RegF:_______ Test Date: ______ TF: ________ Interview Date: ____________ Start Date: CORNERSTONE CHRISTIAN SCHOOL th 1745 E. 18 St Antioch, CA 94509 925-779-2010 New Student Application Student’s Name _____________________________________________________Sex________ Age _______ Last First MI Home address______________________________________________________________________________ Street City Zip Home Phone ________________________________ Cell Phone (D)_______________(M)______________ Place of birth ____________________________________ Citizen_______ Immigration #_________________ Grade applying for____________ Last grade completed __________________Date of Birth________________ Last School Attended: _______________________________________ School Phone_____________________ School's Mailing Address_____________________________________________________________________ PLEASE CHECK APPROPRIATE BOXES: Parents’ marital status Student living with: Married ____ Divorced ____ Mother & Father____ Mother & Step-Father____ Separated ____ Mother____ Widow ____ Father____ Father & Step-Mother____ Single ____ Guardian____ Grandparents____ Mother's Name ___________________________________Mother’s Occupation ________________________ Mother’s Employer ________________________________________ Phone ___________________________ Social Security # (required)) _______________ Father's Name ___________________________________Father's Occupation__________________________ Father's Employer _________________________________________ Phone ___________________________ Social Security # (required) _______________ If applicable: Step-Mother’s Name ______________________________Occupation ________________________________ Employer _______________________________________________ Phone ____________________________ Step-Father's Name _______________________________Occupation ________________________________ Employer _______________________________________________ Phone ____________________________ Page 1 of 3 How did you learn about Cornerstone Christian School? ______________________________ State student's special interest, skills or hobbies ____________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ List any difficulties your child may have had in school: Behavior _______________________________________________________________ Academics ______________________________________________________________ Study Habits ____________________________________________________________ Physical Problems_______________________________ Allergies____________________ Is your child on medication _____ If yes, explain ___________________________________ Has he/she had outside testing (psychological, educational) ______Specify _________________ Does family attend church regularly? ____ Yes ____ No Are you Looking for one ___Yes ___ No Church family attends _________________________________ Member: ____Yes ____ No Name of church _________________________ Denominational preference?_____________ Church address _____________________________ City_______________ Zip_________ Why have you chosen to enroll your child/children at Cornerstone Christian School: How important is Christian Education to your family? ________________________________ Page 2 of 3 CORNERSTONE CHRISTIAN SCHOOL th 1745 E. 18 St Antioch, CA 94509 925-779-2010 Christian Commitment Form (Please sign bottom of page and initial each commitment) Philosophy Cornerstone Christian School shall have high spiritual and academic standards and shall include the development of the whole person spiritually, mentally, socially, physically, and emotionally. Emphasis is placed on learning about God and the truths of God's Word in relationship to man and his world; recognizing that the way to God comes through personal faith in Jesus Christ; and Christian maturity comes by application of the truths of the Bible in all areas of life. In its approach to spiritual matters, the school shall be consistent with Cornerstone Christian Center and the General Council of the Assemblies of God, but shall also be respectful of and sensitive to the teachings of other evangelical denominations. _____ I pledge my fullest cooperation to the school and administration. If a misunderstanding should arise, I will register the necessary comments and complaints only with a teacher, secretary, or principal. _____ As a school dedicated to Jesus Christ, there may be certain standards that may go beyond some of my personal attitudes and opinions as an individual; therefore, I willingly accept this position in my responsibility to uphold school standards, rules and regulations. _____ I recognize that attendance at Cornerstone Christian School is a privilege. By enrolling my child I indicate my willingness to abide by the standards, rules and regulations set forth in the student handbook. If I am out of harmony with these stated aims and objectives, I will withdraw from the school or accept the right of the school to institute a dismissal. _____ I further agree to authorize CCS to employ such discipline as seems wise and expedient for my child. I also agree that I will cooperate and discipline my child in the home as needed. _____ I agree to follow the terms and conditions regarding our financial obligation to the school. I also know I am liable for any damages to school property that my/our child is responsible for committing. Damage to school property, which includes textbooks, may cause your child's report card or cum records to be withheld until damages are paid. _____ I understand that educational excursions away from the campus are a regular part of the total educational experience at Cornerstone Christian School. I give permission for my child to take part in these activities, or any school sponsored activity, educational or otherwise, away from the school premises. I understand I will be notified previous to the time when there is such an activity away from the school. _____ I absolve the school from liability to me or my child because of any injury incurred at school during any school sponsored activity, or school sponsored activity away from school, with the understanding that insurance will be maintained on my child during the school year. _____ I agree that Cornerstone Christian School’s biblical role is to work in conjunction with the home to mold students to be Christians. On occasion, the atmosphere or conduct within a particular home may be counter or in opposition to the biblical lifestyle the school teaches. This includes, but is not necessarily limited to, sexual immorality, homosexual sexual orientation, or inability to support the moral principles of the school. In such cases the school reserves the right, within its sole discretion, to refuse admission of an applicant or to discontinue enrollment of a student. Signature of Father or Guardian Date Signature of Mother or Guardian Date Person Responsible for Bill: Address: Phone #____________ City State Zip CORNERSTONE CHRISTIAN SCHOOL th 1745 E. 18 St Antioch, CA 94509 925-779-2010 NEW STUDENT QUESTIONNAIRE Students Full Name_______________________________________________________ Last First Middle Has the student had any discipline problems in school? No___ Yes___ if ‘yes’ explain: What are the student’s most difficult subjects? _______________________________________ What are the student’s best subjects? ______________________________________________ If the student has ever been tutored, by whom, and for which subject (s): _____________________________________________________________________ If the student has received specialized testing, please describe: _______________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Please list the student’s special interests, skills or hobbies: _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Why was Cornerstone Christian School your choice? ______________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Do you practice Bible reading and prayer in your home? Yes ___No___ What are the student’s personal goals for the coming year? __________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Has the student made any long-range goals? No___ Yes___ if yes, what are those goals? _____________________________________________________________________ Parent Signature ________________________________ Date__________ CORNERSTONE CHRISTIAN SCHOOL 1745 E. 18th St ● Antioch, CA 94509 ● 925-779-2010 Extended Day Ministries (E.D.M.) Offered to students grades K-8 Welcome to our Cornerstone Christian School Extended Day Ministries Program! This program strives to provide a flexible curriculum with appropriate activities to meet the social, spiritual, and physical needs of each student. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE Any student arriving15 minutes prior to school starting must be brought inside the daycare by an adult and released to the custody of the E.D.M. staff member. The adult must sign the student in on the form provided. The adult signs his/her name and the time beside the students’ name at the time of arrival. There will be a $2 fee for not signing in or out, either one. The child will be released only to the parent or the adult authorized by the parent/guardian (authorization form must be filled out and on file in the E.D.M. office) unless proper notification has been given for other arrangements. The adult picking up the student must again sign his/her name at the time of departure next to the student’s name. AFTER SCHOOL Any student remaining in the after- school program will be signed into the program by the classroom teacher. It is very important that your child be informed whether or not he/she will be coming to Extended Day Ministries. ITEMS We cannot be responsible for loss or damage to personal articles. IT IS VERY HELPFUL IF YOU PUT YOUR CHILD’S NAME ON ALL CLOTHING ITEMS, AS WELL AS ON PERSONAL ITEMS. The LOST AND FOUND BASKET is located in the daycare room. All unclaimed articles will be discarded weekly.. PLEASE CHECK THIS BASKET REGULARLY. DAILY SCHEDULE HOURS: Monday - Friday 6:30 – Class Start / Class End – 6:30 P.M. School holidays and vacation time subject to additional charges if E.D.M. is made available at such times. Please keep for your records. CORNERSTONE CHRISTIAN SCHOOL CORNERSTONE CHRISTIAN SCHOOL 1745 E. 18th St ● Antioch, CA 94509 ● 925-779-2010 EXTENDED DAY MINISTRIES HOURS: 6:30 – School Day Start / School Day End – 6:30 P.M. Parent Commitment Form FULL-TIME ($160/month) MONTHLY FEES are to be processed by EFT. (See EFT contract form.) PART-TIME ($5/hour) FEES are billed by the end of the month and are due by the 10th the following month. ANY STUDENT dropped off 15 minutes prior to school starting without being signed in will be signed in and billed an additional $2 fee per occurrence. ANY STUDENT not picked up from school within 15 minutes after school ends will automatically be placed in the Extended Day Ministries (E.D.M.) program. Students will be charged the hourly rate until he/she is picked up. IF A STUDENT is not picked up by 6:30, there will be a $1.00 charge PER MINUTE or portion of a minute thereafter. The E.D.M. clock will be used to determine the exact time. STUDENTS WILL ONLY BE RELEASED to persons listed on the Emergency Card (be prepared to show valid I.D. if requested). THE UNDERSIGNED AGREE TO: Abide by all E.D.M. guidelines. Cooperate with the E.D.M. Director and staff, and be supportive of the program. Sign student(s) in and out daily. Meet with E.D.M. staff if student’s behavior is unacceptable. Understand that removal from the E.D.M. program is an option for unacceptable behavior. Withdrawals occurring on or before the 15th of the month will be charged 1/2-month’s fee. Withdrawals occurring on or after the 15th of the month will be charged for the entire month. A TWO-WEEK NOTIFICATION IS REQUIRED FOR WITHDRAWAL OF FULL -TIME E.D.M. ATTENDEES. To withdraw a child, the parent responsible for the account must complete a withdrawal form. THIS FORM MUST BE SIGNED/RETURNED TO SCHOOL OFFICE -ONE FORM PER STUDENT _______________________________ FATHER (GUARDIAN) SIGNATURE ________________________________________________ ADDRESS _______________________________ MOTHER (GUARDIAN) SIGNATURE ___________________________ PHONE _______________________________ CHILD’S NAME ___________ GRADE ______________________________ DATE FULL TIME AS NEEDED CIRCLE ONE: Please sign and return. CORNERSTONE CHRISTIAN SCHOOL th 1745 E. 18 St Antioch, CA 94509 925-779-2010 Parking Agreement In agreement with the philosophy of Cornerstone Christian School, I understand that the safety of our children is of the highest priority. Therefore, I agree to drop off and pick up my child/children only in the designated areas within the parking lot of the school/church facility. I agree not to drop off or pick up my child in any other area including sidewalks or any streets that surround the school/church property. I understand that I am responsible for the transportation arrangements for my child/children and that this agreement must be upheld by any person(s) designated to transport my child/children to and from the facility. I understand that failure to comply with this agreement could result in the dismissal of my child/children from Cornerstone Christian School. _________________________________ Father (Guardian) Signature _____________ Date _________________________________ Mother (Guardian) Signature _____________ Date CORNERSTONE CHRISTIAN SCHOOL th 1745 E. 18 St Antioch, CA 94509 925-779-2010 Parent Participation Agreement In agreement with the 2015-2016 Cornerstone Christian School Policy parents will be required to volunteer 20 hours per school year on campus helping classroom functions as communicated by the teaching staff. A fee of $100.00 will be accessed prior to school beginning and upon completion of school year, if volunteer hours have been completed, a refund will be issued or rolled over into the next school year if student is returning. Volunteer hours are to be logged in the school office for credit. I understand that failure to comply with this agreement would result in forfeiture of a refund. ____________________________ Father (Guardian) Signature _______________ Date ______________________ Mother (Guardian) Signature ____________ Date CORNERSTONE CHRISTIAN SCHOOL th 1745 E. 18 St Antioch, CA 94509 925-779-2010 Request for Cumulative Records Name of School: School Address: School Phone: ____________________ School Fax: Student(s) Name(s): Grade(s): _____________________________ _________________ _____________________________ _________________ _____________________________ _________________ The above-named student(s) has/have enrolled in our school. Please forward all cumulative records, psychological tests, special ed files, and health records for this student to our school. For 8th grade and up, please include an official transcript. Send to: Cornerstone Christian School 1745 East 18th Street Antioch, CA 94509 Fax (925) 754-1294 Rebecca Leiss, Registrar Name/Title Date I hereby certify that I have requested the transfer of all school records for my child. Cornerstone Christian School will maintain the confidentiality of these records and will not disclose the information therein to unauthorized persons or agencies. I understand that I may examine the records upon their arrival. ______________________________________ Parent or Guardian Signature _____________________ Date Accredited Schools World-Class Advantages Spiritual Cultural • ACSI accredited schools have remained the most theologically stable and consistent over the past five years of any surveyed.** •A greater percentage of ACSI accredited schools offer mission and social service opportunities both in the United States and Canada.** • Christian school graduates are significantly more likely to pray and read Scripture both alone and with a spouse and children.* •Christian school graduates donate significantly more money to their churches, religious causes, and other charitable causes overall.* • ACSI accredited schools have these top priorities: for students to have a close, personal relationship with God and for students to develop a Christian worldview.** • A higher percentage of ACSI accredited programs have official ties to student social service organizations.** •C hristian school graduates give more of their time to volunteer in their congregations, on mission trips, and on relief/aid trips.* • Christian school graduates are more likely to attend religious services and respect the authority of church leadership.* • All ACSI accredited schools that were asked responded affirmatively that the Bible is the inspired Word of God and that it does not err in moral, spiritual, and religious • On average, ACSI accredited schools require matters.** more rigorous course loads in math, science, English, • A higher percentage of ACSI accredited schools report student involvement in political campaigns, meetings, or rallies.** Academic languages, civics, social studies, art or music, and Bible than all other programs surveyed.** • ACSI accredited schools, on average, offer more Advanced Placement courses than other Protestant schools.** • ACSI school graduates attend college at a significantly higher rate than the national average (86 percent compared with 68 percent). • Since 1974 ACSI schools have scored significantly higher than the national norm in every grade level on a national achievement test. • A recent study shows that religious school graduates, on average, exceeded the SAT College & Career Readiness Benchmark while public school students, on average, failed to meet the same standard. On average, religious school graduates scored 44 points higher. Top Emphasis ACSI Accredited vs. Public Schools More than two-thirds of administrators in ACSI accredited schools said their top priorities for students were development of a Christian worldview, involvement in evangelism, or a close, personal relationship with God. 69% Eighty percent of public school principals said their top priority was for student basic literacy. Find out more about these facts and the related studies by visiting These comments do not promise the quality of an individual school; they are representative comments of ACSI schools as a whole. * Protestant Christian schools compared with Catholic, public, and private nonreligious schools as well as homeschools ** ACSI accredited schools compared with other ACSI members, Protestant Christian schools, and Catholic schools CORNERSTONE CHRISTIAN SCHOOL 1745 E. 18th St ● Antioch, CA 94509 ● 925-779-2010 2015-2016 TUITION/EDM CONTRACT Cornerstone Christian School uses the ACH program for tuition payments. Please fill in the portion below to set up your ACH or credit card payment process. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Student Name Student Grade Phone# __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address City/State Zip Code OPTION #1—EFT Withdrawal I authorize my bank to make payments to CORNERSTONE CHRISTIAN CENTER through my checking account. *See agreement terms below. (PLEASE ATTACH A COPY OF A VOIDED CHECK) ______________________________________________ Bank Name _______________________________________________________ Account Number My Tuition Payment is $_________ each month beginning August 1, 2015 and ending June 1, 2016. My ANNUAL ONE TIME PAYMENT is $ _________ due on or before July 1, 2015. My full time Extended Day Care payment is $_________ each month beginning September 1, 2015 and ending May 1, 2016. You will receive a bill for August 2015 and June 2016 EDM. OPTION#2—Visa / MasterCard I authorize Cornerstone Christian Center to charge payments to my VISA/MASTERCARD. One time credit card administration fee of $100.00 __________(PLEASE INITIAL HERE) My Tuition Payment is $_________ each month beginning August 1, 2015 and ending June 1, 2016. My ANNUAL ONE TIME PAYMENT is $ _________ due on or before July 1, 2015. My full time Extended Day Care payment is $_________ each month beginning September 1, 2015 and ending May 1, 2016. You will receive a bill for August 2015 and June 2016 EDM. Credit Card Number: ________________________________________ VISA MASTERCARD Expiration Date: ____________ Last three digits on back of card ___________________ Customer’s billing zip code: ______________________________________ Name as printed on card: ______________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________ Signature of cardholder Date *I fully understand that I am in complete control of my account, and if at any time I decide to change to a different bank account, I will notify Cornerstone Christian School in writing. This agreement is to remain in full force until CCS has been given 15 days written notice of termination of agreement. ______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________ Signature of person responsible for account Date Accounts which become thirty (30) days delinquent will result in the suspension of the student(s) until the account is current. The account will also be turned over to a 3rd party collection agency. CORNERSTONE CHRISTIAN SCHOOL th 1745 E. 18 St Antioch, CA 94509 925-779-2010 Office Use Only 2015-2016 ENROLLMENT Student Emergency Information Name Used Last First Address City State Home Phone Male _____ Grade Teacher ____________ ____________________________________ Female _____ Birthdate Zip Code Race: White_____ Black_____ Hispanic_____ Asian_____ Other:____________________________ Cell Phone (Father) Cell Phone (Mother) Father SS# (last 4 digits) Work Hours Employer Work Phone Mother SS# (last 4 digits) Work Hours Employer Work Phone Email Addresses: Father Mother Second Residence (if applicable) Mother’s______ Father’s______( please check one) Address City State Home Phone Zip Code Cell Phone (Father) Cell Phone (Mother) Father SS# (last 4 digits) Work Hours Employer Work Phone Mother SS# (last 4 digits) Work Hours Employer Work Phone Email Addresses: Father Mother PLEASE CHECK APPROPRIATE BOXES: Parent's marital status: Married ____ Student living with: Mother & Father____ Divorced ____ Mother____ Mother & Step-Father____ Separated ____ Widow ____ Single ____ Father____ Guardian____ Father & Step-Mother____ Grandparents____ Pick-up Release (Please list parents plus three other people) Adults (18+ years of age) with permission to pick up my child after school, or in the case of emergency: Please list in order of preferred contact. Parent Name Daytime Phone Number Cell Number Signature Relationship Parent Siblings attending CCS: Name__________________________________ Grade_______ Name__________________________ Grade_______ Name__________________________________ Grade_______ Name__________________________ Grade_______ Page 1 of 2 Health Information Health Problems: Diabetes___ Epilepsy___ Heart Condition___ ADD___ ADHD___ Asthma___ What triggers the asthma? ___________________________________________________________________________ Bee Sting Allergy____ Reaction symptoms? ______________________________________________________________________ Allergies: (specify triggers and symptoms) Medications: Eyes: Glasses___ Contacts___ Physical Limitations: (explain) Ears: Hearing Loss___ Hearing Aid___ Medical Insurance Information Insurer Group # I.D. # Physician Address Phone Dentist Address Phone Hospital(s) Preferred I give my permission for my child to take part in all school activities including sports and school-sponsored trips away from the school premises. If it should be necessary for my child to receive medical treatment for any reason during any of these activities, I authorize school personnel to make arrangements for my child to receive medical care, including transportation. I understand that my medical insurance acts in a primary position and I agree to bear all cost incurred. I hereby release Cornerstone Christian School and its staff from any liability related to personal damage or injury. Furthermore, I take full responsibility for my child’s actions and will pay for any damages caused by my child. _____________________________________ _____________ Parent/Guardian Date Page 2 of 2 CORNERSTONE CHRISTIAN SCHOOL th 1745 E. 18 St Antioch, CA 94509 925-779-2010 Family Handbook Agreement 2015-2016 Please carefully review the Family Handbook with your student(s), sign this Agreement form, and return it to the office. If your child(ren) is/are in preschool or grades K -5th, please list their name(s) and grade(s) below. If your child(ren) is/are in 6th-12th grades, they must also read the Handbook and sign below. Parent/Student Agreement I have read the Cornerstone Christian School Family Handbook and agree to follow, uphold, and support the policies laid forth by the Board, Administration, and Staff of Cornerstone Christian School. I acknowledge that the terms of the Handbook may be modified from time-to-time throughout the school year, and although the School will do its best to keep me notified of significant changes therein, it is ultimately my responsibility to stay informed of and follow the contents thereof. Student __________________________ Grade: ______________ Student __________________________ Grade: ______________ Student __________________________ Grade: ______________ Student __________________________ Grade: ______________ Mother’s Signature ________________________________________ Father’s Signature ________________________________________ Date: ___________________ CORNERSTONE CHRISTIAN SCHOOL th 1745 E. 18 St Antioch, CA 94509 925-779-2010 Authorization For Medication To Be Given During School Hours (This form to be used for both prescription and over-the-counter medications) The administration of medication to students by school staff may be done only in EXCEPTIONAL CIRCUMSTANCES for ongoing health conditions. If the time schedule of the dosage is flexible, parents should make arrangements to provide the medication to their child outside the school day. Parents are advised that we do not have a school nurse. Ed. Code 49423 “ Any pupil who is required to take during the regular school day, medication prescribed for him by a physician, may be assisted by the school nurse or other designated school personnel if the school district receives (1) a written statement from such physician detailing the method, (2) a written statement from the parent/guardian of the pupil indicating the desire that the school district assist the pupil in the matters set forth in the physician statement.” The following section is to be completed by the parent: Child’s Name - ________________________________________ Birthdate - ___________ Physician’s Name Address Phone Number I request that my child be assisted in taking the medications listed below at school by authorized staff persons or permitted to self medicate her/himself as also authorized by me and my physician (see below). Date Parent Signature The Following section is to be completed by Parent (for Phone Number over the counter medication) or PHYSICIAN (for a prescription drug): Diagnosis for which medication is given - _______________________________________________________________ Name of medication - _______________________________________________________________________________ Form - __________ Dose - _________ Does medication need to be refrigerated? Yes___ No ___ Is child allowed to self- medicate? Yes ___ No ___ Times when medication is to be given - __________________________________________________________________ If medication is to be given “as needed”, describe conditions - _______________________________________________ List significant side effects or medications that cannot be combined with the above medication: __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Physician’s Signature Date CORNERSTONE CHRISTIAN SCHOOL th 1745 E. 18 St Antioch, CA 94509 925-779-2010 Parental Consent To Use Photography/Videotape Of Students Or Student Work For Promotion/Advertising I understand that my child’s/children’s likeness(es) may be photographed or videotaped by the school in the course of school activities. I hereby give consent for the school to use my child’s/children’s likeness(es) in promotional and/or advertising materials. Examples may include, but are not limited to, school newsletters, advertisements, promotional videos, brochures, CCS official website, yearbooks, and other promotional materials. In addition, student work may be submitted to such organizations including, but not limited to, the county fair and writing contest. I agree to hold CCS, its employees, agents, licenses, and assignees harmless against liability, loss, or damage resulting from the use of my child’s/children’s likeness(es) or work, and I hereby release and discharge any claims whatsoever in connection with such use. Please print each student’s name:__________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ ________________________ Father’s Signature ________________________ Mother’s Signature ___________________ Date ___________________ Date If you wish to withhold permission for school use of your child’s likeness and/or work, you must communicate your specific request in writing on the lines provided below: ________________________ Father’s Signature ___________________ Date ________________________ Mother’s Signature ___________________ Date CORNERSTONE CHRISTIAN SCHOOL th 1745 E. 18 St Antioch, CA 94509 925-779-2010 Record of Prior School Special Programs To provide continuity in your child’s education program, it is important that we be made aware of any special help or services he/she may have received or special program in which he/she may have participated at any previous schools. Please provide the following information so that we may expedite your child’s appropriate placement and instructional program. My child has not participated in any special program. My child has participated in the programs listed below: Resource Specialist Program (RSP) Learning Handicapped Program (LH-SDC) Other Special Education Programs/Services: Adaptive Physical Education (APE) Hearing Impaired Visually Impaired Speech and Language Therapy Other: My child has an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) My child has a 504 Plan Child’s Name: Date of Birth: Previous School: City: Parent Signature: Date: CORNERSTONE CHRISTIAN SCHOOL 1745 E. 18th St ● Antioch, CA 94509 ● 925-779-2010 TUITION FEE SCHEDULE: 2015/2016 School Year Annual Yearly 11 Monthly Obligation 6% Discount Payments Paid July 1 Paid K – 5th Aug. 1 – June 1 1st Child $5444.25 $5117.60 $494.93 2nd Child $4924.50 $4629.03 $447.68 3rd Child $4457.25 $4189.82 $405.20 4th Child $2766.75 $2600.75 $251.52 Annual Yearly 11 Monthly Obligation 6% Discount Payments Paid July 1 Paid 6th-8th Aug. 1 – June 1 TEST, REGISTRATION & CONSUMABLE FEE SCHEDULE Testing Fee $75 K-High School Registration $150 Returning $225 New Consumable & Material Fee If paid by March 27th $250 K-5th $300 6th-12th After March 27th $300 K-5th $350 6th-12th 1st Child $5990.25 $5630.84 $544.56 2nd Child $5412.75 $5087.99 $492.06 Parent Participation (refundable) $100 K-12th 3rd Child $4893.00 $4599.42 $444.81 Yearbook $50 4th Child $3029.25 $2847.50 $275.38 Annual Obligation 9th-12th Yearly 11 Monthly 6% Discount Payments Paid July 1 Paid Aug. 1 – June 1 1st Child $6945.75 $6529.01 $631.43 2nd Child $6294.75 $5917.07 $572.25 3rd Child $5670.00 $5329.80 $515.45 4th Child $3494.40 $3284.74 $317.67 Sports Participation Fee Per Sport $200 Junior High $250 High School $400 Tackle Football High School Retreat $225 Payable in 2 payments $112.50 on 8/1 $112.50 on 9/1 See attached payment instructions All fees are non-refundable unless noted. CORNERSTONE CHRISTIAN SCHOOL 1745 E. 18th St ● Antioch, CA 94509 ● 925-779-2010 TUITION & FEE INSTRUCTIONS 2015/2016 School Year Parent Participation A fee of $100.00 will be accessed prior to school beginning and upon completion of school year a credit towards your account or a refund will be issued if volunteer hours (20 per family) have been completed. Hours MUST be logged in school office for credit. EXTENDED DAY MINISTRY: Open 6:30 a.m. until start of school - end of school until 6:30 p.m. 1st child $160.00 per month, each additional child $140.00. Hourly E.D.M. is available for $5.00 per hour. Full time E.D.M. fees are due on the first of each month. Part-time/hourly E.D.M fees are billed at the end of the month via email and are due by the 10th of the following month. E.D.M. fees not paid by the 10th of each month will incur an automatic $25.00 late fee. TUITION PAYMENT POLICY All payments are automatically due the FIRST of each month. You will not be sent a bill for tuition. Yearly with 6% discount due July 1st. 11 monthly payments due August 1st – June 1st Tuition payments are automatically deducted from your checking/savings account, or Visa/Mastercard (See contract for details). EDM payments are paid by cash or check made payable to “Cornerstone Christian School”. VISA/MASTERCARD: There is a one time credit card administration fee of $100.00 for monthly or annual tuition. LATE CHARGE: A $25 late charge will be added to your account weekly if your payment is not able to be processed by the 10th of each month. RETURNED CHECKS: Returned checks will result in a $25 per check fee and a late fee (See above for late fee rates). EARLY WITHDRAWAL: A two (2) week written notification is required for withdrawal of a student. Tuition will be calculated on a PER DIEM basis for days enrolled, taking the two (2) weeks into consideration. PAST DUE ACCOUNTS: Accounts which become thirty (30) days delinquent will result in the suspension of the student(s) until the account is current. The school reserves the right to refuse re-enrollment at the beginning of any semester if a student’s account is not paid to date. The account will also be turned over to a 3rd party collection agency. REGISTRATION FEES DUE WITH REGISTRATION FORMS: YOUR REGISTRATION WILL NOT BE PROCESSED WITHOUT ALL FORMS & FEES
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