February 2015 The Church at Horseshoe Bay 600 Hi Ridge Road, PO Box 8295, Horseshoe Bay, Texas 78657 830-598-8390, Fax 830-598-4822 www.church-hsb.org At Cross Purposes…. ….A play on words that capture the reality of our lives: Very often we live “at cross purposes” with Jesus Christ - allowing other things to get in the way of not living in faithful discipleship; Because of our human condition, we need Jesus’ cross to accomplish his purpose of bringing us to reconciliation with him. During the liturgical season of Lent (February 18-Easter), we will give focus to these “cross purposes.” Devotional Prayer Guide: Available starting Sunday, February 15 use this daily prayer guide throughout Lent to help you with focus prayer. Sermons: During Lent, the messages will focus on Jesus’ temptations (and ours) in Luke chapter 4 along with atonement themes of the cross to help us understand why we need a cross to help us live our Cross Purposes. Seasonal Service Schedule Ash Wednesday- February 18 A brief service (under 30 minutes) in the sanctuary to include imposition of ashes. Select a time that best fits your schedule: 10:00am, 2:00pm, 5:00pm. Palm Sunday- March 29 “Stations of the Cross"; Special music Maundy Thursday- April 2 “Stations of the Cross”; the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper; a service of Tenebrae. Note: The monthly service of communion for April will be, most appropriately, at this Maundy Thursday service. There will be no communion on Palm Sunday or Easter. Easter Sunday- April 5 Special music; a blossomed cross; the message of hope/resurrection “Bright Sunday”- April 12 Come to worship dressed in bright colors as we continue the afterglow celebration of Easter. As an interdenominational church, we have many members who are accustomed to Lenten activities, but we also have members who only vaguely understand the history and significance of traditions associated with the Lenten season. Most Christians know that Lent is the forty day period before Easter, but, how many realize that Sundays are not counted as part of that period? Lent this year begins February 18 and concludes on Easter Sunday, April 5. Lent begins with Ash Wednesday and many churches offer a somber service calling believers to acknowledge human mortality and our tendency to sin despite our teachings about a loving God. This sets off a desire to fast, meditate, and seek repentance. Participants are marked with the sign of the cross using ashes and sent out to remember Jesus’ 40 days in the desert and turn their hearts towards God. Please watch and listen for announcements about this year’s service. Medieval Christians gave up meat during Lent eating, instead, fish during the week and taking beef, usually, only on Sundays. Modern day Christians often give up sweets, or soft drinks, or TV during Lent. Some denominations suggest taking on some special service or focusing on prayer as a way to increase the penitent’s devotion to God during this special time. What will you “do” for Lent? SAVE THE DATE: March 16-27th we will be having pictures made for the new Church directory. You will be receiving a call to make a appointment this month. ONLINE DIRECTORY AND GIVING: Financial Report and Attendance as of January 31, 2015 Average 8:30 Attendance 91 Average 11:00 Attendance 233 Average Sunday School Total Attendance 117 Contributions Miscellaneous Income Operating Expenses Building Fund Transfers Benevolence Giving Net Excess/(Shortfall) $ $ $ $ $ $ YTD Budget 87,500 3,275 (58,863) (2,167) (32,345) (2,600) January Actual $ 85,873 $ 3,160 $ (52,653) $ (2,167) $ (32,345) $ 1,868 Last YTD Actual $ 65,897 $ 207 $ (47,469) $ (2,167) $ (30,535) $ (14,067) Would you like to access the church membership directory online or give your weekly or monthly offering using a credit card? Scan this QR code using your phone or go to www.churchhsb.org and click on “Online Giving.” Enter your email address and if you don’t have your password, just click on “Forget your password?” and one will be sent to you. Call the church office if you need any assistance! Remaining steadfast in our vision to become a dollar-for-dollar congregation We make it easy to join! Just indicate your desire to become a member by filling out a registration card that can be found in the pews or contact the church office. Books and Scones is a book-related group of ladies who meet in the library on the last Tuesday of each month at 3:30 p.m. The next meeting will be in the library on February 24th. Books are available in the church office. Dear Fellow Member, The name of our church is The Church at Horseshoe Bay? Do you know why the preposition “at” versus “in” was chosen? The answer is found in our Church History in 1990. “In July, the Board voted to change the name of the church to “The Church Of Horseshoe Bay.” Don Victorin moved to amend the name to read “The Church At Horseshoe Bay”. The Apostle Paul wrote to people “at” different locations in the Bible, therefore “at” seemed the more appropriate. The Board voted to adopt the amended name change.” To learn more about our church history go to our web site Church-HSB.org or request a copy from the Church office. It is my joy to serve as Chairman of the Board of Trustees for The Church at Horseshoe Bay for another year. Thank you for our record attendance of 185 members at our annual meeting. We are blessed to have a great staff in place at the beginning of 2015 who are only a phone call away. The Board of Trustees wants you to know we appreciate hearing all your comments and concerns. In this way, we know what is on your heart and your mind; therefore, we can continue to serve Our Lord as He leads us. The Board hopes to accomplish many tasks this year, which include: Publish a new directory as our prior one was done in 2010; Refurbish the garden; Resurface the parking lot across the street; Repair or replace the currently inoperable carillon; Continue to improve the church campus’ outdoor lighting; Repair the roof and various other projects on our aging building; Continue to monitor our 11:00 a.m. service so it does not become too crowded; Continue to support our Benevolence Committee as they give your money to 46 agencies, most of which are in the Highland Lakes area to aid those less fortunate than we are; and Our Welcome Committee will be making extra efforts in welcoming our visitors with parking lot signs as we strive to be the friendliest church in the highland lakes area. We continue to encourage you to become a volunteer for our church because without volunteers we could not be the “arms of Christ in our time and place.” Our Volunteer Coordinators are using the Worship + 2 initiative to inform you of volunteer positions in our church as well as our community. The board members and their departments are as follows: Fred Klingensmith, Vice-Chairman and Personnel Chairman; Elsie Thurman, Treasurer and Business Management Chairperson; Kent Graham, Assistant Treasurer; Geneva Dalton, Corporate Secretary and Membership Chairperson; Claudia Bird, Congregational Fellowship; Don Eckelbarger, Worship & Music; Bill Edwards, Buildings; Norm Homburg, Grounds and Garden; Ken Lindgren, Benevolence; Mike Maine, Long Range Planning and Insurance/Legal; Pat McMurtrie, Congregational Support; Wayne Ratisseau, Stewardship; Kay Tyler, Public Relations; and Linda Wilson, Education. If you would like to help in any of these areas, please do not hesitate to call. We ask for your continued prayers for our ministers, our church and the Board of Trustees as we accomplish these tasks during 2015… God has blessed us mightily and our goal is to live for Him the best we can. Love & Blessings, Carolyn Thornton Benevolence Agency News OARS (Older Adults Rural Services) is one of the agencies supported by the Benevolence Committee. It is under the arm of Texas Housing Foundation. They help older adults with medical, dental, utility, rent, repairs, and have even helped with funeral expenses. The recent Elves for the Elderly event the Benevolence Committees’ Family Programs hosted is part of the outreach of OARS. Our congregation, along with many other friends responded overwhelmingly to this first time event. In the past it had been held at someone's home but due to many circumstances Family Programs was asked to take it over. Bessie Jackson, who helps coordinate the Elves program, was praising God when she picked up the gifts. It took an SUV and a pickup truck to pick up everything and deliver to those in need. The Family Programs sub-committee wishes to thank all the generous people of our church for their heartfelt response to Elves for the Elderly. You have made Christmas for some older, often alone, adult in the Highland Lakes. VetRides Project Thank you for your continuous support of VetRides. Your generous donation each month is very much appreciated. The VetRides assistance program of transportation for our local veterans, their spouses or widow has been a tremendous success. VetRides has served over 260 Veterans with numerous rides each year since 2010. This program is much needed for our rural area with most of the appointments in Austin, Cedar Park, Temple, Kerrville, and San Antonio. January and February brought additional driving challenges with the frigid weather conditions. As long as the roads were safe and the veterans wanted to brave the cold to get to their appointments, VetRides’ drivers kept their scheduled drives through it all. One morning through several road delays, the driver was asked by the veteran, “ Do you want to turn back?” The driver replied, “This is your day and I am here for you.” VetRides is very happy to have such dedicated drivers helping our veterans to get their needed healthcare. Your gift will help keep VetRides on the roads for our local veterans and their families. Thank you again. Sincerely, Sophie McCoy, VetRides Project Manager St. Fred’s not only provides meals on Saturdays for those enrolled in the Meals-on-Wheels program but they also hand out nonperishable food items to those in need. Please support this drive by bringing your cans, beans, pasta, etc. to the church office. A MESSAGE FROM “WOW” Let’s open our And fill our Sunshine ‘s House… The Hill Country Children’s Advocacy Center serves as a safe haven for the large number of abused children in Burnet and Llano Counties. Let’s fill the house with crayons, scissors, paste, other arts and crafts items, as well as small stuffed animals or dolls that children can use when they are brought to the center for interviews. This center is one of the first stops the CPS worker and police make after the child has been removed from an abusive situation. This project is sponsored by WOW, and our Sunshine House will be in the narthex for you to place your items in during month of February. Are you a “Worship member yet? IN THE LIFE OF THE CHURCH + 2” 1 Peter 4:10 “As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God…. whoever serve, let him do so as by the strength which God supplies;” The Holidays are behind us and the New Year lies in ahead of us. As Volunteer Coordinators of the Church at Horseshoe Bay, we would like to encourage you to consider the challenge to become a “Worship + 2” member in 2015. Worship with us on Sunday morning and then serve and share your time and talents throughout the week. Involve yourself in two (or more) of the many opportunities available to our congregation. From Sunday school, choir, Coffee fellowship , to work with our Benevolence partners, there are dozens of choices. Reach out…. It’s fun and it’s good for you! Ronda Rodman: 596-1683 Beryl Ann Owen: 598-6545 CHILI SUPPER On a cold and dreary night, the Church welcomed an amazing entertainer in D’Anne Willis. Everyone in attendance had a fun time listening to her perform while sampling fabulous chili. The Special Events Committee wants to say thank you to all the following people who contributed chili on January 21st. Louraine Robertson Linda Lambert Shirley Jorden James Pilgreen Jerry Osborne Rob Roser Carol Parker David Rose Jim Hower Kay Tyler Stan Smith Betty Cruikshank Ward Lott Ann Seckler Lloyd Pearson Phyllis Mitchell Tommy Atkins Fred Owen Squirrel Lindgren Pat McMurtrie Jerry Dunn Sharon Penny Sahndra Caldwell Mary Lee York Jimmy Homburg & Sandy Howard NURSERY NEWS Once again, the Education Department of the Church at Horseshoe Bay would like to remind our members and guests that we have an area for child care that is staffed every Sunday morning from 8:00 to 12:00. Our primary worker is Sue Martini and she supervises anywhere from one to half a dozen- usually not knowing how many might attend. She is knowledgeable and always concerned about safety. Since the children in her care could be of varying ages, the nursery area needs books, puzzles, DVDs, toys, etc. that are appropriate for a wide range of ages. If members have such items that children or grandchildren have outgrown, please consider donating them to our nursery. They will be used. We have furniture and equipment for infants and toddlers, but in such a small area, children over the age of seven should be encouraged to join their parents or grandparents in the worship service. School-age children can be attentive during an hour long session and can begin to learn the “rhythms of worship.” In the Community St Paul the Apostle: Mark your calendars for Friday, February 13, from 7:00 - 9:30 p.m. for the Valentine's Dance in the Finn Family Life Center at St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church in Horseshoe Bay. You will enjoy delicious appetizers and beverages, as well as dancing to a live band. Plan to attend and celebrate Valentine's Day in style! Tickets are $25 per person and are available by calling Lynette Morrison at 830-385-9080 or Claudia Haydon at 830-598-9364. Second Semester Men’s Bible Study Starting February 2nd Highland Lakes Men’s Evening Community Bible Study of the Book of Galatians; 1 & 2 Thessalonians All men are invited to a 12 week in depth study of Apostle Paul’s direction on how men should live a truly Christian life. Meets Mondays from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. at Marble Falls First United Methodist Church, 1403 Bluebonnet Dr, Marble Falls (just East and slightly North of HEB in Marble Falls) The meeting room is on the East side of the church, by the gym. The study of Galatians starts February 2, The study of Thessalonians starts March 16. To Register: contact Andy Burk at 432-557-6555 or email at: andyburk@gracepetroleum.com Women of the Word Committee 2015 Save the date for the WOW Spring Event Thursday, April 16, 2015 Featuring Eileen Hurd in a history of Horseshoe Bay and its Churches. We will serve punch in the Courtyard at 2:45 p.m., followed by a program in the Sanctuary, and a “British” High Tea in the Fellowship Hall. Ann Higdon-Chair, Ann Eckelbarger, Karen Jarrard, Jimmie Homburg, Edra Edwards, Kay Borata, and Darlene Bowles Sign up in the Fellowship Hall if you can host a coffee fellowship! All that is required is to take cookies out of the freezer and make coffee. If you want to serve juice, you provide it. Contact Sally Stromgren (830)598-1341 or Claudia Bird (830)598-8862 if you have any questions. Thanks for volunteering! WOW 2015 Special thanks and appreciation to the Bible Study Group and all who sent Christmas cards and prayers to Marion this past month. Sincerely, Jackie Brunette Jim Gibert George Seckler Jerry Gray Ellen Hower Sally Williams Jean Latham Mary Azam Marlene Menicke Ann Stevenson Gene Pender Bud Davis Jim Griffith Eric Erickson Glenn Mitchell 2/1 2/2 2/2 2/2 2/3 2/3 2/4 2/4 2/5 2/5 2/6 2/7 2/8 2/8 Brad Carr G.A. Smith Sue Sherwood Tom Hudgins Clary Bates Nancy Dittmar Susan Doughtie Bruce Jefferies Homer Snider Carolyn Thornton Kathy Fletcher Dorothy Cardwell Charlie Koontz Marsha Cathey Steve Jarrard 2/10 2/13 2/13 2/14 2/14 2/14 2/15 2/16 2/16 2/16 2/16 2/18 2/18 2/18 2/20 Edith Grinnell Gail Davalos Mike Maine Lee Detenbeck Eddie Greer Ed Jones Patty Thuss Bobbie Walker Hanna Drago Roy Butler Beverly McEntire Carol Epstein Ellie Lowry Ronnie Rudd John Smith 2/21 2/21 2/22 2/24 2/24 2/24 2/24 2/25 2/26 2/26 2/26 2/27 2/27 2/28 2/28 John & Louraine Robertson Gene & Tina Pender Bill & Patricia Trembly Dale & Ronda Rodman Ron & Wendy Christesson 2/5 2/6 2/7 2/10 2/12 Lance & Ginner Boswell Trevor & Linda Dupuy Dick & Marty Bostrom Jeff & Joan Matera Stan & Joyce Smith 2/14 2/15 2/17 2/21 2/27 Eddie & Martha Greer Alan & Kathy Jerram Charles & Sanny Hoffman 2/13 2/13 2/14 Lew & Jolene Varese Tom & JoAnn Hudgins 2/27 2/28 CHRISTIAN EDUCATION CLASSES- SUNDAYS 9:45 A.M. SEEKERS CLASS After the New Testament: Writings of the Apostolic Fathers 2/8- 2 ClementAn Early Sermon Led by: Stan Smith 2/15- The Use of Scripture in the Early Church Led by: Jim Jorden 2/22- Papias- An Early Christ Interpreter Led by: Carol Clarke BIBLE ALIVE FAITH BRIDGE Jeremiah Study 2/8- The Fall of Jerusalem (ch.52) Led by: Art Hawkinson Lord, Change My Attitude By James McDonald 2/8- “With a Thankful Attitude” Romans Led by: Reagan Lambert 2/15- The Gospel Brings Life- 2/15- “Replace a Covetous Unbelief Brings Consequences Attitude (ch.1) Led by: Bill or Jane Boisvert Led by: Art Hawkinson 2/22- “With an Attitude of 2/22 -The Impartiality of God Contempt” (ch.2) Led by: Bill or Jane Boisvert Led by: David Sweigart PASTORS FORUM Thursdays at 1:00 p.m. WOMENS BIBLE STUDY Developing Power Thoughts By Joyce Meyer 2/8- Power Thought 5 I love people and enjoy helping them. 2/15- Power Thought 6 I trust God completely; there is no need to worry. 2/22- Power Thought 7 I am content and emotionally stable. Why Evil Exists? 2/5- The Enlightenment and Its Discontents 2/12- Kant-Evil at the Root of Human Agency 2/19- Hegel- The Slaughter Block of History 2/26- Marx- Materialism and Evil NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. Postage Paid Marble Falls, TX 78654 Permit # 51 The Church at Horseshoe Bay 600 Hi Ridge Rd. PO Box 8295 Horseshoe Bay, Tx. 78657 The Church at Horseshoe Bay Recurring Church Events: WORSHIP SERVICES 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. MondaysPrayer Ministry Group 9:00 a.m. Coffee & Conversation with Pastors 11:00 a.m. CHRISTIAN EDUCATION 9:45 a.m. Bluebonnet Chorale 12:30 (Ensemble) 2:00 pm ( Full group) Visit our website at: Highland Lakes Men’s Chorus 4:00 pm www.church-hsb.org TuesdaysStaff Meetings 10:00 a.m. WednesdaysPrayer Ministry 4:30 p.m. Handbell Choir 1:00 pm Chancel Choir 3:00 pm ThursdaysPastor Forum 1:00 p.m. Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30-4:30 The Church at Horseshoe Bay Staff Johnny P. White Malcolm McQueen Garry Kesler Kena Richert Jennie Lynn Hodges DeDe Hodge Like us on Facebook Sermons Available on Church Website Audio recordings of recent sermons from The Church at Horseshoe Bay are now available on our website. Go to: www.church-hsb.org click on “Audio of Sermons”. Senior Pastor Pastor Minister of Music Bus. Administrator Organist/Pianist Church Secretary 2015 Board of Trustees Carolyn Thornton Fred Klingensmith Elsie Thurman Kent Graham Geneva Dalton Claudia Bird Bill Edwards Pat McMurtrie Fred Klingensmith Wayne Ratisseau Ken Lindgren Chairperson Vice-Chairperson Treasurer Asst.Treasurer Corp. Secretary Don Eckelbarger Mike Maine Norm Homburg Kay Tyler Linda Wilson
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