li hemm daqshekk armi fl-idejn. IΩda
na˙seb li ˙afna qatt ma mma©inaw kemm
g˙andna armi fostna f’Malta, g˙ax dan sar
mag˙ruf biss dan l-a˙har wara li saret mistoqsija Parlamentari fil-Kamra tar-RappreΩentanti.
Mit-twe©iba li ng˙atat irriΩulta li l-ammont ta’ armi re©istrati mal-Pulizija,
inkluΩ snieter, machine guns, submachine
guns, pistoli u air guns, ila˙˙aq it-total ta’
96,425. L-akbar ammont hu dak ta’ snieter
li jid˙lu fil-kategorija ta’ shotguns, liema
ammont ila˙˙aq 55,962.
It-tieni l-akbar ammont ta’ armi hu l-pistoli, li l-g˙add re©istrat tag˙hom ila˙˙aq
g˙al 10,553. L-ammont ta’ rifles re©istrati
hu ta’ 7,856; revolvers 5,369; air rifles
4,765; air pistols 3,272; u muzzlegun
Hemm ukoll 755 air rifle re©istrata; 705
airsoft rifle; 650 percussion cap pistol; 633
shotgun tat-tip tactical; 501 machine gun;
477 submachine gun; 421 air pistol; 391
carbine; 380 flintlock pistol; 321 percussion rifle; 243 pin fire revolver; 219 muskett; 170 paintball gun; u 107 percussion
Muscat, mexxej tal-Partit Laburista, u
Simon Busuttil, mexxej tal-Partit Nazzjonalista, l-ist˙arri© qed juri li fejn tid˙ol fiduçja, tal-ewwel g˙andu 15-il punt
vanta©© fuq ir-rival tieg˙u.
Min-na˙a l-o˙ra jidher li Busuttil qed
jirba˙ lura xi ftit minn dawk li fl-2008
ivvutaw PN u mbag˙ad fl-2013 lill-PL.
G˙alkemm imbag˙ad jidher li Muscat
qed jiggwadanja fost
dawk li vvutaw PN
Melbourne: (03) 9335 2499
Unit 6, 4-6 Commercial Crt, Tullamarine, Vic., Australia, 3043
fl-a˙˙ar elezzjoni, li
wie˙ed minn kull
g˙axra minnhom
qed jippreferi lil
Muscat mill-mexxej
tal- iskola
Ix-chef Nicole Pisani
an l-a˙˙ar il-©urnal prominenti IngliΩ, The Guardian, ippublika storja dwar Nicole Pisani, chef Maltija ta’ 34 sena li
kienet chef f’wie˙ed mir-ristoranti ta’ fama internazzjonali f’Soho, f’Londra mag˙ruf bl-isem ta’ ‘Nopi’ fejn, kif ng˙idu a˙na
l-Maltin, wie˙ed irid i˙allas, ‘biz-zalza” biex jiekol.
Issa Pisani ddeçidiet li twarrab minn dan il-post importanti u
tmur tmexxi l-kçina tal-iskola primarja Gayhurst f’Hackney.
Hawnhekk trid tipprovdi ikliet g˙all-istudenti bil-prezz ta’ ta' 92
çenteΩmu Sterlina r-ras.
Li Nicole Pisani se tiggwadanja Ωgur hu ftit tal-mistrie˙ billi issa
mhux se jkollha bΩonn ta˙dem 16-il sieg˙a kuljum kif kienet
tag˙mel qabel.
A$ 55.00
A$ 85.00
1 Carton A$120
2 Cartons A$180
3 Cartons A$220
25 x 30 x 25cm
40 x 30 x 45cm
40 x 30 x 45cm
*Prices quoted are from receival at our depot to arrival port Malta
*Destination Port fees will apply. Storage or duties, if any, may also apply.
TEL: 21338161 FAX: 21334188
16 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday February 3, 2015
A quick glimpse at Australia
Labor wins Queensland
-Political comeback for the history books
nnastacia Palaszczuk (pictured) the “accidental
Premier” has produced the political comeback for
the history books and produced a new landscape.
The new Labor Premier of Queensland triumphantly
said, “who would have thought three years ago, we
would have been making history tonight?”.
The Liberal National Party (LNP) has lost the biggest
majority government in Queensland’s history in just one
term. The majority was huge.
In the last election, less than three years ago, the LNP
led by Campbell Newman won the election with 78
seats against just 7 seats for Labor and 4 others. In the
2015 election the Premier lost his seat of Ashgrove as
As we go to print there were still some seats in doubt put the
final result could be Labor Party 46 seats to 40 for LNP. A catastrophe and a devastating blow that is having a far reaching
effect coming after the debacle in the State of Victoria
where the LNP also lost government after just one term.
LNP seems to have lost so badly because it has spent
the last 18 months selling its asset off-loading programme. Queensland has proved time and time again
it is against privatisation.
The combative-style of the government led by Campbell Newman (a former Mayor of Brisbane) also played
badly with voters. He also sacked 14,000 full-time
equivalent public servants, after promise that public
service “had nothing to fear”.
The Queensland government same as the Victorian
LNP government suffered as well with unpopular decisions taken by the Federal LNP government. In fact Tony Abbott did not make very many appearances in Queensland during
the election. Talk of a challenge to Tony Abbott is gaining momentum.
The push for a Republic Aussie convicted of an Invented crime
he United State government has said that if the appeal were allowed,
Australia is on again Tacknowledged
that the conviction “the Court should not confirm
he push for an Australian Republic is on again. The of David Hicks, an Australian man Hicks's material-support conviction.”
TOpposition Leader Bill Shorten said that 114 years held since 2007 in Guantanamo Bay Mr. Hicks said he was hoping at last
ago Australians found the courage and good will to for providing material support for ter- to see justice done. “I did not commit
transform this continent into a Commonwealth. He
said: “In the 21st century, let us live up to their example
– lets us declare that our head of state should be one of
Mr. Shorten said that while he was not yet pushing for
a second referendum on the proposal, after 16 years it
was time for a debate on national identity. He added
that no leader can “end” a conversation about our nation’s sense of self. No leader can “settle” the question
of Australian’s global role and responsibilities and no
leader should take pride in trying.
In 1999 a republican referendum was held in November
and the republic movement was defeated. However, another referendum on the issue is not likely while Queen
Elizabeth 11 is still reigning. Malcolm Turnbull MP a
senior Liberal, was the Chairman of the Australian Republican Movement, a position he held until 2000.
60 years married
ongratulation are in order to Margaret and AnC
thony Blackman marking their 60th anniversary
on Valentine’s Day having married February 14,
1955 in Hamrun Malta and set sail for Australia two
weeks later.
They lived in Brunswich Victoria, where they raised
two sons, Kevin and David. Anthony began work as
a teacher and would become principal of Fawkner
East Primary School. They moved to Safety Beach
four years ago. They have two grandchildren.
rorism is was not legally valid, and is
therefore innocent.
Mr. Hicks was was captured in
Afghanistan in the late 2001 and
turned over to the US, before being
taken to Guantanamo Bay in the first
batch of prisoners to be incarcerated
there. He has already figured in a key
U.S. court decision that expanded the
rights of detainees held in the offshore prison.
Initially charged with multiple
crimes, including conspiracy to commit acts of terrorism, attempted murder, and aiding the enemy, Hicks
ultimately pleaded guilty to a single
charge of providing "material support'' to terrorism.
He was held for five-and-a-half
years before being convicted to give
an Alford plea – which is not recognised in Australia.
In 2013 he appealed, arguing that
the law used against him was passed
after 9/11 and could not be applied
retroactively. In its reply, the U.S. argued that the review court should refuse to review the case because
Hicks had entered a guilty plea.
But in a crucial concession, the military commission's chief prosecutor
any crime and I only pleaded guilty
in an Alford plea agreement to escape the indefinite solitary confinement I was suffering in Guantanamo
Bay, I am just sorry it has taken so
long to clear my name” he said.
The detention centre located in
Guantánamo Province at the southeastern end of Cuba, still holds 127
men who have not been charged or
faced trail. It is believed that since it
opened Guantanamo Bay, 779 prisoners have been held there.
Of those, 642 have been released or
transferred. Of the 127 remaining
detainees 55 men, were cleared for
release five years ago.
David Hicks talking to the media
The Voice is not just a news portal; We comment, we fight for your rights.
We believe in freedom of expression; We are read in the right places.
The Voice of the Maltese 17
Tuesday February 3, 2015
A quick glimpse at Australia
Prince Philip among Abbott’s
honours’ list for Australia Day
n Australia Day 2015 Prime Minister Tony Abbott awar-ded a knighthood to HRH the Prince Philip,
Duke of Edinburgh. So what do we call the
Bri-tish royal now, Sir Prince Philip?
Would the Queen reciprocate in her honour
list and award our Tony as Sir Anthony Abbott? Most likely!
Another Australian was awarded a
knighthood, Angus Houston the former
Air Chief Marshall. Sir Angus led the
Australian response to the MH370 and
MH17 tragedies and in 2012 he chaired a
wise-men’s panel to find ways to resolve
the vexed challenge of asylum seekers arriving by boat.
Australia also bid farewell to old boxer,
prisoner of war Tom Uren (1921-2015),
the former Minister in Whitlam and
Hawke governments who died aged 93.
Rosie Batty the Victoria mother whose
courage shone a light on domestic violence victims was named Australian of the
Year while children’s author Jackie French
an advocate for young people with learning difficulties was named Senior Australian of the Year. Drisana Levitzke-Gray
21-year-old, born deaf is the Young Aus-
Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh and Rosie Battie honoured on Australia Day
tralian of the Year. Virgil Bugeja from St Julian’s, Malta also received the OAM.
Aussies in Afghanistan
Julie Bishop our roving Foreign Minister
was in Afghan-istan recently and indicated that there is almost no chance that
Australian troops will withdraw from this
country entirely. Retired Major General
John Cantwell also cautiously supported
an exten- sion that does not impose”
great risk or great cost”.
About 400 Australian troops remain in
Afghanistan. By the end of next year the
number is expected to fall to a residual
force of as few as 20 to 30 for defence
cooperation. The size of the Australian
contingent depends on talks with the US
and European countries, with Australia
unwilling to maintain a presence alone.
Living to be 150 years a ‘reasonable assumption’
It is kind of remarkable that some- cept cuts to government benefits and medicine and research into drugs that
where in this world today, it’s pay a greater share of the health costs. could prove life expectance and quality.
probable that a child has been
The University of NSW faculty of
Life expectancy for Australians has
born who will live to be 150, that’s a
long time.” Treasurer Joe Hockey
quoting from the next intergenerational report was renewing his push to
sell the budget and why we should ac-
How much
for education?
y the time a child is born in Sydney
this year he reaches year 12 in 2032,
the annual cost of a private education is
expected to be as high as $68,626. This is
double the current tuition fees at Sydney’s
most expensive schools, with several now
charging more than $30,000 a year.
The Australian Scholarships Group modelling released recently forecast the cost of
private schooling in Sydney to be the most
expensive city in Australia to educate a
The breakdown is $175,109 for primary
school, $350,043 for high school and
$7,123 for pre-school. The average tuition
for senior students at Catholic schools in
the Sydney diocese is about $2,200.
medicine dean Peter Smith said the
prospect of people living 150, while
“scary’ was a “reasonable assumption.
It is not science fiction anymore especially with the advances in stem cell
been climbing dramatically over the
past 100 years. A boy born between
2010 and 2012 can expect to live to 80
and a girl to 84 years. This is up from
55 and 59 years respectively in 1910.
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18 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday February 3, 2015
Traditions play a big part in
celebrating certain feasts
June 29 - Feast of St. Peter and St. Paul (L-Imnarja)
This religious feast has been celebrated since before the time of
the Knights of St. John, before 1530, and is dedicated to Saints
Peter and Paul. Its significance is more social than religious with most of the activity taking place at
the Buskett Gardens on the outskirts of
The Maltese love this feast and they are very
enthusiastic about it. The activity starts at the
gardens from early evening of the day before, and goes on well
into the night. Some people eat on site, with the main dish (traditional dish) being rabbit stew. Many stay overnight under the
trees, listening to traditional songs (G˙ana).
On the day itself, farmers participate in exhibitions and competitions by presenting their best produce and various farm animals.
In the afternoon, enthusiasts are treated to horse and donkey
races in the streets of Rabat close to Saqqajja Hill, and traditional banners known as Palju, are presented to the winners.
August 15 – Feast of St Mary
1943. In the latter, the connection with Malta makred the end of
the bombardments by the ‘Aeronautica'.
The morning is taken up by various State
ceremonies including a parade by the Armed
Forces of Malta, while in the afternoon, an
avidly contested traditional rowing boat regatta is held in the Grand Harbour. In the evening,
at least four towns in Malta and Gozo celebrate the centuriesold feast of Our Lady as a Child (Maria Bambina/Our Lady of
Victory), that following the end of the Great Siege of 1565
changed its name to Il-Madonna tal-Vitorja.
September 21- Independence Day
After so many centuries of dominance by foreign powers,
Malta attained its Independence from Britain in 1964, and the
Maltese flag was raised for the first time at national festivities.
The main celebrations for Independence were held at the Independence Arena (also known as Ix-Xaghra), in Floriana very
close to the monument that was installed at the end of the Mall
Gardens to commemorate this event.
Malta became an independent state as a Constitutional Monarchy, with the Queen of England Elizabeth II as the head of
December 8 - Feast of the Immaculate Conception
The Feast of the Immaculate Conception is very dear to the
Maltese people, especially with those born or living in the town
of Bormla (Cospicua). It is also a public holiday.
The Catholic believers are encouraged to go to church on this
day, which also marks the final religious day specifically connected to a town or village in Malta.
December 13 - Republic Day
Malta became a Republic state on this day in 1979. This meant
that the Queen of England was no longer the Head of State and
was replaced by a President of Maltese nationality. This was
made possible following further negotiations with the British
government. The occasion is marked annually by placing
wreaths over the monument of Republic Day in Marsa.
Also on this day, the President of
Malta presides over the annual Investiture Ceremony on behalf of the
Government and people of Malta and
al h art 2)
Na alta (p
in M
This popular Maltese festa of the Assumption, also known as
the feast of ‘Santa Maria', marks the ascent into heaven of the
Virgin Mary. It comes at the peak of the summer season of religious village feasts and is celebrated in seven towns and villages, namely: Għaxaq, Gudja, Ħ'Attard, Mosta, Mqabba and
Qrendi in Malta, and Victoria in Gozo. It is also a public holiday.
The period leading to this feast and a few days later are
greatly welcomed by most workers as many of the factories are
in shut down for about two weeks. That way, the workers are
able to enjoy a long holiday. Many spend these holidays, ether
in Gozo or by travelling abroad.
September 8 – Victory Day
This date marks the end of the Great Siege of 1565, the end of
the French occupation of Malta in 1800 and co-incidentally
enough, also the armistice of the Fascist regime in Italy in
pays public tribute to a number of Maltese citizens (and foreigners) who distinguished themselves in different
fields of endeavour.
December 25- Christmas day
Composite picture
showing activities during the feast of St Peter
and St Paul, otherwise
known as l-Imnarja
Christmas, the commemoration of
the birth of Jesus Christ, is a much
awaited event in Malta, particularly
by little children - it is time for families to get together and celebrate
what must be the most popular day of
the year.
Around Malta, on Christmas Eve,
traditional processions are held in
every town and village with statutes
of Baby Jesus while the culmination
is reached with the Midnight mass.
On Christmas day itself, most people
have lunch with their families and
exchange gifts. It is the time of family get-togethers
The Voice of the Maltese 19
Tuesday February 3, 2015
- Xi drawwiet
Bejn il-Ìimg˙a 13 u t-Tlieta 17 ta’ Frar f’Malta ji©i organizzat il-Karnival, li fih fost kollox wie˙ed ikun jista’
apprezza l-˙ila artistika ta’ g˙add ta’ Maltin u
G˙awdxin espressi fil-bini ta’ karritajiet grotteski u
kostumi li ji©u esebiti waqt sfilati f’Malta u f’G˙awdex.
F’dan l-artiklu, il-kittieb G˙awdxi minn Victoria, ilKav. Joe M Attard (lemin) jag˙ti ˙arsa u lejn xi drawwiet u anke dwar dak li jse˙˙ f’G˙awdex tul dawn
il-jiem li ˙afna jsej˙ulu, “tal-bluha”.
lu ftit mhux ˙aΩin li
tgerbu l-festi talEwwel tas-Sena. Listudenti re©g˙u lura
fuq il-bankijiet taliskola u kul˙add mar
lura fuq il-lant taxxog˙ol, imma d-dilettanti tal-Karnival ma
waqfux minuta j˙ejju
g˙all-wasla ta’ dawn
il-festi folkloristiçi u
tradizzjonali li ilhom
mag˙na sa qabel ©ew
i-Kavallieri, fl-1530.
D˙alna fi Frar u issa
riesaq fuqna b’pass
mg˙a©©el il-Karnival.
Il-Kunsill tal-Kultura fi
˙dan il-Ministeru g˙al
G˙awdex nemmen li
˙adem bis-s˙i˙ biex
ikollna Karnival ikkulurit li jo˙loq atmosfera ta’ festa u g˙al mument kul˙add
iwarrab fil-©enb il-problemi u r-rutina tal˙ajja ta’ kuljum u jo˙ro© jiddeverti billi
jie˙u sehem, inkella jgawdi l-ispettaklu li
jsir kemm fil-Belt Victoria u wkoll fittoroq, fl-imsiera˙ u fl-ir˙ula tag˙na.
Jien trabbejt fl-ambjent tal-Karnival
g˙ax missieri, Alla ja˙firlu kull sena kien
jara x’jivvinta biex jid˙ol fl-enclosure u
jiddeverti lill-folla. Ta’ tifel kont nie˙u
gost nara attivita’ s˙i˙a g˙addejja filworkshop tieg˙u – min jisbog˙ xi
maskerun, min jarma l-float, min jivvinta
xi apparat biex fl-enclosure issir xi operazzjoni medika inkella jittella’ xi rokit filqamar flimkien ma’ praspar o˙ra.
Dak iΩ-Ωmien tar u g˙adda, u donnu li
l-Karnival tilef ˙afna mill-komiçita’ ta’
˙amsin sen’ilu! Imma dejjem jibqa’
Ωmien ta’ divertiment u aljenazzjoni!
G˙alhekk il-GΩejjer Maltin l-aktar, f’dawn il-jiem ji©u m˙e©©a li g˙al mument
jinsew il-kontroversji u d-diskussjonijiet
tal-politika, tal-partiti, tal-kaΩini, talkaçça u ta’ dak kollu li jipprova jifridna,
u jxiddu l-kostum u jo˙or©u jiddevertu
jew jing˙a-qdu ma’xi kumpanija taΩ-Ωfin
˙alli jifir˙u u jferr˙u lil ˙addie˙or.
Il-Karnival fil-gΩira ta’ G˙awdex dissena – b˙al wara kollox f’Malta - jibda lÌimg˙a 13 ta’ Frar bil-Karnival tradizzjonali u spontanju fiç-çentru tarRabat u bil-Kumittiva fi Pjazza San Ìor©
filg˙axija, u jibqa’ sejjer sat-Tlieta 17 ta’
Frar bis-sehem tal-kumpaniji bil-kostum
u Ωfin, il-baned, il-karrijiet trijunfali, ilmaskri grotteski u x’naf jien.
L-g˙ada s-Sibt filg˙odu fi Pjazza San
Fran©isk isir il-Karnival tat-Tfal flimkien
maΩ-Ωifna tal-Kumittiva, g˙ax l-iskejjel
tag˙na wkoll jag˙tu s-sehem ikkulurit
tag˙hom. Lil dawn jin˙tie© nikkultivahom g˙ax huma l-organizzaturi tal- Kar-
O Ωmien ˙elu kif g˙addejtli
Ωmien ta’ meta kont bla ˙tija
It-tifkira biss ˙allejtli
Biex il-g˙ira n˙oss g˙alik
Int ma’ ter©a’ iΩjed g˙alija
U sal-mewt indum nibkik!
Gor© Pisani
nival tal-©ejjieni. Tista’ tg˙id li l-iskejjel
kollha jie˙du l-impenn bis-serjeta’ u
b’çerta professjonalita` tant li ˙afna
drabi jonfqu iktar milli jda˙˙lu.
Filg˙axija fl-istess jum, issir il-Parata
Karnivaleska u spettaklu ta’ kuluri minn
Triq ir-Repubblika sa Triq Fortunato
Mizzi fil-Victoria.
Ìeneralment il-qofol tal-Karnival ikun
il-Óadd wara nofsinhar. Billi dis-sena
Pjazza Indipendenza (mag˙rufa wkoll
b˙al It-Tokk) saret aktar tixba˙ lil xi
kamp tal-Battalja billi qed isirilha xi
xog˙ol fil-pavimentar, kmieni wara nofsinhar jibda defile’ matul Triq ir-Repubblika u wara jsir spettaklu ta’ Ωfin fi Triq
Fortunato Mizzi bis-sehem tal-kumpaniji
taΩ-Ωfin, maskri grotteski, karrijiet trijonfali, baned u l-Kumittiva.
It-Tnejn filg˙axija jkun hemm defile`
ie˙or tul triq ir-Repubblika, u wara jirrepeti ru˙u l-programm tal-Óadd. IlKarnival fil-Belt ewlenija t’G˙awdex ji©i
fi tmiemu t-Tlieta bil-Gran Final fi Triq
ir-Repubblika flimkien mal-programm
tal-jum ta’ qabel.
Bosta drabi matul il- jum it-Tnejn ˙afna
mill- Kunsilli Lokali jorganizzaw il-Karnival fl-ir˙ula tag˙hom. Sakemm kont
qed nikteb kont mg˙arraf bil-programmi
fix-Xag˙ra u n-Nadur matul il-Óadd.
Çert li r˙ula o˙ra ma joqog˙dux jistennew dan il-jum biex itellg˙u lejliet ta’ divertiment, imma bla dubju jispikka
l-mag˙ruf Karnival
spontanju tan-Nadur li
ji©bed lejh ukoll ˙afna
Maltin li jitilg˙u apposta. Hawn mhu eskluΩ ixidd il-maskra u
jo˙ro© iterraq marra˙al. Nies barra mirra˙al ukoll issibhom
hawnhekk jixxalaw.
F’dan ir-ra˙al ma
jsirx biss programm
kmieni wara nofsinhar
il-Óadd imma jsir Karnival u divertiment
s˙i˙ ukoll bejn ilÌimg˙a u t-Tlieta.
Fix-Xag˙ra ssir iΩΩifna tal-Kumittva filPjazza tal-knisja ta’
Gesu` Nazzarenu flimkien ma’ divertiment
ie˙or. Aktar divertiment ukollquddiem il-knisja parrokkjali.
Fix-Xewkija nsibu ˙afna dilettanti talKarnival jie˙du sehem fil-karnival çentrali waqt li anke jorganizzaw diverti-ment fir-ra˙al tal-G˙ammiedi.
Fl-G˙arb se nkun qed nippreΩenta serata karnivaleska organizzata mill-Kunsill. Anke dak taΩ-Ûebbu© jipprezenta
spettaklu tal-Karnival fil-pjazza ewlenija.
Çert li l-ir˙ula kollha kemm huma mux
se joqog˙du lura milli joffru xi tip ta’
spettaklu fil-qalba tar-ra˙al
Bla dubju li l-©enituri u l-g˙alliema jindunaw bl-atmosfera li ta˙kem lil pajjiΩna
f’dan iΩ-Ωmien, g˙ax l-istudenti jkollhom
g˙ad ta’ btajjel qabel ma jer©g˙u lura
lejn l-iskejjel wara l-eΩamijiet ta’ nofs issena u qabel jid˙lu g˙al Ωmien ir-Randan.
Kien hemm xi snin meta wie˙ed kien
seta’ jara wkoll il-Kukkanja iΩda din issa
ilha ftit ma ssir fil-belt Victoria. Ìie li
kellna wkoll xi ©irja fl-enclosure wara xi
qasqus (catch the pig) imma din ukoll,
ilha li nqatg˙et.
Il-Karnival ukoll g˙andu l-˙elu assoçjat
mieg˙u, u f’dan iΩ-Ωmien fil-vetrini tal˙wienet tal-˙elu titfaçça l-“Prinjolata” li
˙afna nies tg˙idx kemm jag˙mlu g˙aliha. Tajba u ma fihiex xewk! Il-perlini
wkoll huma assoçjati ma’ dawn il-festi
tradizzjonali u folkloristiçi tal-Karnival.
Meta konna g˙adna tfal niftakar ukoll
li konna ner˙ulha ni©ru wara xi jeep jew
trakk armat bil-palm u b’xi erba’ g˙annejja jdoqqu, ikantaw u jg˙annu waqt li
jwaddbulna xi Ωew© perlini li kollha
jg˙ibu hekk kif jisba˙ l-Erbg˙a filg˙odu,
Ras ir-Randan, li jag˙ti bidu g˙al
erbg˙in jum ta’ sawm u astinenza, g˙al
min irid jid˙ol wa˙da f’qoxortu u ja˙seb
ftit minn xiex kellu jg˙addi l-Img˙allem
Divin biex jifdina u jsalvana.
20 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday February 3, 2015
Francis Ebejer, kittieb u drammaturgu (1925-1993)
rancis Ebejer twieled Óad-Dingli fit-28 ta’ Awwissu 1925.
Kien l-ikbar fost seba’ a˙wa. Missieru u ommu kienu g˙alliema. Studja fl-iskola primarja tal-Gvern u fil-Liceo. Bejn
l-1942 u l-1943 Ebejer studja l-mediçina fl-Universita` ta’
Malta, iΩda ma kompliex u beda ja˙dem b˙ala interpretu tal-IngliΩ-Taljan mal-8th Army tal-Qawwiet Brittaniçi fit-Tripolitanja, fl-Afrika ta’ Fuq (1943 - 1944).
Huwa g˙amel kors ta’ sena fil-Letteratura fl-Universita` ta’
Malta. Imbag˙ad mexa fuq il-passi ta’ missieru u sar g˙alliem
tal-IngliΩ. Wara sentejn ta˙ri© f’St. Mary’s Training College,
f’Middlesex, l-Ingilterra (1948 - 1950), hu n˙atar kap tal-iskejjel primarji tal-Gvern u baqa’ f’din il-kariga sal-1977.
Francis Ebejer kien jikteb bl-IngliΩ u wkoll bil-Malti. Beda lkarriera tieg˙u permezz ta’ drammi fuq ir-radju, televiΩjoni u
stejjer qosra li kienu pubblikati fi New York bejn l-1980 u l1992, u o˙rajn imxandra fuq il-BBC. Xi xog˙lijiet tieg˙u nqalbu
g˙at-Taljan, l-OlandiΩ u sa˙ansitra g˙all-ÌappuniΩ. Wara Ebejer kiteb serje ta’ novelli bl-IngliΩ u tliet drammi bil-Malti.
Bejn l-1961 u l-1962 huwa kien Fulbright Scholar (Stati Uniti).
Ebejer kien president onorarju tal-Moviment Letterarju Malti
u membru tal-Kunsill tal- Akkademja tal-Malti. Fis-snin ˙amsin
kien jikteb l-iΩjed g˙ar-radju, waqt li s-snin sittin raw lil Ebejer, issa iΩjed matur, jikteb ix-xog˙lijiet teatrali importanti
It-tliet opri kbar tieg˙u “Vaganzi tas-Sajf” (1962), “Boulevard” (1964), u “Menz” (1967) g˙amlu suççess kbir u taw lil-
letteratura Maltija l-ewwel
drammi intelletwali.
L-a˙˙ar dramm ta’ Francis Ebejer kien “Il-Ìa˙an ta'
Bin©emma”, miktub fl-1986 g˙asSena Internazzjonali taΩΩg˙aΩag˙.
Ebejer kiteb ukoll xi drammi blIngliΩ, fosthom The Malta Baron
and I Lucian, A Wreath of Maltese
Innocents, Wild Spell of Summer,
In the Eye of the Sun, Come again
in Spring, Bloddy in Bolivia, Requiem for a Malta Fascist, Leap
of Dolphins, The Golden Tut, li w˙ud minnhom ©ew ippublikati
f’kotba, kif ukoll The Cliffhangers. li mbag˙ad inqaleb g˙allMalti b˙ala “L-Imwarrbin”.
Huwa reba˙ diversi premjijiet u unuri g˙ax-xog˙lijiet teatrali
kif ukoll televiΩivi tieg˙u. Fost o˙rajn, ing˙ata l-Premju Letterarju Malti erba’ darbiet.
Francis Ebejer miet ˙abta u sabta f’Ìunju tal-1993 fl-eta’ ta’
68 sena. Monument ta’ Francis Ebejer jinsab f’ra˙al twelidu,
Huwa ng˙ata g˙add ta’ premjijiet u titli kemm f’Malta u wkoll
barra g˙ax-xog˙ol tieg˙u fid-drama. Minbarra li kien membru
tal-Akkademja tal-Kittieba Maltin, kien koll membru onorarju
tal-Accademie de Vaucluse (Franza).
Kont taf?...
Tag˙rif lingwistiku, ortografiku,
grammatikali u kulturali dwar illingwa Maltija ma˙ru© mid-Dipartiment tal-Malti fi ˙dan il-Kulle©© San
Injazju, Malta biex l-ilsien Malti
jing˙ata l-valur li jist˙oqqlu.
il-Malti l-konsonanti jistg˙u
jkunu: a) Xemxin jew Qamrin
b) S˙a˙ jew Dg˙ajfin
ç) Rotob jew Qawwija
d) Likwidi
Illum naraw ftit eΩempji, dwar
ix-Xemxin u l-Qamrin.
Ix-Xemxin huma disg˙a: ç, d,
n, r, s t, x, z u Ω.
Jissej˙u hekk g˙ax ibiddlu l-artiklu fihom. EΩ, iç-çirku flok ilçirku; id-dar flok il-dar
Il-Qamrin huma 15: b, f.©, g,
g˙, h, ˙, j, k, l, m, p, q, v, w.
Jissej˙u hekk g˙ax ma biddlux l-artiklu fihom.
EΩ, Il-bir mhux ib-bir il-fanal
mhux if-fanal,eçç.
Fil-˙ar©a li jmiss nag˙tu tag˙rif
dwar l-o˙rajn
Tinteressak il-kitba?
Id-direzzjoni ta’
The Voice t˙e©©e© lill-qarrejja
li j˙ossu li jew
g˙andhom talent g˙all-kitba
inkella li ja˙sbu
li bi ftit g˙ajnuna
jrabbu l-kunfidenza g˙all-kitba, biex jekk iridu
jistg˙u jibag˙tu x-xog˙ol tag˙hom lil:
The Voice of the Maltese. Email address:
Biex tikteb Malti tajjeb
˙aliex kelma b˙al ˙sieb jew ried ©ieli ssibha miktuba bl-ie u ©ieli ming˙ajrha?
Kelma tista’ tinkiteb bl-ie f’çerti kaΩi u ming˙ajrha f’kaΩi
o˙ra g˙ax tkun inbidlitilha s-sitwazzjoni u tkun ©iet
f’ambjent differenti (eΩ. ˙sieb - ˙sibijiet; ried, riedet ridt, riduni, ma riditx).
Tajjeb li nkunu nafu xi rqaqat fuq l-ie. Fil-Malti
g˙andna l-vokali ie, li hija meqjusa vokali wa˙da g˙ad li mag˙mula
minn Ωew© sinjali. G˙alkemm illum fil-Malti Standard aktarx inlissnuha
b˙ala i twila, bqajna niktbuha ie kif kienet tinstema’ fl-img˙oddi.
Jidher li din il-vokali tag˙na Ωviluppat mill-vokali a twila tal-G˙arbi,
g˙ax ˙afna kliem Malti li g˙andu l-ie, fl-G˙arbi nsibuh bl-a twila (eΩ.
G˙. salâm, kitâb, M. sliem, ktieb). Anke fil-Malti stess, l-a twila u l-ie
©ieli jkunu varjanti ta’ xulxin, tuΩa liema trid (eΩ. tuffi˙at / tuffi˙iet,
©ab / ©ieb).
Meta l-aççent jiççaqlaq minn fuqha u jimxi lejn tarf il-kelma, ma tistax
tibqa’ twila u allura ssir i qasira jew e qasira (eΩ. missier > missir-ijiet,
˙sieb > ˙sib-ijiet, ˙iere© > ˙er©-in, riedu > ridu-ni, bierek > berikna, mietet > mitit-li). Dan iççaqliq tal-aççent lura jista’ ji©ri iktar minn darba
fl-iΩvilupp ta’ kelma, u kull darba l-ie titlef it-tul, ter©a’ tin˙ataf u tiqsar
(eΩ. nieda > ned-iet > nedit-ilhom).
St Nicholas Festa Committee (NSW): 2015 Calendar of events
March 22: Autumn Fiera; July 5: Lejla fil-Buskett;
October 18: Spring Fiera; December 6: Festa ta’ San Nikola
The Voice of the Maltese 21
Tuesday February 3, 2015
Community News
Follow The Voice of the Maltese online magazine
every fortnight.
Now we also have our our facebook page. So join us. Go
Tune In to Radio
and Television
Maltese Radio Programmes
MELBOURNE, on 3ZZZ 92.3FM or on Mondays 5pm, Fridays
5pm, Saturdays 10am.; Last Wednesday
each month at 1pm.
MELBOURNE on 98.9 North West FM,
each Friday 6.00 - 7.00p.m. Presenter Emmanuel Brincat.
MELBOURNE: STEREO 974 (93180930):
97.4FM Wed (Maltese Magazine) & Thursday (Merhba): 6.00pm to 8.00 pm Co-ordinator – Ray Anastasi
In SYDNEY, listen to the MCC radio programme Sunday at 11am 2GLF FM 89.3, or
on demand:
In BRISBANE listen to the Maltese Program on 4EB on Tuesdays 6.00 -8.15am;
Sundays 4.15pm to 5.15pm
UNCLE SAM DJ (Maltese Radio) tune in
to link:
Maltese Programmes on TV and Web
on TVS is broadcast in Sydney
Every Saturday at 2pm;
Repeats on Mondays 5 pm and Tuesdays 7.30 am
Watch direct via HYPERLINK:;
Maltese Community Council of NSW Inc
Alfred Fenech Maltese Resource Centre, 59b Franklin Street
(cr with Young Street) Mays Hill NSW. Phone: 02 98220228
Maltese living at the Central Coast
Group Meetings are held every secondt Monday of each
month, starting February 9, 2015 at Wyong RSL,
cnr Anzac & Margaret Street Wyong from 10 am to 12 noon.
For more information Tel: 02 439 000 12 or 0414 267 652
On SBS Radio - Day Time Analogue Digital
Tuesday: 12:00-13:00 SBS Radio 3
Thursday: 12:00-13:00 SBS Radio 3
Friday: 12:00-13:00 97.7fm SBS Radio 2
Saturday: 14:00-15:00: 97.7fm SBS Radio 2
To tune into digital radio you need receiver
or device with a DAB+ chip.
Tuning in is by station name not frequency. Digital radio can also be heard
on digital TV. SBS Radio 2 is on Channel 38 and SBS.
Radio 3 is on Channel 39. Analogue is
the present FMwavelength. Digital radio
can also be accessed by a smart phone
and/or by going online at HYPERLINK:,
VIVA MALTA on Central Coast
Radio: February 12 and 26 - from 6 pm 7 pm on COAST FM 96.3 Community
Radio in Gosford NSW. Presenter:
Nathalie Gatt.
Web streaming on:
L-A˙barijiet on SBS TV twice a week nationwide Sunday at
8.00 am on SBS2 (Chan. 32); Thursdays at 8.05 am on SBS2
Meetings of Day Care
Maltese Groups in NSW
Fairfield Active Maltese Seniors
Meets on the first Tuesday of the Month
from10:00am to 12 noon.
The group meets in the Parish Hall, cnr
of Stella Street & The Boulevard, Fairfield Heights.
Daceyville Maltese Seniors
Meets on the last Wednesday of the
month in the Meeting Room One, No. 3
General Bridges Crescent, Daceyville.
Note: The Groups also arrange regular Bus Trips
Come and join us and make new friends..
Merrylands Social Maltese Seniors
Meets every second Friday of the
month; Miller Room, Memorial Avenue
Merrylands from 10.30am to 12.30 am
Llandillo Maltese Seniors
Meets on the first Wednesday of the
month at the Llandilo Community Hall,
Seventh Avenue, from 11am to 1pm.
Greystanes Maltese Seniors
Meets on the second Monday of the
month n the George Preca Centre of
The Maltese Language
School of NSW
The Maltese Language School
of NSW invites applications for
Maltese language classes at
the Alfred Fenech Maltese Resource Centre located at
59b Franklin Street (corner
with Young Street) Mays Hill
(next to Parramatta West
Public School).
Both young and adult
students may apply.
For more information contact
Mary Pace-Feraud on 9601 2189
or email:
You can have full access The Voice
of the Maltese online anytime by
logging to:
and click on The Voice sign
OLQP Church, 198 Old Prospect Road,
Greystanes from 10 am to 12 noon
The Sutherland & St George
Maltese Group
Ongoing: We meet every First Wednesday
of the Month from 10:00am-1:00pm
Our Meetings/Get Togethers are interesting, informative & entertaining.
Come Join us and make new Friends
For more information contact our Coordinator: Charles Mifsud J.P.Phone (02)
9501 5525 – mobile 0421 662 298
*(All Groups are Sponsored by The Maltese Community Council of NSW). Please contact the MCC Welfare Officer: Marisa Previtera JP on 0414 863 123. The MCC offices
are at 59b Franklin Street Mays Hill NSW (next to West Parramatta Primary School)
22 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday February 3, 2015
y N
G˙arfien lill-Voluntiera
asal iΩ-Ωmien li nag˙tu ©ie˙ u
rispett lill-anzjani tag˙na fis-Seniors
Week 2015. Óu din l-opportunita’ biex
tipproponi lil xi ˙add li ja˙dem ta’ voluntier fil-komunita’ u ˙aqqu ringrazzjament.
Il-Maltese Welfare (NSW) qed jirçievi applikazzjonijiet minn individwi ta’ dixxendenza Maltij li ghandhom ‘l fuq minn sittin sena u residenti fi NSW biex
ikunu parti mill-Quiet Achievers – Night of Recognition li din is-sena se jsir nhar l-Erbg˙a, 18 ta’ Marzu
2015 fis-St Dominics’ Annunciation Hall, Walters Rd,
Blacktown NSW.
Biex tinnominaw lil xi ˙add jin˙tie© tiksbu formola
tal-applikazzjoni billi ççemplu lis-segretarju tal-Maltese Welfare (NSW), Emanuel Camilleri 9822 0228 0409 744 376 inkella ΩΩuru l-website: tniΩΩluha minn
hemm u tibag˙tuha mhux iktar tard mis-27 ta’ Frar 2015.
Nominate a Volunteer
We now have a Facebook page
that former members are invited to join. It is:
It is open to all who have an interest
in the Maltese culture.
tal-PBS (Malta)
G˙alkemm il-PBS ta’ Malta tforni lillSBS fl-Awstralja bis-servizz tag˙ha, ilqarrejja m˙e©©a li x’˙in iridu jid˙lu
fil-website: u jsegwu la˙barijiet ta’ Malta. Din tkun a©©ornata
l-˙in kollu bi stejjer li jkunu qed ise˙˙u.
Mhux biss, imma min irid isegwi dak li
jkun g˙addej, kull filg˙odu ˙in ta' Malta
fuq il-website jittellg˙u wkoll l-a˙barijiet
tal-jum ta' qabel.
Forthcoming Functions:
Sunday February 15: BUS TRIP
First Bus Trip: Goolwa for lunch. Later relax in Victor Harbour.
8.30 a.m.: buses Leave from the Maltese Guild. Be there at least by 8.10 am.
Trip Includes Morning Tea/Coffee. 10 am first stop at Strethalbyne. 12.30 pm:
2-Course Lunch at Golwa Hotel. After lunch You can have a good healthy swim
in the sea or play games and Bingo. 6.00 p.m. (approx.): Return to Centre.
Tuesday February 17: ASH WEDNESDAY MASS
Ashes Mass to be celebrated by Fr Gabriel Micallef.
Confession at 10 am followed by the Mass at 10.30 am at Maltese Cultural Centre. After Mass Lunch as usual, followed with games of Bingo and other Games.
Saturday February 28: 38th ANNIVERSARY DINNER DANCE
t’s that time of year again when we direct a spotlight
on our seniors during Seniors Week. Take this opportunity to nominate someone who in your view is a
genuine volunteer within our general community and
deserves to be recognised.
The Maltese Welfare (NSW) is seeking nominations
for people of Maltese descent over 60 years old, residents of NSW to take part in its annual Quiet Achievers – Night of Recognition to be held at St Dominics’
Blacktown, on Wednesday March 18, 2015.
Nominations are to be made on an application form
that can be obtained by phoning the Maltese Welfare
secretry, Emanuel Camilleri on: 9822 0228 - 0409 744
376, or visit the website: Applicatons have
to be submitted by not later than February 27, 2015.
Malta Society of
New Zealand
Maltese Cultural Centre
6, Jeanes Street Beverley S A 5009
Phone Tuesday’s only: 8243 0868.
AH: 8254 6988/0421 791 327
Admission from 6.30 pm for 7 pm start
Dinner is included: Complimentary glass of champagne with orange, nuts and
crisps, bread roll and butter on tables. Main course to be advised later, with
platers of fresh fruit for Dessert.
From 10.45 pm help yourself to Coffee or Tea with Cakes. Beer - wine - soft
drinks available from the Licensed Bar
Entertainment by The Godfathers Band
Admission: Members $20.00; Non Members $25 Children $10.00.
Book from: Joseph Briffa (Phone: 8254 6988 Mob. 0421 791 327l Mary Craus
(Phone 8281 2329 or 0420 699 617); Rita Bornhoeft 8248 1008 or 0401 860
632) or from any committee members
February 27/28, March 1: WEEKEND GRAPE PICKING
Grape Picking g˙all-Griffith. Nitilqu l-Ìimg˙a fis-6.00 a.m. InΩuri fabbrika tal©obon, salami u wine tasting. Lura l-Óadd (6.00 p.m.) Prezz (twin share) inkluΩ
breakfast tas-Sibt u l-Óadd u dinner tas-Sibt, $380. G˙al tag˙rif u biljetti
ikkuntattjaw lil: Mary Said: 0421 285 698 jew lil Christ Sciberras: 9627 5356
(Formed in November 2011)
Founder /Coordinator: Jim Borg
Structure: Secretary: Marisa Previtera;
Treasurer: Rita Kassas
Official Bank Account: Commonwealth Bank of Australia:
BSB: 062 416 A/C 10199448
Aim of Association: Raising funds for Id-Dar tal-Providenza, Malta
Money raised so far: 2012/2013 - $ 2,500 and 2013/2014 $35,000.
Method of fund raising: Functions, tours, donations, raffles, sponsors.
Percentage of funds raised donated to Id-Dar tal-Providenza, Malta – 100%
Future fund raising: Donations direct to the official bank account,
sponsorships, tours, functions and raffles.
The Friends of Providence House NSW is the official
Ambassador of Id-Dar tal-Providenza, Malta in Australia
Contact details: Jim Borg, Co-ordinatorPhone: (02) 9636 7767 (Mb) 0418 825 591
Proudly supported by:
The Voice of the Maltese 23
Tuesday February 3, 2015
Community News
(25-27 Lake Ave Cringila NSW 2502,
(02) 4273 0906
Monday Seniors’ Day
Every Monday
Home-made cooked twocourse meal, tea and coffee
Bingo and dancing lessons,
computers available for usage.
Cost only $5.00. Sponsored
by MCCI Illawarra.
Phone 42 746121 and leave message
St John Sydney
Xewkija Ass.
100 Jackson Street, Marsden Park, NSW 2765 Ph: 02 9838 1111 Email:
Secretary: Robin McGarrigle 0407701004
President: George Zahra 0407434651
IL-klabb se jorganizza din il-lejla mimlija kant, Ωfin u çajt, nhar
is-Sibt 14 ta’ Frar, fis- 7.00pm fil-klabb stess, f’100 Jackson St. Marsden Park.
-------------------------------------------------------Id-divertiment se ji©i pprovdut minn CHARLIE u VINCE, u
---------------------------------------------Donazzjoni ta’ $12.
G˙all kull tag˙rif u biljetti çemplu lil
Agnes: 9626 6753, jew Mary: 0421 285 698
Il-kçina u l-bar ikunu miftu˙in g˙al kull ikel u xorb Malti
La Valette
Social Centre
Sunday February 8:
The feast of St Paul’s shipwreck
The feast starts at 5pm with mass
accompanied by the La Valette choir
under the direction of Victor Floridia.
A procession with the statue of St Paul
accompanied by Our Lady Queen of
Peace Maltese Band follows
Afterwards there will be entertainment
provded by Sam Mifsud.
After mass the bar and the kitchen will
be will be open
Entry is free; everyone is welcome to
For any information call the centre
on 9622 5847
Saturday March 14 at 6.30 p.m.
at Mandavilla Function Centre
1788 The Horsley Drive,
Horsley Park
(including beer, wine, soft drinks, tea, coffee)
Music provided by Charlie Camilleri
and the Mustangs Band
Price: Adults $55.00
Children (Under 12) $30
For further info contact: Sam:
46841617; Rose: 96285424; Elija:
96226047; Martin: 0417237524
Learn Maltese!
A Division of the Maltese Community Council of NSW Inc.
Classes are available for students from 6 years
to adults at all levels of ability in the Maltese
language. We have trained and experienced
teachers qualified in language teaching and
with Maltese study credentials.
Learn the Maltese language, the culture, lifestyle,
cuisine, traditions and about the amazing history of this magnificent
Mediterranean island.
For more information and enquiries Call Mary on 9601 2189
Or email:
Supported by the Minister of Education and Training
And the NSW Community Languages Schools Programme.
Member of the NSW Federation of Community Language Schools of NSW.
Member of the Federation of Maltese Language Schools of Australia.
Supported by 16 Maltese associations affiliated with the MCC of NSW.
The Maltese Language School of NSW is a Not-For-Profit organisation.
24 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday February 3, 2015
Extra time
goal gives
first ever
AFC Asia
Cup title
goal by James Troisi seconds before the end of the first period of
extra-time gave the socceroos a Australia’s players celebrate the winning of the AFC Asian Cup after defeating Korea Republic in the final
dramatic 2-1 victory over Korea Republic
in the final of the Asia Cup while South Korea beat
Malta Premier
at Stadium Australia. It took Uzbekistan 2-0 after extra League football
host Australia 120 minutes time. In the other quarters,
of football before they se- UAE defeated Japan 5-4 in
cured could claim their first a shoot-out after the game
ever Asia Cup title on Sat- ended in a 1-1 draw, while In the last two rounds, runaway lead- goals in a 32-minute spell beat
urday and since joining the Iraq got the better of Iran in rers Hibernians could only manage Sliema 5-3.
Balzan also joined Hibs, Valletta
Asian Football Confedera- a shoot-out with a 7-6 win two points from a possible six and
tion in 2006 and four years after the two sides were were minutes away from losing their and Birkirkara in the Championship
after losing in the final to a locked 3-3 at the end of the unbeaten run. On both occasions, Pool. Floriana also assured a fifth
first against Birkirkara, and then last plce finish but Sliema could end up
late extra-time winner aga- game and extra time.
inst Japan.
In the semi-finals, Aus- Saturday against Mosta they had to- in the relegation pool.
Massimo Luongo had put tralia faced UAE and beat come from behind to salvage anyRound 21
the Socceroos in front on 44 them 2-0 with goals by thing in 1-1 draws.
Against Birkirkara they struck deep Hibernians v Mosta
minutes only for Son Heung- Sainsbury and Davidson,
Edison Luis dos Santos (H); Haruna
min to take the game into while South Korea beat Iraq into added time to preserve their Babangida
record after Birkirkara had taking an
extra-time with a stoppage- by the same score to clinch early
lead, and then against Mosta Balzan v Valletta
Bojan Kaljevic (B)
time equaliser for the Ko- a final place.
they even survived the loss of a Ryan FenechPiccioni,
rans. In the end, the Aussies Luogo chosen best player player, who was red carded before Birkirkara v Sliema
claimed the title of Kings of
Rafael R. Ledesma (B); Trevor Cilia (S)
they levelled the score.
Asian football in front of a
Floriana v Tarxien R.
However, they maintained a 14- Matteo
as the star of the AFC Asian
Piciollo (F); Obinna Ajoku
sell-out crowd of 76,385.
Hosts Australia and two- Cup Australia 2015 as the letta who surprisingly lost to Balzan Ûebbu© R v Qormi
Rashid Yussuff
times Asia Cup champions Socceroos midfielder not by 2-1 last Saturday.
South Korea had emerged
As a result, Valletta, who won both
from Group A with the Ko- net in the final as Australia their matches, reduced the gap be- Angus Buhagiar (N); Claudio Frances (P)
reans winning the group and secured the title, but also tween them and the leaders to 11 RESULTS: Round 20
Australia finishing runners won the Most Valuable points to becoem the leaders’ main Hibernians v Birkirkara
Andrei Agius (H); Nikola Vukanac (B)
up three points behind after Player Award.
Valletta v Naxxar L
Record attendance
In the previous round Valletta had Lateef Elford-Alliyu 2, Djamel Leeflang,
the Koreans’ 1-0 victory.
Well over 600,000 fans at- beaten Naxxar rather easily by 3-0, Balzan v Sliema W
After that, in the quarter2-1
Gianmarco Piccioni (2), Bojan Kaljevic (2),
finals, Australia defeated tended 32 games in 23 days in but came a cropper against Balzan.
Ryan Darmanin (B); Pedro dos Santos Calcado
In Round 20 Balzan had come back (2),
China 2-0 with two splen- five cities, well exceeding the
Bocar Djumo (S)
Floriana v Mosta
did goals by Tim Cahill, organisers’ target of 500,000.
Hibs close to losing unbeaten run
Valletta come a cropper against Balzan
Perth, Victory in six-goal thriller
The A-League programme resumed with Round 15, and with
leaders Perth Glory and Melbourne Victory sharing six goals
between them in an entertaining
draw, the match finishing 3-3.
Perth Glory scored two late
Results of matches
played by Parramatta)
Parramatta FC v Sydney U. 1-0
Pre-season competition:
Parramatta v Blacktown S.1-2
goals to salvage . They looked
dead and buried when Kosta
Barbarouses put Victory two
goals ahead in the 57th minute,
but Rostyn Griffiths and substitute Jamie Maclaren each found
the back of the net twice to rescue a point for the league leaders.
With Wellington Phoenix featuringin a late KO match Monday, Adelaide U. jumped into
second spot after an easy 7-0 win
over Newcastle Jets.
Round 15
Perth Glory v Melbourne C
Adelaide Utd v Newcastle Jets
Central Coast v Sydney FC
Melbourne C. v Western Syd. W
Brisbane Roar v Wellington Ph. (LKO)
Perth Glory
Adelaide U
Melbourne V
Wellington Ph
Sydney FC
Melbourne C.
Brisbane R.
Central Coast
Newcastle J.
Vito Plut, Matteo Piciollo, Douglas Moreira Cobo
(F); Ian Zammit (M)
Ûebbu© R v Pieta H.
Tarxien R. v Qormi
Mathias Muchardi, Lee Galea (Z);
Orosco Anonam (P)
Carlos Menendez Hevia, Matthew Tabone (T);
Alfred Effiong (Q)
Sliema W
Tarxien R
Naxxar L.
Pieta H.
Ûebbu© R.