and view the calendar - Foundation for Educational

Professional Development
Calendar of Events
Winter - Spring 2015
Register at
All workshops are held at the FEA Conference Center (12 Centre Drive, Monroe Township, NJ 08831) unless otherwise specified.
More detailed descriptions of workshop content can be found in workshop brochures at
This is a Star Advantage Workshop. If you are a Premier Active or Private School NJPSA member, you may choose one starred workshop per year (July 1 - June 30) at no cost.
Premier Active membership status is based on verification of membership for the year 2014-2015. Other members are not eligible for the Star Advantage Program. If you are
unable to attend a program for which you have registered, call or write seven days prior to the program date to request the STAR benefit be credited back to your account.
Maximizing Essential Math
Skills and Concepts for
Students with Disabilities
and Struggling Learners
Three-Day Series: January 6, February
18, and March 25, 2015
Presenter: Paul Riccomini, Ph.D.
For District and School Leaders,
Supervisors, and Teachers
Fee: $375 (based on $125/day)
Join Dr. Paul Riccomini, experienced
classroom teacher, author, mathematician,
and special education expert for this
three-day series focused on teaching
mathematics to students with disabilities
and struggling students. Students
who struggle to learn essential math
concepts and skills require more
intensive instruction supports. This series
is designed to introduce and develop
specific research-based, high-impact
strategies for organizing instruction,
facilitating learning, and remembering and
applying critical math concepts and skills.
Creating PARCC-Like Math
Tests: Preparing for the New
Assessments (K-5)
January 15, 2015; 9 am - 3 pm
Presenter: Judith T. Brendel
Fee: $149
Designed for both administrators and
teachers, this session will address how the
new math standards for grades K-5 will be
assessed on PARCC tests, what resources
are available, and how teachers need
to modify what already exists. Pre-tests,
unit assessments and cumulative exams
all need to change to meet the rigor of
the standards and the format of PARCC
questions and tasks. Learn about the
types of questions to be included on the
PARCC and how they align to the Common
Core. Become familiar with the resources
available and create your own PARCC-like
questions to prepare students.
Character Education
Principles as the Cultural
Foundation of a Successful
Athletic Program
January 16, 2015; 9 am - 3 pm
Presenter: Ed Canzanese
Fee: $149
Sports in our schools today are
opportunities to unite, energize, lead
and develop a sense of pride for the
entire community. They also provide
an opportunity to influence a culture of
character for all involved in the program.
This session will introduce the eleven
principles of character as defined by the
Character Education Partnership and help
participants identify whether practices
in their district are consistent with
meaningful and appropriate academic
behaviors. Participants will also explore
core ethical values and moral and
performance character traits, and study
models of successful athletic programs
with defined core values.
PARCC: An In-Depth
Approach Across Content
Areas (6-12)
January 20, 2015; 9 am - 3 pm
Presenters: Dennis Fare and Kristen
Fee: $149
Participants in this session will look closely
at the performance-based and end-of-year
sections of the ELA/literacy assessments,
highlighting the shift in questions involving
interactive literacy in English language arts,
social studies, and science. Attendees will
take sample practice tasks using online
platforms, and will anchor and holistically
score student sample writings. This is a
must for science and social studies teachers
to work closely with their ELA counterparts!
The Second Annual
NJ Leadership Summit:
Understanding and
Implementing PARCC
Sponsored by NJASCD, NJPSA/FEA,
January 21, 2015; 9 am - 3:15 pm
(Registration from 8:30 am) at
Forsgate Country Club
Register at
Fee: $125 before January 1; $145 after
January 1
Obtain the most current information
about the new PARCC assessment. Hear
from key policymakers and presenters
about all facets of this complex initiative,
including Jeff Nellhaus, Director of
Policy, Research, and Design for PARCC;
Kimberley Harrington, Chief Academic
Officer, NJDOE; Bari Erlichson, Chief
Performance Officer, NJDOE; and Peter
Shulman, Chief Talent Officer, NJDOE
Teaching Impoverished
Students (K-12)
January 26, 2015; 9 am - 3 pm
Presenter: Peggy Stewart
Fee: $149
“The fact is that poverty does matter.”
(Diane Ravitch) Participate in a collaborative process to examine highly-engaging
classroom, school, and district practices
that educators can use to improve the
achievement of economically-disadvantaged
students. Explore strategies, solutions,
resources, and learning structures that are
designed to promote student engagement
to support learning. This session is based on
Eric Jensen’s work, combined with practical
ideas and hands-on examples that educators
can use to meet the needs of their students.
Connecting ELA Curriculum,
Instruction, and Assessment
with Common Core & PARCC
(Grades 3-8)
January 26, 2015; 9 am - 3 pm
Presenters: Adele Macula, Ed.D. and
Willa Spicer
Fee: $149
Having an effective and dynamic curriculum
is the foundation of a school/district’s
instructional program. Ongoing formative
and summative assessment is the core
component of evidence-based instructional
success. This interactive workshop will offer
participants opportunities to focus on ELA
standards-based curricula and integrated
curriculum units, review content area
exemplars targeting CCSS skills, examine
assessment types and samples aligned
with PARCC and consider the curricular
implications offered through the Common
Core Appendices and PARCC Model
Content Frameworks.
Evidence, Evidence,
and More Evidence: Are
You on Target with Your
Observations and Use of
Artifacts to Support Teacher
January 29 or March 31, 2015;
9 am - 3 pm
Presenters: John Schoener and
Maria Heckendorn
Fee: $149
This session will focus on developing a
common understanding of how to collect
the required critical evidence to support
effective teacher observation/evaluation
and to document a teacher’s skill in
planning and carrying out instructional
processes. Participants will receive a tool
kit that enhances their knowledge of
evidence of practice. They will use these
tools to assess teacher practice (on video)
and review examples of completed teacher
observations to determine how effectively
evidence was used to document practice.
Pumping Up PARCC
Sponsored by FEA, TMI Education, and
Gravity Goldberg, LLC.
January 30, 2015; 9 am - 3 pm
Presenters: TMI Associates, Gravity
Goldberg and Angie Fifer
Fee: $149
Essential to optimal performance on PARCC
is not only mastery of the Common Core,
but numerous factors, including effective
preparation strategies, stamina, mental
preparation, self-esteem, and confidence.
Addressing a balance across preparation
for content mastery and physiology,
participants will examine all aspects of
PARCC assessment performance factors,
including: Content Essentials: Reading/
Writing Strategies; Reading and Writing;
PARCC Practice and Simulations; Digital
Literacy for Online Testing; and Maximizing
Confidence: Mental and Emotional
Instructional Rounds: A
Collaborative Protocol
to Improve Teaching and
A Two-Day Series: January 30 and
February 12, 2015
Presenter: Jacqueline Frangis
Fee: $295 (based on $148/day)
Dr. Richard Elmore and his team
at Harvard University pioneered
Instructional Rounds, modeled after
training for medical doctors, as a
systems-wide approach to developing a
shared understanding of and language
about effective teaching and learning
and building human capacity and culture
across schools. This two-day institute
will develop an understanding of the
principles, protocols, and processes
of Instructional Rounds. Participants
will engage in a rounds simulation,
identifying the “problem of practice,”
learning how to discern from objective
vs. judgmental commentary, how to
identify and analyze patterns and trends
from theories and share next steps for
improvement. Time will be dedicated
to aligning this process to the district’s
teacher observation rubric.
Differentiated Conferencing
and Feedback: Maximizing
Teacher Performance
February 2, 2015; 9 am - 3 pm
Presenters: Adele Macula, Ed.D. and
Willa Spicer
Fee: $149
To support the professional growth of
teachers, educational leaders need a
myriad of strategies for guiding their
interactions with staff members to initiate
and sustain teacher learning that is based
on student learning needs. This session will
focus on understanding and conducting
learning-focused conversations by using
The Continuum of Learning-Focused
Interaction. Participants will explore the
four perspectives—coaching, collaborating,
consulting and calibrating—to develop
teachers’ capacities to reflect upon data
and instructional outcomes, to generate
ideas and options, and to increase teachers’
personal and professional self-awareness.
Using Data and Assessment
to Improve Student
Achievement (Part 1)
February 3, 2015; 9 am - 3 pm
Presenter: Tracey Severns, Ed.D.
Fee: $149
As instructional leaders, administrators
must not only understand data and how
to use it for their own purposes; they must
know how to engage teachers in practices
The Foundation for Educational Administration
that place data at the center of their work.
This session will address the leaders’ role in
causing teachers to view data as essential
to the work they do with students and
colleagues, and to provide the strategies
necessary to engage educators in databased, instructional decision-making. During
this highly interactive session, leaders will
learn how to use data to measure student
progress, analyze teacher performance, and
examine the effectiveness of programs and
Special Literacy Conference Event
Everybody Reads! Literacy,
Common Core, and Our
Special Needs Students
Sponsored by FEA, The Madison
Institute, and the Council for
Exceptional Children
February 5, 2015; 9 am - 2:30 pm
Fee: $149
This conference will provide information that all educational leaders and
teachers need to know to ensure that
the unique literacy needs of all children
are met. Presenters will provide the
essential knowledge and practical
strategies for addressing critical literacy
skills—phonological awareness, concept
imagery, reading comprehension skills,
and problem-solving approaches.
Participants will gain increased
knowledge and ability to plan and
implement: research-based literacy
programs, effective instructional
strategies to support all learners,
diagnostic and prescriptive procedures,
and early intervention strategies.
Next Generation Science
Standards’ Impact on
Teaching and Learning
February 6, 2015; 9 am - 2 pm
Presenter: Michael Heinz
Fee: $75
This session will focus on the potential
impact of the adoption of the Next
Generation Science Standards (NGSS).
The NGSS are the next step in the
evolution of science education and their
implementation brings challenges for
students, teachers, and administrators.
Participants will explore similarities and
differences between the NJCCCS for
Science and the NGSS; examine how
the shifts imbedded in the NGSS should
impact teaching and learning; and learn
about the free resources that are available
to support the transition to the updated
science performance expectations.
Preparing for PARCC:
Shift into High Gear
February 6, 2015; 9 am - 3 pm
Presenter: Erin Peacock
Fee: $149
Are you and your school district still in
NEUTRAL regarding the PARCC assessments? This session will assist you to
shift confidently into DRIVE about all
things PARCC and prepare you for full
implementation this spring. Learn how to
lead successful Performance-Based and
End-of-Year Assessment implementation.
This session will cover every aspect of
planning and preparation for PARCC
2015 including: Technology; Preparation
Checklists; Pearson Access; Building Test
Schedules for March and May 2015;
Test Materials and Security; Professional
Development; and Communication to All
Infusing the National Arts
Standards into the NJ Arts
February 9, 2015; 9 am - 3 pm
Presenters: New Jersey Arts Education
Fee: $149
This session will explore the question, “How
can the National Arts Standards be infused
into the state visual and performing arts
standards?” Bringing together members
from the Writing Team for the National
Standards and NJ experts in dance, music,
theatre, visual arts and media arts, participants will explore the common group of
the two sets of standards, the links and if
one set of standards helps the other. The
day will start with a plenary session where
all participants will hear from the national
leaders. The group will then break into five
groups—dance, music, theatre, visual art
and media arts to delve into the leading
Creating PARCC-Like Math
Tests: Preparing for the New
Assessments (6-12)
February 10, 2015; 9 am - 3 pm
Presenter: Judith T. Brendel
Fee: $149
Designed for both administrators and
teachers, this session will address how
the new math standards for grades 6-12
will be assessed on PARCC tests, what
resources are available, and how teachers
need to modify what already exists. Pretests, unit assessments and cumulative
exams all need to change to meet the rigor
of the standards and the format of PARCC
questions and tasks. Learn about the
types of questions to be included on the
PARCC and how they align to the Common
Core. Become familiar with the resources
available and create your own PARCC-like
questions to prepare students.
Writing Curricula in ELA,
Science and Social Studies
to Support Instruction for
the PARCC (6 - 12)
February 19, 2015; 9 am - 3 pm
Presenters: Dennis Fare and
Kristen Trabona
Fee: $149
After working through an overview of the
PARCC, it is now time to prepare students,
teachers, and curricula for these new skills.
This session will delve into the purposes of
district- and school-wide assessments in
ELA, Science and Social Studies, and how
to utilize these assessments in a way that
will hone and inform future instruction.
This session will look at how to transfer
curriculum into an electronic form so
that it can truly be a living part of daily
instruction. We will discuss ways in which
research simulation, literary analysis, and
narrative performance-based tasks can
be embedded more regularly.
Creating an Alternative School
Program for At-Risk Students
February 19, 2015; 9 am - 3 pm
Presenters: Marie and Vince Phillips
For Middle and High School
Administrators; Directors of Guidance;
Directors of Special Education; Middle
and High School Teachers
Fee: $149
All students want to be successful in
school, but for many students school has
proven to be an environment in which
they have experienced little success. This
session will focus on creating an in-house
alternative school program that will help
general education students and appropriate
special education students be successful.
Participants will have the opportunity to
review sample individual student learning
plans, analyze the pros and cons of an
alternative program existing within the
context of a larger school setting, and
develop a data-driven process for identifying
students appropriate for such a program.
Bringing Social Studies to
Life: Using Best Practices in
Literacy Instruction to Deepen
Comprehension (Grades 3-8)
February 23, 2015; 9 am - 3 pm
Presenters: Christopher Bickel and
Elaine Bakke
Fee: $149
Frequently, teachers of content-area subjects
think of themselves as specialists in their
field—not as teachers of reading. Yet now
all teachers have a new set of standards
that demand the application of literacy
skills inside content areas. How do content
area teachers meet the expectations of
these mandated standards as well as the
standards for their own content area? This
session addresses the English Language Arts
Standards in History/Social Studies and the
natural connections of the “Humanities.”
The presenters will use these standards as
a framework to explore best practices in
literacy instruction that serve as vehicles
for building knowledge through powerful
teaching in Social Studies content.
Empowering Professional
Learning Communities to
Work Productively
February 23, 2015; 9 am - 3 pm
Presenter: Kim Tucker
Fee: $149
Are your Professional Learning Communities productive? Do you find you are
spending too much time managing PLCs?
This session will include ways for you to
empower your PLCs to work to improve
student achievement with a minimum of
administrative management time. The
following topics will be included: attributes
of high functioning PLCs; strategies for
supporting and sharing leadership; strategies for harnessing the collective creativity
of staff; strategies for creating a shared
vision; supportive conditions necessary for
high-functioning PLCs; and protocols and
tools for PLCs.
The Administrators’ Guide to
Going 100% Google Apps for
Education in Six Months
March 2, 2015; 9 am - 3 pm
Presenter: Robert R. Zywicki
Fee: $149
This workshop will provide a proven
implementation template to transition
your school district to Google Apps
for Education. Model best practices
for the following crucial topics will be
addressed: staff Gmail conversion, Google
administrative panel, staff professional
development, stakeholder engagement,
and high-yield Google Apps-based
Powerful Conversations in a
Culture of Feedback
March 2, 2015; 9 am – 3 pm
Presenter: Victoria Duff
Fee: $149
Feedback is a powerful professional learning
tool for improving the practices of teachers
and leaders. Build the capacity of all
educators to give and receive feedback to
support ongoing growth in a collaborative
culture in which collective responsibility
is focused on results for students. Discuss
implications for using feedback as a lever
to improvement and current realities and
strategies to support a change in culture
and conversation.
Using Data and Assessments
to Improve Student
Achievement (Part 2)
March 3, 2015; 9 am - 3 pm
Presenter: Tracey Severns, Ed.D.
Fee: $149
During this session, participants will
deepen their knowledge and hone their
ability to use data to improve teaching,
learning and leading—a continuation
of the ideas discussed in Part 1 of this
topic. Attendees will participate in three
new activities designed to engage faculty
in the use of data to evaluate progress
and establish goals. Participants will also
extend their understanding of how to
use local assessments to improve student
outcomes by applying assessment analysis
techniques to samples brought from their
school/district. Strategies to enhance the
use of formative assessment will also be
addressed. Participants will also practice
the skills required for conducting honest
data coaching conversations.
12 Centre Drive, Monroe Township, NJ 08831-1564 • Phone: 609-860-1200 • Fax: 609-860-6677 • •
The Foundation for Educational Administration
12 Centre Drive
Monroe Township, NJ 08831-1564
Trenton, NJ
Permit No. 53
Professional Development
Calendar of Events
Winter Spring
Keys to Close the Gap:
Interventions for Special
Education and SES Gaps
March 4, 2015; 9 am - 3 pm
Presenters: Sharon McCarthy and
Anthony Scannella
Fee: $149
The best interventions are robust
strategies that work well in the least
restrictive environment and benefit all
learners. In this session, participants will
acquire the skills and dispositions to
increase their ability to support teachers
to connect research to evidence-based
practices that positively impact student
learning, both behaviorally and academically. Join us to learn how to: diagnose
where the thinking structures are weak;
choose the appropriate interventions
to address the diagnosed weaknesses;
mediate the root cause of some learning
struggles; apply successful protocols and
templates for organization in writing;
teach students how to learn; and build
their students’ academic vocabulary.
A Basic Guide to
Intervention and Referral
Services (I&RS)
March 5, 2015; 9 am - 3 pm
Presenter: Gary Vermeire
Fee: $149
This session is designed to provide
I&RS team members and others with
best practices for implementing the
I&RS regulations. Participants will better
understand the purposes, scope and
evidence-based benefits of using the
building-based multidisciplinary team
model as a best practice for addressing
student learning, behavior and health
difficulties. They will also apply best practice
procedures and skills for identifying and
assisting students with learning, behavior
and health difficulties. The session will
include a framework for developing
comprehensive I&RS action plans.
Climate Control for Your
School: Let’s Change the
A Two-Day Series: March 12 and April 13,
2015; 9 am - 3 pm
Presenter: Frank Palatucci
For School Administrators, Supervisors,
Student Government and Class Advisors,
Student Activity Coordinators, School
Safety Team Members, and HIB
Fee: $295 for the two days
Day 1: Taking Your School’s Climate
and Culture Temperature
The focus of the first day will be to identify
and understand the key elements that
must be present in a vibrant, healthy
organizational climate and culture.
Day 2: Raising Hearts and Spirits Hands Will Follow
This session will focus on practical
approaches to establish and maintain a
positive school climate and culture that
supports the right to teach and learn.
Bring Your Device
to Our Workshops!
Leadership Strategies for
Bringing Out the Best in
Your Teachers
Sponsored by FEA and the Inquiry
March 17, 2015; 9 am - 3 pm
Presenter: Marilee Adams, Ph.D., MSW,
Author of Teaching that Changes Lives
Fee: $149
The biggest truth—and biggest challenge—
of leadership is that leaders only achieve
results through others. That’s why a
leader’s success depends on his/her skills
for coaching, empowering, and inspiring
teachers, colleagues, and everyone
around them.
This workshop will empower you to:
• More effectively and positively engage
and communicate, especially in difficult
and challenging situations.
• Provide feedback in ways that invite
people to learn, grow, and change.
• Model effective leadership so that you
are more satisfied and successful and
so is everyone around you.
Using Active Reading and
Thinking Strategies to Enhance
Written Responses (2-5)
April 9, 2015; 9 am - 3 pm
Presenter: Lois Hagie
Fee: $149
This session is designed for General and
Special Elementary, Grades 2-5. How can the
reading writing connection lead to deeper
thinking about text and more informed
writing to meet the rigors of the Common
Core? Through the use of varied mentor
texts, such as nonfiction selections, poetry,
song lyrics, and visual media, the participants
will experience the use of active reading and
thinking strategies to enhance comprehension. As writers, they will synthesize new
themes inferred from mentor texts to create
an enhanced written response.
STEM Academy
Sponsored by FEA, NJASCD, and
Discovery Education
April 14, 2015; 9 am - 3 pm
Presenters: Discovery Education Math
and Science Staff
Fee: $75
This academy will provide the instructional
framework and the logistical information
needed to implement a STEM program
in your school/district. Learn from experts
how you can build a quality program
aligned to the Next Generation Science
The Danielson Framework for
Teaching and Special Education
April 14, 2015; 9 am - 3 pm
Presenters: The Danielson Group
For observers whose districts have
adopted the Danielson Framework
for Teaching
Fee: $149
Participants in this workshop will develop
a deeper understanding of how to use
the Danielson Framework for Teaching
when observing teachers of students
with disabilities. This session will build
upon participants’ knowledge of the
Framework while developing skills around
a collaborative observation process. The
Danielson Group has written special
education scenarios which provide possible
examples of practice for each component of
the Framework at each level of performance.
Participants will gain experience in collecting
low-inference evidence, aligning that
evidence to components, and assigning a
level of performance in order to support
growth in teaching practice.
Dyslexia and the Reading
Brain™ (K-12)
Sponsored by FEA and TMI
April 15, 2015; 9 am - 3 pm
Presenter: Dr. Jim Gamble, TMI Literacy
Fee: $149
Satisfy the Dyslexia professional development mandate while you learn how
to engage, support and empower the
challenged reader with proven effective
strategies and interventions. You will learn
the causes of Dyslexia, how to identify
it and how to incorporate appropriate
interventions. Join the author of The
Reading Brain’s Unnatural Connections™
for a cutting-edge session that will provide
participants with practical strategies for
addressing critical phonological awareness
skills, concept imagery, reading comprehension skills, and problem-solving
Medal of Honor Character
Development Program
April 15, 2015; 8:30 am - 3 pm
Presenters: Congressional Medal of
Honor Foundation
Fee: No Cost
Register at
FEA is proud to present this nationally
recognized character education program
for the second time this year. The
program provides educators with the
tools they need to bring the Medal of
Honor Program into their classrooms.
This extensive curriculum, which uses
the oral histories of Medal of Honor
Recipients, focuses on values and how
students can use these examples of
courage, commitment, sacrifice, integrity,
citizenship, and patriotism to influence
change in their own school communities.
Teachers and administrators from
middle and high schools and across
all disciplines are invited to attend,
and substitute teacher costs can be
reimbursed to the district or school.
Youth Leadership for
Tomorrow Today: Believe in
U - For Kids By Kids Spring
Sponsored by FEA in Partnership with
Herff Jones and the Future Educators
Association of America
April 16, 2015; 9 am - 3 pm
Fee: $300 per School Teams of 12
(adults and/or students)
Individual Registrations Available: $75 Adult; $35 Student
This conference will empower your school’s
staff and students to:
• Change beliefs in order to affect behaviors;
• Support the work of your School Safety
Team to curtail HIB;
• Build an inclusive culture within your
school for students and adults;
• Enhance your students’ 21st Century
Skills through collaborative planning and
networking; and
• Learn about research-based, resources.
The Next Generation
Science Standards: Rethinking
and Redesigning Science
Instruction and Learning
April 22, 2015; 9 am - 3 pm
Presenter: Barbara Mammen
Fee: $149
This session will identify the conceptual
and instructional shifts called for in The
Framework for K-12 Science and the new
science standards. This is an interactive
session with collaborative activities that
will assist participants in understanding
and implementing the three components
of the standards: Science and Engineering
Practices; Crosscutting Concepts; and
Disciplinary Core Ideas.
High Quality Feedback—
The Key to Change
April 27, 2015; 9 am - 3 pm
Presenter: Nancy Richmond, Ed.D.
Fee: $149
This session will provide the key elements
to help teacher evaluators deliver highlyeffective feedback, including: learning
how to collect “good” evidence; acknowledging how bias impacts pure evidence;
understanding the qualities of effective
feedback; and practicing giving feedback
in difficult situations. During the session
participants will practice giving feedback
to teachers on problematic issues and
post-observation feedback. Using standards from Danielson, McREL and Stronge,
participants will view video lessons and
plan feedback sessions, which will cause
teachers to reflect on their practice.
Reducing Racial Disparities
in Discipline Through
Transformative Action for
June 4, 2015; 9 am - 3 pm
Presenter: Anne Gregory, Ph.D.
Fee: $149
There is a call to action to address the
persistent and worsening racial gaps in
school suspension and expulsion. Schools
are seeking ways to transform how they
elicit student cooperation, manage conflict,
and ensure a high quality education for
diverse students. This session will provide
a synthesis of the latest knowledge about
what contributes to racial gaps in discipline.
There will also be a focus on the current
initiatives to narrow disparities and highlight
programming to prevent conflict and to
intervene constructively once conflict has
Save the Date!
2015 FEA/NJPSA/NJASCD Fall Conference
October 22 & 23, 2015
Ocean Place, Long Branch, NJ
Keynote Speakers:
David Pogue
Dr. Yong Zhao