What is Gestalt Therapy Gestalt Therapy is an holistic and awareness-centred form of counselling that has a central focus on relationship and learning through direct and immediate experience. Gestalt Therapy aims to develop selfawareness, understanding and support, creating a more meaningful and fulfilling life. The personal development of trainees is an integral component of training and is essential in the effective integration and application of the theory and practice of Gestalt therapy. TGI is an independent educational, professional training and personal development centre based on the Central Coast of New South Wales. Terrigal Gestalt Institute We have a range of services for professionals and members of the public. We have a vision for excellence in training and professional development that connects us to each other and to community. The essence of Gestalt therapy: “The most beautiful things Existentialism in the world cannot be seen Field & Holism Dialogue ‘here & now’ awareness responsibility for one’s own choices be felt within the heart.” a belief that we are all connected appreciation of the whole person: mind, body spirit & emotions, the therapy is relationally focused therapist as an active participant relating with respect, curiosity and authenticity Phenomenology or even touched. They must awareness of self as experienced now; cognitive/emotional/body responses Experimentation exploring new ways of being and relating working through unfinished business and blocks to awareness & integration Helen Keller “Terrigal Gestalt Institute provides participants with holistic training programs that consciously support both professional and personal development.” Professional Development & Training Programs Dinah Buchanan DIRECTOR OF TRAINING Terrigal Gestalt Institute nehw emac yad ehT" saw dub eht ni thgit gniniamer ti ksir eht naht lufniap erom "...mossolb ot koot TERRIGAL GES TA LT IN S TITUTE P.O Box 909, Terrigal NSW 2260 Phone: (02) 4363 1876 Mobile: 0439 752 710 Email: dinah@terrigalgestalt.com.au Web: www.terrigalgestalt.com.au www.facebook/TerrigalGestaltInstitute TGI Partnering with TERRIGAL GES TA LT INSTI TUTE TM TGI Services What We Offer Student Counselling Clinic COURSES Certificate of Gestalt Theory & Practice Free counselling is available in our Counselling Clinic (x6 sessions) for members of the public, with our senior students. Sessions usually take place at the TGI premises. Graduate Counselling Clinic Low cost counselling is available for members of the public, with our experienced graduate counsellors. Sessions are conducted at the counsellor’s usual premises. Gestalt Process Group This is a 6 week self-development group for people who want to develop greater self-awareness and stronger relationships. This is a great group in which to find out more about Gestalt and creative experiential work. Public Forums These are evening seminars throughout the year, focusing on a number of Gestalt topics such as dreamwork, awareness (mindfulness), relationship building, eating disorders, working with children etc. Contact Dinah on 0439 752 710 if you are interested in attending. The forums are open and free to all. Therapy and Clinical Supervision As the Director of Training Dinah is also available for therapy and individual and group clinical supervision for counsellors, psychotherapists and other clinicians, both in Sydney and on the Central Coast. Go to our website for more information: www.terrigalgestalt.com.au Central Coast - East Gosford This is a 6 weekend course with a three day Residential for counsellors and psychotherapists, and those from the health & education fields, who want to integrate Gestalt principles and skills into their existing practice. There are also opportunities to continue to Masters level with our educational partners. INTAKES: Annually in APRIL/MAY Certificate of Clinical Supervision Central Coast - East Gosford A comprehensive and creative training in supervision that meets PACFA and industry requirements for registration as a Clinical Supervisor. TRAINER: Dinah Buchanan Participants must have 5 years experience as counsellor / psychotherapist. INTAKES: Annually in APRIL/MAY Body-Focused Skills Course A comprehensive course introducing body focus skills to counselling practice. FACILITATORS: Doug Sotheren & Lisa Frese INTAKES: Annually in FEB/MARCH Advanced Clinical Training in Gestalt Therapy This program is provided as a Professional Development Program to those who have completed the TGI PD Certificate course. RETREATS Gestalt Retreat This is a fully experiential Gestalt Retreat for therapists to refresh, renew and re-connect personally and professionally. Participants must have experiential training/experience. Women's Retreat This is a three day retreat that offers an opportunity to explore issues that are unique to women in our culture, in an atmosphere of safety and warmth. Participate in a unique opportunity to develop skills and connect with the feminine. WORKSHOPS TGI provides a comprehensive range of professional development seminars and workshops that meet CPD requirements for practising counsellors and psychotherapists and those in the helping professions. Workshops include: Ÿ Working with Dreams & Imagery Ÿ Practice Management Ÿ Christian Gestalt Healing Ÿ Gestalt Experiential weekends Please contact Dinah on 0439 752 710 Email: dinah@terrigalgestalt.com.au or go to the TGI website: www.terrigalgestalt.com.au "The day came when remaining tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom..."
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