Document 74860

Vol.16/No. 5
Also in this issue...
Wilderness Works Scores Big
Tony Jones
Artist Spotlight, Dian Huff
page 4
Stomp & Chomp/Crawl Dates
page 5
CI Board Nominations
page 6
Real Estate Report
May 2008
page 9
Neighborhood Crime Report
page 12
FEMA Registration
page 13
Party in the Park, May 18
page 14
« »
The next Neighborhood Meeting will be held on
Tuesday, May 13th
at the Community Center
CNIA meetings are held the second Tuesday of
every month at 7:00PM at the
Community Center, 177 Estoria Street
1. APD update
2. Tornado relief update
3. Old business:
• Vote on Chomp & Stomp date
(November 8th proposed)
• Milltown Tavern update
proposed Summerfest not happening
4. UDC cases (TBA)
5. Committee/officer reports
6. CI board nominations
7. Brief announcements
• C’town celebration in the Park May 18th
• Billboards
8. New business
Meeting Calendar
Note: All meetings are held at the Community
Center at 7:00PM, unless otherwise noted, and are
open to anyone interested.
Upcoming Meeting Dates:
Hist. Pres. Cmte.
Please send all meeting and event information to
Community Center Events
Yoga: Every Monday @ 7PM & Saturday @ 11AM
AA meetings: Every Thursday 8-9PM & Sunday 8-9PM
On Friday, April 18th at around
5 o’clock a.m., Cabbagetown
neighbors near Berean and
Memorial awoke to find something
unusual happening at Immanuel
Baptist Church. A large crew from
NBC television had assembled in
the church parking in preparation
for a live broadcast. Neighbors
soon learned that Cabbagetown’s
Wilderness Works Founder Bill Mickler & Al Roker
very own Wilderness Works
had been selected as the fifth charity to receive the Al Roker Lend A
Hand award.
The parking lot was packed with media, Wilderness Works children and
staff, NBC television crew members and corporate representatives from
Nissan, Hewlett Packard, Lowe’s, Office Depot, Schwinn, Spring Air, Nike,
Converse, General Mills, Scholastic Library Publishing, Champs Sports,
Sara Lee, The Coleman Company, Dick’s Sporting Goods, Columbia
Sporting Goods, JC Penney, and Sam’s Club.
The gathering was all part of NBC TODAY Show’s Lend A Hand program
which gifts smaller charities with much needed wish list items. Atlanta
Hawks star Dominique Wilkins made an appearance to promote
Wilderness Works and volunteering. While the TODAY Show aired a
montage about the charity, Wilderness Works founder Bill Mickler stood
with Al Roker as Al opened three Penske trucks filled with equipment and
supplies used in operating Wilderness Works. The children were overcome
with excitement.
Housed in one of Emanuel’s buildings, Wilderness Works serves
economically disadvantaged children with year-round enrichment through
outdoor adventure programming and summer camp.
Wilderness Works is a Hands On Atlanta Partner Agency and is seeking
volunteers interested in working with children’s programming. We would
love for some of our local Cabbagetown neighbors to join us as volunteers.
For more information check our website at
Page 2/May 2008
Cabbagetown Neighbor
Route: Estoria & Pearl from Wylie to Kirkwood & 97 Estoria Bar
Tim Messier
Route: Savannah
CABBAGETOWN NEIGHBOR is a monthly newsletter produced by the
Cabbagetown Neighborhood Improvement Association (CNIA), a nonprofit organization. Publication is supported by advertisers. Classified ads
of 25 words or less and announcements are free of charge to residents.
Please submit news articles, announcements, and ads to: newsletter@ Previously published issues and advertising rates are
available for download under the CNIA tab at
CNIA Board of Directors:
Vice President
Recording Secretary
Corresponding Secretary
NPU Representative
Celine Bufkin
Jason Snyder
Julie Stephens
John Dirga
Mary Huysman
Edward Lindahl
Newsletter Distribution: Dan Thompson
Substitute Delivery People: Susan McCracken
Lisa Myers
Contributors: Celine Bufkin
Steve Williams
Tony Jones
Contributing Editor: Hudson
Julie Dalia
contact through newsletter editor
Route: Estoria from Kirkwood to Memorial and Mollie
Charlene Cottam 404-584-5899
Route: Pearl from Kirkwood to Memorial
Lynn Pietak & Mark Walsh
Route: Kirkwood & Short
Chris Hight
Route: Pickett, Wylie and Tennelle
Celine Bufkin
Route: Powell from Gaskill to Memorial
Memorial from Powell to Boulevard
Melissa Bowen
Route: Berean from Gaskill to 180 Berean
Holly Hollinger
Route: Tye
Sandy Strojny
Route: Berean from Tennelle to 180 Berean
Meridith Mason 404-433-6626
Route: Powell from Wylie to Gaskill
Dian Huff
Route: Iswald
Route: Gaskill
John Dirga
Route: Carroll & Reinhardt, Mill Houses & Agave
VJ & Misty
Route: Berean from Gaskill to Memorial
97 Estoria presents…
a band party on the deck
Saturday, May 17
from 3-10PM.
The event is free & features six
bands, headlined by Gringo Star.
The bar/restaurant will be featuring
a low country boil.
Stop by the
Greater Mt. Hermon
Baptist Church
708 Kirkwood Avenue
May 17th
10AM to 1PM
Cabbagetown Neighbor
May 2008/Page 3
Thank You!
As a community, we would like to thank all the heroes who showed up to assist on Clean Up Day!
Thank you to the following individuals and corporations for their generous donations to the Cabbagetown Tornado Relief Fund. If you
made a donation, but don’t see your name on the list, please accept our apologies and let us include you in the June edition. Your gift
is appreciated and will go a long way in our rebuilding efforts. Missing names should be sent to,
Special thanks to Inman Park for loaning us their neighborhood police officer, and to the restaurants who participated in Dine Out for
Cabbagetown, which raised over $11,000!
Individual Donors
Julie Askew
Carol & Thomas Atwood III
Shirlean Bailey
Peter & Kelly Bluestone
Lisa Borders
Steven & Rita Brett
Tim Brown
Celine Bufkin
John Burger
David Cavender
Joe & Donna Champion
Thomas Dalia
Christopher Dunbar
Robert Edwards
Cheryl Eisenberg
RM & Carol Fierman
Debbie Friedman
Joyce Garrett
Martha Golubock
Christopher Grackal
Peter Halden
Jill Hall & Catherine Greenman
Countess Hughes
Miriam Karp
Natallie Keiser & Greg Loughlin
Linda King
Harry Knox & C. Michael Bozeman
Vivian Kuo
Elizabeth Lieberman
Wil & Amy Lonegran
Robert MacMahon
Thomas Manning
Kevin Martinez & Hudson
Mary Larken McCord
Kelbi McCumber
June Neumark
Nan Orrock
Mia Pelt
William Polhemus
Amanda Rhein
Stephanie Richardson
David Ringstrom
Pamela Rinsland
James Rowbottom
Nedra Sekera
Mary Anne Smith
Jack Sobel
Christina Spach
Lynne Splinter
Brandon Sutton
LaVonne Tillman
Srikanth Vourganti
Clay Walker
Jen Wells
Leigh Williams
Leamon Willrett & Charles Turner
Michelle & Kurt Yoder
Companies & Corporations
97 Estoria
Automated Print
BOND Federal Credit Union
Corner Tavern
Dakota Blue
The Depot
Domino’s Pizza
Fox Bros Bar-B-Q
Grant Central PIzza
Guffey & Associates Inc.
The Home Depot
House Tab/Milltown Arms
Huie Design
Keating Productions, Inc
Milltown Arms Tavern
The Flying Biscuit
Ria’s Bluebird
Six Feet Under
Slim & the crew at Star Community Bar
Smith Dalia Architects, LLC
The Standard
Stella Trattoria
Studio 900
Sweetwater/Atlanta Brewing Co
Truth and Lending Mortgage, Inc.
Vickery’s Glenwood
Zoo Atlanta
Disaster Response Agencies
The American Red Cross
Catholic Church of the Archdiocese of
Atlanta, Inc
The Community Foundation of Greater
Hands On Atlanta
The Inman Park Neighborhood
Mt Pisgah UMC
The Reynoldstown Neighborhood
The Salvation Army
Team Depot
Trees Atlanta
Government & Elected Offi cials
Thank you to the City of Atlanta for the
support we received from both the Police
and Fire Departments.
Thank you to our elected officials who
have been with us from the beginning and
continue to stand by us:
Mayor Shirley Franklin
Council Member Natalyn Archibong
Council Member Lisa Borders
Council Member Mary Norwood
Representative Robin Shipp
Senator Nan Orrock
Page 4/May 2008
Cabbagetown Neighbor
Cabbagetown Artist Spotlight
Dian Huff
When you walk into Dian Huff’s home on Iswald, you know that
you’re in the presence of someone who appreciates great art. It
hangs on her walls and sits on her shelves. What you may not
notice at first glance is the fact that Dian’s home is a work of art
unto itself.
Take a closer look at the stones surrounding her fireplace and
above the mantel. You actually have to think about what you’re
seeing—you may even need to touch them—before realizing
that they’re not real, but skillfully painted in place. The illusion
is remarkable, and it doesn’t stop there.
Before coming to Cabbagetown, Dian and her husband David
rented a house in Woodland Hills. The landlord, following his
own Olympic dream, had raised their rent dramatically with the
idea of moving them out to make room for Olympic hopefuls.
“I don’t know why he thought people involved in the Olympics
would want to live in Woodland Hills, but everyone around town
was doing this kind of thing,” Dian told me. Her friend Nancy
lived in Cabbagetown and suggested that Dian contact the
owner of the house next door to her on Iswald. It was vacant
and had been neglected to the point of serious disrepair. Dian
took one look at the house and immediately fell for it.
She found the owner and he agreed to sell the house. Since then,
the home has seen an amazing transformation, thanks to Dian’s
creative vision and David’s heavy lifting. “David isn’t artistic, but
he’s my number one fan. He is always willing to jump in and help
me, and he’s great at tearing down walls.” Their home is a smallscale version of some of the other jobs Dian has been hired to
do, including the main house and guest cottage on a plantation
in Southern Georgia. “My business partner and I would spend 4
or 5 days a week there working on it, and then come home for a
day or two,” she told me, “it took a year to complete.” While most
of her work keeps her here in the South, she has traveled as far
as Seattle for projects.
Dian spent more than 20 years in the restaurant business before
hooking up with a friend who has been in the interior finishing
business for 30 years. For the past eight years, Dian has been
making a living as an artist and loving it. “When you talk about
faux finishing techniques today, you’re talking about something
completely different than what it meant 30 years ago,” she said,
“There are all kinds of amazing laser-cut stencils that have
nothing to do with country scenes of ducklings. The finishes today
are sophisticated and subtle. They compliment your furnishings,
rather than serving as a focal point.” A perfect example of this
is the room leading to Dian and David’s backyard. The walls
here transport you to a century-old Tuscan villa, where time
and history have chipped away bits of plaster from ancient walls.
When you ask Dian about her favorite jobs, she talks about
creating textures, “I love nothing more than to have a trowel in
my hand, layering plaster and paint to create something that
makes you feel a certain way.”
Dian and her business partner have added drama to homes
by gold-leafing ceilings. She has reupholstered old furniture to
Dian with her copper cabinets
make it look new, and transformed brand new furniture into
something that looks 100 years old. She’s built glass transoms,
installed tile counters, and laid slate flooring. She’s completely
changed the dynamic of room by painting wood grain onto
plain white cabinets. A client would be hard-pressed to find
a challenge that Dian couldn’t handle, and some of her most
creative solutions have been for her own projects.
“When we moved into our house, we knew we wouldn’t be able
to do everything we wanted to,” Dian said, “We didn’t have any
real contractors, just friends who helped out where they could.
After we built the kitchen cabinets, the friend who was helping
me said he didn’t know how to build the doors. I told him to just
build the frames and then I’d do the rest.” “The rest” are sheets
of copper used as cabinet facing. Dian pounded designs into
each cupboard door using Celtic quilt patterns. They are the
perfect compliment to the home.
Dian’s artistic ability is not limited to walls and furniture; she
paints (the other kind of painting—on canvas), and designs
clothing and purses. She even created one of the tables in the
Carroll Street Café. “It was the Carroll Street Bakery back then.
Kim, the owner was just starting out and didn’t have much
money. She asked each of the artists in Cabbagetown to make
a table for her. Mine was done in tiles and copper with painted
flowers. Kim would be amazed to see how busy the café is now.”
When I asked her about other changes she’s seen in the past
10 years, Dian responded, “There are a lot of thirty-something
people living here now. Cabbagetown has become kind of a hip
neighborhood. Another thing is the rise in crime. We walked
down Estoria the other day and saw four cars where windows
had been busted out. You never used to see that kind of thing.”
And Dian’s favorite thing
“The closeness I feel to
my neighbors,”
If success is earning a
living doing something
you enjoy, surrounded
by wonderful people in
a community you love,
then Dian’s is a true
success story.
Faux stones on above the fireplace
Cabbagetown Neighbor
Chomp & Stomp and Cabbagetown
Christmas/Holiday Crawl
Celine Bufkin
Let’s get ‘em on the calendar!
Please think ahead—way ahead—to November and
December, because we need to settle on the dates for
Chomp & Stomp and The Crawl. They’ll be here before
we know it!
Proposal 1: Chomp usually is the first Saturday in
November. However, this year, that would be November
1st —the day after a Friday night Halloween, which
could detract from the festival itself and definitely the
Romp and Stomp 5k in the morning. So the CNIA board is
proposing that we move the date for Chomp to the following
Saturday, November 8th.
Proposal 2: The Cabbagetown Crawl roving holiday dinner
party, traditionally either the first or second Saturday of
December, is an outrageously fun event which requires a large amount of
planning and participation from neighbors. The CNIA board proposes a date
of December 13th for the Crawl, with a backup date of December 6th (caveat:
December 6th would be only 4 weeks after Chomp and Stomp… we probably
could use the extra week of Chomp recovery and Crawl planning/execution).
These changes will be voted on at the May 13th CNIA meeting.
May 2008/Page 5
Thank You!
Thank you Penney! She rode her bike
over from her shop (the teahouse)
every day for a week to just be
with us and help where she could…
beautiful energy to deflect a bit of
the dazed and confused feeling.
Robin Gelberg
Berean Avenue
Page 6/May 2008
Cabbagetown Neighbor
Celine Bufkin
The Cabbagetown Initiative Community Development Corporation, affectionately—and certainly more
succinctly—known as “CI,” needs new board members. That board, which operates our 501(c)(3) nonprofit
arm should have 7, 9, or 11 members.
What does the CI do?
The CI is the fund-raising and capital-spending organization for Cabbagetown. CI worked to write grants, find funding, lobby city and
school board officials, then execute the design and building of our beautiful Cabbagetown Park. CI also found a way to purchase and
set up our Community Center and still manages both properties. Now it moves into full-blown Community Development Corporation
mode for long-term tornado recovery in Cabbagetown.
Who should become a board member?
Anyone who is interested in building up Cabbagetown and spending other people’s money on rebuilding, improvement projects, and
other good things for our community is a good candidate for the CI board. Having experience with in other non-profit agencies,
volunteer boards or projects is a plus, but not a necessity. Strong interest in and love of Cabbagetown is a necessity.
As a board member you must also be available to attend one CI board meeting (occasionally more) per month to lend your talents
and to VOTE on important action items.
Thank You!
I will forget the tornado long before I forget the
camaraderie of this community in its aftermath. What
transpired here after the storm was as unique as
Cabbagetown itself. In my former life, writing emergency
procedures and testing them in orchestrated drills was
a regular part of my job, and something that ultimately
prepared us for a tragedy that forever changed my
outlook on life. It was amazing for me to see how
everyone in our neighborhood came together without
a plan or predetermined course of action, and just
did what needed to be done. What I saw were people
putting the welfare of their neighbors ahead of their
own concerns to ensure no one was left in need.
For winter's rains and ruins are over,
And all the season of snows and sins;
The days dividing lover and lover,
The light that loses, the night that wins;
And time remembered is grief forgotten,
And frosts are slain and flowers begotten,
And in green underwood and cover
Blossom by blossom the spring begins.
~Algernon Charles Swinburne
Thank you to the CNIA leadership and Diana OrregoMoore for the coordination, communication, and
organization, which ensured that no one with a need for
assistance was overlooked. Special thanks to Rodney
Bowman who tirelessly went from one fallen tree to the
next and didn’t let his chainsaw rest until the job was
done; and to Bryan Brunson and others who took time
away from their busy day-jobs to continue the cleanup
efforts throughout the week when many of us couldn’t
be here. And thank you to each person in this community
who did something to help a neighbor (I’m pretty sure
that includes everyone in Cabbagetown).
Berean Avenue
Cabbagetown Neighbor
May 2008/Page 7
182 Holtzclaw
1058 Wylie
2 BD/2 BA
2 BD/1 BA
235 Pearll
166 Stovallll
3 BD/3 BA
1 BD/1 BA
193 Estoria
276 Iswald
3 BD/2 BA
Page 8/May 2008
Renaming of Southside
Donna Webster
Educational District 1 Representative,
Ms. Brenda J. Muhammad, and The
Atlanta Board of Education invite
the community to submit suggested
names for the soon-to-be renamed
Southside High School. The renaming
committee will review submissions
and forward their recommendations to
the Board. Only those names consistent
with the mission of the Atlanta Public
Schools will be considered.
The committee will accept nominations from individuals,
organizations, and/or Board members. Each submission
must be in writing and must include a narrative that justifies
the nomination, as well as the sponsors’ names.
Special consideration will be given to local community names,
neighborhoods, streets, landmarks, and individuals who have
made a significant contribution to the city or school system.
Names of individuals will be considered only when the
nominee has been deceased for at least five years.
The recommended name will not duplicate, cause confusion,
or otherwise conflict with the names of existing facilities in
the school system.
Any restrictions herein set forth may be waived by a
unanimous vote of the Board.
Submissions must be received by May 30, 2008
Email Submissions to: or
U.S. Mail Submissions to:
Atlanta Board of Education
Attn: Southside High School Naming Committee
130 Trinity Ave. S. W.
Atlanta, GA 30303
Cabbagetown Neighbor
Cabbagetown Neighbor
May 2008/Page 9
What’s Happening with Real Estate
in Our Community?
Houses For Sale
Asking Price
195 Berean Avenue
3 BD/2 BA
223 Carroll Street
2 BD/1.5 BA
780 Fulton Terrace
3 BD/2.5 BA
838 Fulton Terrace
1 BD/1 BA
608 Gaskill Street
3 BD/1BA
790 Harold Street
2 BD/2 BA
1024 Kirkwood Avenue
2 BD/2 BA
235 Pearl Street
3 BD/3 BA
200 Reinhardt, Unit B
2 BD/1 BA
163 Savannah Street
2 BD/2 BA
71 Selman Street
3 BD/3 BA
125 Short Street
3 BD/3 BA
Houses Under Contract
199 Berean Avenue
2 BD/2 BA
193 Estoria Street
3 BD/2 BA
720 Mollie Street
2 BD/2 BA
Houses Sold as of 2/29
200 Estoria Street
3 BD/3 BA
125 Pearl Street
Multi-Dwellings For Sale
228 Powell
Multi-Dwellings Sold as of 2/29
276 Iswald
Lots For Sale
000 Mollie Street
Under 1⁄3 Acre (next to park)
731 Mollie Street
Under 1⁄3 Acre
157 Powell Street
Under 1⁄3 Acre
Commercial For Sale Asking Price
228 Powell
2 commercial units
Condos/Lofts For Sale
Carroll Street Lofts
Unit 106
2 BD/2 BA
172 Carroll
Milltown Lofts
Unit 205
1 BD/1 BA
Unit 305
1 BD/1 BA
Unit 404
2 BD/2 BA
Unit 405
1 BD/1 BA
Unit 603
1 BD/1 BA
Unit 804
2 BD/2 BA
Unit 901
2 BD/1 BA
Unit 910
2 BD/2 BA
Unit 1004
2 BD/2 BA
Unit 1102
2 BD/2 BA
Unit 1110
2 BD/2 BA
Unit 1112
2 BD/2 BA
South Park Lofts
Unit 54
2 BD/2.5 BA
Unit 60
2 BD/2.5 BA
This information is provided by Lynne Splinter Realtors using the
First Multiple Listing records and data from Housing and Urban
Development postings. The information is not guaranteed or
warranted. Any questions regarding real estate in the Cabbagetown
area can be directed to the following resident agents:
791 Wylie
Unit 108
1 BD/1 BA
Unit 109
1 BD/1 BA
Unit 124
1 BD/1 BA
Unit 125
1 BD/1 BA
Unit 136
1 BD/1 BA
The Stacks
Unit F103
1 BD/1 BA
Unit H216
2 BD/2 BA
Unit H217
2 BD/2 BA
Unit H220
1 BD/1 BA
Unit H416
1 BD/1 BA
170 Boulevard
Condos/Lofts Under Contract Price
The Stacks
Unit E407
1 BD/1 BA
Unit E408
1 BD/1 BA
Unit E428
2 BD/2 BA
Unit F203
1 BD/1 BA
170 Boulevard
Condos/Lofts Sold as of 12/31 Price
The Stacks
Unit H319
1 BD/1 BA
170 Boulevard
174 Chester
Nadia Giordani
Lynne Splinter
Judy Staples
Debbie Weeks
Page 10/May 2008
Cabbagetown Neighbor
Thank You!
First I would like to say, I do not remember all the faces or names
of people who came to our rescue. But, I do remember the hand
shakes (some would not shake my hand because they thought
they were too dirty), the smiles, laughter, sweat, boo-boos, and
questions like, what needs to be done, what else can we do to
help. And, the whistle while you work attitude.
People came from near and far. One “Lady and her young
daughter” offered us a place to stay in their home in Grant
The “Asian Disaster Relief Team” who wore yellow vests and
handed out food; it was different and I ate every bite, until then,
I didn’t realize how much I need nourishment.
To the first responders:
Neighbors, friends, and family,
Penney from the “Tea Room” on Edgewood walked around with
coffee pots in both hands, a satchel across her shoulders with
cups, milk, and sugar. At that time, just hours after the tornado,
no sleep, no gas, no electricity, or car, the wake up juice was
welcomed as she served me and Jake. Penney also came back
during the days after with rake and broom and a blower, there
really wasn’t much we could do besides sit on the porch and talk;
her company was a delight.
Rodney on Berean was the first to cut away the limbs that blocked
the front door and weighed down the power lines. Rodney was
here first, and is still helping us out.
A guy with a chain saw in both hands was sent down by Judy, and
was joined by other unknowns later. They brainstormed to find
the best way to cut, what to cut, where to cut.
Community, a sea of orange T-shirts from Home Depot, lead by
Diana. They made me smile and we laughed (they say it’s good
for the soul—it is)! I was given a Home Depot $50.00 gift card.
At that point in time, I’d only heard the names Diana and Celine,
I had no faces to put to the names.
BK and Ziggie were sights to behold; busy on their ATV and
motorcycle, delivering tarps, leaf bags, water, snacks, messages,
and anything else they could load onto their vehicles—even
people. I was forever waving them down.
Crystal from Peoplestown parked blocks away and walked with
bags, loops, gloves, and whatever else I had on my list. She also
lent us her car when she worked from 2PM until 11PM.
Georgia Natural Gas stopped when I waved them down. They
found a gas leak and tried to repair it. They didn’t have the
correct part, and ended up turning the gas off (for 2 weeks).
Ben from East Atlanta rode up on his motorcycle with a chain
saw, gasoline can, and motor oil, asking, “Does anyone need a
chain saw?” What timing. A chain saw had just broken and we
were sitting around wondering what we could do next with only
our small hand tools. He cut a path from the side of the house
to the shed and continued to work until we could no longer see
(night fell). He said his house was spared and wanted to help
Rodney came back the next day and worked through the hail
storms. We had to force him to come in out of the storm. (He
said the trees were giving him HAIL). ☺
The pastor from Emmanuel Baptist Church on memorial and
Berean, came with bags of food, cups, forks, things you need
but don’t think of. I was overwhelmed. I asked, “who sent you
(besides God)?” He wouldn’t say. “Just accept it.” We did.
Courtney, who asked if I needed anything from Kroger, had me
make a list. She got everything, but the Sunday paper, and went
back to get that. Courtney would not give me a receipt to repay
Jake had the Baptist Noonday “Disaster Relief Team” working in
his yard cutting trees, they wore yellow T-shirts and hard hats.
He suggested I get on their list (since we didn’t have insurance),
“They may be able to help you.” They did, and I didn’t have to be
on a list. They were sooooooooo nice. They were actually able
to get the trees off the car, pile the debris, tackle the White Oak,
and clear the back yard. This was not easy. They worked three
houses at one time, going back and forth just on our block alone.
Jake had lunch for us all. It took them 3 or 4 days to finish. One
man was 75 years old. Jake offered his vehicle to us if we needed
it; we accepted his offer.
The city workers were great at removing the trees; some drivers
weren’t so kind in giving them room to work.
I received follow up phone calls and visits from Celine and Diana,
who always had—or were able to immediately get me—the
information I needed.
The FEMA workers were great. They were out the day after I filed.
Friendly, courteous, professional, and informative. (FEMA sent me
$144.21, for home repairs.) They sent me to SBA who were also
all of the above, and they approved my loan application.
Harold of Trees of Atlanta was very encouraging in the replacement
of trees, and is still working to get the huge oak removed.
Holly and Paula who took me to Kroger’s.
Gerry Webber who answered my questions and directed me to
Cabbagetown Neighbor
May 2008/Page 11
NCCC, a group of young people who put the trap on the roof
were fearless and spirited.
Jason Synder who steered me in the right direction and explained
procedures, calmed my fears about getting a permit.
Reverend Davis of the Pentecostal Church who took me in his cab
(no charge) to obtain my permit.
Thank You!
and helping during many days in Cabbagetown. He patched
many roofs even though he is afraid of heights.
Dagmar Kosche
Gaskill Street
Mike of Mt. Pisgah United Methodist Church and all its members.
The “Disaster Relief Team” has worked every weekend when the
weather has allowed. They came in force to pressure wash,
scrape, wire brush, prime, and paint the house and shed. They
replaced the house and shed roof and rotten wood, and straighten
a couple of things. They’re working to get us a car. They are still
working with me.
Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church, “Tornado Disaster Recovery
Center” who gave us a QuikTrip prepaid gas card, Kroger gift
Certificate, paid our gas and power bills.
The teamwork has been incredible. I know I left someone out,
and it’s not by design. I’ve said too much, and not enough. I can’t
find words more than, THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF OUR
HEARTS. We were thrown off track for a minute and the village is
still helping us. I’ve loved Cabbagetown from the second I stepped
foot here almost 25 years ago, the good, the bad, and the ugly.
It’s home. We’re not related, but we’re family and I’m proud of us.
We cannot repay what has been given to us by others, but we
promise to “PASS IT FORWARD!”
Bertha and Charles,
188 Berean Ave. S.E.
Historic Cabbagaetown
Atlanta, Ga, 30316
Great Meals Delivered to Your Door
There are restaurants that boast “home-cooked” meals, but somehow a home-cooked meal isn’t the same
when you have to leave home to eat it. Fortunately, there is a solution to that dilemma. Each week Kevin
Clark (who lives on Iswald) creates a new menu and posts it on the Yahoo! group. He takes your order, puts
the meal together and delivers it right to your front door. Your part is as simple as heating and eating. And
take it from someone who’s been fortunate enough to enjoy Kevin’s cooking, you will not be disappointed!
If you’re planning to be at the party in the park on May 18th, you’ll have the opportunity to sample it for
yourself. Whether you want your meals prepared every night of the week or you’re just looking for someone
to cater a special party, you can expect exceptional results. Check in on the listserv to see what’s on the
menu this week, or shoot him an email with your special request:
Page 12/May 2008
Between Friday 3/14 & Saturday 3/22
Boulevard, theft from home
Victim stated that several items went missing from her friend’s
apartment during the storm evacuation, including a door mat,
diamond ring, pearl earrings, watch, and necklace. There were
no signs of forced entry and workers had been in and out of the
Between 2AM Saturday 3/15 & 11AM Sunday 3/16
Gaskill Street, theft from home
Victim stated that his Nikon digital camera and cell phone went
missing after his home was damaged in the storm. The victim
could not give a reason why he waited so long to report the
missing items.
Between 9PM Thursday 3/20 & 6:30AM Friday 3/21
Pearl Street, theft from home
Victim stated that someone entered his garage through an
unlocked door and removed a Canon digital camera, back pack,
and dell laptop.
Sunday 3/23 between 1:30 & 9AM
Wylie Street, theft from auto
Victim stated that someone smashed the window of his 1994
Honday Accord and removed an XM radio, knife, and in-dash
Monday 3/24, 12:30AM
Berean Avenue, theft from home
Plywood removed from window
Victim stated that someone pushed in a piece of plywood that
was used to cover a storm damaged window, entered her home,
and removed an iPod and a 20” Flat screen TV.
Tuesday 3/25 between 10 & 11AM
Pearl Street, theft from auto
Victim reported that someone smashed the passenger side
window of her 2007 Honda Element and removed her GPS
Friday 3/28 between noon & 1PM
Pearl Street, theft from home
Victim stated that an Apple laptop, camera, lens, and flash
disappeared from his home after an old roommate came over to
pick up some of her things.
Monday 3/31, 10:25AM
Wylie Street, burglary
Officer responded to an alarm call and made contact with a
witness who took photos of the suspects and the vehicle they
were driving. Photo’s show suspects at the above location at time
of the burglary. Suspect was taken into custody later based on
the photos from the witness.
Arrested: Juvenile, B/M, 16YOA
Cabbagetown Neighbor
Between 11PM Friday 4/4 & 9:45AM Saturday 4/5
Estoria Street, theft from auto
Victim reports that someone broke the left rear window of
her 2001 Toyota Echo and removed an iPod, Flat iron, and
Friday 4/11, 2AM
Estoria Street, assault
Victim stated that as he was helping someone get into the
restroom, he was approached by the suspect who stated he
was acting rude by knocking on the restroom door. The victim
disregarded the suspect and went back to the bar. The suspect
approached the victim, slapped him, and jabbed him in the
mouth with a beer bottle.
Suspect: A/F, 5’ 4”, 175lbs
Friday 4/11, 3:40AM
Carroll Street, attempted theft of/from auto
After receiving a suspicious person call the officer located the
suspect in the victim’s 2005 BMW 645. The victim was contacted
and stated that he must have left his vehicle unlocked.
Arrested: W/M, 34YOA
Between 4PM Tuesday 4/15 & 8AM Wednesday 4/16
Carroll Street, theft
Victim stated that someone removed heart pine wood planks
measuring between 16 & 20’ long, plywood, aluminum, and a
tarp from the property during the night.
Between 10:30PM Wednesday 4/16 & 5PM Friday 4/18
Wylie Street, theft from church
Victim stated they found the church’s side door open and a
stereo, lawn mower, HOP printer, and eMachine computer
missing. The officer did not see any signs of forced entry to the
perimeter of the building, but did find an office door forced
Between 10:30PM Wednesday 4/16 & 12:15AM Thursday
Estoria Street, vehicle damage
Victim reported that someone damaged the handle on the
driver’s door and the steering column of his 1999 Silver
Dodge Durango. No items were missing from the vehicle.
Thursday 4/17 between 8:30AM & 7PM
Boulevard, theft from home
Victim stated that a sterling silver necklace is missing from his
apartment. He also stated that a maintenance crew had been
in the apartment.
These crimes were reported to law enforcement agencies
during the period between March 22nd and April 17th. This
list includes only those crimes committed within the actual
borders of Cabbagetown.
Cabbagetown Neighbor
May 2008/Page 13
FEMA Registration
Celine Bufkin
If you were affected by the tornado (or the hail storm that followed):
You need to register with FEMA prior to May 19th
Here’s the Deal: even if you don’t believe your property was damaged, or the damage
wasn’t significant, or you’re not worried about the damage because you have insurance,
or you can’t imagine you would be eligible for assistance from FEMA and you hate getting
rejection letters, or if you don't trust FEMA specifically or the government in general, or
whatever… if there is any possibility at all that now or down the road you may face a hardship
related to this storm that could require help from FEMA or elsewhere, REGISTER.
If you miss the deadline and something develops 6 months from now… say, you had some
minor water damage and it becomes a major mold problem, or you didn't realize that your roof
actually was damaged a little bit and now the whole thing needs to be replaced, you'll be out of
Here's what to do:
Call them at 1-800-621-3362 (FEMA) or register online at
Thank You!
I don’t even know where to begin. As I’ve said before… If you’re
going to get hit by a tornado, I can’t think of a better place to
be than Cabbagetown. Thanks to Steve, Rob, Mark, Anthony,
Jeff, Paul, Sharon, Shannon, Amy, Giovanni, Sara, Will, Saaaara,
Kaaaaaren, Kim, Rick, Jen, Jiri, Hudson, Kevin, Shel, Timmy, Diana,
Jonathan, Ziggy, Susan, Hope, Eddie, NicCole, Julie, Jason, Bryan,
Laura, Jennifer, Michael, Anna, Amanda, Celine, Mary, and Matt—
for breaking into my house by busting through a glass window to
see if I was alive. If I’ve left anyone out, I’m so sorry. The number
of people who came to my rescue was just overwhelming and
I appreciate each of you, even if I may have missed you in this
posting. It was amazing to see my home full of people the day
after the storm, securing my house, moving my belongings, tarping
my roof, etc., while I was walking around dazed and confused.
And if you weren’t at my house helping, you were offering me and
my pets a place to stay, running meetings, assisting others who
needed help, or walking the streets looking for ways to help my
friends and neighbors. And just in case you aren’t aware of it,
Steve Williams has gained Sainthood. Thank you, Saint Steven!
And thank you, Cabbagetown! I love you!
Debbie Weeks
(currently residing on Carroll Street in downtown Cabbagetown
while repairs are being made to her home on Tye Street)
Page 14/May 2008
Cabbagetown Neighbor
Save the Date!
Sunday Afternoon in the Park
May 18TH
The last time we all got together there was a lot of work
involved. This time, it’s all about having fun, saying thanks,
enjoying good company and great food, and celebrating our
amazing community!
Join us in Cabbagetown Park on Sunday, May 18th at 2PM
for a neighborhood potluck. This is the perfect opportunity
to toast each other and the friends who helped to clean
up our neighborhood. If you know of someone outside the
neighborhood who helped out with the tornado cleanup,
please feel free to extend an invitation.
Details about food and beverages will be available in the next
week or so on the listserv. If you have not already signed up
as a member of our Yahoo! group, the web address is listed
on page 2 of the newsletter.
Thank You!
I’d like to say thank you to the people of
Cabbagetown for all the help. And thank you
to the people who we never met that took their
time to help us. Thank you all for your love and
help when we were in need.
Rodney Bowman
Berean Avenue
See our
newly designed
web site at
As things start to grow make sure you keep them cut so as to not clutter the sidewalks
with branches and growth blocking the walkers’ path, poking at eyes, and allowing those
speeding cars another target.
Also pick up the trash in the streets before it washes down the sewer and into the streams.
This goes for the grass trimmings and other debris. The culvert and stormwater drains are
for water, everything else just clogs the drain.
Cabbage Recipe of the Month
Shred, Head, butter & bread
½ stick unsalted butter
½ cup pulverized, seasoned croutons
2 pinches dry mustard
1 teaspoon caraway seeds
1 small head cabbage, shredded
1 tablespoon kosher salt
1 tablespoon sugar
1. Fill a large pot 3/4 full with water & bring to a boil on high heat.
2. Melt the butter & croutons in a skillet. Add the mustard & caraway
seeds & stir over medium heat until the butter browns & smells
nutty. Remove the skillet from the heat, but leave dressing in the
3. Add the salt & sugar to the boiling water & cook until dissolved.
Place the cabbage in the boiling water & cook for 2 minutes exactly.
4. Drain the cabbage in the bowl of the salad spinner or colander.
Spin the cabbage to remove any excess water. Add the cabbage to
the butter-crumb dressing & toss to coat thoroughly.
Cabbagetown Neighbor
May 2008/Page 15
Cabbagetown Neighborhood Improvement Association
2008–2009 Membership Directory
Residential Information Sheet
Please provide any information you would like included in the August 2008 edition of the neighborhood directory.
Street address:
Primary Phone Number:
Alternate Phone Number:
Primary Phone Number:
Alternate Phone Number:
Primary Email Address:
Alternate Email Address:
Primary Email Address:
Alternate Email Address:
Notes/Special Instructions:
Information must be received by June 15, 2008 in order to be included in this edition of the directory.
Drop off or mail to:
Fax to:
Complete online and submit electronically
Neighborhood Directory
227 Berean Avenue SE
Atlanta, GA 30316
Neighborhood Directory
(the online form can be found in the
Newsletter section under the CNIA tab)
Page 16/May 2008
Cabbagetown Neighbor