Getting Cosmically Connected 1701 Portland Ave Nashville TN 37212 Monday - Saturday 10:00am – 8:00pm / Sunday 10:00am – 6:00pm 615-463-7677 Didgerdoo First Chakra Alignment Rembrandt Lee February 1 February 2015 Tse Dup Yang Bod Tibetan Soul Healing Circle Tania Smith / Lumo Woekar February 4 & 17 Reiki Share Diana Shaffer – Open to All! February 5 Edgar Cayce Steve Dizmon February 7 Self-Hypnosis for Accelerated Growth Scott Webb February 8 Sacred Geology Elizabeth Follett February 8 Angel Radiance Trunk Show & Private Consultations Ayesha Nur February 14 & 15 Meditate with the HU Open to Everyone! February 14 10 Tips for Self-Cleansing the Body in 2015 Scott Webb February 15 Reconnective Healing Intro & Private Sessions Jeff Crawford February 15 Intro to Animal Communication Gina Griffiths February 14 & 24 Psychic Development Series Gina Griffiths Begins February 17 FREE Frequency Analysis & Voice Printing Class ****************** Private Voice Analysis/Printing Shira Hunt February 7 “Conversations…” Shira Hunt & George Mycroft February 12 Happy Valentine’s Day Stay Cosmically Connected: Visit our online calendar for more spectacular events all year long! Angel Class Workshop Victoria Leigh February 18 Rhonda Manning: Self-Transformation Meditation Payton Pavkov February 19 Beth Ann Kennedy ROCKIN’ ROCK EVENT February 27, 28 & March 1 Speaking to Heaven Gallery Event Auric Body, Human Chakra, Healing & Psychic Abilities Workshop February 20 February 21 Private Sessions February 21 & 22 Beth Ann Kennedy Private Sessions: Basics of Reiki & Chakra Balancing Becki Baumgartner, Joyce Dierschke & Dan Craft February 22 Beth Ann Kennedy Akashic Records: Crystal Healing Energywork & Intuitive Readings An Advanced Intuition Workshop Feb 27-28 Feb 28 Crystal Formations Workshop March 1 Walk-In Services This Month Gayle DuVan Aura El’vereese Britten Photography + Reading Tarot / Psychic Readings Saturdays Sundays & Thursdays & 3rd Saturdays Janet Andrews Melissa Mogan Gina Griffiths Tarot Energywork Free Dosha Consultations Crystal Healing + Reading Intuitive Readings Clairvoyant/ Channeler/ Pet Readings Mondays Mondays & 2rd Saturdays Tuesdays & Fridays &1st Saturdays Suzie Wright Carole Eve Astrology Tarot Reiki Master Psychic Medium Tarot / Psychic Medium Tuesdays Wednesdays & Fridays & 4d Saturdays Jack Dreher Becca Jane Intuitive Readings, Energywork, Coaching Tarot, Channeled Readings, Psychic Medium Wednesday Afternoons 4th Saturdays Didgeridoo First Chakra Alignment w/Rembrandt Lee Come find out what it means to be a Master of Duality. Find out how a session for Duality can help with back pain, internal psychological contradictions, self-imposed paradoxes and disharmony. The Didgeridoo will be introduced giving a brief history and origin. There will be a demonstration of the didgeridoo for music therapy / healing and a group healing for all participants. This will increase your dreams, meditation and clairvoyance. February 1 11:00am – 12:00pm FREE Rembrandt is Naturally Gifted to bring about Enlightenment "Greater Consciousness" in others by the use of conscious conversation, Music Healing with the Didgeridoo and Hand-on-Energy work. Rembrandt will explain how he came to do this work and explain what a private session with ‘The White Jamaican Healer' would be like. More about Rembrandt at Private sessions with Rembrandt typically take 2 1/2 hours and are just $125 RSVP so we know you are coming with Cosmic: 615.643.7677 or Tse Dup Yang Bod: Tibetan Bon Healing Circle w/ Tania Smith / Lumo Woekar Healing with the 5 Elements: For us to be healthy and happy we must have a balanced energy system. Due to disease, trauma or stress our energies become blocked resulting in energy loss and a decreased life force. . February 4 & 17 7:00pm – 8:00pm Cost: $30 Signs of energy loss are increasing obstacles in every aspect of our life including depression and long standing illness. In this group setting, mantras are chanted to connect to the five elements and provide healing energy while participants are in a relaxing reclining position. (Please bring a mat and pillow) Each person’s individual needs will be addressed discreetly and any information shared with Tania will be completely confidential. Tania is a Tse Dup Yang Bod Lopon (Healer & Teacher). She is one of the first western teachers of this ancient Tibetan healing modality, certified after a 5-year intensive training program. Hour long private sessions are $120. Experience the same wonderful healing and energy in a group session for a steeply discounted price! Space is limited. Please RSVP to or call 615.463.7677 Reiki Share: Meets the first Thursday of each month Diana Shaffer All are welcome! From no experience to well-experienced. This gathering is for people to experience a night of energy work as a recipient, a practitioner, or just as an observer. February 5 6:30pm – 8:00pm Donations Please Donations appreciated to help cover the cost of the room. Contact: Diana Shaffer: 615-513-6565 to RSVP or for more info. Individual Voice Frequency Analysis / Printing w/ Shira Hunt, RN Voice Analysis/Printing February 7 10:00 am – 6:00 pm Your energy or resonant frequencies determines what kind of life you have! What do you know about your resonant frequencies? Would you like to know? Would you like to create more abundance, more money, vibrant health, a rich spiritual journey or deep relationships in your life? You didn't read this by accident. You are here "on purpose". You are ready for change and I can help create it. Shira is a certified sound therapist and studied with 3 different teacher. She also has wide knowledge in many esoteric teachings including cranial sacral therapy, Healing Touch, Psychi-K, EFT and Reiki. Shira will reveal your resonant frequencies to you through a graph picture of your own voice, using a technique called vocal printing and do a complete reading, giving you guidance and treatment directions to bring your frequencies back into harmonic alignment. This process is easy and she will teach you how to use it. 15 mins / $30 30 mins / $50 45 mins / $75 60 mins / $100 Schedule your session now through Cosmic: 615-463-7677 or *************************** ************************************************************************************* FREE CLASS: Frequency Analysis & Voice Printing w/ Shira Hunt, RN February 7 11am – 12pm FREE What a start to 2015 we have had! Change and More is Coming! Are you Ready? Are you confused? No direction in life? Need help? Financial issues? Poor health? Stuck? The resonant frequencies of your voice carry the secrets to your hidden information. Let us help you see those frequencies and create a new direction in life! Learn how your personal vibrations and frequencies create and support the world you live in. This seminar will give you some grounding in vibrational medicine and therapy including some history and studies to validate the frequency process. A voice analysis will be done live so that participants can experience and visualize the voice print. Vibrational toning techniques will be shared so that you can experience the work first hand. You will discuss the value of the voice print and how to use it to determine illness and dis-ease in the physical, emotional and mental body. There will be experiential work for all who come. Go to Shira's website to read about her own amazing personal healing listening to frequencies and Vibrational Medicine saved her shattered leg when the doctors wanted to amputate. More about Shira at: RSVP Please as space is limited to Cosmic @ 615.463.7677 or Edgar Cayce with Steve Dizmon February 7 1:00pm – 2:00pm Edgar Cayce is best known for his Health Readings. He also channeled information concerning Reincarnation, Karma, Atlantis, Life Purpose, Astrology, Earth changes, the Akashic Records, Chakras, and other topics of interest to Spiritual Seekers. The sheer volume and documentation of Cayce's Readings deserves consideration by any inquirer of metaphysical knowledge. The mature philosophy Cayce reached during his life was a Christianized version of religious and spiritual thinking from ancient Asian, Egyptian and other early civilization's spiritual ideas. Edgar Cayce became a true Mystic Philosopher. The information he received was by channeling the Akashic Records while in trance, rather than through more commonly known psychic means. Join Steve as he shares information gathered from books about Cayce and from actual transcripts of his readings. RSVP please, so we know you are coming to Cosmic:@ 615.463.7677 or Self-Hypnosis for Accelerated Growth w/Scott Webb February 8 11:00am – 1:00pm Cost: $15 (fee includes supplies) Often our most-challenging blocks lurk just below our conscious awareness. Learn how to access your own inner resources just waiting your instruction. Come prepared to share your own goals and dreams and partner-up to accelerate your realization-process. Discussion includes basic principles of hypnosis, script-writing, and putting yourself into trance for suggestibility. The end in mind is to add new tools to your emotional toolbox for greater optimism, empowerment and joy. Scott W. Webb has been a Nashville colon hygienist for the past 14 years and has recently become certified in hypnotherapy with the National Guild of Hypnotists. Questions? Contact: RSVP to: Cosmic Connections @ 615.463.7677 or Sacred Geology w/Elizabeth Follett February 8 2:00pm – 3:30pm FREE Please join us for this extraordinary lecture as Elizabeth shares profound Sacred Geology messages from her book Divine Impressions: Prophetic Art in the Planetary Landscape. As a spiritual archaeologist, Elizabeth's presentation features dozens of powerful geologic images that span for thousands of miles across Venus, the Antarctic mountains, and the American west to show how terraformed murals were placed to help mankind understand CREATION in ways that correlate to ancient Sumerian legend, Mesoamerican myth, and Christianity. The lecture will include a discussion of how greater awareness of this discovery can contribute to a global transformation of thought, with emphasis on understanding creation in solid terms, as well as other pertinent messages from our predecessors regarding stewardship and peace. Questions? Contact Elizabeth at: Prerequisites: None Conversations…..Shira Hunt & George Mycroft February 12 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm Donations appreciated in whatever amount you feel drawn to share RSVP to Cosmic Connections 615-463-7677 . In the midst of all the energetic changes that are occurring around us these days, we feel that it is time for "Conversations" - to share what essential, elemental insights we have garnered in life so far. We work on the basis that less is more in this regard - that all of Life’s essential truths can each be stated in a single sentence. This underlies every aspect of our coming-together-ness - simplicity and brevity are the bases of our meeting. This is a new gathering for those who are on the pathway towards deeper peace and meaning in our lives, towards seeking out and incorporating Life’s essential truths into our be-ing-ness. It encompasses everyone and everything - it is all about One-ness - the perfection of All That Is. These gatherings will suit you if you are coming with an open heart and mind, willing to step into perhaps sometimes painful self-truths and to move through them willingly into greater freedom, joy and awareness. If you seek deep honesty and personal clarity, then please join us as fellow travelers along Life’s pathway, as we come together to share what we have learned so far. We gather in peace, gentleness, and acceptance and with an open mind / heart, to share wisdoms that apply to everyone, no matter what their personal doctrine. With those elements in place, you are welcomed to share in these “Conversations”… A gathering of friends sharing their elemental wisdoms. Questions? Or for more information, contact George: Angel Radiance Trunk Show w/ Ayesha Nur February 14 & 15 10:00am – 7:00pm It is our joy at Angel Radiance to pour angel blessings and healing qualities into every candle. We have 5 full candle lines. Using all natural wax, cotton wicking and pure essential oils, and organic oils whenever possible. Our Sacred Line is for every heart and every home. Our Tools for Empowerment Line is all about creation and the steps of creation. Our Meditation Sets are angelic prescriptions for: Self Love, Abundance, Removal of Self-Sabotage and more. Our Animal Healing Candles are sooooo special, as are our Special Pour candles which are attuned specifically to you and your vibration and for anything that you would like it to be poured for! Please ask us about these. Whenever you light one of our candles, it ignites within your heart, your home and your space whatever angel blessing has been poured into it. Ayesha is also available for private consultations for you or your pets. Consultations include a Special Pour Candle. Blessed and Infused with Angel Energy to assist you with your special request that will surface during the consultation. Special Pour Candles burn an average of 65 hours. We look forward to meeting you. Take a moment to write down some areas of concern, request, or a blessing you would like to give or receive (health, healing, new baby, new home, new job.....) and bring it in. We can work with the words and the angels together. Come see me...... See more at **************************************************************************** Private Consultations w/ Ayesha Nur Private Sessions February 14 & 15 Consultation only: $40 Special Pour only: $45 Consultation and Special Pour: $75 While you are enjoying the Angel Radiance Trunk Show this weekend, be sure to schedule time for a private consultation / reading for you or your pets with Ayesha. Your consultation will help you discover the area in your life that the angels are there to help you with. You can then request that a Special Pour Candle be created and infused with Angel Energy to assist you. Special Pour Candles are 2 1/2" x 6" and burn an average of 65 hours. Your Special Pour will be delivered to Cosmic in one week. Ayesha looks forward to meeting you. If you already know what you would like to be angelically infused into a candle, Ayesha can do that for you. Many people will take a moment to write down some areas of concern, request, or a blessing you would like to give or receive (health, healing, new baby, new home, new job....) and bring it in. You and Ayesha can work with the words and the angels together. Raise Your Vibration with the HU Song You are invited to come and meditate with the HU Song. Feel your vibration change! Are you a mantra person? Interested in experiencing your own vibration raise? Want to feel that almost immediate expanded feeling of being connected to Source? To your own guidance? Do you want to find a way to bring yourself to center quickly? To regain your balance? To feel a sense of protection? February 14 11am – 12pm FREE Then come and experience HU. It only takes 20 minutes. Each person's experience is unique. You may feel grounded afterwards, you may experience visualizations during. HU......come and experience the HU. HU (pronounced like the word hue) is an ancient word with immense spiritual power. It is the sound behind all sounds. Singing HU can open your heart, helping you find peace, expand your awareness, and gain a higher perspective on daily problems. Presented by Eckankar of Middle TN. Please RSVP to Cosmic Connections so we know you are coming: 615.463.7677 Intro to Animal Communication w/Gina Griffiths People & Pet Psychic Gina will talk about animal communication, give a couple tips and answer any questions you may have about communicating with animals. February 14 1:30 pm – 2:30 pm February 24 7:00pm – 8:00pm Next month...Gina will be offering an in-depth class on Animal Communication. You will want to get registered soon as class size is limited! More about Gina: RSVP to Cosmic Connections @ 615 463-7677 or Level 1 Animal Communication Workshop: March 15 1:30pm - 4:30pm Only $49 FREE 10 Tips for Self-Cleansing the Body in 2015 w/Scott Webb February 15 11:00am – 12:00pm FREE Internal cleansing is not something which can be done in one week with a product that comes in a box. Environmental poisons collect in the human body systemically and requiring unwinding slowly and with strategy. Many chemicals today are oil soluble and require quality fats to be removed. Plus, avoiding certain things that toxify bodily systems is a year around endeavor. It's easy and affordable. Learn from Scott Webb, the author of "Inside Poop," who has managed to be healthy without any medical bills for the past 15 years, and going. Then, share what you learn with your friends and family! RSVP please, so we know you are coming @ 615.463.7677 or Reconnective Healing Introduction Demonstration Jeff Crawford Take an experiential journey with the Reconnective Energies as Jeff brings you into the Field, allowing you to interact with the Universal Light. Jeff will discuss and demonstrate Reconnective Healing ®; a complete and all-inclusive spectrum of frequencies that consist of energy, light and information. You will literally feel (and some will see) the Quantum Field around you as we merge in group oneness with the intent of healing. February 15 Reconnective Healing 1:30pm – 2:30pm Jeff is one of 5 practitioners in the state of TN certified by Eric Pearl to practice Reconnective Healing and The Reconnection®. Jeff is also a Reiki Master Teacher and Tarot specialist. Don’t miss this opportunity to interact with the strings and strands of Reconnective Healing, which have helped so many people to reconnect to their true life purpose, find clarity, and physical healing. FREE Jeff will be available for a limited number of private sessions after the introduction. More about Jeff at: *************************** RSVP now with Cosmic: 615.643.7677 or **************************************************************************************************************************** PRIVATE SESSIONS 10AM – 7:30PM Cost - $85 / 60 min Reconnective Healing: Private Sessions Jeff will be available for a limited number of healing sessions before & after his presentation today. He will take you into the Field, allowing you to interact with the Universal Light. Reconnective Healing ® is a complete and all-inclusive spectrum of frequencies that consist of energy, light and information. You will literally feel (and some will see) the Quantum Field around you. Jeff is one of 5 practitioners in the state of TN certified by Eric Pearl to practice Reconnective Healing and The Reconnection®. Jeff is also a Reiki Master Teacher and Tarot specialist. There's a limited number of sessions available. Contact Cosmic now to RSVP for the FREE demonstration today, or to schedule your own time with Jeff. Tse Dup Yang Bod: Tibetan Bon Healing Circle w/ Tania Smith / Lumo Woekar Healing with the 5 Elements: For us to be healthy and happy we must have a balanced energy system. Due to disease, trauma or stress our energies become blocked resulting in energy loss and a decreased life force. . February 17 7:00pm – 8:00pm Cost: $30 Signs of energy loss are increasing obstacles in every aspect of our life including depression and long standing illness. In this group setting, mantras are chanted to connect to the five elements and provide healing energy while participants are in a relaxing reclining position. (Please bring a mat and pillow) Each person’s individual needs will be addressed discreetly and any information shared with Tania will be completely confidential. Tania is a Tse Dup Yang Bod Lopon (Healer & Teacher). She is one of the first western teachers of this ancient Tibetan healing modality, certified after a 5-year intensive training program. Hour long private sessions are $120. Experience the same wonderful healing and energy in a group session for a steeply discounted price! Space is limited. Please RSVP to or call 615.463.7677 Psychic Development Series w/Clairvoyant and Intuitive Reader Gina Griffiths One of the main things I find as an intuitive that I hear from people, is that they have difficulty trusting themselves. They may also think "am I making this up?" "Or is it my thoughts thinking this?" Everyone receives their intuitive signs and confirmations differently. It is unique for each of us. If we look at how someone else receives info psychically and try to do it like them or compare, we may get frustrated. It is about aligning with yourself, allowing and trusting yourself to blossom and expand within, and forget about how anyone else does gets it. February 17 7:00pm – 9:00pm Cost: $125 for the 5-week series Feb 17, Mar 3, 10, 17 & 24 This class is designed for each of you to practice how YOU receive YOUR intuitive information. Gina is able to psychically see how each person receives their own intuitive communication and to help guide them. This class will be hands on practice doing different techniques to help you feel more confident in trusting your intuition. This is a very relaxed, no pressure class!! More about Gina: Seating is limited and by RSVP only. Pre-registration with payment required for the series. 615-463-7677 or There has been such a tremendous response that Gina is teaching a second 5-week series for those who are not able to get into this one, or are unable to do Tuesday nights. nd 2 class: March 8, 15, 22, 29 & April 12 Angel Class Workshop w/ Victoria Leigh Farley Numbers are one of the most common ways in which Angels speak to us. Victoria Leigh Farley will help you understand the meaning of numbers and the various sequences, as well as how to activate the angels in your life allowing them to go forward to bring you your hearts desires. She’ll share with you, through spirit, just how powerful angels are! February 18 7:00pm – 8:30pm Cost: $25 Fun and informative her channeled classes are designed to awaken your own inner abilities. Each class will be different as Ezekiel channels a new topic to Victoria each month. Pre-registration is required as seating is limited. RSVP to Cosmic soon to guarantee your spot! 615.463.7677 or Victoria is currently conducting classes in Nashville, as well as reading daily in her new office at Cosmic Connections. More about Victoria: Self-Transformation Meditation w/Payton Pavkov I have been practicing meditation in the discipline of Alchemy or Self-Transformation for five years. The lessons I will be giving are meditations using Alchemical symbolism as a guide into your Inner and Outer Worlds. February 19 7:00pm – 8:00pm The benefits of these meditations include relief of stress, anxiety, depression, and fear. As these negative aspects of life melt away mental clarity, emotional healing, and bodily functions will increase, aiding your spirit to reach its fullest potential! FREE RSVP please, so we know you are coming, to: Cosmic: 615.463.7677 or Speaking to Heaven Gallery Event with Psychic Medium Rhonda Manning February 20 7:00pm – 9:00pm Cost: $35 Rhonda will be speaking to crossed-over loved ones in Heaven in a group mediumship reading. She directly communicates with loved ones who have crossed over into Heaven. The purpose of this event is to give spiritual encouragement and healing that there is a God, that Heaven exists, and that the soul lives beyond the physical body. Rhonda is an evidentiary medium, meaning that she will give specific details about their personalities, perhaps their cause of death, and physical appearances as well as other information that only you would know. More about Rhonda and this event at: Seating is limited! These events are pre-registration and RSVP only so register soon! To Cosmic Connections @ 615-463-7677 or Rhonda Manning Psychic Medium - Private Sessions February 21 8:00am – 10:00am Rhonda is an international psychic medium and one of the top psychic mediums in Tennessee. She has been University tested with a 90% accuracy rating. Not only is she an amazing and accurate evidentiary psychic medium, she is also a trained psychotherapist in private practice. A private reading may include some or all of the following depending on what spirit decides is most important for you to know right now: Mediumship, Contacting Spirit Guides, Past life Reading, Life path Reading, Empath Reading. More about Rhonda and what to expect with your session: February 22 10am – 1pm In person only. Pre-registration and prepayment required. Reserve your time now to guarantee your reading! 50 minute / $200 To Cosmic Connections: 615-463-7677 Auric Body, The Human Energy Chakra System, Healing and Psychic Abilities Workshop with Rhonda Manning Have you ever walked into a room and immediately felt either positive or negative energy? Have you ever met a stranger and you knew right away that they were not someone you wanted to be around? Or you immediately liked someone without really knowing them? February 21 12:00pm – 5:00pm These experiences are all evidence of the human energy field known as the aura. In addition, you are an energetic body with energy vortexes called Chakras. When you know how these work you can influence energy in and around you via sound, food, herbs, stones, crystals, and specified intentions with specific energy techniques based on the chakras. Learn about vibrational energy and your own equipment to enhance health, emotions, and intuitive abilities. Please wear comfortable clothing Cost: $95 We will introduce you to Quantum Physics, the Electrical Body & Universe and give you in-depth information on the Chakras and Auric Field. We will have a meditation, you will learn techniques to see the Auric Field and learn about directing the energy of the Chakra System. Space is limited. RSVP and prepayment required. To Cosmic: 615-463-7677 more about Rhonda: Basics of Reiki & Chakra Balancing w/Becki Baumgartner & Joyce Dierschke & Dan Craft February 22 3:00pm – 4:00 pm Cost: FREE Come learn the basics of Reiki and Chakra Balancing. You will learn: How to feel the human energy field, how to access and use Reiki energy to heal, how to diagnose the chakras with a pendulum, how to balance the chakras with a crystal. We will show you how to actually see (with the naked eye!!!) the energy we work with in this type of healing. RSVP Please, so we know you are coming to Cosmic: 615.463.7677 For more information on their work visit: Questions: Rockin’ Rock Event w/ Beth Ann Kennedy Beth is Back! And she has just been to the Gem & Rock Show in Tuscon! treasures! Browse, shop or just play in the energy! February 27, 28 & March 1 10:00am – 7:00pm Come see all the new While here, Beth Ann will also offer readings, energywork sessions and an amazing Akashic Records Workshop and another on Crystal Formations! Schedule your session now and check out the Saturday & Sunday workshops! Private Sessions: Crystal Healing Energywork or Intuitive Readings w/Beth Ann Kenned7 Private Sessions Beth Ann Kennedy February 27 1:00pm – 7:00 pm February 28 9:00am – 2:30 pm Readings: Beth utilizes her gift of being a natural channel during her readings and healing sessions. Working with the Ascended Masters, Angels and various global Deities during sessions, she may also work with your guides or access your Akashic Record to bring forward information and history of your soul. Sessions assist the client into connections with their own intuition and soul wisdom through the vehicle of channeled guidance and direction. Sessions begin like a meditation, but evolve into a dynamic interaction and deep levels of self-awareness. Healing Sessions: May consist of one or more modalities including Crystal Surgery, Crystal Healing, Reiki or Theta Healing. There is often release of intuitive blocks, past lives, family karma or habitual patterns. More about Beth at: Schedule your session now! Reading or energy work Contact Cosmic: 615-463-7677 $100 / hour ********************************* Workshop: February 28 3:00pm – 6:00 pm Cost: $65 ********************************************************************************** Akashic Records: An Advanced Intuition Workshop w/Beth Kennedy Spend a day learning about yourself and sharpening your intuition by connecting with the Akashic Records. The Akashic Records are the source for all information and exists on the astral plain. You will learn skills to access your record, obtain information and apply healing. We will also learn to obtain worldly wisdom and downloads from the Akashic Records. This wisdom may come in the form of the history, insight or education. This is an advanced course so some previous intuitive training is required. We would love to have you so if you have questions about if this class is right for you please contact Cosmic Connections or Beth Ann Kennedy for questions. Preregister at Cosmic: 615.463.7677 or Crystal Formations Workshop with Beth Ann Kennedy Quartz is the fundamental mineral in crystal healing yet it is complex with many varieties and formation. Not to fear! This class discusses the major classifications of quartz and how to best harness its many qualities. This is a hands-on course with detailed explanation and personal experience by a professional crystal healer and teacher. March 1st 10am – 2pm $75 Open to beginner through advanced. Preregister at Cosmic: 615.463.7677 or A Peek at March’s Great Events! March 8, 15, 22, 29, April 12– Psychic Development Series w/Clairvoyant Gina Griffiths March 4, 17 – Tse Dup Yang Bod Healing Circlew/ Tanya Smith March 5 – Reiki Circle March 7 – FREE Class: Frequency Analysis & Voice Printing March 7 – Private Sessions: Frequency Voice Analysis w/ Shira Hunt March 7 – Weight Loss Strategy w/ Scott Webb March 7 & 8 – Intro to Wire Wrapping Pendants w/ Taylor & Kitty Carter March 8 – Didgeridoo First Chakra Alignment w/ Rembrandt Lee March 8 – Twin Flame ReCONNECT Gallery w/ Randy & Victoria Farley March 11 & 25 – Self Transformation Meditation w/ Payton Pavkov March 12 – Conversations w/ Shira Hunt & George Mycroft March 13, 14 & 15 – Grateful Heart Plants & Crystals TRUNK SHOW w/ Lucy & Bill Randles March 14 – Reconnective Healing FREE Intro & Private Sessions w/ Jeff Crawford March 14 – 10 Easy Steps to Strengthen Immunity to Illness w/ Scott Webb March 14 – HU Meditation March 15 – Animal Communication WorkshopLevel 1 w/ Gina Griffiths March 18 – Angel Class Workshop w/ Victoria Leigh Farley March 20, 21 & 22 – Rockin’ Rock Event / Spirit Dancer Crystals, Jean Tindle March 20, 21, & 22 – Private Shamanic Energywork Sessions w/ Jean Tindle March 28 – Reiki 1 Certification w/ Becki Baumgartner, Joyce Dierschke, Dan Craft RSVP for anything you would like to attend. Please note that some events require prepayment to guarantee your spot! Cosmic Connections 615-463-7677 events@ March 29 – What’s In A Card w/Kelly McCullough Walk In Services This Month at Cosmic Connections To schedule a session with our walk-in practitioners, just give us a call at Cosmic Connections: 615-463-7677 Cash or check accepted as payment. Pay them directly. Saturdays 10am - 3pm Gayle DuVan Aura Imaging Photography – 5-page full color report + verbal reading/interpretation. Only $50 Your aura is the electromagnetic energy field that surrounds your body. This field vibrates at different frequencies and reflects your state of mind, body and inner being. The report will show you the colors in and around your energy field and the sizes, color and shapes of your seven major chakras. The verbal reading is always spot on and filled with humor! Report Only on any day: $25 Sun & Thur 11:30am – 5pm + 3rd Saturdays El’vereese Brittan Tarot / Channeling / Crystal Healing / Reiki An Intuitive Channeling Healer whose gifts have been with her since she was a child. A clairvoyant and a Spiritual Advisor, who is known for giving sound and accurate guidance in problem areas of everyday life. She has a way of speaking with clients for clear communication and accuracy, which can have a positive outcome in all of life's journeys. 20 mins / $40 30 mins / $60 60 mins / $100 Mondays 10am – 3pm Mondays 3:30pm-6pm + 2nd Saturdays Tues & Fri 3:30pm-7:30pm + 1st Saturdays Tuesdays 11am – 3pm Wed & Fri 11am – 3pm + 4th Saturdays Wed 4:30pm-7:30pm Wednesdays Sat 4th Saturdays Janet Andrews Tarot Readings / Energywork / ‘What is Your Dosha” Free Consultations A lifetime of working with people as a critical care nurse, years of training in Ayurvedic Holistic Therapies and a deep connection to Spirit help Janet to give you the guidance you are looking for. 30 mins / $60 60 mins / $120 Melissa Mogan Crystal Readings / Stones & Tones Sessions / Crystal Consultation During a crystal reading--you choose what will happen in your life and learn how to create that. Stones & Tones Session: A crystal and sound therapy healing session to balance your etheric body to your physical body, resulting in clearer thinking, more physical energy and an allover boost in spiritual alignment. Consultation: Discover the stones most beneficial for you to work with at this time and coaching to discover which modalities would benefit you most at this time in your life. 30 mins / $25 60 mins / $50 Gina Griffiths Intuitive Readings / Clairvoyant / Channeler / Pet Readings A gifted multidimensional channeler who has been helping and animals for over 20 years, with an international clientele. She channels the angels of Light bringing higher guidance to answer your questions. Available for channeled angelic readings, psychic readings, pet readings, aura readings and communicating with loved ones from the other side-pets too. 15 mins / $30 30 mins / $60 60 mins / $100 Suzie Wright - Tuesdays 11am - 3pm Astrologer-Tarot-Psychic Medium-Reiki Master Suzie has been offering stellar readings around the world for over three decades, giving her psychic insight with a slice of charm to sweeten your consultation. One of the most well-established Astrologers and Metaphysical professionals in Nashville, she is known for helping her clients through life's transitions. She is well experienced in identifying your future possibilities and choices, and to assist you in moving through changes with ease and grace. 15 minutes / $45 30 minutes / $75 60 minutes / $130 Carole Eve Psychic / Psychic Medium / Tarot / Channeled Readings For 39 years Carole Eve has been providing messages from The Other Side, Tarot, Past Lives and from your Spirit Guides. Past, present, future and spiritual advice from an experienced intuitive. 20 mins / $40 30 mins / $60 60 mins / $100 Jack Dreher Psychic / Psychic Mediumship / Energywork / Coaching Combining intuitive reading, active listening, energywork and coaching, Jack observes the energy you bring to your life and works to illuminate all of your options to assist you in making the best decisions possible to manifest your desires. 15 minutes / $25 30 minutes / $50 45 minutes / $75 60 minutes / $100 Becca Jane Buxton Psychic / Medium / Channel / Tarot Need help figuring out where to go from here? Confused about relationship, career or just have questions. Awken to your divine purpose and learn how to overcome obstacles with guidance. 15 minutes / $30 30 minutes / $60 45 minutes / $90 60 minutes / $120 Cosmic Connections 1701 Portland Ave Nashville TN 615.463.7677
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