Next Meeting: February 13, 2015 Opener: Maury Hill Program: Fiona Hodgson - Fairfield County Community Foundation Greeters: Rossi, Galan, Cady Place: Bertucci’s February 13, 2015 / Volume 25, No. 33 Sunrise Rotary Club of Westport ● P.O. Box 43 ● Westport, CT 06881-0043 ● February 6 Club Meeting Opener Fiona Hodgson from the Fairfield County Community Foundation will speak at February 13th Meeting Dennis Wong stepped in to open the meeting Guests Merm Palmer Smith, guest of Nick Clarke Nick Mathias, guest of Mark Mathias Jack Mullen, guest of Steve Violette Visiting Rotarians Dave Walter, Downtown Bridgeport Rotary Club Program George Martin spoke about the ups and downs of his life as a restaurateur, sports scout, celebrity cohort and 30year recovering addict. He is Currently the Executive Director of the McKinney Family Foundation raising money for the Homeless and is publishing his book titled ”By George”. The Fairfield County Community Foundation (FCCF) manages funds st for the Sunrise Rotary 21 Century Foundation. Fiona joined the FCCF in 2012 as Vice President of Development and Marketing. She brings 30 years of experience in development and marketing, including major capital campaigns at universities and medical schools. She most recently led development and rebranding efforts at Inspirica (formerly St. Luke’s LifeWorks) in Stamford. Fiona previously served in key development positions at Save the Children in Westport, the London School of Economics, Harvard Medical School and the United Nations International School in New York. She is a trustee of the Interfaith Council of Southwestern Connecticut, Aid to Artisans in Hartford, and a former trustee of the CT Friends School in Wilton. Fiona resides in Westport. Nick Notes By Nick Clarke Interesting week, one might say. Monday I went to NCC to pick my membership card for Adult Learning. I meandered along to a lecture that was about to start but the lecturer was very late, so they asked for someone to speak on any aspect of history for fifteen minutes. I ended up talking about the battle of Hastings (you know about that, of course. It was in all the papers), 1066 and William the conquerer. I was amazed at how much I knew. I was looking for a fountain so that my guitars did not dry up and with that in mind, went into Geiger's shop with my faithful dog Bill. There was nobody there but a large blue parrot who was pacing up and down atop his (her) cage. He eyed Bill as he paced and then flew in an ungainly manner to the floor, whereupon knocking a plant over and spilling the contents over the floor. Then he climbed up the cage and continued his pacing. Still no one came so we quietly left. I met a nice lady in a coffee shop in Darien and after an hour or so chatting I invited her to join me at the Sunrise Rotary Club meeting, which she did. You will remember my guest Mer Palmer-Smith. Apart from being a nice friend to have, I'm sure she'd be an asset to our club, were she interested. I'm sure I would not be the main attraction but I can dream. The funeral date for my late brotherrd in-law Phil takes place on Feb 23 , so I am flying out next week via Norwegian Airlines. Not only are they cheaper than other airlines but they also go to Gatwick in the UK, a conveniently located London airport District 7980 Governor: Mukund Nori • Club President: Dennis Wong now mostly ignored by the major airlines. One shouldn't say such things but I'd rather be going somewhere tropical than a funeral in England. In fact I had some sort of escape planned before this unfortunate event took place. Ah well, that's life. Club Announcements ► Dennis Wong: -- Please Join the Celebration on Thursday, February 12 From 5 to 7pm at Bertucci’s Westport for free house wine, beer and munchies. All other drinks at Happy Hour prices. Stay for dinner for another good deal – 15% off your dinner bill and a free dessert. Please RSVP for both events to Sheila Keenan by Email or phone/text - 203-856-9172. ► Tom Lowrie: At the end of January, the following members have become Sustaining Members for this fiscal year: Arlo Ellison (3rd), Sheila Keenan (2nd), Robert Hauck, Joe Renzulli and Carole Rubenstein. Congratulations to all members who buy $2 door prize tickets or write a $100 check. By the end of May our goal is to be a 100% Sustaining Member Club supporting the International Rotary Foundation. ► Steve Violette: Fellow Rotarians There will be a Duck Race meeting this Wednesday eve 5:30 to 7pm at Town Hall room 201. Only 1 item on the agenda – Land Operations – general planning. Hope to see you there! Submit Club Announcements & Happy Hollers to: Club Meeting Schedule Sunrise Rotary Club members serve as greeters and deliver the openers at the Club meetings on a rotating basis. If a member is unavailable on the assigned date, it is essential that he or she find a replacement and submit the name to: Greeters February: Rossi, Galan, Cady March Nair, Kleine, Bloom April: Hass, Wetmore, Getraer May: Strong, Hauck, Cederbaum June: Sa’Couto, Ellison, Violette July: Press, Zielinski, Clarke August: Cowherd, Mathias, Bunche Meeting Openers February 20: Tom Ayres February 27: Ken Bernhard March 6: Linda Bruce March 13: Phil Sharlach March 20: Ned Hickok March 27: Ron Holtz Programs February 20: Susan Granger – Movie Critic February 27: TBA March 6: TBA March 13: Patty Lewis & Julie Mombello - Adam J. Lewis Preschool March 20: Stephen Baumann Discovery Museum March 27: David Levinson – Norwalk Community College April 3: Catherine Onyemelukwe Author Gillespie Center Schedule On the first Saturday of each month, two Rotarians are assigned to deliver and serve meals to the homeless at the Gillespie Center. Please contact Mildred Bunche March 7: Cederbaum & Adams April 4: Ayers & Masumian Club Calendar Are you a committee chair scheduling a meeting or an organizer of a Club or Rotary event? Please submit the info for the Club Calendar to: Feb 11 Wed – Duck Race meeting at Town Hall room 5:30-7pm Feb 12 Thu – Fellowship Celebration at Bertucci’s, 5:30-7:00pm Mar 2 Mon - Board of Directors meeting at Christ & Holy Trinity Church Tower Room, 5:30-7:00pm Apr 6 Mon - Board of Directors meeting at Christ & Holy Trinity Church Tower Room, 5:30-7:00pm May 4 Mon - Board of Directors meeting at Christ & Holy Trinity Church Tower Room, 5:30-7:00pm Jun 1 Mon - Board of Directors meeting at Christ & Holy Trinity Church Tower Room, 5:30-7:00pm Jun 6 Sat – Tue Jun 9 - Rotary International Convention in São Paulo, Brazil Jun 13 Sat – Great Duck Race at Saugatuck River, time TBA Westport Sunrise Rotary Board Meeting Monday, January 5, 2015 Christ and Holy Trinity Church Vestry (Tower Room) Called to order at 5:32 pm. Members attending were Dennis Wong, Charlie Adams, Jeff Cohen, Roy Fuchs, Bob Galan, Helen Garten, Ron Holtz, Nora Jinishian, Sheila Keenan (in at 5:37), Justin Phillips (out at 5:50), Mario SáCouto, Liz Wong, and Richard Jaffe. Ralph Krueger and Steve Violette were also in attendance. Members not in attendance: Mildred Bunche. 1. President’s Comments - none 2. December Minutes – Minutes for the December meeting were accepted, with two abstentions. 3. Treasurer’s Report – Jeff Cohen Six members have not paid in full. As a result, half way through the year, we are slightly under budget with respect to revenue. One member is in contact with Jeff Cohen. Dennis will touch base with the other five. To date we have not spent as much as planned, mostly due to timing issues, so overall we’re up a bit for the year. Our month end checkbook balance was $9,399.13. Motion: To accept the Treasurer’s report for December. Passed unanimously. 4. Membership –Ron Holtz • Welcome Wagon Membership with Westport Rotary. Ron Holtz reported on a joint Welcome Wagon venture with the noon club. Our cost for this sixmonth membership will be slightly in excess of $400, versus the Membership budget of $500 for the year. Dennis Wong asked Ron to prepare a new expected budget for this fiscal year. • Move to Bertucci’s. WSR’s first meeting at Bertucci’s will be on Friday, January 9. The move has The Crier – February 13, 2015 - Page 2 of 4 been fully planned to the extent of our ability, and is going well despite an issue regarding a change in the restaurant’s management. A WSR information plaque is up on the wall at Bertucci’s. A storage area has been set up, complete with new file cabinets for Foundation and other records. No decision yet as to the mounting of our banners. • The first meeting at Bertucci’s will be a Club Assembly, with spouses invited. • Michael Thomas is a new prospective member. Paul Block, whose application review was deferred last month, has withdrawn his application. • Ron is working jointly with the Westport Rotary on Membership ideas. 5. Speaker Program – Bob Galan Bob Galan presented schedule of speakers. the 6. International Service Committee – Rick Jaffe Rick Jaffe described the recent Westport Rotary lunch meeting, that he and Dennis Wong attended, at which the check for District matching funds was presented in support of Westport Rotary’s District Managed Grant in Nicaragua. For our own draft District Managed Grant to aid the Tree of Life orphanage in Haiti, we have requested that the Westport Rotary consider joining us at the $2,500 funding level. Due to the press of time given that beginning January 1 clubs can file a second DMG application for this fiscal year, and given the dwindling amount of matching funds available, we do not have time to approach other Rotary clubs to join us in funding our DMG. If, by reasonably after their coming Board meeting, the Westport Rotary agrees to join us in funding the $13,050 DMG, our club will donate the remaining $4,025. If not, we will cut our DMG application down to no more than $10,000, because $5,000 is the maximum any one club can contribute and have its funding fully matched, and proceed on our own. Dennis Wong distributed copies of the application for our District’s International Service Recognition citation. Motion: Pending approval of our International Services Committee (ISC), that this Board ask the Foundation Board to fund up to $5,000 for a District Managed Grant for the Tree of Life orphanage; funding to include the $1,210 from restricted funds raised for the Tree of Life at our 2014 Wine Tasting, and the remainder from the ISC budget. Passed unanimously. • District Conference, May 2015 – Conference Planning Committee; support 7. Youth Services Committee – Jeff Cohen, Dennis Wong Interact at the Y: Dennis reported that an organizational meeting for our joint project with the Westport Weston Y to start a (middle school kids’) Interact club there was held on December 17, led by our partner sponsor, the Westport Rotary. Jeff noted that Interact wants to do something with Bridge Academy, e.g., rock climbing. 8. Community Service Committee – Hands-on – Mario SáCouto Mario SáCouto spoke with Jeff Wieser of Homes With Hope, which has a high need for food. Although there is very little time to plan, Mario and Roy Fuchs will try to arrange a Stop-and-Shop food drive for the Saturday before the Super Bowl. Mario also noted that Joe Hawley and Rob Hauck did a great job over Christmas collecting and distributing gifts at Person-toPerson. 9. Charitable Giving Committee – Bob Galan An organizational meeting will be held this coming Wednesday, January 7. 10. District and RI Report – Dennis Wong • District Awards Applications – distribute to Board Directors to complete No report. 11. Marketing and PR • Rotary Week – February 23, 2015 (Rotary’s 110th Anniversary) Dennis reported on a joint meeting with the Westport Rotary to try to put together a public image program, e.g., how to promote ourselves within Westport. th February 23 is the 110 anniversary of Rotary, and is a possible date for a one-day or weeklong program. • Peace Poles – no report 12. Other Business a) Great Violette Duck Race – Steve Steve Violette presented a financial summary of the 2014 Great Duck Race, noting that our profit to date, based on an almost complete accounting, is $44,151.28. Possible dates for the 2015 Race were discussed, after which Steve recommended Saturday, June 13. We want to stay in the parking lot on the south side of the bridge, and not go back to our former location at Parker Harding Plaza. Motion: To hold the 2015 Great Duck Race on June 13. Passed unanimously. b) Outdoor Fitness Parks – Rick Jaffe Rick described for the Board his and Westport Rotary’s Steve Lewine’s effort to bring outdoor fitness parks to Westport sooner rather than later. The meeting was adjourned at 7:02 pm. Respectfully submitted, Richard Jaffe, Secretary The Crier – February 13, 2015 - Page 3 of 4 Rotary at a Glance Avenues of Service Founded 1905 Mission: The Mission of Rotary International, a worldwide association of Rotary clubs, is to: Provide service to others; Provide high ethical standards; and Advance world understanding, goodwill and peace through its fellow of business, professional and community leaders. Core Values: Service, Fellowship, Diversity, Integrity, and Leadership By Example. Vision: The Vision of Rotary International is to be universally recognized for our commitment to Service Above Self to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace. Rotary Foundation: The mission of the Rotary Foundation is to enable Rotarians to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education and the alleviation of poverty. Membership: 1,220,115 Rotarians in 34,558 Rotary Clubs in 531 Districts, in 200+ countries and geographic territories in all seven continents (as of October 2013) Rotaract (age 18-30, started in 1968): 195,040 members in 8,480 clubs. Interact (age 12-18, started in 1962): 303,991 members in 13,217 clubs. Rotary Community Corps (since 1985): 151,759 members in 7,033 Corps. Rotary’s commitment to Service Above Self has been channeled through the Avenues of Service, which form the foundation of club activity. Club Service (Fun, Fellowship and Fundraising) Club Service focuses on strengthening fellowship and ensuring the smooth functioning of Rotary clubs. Vocational Service (Four-Way Test) Vocational Service involves club members serving others through their professions and aspiring to high ethical standards. Rotarians, as business leaders, share skills and expertise through their vocations, and they inspire others in the process. Community Service (Charitable Giving and Hands-On) Community Service is the opportunity Rotary clubs have to implement club projects and activities that improve life in the local community. International Service (International Projects and Polio Eradication) International Service encompasses efforts to expand Rotary’s humanitarian reach around the world and to promote world understanding and peace. It includes everything from contributing to PolioPlus to helping Rotary Youth Exchange students adjust to their host countries. New Generations Service (Rising Young Voices) New Generations Service recognizes the positive change implemented by youth and young adults through leadership development activities such as RYLA, Rotaract and Interact club service projects, and creating international WSR Board of Directors President: Dennis Wong President Elect: Jeff Cohen Past President: Bob Galan Secretary: Rick Jaffe Treasurer: Jeff Cohen Sgt. at Arms: Roy Fuchs P.E.N.: TBA Member at Large: Charles Adams Member at Large: Mildred Bunche Member at Large: Helen Garten Member at Large: Ron Holtz Member at Large: Sheila Keenan Member at Large: Justin Phillips Member at Large: Mario SaCouto Member at Large: Elizabeth Wong Member at Large: Nora Jinishian understanding with Rotary Youth Exchange. The Westport Sunrise Rotary Club meets 7:30AM every Friday Morning at Bertucci’s, 833 Post Road East in Westport. Meetings are open to all Rotarians and their guests. Follow us on twitter: @WSRotary Editor/ Photographer Hal Levy Reporter Roy Fuchs Columnist Nick Clarke -----------------------------------------Crier Deadlines: The deadline for all input for The Crier is Noon on Tuesday for that week’s edition and must be supplied by web form to the editor. The Crier – February 13, 2015 - Page 4 of 4
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