International Society for Krishna Consciousness Founder-‐Acarya His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada Bhaktivedanta College of Education and Culture Srila Prabhupada said once “…first thing is to become knowledgeable in Krishna consciousness… So I am requesting all of my students to read my books very seriously every day without fail. In this way if your mind becomes absorbed daily in the transcendental subject matter of Srimad-‐ Bhagavatam, Bhagavad-‐Gita, and other books then very easily you will make your advancement in Krishna consciousness. It is not a matter of changing our engagement, adjusting this or that material condition, in order to find our real happiness. Krishna Consciousness is not like that. It is able to be performed under any variety of material conditions or with any type of engagement.” 2015 Courses New improved format for the Bhakti Sastri degree Up to 2014 the Bhakti Sastri degree was a full qualification that had to be completed as a whole. The examination was written at the end, covering the content of the entire 2 ½ year course. The examinations were of 12 hour duration ( 4 x 3 hour papers). The good news is that the format has changed from 2015. The Bhakti Sastri degree now uses a modular approach, allowing you to undertake a module at a time and receive credit as you satisfy the requirements of that module. This is a more flexible approach. If, in the unlikely event that your studies are interrupted for a short while, you will still retain credits for what you have completed and will simply have to resume the next module that is required for the degree when you are able to. According to the new format, the Bhakti Sastri degree is composed of 5 modules as indicated below: Module No. 1 2 3 4 5 Name of Module Bhagavad-‐gita As It Is: Chapters 1-‐6 Bhagavad-‐gita As It Is: Chapters 7-‐12 Bhagavad-‐gita As It Is: Chapters 13-‐18 Nectar of Devotion Sri Isopanisad & Nectar of Instruction Number of Sessions 18 x 2 hours 14 x 2 hours 12 x 2 hours 14 x 2 hours 16 x 2 hours To commence the new format of this course, Module 1 will be offered in May this year. See Page 5 for details. 1 1. Living in Krishna Consciousness / Bhakti Sadacara Certificate (15 x 2 hour sessions) This course covers the basic philosophy and practices of devotion. It will adequately equip you to live and practice Krishna Consciousness with understanding and intent, rather than on hearsay and sentiment. This is an introductory course and therefore there are no • pre-‐requisites. This course is offered in 3 modules (5 x 2 hours each). • You require the book, Science of Self Realization for Module 1. It is recommended that the modules be taken in the order prescribed. This course will be offered twice a year in some areas based on demand. • • • • • The course fee is R50-‐00 per module, payable during registration at the first session. Completion of assignments and a minimum of 80% attendance is required to obtain credit for this course. ⇒ Module 1: Science of Self Realization ⇒ Module 2: Vaishnava etiquette-‐Personal ⇒ Module 3: Vaishnava etiquette-‐Japa and Association Area Chatsworth Chatsworth Chatsworth Chatsworth Estcourt Ladysmith Newcastle Park Rynie Phoenix Pietermaritz-‐ burg Port Shepstone Venue Sri Sri Radha Radhanath Temple College Room Commencing 02 March 2015 Sri Sri Radha Radhanath Temple College Room Commencing 22 July 2015 Sri Sri Radha Radhanath Temple Srila Prabhupada’s Room Commencing 01 March 2015 Crossmead Primary, Unit 11 Commencing 05 March 2015 Maya Gayathri Mandir Commencing 07 March 2015 Sri Sri Radha Shymasunder Temple Commencing 04 March 2015 20 Toucan Place, ISKCON Newcastle Commencing 06 March 2015 st 1 Street, Park Rynie Commencing 05 March 2015 New Jagannath Puri Temple Commencing 02 March 2015 ISKCON, PMB Commencing 06 March 2015 Venue to be confirmed Commencing 07 March 2015 Richards Bay Venue to be confirmed Commencing 14 March 2015 Stanger Venue to be confirmed Commencing 14 March 2015 Tongaat Venue to be confirmed Commencing 05 March 2015 Day and Time Mondays 18:30 -‐ 20:30 Teacher Jaisacinandana Das Phone(H) 031-‐4033328 Phone (C) 0837773328 Wednesdays 18:30 -‐ 20:30 Lognath Maharaj 031-‐4006814 0844106769 Sundays 10:30 – 12:30 Ranga Devi Dasi 031-‐4033328 0817886133 Thursdays 18:30 -‐ 20:30 Saturdays 15:00 – 17:00 Wednesdays 18:30 -‐ 20:30 Radha Vallabha Das 031-‐7082714 0832782714 Shabri Devi Dasi 036-‐3523150 0845805139 Rasa-‐mandala Devi Dasi 036-‐6332617 0832366595 Fridays 18:00 – 20:00 Mahasrnga Das 034-‐3172122 0823777013 Thursdays 18:00 – 20:00 Mondays 18:00 –20:00 Fridays 18:00 – 20:00 Every second Saturday 10 x 3 hour sessions 14:00 – 17:00 Every second Saturday 10 x 3 hour sessions 14:00 – 17:00 Every second Saturday 10 x 3 hour sessions 14:00 – 17:00 Thursdays 18:00 – 20:00 Rameswara Das 039-‐9762157 0839751780 Caitanya-‐charan Das Vaisnava Pran Das 0836745393 033-‐3863526 0837800108 Jaisacinandana Das Raghunath Bhatta Das 031-‐4033328 031-‐4011862 0837773328 0727180444 Pundarika Vidyanidhi Das 031-‐5082563 0837761677 Raghunath Bhatta Das 031-‐4011862 0727180444 Pundarika Vidyanidhi Das 031-‐5082563 0837761677 2 2. Introduction to ‘Bhagavad Gita As It Is’ (5 x 2 hour sessions) This scripture is the foundation of the Krishna Consciousness Movement. The themes and lessons in Bhagavad Gita together with saintly guidance will help you through life with a strong conviction in devotion to Krishna. This is an introductory course that will give you the basic teachings of the Bhagavad Gita. It will also prepare you for a later intense study of the Bhagavad Gita. This is an introductory course and therefore there are no pre-‐requisites. You require the book, Bhagavad Gita As It Is. The course fee is R70-‐00, payable during registration at the first session. Completion of assignments and a minimum of 80% attendance is required to obtain credit for this course. • • • • Area Chatsworth Chatsworth Escourt Ladysmith Northdene Park Rynie Phoenix Phoenix Pietermaritz-‐ burg Port Shepstone Richards Bay Stanger Venue Sri Sri Radha Radhanath Temple College Room Commencing 01 April 2015 Sri Sri Radha Radhanath Temple College Room Commencing 20 July 2015 Maya Gayathri Mandir Commencing 20 July 2015 Sri Sri Radha Shymasunder Temple Commencing 22 July 2015 Venue to be confirmed Commencing 21 July 2015 st 1 Street, Park Rynie Commencing 23 July 2015 New Jagannath Puri Temple Commencing 22 July 2015 New Jagannath Puri Temple Commencing 06 April 2015 ISKCON TEMPLE, PMB Commencing 21 July 2015 Venue to be confirmed Commencing 07 April 2015 Venue to be confirmed Commencing 25 July 2015 Venue to be confirmed Commencing 23 July 2015 Day and Time Wednesdays 19:00 -‐ 21:00 Teacher Lognath Maharaj Phone (H) 031-‐4006814 Phone (C) 0844106769 Mondays 19:00 -‐ 21:00 Jaisacinandana Das 031-‐4033328 0837773328 Mondays 18:30 – 20:30 Wednesdays 18:30 -‐ 20:30 Shabri Devi Dasi 036-‐3523150 0845805139 Yogesvara Das 036-‐6332617 0832366595 Tuesdays 18:00 – 20:00 Thursdays 18:00 – 20:00 Wednesdays 19:00 -‐ 21:00 Mondays 19:00 -‐ 21:00 Tuesdays 18:00 -‐ 20:00 Tuesdays 18:00 – 20:00 Saturdays 14:00 – 16:00 Thursdays 18:00 – 20:00 Jaisacinandana Das Rameswara Das 031-‐4033328 0837773328 039-‐9762157 0839751780 Pundarika Vidyanidhi Das Krsni-‐devi Dasi 031-‐5082563 0837761677 031-‐5061150 Nanda Maharaj Das Jaisacinandana Das Pundarika Vidyanidhi Das Raghunath Bhatta Das 033-‐3471080 0845817809 031-‐4033328 0837773328 031-‐5082563 0837761677 0727180444 031-‐4011862 3. Introduction to ‘Nectar of Instruction’ (1 x 3 hour session) • There are no pre-‐requisites for this course. • You require the book, Nectar of Instruction. • The course fee is R20-‐00, payable on the day of the course. Area Chatsworth Venue Sri Sri Radha Radhanath Temple College Room New Jagannath Puri Temple Day and Time Teacher Phone (H) Phone (C) Saturday Raghunath Bhatta 031-‐4011862 0727180444 18 July 2015 Das 14:00 -‐ 17:00 Phoenix Saturday Pundarika 031-‐5082563 0837761677 18 July 2015 Vidyanidhi Das 14:00 -‐ 17:00 Pietermaritz-‐ ISKCON TEMPLE, PMB Saturday Vaisnava Pran Das 033-‐3863526 0837800108 burg 18 July 2015 14:00 -‐ 17:00 Durban Durban Hindu Temple Fridays Yamuna Devi Dasi 031-‐5630486 0824094148 Central 17 and 24 July 19:00 – 20:30 • Dates for this introductory course at other centres will be determined in conjunction with the congregation at each centre. 3 4. Introduction to ‘Sri Isopanisad’ (2 x 2 hour sessions) • There are no pre-‐requisites for this course. • You require the book, Sri-‐Isopanisad. • The course fee is R30-‐00 payable during registration at the first session. Area Chatsworth Phoenix Venue Sri Sri Radha Radhanath Temple College Room New Jagannath Puri Temple Pietermaritz-‐ ISKCON TEMPLE -‐ burg Pietermaritzburg Durban Central Durban Hindu Temple Day and Time Tuesdays 08 & 15 September 18:00 – 20:00 Tuesdays 08 & 15 September 18:00 – 20:00 Tuesdays 08 & 15 September 18:00 – 20:00 Fridays 11, 18 & 25 September 19:00 – 20:30 Teacher Raghunath Bhatta Das Phone (H) 031-‐4011862 Phone (C) 0727180444 Madhumangal Das 031-‐5057012 Nandapriya Gopika Devi Dasi 033-‐3863526 0825084705 Yamuna Devi Dasi 031-‐5630486 0824094148 • Dates for this introductory course at other centres will be determined in conjunction with the congregation at each centre. 5. Introduction to ‘Nectar of Devotion’ (3 x 2 hour sessions) • There are no pre-‐requisites for this course. • You require the book, Nectar of Devotion. • The course fee is R50-‐00 payable during registration at the first session. Area Chatsworth Venue Sri Sri Radha Radhanath Temple College Room Phoenix New Jagannath Puri Temple Pietermaritz-‐ burg ISKCON, PMB Day and time Saturdays 19 & 26 September + 3 October 14:00 – 16:00 Saturdays 19 & 26 September + 3 October 14:00 – 16:00 Saturdays 19 & 26 September + 3 October 14:00 – 16:00 Teacher Raghunath Bhatta Das Phone(H) 031-‐4011862 Phone (C) 0727180444 Pundarika Vidyanidhi Das 031-‐5082563 0837761677 Jaisacinandana Das 031-‐4033328 0837773328 • Dates for this introductory course at other centres will be determined in conjunction with the congregation at each centre. 4 6. Bhakti Sastri Degree – Module 1: Bhagavad Gita As It Is -‐ Chapters 1-‐6 (18 x 2 hour sessions) • • • The Living in Krishna Consciousness/Bhakti Sadacara Certificate is a pre-‐requisite for the Bhakti Sastri degree. The Introduction to Bhagavad Gita course is recommended but is not a compulsory pre-‐requisite for the Bhakti Sastri degree. The Bhakti Sastri degree is composed of 5 modules which are as follows: Module No. 1 2 3 4 5 Name of Module Bhagavad-‐gita As It Is: Chapters 1-‐6 Bhagavad-‐gita As It Is: Chapters 7-‐12 Bhagavad-‐gita As It Is: Chapters 13-‐18 Nectar of Devotion Sri Isopanisad & Nectar of Instruction Number of Sessions 18 x 2 hours 14 x 2 hours 12 x 2 hours 14 x 2 hours 16 x 2 hours As you undertake each module and fulfil the assessment requirements, you will receive credit for that module. You may then pursue each of the other modules as they are offered. When you have fulfilled the requirements of all FIVE modules, you will be awarded the Bhakti Sastri degree. • This year, Module 1 (Bhagavad-‐gita As It Is: Chapters 1-‐6) will be offered, commencing in May. • The course fee for Module 1 is R100-‐00, payable during registration at the first session. • You require the book, Bhagavad Gita As It Is for Modules 1, 2 and 3. • Various criteria must be fulfilled to obtain credit for each module. Amongst others, it includes open book and closed book assessments as well as a minimum of 80% attendance. • You are required to meet the Bhakti Sastri teacher/s at one of the following venues on the date indicated. At this meeting further details will be elaborated. Area Venue Day and time Chatsworth Sri Sri Radha Radhanath Temple Saturday 09 May College Room 15:00 – 17:00 Phoenix New Jagannath Puri Temple Saturday 09 May 15:00 – 17:00 Pietermaritzburg ISKCON, PMB Saturday 09 May 15:00 – 17:00 • • • • For more information please contact Preisha Singh at: Email: • Phone: 031-‐4033328 (o/h 9am-‐ 5pm) • Fax: 0865461753 7. Introduction to ‘Srimad Bhagavatam’ (8 x 3 hour sessions) • • • • The Living in Krishna Consciousness/Bhakti Sadacara Certificate is recommended but not a compulsory pre-‐requisite for this course. The Bhakti Sastri Degree is recommended but not a compulsory pre-‐requisite for the Introduction to Srimad Bhagavatam course. This introductory course will follow a thematic approach. The course fee is R100-‐00, payable during registration at the first session. Area Durban Pietermaritzburg Venue Sri Sri Radha Radhanath Temple College Room Commencing 11 April 2015 ISKCON Temple Commencing 11 April 2015 Day and time One Saturday per month 14:00 -‐ 17:00 One Saturday per month 14:00 -‐ 17:00 5 Enquiries For more information or to book, please contact Preisha Singh at: • Email: • Phone: 031-‐4033328 (o/h 9am-‐ 5pm) • Fax: 0865461753 8. Bhakti Vaibhava Degree • • • • • The Bhakti Sastri Degree must have been obtained to register for the Bhakti Vaibhava Degree. The degree course consists of an extensive study of Srimad Bhagavatam Cantos 1-‐6. A study of Canto 1 will be offered this year. Course fee: R180 per year. For further details please contact the teacher/s listed below: Teacher Jaisacinandana Das Roshnee Chandanram Radha Vallabha Das Phone (home) 031-‐4033328 031-‐4006935 031-‐7082714 Phone (cell) 0837773328 0832782714 Venue Pietermaritzburg; Chatsworth Northdene 9. ISKCON Disciples Course • • • • The ISKCON Disciples Course is a training program which deepens devotees’ understanding of guru tattva and guru padasraya within ISKCON. Designed for new devotees preparing to take initiation in ISKCON, the course is also recommended for leaders, preachers, mentors and teachers in ISKCON. This course is a mandatory pre-‐requisite for all devotees accepting first or second initiation by an ISKCON guru, effective Janmastami, 2015. After that date, no guru may initiate a disciple who has not first completed the ISKCON Disciples Course. Details of this course offering in different regions will be communicated as they become available. 10. Introduction to ‘Caitanya caritamrta’ (12 x 1 ½ hour sessions) • • The course focuses on the the in-‐depth study of the CC-‐ Adi Lila focusing on the prominent personalities and an overview of the Madhya and Antya Lila. The course fee is R100, payable at the start of the first session. Area Chatsworth Venue Sri Sri Radha Radhanath Temple College Room Commencing 14 April 2015 Day and Time Tuesdays 18:30 -‐ 20:00 6 Teacher Vibhu Caitanya Das Phone(H) 031-‐4033328 Phone (C) 11. Children’s Courses Courses are offered according to age groups. The course duration is one year consisting of 3 modules (each module is approximately 12 weeks i.e. 12 x 1 hour lessons). • Cost per module is R50-‐00 (i.e. R150-‐00 per year for all three modules). • A minimum of 80% attendance is required to obtain credit for this course. • Parents are requested to register their children on the first day. Age Group Venue Day and time Teacher Madhava Sri Sri Radha Radhanath Temple Sundays at 16:00 Narmada Dasi (7-‐8 years) College Room Commencing 01 March 2015 ISKCON, PMB Fridays at 18:00 Nandapriya Gopika Pietermaritzburg Commencing 06 March 2015 Devi Dasi New Jagannath Puri Temple Sundays at 11.00 To be announced Commencing 01 March 2015 Damodara Sri Sri Radha Radhanath Temple Sundays at 16:00 Triveni Dasi (9-‐10 years) College Room Commencing 01 March 2015 ISKCON, PMB Fridays at 18:00 Yashika Pietermaritzburg Commencing 06 March 2015 New Jagannath Puri Temple Sundays at 11.00 Thiloshana Commencing 01 March 2015 Madan Sri Sri Radha Radhanath Temple Sundays at 16:00 Tungavidhiya Devi Mohan Srila Prabhupada’s Room Commencing 01 March 2015 Dasi (11-‐12 years) ISKCON, PMB Fridays at 18:00 Rasamrita Devi Dasi Pietermaritzburg Commencing 06 March 2015 New Jagannath Puri Temple Sundays at 11.00 Jhanavi Devi Dasi Commencing 01 March 2015 • • Phone 0314001370/ 0725550306 033-‐3863526 0825084705 031-‐4001370/ 0825684351 0825084705 0837793360 031-‐4033328 033-‐3911448 031-‐5076559/ 0736101240 For more information please contact Preisha Singh Email: • Phone: 031-‐4033328 (o/h 9am-‐5pm) • Fax: 0865461753 • Graduation of 2014 Students You are invited to attend the graduation of the 2014 students (names on Page 8). at the Sri Sri Radha Radhanath Temple of Understanding (Chatsworth) on Sunday 15 February 2015, at 3pm. NOTE: Graduating students are expected to arrive by 2pm to register for the graduation. 7 2014 Graduates Damodar Class Jenny Jansen Mikyle Pugin Priyal Gopal Radhe Panday Radhika Ravjee Sharavan P. Premchund Sita Chowthee Madhava Class Abja Maharaj Bryton Jansen Diya Premchand Nate Gounden Radhika Hiralal Raheel Gopal Taksheel Gopal Tanvir Gopal Madan Mohan Class Davita Ramsaran Giridhar Aditya Munnilal Jahnavi Ravjee Kiara Hiralal Narayan Chowthee Navendran Naidoo Nitai Naicker Nitai Y.Munnilal Radharani Rampersad Yudishthir V.Ramanand Living in Krishna Consciousness/ Bhagavad Gita Overview Bhakti Sadacara Certificate Amrita Ramparsad Amrita Ramparsad Ashvir Singh Aneetha Devi Rajkumar Asmeera Lalloo Anisha D. Gangaram Bimla Devi Panday Aradhna Seosunkur Daya Naidu Brenda Roopai Desigan Padayachee Damodar Das Devi Dasi Draupadi Dayanand Singh Dilip Kumar Kalyan Desigan Padayachee Joshna Premchand Devarata das Kent Gounden Guru Roopai Leelawathie Bhoorun Ishan Chowthee Maanranee Rampersadh Jyothie Singh Maneesha Domun Kirthi Misra Minthra Omapershad Leashnee Pooran Niresh Sewsunker Leelawathie Bhoorun Nirvana Basdeo Lila Sukha dasi Nirvana L. Dhalip Madhu dvisa dasa Nishilata Maharaj Minthra Omapershad Radesh Rampersadh Mrs Bimla Devi Panday Raj Ramsaran Nalisha Premnand Ramilla Kalyan Nashvin Gangaram Raneetha Rampersaad Nishi Chowthee Renisha Naidoo Prakash Mohan Rishaan Bipath Prema Alap dasi Rishab Hiralal Radesh Rampersadh Ritha Singh Rajan R. Jugroop Shamin Maharaj Rajiv Sewnarain Shereena Takoordeen Rischal Singh Veronica Panday Rita Jugroop Vimi Sathanundh Ritha Singh Vinay Surajpaul Saksha (Usha) Budden Vinesh Mahadeo Sanjay Premnand Wade Gounden Santon Pillay Shara Singh Shereena Takoordeen Smara Hari Suneel Premnand Trevashan Govender Verushka Chowthee Vidyapati dasa Vishal Rajkumar Bhakti Sastri Graduates Amrita Singh Asta Manjari dasi Atish Mohunram Gopi Smaranam dasi Gundica dasi Krsna Kripa Das Natasha Kishore Datadin Omesh Narain Singh Prataparudra dasa Premilla Ramoutar Radha Giridhari dasa Radha Kripa Devi Dasi Ragaleka Rosy Bansipersadh Sevika Manjari dasi Sita Priya Devi Dasi Sunitha Imrithchand Trivikram Das Vilasa Manjari Devi Dasi 8
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