Term 2 RM 2014/2015 Standards Based Mid-Term Grade 8 Subject Required Material English Standard: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone, including analogies or allusion Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking Unit/Topic: Can ALL Conflicts be Resolved? Lessons: Flashback(120) Foreshadowing (122) +Action Linking verbs(138)- Principal parts of irregular verbs (139)+ irregular verbs (140) + subject verb agreement (141) + all worksheets given to these lesson English ELL Standard: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone, including analogies or allusion Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking Unit/Topic: The Mystery of the Maya Lessons: Reading: All the given reading material . 2- Vocabulary: the vocabulary worksheets. 3- Grammar: conjunctions / subject verb agreement. 4- Writing: Write about your holiday Standard: Arabic . يفهم النص الشعري و يفرِّق بين الشعر والنثر-1 . يستخلص السمات الفنية للنص ربطا ً بعصره األدبي-2 . يبين أركان اإلضافة ويعين التراكيب اإلضافية في النصوص ويعربها-3 . يميز اإلضافة من النعت-4 . ينشئ جمالً صحيحة تتضمن تراكيب إضافية-5 Lessons: . الشاعر والذئب-1 . المضاف إليه-2 المهارات النحويّة واإلمالئية السابقة-3 Standard: Special Islamic UNIT B CHAPTER 3 LESSON 1-2 I can... tell who is Luqman, where his from, why not a prophet and his best characteristics 2015\2\11 I can explain Luqman’s wisdom and his pieces of advice to his son. Unit/Topic: UNIT B CHAPTER 3 Lessons: Luqman Al Hakim (LESSON 1-2-3-4) Islamic 11\2\2015 Science Standard: استنتج أن المسلم قوي الشخصية-1 يدلل أن المسلم يعمل بما هو صحيح وليس بما هو سائد-2 يبين مفهوم القضاء والقدر-3 يوضح أن اإليمان بالقدر ال ينفي مسؤولة األنسان-4 Lessons: درس التنن إمعة حددي رري درس اإليمان بالقضاء والقدر Standard: MS-LS1-5 MS-LS4-6 Unit/Topic: Unit 1: Life Over Time Lesson 1: Characteristics of Living Organisms Lesson 2. Theory of Evolution By Natural Selection. Math Standard:(8.EE.5)(8.EE.6)(8.EE.8)(8.F.1) Unit/Topic: PREALGEBRS Chapter 8 Lessons: 8.1 – 8.2 – 8.3 – 8.4 Standard: (G.CO.1) (G.CO.9) (G.SRT.2)(G.C.1) Unit/Topic: GEOMETRY Chapter 3 and Chapter 7 Lessons: 3.1 - 3.2 Lessons :7.1 – 7.2
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