Maskwa Minutes: January 19 2015 Present: Dan Wincey, John Moore, Mark deJonge, Geoff Morse, Bruce Piercey, Jon Pike, Kate Giles, Dave Waters, Brian Toole, Dan Dugie, Mary Negulic, Ian Scott, Joanne Ward-Jerrett, Ciara Jerrett, Mel Simons, Rick Davis, Patti Card. Mark Peachey Regrets: Stephanie MacFarlane, Shauna Wilson, Angela Jessop, Dave Waters, Todd Cranston, Anne Webster Guests: Sally Trower, Paula from Forest School. AGENDA ITEMS: 1. Forest School /Nature Education Centre at Maskwa: Sally Trower. Background on Ms. Trower: Last year, with growing concerns that kids simply are losing the art of play, and not getting outdoors, she formed a not for profit called OutdoorKids, aimed at creating opportunities for children and their families, to re-connect to nature through regular outdoor play. It was whilst establishing this, she crossed paths with the Sierra Club of Canada (Atlantic Chapter) who was delivering their Wild Child nature-based program to Nova Scotian schools. She is presently 'back at school' for the next year, with Forest School Canada, training to be the first, qualified Forest School Practitioner in Nova Scotia, whilst working on developing the opportunity for forest school sites across Halifax Sally is investigating sites in Halifax where kids can outside for 1/2 day to full days and learn about the forest and experience the outdoors in a safe and supportive environment. They have no funding and are not asking for funding as they want to be self-sustaining. Looking at making Maskwa first site for forest school in Nova Scotia. Hoping to partner with Nova Scotia Natural History of Museum. Would like to offer the program to Maskwa members. Not looking to build structures. Looking at using Maskwa facilities. Estimate about 10 children per session. Looking into risk assessments. One of the goals is to let the children take some innate risks (e.g. climb trees). Target population is preschoolers, 3 to 5 years old. Less screen time, more green time. Also target is 6 to 12 year old, school aged kids. Very popular in the U.K. Would look at about $40/day for full day. They need a letter of support from Maskwa, if interested, which they will take to DNR. They would provide information about the session planned. She has spoken to DNR who advised not allowed to post signs. They need tree stumps, some site management and to do an environmental impact study. Activities: tool making, shelter building, crafts. Will have screening of movie 'wild child' at museum of natural history in March, 2015. Would like to have some family taster days in April, 2015 and then develop 1-2 forest days in May, 2015. Take families out to the woods. Probably taster session on a Saturday in April or May. Maskwa Minutes: January 19 2015 2 Action Plan: Forest School requires a letter of support to be written if the Board accepts the concept. Issue to be discussed further at next BoD mtg to determine opportunities or value for Maskwa. 2. Review of previous minutes: October 20 2014. Joanne Ward-Jerrett moved to pass minutes, seconded by Ian Scott. Minutes passed without changes. 3. New Directors: Ciara Jerrett and Geoff Morse: Ciara has offered to be Social Director and Geoff Morse has offered to be Travel and Logistics Coordinator. Ian Scott moved to accept them as Directors, seconded by Dave Waters. Motion passed. 4. Executive Reports: a. Commodore: Initial Address by Dan (page four): Discussed about having Tracy back to develop goals and objectives but some Board members were concerned this may be premature if the committee structure is going to change. Therefore, Dan and Ian to discuss situation with Tracey and ask her opinion on moving forward plan. Also discussed the old clubhouse which has sustained significant damage with flooding. Will need to invest in it to be usable. Dan to develop an ops/events calendar to be shared with committees for all Maskwa events. This will be viewed on Google drive. b. Financial Report: Rick (page six): Wanted to highlight some areas: there should be revenue neutral events: Florida, Nationals, CKC fees (in and out need to be evened out) + Lane fees; grant cheques come in later than summer whic should be credited into account for last year. Summer Canteen: collected $1600 but spent $1500. The accountant will be doing an amortization/depreciation on the boats/assets and we are not building up our boat fleet as quickly as they are depreciating. Huge swing/decrease in grants and donations from previous year. Rick needs to meet with accountant to discuss accounting procedures over past year. Rick identified concerns about cost of wages being 79.4% of our income/revenue. Action: Finance committee to meet to discuss registration costs. c. Paddling Report: Bruce (page seven): Rec'd two new canoes. Reviewed his report. Jon advised that there is a strong push to divide U13 regattas - so half the clubs go to one club and the other half go to another club to make a shorter day for the children, parents and coaches. 5. HR Committee update on Office Manager position: Patti described the office manager position has been divided into three areas: communication (Ian-Communication Committee overseeing), bookkeeping (Rick overseeing) and summer manager. HR committee is developing job description for summer manager and bookkeeper. Looking at possibly having two summer managers: one to oversee the summer program and a junior/assistant manager (possibly as a onetime position) to assist with developing policies, procedures and processes. 6. Action Items for next Board meeting. Ops Calendar 2015 Pricing/Costing plan Vehicle Lease details Maskwa Minutes: January 19 2015 3 Strategic Plan Bookkeeper position Keys - proposal Florida - finalized details, including budget and invoice submission 7. Dates of next meeting: Change in meeting times: To allow for financial planning, it was proposed that meetings occur on the third Monday of each month, when possible. February 9, 2015 is the next Board Meeting as February 16 is family day/provincial holiday. Maskwa Minutes: January 19 2015 4 Commodore’s Report Welcome to 2015! As this is my inaugural Commodore’s Report, I would like to officially welcome everyone to 2015…and thank you all for the trust you have placed in me to be Commodore of Maskwa for the next 2 years. I understand we have some great challenges ahead, but through our collaborative efforts Maskwa will be the envy of our sport. Strategic Plan A strategic plan is necessary to ensure we focus our attention and efforts to Maskwa’s core interests and values. The process was initiated in our strategy session last fall, however, not much work has been done since that session on the pillars and goals/objectives. As we have new members on the Board, and because of the time lapse since the strategy session, I suggest we have another session, with Tracy White facilitating, to formalize these goals/objectives as a opposed to using the committee structure. We will look at a date in early February. Board Structure Currently, our Board of Directors is more tactical than strategic…and, in implementing our strategic plan we will need to review our Board structure. With the engagement of the Governance Committee, a review of the current Board structure will take place in the coming months. As was previously briefly discussed, the ADCKC is similarly reviewing their Board structure so as to become more strategic in nature. Although our club strategic plan may be different than the Division, there are some similarities in our structure…and we may be able to implement some changes similar to that of the Division. This too would help realize efficiencies and better communication between Maskwa and the ADCKC. Flooding at Maskwa In early December, heavy rains raised the level of Kearney Lake to heights unseen by current Board members. As a result, water streamed into the old boathouse and into the new boat bays. The old boathouse had about 1 foot of water at the time of cresting, while the new boat bay had maybe a couple inches. In either case, equipment was not affected. Several members, including Bruce, Mark and Jon and Ryan worked on cleaning out the old boathouse, and Jon and Ryan cleaned out the new boat bays. Our insurance policy does not cover flood damage…so, any damage we incur will be out of pocket. As part of the cleanup of the old boathouse, Mark, Jon and Bruce also repaired a leak in the roof…and also gutted a wall (for drying purposes) where water was streaming in. Interior repairs will need to be performed in the spring. An estimate on the repair/damages will not be available until a further inspection is performed this spring. Maskwa Minutes: January 19 2015 5 Club Manager It was with regret that Alina Gromack was relieved of her duties at Maskwa in early December. We thank Alina for all she has done for Maskwa and wish her well in her new endeavours. The HR committee is currently reviewing the requirements necessary for a replacement(s), and what those replacement(s) will look like. The first step in the process will be to hire a year-round bookkeeper. With the assistance of the HR cmte, the job ad will be placed before the end of January, with someone hired by the end of February. Until then, predominantly Rick, with the assistance of Dan and Mark, are looking after the bookkeeping/admin for now. Ops/Events Calendar To improve visibility on projects, deadlines/timelines, and other scheduled events, a new ops/events calendar will be created. This too will be a planning aide for stakeholders…both in the short and long-term. This calendar will include… Scheduled meetings – Board, committees, Division, etc. Social events Regattas Deadlines or timelines – dock installation/removal, registration planning stages/deadlines, budgets, application deadlines, orientation day, employee payday, etc. A calendar for February will be distributed in the coming week. Process Management In the process of keeping Maskwa operational, I have been reviewing the organization of our manager’s office and reviewing processes. I have determined that although Maskwa has operated, we need to tighten some of our processes, institute controls and set levels of accountability… As well, there are some processes that are documented…however, we need to make them more accessible and review them to ensure efficiency. This is a business consistency and continuity issue, but it too can be a way to cut some unnecessary costs. Many of these processes will need to be documented and reviewed at the committee level, which will involve reviewing purpose, setting controls and identifying and measuring KPIs. As well, by simplifying and streamlining processes we want to make sure we are running as efficient and as cost-effective as possible; our membership dollars and our volunteers’ time and efforts are valuable. A little work on the front end will save a lot of time and money moving forward. Respectfully submitted by: Dan J. Wincey Maskwa Minutes: January 19 2015 6 Treasurer Report January 19, 2015 Two reports attached. 1. Financial Results for Fiscal Year November 2013 – October 2014 a. Concerns over accuracy of data. Not so much quantity of marbles just which buckets they have been allocated into and proper cutoff from 2012-2013. i.e HST, Nationals/Regatta reimbursements and Employee Grants. b. Now that all invoices/credits and bills are accounted for, the next steps is to drill down the anomalies and report to WLBI for a proper cutoff. c. Year over Year notes will be discussed at BOD Meeting i. Wages& Benefits as a % of Membership dues: 1. 2012/13 – 71.9% : 2013/2014 – 79.4%. . (NHL is 50 %) 2. Can a strong focused investment in capital help in decrease wage costs? ii. Canteen Shrink iii. Club Clothing Shrink iv. Operating Losses vs 2012/2013 in addition to net loss in Boat Inventory due to upcoming depreciation. v. Over time it is unreasonable to assume we can grow or even maintain the assets of the club with 20.6% of our dues after wages. 2. Fiscal Snapshot November 2014 - January 15, 2015 a. We have a Clean Start and it will be continued through the rest of the year. i. Goals: 1. Decrease in charter of accounts for easier allocations. 2. Proper accounting for “projects” i.e. Florida, Nationals. 3. Loss Prevention Procedures i.e cash handling, canteen reporting, club Inventory purchases. Respectfully Submitted by: Rick Davis Maskwa Minutes: January 19 2015 7 Paddling Report For Jan 19, 2015 mtg Timing is everything. Kearney Lake Road finally opens up...just in time for ice slush and snow!! Looking on the positive side, at least the pot holes aren't so deep at the moment! Coaching As National Team Coach Csom Latorovski said at a recent meeting, “The most important element for success that a canoe club can have is great coaches.” To that end, Jon Pike has been offered a contract that will keep him as Maskwa's Head Coach through September 2016. With a lot of red tape being cut through by Commode Dan Wincey, we now have all the necessary paper work in place for our soon to be Assistant Coach, Lucie Radonova. Once she has finalized her work permit, she will become a welcome addition our club. Lucie is attending most practices and getting to know the athletes. Parents are invited to stop by and introduce yourselves if you get the chance. HP & Masters Groups Both groups continue with their off season training. The Masters, under the direction of Sue Pleasance, work out at Maskwa on Tuesday, Thursday and early Saturday mornings. Our High Performance Group is at Maskwa every day with the exception of Sunday. They also swim at The Canada Games Center swimming in the early morning, 3 days per week. Fundraising Those athletes preparing for Florida, with the help of their parents, continue with their fund raising activities. The auction, held at the Lower Deck, was a great success. Other profitable events have been the Christmas Wreath sales, Gift Card Tree and Sunsweep ticket sales and a bottle drive. The final event on the agenda is a series of Grocery Store “Bagging” afternoons. These fund raising initiatives will help to offset the costs of Florida training which starts in late February and early March. Equipment Our list of boats was bolstered by 2 as the Cadet C-1's arrived. These boats will benefit all sections of our canoeing program and especially the people who are new to C-1. They are more stable and easier to steer. ADCKC Planning Jon Pike, Dan Wincey and myself attended a January 17 meeting of the Atlantic Division and Member Clubs. The topic of discussion was High Performance. We will be continuing this discussion in February with the goal of developing regattas at the younger age groups that better align with ADCKC's long term development model. Ottawa 2015 Some preliminary investigation regarding lodging for this year's Nationals is being done through our Logistic Coordinator, Geoff Morse. Having this information will allow us to coordinate fund raising activities for Nationals prior to the start of summer. Many thanks to Geoff and all who have contributed to this important ground work. Respectfully submitted by: Bruce Piercey
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