the latest Community Newsletter

No. 311
Take for free if you like, but your spare coins will help cover costs.
Many thanks for the following donations:
Scrapa Metal Recyclers, $30,
Yarragon Uniting Church Ladies Guild, $50
Plain, unadorned concrete garden gnome,
Mr Nomee McGnome, decided he wanted
some party action.
Just before Christmas he slipped away from
his home in Yarragon-Leongatha Road, found
someone who would give him party clothes,
and didn’t come back until he was all partied
The first his humans knew of his night-time
shenanigans was when they received this
Christmas Card …
December 2014 / January 2015
Left: The old
kindergarten in
Murray St was
moved before
Despite many
ideas of how the
disused school
site could be
developed to
benefit the town, and conversations with elected representatives, it
seems no decision has been made yet.
Below: Unveiling of new brick pavers near the school flagpole.
For a short
afterwards Mr
stood outside
his property, showing off his new clobber to
passers-by on the walking track.
However, at last look he wasn’t there. Has he gone
round the back to play with the kids, or is he off on
another adventure?
Left: 2014 Grade 6 winner of the
YDCA-sponsored Academic Award,
Leah Marshall, with YDCA
President Michael Ogden
Time will tell.
By Rev Sue Jacka
We have just celebrated Australia Day.
It’s a positive thing to get together to
show our appreciation of our country
and community. We have much to
all too easy to become self-satisfied and
take these advantages for granted. We
can consider that these things are
somehow our right and ignore the plight
of those who do not have such benefits.
God calls us to
celebrate- a country where our personal
‘seek justice, love mercy and to walk
freedom is highly valued; we are able to
humbly with our God’ (Micah 6:8).
choose our careers, where we will live,
what we believe, who we will vote for.
It’s a land where the opportunity is there
for many if we choose to take it.
Once our neighbour was literally the
person a few houses away. As the
world is becomes a ‘global village’ with
news of far flung countries easily
The contrast between our country and
accessible, our responsibility is to use
some other places where we see lack of
the blessings we have to work for justice
health care and minimal education,
and mercy across the world community.
gender inequality and systemic violence
against certain groups in the community
Below: Newest CFA recruit, Sarah
Watson raises the flag at our
Australia Day ceremony, assisted by
Communications Officer Melinda
sometimes makes me reflect. It can be
Below: Guest speaker Jack
Huxtable at our Australia Day
The Yarragon Community
Newsletter is produced monthly
by community volunteers.
Editor Jude Conway
Printer R.M.I. Print, —Warragul
Pick up your copy, make
donations, or leave items for
inclusion in next month's
newsletter, at:
 Yarragon Newsagency
 Post Office
Station Gallery
Items for inclusion can also be
emailed (see address below).
Contact us:
Yarragon Community Newsletter
95 Earls Rd, Yarragon 3823
Phone : 0411 833 219
Items for inclusion may be
emailed, or placed in any of
the donation boxes. Please
include your name & phone
Subscribe to receive the
e-newsletter version (in
colour) by emailing your
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Advertising space is
available & limited.
Advertising Rates are 66 cents
per cm2, rounded to whole
numbers, available in the
following sizes:
6cm wide x 5cm high
6cm wide x 10cm high
12cm wide x 5cm high
12cm wide x 10cm high
19cm wide x 5cm high
19cm wide x10cm high
Please organise advertising
with the editor, details above.
The remarks or views expressed in this
publication are not necessarily the views of the
Editor, Committee of Management, or any
volunteer involved in the production of this
Although every effort is taken in the compilation
and printing of this newsletter, no responsibility is
taken for any errors that may occur.
© 2015 Yarragon Community Newsletter
26th February 9am
FROM the messy desk of the EDITOR
Here’s the first newsletter of the year. You’ll see that I’m trialling some changes. The paper is
now available at more outlets (see left). I’ve found that in the last couple of months there were a
significant number left over, so we will try printing less. Let me know if you’re missing out, and we’ll
adjust the print run until we get it right.
The Mens’ Shed at Trafalgar made us some distribution boxes, which are in most outlets. You may still
take a copy for free, but we’ve made it easier for you to leave a donation if you’d like. Articles can now
also be posted in the distribution boxes, or emailed as usual.
The content of the newsletter comes from you. Has something happened you’d like to share? Would
you like to publicly celebrate births & marriages, and honour lives well lived? Has someone local
achieved something newsworthy? Would you like to air a grievance, make a request, or test an idea with
our community? Do you have a recipe you think we’d enjoy? This is your forum; I am just the editor.
Advertising costs have been made more consistent, based on 66 cents per square centimetre, and I’m
going to try keeping them and community announcements of the same page, mostly for your ease of
Finally, despite all my resolutions, I often end up putting this together over a day and a long night whilst
caring for small grandchildren, sick friends, and various animals. The ragwort flowers are about to
mature, and the weather was right for spraying, but I’ve been all day in front of the computer preparing
articles and fiddling with photo files. Chocolate and caffeine can only take me so far.
Last year I lost articles, and inadvertently missed placing advertisements. I have been mostly forgiven,
and for that I am grateful. You won’t always agree with my editing decisions, and there will be articles in
the newsletter that you are not personally interested in, or think have been given too much weight. I am
happy to keep editing, but I am also happy to pass this role to anyone else who is interested in taking it
on. Call me any time.
Jude Conway
Tinge of green, but still
By Geoff Conway, Secretary, Yarragon Fire Brigade
Rain in mid-January has kept a
green tinge in the grass which
has reduced the fire risk for a
short period, and kept our
brigade relatively quiet.
However, all fire restrictions are
still in force in Baw Baw Shire
and will continue until CFA
determines that there is no
further risk. This means no
burning off without a written
Keeping ground fuel to a
minimum in that 30 metres is the
most useful thing to do; keep
grass short, rake up and remove
leaf litter, trim low branches on
trees and shrubs, store wood
heaps and other flammable
materials away from structures
and preferably to the south and
east of buildings.
Even though the weather has
been kind, there is still as risk of
bushfire. Please report any fire
February can be the hottest
you become aware of to 000.
month, so we may still have days
Don’t wait for someone else to
of high fire risk ahead. It’s not
call it in; they may be waiting for
too late to prepare. The work
you. The sooner the fire brigade
you do within 30 metres of your
knows of the fire, the sooner we
home makes the greatest
can come to assist.
difference to fire survival.
Holiday Fun
By Rev Sue Jacka
This year was the fifth summer
holiday program run by the local
churches and held at St Mark’s
Anglican Church in Loch Street.
The weather was not so wonderful but
there was plenty to keep the children
engaged and having fun.
The theme was ancient Egypt so we
learnt about hieroglyphics and finding
ancient artefacts through a fun series
of community dramas. Learning
about the Joseph stories enabled us to
talk about dealing with bad feelings
and extending forgiveness rather than
revenge and that God promises to be
with us always.
The kids loved the games and craft
with the woodwork being especially
popular this year. Thank you to all the
community volunteers for their time
and willingness to contribute to this
FOOD for THOUGHT: How much inequality is too much?
Out of an approximate 7 billion people in the world, the richest 85 people, as
listed in Forbes Rich List, have wealth equivalent to the poorest half of the
world’s population. But if you took all the money of these 85 richest people and gave it to
those 3.5 billion poorest in a one-off payment, it would only increase each person's wealth by
about $570. That doesn’t sound much to us, but whilst not necessarily changing your life, if
you were earning $2 or less a day, that would be quite something.
Reported in Oxfam International report; “Working for the Few”, January 2014
Read more at or, or google ‘85 richest people’
Page 2 -Yarragon Community Newsletter February 2015
Snippets from the past
By Tessa Emmerson
One hundred years ago, this team of six horses pulling a roller to
flatten the new laid metal on the Main Road near Yarragon would
have been a familiar sight to the township’s residents: one that
would gladden their hearts even as they cursed the delay caused by
the work in progress. The photograph shows two patient drivers
held up behind the roller, keeping their horses in check and wagons
to the side while the Country Roads Board team finishes its sweep.
However, in January 1915, the news that gave most cause for
jubilation concerned the “exceptionally bad” track to Allambee that
included a steep hill and a notorious “glue pot” bog. When the local
newspaper reported that surveying was complete and that work had
begun on the first three sections of the Yarragon – Leongatha Road,
local farmers celebrated the prospect of being able to bring their
produce to market via a “fine wide road with an average gradient of
1:19 in place of the old horror of 1:5.”
Nevertheless, nothing comes easily in this world and one hot Friday
in February that year, the correspondent of the Trafalgar & Y arragon
Times reported thus:
What might have easily been a
serious accident occurred on the works of
the new Yarragon-Leongatha road last
week. One of the drivers drove his horse
(attached to a dray) to the edge of a dam
to give it a drink. For some reason the
horse started forward and stumbled into
the middle of the dam – which is fairly
deep, and horse and dray promptly
The expressions of
astonishment given vent to by the driver
much resembled the name of the
waterhole. Before he had time to say
much he was transformed into a
submarine, only his periscope showing
above the surface of the water. As the day
was fairly warm, he would have been fairly
comfortable, only the horse was in serious
trouble and he had to blow his siren for
assistance, which was soon forthcoming.
The spray flew in such terrific showers
that the frogs must have thought it was a
North sea fight with the British hard on
the heels of the Germans. After much
exertion the horse and dray were again
brought to terra firma little the worse for
wear for their bath and work went on as
No doubt, humorous references to “submarines” and the sea battles
of the Great War in which Australia was currently embroiled in 1915
put this local drama into a larger context for the readers of the
Trafalgar & Yarragon Times. For us, a hundred years later, the
incident itself, without embellishment, gives us a real sense of how
difficult it was for the people who settled our country to get around,
to make a living, just to survive.
From the dawning: a history of Yarragon & district/ Sylvia Dalziel et al., [s.l.]: Yarragon
Back-To Committee, 1978, p100, Picture captioned “Metalling the Main Road (now Princes
Highway) near Yarragon in 1914”.
Trafalgar & Yarragon Times (Vic.: 1914-1918), 22, 29 January, 12, 19 February, 1915.
Available from Trove online at
February 2015 Yarragon Community Newsletter- Page 3
Local ads & community announcements: shop local, keep our town strong
Community announcements are included at no charge, although donations, of course, are gratefully accepted.
Ads and announcements from further afield will be included when space permits.
[This is the size of a 6x5cm ad, cost $20]
[This is the size of a 12x5cm ad, cost $40]
After many years of supporting the
newsletter with his business and
donations, Graham of
Scrapa Metal Recyclers
has closed his account with us.
If you think you’ll have need of his
services one day, file Graham’s phone
number in a safe place:
0407 364 104
[This is the size of a 12x10cm ad, cost $80]
[This is the size of a 6x10cm ad, cost $40]
Going against the grain: How
to better control your
is on
from 9:30am to 12:30pm
at the
Cost: $6
[This is the size of a 19x5cm ad, cost $60]
Local people helping local
people in need.
Page 4 -Yarragon Community Newsletter February 2015
A diabetes health talk
by local pharmacist Chris hardy
By Pat McPhie
Our club members would like to thank the Baw
Baw Shire for contributing funds to help us hold a
very successful Christmas Party for our much
appreciated senior citizens of Yarragon on
December 17th. We had a good time of chat and
laughter, and the trailer raffle winning tickets
were drawn from a very big barrel.
Thank you to everyone who supported our major
fund raiser for the year by donating goods, or
purchasing raffle tickets, for the contents of our
Christmas trailer. The lucky winner was Wade
Clark from Narre Warren. Second prize went to
George Gooden, and third prize to Elaine Bechaz,
both from Yarragon.
months. We enjoyed our own Christmas
gathering on 19th December, and we got
together again for a picnic lunch at Glen Cromie
By Janice Swan, Secretary
Paek on Sunday 11th January. We all love to
work and play! Some members tried their hand
at cricket, but we saw no evidence of future team
members being recommended for our Australian
team from our mob. I think we do our best at
selling raffle tickets and barbequing sausages.
Thank you to all the Yarragon businesses who
supported our 2015 Lions Calendar. I believe
they have all been distributed around town now.
We were proud to have out members attend the
Yarragon Primary School presentation night on
16th December. We supply a prize to the worthy
winner of the ‘Outstanding Studentship and
Leadership Award’ ,
Beau Roberts. We
congratulate him,
and wish our 2014
Grade Sixes all the
very best at their
chosen secondary
school from 2015.
We enjoyed serving
refreshments to Yarragonites on Australia Day in
Howard Park.
Raffle winner Wade Clark, from Narre Warren, with
wife Joanne and Club President Peter Petschel
We now have $12,000 to distribute to the several
community organisations who helped sell the
Yarragon Lions have enjoyed two social events to
relax and catch up with what other members
have been doing, or plan to do, over the summer
The Yarragon Cemetery trust has recently done
asphalting work on the main roads in the
cemetery. The Trust applied for a grant from the
Department of Health, who approved $65,000 in
2014, and the work went ahead. As this was
short of the amount applied for, extra money to
complete the work round the curved path, was
paid from Trust funds. Unfortunately due to
incessant rain it took many months to complete.
This improvement to the cemetery will improve
drainage as well as access.
All work at the cemetery is undertaken by
members of the Trust who generously bolunteer
many, many hours of their time. Two members
in particular do all the mowing and general
maintenance, and the roses are always carefully
looked after.
Two ladies from Yarragon come regularly and do
planting, weeding and caring for monuments;
this is also appreciated.
Our best wishes for good health and happiness in
New members are always welcome.
I wish to acknowledge that it is due to all these
willing volunteers that the cemetery is kept neat
and tidy.
9 out of 10 NOT GOOD ENOUGH!
By Judith Conway
said the
policeman when I passed my driving
test, “You now have a licence to
drive a coffin.”
I knew he’d scraped dead drivers off
the road, but I also knew his words
would never apply to me. I’d done
Driver Ed in year 11, so at 19 I knew
all the pitfalls. I was a good driver.
My illusions needed to be shattered,
and I was lucky to survive the
experience. It was just me, my
misplaced confidence, bad time
management, a deadline, speed,
and a flat corrugated corner on a
dirt road that did the shattering. I
somehow avoided the trees, and
was able to climb out of the
upturned car with only a scratch on
my finger.
There’s a saying that a foolish
person learns from their own
mistakes, and a wise person learns
from the mistakes of others. I came
out of that accident grateful that I
had survived that particular
foolishness, and drove into the
future more carefully.
Recently, twice in the one day, I
came across young drivers who
haven’t had their illusions of driver
competency shattered yet. Did
those near misses, where they
nearly killed us as well as
themselves, frighten them into
carefulness, or was their sense of
invincibility strengthened? That’s
the problem with a near-miss.
When it ends well, the driver can
think they’ll always end well. “But it
won’t happen to me” is a dangerous
way to think.
Getting the occasional question
wrong in a maths test is no big deal.
Indeed, most people would be
happy to get 9 out of 10. But life is
not like a maths test. When we’re
driving, getting the complex activity
right 9 out of 10 times is not good
enough! Who’s going to die the one
time we get it wrong?
I am not perfect either. To the Pplater I nearly hit when I turned into
Roches Rd from Earls Rd the other
day, I did look, but I didn’t expect to
see a car coming, so I was blind to
you. I am so grateful I realised my
error in time, and that my tyres and
brakes are good, but I was also
grateful that you were driving at a
speed that allowed you to take safe
evasive action.
We live in the country. We drive
mainly on country roads, narrow,
unmarked, potholed, edged by high
banks and steep drops, and in the
hills, unsealed, with mostly blind
corners, and despite the regular
efforts of road maintenance crews,
corrugated, and slippery in all
weathers. We share our roads with
wombats and wallabies, cyclists,
runners, grandparents pushing
prams, people walking dogs,
oversize tractors, and quad bikes.
Please don’t fall into the ‘But it
won’t happen to me’ way of
thinking. Drive as if it could happen,
and we’ll ALL arrive safely, 10 out of
10 times.
February 2015 Yarragon Community Newsletter- Page 5
K-6 School
By Keith Lewry, Principal
1924 to — 2 014
By June Hauxwell, his daughter.
The community of Yarragon was saddened to
learn of the recent death of Maxwell Cleversley
at the age of 90. Max spent his formative
years on farms in the Kooweerup swamp area.
He moved to Yarragon in his late teens where
he spent the remainder of his life. He came
from modest beginnings, was unassuming but
justifiably proud of his achievements within
the community. He played a pivotal role in the
foundations of many facilities and
organizations we are fortunate to have in
Yarragon today.
Max was involved with many committees and
organisations over the many years of his
community involvement. Some that come to
mind are: The Yarragon Water Trust, the
Cemetery Trust, the local CFA, School Council,
Market Street Reserve, Dowton Park Reserve,
Yarragon Football Club, Lions Club, Narracan
Shire, Uniting Church, and the Masonic Lodge.
There may also have been others I have
Max was a passionate Narracan Shire
councillor for the west riding from 1972. to
1979. He served as President for a term from
1976 to 1977. The most notable happenings in
the Shire during his time as councillor and
President was the construction of the
Thompson Dam, which employed many local
people over the course of its construction.
Max was always willing to listen and do the
best he could for the Yarragon people and
broader community.
volunteer hours negotiating the location and
the purchase of land, and then when finally
approved, he was heavily involved in the
construction of the grounds and buildings. He
was a member of the Dowton Park Reserve
committee for over twenty years and was
dedicated to improving the grounds to a very
high standard.
Max also loved his football. With three sons
and two sons in law playing football, and two
daughters playing netball, it was inevitable he
would become heavily involved as did his wife,
Thelma. Both were honoured with life
memberships. Max was President of the
Yarragon football Club when it joined the Mid
Gippsland league moving from the West
Gippsland league. In that same year of 1977,
Yarragon was triumphant in winning its first
premiership for many, many years. Sadly it’s
also the last premiership the Club has won to
this day. Max was also club trainer and was
unmissable in his white overalls and towel
slung over his shoulder. Just quietly, he was
also affectionately known as the umpires
advisor, being quite vocal from the sidelines.
Max was also, of course, a loving and dedicated
husband and father to his family. Many good
times were sprinkled with bad, having lost his
eldest son Brian to a car accident in 1978 and
then his beloved wife to cancer 10 years later.
In his latter years he wound down from many
of his community activities, many of which
became defunct as they were taken over by the
Shire, however he continued on as a Lions
Max was well known for his work with the
Club member until his passing. He never lost
Yarragons Lions Club and was its Charter
president when the club formed in April 1978. interest in the goings on of the town and was
The first twelve months saw the club grow and always an avid reader of the newsletter.
develop. One of the first projects undertaken
He will be sadly missed by his family, Sonia,
by the club was the establishment of Waterloo his partner of twenty years, his friends and the
Park from a bare paddock outside the railway
community. He was well respected and always
station, to gardens, public toilets and shelter
a thorough gentlemen to all he encountered. A
shed. In the same year the Club raised funds,
testament to the high regard in which he was
through the inaugural Australian Frog Jumping held by the townsfolk was evidenced by the
Championship, to go towards the Public Hall
huge funeral held at the public hall on the 5th
alterations. Many other community
August.. Max would have been justly proud.
organisations and clubs benefitted from
the enthusiastic bunch of beginners,
including Warragul SES with a $1000
donation to purchase Jaws of Life and
donations to the Yarragon Red Cross to
purchase resuscitation training
Max was also instrumental in the
relocation of the Yarragon Recreation
Reserve from Shady Creek Road to its
current location in Market Street. He
was a founding member of the Dowton
Park Reserve committee and spent many
Page 6 -Yarragon Community Newsletter February 2015
Happy New Year everyone.
I hope our children, staff and families have been
enjoying the festive season and all are ready for an
exciting 2015 school year. It promises to be a
positive year with our school working in teams right
across the school to improve outcomes for children.
2014 Grade 6 Graduation was an enjoyable affair
where the children ate a meal with staff and
received various mementos from School Council
and Parent Club. They also enjoyed a slide show
reflecting on seven years at Yarragon, sang a song
and after the presentations shared supper together.
The Yarragon Lions Club Outstanding Studentship
and Leadership Award was won by Beau Roberts,
and the Yarragon and District Community
Association Academic Award was won by Leah
We wish our 2014 Grade 6 class all the best for the
Welcome to new teacher to Yarragon, Vanessa
Castle. Vanessa will be working in the Grade 1/2/3
team in 2015. Vanessa comes to us from Lardner,
and is already fitting into our staff very well and she
will be a great asset to our team
Welcome also to a new staff member, Ros Felstead,
in our Early Learning Centre for this year, who will
work with our four year olds. Ros has many years
experience, is well trained and will be a fantastic
addition to our team. This means we will have
three staff members for every four year old session
this year, which puts us at the cutting edge of early
learning setups.
Our Early Learning Centre still has a couple of spots
available for 3 and 4 year olds. If you would like
your child to attend this year please contact the
Baw Baw Shire to enrol.
Our ELC staff are looking forward to commencing
the year in our fantastic new building all organised
and ready to go for our young students. Lee, Lauren
and Ros are very excited about 2015 being a ripper
Please note that our ELC will be commencing at
9:00am this year.
School will commence for all students on Monday
2nd February. Our Foundation (Prep) students will
have rest Wednesdays for a few weeks to help them
enter school well. They will already know their
teachers and be ready to go due to the excellent
transition work done with them during last year. It
really is such a plus to have the ELC working with
the school.
BACK on the GREENS in 2015
By Rosemary Bosse
Members and visitors to the club are
once again back on the greens
enjoying the great game. Both
Tuesday and Saturday pennant
matches have recommenced since
the short Christmas break. There are
still a few more
weeks to go yet
before we’ll
know whether
or not either
team has made
it through to
the finals.
By Paula Borsarto
club President Russell attended a
presentation evening at the Baw Baw
Shire offices at Warragul to receive,
on behalf of all members, a
Community Development grant. This
grant is targeted toward the
purchase of a
new mower
for the club.
Twilight Bowls
Our Thursday
evening social
bowls and two
-course meal,
Meantime, inter
at the very
-club games
between West Russell Weekley (centre) receives the grant from Cr Peter
price of $12
Kostos and Joy Russell, Community Development Officer.
per person,
Bowling Division
have recommenced for 2015 with
club champions will be underway
many regular and new visitors
throughout January and February.
enjoying this splendid activity every
More on that in the next issue.
Thursday fortnight. Why not book
yourself and friends a meal and
Baw Baw Community Development
game, call President Russell Weekley
on 0417 521 605.
Just prior to the Christmas holiday
We have a few busy weeks coming up for the club, hosting the T20 league
finals day with a luncheon for all presidents/secretaries and life members,
and a cricket club vs footy club T20 match as part of their pre-season
fitness, and too see who reigns supreme.
Division One is sitting middle of the ladder at the moment. With a mixture of experience, age and youth, the possibilities are endless.
Division 3 are very strong holding everyone else up in their division. The
team changes constantly with players going up or down.
Division 5 have their eyes firmly on the prize, climbing the ladder as I
Sitting in fourth position where they won from last year, under 14s are
getting better every week. They are a very young team. Our recent star
was Charlie Maclean who is 8, taking 4/17 against Bunyip.
Under 12s have new players and the future looks great for the club in
years to come.
17th Feb - T20 Cricket Club vs. Footy Club. The Dowton Park Cup
22nd Feb - T20 WDCA, League Finals Day. 8 Clubs playing for a title.
28th Feb - Trivia Night. Doors open and Questions commence 7.30pm
Come and watch some great cricket and listen to the cricket
stories of the day’s play. Meals available Saturday Nights.
We also have women's cricket playing at home Feb 1st.
Let’s hope that we get some decent summer weather to
February 2015 Yarragon Community Newsletter- Page 7
Music & More
for Pre-schoolers & parents /carers,
St David’s Uniting Church, Campbell St
JAFFAS after school program for primary
school children, at St Mark’s Anglican
Church, Loch St, 3.30-5.30 pm. Gold coin
9:30 - 10:30 am during school terms
$2 per family includes morning tea
Phone Rev Chris Duxbury 5633 1047
MILO cricket 4:30—5:30pm
West Gippsland Mobile Library
2:30 - 5:30pm
Yarragon Public Hall carpark,
Yarragon Fire Brigade
8:00 pm
1A Murray Street,
Captain: Ken Kemp
Yarragon Craft & Produce Market
Fourth Saturday 9am - 1pm
Yarragon Public Hall, Campbell Street
Enquiries: Alison 5634 2209
St Mark’s Anglican Church, Loch St,
———————–———————— Rev Sue Jacka, ph: 5633 1021
Yarragon Craft Group
2nd & 4th Sunday, Holy Communion 8:30am
3rd Sunday, Relaxed family worship time,
5pm. Bring and share tea follows
10am - 2pm
St David’s Uniting Church, Campbell St
Rev Chris Duxbury, ph: 5633 1047
1st , 2nd, 4th Sunday: 9:15am service.
——————–————————— 3 Sunday: 5pm service followed by a
shared meal for those who would like to
Uniting Church Hall, Campbell St
Bring along your own lunch and work
or come along for a cuppa and a chat
Gardening Group
9 - 10am
Yarragon Medical Centre
Campbell Street
Yarragon Playgroup
9:30 - 11:30am
Yarragon Public Hall, Campbell St
Yarragon Lions Club
St Jarlath’s Catholic Church, Rollo St
Father Bernie Krotwaar, ph: 5633 1166
9am Mass on 1st, 3rd & 5th Sundays
Need a prayer?
Springs of Life Ministry will pray for you.
Email your request to
2nd & 4th Wednesdays 7pm
St Jarlath’s Catholic Hall, Rollo
President: Peter Petschel
Ph: 0477 342 529
Yarragon & District
Community Association
Third Wednesday, 7pm
The Station Gallery, Princes Hwy
President: Michael Ogden
Heart Foundation
Yarragon Walkers
Starting at ROTUNDA,
opposite Chantry Faire
9am, in all weathers
Tuesday: approx. 45 min town circuit
Thursday: approx. 1 hour walking track
Angela Greenall 5624 3545
Baw Baw Arts Alliance
—————–—————————— The Station Gallery, Princes Hwy
Yarragon Bowls Club,
Shady Creek Rd
Social game night
1st & 3rd Thursday
followed by meal
President Russell Weekley: 0417 521 605
Weekly drop-in sessions 10:30 & 1pm
Wednesdays: Clay,
Friday, Paint/draw (am) & Fibre (pm)
Shopfront & Gallery open from Wed - Sun
10:30am - 4pm
U12 & 14 Cricket
Train Tues 4:30—5:30pm, Play Wed 5pm
Page 8 -Yarragon Community Newsletter February 2015
Mon 2
`Council’s Community Satisfaction
Survey will be running this month.
You may be invited to complete a
phone survey, [p7]
Schools back for Term 1’[p6]
Mon 16
Diabetes Health Talk [p4]
Tues 17
Pancake Day [p4]
Dowton Park Cup [p7]
Sun 22
WDCA League Finals Day [p7]
Sat 28
WDCA Trivia Night [p7]
Congratulations to
Yarragon resident
Francis Mickan, who
was awarded the
Public Service Medal
in the Australia Day
awards, for his
service to the Dairy
Phone Geoff on 0418 318 900 to
arrange pick-up
Yarragon K - 6 School
65 Loch Street, YARRAGON 3823
Principal: Keith Lewry ph: 5634 2375
Baw Baw Sustainability Network
Enquiries: Yarragon Office at REstore,
79 Princes Hwy - Wed 10am to 4pm
ph: 5634 2854
Sustainability Project Officer: Natasha
PH: 0438 204 706 (available Mondays)
Secretary: Rod Wellard PH: 0438 115 693
Treasurer: Carol Rowley PH: 5633 1354
Yarragon Business Association
for details visit