FRIDAY, 6 th February, 2015 Week 2 Term 1 PRAYER FOR THE WEEK Father, we ask you to watch over our families. We know that you hear our prayers. We offer our joys and sadness. Amen. OUR ‘LITTLE K’ CONTINGENT – Kindergarten Commences Kindergarten had their first day of school on Wednesday. We thank Mrs Post, Miss Hill, Mrs Parlievliet, Miss King and Mrs Kendall for the wonderful welcome they have given each child during their Best Start interview and for all their hard work and preparation to ensure the ‘Best Start’ possible for our ‘little people’. Kindergarten Parent/Teacher Interviews will occur during Weeks 3 & 4. This Interview is to be booked online following the prompts on the note that was sent home on Wednesday in the K - Parent Survival Pack. Kindergarten children and their families are also invited to a Classroom Visit and BYO Picnic Dinner on th Thursday, 19 February from 6pm. The ‘Tears and Cheers’ cuppa in the MPA after our ‘Welcome K 15’ assembly on Wednesday was a lovely chance for Kinder parents to meet and console or celebrate after taking this new and exciting step with our little ‘Kinders.’ Thank you to our P & F, especially Rosie Adams for catering for the Cuppa, and Bree McDonald for her organisation of the K Parent’s Survival Pack. These little touches are delightful supports to our K families. ‘BUDDIES UP’ A wonderful tradition at St Joseph’s is our Kinder-Year 5 Buddy program. Each Year 5 student is given the opportunity to form a special relationship with one of our new Kinder children. The Kinder and Year 5 buddies come together throughout the year in classroom programs, Peer Support and other special celebrations such as the Teddy Bear’s Picnic. We congratulate Year 5 on the mature and caring way they have supported their new buddy this week. BEGINNING MASS WITH LEADERS INDUCTED We celebrated a beautiful Beginning Mass on Wednesday, where God’s gift of a new chapter in the year of 2015, provides us with fresh opportunities to carry on God’s love through learning and engaging in new relationships. Thank you to Father Peter, who has already shown a vibrant enthusiasm to lead and enrich our faith community. Our Student Representative Council and Sports Captains were formally inducted and we congratulate them on assuming their leadership positions. Thank you to Miss Vanessa Denham and Mrs Kim Post for their comprehensive and inclusive preparation of our liturgy. Congratulations to SRC representatives Connor Xu and Kashia McGrath who will be our Term 1 School Captains, they were inducted this afternoon at our Assembly. Mr Galvin will be supporting the Student Representative Council in 2015. PARENT TEACHER INFORMATION NIGHT – YEARS 1-6 Parent Teacher Information Nights are planned so that you can meet your child’s new teacher and hear about the specific focus areas and practices that will stimulate your child to learn and develop at high standards this year. Years th 1-6 – Thursday, 12 February. Babysitting will be offered for each session in the Library. We encourage you to come as teachers spend a lot of time organising information for the evening to generate a positive start to home-school partnerships. Personalised Parent Teacher Interviews for Years 1 - 6 will occur during Weeks 8 & 9; however you are most welcome to make an appointment with your child’s class teacher before this time if you feel it will benefit their transition to a new class. ‘ON THE HORIZON – SUNSHINE CAFÉ’ The Sunshine Café (Canteen) offers another forum for parents and friends to be involved and support our school. Annemaree would like to thank those parents and friends who have volunteered to work this year. The Canteen roster still has a few places to fill, so if you have a couple of spare hours once a month please see Annemaree - your children love seeing you at school! Shrove Tuesday is fast th approaching- 17 February- we will again be hosting our hugely successful Pancake Day. Annemaree desperately needs helpers to cook a few batches of pancakes in the Canteen prior to the day. Please return the slip on the order form or see Annemaree as soon as possible. Pancake Orders must be returned to school by next Wednesday. A new menu will be released soon. In the meantime you are reminded that you can order online at flexischools. HOMEWORK – WE’LL TRY TO KEEP IT SIMPLE Developing a Homework routine that suits your family is an important consideration as we begin a new year. The most important part of Homework for all grades is Reading; closely followed by practising Number exercises, e.g. Counting, Table mastery etc. If Homework is causing difficulties, please talk with your child’s teacher, who will attempt to customise it to your child’s needs. We don’t want it to cause on-going tension in the family. ‘Homework Help’ is available on Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 8:30am in the Hub, alongside ‘Early Bird Reading’ so send your child along if they are having trouble with their set homework, or need someone to hear their Reader. Our Homework Policy is available on our website. With every best wish, Geoff Leary & Leisa Fisher Email - Website – Principal – Mr Geoff Leary Assistant Principal – Mrs Leisa Fisher Phone: 6583 3848 Fax: 6583 6976 SUNSHINE CAFE ROSTER th Monday, 9 February th Tuesday, 10 February th Wednesday, 11 February th Thursday, 12 February th Friday, 13 February Week 3 Term 1 PENNY BLACK, NICOLE BANN-MURRAY SHARNA SHEA, GERARD SHEA HELP PLEASE!!! HELP PLEASE!!! ROBYN HUNT, ALLY GARTH If you are unable to attend on your rostered day it would be appreciated if you could organise your replacement. This would really help Annemaree enormously!! Sunday February 15 - St Joseph's hosting Parish Morning Tea following 9am Mass _________________________________________________________________________________________ Rugrats Youth Group The Parish Youth Groups (Rugrats and Energise) have combined this year which means that any child from Kinder to Year 12 is welcome to come along each Friday to the Youth Hub in Horton Street from 4-7pm to join in the fun, games and treats. Dinner is provided and the cost is $3.00. Come along and bring a friend. SAVE THE DATE- P & F EVENTS The Parents and Friends Association (P & F) are ‘hot to trot’ support our children’s learning opportunities and resources. Your generous support will ensure the success of these events. Please ‘lock in’: 1. P & F Meeting next Tuesday- 2pm- in the staff room 2. Friday 27th February- annual Pool Party at Town Pool 3. Friday 6th March - Twilight Annual Working Bee followed by a BBQ SPORT REPORT Zone Swimming Trials – On Tuesday Mrs Toole had the pleasure of taking 42 exceptionally well-behaved students to Wauchope for the Zone Swimming Trials. Congratulations to Phoebe Bentley, Bianca Green, Nathan Smith, Ty-Jesse Brabant, Jasmine Lacey, Niah Evans, Marty Fisher, Bodhi Parsons, Alyxis McDonald, Imogen McCook, Finlay Barker, Ryan Davis, Tenay Bonney, Tia McGrath, William Kelly, Ainsleigh Baker, Tom Fisher, Ocia Chapman, Tyrone Gregory-Hurst, Benjamin Oakley, Katie Bell, Damien Sinclair, Jayden Barker, Kyle Davis, Hannah Freeman and Tahlia Lacey who have been th selected to represent our school at the Zone Swimming Carnival in Macksville on 17 February. A reminder to all parents th that the Diocesan Swimming Consent forms are due no later than Thursday 12 February. Primary Sport – Primary students are to be congratulated on a smooth start to their Winter Sports program this term. Over the next few weeks the teams of Years 5 & 6 students will be selected to go to Zone Winter Sports Trials at St rd Joseph’s Regional College on 23 February. th Gymnastics – Infants begin Gymnastics next Thursday – 12 February. A reminder that all money needs to be sent in and please ensure children bring thongs to wear to the stadium. Port Macquarie MILO T20 Blast After-School Program 7 or 8 – 12 Year Olds th Registration – Thursday, 12 of February, 2014 from 4:45pm th Dates – Every Thursday in Term 1, starting 12 February Time – 5:15pm to 6:30pm each week Venue – Port Macquarie Adventist School, 500 Ocean Drive, Port Macquarie Contact: Ashley Bryant on 0408 806 552 WEST TIGERS VISIT HUB DRAMA – starts Wednesday 18 Feb 2015 – 5pm to 6.30pm – FREE – Phone Jai CORR 0415779240 to reserve a position. Ages 7 plus Port Macquarie FC provides teams in Juniors (5-18yrs), Ladies, Men’s and Premier League competitions. New players and volunteers always welcome. Sign-up online via or attend registration days Sunday 8th February: McDonalds, Settlement City (Cnr Park & Bay Street) - 10am - 1pm Saturday 14th February: Port Central (near Prouds) - 10am-2pm Saturday 21st February: Port Panthers, Renaissance Room (upstairs) - 10am - 2pm For more information on Port Macquarie FC visit or contact Craig Johnson 0417 336 785 or Cath Cornish 0419 478 308. PORT COMBINED NETBALL CLUB: 2015 netball registrations will be held on Thursday Feb 5th 4-6pm and Sat Feb 7th 10-1pm at Sportspower. Everyone welcome from 7 years to open. Further details are available on or facebook page WHAT’S ON NEXT WEEK Monday th 9 February Tuesday th 10 February Wednesday th 11 February Thursday th 12 February Friday th 13 February Week 3 Term 1 Assembly 9 am – Hall Remember, if you have a concern, would like to express your Individual Plan (IP) Meetings – Stages 2 & 3 appreciation or are uncertain about Year 5 & 6 Camp Notes go home – please return slip anything, please phone, email or Best Start Parent Teacher Interviews (2 weeks) call in and see us. Band 8 am Early Bird Reading – 8.30 am – Library NOTES SENT HOME THIS WEEK – Science & Technology Inservice – K-6 Teachers – 8.15 am * School Hours & Supervision Welcome Kara Collyer – Visiting Teacher: Autism * Pool Party P & F Meeting – all welcome – 2 pm * Shrove Tuesday Pancake Order Mrs Preston – Professional development – Lismore * Class DoJo App – Class 1B NO Staff Meeting * Kindergarten Welcome Professional Learning Community Meeting – all staff – 8.15 am * Kindergarten Parent Interview note Assembly 9 am – MPA * Zone Swimming Carnival note Mrs Preston – Professional development – Lismore Shrove Tuesday Pancake Day Orders due Permission notes and/or money must be Individual Plan (IP) Meetings – Stages 2 returned to school for a child to be able Sports Day – Primary Winter Sports Skills & K-2 Gymnastics to attend any excursion. Parent Teacher Information Evening – Years 1-6 5.30-6.30 pm – Years 1 & 2 6.30-7.30 pm – Years 3 & 4 CONGRATULATIONS TO 7.30-8.30 pm – Years 5 & 6 JOEYS TEACHING TRIFECTA. Staff Meeting 8.20 am – Prayer and Pastoral Care Our beautiful new mums gave Hastings Parish School Executive Retreat – Mr Leary, Mrs Post & Miss Denham birth to 3 healthy bubs recently. Early Learning Plan Workshop – Mrs Preston, Miss Hill, Mr Brazel & Mrs Condon Holly Hough had a son, Wyatt Assembly – 2.30 pm – MPA Shannon Kelly had a girl, Sage & Kate Mitchell had a boy, Zane. PRIMARY AWARDS PRINCIPAL’S AWARD All mums and bubs are well. HOLLY McMAHON 3D 4D 5B 6E JYE DONOVAN IMOGEN VAN VLEDDER LIAM CUSACK MATTHEW DE VINE EMMA DUNCAN JETT CHERRY JASON BAILEY-HAWKINS ASHTON SCOTT KEIRA ROBERTS JAKE WILLIAMS CRUZ SHAFER JONATHAN SEDGWICK 3R 4S 5J 6G HAIDEN GREEN BAILEY LAWS GEORGIA McMAHON JARED SCHMIDT TENAY BONNEY HARRISON BROWN BELLA McGOVERN MIA BROOKES THOMAS EVANS JOSH MARSHMAN ELLA WIGHTON SUMMER AVERY-HOY Advance Dates – Term 1 2015 th Tuesday, 17 February Wednesday, 18 February th Thursday, 19 February Monday, 23 February Wednesday, 25 February th Friday, 27 February rd Tuesday, 3 March th Friday, 6 March Weeks 8 & 9 th Thursday, 19 March th Friday, 20 March st Wednesday, 1 April nd Thursday, 2 April th rd th Zone Swimming Carnival – Macksville Shrove Tuesday – Pancake Day (pre-ordered) Ash Wednesday Parent Workshop – Supporting your child learning to read Kindergarten Family Night Zone Winter Sports Trials Canteen Committee Meeting – noon – all welcome Newcastle University Maths Program (NEWCUM) starts P & F Pool Party Staff Development Day – Mathematics – Pupil Free Twilight Annual School Working Bee – from 5 pm Parent Teacher Interviews – Years 1-6 School Cross Country Carnival Annual P & F School Fun Run Zone Cross Country Carnival - Bowraville Staff Spirituality Day – Pupil Free Forward dates are noted on our School Google Calendar which can be found on our Website. INFANTS AWARDS KH KP 1B 1T 2C 2K LAIKEN RICHARDSON RILEY ROBINSON ROHAN SINCLAIR YSAAC NIEVA LILY WHITCOMB TRENT ALLEY CRUZ REBECCHI JAMES HIAM KIARA TATTERSALL JHED MONCKTON SHERIDAN BARKER KYUSS BATTERSON MADISON WYNDHAM IZAIAH RISKE KRISCHAN SCHMIDT ARCHIE ROBINSON ESTHER CUMMINS OLIVER HEPBURN Please remember the Bonney-Atkins family in your prayers – Kalani’s grandfather passed away recently. May he rest in peace and may his family find comfort in Christ’s love. SCHOOL PROPERTY BORROWED OVER THE CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS Please return any Readers or other equipment that was loaned to you over the school holidays to your child’s new teacher. It would be appreciated if you could scout around at home to check that you don’t have any books that belong to the school. Thank you. SAFETY FIRST – WORKING TOGETHER TO ENSURE OUR CHILDREN’S SAFETY SAFETY FIRST – NON NEGOTIABLES It is critical for students’ safety that every parent follows our procedure for picking up children from school. Your cooperation in these areas allows the teachers to be able to supervise all children and ensure their safety at home time Infants (K-2) children who are being picked up by a parent walk with their teacher to the Hall. They then sit and wait with the duty teacher until they are picked up. Please do not take your child from the line before they reach the hall. Primary children (Years 3-6) sit in their grade’s courtyard until they are picked up. All parents are asked to exit the school via the gates near the hall. The gates near Year 6 are for children departing on buses, walking or riding bikes. This area is very congested and your help in using the Hall gate is appreciated. Please send a note in to the class teacher if your child has a change in how they are getting home e.g they are catching the bus for the first time. Children often forget by the end of the day what the arrangement was and the teacher will be able to help them. Some parents write ‘B’ or ‘H’ on their littlies wrist to help them remember to catch the bus, or go to Home Lines. Please park legally when dropping off and collecting children. Rangers are often patrolling our school at these times and the parking fines can be quite hefty. If your child catches the bus, it would be a good idea to have a chat about their behaviour on the bus every now and again as the bus company strictly enforces their Code of Conduct. We really appreciate your support and care in following the above requests Food Reminders We have a number of children who have allergies, diabetes or anaphylaxis enrolled at our school. Most parents also like to limit the amount of sugar, colouring and preservatives their child consumes in the interest of health and optimal learning. As such we request A healthy lunch box with limited processed foods * Daily fruit or veg snack for ‘Fruito’ Water in drink bottles (not cordial) * No nut products No lollies * Children are not to share food Treats are not necessary for the class on your child’s birthday. Birthdays are important to us and are always celebrated with your child’s class. If you still wish to send in a treat, please send lemonade icy poles only. PARENT WORKSHOP: READING- Helping Your Child with Reading You are encouraged to attend the Reading workshop on Thursday, 19th February at 2pm. You will learn skills to assist with home reading, especially in the early years. You will also learn how to more powerfully tutor children in reading as volunteer helpers in the classroom. The workshop is for parents and carers of children at all year levels, however any parent intending to assist with reading in the classroom this year is especially urged to attend. Thank you to Mrs Preston & Mrs Tutt for facilitating this afternoon. Valuing Our Children’s Nutrition At St Joseph’s, we provide the children with a daily ‘Crunch & Sip’ break at 10am to give them a quick energy boost during our Literacy Block. We encourage all children to bring either a fresh piece of fruit or vegetable to snack on during this time. Also, we value the importance of children bringing healthy snacks and lunches to school in order for them to sustain their energy levels and concentration during the school day. We appreciate our partnership with parents and carers in promoting the benefits of a balanced and nutritious diet for all children in our care. The Kids in the Kitchen website at is a great site that promotes enjoyment for children in the kitchen with simple healthy recipes. STAFF DEVELOPMENT DAY - TUESDAY, MARCH 3 There is a Diocesan Staff Development Day planned for Tuesday, March 6 focused around the teaching of the new Maths curriculum. The expert facilitator is only available to the Diocese for a limited timeframe. Due to the early date and the inconvenience a ‘Tuesday,’ may particularly incur, we would like to canvass any need for babysitting. Could you please return the tear-off slip if you would require babysitting on this date so that we may consider associated planning if required. Thanks for your assistance. I would require babysitting for: 1. ___________________________________ Name/Class 2. ___________________________________ Name/Class 3. ___________________________________ Name/Class JOEY’S BUSINESS LISTINGS We thank these businesses for their generosity in supporting our School. Please mention that you saw their ad in Joey’s Jottings. Our services can help you with your school projects: School books Stationery Laminating Binding Scanning Poster Printing Colour copying & Printing Opening Hours: Monday – Friday 8.30am- 5pm – Sat 9.00am – 1pm Page 5 Office National, 150 Lake Road, Port Macquarie 2444 Tel: 65811011 Fax: 65811081 Email: Ken Little’s Quality Fruit & Veg 35 Munster Street, Port Macquarie Phone: 6583 5685 Supplying both retail & wholesale customers for 30 years. Free home deliveries in the Port Macquarie area for any orders over $10. ENROL NOW FOR 2015 If you would like to advertise your business on this page please call the School Office – we would be pleased to assist you.
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