February 2015 Benito School Presents The Grade 6 students have been busy with the Red Cross Babysitters Course, and we have 8 new students who now hold their licenses. Congratulations to Kaden Blosha, Macy Broome, Liam Dodd, Emily Forman, Wade Hack, Emily Mayuk, Storym Osatchuk, and Hunter Pierce. Thank You to Mrs. Kerr for instructing the course, and to the Benito Child Care Centre for allowing us to utilize the facility for some of the practical training. Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. Salmi who had a visit from the stork on January 8th. It’s a boy! Musical EXTRAVAGANZA The Senior Kindergarten to Grade 4 students travelled to the ESRSS in Swan River on January 16th to attend a special presentation featuring Mr. Gerald Laroche, a musician, storyteller and fulltime composer. Students were captivated by his music and amazing harmonica playing. To view some photos of his amazing artwork as well as his many accomplishments you can visit his website at www.geraldlaroche.com Where the Food is Fresh -And So Is The Help! An Evening of Food and Fun From the Fabulous 50’s Friday, February 27th & Saturday, February 28th Benito School Gymnasium Gluten Free meal option available upon request Doors open at 5:45 p.m. **ADVANCED TICKETS ONLY ** $20.00 Each Contact Bev at the school office 204-539-2466 Join Parent Council at our next meeting on Thursday February 19th at 7:00 pm at the school. Look for our upcoming fundraisers in March and April. In March we are doing a Tupperware Fundraiser. Also in April we are Partnering up with Lynn’s Plant and Things for a flower fundraiser, look for more information on these fundraisers in the coming months. BSPC will also be looking for a new Treasurer and President in April when we hold our AGM. We need volunteers for these positions so we can continue as a Parent Council group to assist our students and staff. Hope to see you at our next meeting! Did you know that Benito School Parent Council has a Facebook page with great information posted regularly. Just search and click to join the group. January of the Month I’m Great! Jayden Gosselin is… KINDHEART Colton Englot is…. CAPTAIN ACTION Energetic and Active Marci Badowski is…. MISS SOLUTION Great Problem Solver Sarah Foster is… ARTISTICO Artistic and Creative Matthew Shastko is… MATH MAN Jenna Zander is… MISS MANNERS Jessica Kushniryk is… MUSICTRESS Avery Blosha is… SUPER FRIEND Riley Negrave is… HOMEWORK HERO Emily Forman is… BOOKGIRL Charity Smith is… MISS RESILIENCE Strong and positive attitude Maria Schneider is… CONFIDENTRESS Friendly and Self-confident As a way to celebrate Valentine’s the staff will be serving to all students a pancake breakfast with sausage, fruit and a beverage on Friday, February 13 th at 9:00 a.m. Day , Wednesday February 25, 2015 is “Pink Shirt Day” at Benito School and all around Canada. “Pink Shirt Day” is a day we encourage all of you to wear something pink to symbolize that we as a society will not tolerate bullying anywhere. Pink T-Shirt orders are set to arrive by mid-February for those who placed orders. Sensitive and Kind Great Math Skills Polite & Respectful Music A Good Friend; Kind & Helpful Eager to get work done; Punctual Independent Reader ATV / Snowmobile Safety Presentation Students in Grade 3 –8 will receive a presentation on ATV & Snowmobile Safety on the mornnd ing of February 2 . Through real-life stories and practical tips students will be instructed on age requirements, proper riding gear, laws, hand signals and more. This presentation is conducted by seasoned riders and experienced, certified trainers in cooperation with Safety Services Manitoba. Sports Report It’s been a busy month with Basketball on the go for both boys and girls. Both teams have plenty of players and are looking forward to our upcoming games and tournaments happening soon. We have… Basketball Exhibition in Benito on Jan 21 Basketball 1 on Jan 28 Basketball Jam Gr-5 on Feb 3 Basketball Jam Gr-6 on Feb 4 Basketball 2 on Feb 11 Basketball Invitational on Feb 21 Basketball Exhibition in Minitonas on Feb 25 Basketball Valley Champs on March 4 Results and updates will be posted on my school blog, The Snake Pit ( http://wmoncrief.blogspot.ca/ ), which can be found on the school website at http://www.svsd.ca/benito/ . Stay tuned! Intramurals has moved on from Dodgeball to Gatorball with students creating their own teams in their quest for the Cobra Cup – good luck everyone! Forms for Ski Trips to Thunderhill Ski Area have been sent home and have been being returned. Please get these filled out and returned to Mr. Moncrief. Please send along fees as well. Ski Trip 1 forms are due on February 6 th and Ski Trip 2 forms are due on February 27th. Please get these in sooner rather than later. Thank you! We will be having our 5th Annual Broomball Bash on Friday February 6th at the Benito Recreation Centre. We will be eating lunch at the rink that day with meals pre-ordered for those who handed in forms. If you did not order please bring a lunch that day and be aware that warm ups will not be available. Games start at 12:30pm and end at 3:30pm. Should be a fun afternoon of games and exercise. Curling units will begin on Tuesday February 17th and go daily until February 27th. The Cobra Curling Classic X will be held on February 27th from 9:00am to 3:30pm. A canteen will be available throughout the day and pre-order form will be sent out in the coming weeks. Please be on the lookout for those. Please see the curling schedule included in the newsletter, sports board or The Snake Pit for a more detailed outline of classes and times. A few THANK YOUS to pass along this month. Thank you to the Benito Recreation Centre for allowing us to use the facility for all of our skating, broomball and curling dates. Thank you to Mrs. Riehl for running the canteen for us during our upcoming Broomball Bash 5 and Cobra Curling Classic X. Thank you to BSPC for providing the awards for our Cobra Curling Classic X as this just adds to the excitement of the day so much. Also, a big thank you to all of our parents and volunteers who encourage our students to take part in extra-curricular activities, tie skate laces, cheer on our sports teams and help make things work all around. If you have a child in Grade 3, 5 or 7 please read the section about the new SVSD Aquatics Education Program in the newsletter. Benito will be taking part in March and April this year and you will find information about this program in that section. Please take time to read it and expect forms to be coming home mid-February for students in these grades (3, 5, 7). Finally, I have been making preparations for our involvement in the Manitoba Marathon this year… yes, I am talking about marathon season with snow covering the ground. I would like to thank everyone who supported our Marathon Sub Sale this past January 30 and hope you enjoyed your meal. I have made a group reservation of rooms at the Holiday Inn South this year instead of the Comfort Inn South. I have reserved ten rooms and if you would like one, please let me know and will put your name on one – please do not phone the hotel to change the room over to your name. When I finalize the rooming list I will let you know when you can do so. I already have four rooms spoken for so six are remaining. I have been quoted $109.99 per room. Play Hard, Play Fair – Mr. Moncrief Hope everyone is staying nice and cozy and warm through January. In the music room we are getting back into a routine after the wonderful Christmas Concert the students put on before Christmas break. In the elementary grades we have been learning some fun movement songs and the Grade 3/4’s have been learning some musical theory about rhythm values and identifying notes. In band classes we have been learning some theory on tones and semitones and major scales, and we have also begun on some pieces which I hope we will play at the Swan Valley Fine Arts Festival in April. On that note, I wanted to mention that in addition to the large group portion of the Festival students have a unique opportunity to play in a small ensemble or a solo. The grade 7/8’s will have an assignment regarding this and I would like to invite any Grade 5/6’s who are interested to apply as well. All costs for the band portion are covered by Band Booster so this is a free opportunity for your child to get another musical experience. I will be sending home forms shortly with these classes. Finally, I wanted to mention that we are quickly approaching Band Trip season. The first trip is March 12-14 to Dauphin for the Parkland Norman Honour Band. Students will get a chance to play with other students from Northern and Central Manitoba and will get to rehearse with a special guest conductor, this year it is Mr. Kevin Doell from Sunrise School Division. This trip is open to students from Grade 6-8. The next trip is the Brandon Jazz Festival from March 19 -21. Students would not play for this trip but would instead go to listen to various Jazz combos and complete listening activities based on their performances. This trip would be open to any Grade 7/8 students. The final trip for the year will be to the Springfest Music Festival in Regina from May 21-23. I would like to take all the Grade 7/8’s on this trip so we could play for a special adjudicator and have an extra musical experience together. For all of these trips the cost will be around $200 each and I will have letters coming home soon with all of the information and details. If you have questions in the meantime please contact me at your earliest convenience. Did you know music can………………. Improve your child’s language and reasoning skills. Improve your child’s problem solving. Improve your child’s creativity. Further cultural awareness and empathy. Help your child learn sustained effort. Improve your child’s teamwork skills. Improve your child’s risk taking ability. Mr. Salmi Valentine’s Day Celebrations Special activities are planned at Benito School on Friday February 13th to celebrate Valentine’s Day. We will start the day with a Valentine Breakfast for all students complete with pancakes, sausage,, fruit and a beverage. Students in grades JK – 4 will be having a shared lunch, exchanging valentines and enjoying a variety of games and activities. More information will be sent home very soon. The Grade 5-8 students will be spending the entire day skiing and snowboarding at the Thunderhill Ski Club. Forms are due back by Feb. 6th. SVSD Aquatics Education Program This school year, the SVSD will start an Aquatics Education Program for students in Grades 3, 5 and 7 where they will participate in the “Swim at School” program. Each student in these grades will be provided with ten sessions where they will be exposed to a safe water environment where they will be encouraged to participate, increase their swimming endurance and learn about water safety. Benito School will be participating in this program on the following dates: March 10, 2015 March 17, 2015 March 19, 2015 April 07, 2015 April 14, 2015 Each date will be a full school day with students being transported to and from the Richardson Recreation and Wellness Centre by bus. Expect to see forms coming home mid-February in preparation for this program. For more information, please feel free to get in contact with Mr. Moncrief or check out the following website. http://www.redcross.ca/what-we-do/swimming-and-water-safety/swimming-lessons/red-cross-swim-atschool HOT LUNCH The hot lunch ladies would like to Thank Mrs. Fuchs and Skyler for making the desserts for last month’s hot lunch. Thank you as well to all the students who helped serve and to Mrs. Hominuk for her help. Since February is a very busy month of activities, there will be no hot lunch this month. We look forward to serving Hot lunch once again in March. Thanks to the Royal Canadian Legion Benito Branch for presenting our students with cash awards for Remembrance Day Poster contest. Congratulations to the winners pictured above: In the Junior category: 1st Storym Osatchuk, 2nd Laine Gogol, and 3rd Liam Dodd. I n the Intermediate category: 1st Weston Keller, 2nd Shannon Sobothniski, 3rd Cory Sorrell. In preparation for Manitoba Marathon, we will be holding a Burger and Hot Dog Sale to help off-set some of the costs. Forms will be sent home Feb. 2 and must be returned by Feb. 5. Burger Sale Tuesday, Feb. 10 Congratulations to Skyler Blosha. He participates in Tigers Bowling, and he captured the "Beat Your Average" Championship for 2015. Hamburger $3.50 Cheeseburger $4.00 Hot Dog Sale Thursday, Feb. 19 Hot Dog $2.00 each Benito School Parent Climate Survey Results, December 2014 Thanks to all of the households who completed the Parent Climate Survey, we had 14 surveys completed and returned. Please find following your feedback summarized. Percentage of Respondents Who Strongly Agreed or Agreed Percentage of Respondents Who Expressed No Opinion Percentage of Respondents who Strongly Disagreed or Disagreed A) My child is generally happy to go to school. 100% 0% 0% b) I feel that my child comes home from school having been safe throughout the day. 100% 0% 0% c) I can count on the school to let me know if my son or daughter is having academic difficulties. 93% 7% 0% d) My child is learning the academic skills he or she needs. 93% 7% 0% e) When I have questions or concerns, school staff members listen to me, and attempt to find workable solutions. 100% 0% 0% f) The school offers assistance and support to students with academic problems. 86% 14% 0% g) My child has opportunities to participate in a variety of co-curricular activities, including music, sports, visual arts, drama and leadership. 93% 7% 0% h) The school publishes information to households through informative news updates. 100% 0% 0% i) I feel welcomed when I visit the school, and have opportunities to participate in my child’s school learning through open houses, curriculum nights, classroom volunteering, student performances etc. 100% 0% 0% j) Expectations of student conduct in our school are clearly communicated, and discipline is consistent with the SVSD Code of Conduct. 100% 0% 0% k) I have opportunities to participate in a Parent Advisory Council. 93% 7% 0% l) The school offers assistance and support to students. 86% 7% 7% Additional Parent Comments : The Benito School Staff does a great job! We are lucky to have them. Both my children are enjoying school. I am happy to see how much they have improved in certain areas. i.e. reading and math. The teachers and administration seem very invested in our children. It’s a pleasure sending our son. School provides academic feedback but I have not seen any feedback from OT/PT My son receives assistance from academic/social needs because of this special needs status, however I feel other children not considered special needs are not receiving enough attention and re struggling or being pushed through the grades too soon. On January 28th, the Grade 4 class participated in the My Vision 4 Me Day. Everyone immensely enjoyed every aspect of the day. Thank-you to the staff at the Swan Valley Regional Secondary School that make this day possible. Welding is fun because it looked cool. -Tristen I liked when we made pie because we got to take it home. -Ady Welding was cool because I got my name hammered into aluminum and I got to bend metal. -Erin At My Vision 4 Me my favourite activity was welding because I got to weld. -James At My Vision 4 Me I loved the Art, and the babies, making pie and eating pizza. -Chantel My favorite thing I did was getting my hair done because they put hot rollers in my hair. -Ady My Vision 4 Me was awesome because I got to get my hair curled and my nails painted dark green with gold sparkly crackle nail polish. -Erin I loved the styling station because I got my hair curled and my nail’s done. -Chantel WHAT AN AWESOME DAY! Swan Valley Recreation Report Youth Sports Night – Swan River: Held on Tuesdays from 6:30 – 8:00 pm at Taylor School. Runs until March 24. For kids ages 5 – 12. FREE. Youth Sports Night – Swan River: Held on Thursdays from 6:30 – 8:00 pm at ESRSS. Runs until March 26. For kids ages 5 – 12. FREE. Swim Lesson Registration: At the Aquatic Centre Lifesaving Society Lessons. Preschool to Adult Classes available. Register online at www.swanvalleyrec.ca to get the link, or in person at the Centre. Register deadline is 1 week before class starts. Call 204-7344119 for more information. 2015 Sun Mon 1 2JK Tue 4 ATV/Snowmobile Safety Presentation Gr. 3-8 8 9 3 Wed 5 3 Mini Basketball Gr. 5 16 4 10JK 17JK 6 Mini Basketball Gr. 6 Hamburger Sale 15 4JK Thu 2 11 5 Fri 1 Better Beginnings Skating & Broomball 5 6 12 2 6JK Broomball Tournament Gr. 5-8 7 Drama Practice 10:00-4:00 1 13JK 14 Valentine Breakfast Better Beginnings Ski Trip #1 Gr. 5-8 Skating K-4 - pm Basketball 2 2:30-8:00 pm 18 Sat 3 19JK 4 Hot Dog Sale Parent Council Mtg—7:00 pm Louis Riel Day NO SCHOOL 5 20 Better Beginnings Skating K-4 - pm 21 Basketball Invitational School Curling Gr. 3—8 22 Benito Figure Skating Carnival 2:00-4:00 pm 23JK 6 24 1 Better Beginnings 25JK 2 26JK Pink Shirt Day School Curling Gr. 3—8 3 4 27 28 Cobra Curling Classic Gr. 5-8 Dinner Theatre Dinner Theatre
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