Call for Artists - Five Wings Arts Council

Call for Artists
Request for Proposals (RFP)
Wadena City Library Public Art Opportunity
Deadline for Submission: Feb 13, 2015
Selection: March 2, 2015
Project Installation: Aug. 17 2015
and many historic storefronts to
our many acres of public parks
Wadena is a city located
Wadena County, Minnesota. As and campground .From our Art
of the 2010 census, the city had Deco Memorial Auditorium to
a total population of 4,088. It is our community wide celebrations, you will always find somethe county seat of Wadena
County. A small part of the city thing happening in the Wadena
extends into Otter Tail County.
Wadena is bursting with viAbout the Library
brant culture, esteemed acaThe Wadena City Library is
demics, celebrated arts, prothe fourth largest library in the
gressive technology, and a cher- Kitchigami Regional Library Sysished history. Whether you're
tem, serving a 5-county region
looking for excellent schools,
in north-central Minnesota. We
diverse neighbourhoods, quality serve a wide area around the
business and shopping opportu- city as well as the county,
nities or an abundance of recre- checking out about 70,000 items
ational and leisure activities,
per year to our area patrons.
you'll find it here in Wadena.
The Wadena branch holds over
Wadena is uniquely situated in 30,000 titles within its walls, but
central Minnesota to be your
has access to close to 200,000
gateway to north country recrea- titles as part of the region. We
tion. Make Wadena the starting are located at 304 1st Street SW.
point for your golf, or biking
The Library is administered by
trip—the course and trails are
the Kitchigami Regional Library
well maintained and conditions System (KRLS), sponsor of this
are great!
Minnesota Legacy Art Aware
Check out everything going on project. The City of Wadena
in Wadena ... from our art deco owns the building as a part of an
downtown with great shopping
About Wadena
agreement with KRLS.
Proposed Project
This project will result in a site
specific permanent* art installation that celebrates the library,
its missions and its relationship
to the community. Goals of the
installation are:
to enhance community residents’ and library users’
sense of pride in the library;
to provide a visual asset to
the library and community.
We will consider a variety of
art forms, from sculpture to poetry, to broadsheets. Installation
may be indoor (please keep in
mind we have limited space) or
outdoor. You are welcome to
come into the library to look at
the space and/or request photographs.
*For this project, “permanent installation” does not mean “immovable.”
Selection Criteria
The Wadena City Library Advisory Committee, and representation from the Wadena Area
Arts Council, Wadena County
Historical Society, and 5 Wings
Arts Council will select one proposal based on the following criteria:
 Project description
 Ability of Artist to complete
project based on prior work
 Artistic quality
 Ability of design to meet project goals & timeline
Design Parameters
The installation will enhance
the library building’s exterior or
interior. If approved, the budget
for this project must not exceed
$10,000, including materials and
installation. The installation must
be free standing and be low-tono maintenance. It should not be
more than 10 feet tall.
Required Submission
 Project description
 Image of at least one proposed design
 Five images of recent work
(attach electronically or on
CD, DVD or as prints)
 Biographical information or
resume with artist’s contact
 Three references for recently
completed projects
How to Submit Materials
Email to:
Or mail to:
Renee Frethem, Manager
Wadena City Library
304 1st St. SW
Wadena, MN 56482
Phone: 218-631-2476