COMMUNITY INFORMATION EXCHANGE AGENCY BRIEFS (January 21, 2015) Information contained in this handout is "For Information Purposes Only." References to private organizations and their activities do not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government, Department of Army, or Fort Bragg. UPCOMING INSTALLATION TOWN HALL MEETING DATES: February 26, 2015, 9 a.m. (Location will be the Yntema Club unless otherwise noted) Dates are subject to change based on Command commitments. 1. Army Community Service - Barbara Trower-Simpkins, Director (910) 396-8682/8683, Web Site: a. Employment Readiness Program – Cecelia Wallace (910) 396-1425/2390, E-Mail:, Web Site: 2015 marks the beginning of an all new web-based “Resume Self Help” section coming very soon! Once it is launched on our website, you will be able to get Resume Self Help 24/7 no matter where you are. **Registration required for all workshops. To register, please call 910-396-1425/2390. Limited childcare provided for workshop attendees; children must be registered with CYSS. (1) Extreme Resume Makeover - Feb 3, 10, 17, 24; Mar 3, 10, 17, 24; Apr 7, 14, 21, 28; 9:00 am 4:00 pm, Soldier Support Center. We have revamped the private sector resume workshop to offer time in our computer lab for those who want to start working on their resume right away! This workshop offers several samples, techniques and methods to showcase relevant skills in an easy to read resume. Target audience: job seekers interested in working in the private or non-profit sector. (2) Full Day Federal Resume Workshop – Feb 5, 12, 19, 26; Mar 5, 12, 19, 26; Apr 2, 9, 16, 23, 30; 9:00 am – 4:00 pm, Soldier Support Center. Due to the popularity of this workshop we now offer the Full Day Federal Workshop every Thursday. Join us for an overview of the USAJOBS website and learn how to extract important details from federal job vacancies and questionnaires. There is also computer lab time built in for you to start working on your federal resume right away! Target audience: job seekers interested in working for the federal government. (3) Preparing for an Interview – Feb 13, 27; Mar 13, 27; Apr 10, 24 9:00 am – 12:00 pm, Soldier Support Center, 3rd Floor. Practice makes perfect but interview practice is an area often overlooked by many job seekers. Learn frequently asked questions, find out what to wear and discover phrases to avoid. As a bonus, you get to practice what you learn by participating in a mock interview during class. Target audience: job seekers needing or wanting to brush up on their interview skills (4) Career Assessment for Beginners Feb 4, 18; Mar 4, 18; Apr 1, 15; (call for times), Soldier Support Center, 3rd Floor. If you are new to the work world and do not know what you want to do or if you are not sure what it takes to get there; fear not, our trained counselors can assist. These sessions are held st rd the 1 and 3 Wednesday. Target audience: job seekers with little or no work experience, or job seekers feeling trapped by current career choices and seeking something new. Also great for teens or college students! (5) Strategic Career Planning Feb 2, 16; Mar 2, 16, Apr 6, 20, (call for times), Soldier Support rd Center, 3 Floor. Many job seekers have a solid work history but find themselves seeking employment due to a career change or life events like layoffs, retirement, down-sizing, etc. This can leave you with a huge need to get on track but little time to develop a comprehensive plan. Our counselors can help you put a feasible plan in place. Target audience – currently employed with at least 5 years experience facing an impending career change. b. Mobilization & Deployment Readiness Program – Dave Stamper, (910) 907-3490, Email: (1) New Family Readiness Group Center – located at 236 Interceptor Street, Pope Field. Room reservation requests can be made by calling 910-432-3742. Hours of operation are Monday-Friday from 8:00 am – 5:00 pm with after-hours available upon request. All FRG trainings are held at this new location. (2) FRG Essentials – Feb 17, Mar 12, April 16; 9:00 – 11:30 am, Family Readiness Group Center. This class serves as an introduction into the Family Readiness Group (FRG). Students will review the FRG mission outlined in AR 608-1, Appendix J; learn how to communicate with Families; and determine how leaders can advocate mission readiness. FRG Key Leader In-Processing also available. Registration is required by calling 432-3742 or go to (3) FRG Key Caller - Family Readiness Group Center. Designed to prepare volunteers for key caller duties, how to communicate with Families, assist the Command, and fit into a successful FRG. Registration is required by calling 432-3742 or go to (4) FRG Treasurer Training – Family Readiness Group Center. Designed for FRG Leaders, Treasurers, Fundraising Coordinators, Command Representatives, and any member who manages the FRG funds. Registration is required by calling 432-3742 or go to (5) FRG Power Course - Feb 4, Feb 18, Mar 4, Mar 25, Apr 1, Apr 22; 9:00 am – 1:30 pm, Family Readiness Group Center. Pack a bag lunch and join us for this powerful FRG training course covering all three major FRG trainings - Essentials, Key Caller, and Treasurer. Knock out all three in one 5hour block! Registration is required by calling 432-3742 or go to (6) Care Team Training – Feb 12, Mar 5, Apr 9; 9:00 am – 11:00 am; Feb 26, Mar 19, Apr 23; 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm Family Readiness Group Center. Learn how to establish this team to prepare for trauma in the unit, whether it’s a Family Member or Soldier. Registration is required by calling 432-3742 or go to (7) Commander/Rear-D Commander FRG Training – Apr 10, 9:00 am – 11:30 am, Family Readiness Group Center. Training for Rear Detachment and unit Commanders based on the requirements of AR 608-1, Appendix J. creating an FRG in compliance with Army standards. Registration is required by calling 432-3742 or go to (8) FRG Super Saturday - Feb 21, Mar 21, Apr 18; 8:00 am – 2:00 pm, Family Readiness Group Center. Pack a bag lunch and join us for this powerful FRG training course covering all three major FRG trainings - Essentials, Key Caller, and Treasurer. (9) FRL Training – Feb 24-27, Apr 28 – May 1; 8:00 am – 1:30 pm, Family Readiness Group Center. For soldiers that are tasked to be Family Readiness Liaisons for their unit. You learn valuable information that will help you function in the FRG in this position. Pack a bag lunch and join us for this powerful FRG training course. (10) Resilience for Couples: Post-Deployment - Family Readiness Group Center. Training for couples who are experiencing reunion and reintegration; learn to identify strengths, expectations, and reactions in relation to post-deployment, and also develop additional relational skills that can be used during the reintegration process. Registration is required by calling 432-3742 or go to (11) Deployed Spouse Day Out - Family Readiness Group Center. Is your spouse deployed? Relax and rejuvenate with other spouses who are experiencing deployment. Activities are free, and childcare is provided through CYSS with advanced registration. Registration is required by calling 432-3742 or e-mail . 2 (12) Online FRG Training: Essentials, Key Caller, Treasurer, RDC Commander’s FRG Training. FRG Training is now offered online and satisfies the volunteer requirement for training. Training is located at c. Exceptional Family Member Program - Trisha Newton, (910) 907-3395/396-2749, E-mail: Web Site: (1) Autism Support Group - First Wednesday of the month, 8:30 am – 10:00 am, Linden Oaks Clubhouse. Meet with other Families that care for a Family member on the Autism Spectrum. For more information, call (910) 907-5624. (2) Developmental Disabilities Parent Support Group – Second Tuesday of the month, 9:00 am – 10:30 am, Casablanca Community Center Multipurpose Room. Meet with other Families to discuss the joys and challenges of raising an exceptional child. For more information, call (910) 907-5624. (3) Down Syndrome Support Group - Third Thursday of the month, 10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Ardennes Community Center. Join us to talk about coping with the situations that often occur during everyday life for individuals with Down Syndrome and their families. For more information, call (910) 9073405. (4) American Heart Association’s Heartsaver Infant, Child and Adult CPR, First Aid & AED, January 15, 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Learn the skills necessary to help in the event of an emergency. Space is limited so register early. For more information and registration please call (910) 396-2749. (5) Valentine’s Day Photos – January 27, 3:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m., 3rd floor, Soldier Support Center. For more information or to register call (910) 907-6993 or (910) 396-8682. (6) EFMP Be a Great Advocate for Yourself or a Loved One - January 28, 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m., Soldier Support Center. Learn more about rights, responsibilities, and support. For more information, call (910) 907-5624. (7) “More Tools for Your Parenting Tool Belt”- February 5, 9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m., Westlake Morganton Club. Guest Speaker Cheryle Heinecke will discuss Parenting Skills. Meet with other Families to share experiences & resources. For more information, call (910) 907-5623. (8) Bullying February 10, 9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m., Family Readiness Group Center. Guest Speaker Sharon W. Cooper, MD, FAAP. Come learn how to Protect Your Special Needs Child from Cyber Bullying, Child Neglect, Emotional & Sexual Abuse. For more information, call (910) 643-6997 or (910) 396-8682. (9) EFMP Getting to Know ABA - Cumberland County Library. Feb 12, 9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Come learn more about “What is the role of a parent in an ABA program?” For more information, call (910) 643-6993. (10) Toilet Training Your Child with Special Needs, March 12, 9:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Have you asked yourself, how will I toilet train my child and is he/she ready? For more information, call (910) 6437517. (11) American Heart Association’s Heartsaver Infant, Child and Adult CPR, First Aid & AED, March 18 & 19, 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Learn the skills necessary to help in the event of an emergency. Space is limited so register early. For more information and registration please call (910) 396-2749. (12) Down Syndrome Workshop, - March 18, 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Presented by: Lindsay Tipton. Learn more about “What is Down Syndrome?”. For information or to register, call (910) 907-3405. 3 (13) Easter Photos – March 19, 3:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m., 3rd floor, Soldier Support Center. For more information or to register call (910) 907-6993 or (910) 396-8682. (14) Raven Rock Hike – March 27, 3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Take an adventure hike guided by park rangers. Learn about Raven Rock’s ecological system. For more information or to register call (910) 643-6993 or (910) 396-8682. (15) EFMP Movie Night! – April 9, 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Come join us for a night at the movies. For more information, call (910) 907-5623. (16) Cape Fear Botanical Garden – April 14, 9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Preschool story and nature time is presented in partnership with Cumberland County Public Library & Information Center. Nature Tales Story Time: “Spring has Sprung”. For more information or to register call (910) 643-6993. (17) Special Needs Trust Seminar April 15, 9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Your child’s future begins with you, including: Effective future care and estate planning; Regulations pertaining to Pooled Trusts and Supplemental Needs Trust; and Government benefit eligibility. For more information, call (910) 907-5624. d. Family Advocacy Program - Mr. Tom Hill, Phone: (910) 396-5521/4175, E-Mail: Website: Most classes are held on the third floor, Soldier Support Center, Building #4-2843. Please call (910) 396-5521 for registration and childcare information. Valentine’s Day is quickly approaching and what better time to show your significant other how much you care? Actions speak louder than words, so attend a Family Advocacy Program parenting class to show how hard you’re willing to work for your family – changing diapers and effective parenting can go a long way towards a successful romantic evening! You could even join Couples Communication course together to show your partner how committed you are to enhancing and maintaining your connection. Everyone needs a little time away, sign her up for the New Mom’s Stroller Strides class or the Self-Defense Workshops to help her stay active and make new friends along the way! They’ll be excited at the thoughtful gift of love, and it won’t cost you a thing! All the classes and workshops are FREE. Give your Valentine the gift that truly keeps on giving, a Family Advocacy Program workshop. (1) Parenting 1 - 4 year olds: Feb 2, 9, 23, Mar 2, 9, Apr 6, 13, 20 from 9:00 am – 11:00 am (Participants must complete all three classes.) Every parent strives to be a loving parent as well as an effective authority figure in their home. In this course, instructors discuss how to care for and discipline children through different ages and stages of growth. Participants will learn discipline methods that work, how to prevent tantrums and other melt-downs, and ways to build a loving bond with their children. (2) ScreamFree Parenting: Mar 4, 5, 6 from 9:00 am – 1:00 pm; Feb 4, 5, 6, Apr 1, 2, 3 from 1:00 – 5:00 pm. (Participants must complete all three classes.) ScreamFree Parenting is not just about lowering your voice but also raising your integrity as a parent. It’s about learning to calm your emotional response and focus on your own behavior. By staying cool, calm and connected with your children, you begin to operate less through emotions and more from values and principles. (3) Co-Parenting Children of Divorce and Custody: Feb 3, Mar 3, Apr 7 from 9:00 am – 12:00 pm. (Participants must pick up a booklet prior to class and complete required assignment prior to attending class.) This course teaches parents who reside separately how to raise their children cooperatively and more effectively with one another by focusing on the best interests of the children. Attendees will learn the benefits of separating personal conflicts from their role as parents and discuss visitation boundaries, the economic impact and responsibility of co-parenting as well as how to talk to children about divorce. Upon successful completion of this course, you will receive a certificate of completion to submit in court, if needed. 4 (4) Couples Communication: Feb 12 and 18, Mar 12 and 18, April 15 and 29 from 9:00 am – 4:00 pm. Avoid destructive patterns that prevent you from building and maintaining a healthy, loving, and compassionate relationship with your significant other. Participants explore how to move from constantly playing the “blame game” to using constructive problem solving methods and effective non-verbal communication together to establish trust and support within a loving relationship. (5) Anger Management: Feb 10 and 24, Mar 17, Apr 14 from 9:00 am – 12:00 pm; Feb 3, Mar 3 Apr 28 from 1:00 – 4:00 pm. This one-session class provides attendees with the skills necessary to help evaluate, understand and control their anger. Learn to control your response to any situation by taking control of your emotions. (6) Stress Management: Feb 19, Mar 26, Apr 2 from 9:00 am – 11:00 am; Feb 5, Mar 12, Apr 16 from 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm. This one-session class helps attendees identify stressors and symptoms of stress as well as how to select and implement stress management skills to overcome stressors of any kind. Learn how to take control of yourself by learning to control your stress, instead of allowing the stress to control you. (7) 1-2-3 Magic: Feb 25, 26, Mar 19, 20 from 9:00 am – 12:00 pm; Apr 22, 23 from 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm. Participants will learn how to discipline without arguing, yelling or spanking; how to stop obnoxious behaviors quickly; and how to end battles over any necessary routine including bedtime, cleaning messy rooms, lying, doing chores or homework. (8) Launching Hope: Feb 13, 20, Apr 10, 17 from 9:00 am – 12:00 pm. (Participants must complete both sessions.) Every parent wants their teenagers to grow into happy, healthy, productive adults who keep good relationships with their parents along the way. This class walks participants through the steps necessary to help prepare their teenagers for the real world. (9) 24/7 Dads: Mar 6, 13, 20 from 9:00 am – 12:00 pm; Feb 12, 19, 26, April 13, 20, 27 from 1:00 – 4:00 pm. (Participants must complete all three classes.) Dads are one of the most important role models in their children's lives. This class focuses on skills men need in order to make a positive difference and be involved fathers, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The class focuses on key fathering characteristics and helps men develop the attitude, knowledge and skills necessary to get and stay involved with their children. (10) Positive Discipline: Feb 4, 5, Mar 24, 25 from 9:00 am – 12:00 pm; Apr 22, 23 from 1:00 – 3:00 pm. This class teaches parents to help their children develop a sense of responsibility, self-discipline, creative cooperation and problem-solving skills. Attendees learn how to defuse power struggles, promote open communication and empower their children to be accountable for their own actions and choices. (11) Active Parenting for Stepfamilies: Mar 10, 17, 24 from 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm. (Participants must complete all three classes.) Combining families can be a challenging, yet very rewarding process. This three-day workshop provides participants with the valuable skills necessary to help members of the family balance the different aspects of stepfamily life; the marriage, children and parenting partnerships. (12) Surviving Your Adolescents: Mar 30, 31 from 9:00 am – 1:00 pm. In Surviving Your Adolescents, participants will explore how to manage teen risk-taking, learn to “let go” of their 13-18 year olds, how to improve relationships with their teenagers, manage the “snub,” and when and where to find more help. (13) ScreamFree Marriage: Feb 23, 24 from 1:00 – 5:00 pm. (Participants must complete both classes) Making a marriage stand the test of time takes both partners learning how to handle conflict constructively and to protect each others best interests. In this class, instructors will guide couples to new levels of mature intimacy by showing them how to relate to each other in a calm, cool and connected way; regardless of how their "other half" acts. (14) Stewards of Children: Feb 9, Apr 8 from 2:00 – 4:00 pm. This prevention training program that teaches adults how to prevent, recognize and react responsibly to child sexual abuse. The program is designed for organizations that serve youth and for individuals concerned about the safety of children. It is 5 the only nationally distributed, evidence based program proven to increase knowledge, improve attitudes and change child protective behaviors. (15) Self-Defense Workshop: Feb 5 from 9:00 am – 1:00 pm and from 6:00 pm – 9 pm. Empower yourself with self-defense skills. This workshop is hands-on and high energy! Wear comfortable clothing and bring water and healthy snacks! e. New Parent Support Program - Sue O’Brien Phone: (910) 396-7951, E-mail: Website: (1) Play Morning at Pope and Play Morning at Linden Oaks: Feb 2, 19, Mar 2, 19, Apr 6, 16 from 10:00 am – 11:30 am. An interactive playgroup for babies, newborn to 36-months-old, that helps parents learn developmentally appropriate play techniques and helps children improve their social, cognitive and motor skills. Structured activities include singing and dancing, story time, craft projects and free play. Registration is not required. Please bring your child’s shot record. (2) Play Morning at Pope - Marvelous Multiples: Feb 9, Mar 9, Apr 13 from 10:00 am – 11:30 am. An interactive playgroup for babies, newborn to 36-months-old, that helps parents learn developmentally appropriate play techniques and helps children improve their social, cognitive and motor skills. Structured activities include singing and dancing, story time, craft projects and free play. Special break-away sessions just for families with multiples! Registration is not required. Please bring your child’s shot record. (3) 0 to 1 Baby Fun Play Morning: Feb 10, 24, Mar 10, 24, Apr 14, 28 from 10:00 am – 11:30 am. Babies are born ready to learn and you can help! This fun, interactive class will show parents of babies from birth to 12-months-old how babies think, feel and learn, and how they can make every day parenting moments count. Limited childcare is available for older siblings. Please call for information. Registration is not required. Please bring your child’s shot record. (4) Infant Massage: Feb 5, 12, 19, 26, Mar 5, 12, 19, 26, Apr 9, 16, 23, 30 from 10:00 am – 11:30 am. This four-part class is a hand-on experience to learn the basic nurturing skills of infant massage through demonstration and practice. The class is designed to give parents skills to help ease stress, increase special alone and bonding time with their baby, and provide positive interaction between parent and baby. Research has shown that in addition to strengthening bonds, massage can help stimulate growth and weight gain; promote brain development and sensory awareness; improve digestion, muscle tone and circulation; relieve physical discomforts such as teething, gas and colic; and help baby settle and sleep longer. Bring a soft blanket and baby of course! (5) Beginning Baby Sign: Mar 4 from 10:00 am – 11:30 am. A one-time class for parents and babies 8-months and older to learn natural baby sign language that allows babies and their parents to use simple signs to communicate important needs like being hungry or thirsty, hot or cold, afraid or sad. An easyto-use sign language book is provided to each family. (6) Baby Sign Practice Time: Apr 1 from 10:00 am – 11:30 am. A follow-up class for parents who have already taken the “Beginning Baby Sign” class. This is hands-on practice time to use baby sign language that was learned in the first class. An easy-to-use sign language book with additional signs is provided to each family. (7) Baby Basic Training: Feb 3, 10, 17, 24 from 2:00 – 4:30 pm; Apr 7, 14, 21, 28 from 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm. This four-part class is a hands-on experience where parents learn the basics needed to provide for a new baby. Classes include information and education about preparing for baby, budgeting for baby, safety skills and setting routines. It also includes a quick course for dads that helps them develop skills at diapering, burping, and swaddling babies, as well as a class for new mothers and moms-to-be to better understand dad and his new role as a father. 6 (8) New Moms Healthy Stroller Strides: There are many classes every month (must call for dates, times and locations). This is a total fitness program that moms can do with their babies. The routine includes power walking or running with intervals of strength and body toning using resistance bands, the stroller and the environment. Instructors add songs and activities into the routine to entertain and engage baby, while moms are led through a series of exercises. This unique program also provides moms with the opportunity to meet other moms and make new friends. Pre-registration is required. Call for dates, times and location! f. Leader Family Advocacy Training - Stacey Hale Phone: (910) 643-7485, E-mail: Website: (1) Leader Training. New Commanders and senior NCOs are required to attend a Family Advocacy Leaders Training within 45 days of assuming command. Courses are offered monthly; however, if you are unable to attend one of these sessions, call 396-5521 or email Ms. Hale to arrange a desk side or group briefing. Our website, at also has a wealth of resources and tips leaders can use to prevent Family violence and support victims. (2) Unit Training. ORA inspections and regulations require all Fort Bragg units to receive an annual Family Advocacy Unit Briefing. Call (910) 396-5521 to arrange a briefing at a time of your choice at your unit. g. Financial Readiness Program – Ms. Lynn Olavarria, Program Manager, (910) 396-2507/8682, E-Mail: Web Site: (1) Budget & Debt Management Class – Feb 26, Mar 19 and Apr 16, from 1:30 pm- 4:30 pm; 3rd floor, Soldier Support Center. Complete an individual or Family budget analysis; develop a personal financial spending plan; learn tips on getting out of debt and staying out of debt; discuss how to manage money better; utilize resources; and start saving & investing for the future. Please call 907-3670 to register. (2) Personal Financial Management Training (PFMT) Feb 10, Mar 10 and Apr 7 from 8:00 am - 5:00 pm, ground floor, Soldier Support Center. Classes are also taught at Brigade level by request. These classes focus on eight lessons of sound money management: Principles of Personal Finance; Planning & Budgeting; Banking & Checking Accounts; Using Credit Wisely; Insurance; Savings & Investing; Large Purchases; and Consumer Scams. Spouses are welcome. Call 907-3670 to register or schedule. (3) Refresher Checkbook and Debit Card Management Class – Feb 27, Jul 21,and Oct 6 from 1:30 pm - 4:30 pm, 3rd floor, Soldier Support Center. This class provides valuable information on the importance of using a checking account, balancing your checkbook, using your debit card, and planning for your financial future. Please call 907-3670 to register. (4) Savings and Investment Class – Feb 24, Apr 2, and Jun 23 9:00 am-12:00 pm, 3rd floor, Soldier Support Center. Discussions on the importance of saving, how to start investing and saving, as well as learn about different types of mutual funds, IRAs, investments and much more. Please call 907-3670 to register. (5) First Term PCS “Money and Moving” Class – Feb 12, Mar 12 and Apr 9 1:30 pm -3:00 pm, 3rd floor, Soldier Support Center. Learn what you need to know for a successful move your very first time. Call 907-3670 to register. 7 (6) Car Buying Strategies Class – Feb 13, Apr 30 and Sep 3 from 1:30 pm – 4:30 pm, 3rd floor, Soldier Support Center. Are you looking to buy a new car? Don’t get taken for a ride! Learn the “Three Deals of Car Buying”, plus the do’s and don’ts before you step on the car lot. Please call 907-3670 to register. (7) Credit Review/Repair Class – Feb 25, Apr 21, and Aug 6, from 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm, 3rd floor, Soldier Support Center. Learn tips on how to improve and fix your credit report and score. Call (910) 9073670 to register or schedule. (8) Shred It and Forget It – Jan 28, Apr 22, and Sept 23 (by appointment only) Shred your unwanted personal documents such as personnel, credit, medical, and tax records, bank statements, etc. Avoid being a victim of identity theft!! To make an appointment, call 907-3670 or 396-2507. (9) Command Financial Non-Commissioned Officer Class – Jan 26 – Feb 6 and May 4-15, 8:30 am - 5:00 pm, 3rd floor, Soldier Support Center. The program provides Commanders an opportunity to have education, training, counseling and referral procedures within their units which will promote, enhance and maintain Soldier personal financial readiness. Soldiers attending must have 12 months stabilization be a SSG or above in grade in good standing. Please call 907-3470/3670 to register. (10) One on One Budget Counseling. We offer budget counseling for our military community to help establish a budget or just refine your current budget. Our counselors offer ideas and information on ways to help “Pay Yourself First.” Do you want to pay down your debt? We provide guidance on ways to accomplish your financial goals. To make an appointment, call 907-3670 or 396-2507. (11) Commercial Solicitation - To report solicitation issues, please contact Robert A. Saltkield at 3960847, or e-mail . (12) Consumer Complaints - If you have been a victim of unfair business practices and have tried to resolve the issue to no avail, contact the Financial Readiness Office, Gloria Simmons at 643-6699 or e-mail (13) Military Saves Campaign Week - 23-27 Feb 15. Military Saves is a community based program encouraging Soldiers and Family members to pay down debt, build emergency savings and save for the future. This Army wide event provides resources, classes, and tools to enable individuals to start down the path of financial success. This year’s theme is “Set Goals, Plan, Save Automatically”. Make your pledge today to pay yourself first. Join us at each class during the last week of Feb, listed above, as we highlight the importance of this campaign and help you improve your financial well-being. For more information, please call Linda at 910-907-3670. h. Army Volunteer Corps Coordinator – Alice Stephens, (910) 396-2458/8160, E-Mail: Web Site: (1) Iron Mike Award Nomination Deadlines. Nominations for upcoming quarters are due as follows: nomination period of Jan-Mar are due Apr 3; Apr-Jun are due Jul 7. Please ensure that CURRENT registration/hour documentation information is current in VMIS, and DD2793 is uploaded into the volunteer VSR PRIOR to submission. HOURS FOR THE LAST MONTH OF THE QUARTER must be logged and certified. Incomplete nominations, duplicate write-ups from previous awards, or nomination write ups that do not reflect the nomination period will be disapproved and sent back to the unit/agency. (2) Youth Iron Mike Award for Volunteer Service. Nominations for youth volunteers will be accepted along the same timeline as adult volunteers. The hour minimum for youth volunteers varies from the adult requirement, however the other basic criteria remains the same. Youth must also be registered and document hours in the VMIS at 8 (3) BRAGG ‘N BUCKS PROGRAM – “Cash In” Your Volunteer Hours – NEW ADDITIONS BEGINNING OCT 1. Revisions to the incentive program will be with new items replacing those that have “sold out.” The program is in place to reward those volunteers who log their hours each month. Earn points to “purchase” items such as portfolios, tumblers, bags, and more. (4) VOLUNTEER WEEK IS COMING IN APRIL!!! Please make sure your hours are caught up and in the system not later than March 1. In order to receive a mailing on Volunteer Week activities, you must be registered and have hours logged in 2014-2015. If you have questions, contact your VMIS OPOC or the AVCC. i. Army Family Action Plan (AFAP) - Kari Gonzalez, (910) 396-4447, E-Mail: Web Site: (1) Army Family Action Plan Conference Issues. The next AFAP Conference is scheduled for 2729 Oct, however, global Army-wide issues that may affect living and working conditions for Soldiers, their Families, retirees, and DoD civilian employees can be submitted at any time. Contact the AFAP Manager at 396-4447 if you have an issue you’d like to submit! (2) Installation Town Hall Meeting. NEXT MEETING – Feb 26, 9 a.m., Yntema Club. The Installation Town Hall meetings are now being held biannually – in February and in August. Issues are considered local AFAP issues that can be reviewed and addressed quickly. These issues are accepted via the website throughout the year. In addition to covering the submitted issues, the Garrison Commander conducts an open Q&A. You can always check the status of all Town Hall issues as well as the Army Family Action Plan issues on the website above. j. Army Family Team Building – Dee Ann Rader, (910) 396-AFTB (2382) or (910) 907-3393, E-Mail: Web Site: Army Family Team Building (AFTB) is a fun, interactive program designed for the Army Family to enhance one’s knowledge of the military and develop leadership skills. Classes are free and open to everyone. Limited free childcare is offered on a first come, first serve basis. For the current schedule or to register for classes call 396-AFTB (2382), or register online at the website above. (1) “Military Knowledge” (formerly Level I) – two day class offered Feb 4-5, Apr 1-2, 8:30 a.m. 2:30 p.m. Military Knowledge introduces participants to the basic skills and knowledge needed to be successful in your military life. (2) “Personal Growth” (formerly Level II) - three day class offered Feb 17-19, 8:30 am – 2:30 pm. Personal Growth encourages growth into a community leader. (3) “Leadership” (formerly Level III) - two day class offered Apr 22-23, 8:30 am – 2:30 pm. Level L teaches the participant more advanced leadership skills. (4) “AFTB Marathon Training” – one full week of all three levels of AFTB classes offered Mar 2327, 8:30 am – 5:00 pm. Military Knowledge, Personal Growth, and Leadership Development will be offered. (5) Company Command Team Spouse Course” – two day course offered Apr 29-30, 9:00 am – 2:00 pm. This course is designed to assist the spouses of Company Commanders, First Sergeants, and other key company level leaders prepare for their new role as spouse leaders in the organization. 9 k. Resilience Academy – Dee Ann Rader, (910) 907-3393, E-Mail: Web Site: What is Resilience? Resilience is the ability to grow and thrive in the face of challenges and bounce back from adversity. It is built through a set of core competencies that enable mental toughness, optimal performance, strong leadership and goal achievement. (1) Full Curriculum Training – four days, 21, 22, 28, 29 Apr, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm. All fourteen resilience skills will be taught. Training is held at the FRG Center unless otherwise stated. (2) “Relationship Connections” – evening class offered Feb 10, 6:00 – 8:30 pm. Whether ready to meet someone new or wanting to strengthen an existing relationship, making the pieces fit isn’t always easy. Training is held at the FRG Center unless otherwise stated. (3) “Spouse Battle Buddy Day” – Mar 17, 9:00 am – 2:30 pm. As spouses and Family members, we have “battle buddies” who are there to lean on during deployments, FTXs, challenging days and life accomplishments. Spend the day learning a few resilience skills while taking advantage of free childcare. k. Relocation Readiness Program – Calvin Farlow, (910)396-8682/8683, Email: (1) New Fort Bragg Installation Guides Available. The latest edition of the Fort Bragg Installation Guide now includes the Answers Unlimited! Up to 10 copies) may be picked up from the Community Support Connection (main information desk, first floor Soldier Support Center lobby), or the 3rd Floor ACS desk. More than 10 copies can be picked up at the ACS Lending Closet/Airborne Attic, located in Bldg. 8-7006A, corner of Letterman/Ord Streets, Monday through Friday, between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Please note the facility is closed on weekends and on federal holidays. You must provide your own manpower and vehicle to load/transport the guides. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call ACS at 396-8682 or 396-8683. (2) Newcomers’ Orientation and Bus Tour. Information available on schools, housing, employment, medical care, recreation, welcome packets and many other community services. Bus tour of the installation is provided. Orientation is held at the Soldier Support Center, 3rd Floor, first Tuesday of the month, 9 am – 11:30 am. REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED. Please call 907-3499 to register. Pope Newcomers Orientation. 3rd Wednesday, 8:30 am – 12:30 pm. Mandatory for incoming Air Force personnel. For more information please call 394-2147/2538. (3) PCS Pre-Move Counseling. One on one assistance with information regarding PCS moves to include transportation, housing, finance, claims, budget planning, spouse employment, installation booklets/information, and more. Walk-ins are welcome, no appointment necessary. For more information, please call 908-1568/432-4602. (4) USCIS Workshop, Feb 10, Apr 14, 9 am - 11:30 am. Obtain information on citizenship and immigration services; call 396-6120 to register. REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED (5) International Spouse Orientation, Mar 10, 9 am – 11:30 am. Obtain information on medical services, employment, citizenship and immigration services, getting a drivers license, English as a Second Language classes and more. Call 396-6120 to register. REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED (6) Immigration Assistance Classes, Feb 5, 19, Mar 5, 19, Apr 9, 23, 9 am – 10:30 am. The ACS Multi-cultural Program will provide basic immigration assistance from Nov 3, 2014 to 30 Apr, 2015. Services are available to military ID card holders. REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED 10 (7) Hearts Apart Program. Stay connected while your sponsor is away on an unaccompanied tour, deployment, or temporary duty assignment (TDY) with newsletters, informative emails, events, and meetings geared towards supporting waiting Families. For more information or to participate in the program, call 9073327. (8) Total Army Sponsorship Program Training. Learn the principles of support, standards of service, policies, functions, and tasks governing the program in order to pave the way for a smooth transition from losing to gaining installations. Training is provided in accordance with AR-600-8-8. Call 432-4602 or 9081568 to request group/unit or desk side training. (9) Army Integrated Family Support Network. Wherever you go, stay connected to the military services. For more information on the closest military services available to you, call 907-3327. (10) Lending Closet. Basic household items are available for Soldiers and Families arriving or leaving Fort Bragg while their household goods are in transit. Please bring a copy of assignment orders and an ID card. Items available include: pots, pans, dishes, irons, ironing boards, infant car seats, high chairs, appliances, and more. We are located in Bldg. 8-7006, corner of Letterman and Ord Streets. Call 396-6013 for more information. (11) Airborne Attic. Facility operates from donations of clean, good, and usable items. Donations are tax deductible. Soldiers E-4 and below can obtain household items free of charge. We are located in Bldg 8-7006, corner of Letterman and Ord Streets. For more information or to donate items, call 907-2842. m. Soldier and Family Assistance Center (SFAC), Martha Brown, Director (910) 643-6652/6653, Email: Located in the Warrior Transition Battalion (WTB) Complex on Normandy Drive, the SFAC provides services to not only the Soldier and Families assigned or attached to the WTB, but also provides services to Soldiers currently in the Medical Board Process. Every second Thursday of the month the Peer to Peer, Caregiver Forum will be held in the SFAC, for additional information, please call 643-6653. n. Survivor Outreach Services (SOS), Charlotte Watson, Program Manager (910) 396-0384/643-2979, Email: Located at the corner of Knox and Macomb Street, Survivor Outreach Services’ mission is to advocate on behalf of all Families who have suffered the loss of a Soldier and to educate the community about the services provided. The program strives to build a unified support program which embraces and reassures Survivors that they are continually linked to the Army Family for as long as they desire. We provide an avenue of resources to include support groups, monthly newsletters, information briefs, and social activities. (1) Spouse Support Group – First Thursday of every month, 10 a.m. - 11 a.m. A support group held at the SOS building for surviving spouses of active duty Soldiers. (2) Parent Support Group – Second Thursday of every month, 10 a.m. - 11 a.m. A support group held at the SOS building for surviving parents of active duty Soldiers. (3) Still Serving While Grieving – Third Thursday of every month, 11:45 a.m. - 12:45 p.m. A support group held at the SOS building for active duty Soldiers who are grieving the loss of a loved one. (4) Suicide/Illness Support Group – Fourth Thursday of every month, 10 a.m. - 11 a.m. A support group held at the SOS building for surviving parents of active duty Soldiers. (5) Savings and Investment Class – Feb 4, 10 a.m. – 11 a.m. Education class instructed by the SOS Financial Counselor that provides survivors with information about savings and investing. 11 (6) Gold Star Wives Day Event– Mar 28, TBD. Event hosted by the SOS program to recognize Surviving spouses in honor of 5 Apr, Gold Star Wives Day. (7) Home Buyers Class – Mar 31, 10 a.m. – 11 a.m. Workshop provided by the SOS Financial Counselor that provides survivors with information about purchasing a home. 2. Army & Air Force Exchange Service (Exchange) – Vincent James, General Manager Office: 910-436-3535; Email: NORTH POST MAIN EXCHANGE - Eric Desveaux, 910-436-4888, e-Mail: SOUTH POST MAIN EXCHANGE – Pat Hastings, 910-436-2166, e-Mail: 3. American Red Cross (ARC) – Jeannette Salcedo, SAF Manager (910) 396-1231/396-7815: Fax: (910) 396-6489, E-Mail: Web Site: a. Adult Volunteer Program – All American Red Cross Volunteer Orientations are now being held at Highlands Chapter Office, 807 Carol Street, Fayetteville on the first Tuesday of each month from 10 am – 11:30 am and the third Tuesday of each month from 5 pm – 6:30 pm. Pre-registration preferred. Call Red Cross main office (910) 396-1231 x 3 for volunteer application information. b. Pet Visitation Program – The program is a volunteer pet visitation for licensed therapy animals and their handlers (must be Therapy Dogs International, TDI) Please contact Jeannette Salcedo or call (910) 907-7124. c. Hospitality Program – Red Cross volunteers provide daily hospitality carts (hygiene items, books, magazines, newspaper and DVDs) to hospital patients. Red Cross volunteers also provide patients with a light refreshment cart to include cookies donated by Fort Bragg units. Please call (910) 907-7124 or email d. Green Ramp – Unit Commanders must email a memo requesting Red Cross support at unit deployments and re-deployments to or e. Warrior Transition Outreach Program – Red Cross volunteers work with the WTB by providing a wide range of support from material assistance to volunteer support of events and programs. Please call (910) 396-1231 ext: 3 / (910) 907-7124 or f. Briefing and Workshops – For deployments, re-deployments, unit safety days, FRG and Senior Leadership (Reconnection Workshops, Coping With Deployments, Get to Know Us Before You Need Us and Health and Safety Courses). Please contact or (910) 396-1231 ext: 3. g. Emergency Communication Messages – Red Cross provides timely, factual reports about family emergencies, such as a death, illness or birth, to service members wherever they are stationed. Please call (910) 396-1231 ext: 1 or 3 (0800-1600). After hours: 1-877-272-7337 (for emergencies only 24/7). h. Financial Assistance (Referrals) – Staff and volunteers provide referrals to the Military Aid Societies and community based agencies able to assist military members and their families. Please call (910) 3961231 ext:3. After hours: 1-877-272-7337 (emergencies only 24.7) 12 4. Armed Services YMCA – Cherie Bortnick, Executive Director, (910) 436-0500; Fax: (910) 436-0018, E-Mail: Website: Facebook: Armed Services YMCA – Fort Bragg a. Operation Hero - A mentoring program that not only improves self-esteem and grades, but also allows children to find there are “heroes” inside each of them. The 10-week program runs 3 times a year, and targets children from 6 – 12 years of age that are experiencing temporary difficulty in school, either socially or academically. Referred by teachers, parents or school officials, the bi-weekly sessions provide afterschool homework assistance and mentoring in a small group. b. Operation Ride Home- This Jack Daniel Distillery generous donation helps Service Members and their Families travel from bases to homes across the U.S. during the holiday season. Additional donations are greatly appreciated. c. Baby Bundles -This program provides a layette for new mothers who are active duty, E-4 and below, and for the dependent spouse of an active duty Soldier E-4 and below. The layette includes a blanket, socks, sleeper, onesie, baby wipes, book, voucher for diapers and nursing bra, and other items. The program supports approximately 1,800 Families each year. Volunteers are always needed to help deliver the bundles. d. Mommy & Me Classes - Cooking with Kids: Children, ages 2-5 years, come in and experience making fun and creative snacks; cost is $25 per month, per child. Arts & Crafts for Kids: Hands on class for children, ages 2-5 years, to come in and make a variety of craft projects; cost is $20 per month, per child. Movement to Music: Interactive class with music, games and a variety of activities that enhance gross motor skills for children, ages 2-5 years; cost is $20 per month, per child. e. Operation Kid Comfort – Provides children of deployed active duty Soldiers a quilt or pillow bearing photos of the Soldier and Family. UPCOMING EVENTS f. Car Seat Giveaway- The ASYMCA has partnered with the Fort Bragg Fire Department to offer E4 and below Soldiers or their spouse that are in their third trimester a free car seat. The Fire Department will provide educational materials, install the car seats and teach parents about car seat safety and proper use. February 24, 10 am – 2 pm @ Fire Station 3. g. Mother/Daughter Tea and Fashion Show- Come enjoy an afternoon of pampering, prizes, fashion, photography and bonding on March 1, 1 pm - 3 pm @ Holiday Inn Bordeaux. h. Golf Outing - provides junior enlisted Soldiers the opportunity to enjoy a day of golf with members of our community and to give the community an opportunity to thank those who have sacrificed their freedoms to defend ours. March 27, 12 noon shotgun start @ Gates Four Golf Course. 5. Association of Bragg Spouses – Paula Katers E-Mail: Website: Facebook: FortBraggABS a. Membership – contact us if you’re interested in joining our group! Membership is required to join one of internal clubs and to qualify for scholarships. b. Scholarships will be offered in the spring for graduating high school seniors (dependents) and spouses continuing their education. YOU MUST BE A MEMBER OF ABS BY DECEMBER 31 TO APPLY FOR A SCHOLARSHIP! c. Monthly Luncheons are held on the first Thursday of every month, 11 a.m., Fort Bragg Club. Please visit our website for additional information. Membership is open all year so come join the fun! 13 6. Bragg ‘N Barn Thrift Shop, Cindy Lamb, Manager (910) 907-4053, E-Mail: Web Site: a. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED at the Fort Bragg Thrift Shop! Volunteers are asked to serve a minimum of two hours at a time, any Tuesday through Saturday between the hours of 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. Benefits include: reimbursement of child care expenses; first opportunity for paid job openings; and first look at newly consigned items. Stop by the store and ask for a volunteer application to get started! We are located in Building 2-2412, Woodruff Street. b. Looking for a venue to host your next coffee or FRG meeting? We can open the store just for you in the evening – just call us to book your next get together. c. No consignment on Fridays! Consignment hours are Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday and Saturday from 9:00 am to 1:00pm. The store new hours are from 9:00am to 2:00pm. You may consign up to 28 items per day for 7 days. Please call the store to get more information. 7. Chaplains – Chaplain (COL) Jim Murphy, (910) 396-1121 E-Mail: Website: a. Watters Family Life Center. On post and easy to find. Pastoral counselors are available for counseling to help you work through the challenges of life. POC is CH (LTC) Sieg, 396-6564. b. Catholic Activities. Catholic activities meet at Pope chapel for RCIA, Sacramental preparation, PreCana, Pre-Baptism, Prayer Services, Parish Council, Catholic Staff Meetings, Bible Study and Youth Activities. POC is Susan Kroll 394-1804 or c. Club Beyond is an exciting youth gathering that meets every Tuesday at 6:30 pm, Division Memorial Chapel. Come join us. POC is Ben Weimar, Club Beyond Community Director, 919-612-5455 or e-mail d. Fort Bragg's Protestant Woman of the Chapel (PWOC) A great program and new friendships await you, so please join us, PWOC Bible studies meet at Pope Chapel at 9:00-11:00 a.m. and All American Chapel from 9:30 a.m. -12:00 p.m. Studies are also available on Thursday at 9:00-11:00 a.m. at the Lodge in Linden Oaks and All American Chapel from 6:00-8:00 p.m. Grab a friend and come join us! For more information contact or connect with us on Facebook Fort Bragg PWOC or e. Catholic Women of the Chapel (CWOC) CWOC invites you to join them Thursday mornings, at All American Chapel from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m., for food and discussion. CWOC’s evening group meets on the second and fourth Thursdays at Pope Chapel, from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Come out and join us for fellowship and fun. Please email for more information. f. Disciple Making Workshop On Saturday 28 February, the Religious Support Office is sponsoring "Disciple Making Workshop." The workshop will take place at the Watters Center from 9:0012:00. Bart Physioc, a retired chaplain and founder of Disciplers International, will be our guest speaker. Watch-care and refreshments will be provided. RSVP NLT 24 February at 394-1351 or g. VBS Sports Camp Linden Oaks Our second annual VBS sports camp is coming soon! Come join us 15-19 June at Cagle Furniture across from Linden Oaks. POC is Jeff Nevin at 394-1351 or 14 h. Vacation Bible School (VBS) Fort Bragg Our annual VBS program is coming soon! Come join us 22-26 June at Irwin Intermediate School for “Jungle Safari.”. POC is Jeff Nevin at 394-1351 or For more information regarding religious activities on post, please call 396-1121 or visit 8. Defense Commissary Agency, 910-436-2487, E-Mail: Web Site: South Post Commissary: North Post Commissary: Jerry Hamilton, 910-396-2428, E-Mail: 9. Fort Bragg Schools – Betty Sechrest, (910) 907- 0200 Web site: Email: a. Upcoming Dates: Jan. 23 Feb.5 Feb. 16 Feb. 27 Mar. 27 Apr. 1 Apr. 3 Apr. 6-10 Apr. 16 Apr. 27 Apr. 28 Apr. 29 May7 May7 May 12 May 15 May 25 June11 June 12 June 19 End of Second Reporting Period Report Cards Go Home Non Student/Non Staff Day rd 3 Interim Reporting Period Non Student/Non Staff Day End of Third Grading Period Non Student Day-Teacher Workday Spring Break Report Cards Go Home No School for PK-Parent Teacher Conferences No School for PK-Parent Teacher Conferences No School PK-8 Parent Teacher Conferences PK & K Registration PK & K Registration th 4 Interim Reporting Period Accelerated Withdrawal Date Non Student/Non Staff Day PK Students Last Day K-8 Students Last Day Report Cards Mailed Home 10. USO of North Carolina Fort Bragg – Renee Lane, Director (910) 495-1437/1438 CFC-29349 Website: or Facebook: USO North Carolina Fort Bragg / Fayetteville a. USO of NC Fort Bragg Center. Located on the first floor of the Soldier Support Center, the center has a 12-station computer lab available with a printer and CAC readers. The day room offers coffee, snacks, TV and WiFi throughout the day. The center is open Monday – Friday, 0900-1430 to active duty, retirees, and their family members. WTB Satellite Center is open at the Warrior Transition Battalion Barracks, first floor for wounded, ill and injured troops. Hours are 1730-1900, Monday-Thursday, and is supported 100 percent by volunteers. b. Fayetteville Travel Center. When flying out of the Fayetteville Regional Airport, please stop by the USO of NC Center located behind security for a last email check, cup of coffee, snack and comfortable waiting area. PCs equipped with CAC readers; printing and fax service is available. The center is open 07001900 daily and can be reached at 910-482-8200. 15 c. Volunteers Needed! The Fort Bragg and Fayetteville Travel Centers are staffed with volunteers. The USO of NC Volunteer Program offers opportunities to give back to our troops through center duty, events, homecomings, and other specific program areas. Hours are logged into VMIS and USO of NC systems. Milestone awards are recognized throughout the year and at an annual volunteer recognition dinner. Contact Bev Jackson for a volunteer application at or download at d. Story Time for preschoolers (6 & under) is held monthly at the Fort Bragg Center. Space is limited to 50 people. Check schedule and registration at or check our Facebook page: USO North Carolina Fort Bragg/Fayetteville. Upcoming events will be held at 1000 on Jan. 22, Feb. 19, and Mar. 19. Light refreshments provided. 12. Womack Army Medical Center - Shannon Lynch, Public Affairs Specialist (910) 907-7247, Email:, Website: (Public Affairs Office) a. Holiday Hours. All specialty care clinics and the primary care clinics to include Clark Health Clinic, Joel Health and Dental Clinic, Robinson Health Clinic, Troop and Family Medical Clinic, Womack Family Medicine Residency Clinic, Fayetteville Medical Home and the Hope Mills Medical Home will be closed on the following dates: Monday, February 16 for President’s Day Monday, May 25 for Memorial Day Friday, July 3 for Independence Day Monday, September 7 for Labor Day b. Have Medical Questions? Call the TRICARE Nurse Advice Line. Sometimes it is difficult to know if and when to seek medical help for acute health problems, so having professional help at a moment’s notice is invaluable. The Military Health System’s (MHS) new Nurse Advice Line (NAL) for TRICARE beneficiaries does just that. TRICARE beneficiaries in the continental United States, Alaska and Hawaii can call the NAL toll-free twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. The NAL is a team of registered nurses who are available to answer a variety of urgent healthcare questions. They can help you decide whether selfcare is the best option, or if it is better to see a healthcare provider. There will always be a live-person on the line to address beneficiary concerns. The NAL offers a variety of solutions for all TRICARE beneficiaries. For pediatric issues, the NAL will route the beneficiary to a pediatric nurse. If follow-up is necessary or requested, the NAL will call the beneficiary back to check the child’s status a few hours later. The NAL will make same-day appointments with the beneficiary’s primary care manager (PCM) for TRICARE Prime beneficiaries who are enrolled to Military Treatment Facilities (MTFs). If a same day appointment is not available, the NAL will re-direct the beneficiary to the closest urgent care center, and advise the PCM that an urgent care referral is needed so the patient does not have to worry about paying any point of service copays. All other TRICARE beneficiaries who are not enrolled to a MTF will receive professional health advice about their urgent health concern and when to seek urgent care. When calling the NAL, a customer service representative will verify the beneficiary’s eligibility through the Defense Enrollment and Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS). Beneficiaries with an acute health care concern or question will be connected with a registered nurse that will ask the beneficiary a series of very standard questions to determine the next steps and allow the NAL nurse to provide the best advice possible. Beneficiaries can still call their PCM or clinic, but the NAL is another option for beneficiaries to access the care they need and want in a timely fashion. To access the NAL, once it launches, dial 1-800-TRICARE (874-2273); Option 1. 16
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